Money!Chapter 10 free porn video

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I woke up to someone pounding on my door. I made sure the two guns and the ammo was stored under clothes and went to see who was at my door.

A guy who looked like a beggar was standing there, telling me that he left stuff in the trailer when he was kicked out and wanted to come in to get it. I told the guy that he needed to see the landlady for anything he left as the place was totally empty when I rented it.

The man was getting pushy and was trying to push me aside so he could get in. He said, "I'm going to kick your ass, Sonny, and then take everything you have for fucking with me." I let him get his throat into my hands when he lunged, and then I twisted, but stopped before breaking his neck. I turned him around, put my foot into his butt, and pushed as hard as I could. The guy went sprawling out on the grass and gravel twenty feet from the door.

There was a lot of clapping going on as the landlady and a couple of other women were standing there watching what went down. The landlady hollered, "I already called the cops, so you don't have to kill him. He tries to rob every new person who moves in. I keep waiting for someone to shoot him."

The guy got up and pulled a buck knife from his back pocket, and flicked it open with one of the tab things that will snap the blade out. He looked at me, and said, "I'm going to gut you like chicken now." He had just begun walking toward me when a Sheriff's car came sliding to a stop. A Deputy was out of the car and hollering at the guy to put the knife down. The guy didn't even look at the Deputy, and hollered, "As soon as I make a believer out of this asshole."

I stepped out of the trailer and was on the ground with him and the man became hesitant because he wasn't used to being challenged. I stood waiting to see what he would do, but the Deputy ran up behind him and whacked him behind the knees with his baton. The guy went to his knees and continued to wave the knife around. He tried to spin around and knife the Deputy but missed. The Deputy pulled his service pistol that looked like a Glock and told the guy, "Put the knife down and lay forward on the ground."

The man stood up instead of doing as instructed by the Deputy, and said, "I told you I was going to gut this son of a bitch first, then you can do anything you want."

The man turned and lunged at me in one fluid motion. I did a classic forearm block, and moved my other hand to grab his throat to try to rip it out of him. My hand that was blocking the knife grabbed his wrist, which broke with a snap as the knife fell to the ground. The guy's eyes were bulging, and I realized I didn't have the strength back to tear his neck from his body yet. I let go, did a leg sweep, and held him down. The cop holstered his pistol and cuffed the guy while the idiot was cussing me for breaking his wrist and promising to sue me.

The Deputy asked me, "Can you stand on him a minute while I call for some backup. Don't let him close to that knife."

The Deputy ran to his car, made the radio call, and came back. He was going to take the cuff off the wrist that was hanging at an odd angle, but I put a hand on his shoulder, and said, "I'm sure your orders are to keep a prisoner cuffed regardless of the injury until you have sufficient forces to handle them."

The guy said, "I think this guy has done this to people several times when they first move in out here and in the trailer park next door. You must be the first guy whoever showed any resistance. Have you been a policeman?"

I just looked at him and said, "Marine, recently medically retired, but still a Marine."

"Yeah, but you had some good moves there. I can't wait to see the video of that. You took him down and broke his wrist so fast that the man didn't know what hit him. What were you doing with his throat?"

"I was trying to kill him. It's a simple move, but I'm still recovering my strength and am not strong enough to rip his throat out. That's what they teach a Marine combat scout."

Two more Sheriff's cars pulled up, with one carrying two people. They left the guy on the ground whimpering while they bagged the knife as evidence. One of the Deputies decided to move the man's hands in front of him instead of behind, since he did have a disabling injury. I saw the look on the guy's face and began moving away from the four officers and bad guy. I pushed the landlady and the lady gawker to the other side of the trailer while we witnessed the crazy man grab one of the officer's Glocks and raise it on the original Deputy on the scene. The man shot that Deputy point blank, sending him back from the impact of the round on the vest. The man then aimed right at the Deputy's head and pulled the trigger. He was moving the gun toward the other officers when two of them shot the guy, emptying their Glocks into him.

We had just witnessed a crazy man murder a Deputy Sheriff and then be shot multiple times to make sure the man wouldn't shoot anyone else. The landlady was holding onto me and fainted. I laid her on what there was of the grass, and went to my trailer to get a washcloth with some water on it. I also brought a bottle of water out.

