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You don’t believe in ghosts and other imaginary creatures? You would if you had sex with one, I bet. Anyway that is what happened to me. After I had my wild adventure I have thought long and hard about finding a way to join my beautiful little supernatural seductress. I miss her…

The last place in the world I would choose to work would be in a cemetery. However it was the only job and I was almost out of money so I took the only work I could find. No way would I choose to work among grieving relatives and freshly buried stiffs. Don’t get me wrong, I am as sensitive as most people about death and dying. If it is up close and personal it is horrible. On the other hand, if it ias someone else involved then it’s sort of, gee, too bad and pass the sugar please.

But I sure as hell did not care to make a living by working around the dead. I’d rather be a hamburger flipper for Big Mack or something. But “landscape technician” was the only job available and I needed to work to eat.

When Big Solar Electronic Industries decided to “relocate” to India that meant two hundred and fifty of us all got the axe at the same time. I lost my car after I missed one payment. This meant I could not even move to another city where I might be able to obtain employment.

The good looking young women, and some of the not so good looking got all the fast food jobs around and us guys got what was left which were slim pickings, indeed. I put in applications and handed out resumes like they were welfare checks in California.

Unemployment doesn’t really pay enough to live on, so when I found out about a job as a landscape technician at the cemetery, I became one. I wore Frisco Jeans and an Izod polo shirt to work in, the most plain costume in my wardrobe. I rode a big mowing machine all over the beautiful green vistas that the permanent residents weren’t able to appreciate and trimmed the edges of the walkways with a power edger. I picked up loose paper and made certain that there were no unsightly wilted flowers on the graves or loose candy wrappers blowing in the breeze. That was how I met her.

The job was an undemanding one intellectually. I mean, just how much thought do you have to put in to pick up the trash left behind by the grief stricken friends and relatives of the deceased? The dead certainly didn’t cause any problems. Or that was my impression before I met her.

I had bent over to remove the week old flowers from a holder. They were withered and as dead as all the permanent residents there. Just as I started to stand straight I heard a soft, melodic woman’s voice say, “How sad, the dead flowers are removed from the homes of the dead they were placed to honor. How very sad. The poor flowers.”

I quickly stood and turned around to see who was talking to me. I looked down at a tiny woman who appeared in her early twenties, or perhaps even in her late teens. She had those perfect features poets describe as “ageless” and normal males call wonderful. She wore no makeup whatsoever and hadn’t even a ribbon in her flowing in waves, raven black hair that hung way down past her waist. Oh, My God, what a tiny waist she had. I mean, Barbie, eat your heart out.

Her very fine chiseled upper class English features were so striking that even lipstick would have been too much. Her glowing porcelain alabaster skin was pale. It looked as if the sun had never touched it. As if reading my mind, she said, “I so seldom seem to be out during the day, you know.” Then she looked at me and smiled and said, “But no, how could you know?” Wanton angel was the description my feverish mind conjured up.

All I was capable of was to stand there benumbed and stare at her perfect, beautiful, almost flawless features. Her dark as midnight hair blew in gentle in the breeze, tag ends lifting and waving, to come to a rest as the gentle winds blew for a moment and stopped, only to blow another gentle breath once more.

The simple nearly transparent shift she wore was loose fitting and hung on her in soft folds that left little to the imagination. It was of such light and diaphanous material as to show more than it covered. It was very obvious that she had nothing on under it. There was a faintly dark smudge of a tiny black triangle where her legs made their juncture. Pink aureoles peered faintly through the thin material at me. I ached as I stared at the most exquisitely beautiful, exotic and completely erotic creature I had ever seen.

“Thank you for your admirin’ stares. They are welcome to my thirsty soul.” She stared up into my face and smiled, not a sluttish leer as you might expect from someone dressed as she was, it was a friendly kind of smile, such as one that which would be bestowed on a dear friend or even a long time lover.

Then, with no coquetry at all she said, “I must go now. Meet me back here at sundown, unless bein’ in th’ presence of th’ dead bothers you?”

“Oh, not at all.” I assured her. “I haven’t much money, but what should I bring?” Oh Christ, if she said expensive Champaign, I was going to steal some if necessary. She had already stolen heart and my very reason. All I knew for certain was that I had to possess her. No matter what the cost, I’d willingly, even with eagerness pay the price.

“Bring nothin’ but thee.” she told me with a smile.