I kept trying to think of how I was going to identify myself since I knew they were going to want witness statements. The three other men were waiting for the Sheriff, the CSI unit, and the coroner to get there.

I went to the older guy with a bunch of stripes, and asked, "I need to go to work, or at least check in. I promise to be right back. I can't afford to lose this job."

The guy said, "Just be right back, or call the Sheriff's Department to give your statement. You probably won't need to go to court."

I put a T-shirt and my boots on, locked the trailer, got in my car, and left. I was crossing my fingers when I pulled into Butch's place. I was walking to the office when Butch hollered, "Hey, come look at what I got you." This was another bright blue car, but it was an almost new Ford Edge. Butch was gushing, "This is such a good deal that I almost decided to keep this for the wife, but she doesn't want to give up her Mustang. This is a twenty fifteen and has just about every option known to man. It was a stolen car from up north and recovered down here. I know the adjuster, and he brought me the car because he said he owed me so many favors. This thing only has eighteen thousand miles and not a scratch on it. The inside is immaculate, and the thief didn't smoke in it."

I asked, "The car already has a rear license plate, does that mean my package is in?"

"You're a new man, my man. Ha, ha, ha. Let's go look at the stuff while you decide what you want to do with the Impala."

Butch got a huge envelope from the small safe under his desk, and told me to go through it. I had a new name, Broderick Harrison, with a nick name of 'Buddy'. I was born a day before my real birthday. I had been a Marine, then a policeman in Alaska, and had never married. I became missing somewhere along the line, and most people thought I died in a cabin fire during a blizzard a couple of years ago. Some thought that I had found the money from a recent bank robbery and decided to relocate. No laws broken there, other than someone could want the money back.

I spread the cards in the folder out, and found a Florida driver's license, a Florida concealed carry permit, a U.S. passport, a Deputy U.S. Marshal's ID for call up actions, and something I would have to think about, a pilot's license. I had a bank account with a debit card, a couple of credit cards with instructions on how to see what the limits were and if I owed anything.

I looked up at Butch, and said, "Shit, I like what this guy has better than Chuck Miller. Just call me 'Buddy'."

I pulled all my personal cards out, and put all of Buddy's in my wallet. I told Butch, "Let me get all the shit from the Impala, and then you can use the car for a loaner. I might want to use it from time to time, but I'll leave the Edge when I do. I found a trailer that's a fair deal and exactly what I needed south of here a ways. I may be up to be your errand boy soon. I have to get back to the trailer because there was a problem and a Deputy was killed. I was a witness. It's perfect that you have my new identity."

I had the four guns and a lot of ammo. I still needed to find out whether or not the guns were legal. There was also a bundle of hundred dollar bills, in addition to a partial stack of bills that I had not dipped into yet. I swapped all that, and put it into the Edge's rear area 'secret' compartment. I couldn't believe that Butch got this car for the fifteen grand I gave him. I gave Butch the keys to the Impala, and told him that I would rent a storage garage if he didn't want to use the car."

Driving this car was like driving the Mercedes, but I think I liked the feel of the Edge more than the Mercedes. People may frown at a Ford, but this vehicle was proving to me the U.S.A. built the greatest cars ever once again.

I could still see that car parked where it had been when I drove by the diner. That area had to really smell bad by now. I tried to analyze my feelings about the man who I killed, and figured that he was going to kill me, so this was a better ending for me.

The Deputy with all the stripes came up to me when I pulled into the trailer's parking space, and asked, "Didn't you leave with an Impala?"

"I did. It was a loaner from the repair shop that did the service on this. You know why I go to Butch's repair and build if you know the place."

The old Sergeant Deputy agreed with me, and asked, "I need your statement as to what you saw and did. Talk into this microphone and begin with your name, address, today's date, and location, as well as the time. Try to be accurate as to the times of the incidents.

I went through everything as I remembered, leaving nothing out. I used my new IDs to confirm who I was, and was asked about weapons. I told the man that I had a gun in a new purchase box, but no older ones yet. I told him that I was thinking of being a little more proactive and to have a gun within easy reach. The man said, "We went through your past while we interviewed you, and I need to ask if you might be interested in a position as a Deputy."

"Not really. I think the last time I was confronted with a kill or be killed situation got me into some problems. I'm glad to be far away from that."

The older Deputy said, "Well, try to stay out of trouble, and watch out for the blowhards who come around."

I was outside cooking some meat on my new small propane grill when neighbors began coming up to me and thanking me for getting rid of someone who had been a terror to this and other trailer parks. I wondered why one of them didn't just shoot the guy. I'm sure all these good ole' boys and girls had guns. The guy had been a menace and should have been dealt with. But then, most people are bunch of church mice that hide from reality.

I used the trailer park's Wi-Fi and got on the internet to see if I could track Broderick Harrison down. The man was supposed to have died in a cabin fire during a blizzard, but there was no way to confirm who died because there was so little remaining of the person killed.

Broderick had been working on a bank robbery that had netted about six grand, but the robber had shot up the bank and killed a bank employee. Broderick had gone out to track the man when the blizzard came up. The last transmission from Broderick was that he was returning to Anchorage and leaving the area as the weather was too hostile for him. It was assumed that Broderick bought it there, or else the bank robber died and Broderick made it to warmer climates when the cabin was discovered burnt to the ground.

That was about as clean as you can get. I would have to think that it was Broderick who had died in that cabin fire considering that no one claimed his bank account, and I caught him up on his credit card.

I tracked the guy from high school, through the Marines, and through some years in Alaska. He was engaged to be married twice, but the relationship fell through both times because the women concerned found someone else. Buddy wasn't a lucky person. There was a high school yearbook picture and another that was taken when he became a peace officer, and I did resemble the guy. It's amazing how you can find details about almost anyone on the internet.

I slept well that night and woke up with a list of things to do. First was to take the guns I had and have them checked for past ownership. I needed to relocate my bank account to a local branch, then find a place to work out and to eat myself into another ten to fifteen pounds.

Driving past the diner made me happy to see a bunch of Sheriff's units around the car that had the body in it. I can only imagine how bad it smelled there now. We had come into villages that had been wiped out and bodies left to rot by the Taliban. It was a horrible stench.

I made it back up to Miami and went to the pawn shop I had been at that had nearly everything I needed. It was early and there were no customers. I brought my sports bag in, and asked the dealer if he could do me a favor. I had some handguns that I was made a very unusual offer for, and I wanted to find out if they were legal or had they been stolen.

The guy was all smiles, and said, "I'll be glad to do it for a hundred a piece if it's legal. I'll keep the gun and turn it in if it isn't. Are you agreeable?"

I gave him the two Glocks and then unscrewed the silencer from the .22 auto. I asked if he could check a rifle for me, and he said, "Same deal. I get a C-note if it's clean; I turn it in if it's dirty."

I went outside for the .308 and brought it in while he was checking the serial numbers. It took him an hour to confirm all four guns were legally owned and purchased at gun shows over the past couple of years. He had four hundred bucks and I had four legal weapons. The pawn broker did tell me that I needed to get rid of the silencer that went on the .22 auto.

I made an offer, "What could I trade you out of for the .22. That's some kind of killer's gun and I'm not one of those. Do you have anything I might be interested in?"

"How about a shotgun? I have all kinds of Mossberg 500s and a lot of people don't think they are a good weapon. How about this pistol grip model with an eighteen and an eighth inch barrel? Now this gun would have been a stagecoach guard's best friend."

I laughed and told the man, "You sure aren't going to be doing any rabbit hunting with that thing."

The guy laughed with me and said, "Yeah, I know. No one wants to buy the thing. How about that same gun with a rifled slug barrel? The gun will hold a bunch of rounds and you could probably hunt with it if you practiced. I'll trade you even and throw in four boxes of double 00 buckshot and two five packs of slugs.

I told the guy, "You're getting screwed, but I'll take the deal. That is one ugly gun."

The pawn dealer said, "I don't think this little .22 has ever been fired. If you were to lose that silencer, I wouldn't mind having it."