“Where are you from?” I asked her, desperate to prolong the moment. “Your accent is so charming. Is it Scottish?”

“O’er th’ hill an’ a bit awa’ frae here,” she answered, pointing in the direction of the ocean, not too many miles distant.

I looked down and tried to think of something, anything to say to just be with her for another moment. No female ever affected me the way she had. But when I looked up, she was gone, like a puff of smoke. She had completely disappeared in the blink of an eye. I looked all around and couldn’t see her anywhere. There were no large stones anywhere that could hide her, not even a tree or a small bush. But she was gone.

In a daze, I finished my work the next day and put the tools away. Then I bagged the trash for pick up later in the week. As I washed the dirt off my hands I began to wonder, had I been hallucinating? No, I couldn’t have been seeing things that weren’t there, I was positive. She was real. My tiny little erotic princess was real as I was. She had to be more than my imagining.

I washed up left after one last look around. I locked the front gate and hurried home to my one room apartment a mile away. It was a dismal and dreary place. On the other hand it was cheap and near work. I almost ran home. Dusk would be right eight o’clock and I wanted to shower and shave and put on a nice change of clothes. I needed to look my best for her, my mysterious angel. For in my mind, an angel she was. As O Henry and Tarkington had written back in the thirties, “I was smitten of her beauty.” In the space of a few scant seconds she had become a grand obsession with me.

I returned to the cemetery just minutes before sun down and impatiently waited for her. Actually I was close to a half hour early. And If I could be early, why couldn’t she? I paced and waited for her. The sun came to rest behind the horizon and had finally begun to disappear when I heard behind me, “Ah, I see ye hae been anxiously awaitin’ for me. That’s good.” Only the way she said it, it sounded like “guid.”

“Are you Scottish?” I asked again, wanting to know everything about her.

“Aye that I am. But did ye come to talk or to act? I much prefer a man of deeds to one of words.” With that she shrugged out of her simple shift and stood naked before me in the falling dusk. To just say she was beautiful would be the understatement of the century, this or any other. She was perfection. Somehow, I became naked also. I don’t remember undressing, but I do remember I was bare as when I was born and her cool, pale perfect body was nestled hard against mine.

I was throbbing with a desire I had never felt before. My whole being was charged with an erotic urgency. I was gentle as I pressed her down onto the grass on her back. “Wait,” she whispered as I started to enter her. She slipped down and took me in her mouth and worried my penis, as a puppy would chew on a slipper. Her tiny teeth sent needles of painful pleasure through me and when the moment came, she took me whole in her mouth and drank deeply.

Then, still smiling wantonly, she sat down on me then and took me in a still semi erect condition within her and engulfed it as no woman has ever done before or since. It seemed almost instantly I was painfully hard again and tightly trapped. She leaned forward and said with demanding intensity, “Fook me. Fook me hard as if your very life depended on it. It does, ye know.”

A part of my feverish mind wondered what she meant by that odd statement. But I thrust the thought aside and rolled her over on the grass and “fooked” her for all I was worth. I hammered and pounded my way inside her like a man demented. It seemed as if we went on forever and yet it seemed we were finished almost as soon as we started. I imagine we must have wildly coupled for at least a half hour or so. I exploded inside her and gradually became soft again. Slowly I felt myself start to slip out. I started to push to keep it in her because I knew that in a few moments I would be able to start all over again. That was the effect she had on me.

She pulled herself away from me and said with a giggle, “Twice is plenty enough. There’s no time for th’ third helpin’. I must be off.” She scrambled to her feet and disappeared. As she vanished she told me, “Th’ gown I’m leavin’ ye for good fortune. Spend it well. She disappeared, quickly receding into the night’s gloom as if she had never been there with me just seconds before.

I jumped up naked and looked around for her. She was gone. Sad, I dressed myself again. Then I saw a white something near my foot. It was a white bit of cloth I recognized as her dress. As I bent and picked it up I heard a dull “clink” sound. I investigated and found that in the pocket of her dress were three silver coins of Scottish mint. I recognized Mary, Queen of Scots and her temporary husband, Lord Darnley.

“David my lad,” I told myself. “If these things are what I think they are, you just became the most expensive whore in history.” I grinned my unbelief at the whole situation. There was a feeling of unreality as if I had somehow stepped through Alice’s looking glass.

“And worth every schilling of it.” a bell like voice seemed to tinkle from afar. Then there was a little more laughter and then all was silent again.

“Jesus. What have I gotten into here?” I asked myself. I was starting to get more than a little scared. I thought of her saying, “ Fook me, fook me hard, as if your life depended on it. It does, ye know.”

I took the dress and the coins and hurried home. To be more accurate, I ran home like a bat out of hell. When I got there I made a cup of coffee and examined the coins. They were black with age, but they were definitely old Scottish coins. For a while in High school I collected coins and read up on all of them. The Scottish Ryals with Mary Queen of Scots’ likeness on one side and Lord Darnley’s on the other were among the most valuable in the world to the ultra wealthy collectors.

Finally I went to bed and to sleep and dreamed of the tiny beauty and her great passion. The next morning I dressed and went to work by way of the strip mall that was located midway between my apartment and the cemetery. I stopped just long enough to grab a quick snack and a coffee for later.

Old Max, the foreman was already there and busy at work. “Max, Do you know anything about a woman in a white dress that hangs out at this cemetery? She has a Scottish accent.”

“Who’s been telling you about Annie Wentworth? I thought that old tale had been laid to rest. What did you want to know?” He had a strange, almost guilty look about him.

“Well, anything you can tell me,” I didn’t want to seem too eager. I waited while he collected his thoughts.

“Well, it’s really a tragic story. Sir William Wentworth came to this country in the early eighteen hundreds, when California was still a part of Mexico. He was an Englishman of noble blood who married a Scottish woman and lived near the town of Glasgow. His wife died of something or other, leaving him with a young daughter to rear. He was a dour man who had no laughter in him and a young daughter who was as lively as spring rain, all sparkles and laughter. As the story goes, she was a bit of a wild one. Anyway she met a young Mexican dandy who wanted to marry her. Old William ran him off and threatened to kill him if he came around again.

Undeterred, the young man returned to visit her a few nights later and climbed into her room/ There he undressed the very willing girl. The story goes that just as he put it in her, Angus came roaring into the room and shot the young man dead. Unfortunately, the bullet went through the intended victim and killed his daughter, Annie Wentworth, as well.

She was supposedly buried on these very grounds somewhere in an unmarked grave. In those days, as now, the Catholic Church would not allow murderers or fornicators and a select few others to be buried on hallowed ground. Some time later, crazed with remorse, William Wentworth placed a marker at the head of his daughter’s grave. Then he shot himself and died, falling across the grave of his daughter. Later the marker was stolen and now no one knows where that grave is located.

“Legend has it that every so often she comes back from the grave for an evening of sex that borders on the verge of depravity. If the man she chooses refuses her or doesn’t perform well, she kills him. If he performs well, to her desires and expectations, she will give him one, two or in one instance three old Scottish coins, according to how well he has pleased her. There have been some mysterious deaths here in this place over the years. All were young men in their prime. No matter what the cause of the deaths they all were attributed to wild and beautiful Annie Wentworth.

“Do they look like this?” I asked and showed him one of the coins I had been given.

His face turned white as all the blood left it. “Where in hell did you get this?” he demanded.

“From a very beautiful young woman who knows how to disappear into thin air.”

He looked at me with respect and said, “You must be very hearty indeed, to rate one of those.”

“She gave me three,” I told him with an arrogant pride and showed him the other two.

He reached into his front pocket, pulled out a protective folder and opened it and showed me one just like my three. “I thought I was doing myself proud to get this one” he told me with respect. “There were two just before me that died supposedly of heart attacks. They looked like they had been scared to death.”

“What are your plans now?” he asked me.

“Well, for one thing, to be here this time next year and see what happens. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Then I went to work.

Next month is the anniversary of my meeting with that beautiful phantasm and I intend to be right there, waiting for her. Right now I wonder what it would take to be rewarded with four coins? But I know this, I intend to find out or die trying.


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May 22, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “This is so weird!” Clarissa said when she came to my room on Wednesday morning. “The calm before the storm!” I replied. “You mean all the stuff that happens at the end of the week?” “Yes, but I was actually thinking medical school! And our last Summer!” “Isn’t that an ABBA song?” “Yes,” I chuckled. “It’s about two young lovers who had a last Summer in Paris. Now he’s a banker named Harry, is married, has kids, likes soccer, and is boring, but his lover...