I laughed at the guy as we both knew he shouldn't have it either. I didn't need anything else, so we shook hands and I took all my toys out to the car. A police car was checking my car, so I put my stuff in the back of the Edge and asked if I could help. The Miami policeman said, "A blue Edge was stolen last night and I'm checking the VIN on this one. I told the man, I have all the docs in the glove box if you want them."

The Officer used my documents and his computer to confirm everything. He moved his car so that I could leave, and I smiled at having new identification that let good ole Buddy Harrison be the good guy he was.

I went back to the trailer park and managed to get most of my toys into the house. I kept the large Glock and the rifle in the car. I figured I might need one of them if I had the opportunity.

The rest of the day was spent tracking Carlo down and where he might be. This man was a plague and needed to be taken care of. I was sure he'd found out about his hireling who turned up dead north of Homestead. I was also sure that there were half dozen men out there trying to track me down.

I needed an underworld contact to let me know where to find out about how to be a part of the hunting group that was looking for good ole' Chuck Miller. I figured that I might be able to find Carlo if I could find them.

Knowing Sandra was probably being watched and monitored, and the watchers would be Carlo's personal employees, I thought that I could possibly tail them back to where he might be. Carlo could become careless and try for an attack if I began tracking and maybe even eliminating them one at a time.

That's when I realized that I should have kept the one of the .22s with the silencers. Oh well, they can't be that hard to get. I figured the automatic would be the quietest but would have to make sure I picked up those tiny casings. I also wanted to find a noise suppressor for the .308. That was a really great weapon for a sniper and Special Forces had silencers for that rifle. I wonder how much a barrel with a silencer would cost.

I went to Sandra's condo, parked among a bunch of cars, and used my binoculars to look at every car within two hundred yards. I knew someone had to be there, and I had to be patient and keep checking until I finally saw movement in a car that was about fifty yards from Sandra's front door.

The guy would hold something up to his ear every once in a while, and then put it back down. I wondered what he was doing, and I realized he had some kind of device to listen to her calls. I could call her but I wanted to get some more phones before I did that. Phones would have to be destroyed every time I used one.

I wondered if they had my house watched like this too. I was going to find out and maybe hurt someone on the way by. I was going to make it difficult for Carlo if he wanted to play.

I drove down to Butch's place and told him that I would swap him cars for a couple of hours. He said, "Naw, get that thing out of here. We've noticed a couple of people snooping around and constantly coming back to the car. Someone knows something about the car and thinks it will lead them somewhere."

"Damn, I wanted to use it at least one more time, but it may be too hot to do that. Tell you what; the title is in the glove box. Either sell it or crush it. Keep whatever you get. I'm going to give you some money and I want you to buy a bunch of cars and pickups for me to use once and dump. Keep them as legal as possible, but untraceable. How about a hundred Gs to start? Get older cars, but they have to run good and be ready to really go on demand."

"No sweat, Chuck, or Buddy as it is. I can keep cars turning over daily for a few months. I'll ask if I need extra money. Give me ten Gs for my really good mechanic, and he'll have your vehicles race worthy."

I moved closer to Butch and asked, "I need something special in a gun. Do you know of someone who might make modifications to guns?"

You might have thought I just told him the funniest joke he's ever heard as Butch was almost really rolling on the floor. He took me by the arm and led me to the back of one his motor rooms. He opened the door and I was looking at an amazing machine shop. Guys were working on just about every kind of rifle and pistol known to man.

"Check this out, Bro. I have eight of the most gifted gunsmiths in the USA. These guys can and have built just about anything. What are you looking for?"

"I want a .22 automatic that will shoot shorts with a silencer. I had an automatic, but that thing would throw a casing and I don't want that. It is now with a pawnbroker in Miami. I might need more than one of these for obvious reasons. I have a really nice .308 that needs a suppressor too. It would probably be best to use additional barrels with the silencers on them."

Butch said, "We can do all that, but it isn't cheap. Bring me the .308 and we'll begin working on it. Also bring me a bunch of cash and I'll have a couple of those terrible little .22s for you in a day or two. The guys have a way to catch the ejected casings."

"I need a gofer, Butch. I need someone to drive a car and to wait for me sometimes; nothing risky, but someone dependable. I'll feed and clothe him if needed, but being closed-mouthed and able to drive almost anything is most important."