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Living in Devins WorldChapter 5a Devins Nice Friends

It was a cold in late fall on a Wednesday, the kind of day where the air is dry and breaths become visible. Devin had gone for a run, but was now curled up on Phil’s couch with a book and some hot coco, waiting for him to get home. She smiled to herself imagining this as their home. Imagining him coming home to her where she’d have a nice dinner prepared, and he’d tell her how perfect she is. In the warmth of one of his sweaters surrounded by the scent of him, it was easy to fantasize about...

4 years ago
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Detectives Blues Chapter Nine

Detective's Blues Chapter Nine I slowly opened my sleepy eyes and looked around. Sunlight leaked into the darkened room through the half-closed blinds and crept across the hardwood floor toward where I lay on the huge round bed. I glanced at the clock resting on the round table by the bedside. It read 8:03 AM. I yawned and stretched my naked body under the silken sheets as my dreams slowly faded from my mind and the memories of the past few days returned. I was Bill Richmond, a...

3 years ago
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Love At SDCC 2014

So I had recently got tickets to San Diego Comic-Con 2014, I got tickets for the Avengers:Age Of Ultron Panel in Hall H which was exciting because all the cast was going to be there as well newcomers Josh Brolin,James Spader,Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen who was in skin tight gray dress also I was staying at the Adjacent Hotel the San Diego Hilton which was right next door to the Convention Center . The Panel was great we got insight and a teaser trailer on The next Blockbuster which...

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24 ChristmasesChapter 21

“Did you get all that?” Norman asks, settling into his car next to sister. “All of it, even the part with Big Dick Rick,” Verdi says with a smile. “Then let’s get home to process all of it,” he says. “Alright!” Verdi seems twice as happy as Norman. She throws her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He returns the embrace and she kisses his cheek as she ends the hug. “Well then, let’s go. I’m horny.” Norman looks at his sister, illuminated by the street light right over his car. She...

2 years ago
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Son Showed Me A Glow Of Sex 8211 Part 5

Hi. This is your Ramya again.. Seeing you guys after a long time. Sorry for the guys who mailed me in this meantime. I’m so busy with my studies… So I can’t help but ignore mails because I have to join in my son’s university …. Yep …. I’m doing college and I’m junior to my husband. Lolz. We are the most gossiped couples of our dept. Leave that. Thanks for remembering me and texting me all these times.. New readers go and grab my past stores to get a grip over my life ! Let’s go to business...

2 years ago
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Jims Gran Ch2

Jim's Gran               A continuation of a wonderful relationship   In the first chapter of this story, I only got as far as my Gran wanking my off. I will now continue with some more of our loving that night. * After I had my shower and cleaned up, I put on my PJ's and went downstairs to join Gran for dinner. Gran reassured me that I shouldn't be embarrassed because of what had happened, and asked if I was OK. I just nodded and replied "fine" in a husky voice. We sat on the lounge watching a...

3 years ago
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Complex Family Ch 07

Edited by luvtaread The weeks leading up to the wedding were interesting to say the least. They started with the normally sure stomached Mel throwing up the morning of her doctor’s appointment, at which the ultrasound confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. Upon hearing the news Ashley pledged to head up the baby shower. Partly in thanks of the bridal shower she had received the weekend Brandon had gone to find Bob. Something she felt more up to doing now that her night classes were done for a...

1 year ago
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An Icy Dessert

I was sitting at the bar one Saturday evening drinking my beer and hoping to get lucky. Even though my looks are said to be pleasing to the eye, finding an interesting fuck can sometimes be tedious. At around eleven p.m. as I was getting a sinking feeling, a lanky guy sat on the bar stool next to me. He wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous, but not too bad. He was one of those, ‘one a.m.’ people.Confused? Okay…let me explain: A friend and I had code for club or bar pick ups. If you went home with someone...

Gay Male
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Fucking Continued 8211 Part 2

Hi! I am back with a bang. Friends, I am your own Chahat Khanna. 34-24-34. Remember? Fucking by Boyfriend and Fucking Continued. Remember? This story is about how I was double fucked. I told you about Lucky in the last story. 6 feet height, excellent physique and of course good personality. He always fucked me with his eyes. Once Rohit was not in the gym and I was doing normal exercises and all. I went to the washroom to freshen up and I had not opened the door that Lucky called me from behind...

2 years ago
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Boss Lady 20 The Big Boss

So as we head to the shower I am walkin behind you and grab u and pull u in with ur back to me with a tight grip around the front of ur neck I pull you close and say "now its time to show u who da Big Big Boss is!!!" U moan out "mmmmm daddy dats right show me who da real Big Boss is" so we go into the bathroom and I turn on da shower and we get in. As we get in u grab the bottle of bodywash and clean me up and I return the fav washin ur front sensually teasing you as I carress ya nipples and ur...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Aften Opal Katie Kush Watch Me Fuck Your Friend

Katie Kush puts on her bikini to go hang out by the pool. Her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, joins her quietly so he can spend a few moments checking his hot stepsis out before she notices him. Nathan tells Katie that he’s going to fuck her friend, Aften Opal. They eventually make a bet that if Nathan does better than Katie on her test next week, he gets to fuck her friend. Katie agrees and adds on that for an easy bet like that she’ll even watch Nathan do Aften if she loses. The next...

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PornWorld Cherry Kiss Cheating Wife Cherry Kiss Gets Caught With Fuck Buddy And Takes DP Pounding

Naughty blonde housewife Cherry Kiss is outside relaxing on a sunlounger while her husband heads to work. She picks up her phone and dials up her fuck buddy Josh, beckoning him over for some fun. While this horny minx waits for him to arrive, she oils up her perfect ass and pussy before sliding a glass dildo inside her eager pussy and ass. Once Josh arrives, Cherry wastes no time in sucking him off outside and fuck him in all sorts of positions. She is getting pussy slammed when her husband,...

1 year ago
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Hotel Bonaventure

“Well, isn’t this a coincidence?” The question came out of the blue for Steven Kirkpatrick, a young businessman with just a little more arrogance than humility, with an inherent sense of entitlement as he navigated his way through the world. He was checking in to his hotel room rather uneventfully as he’d done so many times before. He was caught off-guard as he felt the presence of two people invade his personal space on both sides. He glanced nervously around as he saw the person who posed the...

1 year ago
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For Love

For Love For LoveAuthor: Jon MadduxProof reader: FantazMaster CHAPTER 1: BAD LUCK FOR HER ???? I had been surfing through numerous dating and escort sites trying to find someone who could alleviate my physical needs while my wife recuperated from a malady she was suffering from.? She wouldn?t be able to tend to my needs for several months.? Of course I couldn?t take any chances with street walkers or prostitutes; I definitely wanted a woman who I didn?t have to worry about disease with.?...

1 year ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In School2nd Monday Evening Part 1

2nd Monday Evening: Part 1 Emanuel spotted Tony, Cosette and Laura waiting in front of the school. “We wanted to let you know your show was a success. Nearly all of the school is passing around your version of the story; not one of the old rumors” Tony quietly informed them when they got close. “It helped that we made sure to correct anyone who was still spreading one of the old versions” Laura added. “You said ‘nearly all’. I think I can guess some of the people who would want to hold...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Lena Paul Evelyn Claire Your Breasts Your Choice

Lena Paul arrives for her massage appointment, complaining about her back. The masseuse, Evelyn Claire, is secretly attracted to Lena’s large breasts, but soon brings Lena to the private room to begin the massage session. They both undress for the massage, and Lena complains that her large breasts are the reason why she has back and shoulder pain. Evelyn begins the massage. Lena eventually reveals that she’s self-conscious of her breasts and wants to reduce their size. She’s...

3 years ago
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Art Of Fucking

Hi, guys, this is Rathan, please send all your communications to am a simple normal guy of 5 feet 9-inch tall weighing about 70 Kgs. No big porn star dick, but normal as 6 inches. This is a story where I fucked my dream girl day and night to make her pregnant. Believe me guys this is real….First part is lengthy but important….second part is really a life-changing for everyone if you do as I did….. I will begin the story. I am from Mangalore Karnataka. Those days I was studying Engineering in a...

2 years ago
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The End Of The World

The newspaper, and other media have been broadcasting: “The End Of The World was coming on December 21, 2012. Now just imagine, the world is going to be destroyed and it’s your last day on Earth. Where would you go, what would you do, how will you spend your last day?"Corporal Joshua Beningham’s tour of duty in Iraq was coming to an end and he would be flying back home to the USA. However, since the news of the world ending; time seemed to be at a stand still, as if some unknown force was...