Butch led me out of the gun shop and we walked toward his office. "I have just the person, Buddy. This person can drive just about anything built and drives on the short tracks when a ride is available. It's a she, Chuck, and a good-looking she too. She's one of the females the girls want to fix you up with. I know she'll keep her mouth shut since she's been doing jobs for me for a long while. When do you need her?"

"I have some things I need to quickly accomplish if she's available now. I'm going to give you fifty grand for cars, pickups, and for beginning on the guns for starters. I'll bring another fifty as soon as I can get it. That will be in a day or two. You know that I'm good for it, so start getting everything set. I'll get my .308 for you to work on."

Butch picked up his phone to make a call while I went out to the Edge to get the rifle. I brought it in through the front door that no one uses, and handed it to Butch.

He said, "Your apprentice is on her way here. She's homeless right now, so you'll have to help her out with a couch. This little girl has some warm britches according to Jean and the girls, but is fairly particular and will be all over you if you're not clean. Jean will tell you that this girl is going to be something special one of these days."

Things were now moving as fast as I needed them to. I was going to quickly clean this mess up with all the help from Sis, her friends, Butch, and his contacts.

I needed to do something for shock value, so I went to the car and loaded the pistol grip Mossberg with buckshot. I didn't figure on needing more than one round, but it was going to really make a mess. I filled the magazines of the Glock and then thought that I should get the small gun and bring it too. I'll do that tomorrow.

A darling little girl with short, dark brown hair and blazingly bright brown eyes came up to the Edge and asked, "Are you Buddy? Butch says you have a lot of names, but Buddy was the easiest. I'm Peanuts, or Sharon actually, but people know me by 'Peanuts'. How much are you gonna pay me, and how dangerous is it going to be? Do I need to take care of your personal needs as part of the job?"

"That's a lot of questions, Peanuts. I'll pay you a grand a week and give you a place to sleep if you're worth it. We'll get some clothes if you need them. I'll try to keep you out of the dangerous stuff, but it could happen, and you don't have to take care of my personal needs. Let's have a fun time together first, and then we'll see about any personal needs."

Peanuts grinned and said, "I have some personal needs I would like to be taken care of by the right guy."

I told her, "Let's go tell Butch you have arrived, and then we'll take off."

"No need, I told him I was coming and he knows I'm probably already here. What do you want me to do first?"

I told the girl, "You're going to drive either this Edge or the Impala up to Miami, where you'll wait for me to take care of something. We'll leave the Impala up there and drive back in the Edge. You may drive something different tomorrow and then every day after that until I've completed this job. You, however, will have a good paying job when we finish. You're going to like my sister and friends."

Peanuts said, "I'll drive the Impala and follow you. Don't drive like an old lady so that we get stopped for holding up traffic. Let's get."

I took off leading the way, and had a heavy foot all the way to Pinecrest's outer area. I drove to the storage location and had Peanut wait outside the gate while I checked the two units. I was only going to take three bundles of hundreds, but decided to stuff four into my sports bag and put it in the 'secret' compartment. I walked up and had Peanut drive the Impala back to park next to the Edge.

"Okay, this is where you do exactly what I say. I'm going to take the Impala and be gone for a few minutes. Take off if I'm not back in two hours. You can park the Edge in the empty unit, and you pull out and I'll back the Impala in when I come back. I'm planning on leaving it here for the time being."

Peanut asked, "What are the odds that you won't be back?"

I had to think about that for a second, and then said, "Probably five to ten percent. This is a quick 'fire for effect' sort of thing."

I put the Glock in my waist, and then the pistol grip shotgun on the front seat with me. Peanut watched all this and didn't flinch. She was a tough little cookie.

Going into Pinecrest can be difficult, but there are seven entrances and exits. The only people who would know all of them would have had to grow up there. I knew the fearsome foursome knew them all since we were always having to escape the cops for driving crazily. Dusk was beginning, so I needed to get this done right away. I drove by my street and saw a car parked across the street from the house, but back far enough that it didn't look like the car was watching our house, and it looked like there was only one person in it. I made sure there was a round in the chamber, and went around a few blocks so that I came up on the guy with me close to his car. It wasn't hot, so he would probably have his window open, or I hoped so at least. I rested the barrel of the shotgun on the window edge and stopped next to the car. I asked, "What are you doing parking here? Don't you know Miller is going to get pissed and come out blasting?"