First Time
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Corona HeightsChapter 6

The day after his landmark session with his daughters, Jack got a phone call in the evening. "Mr. Crosby, I am the counsellor in charge of special mix sessions. We need you for a special mix session next Tuesday evening. Plan on being picked up at 5:30, and being returned home after eleven." "Special mix session? What is that?" "From time to time, we have groups of women who, for whatever reason, are deemed to need the same kind of exposure to men as the young girls. This is such a...

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Mrs B swinging

Well I've just about got my breath back! We had a lot of fun, and I've been so horny thinking about it we've been screwing like crazy. I'm going to have to stop as I'm getting sore! I haven't written about our adventures before, but so many of you asked how the evening went maybe I should?When it was time for us to set off and Mrs B came downstairs I could have cum there and then. She is so beautiful. She had a little make up on, and her lips were ruby red, but best of all was that flush of...

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A Musical Sexpierience

The original version was written a few years back, so celebrity names may not be well known now, but hopefully readers will get the gist of the theme. Grace was at an all time low and her period wasn’t helping, although she could rejoice in a way that she still had menstruation. However, inspiration had dried up and she felt drained and useless. The chain of hits she had enjoyed over twenty years seemed distant and even coming to her favourite retreat, the quiet remote one, of four she owned...

3 years ago
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In the Heat of the Night

Whose idea was it to come to this place on holiday?  Location: perfect.  Accommodation: perfect.  Company: perfect.  Temperature: Unbearable.It’s 2am and I’m lying awake, bathed in sweat and naked on my bed with my lovely wife, Nicole, beside me who seems to be oblivious to the oppressive heat and is sleeping peacefully.She is on her back, also naked, and I can see from the moonlight bathing the room that she is breathing regularly and has a slight smile on her gorgeous face.  With her hand...

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The House Party

I had been invited to a house party by a friend of mine at work. I’d been to several of their dinner parties, and had enjoyed the company of Mark and Jenny, and of the various women that they had invited to make up the numbers for me. They had always been a bit younger than me, nicely behaved, and I had dated one or two afterwards, but nothing had come of it. There had been a very tastyone though, Serena, who had refused my invitation to dinner on our own, who I had fancied a lot. I think that...

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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 10 The Ties That Bind

James awoke to three courtesy taps on the door followed by a key-card lock releasing. The door opened and two men entered. James pulled himself up into a sitting position, leaning against the upright portion of the hospital style bed he'd spent the night in. There were some pieces of medical equipment to his right and left that had been used to check his condition when he first arrived, but the room didn't look like it belonged in a hospital otherwise. There were chairs, couches and tables...

3 years ago
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Classmate Ke Saat Kiya Maza

Hi friends, I am ronak (name change) and I ‘m from mumbai. Coming directly to the story.. This story is about the girl ankita (name changed) she was a class mate of mine and we met randomly sitting next to each other in some boring lecture; spending a few hours chit-chatting, we exchanged numbers.. Usi shaam uska text aaya – Ankita – ” hey ronak..” Me – “Wassup prettty girl” Ankita – “Kuch nahi yaar. Bas roz hi ki tarah, bore ho rahi hu.. Tu bata ..” Me – “Sachhi yaar.. Karne ko kuch hai hi...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Football

Fantasy Football by FLA527 Part One "3 ... 48, 3 ... 48" Mitch barked out the signals as he looked over Tech's defense. Looking to his left, he saw just what he was looking for. "HUT ... HUT" As Jimmy Sams snapped him the ball, Mitch faked the hand-off to Mo Ellington and tucked it in his belly. Then quickly he looked to the right for a split second. Now the clock in his head was ticking, he was at three when he turned and saw Robinson accelerating and Mitch wound up and let...

2 years ago
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End of game for Christeen

Fin de partie pour ChristeenCe soir c’est une grande f?te chez John. Son esclave Christeen va avoir quarante ans. Tous ses amis sont invit?s. Mais si la f?te est belle, elle est aussi inattendue. Christeen va annoncer ? tout le monde que son contrat d’esclave s’ach?ve ?galement ce soir. Non pas que John soit lass? des services de cette belle femme, d?sormais parfaitement bien entra?n?e ? subir tous les s?vices et ? innover dans le monde du SM, mais simplement parce que c’est la fin d’un contrat ? dur?e d?termin? sign? il y a qui...

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