The guy laughed and asked, "What are you trying to do. Scare me off so that you get the prize?"

Another head began rising up at that instant, and that one had something in his hand. I pulled the trigger, cycled another round into the chamber, and fired again. There was nothing left of the two heads that had been there.

I was moving as soon as I fired the second round and made it to one of the nearby exits without driving fast. I needed to look like any other person going to Publix for milk and bread. I made sort of a circuitous route to the storage location to make sure I wasn't being followed. I went through the security gates and pulled up in front of the unit. I waved for Peanut to pull the Edge out and then backed the Impala in."

I picked up the empty shotgun shells and took them and the gun to the Edge and put it all into the other 'secret' compartment. I locked up the storage unit and wished I could get at the tapes of the storage yard's activity.

Peanut was still behind the wheel, and asked, "Want me to drive?"

She sounded like she was begging, so I told her to head back the way we came. We had to wait while two police cars and a rescue truck raced toward Pinecrest when we came to the first major intersection.

Peanut asked, "Did you cause that?"

"Don't know, but I'm sure I pissed someone off."

We were almost out of the city when Peanut asked, "Are you going to feed me? I was hungry when I started work for you, and part of the deal is you are to feed me. Can I turn into the next fast food place?"

"Sure, but let's just get something to hold us until we get to that diner that's supposed to have the good steaks. We'll pig out there and get some more to take home. We're going to have to plan on how we handle tomorrow."

I could see Peanut smiling because she knew that she wouldn't be sleeping under a bridge tonight. The young lady was beginning to get ripe, so I figured she had been without a proper sleeping area for a while.

The diner served us some huge sirloins that were as tender as the best steakhouse could serve. We pigged out on the big salad as well as the twice-baked potato. We had two more meals made up in foam cartons for us to take home. I wanted some of that steak with eggs in the morning.

I drove home from the diner and pulled up next to my trailer at almost nine. I took Peanut inside and showed her the bedroom, bathroom, and where the towels were. I told her, "If you need some clothes washed, I'll run them to the laundromat to get the bugs out of them for you. We'll go shopping if you have something for the morning and get you what you need. We'll do Salvation Army for jeans and shirts, but we'll go to Sears or Penney's for undies, sleepwear, socks, and shoes."

Peanut smiled at me and said, "I'll be very happy if you'll pop for Walmart. Keep me around and I can be an asset."

I listened as the young lady used the bathroom to scrub and wash her short hair. She had on one of my long T-shirts that proclaimed the Daytona 500 was the greatest race of all time when she came out into the living room and kitchen area.

I watched the local Miami news and saw that a couple of underworld hit men had been killed in the Pinecrest area. The police suspected the killer or killers were defending their territory. It had long been thought Pinecrest harbored many underworld characters. They weren't even close.

It was my turn, and I quickly cleaned up and shaved. I didn't plan on any hanky panky, but you never know. She was a little cutie.

Same as Money!
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OuroborosChapter 3 No Miss it is Simon

The kitchen was perfectly ordinary looking. It didn't seem right. How dare life continue looking the same when everything had changed? I could still feel the touch of my "friends" hands on my skin and the weight of their combined ejaculate inside my pussy. Yet the kitchen, with it's marble counter tops and glistening steel, seemed like a foreign land. As I stood there, naked and shivering on the cold linoleum flood, I allowed myself the emotional breakdown I protected myself from while...

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SeeHimFuck Blake Blossom Makin8217 Money For Fuckin8217 Bitches

Big-dick Dallas ⭐ native Zaddy2x is back for his ✌️ 2nd See H?️M Fuck appearance and we paired HIM up with the lovely ❤️ Blake Blossom (as well as some mood lighting) for this week’s update. After Johnny ?? Robins helps us get caught up with Zaddy2x ???‍???‍♀️ he starts to strip for Blake, pausing so she can admire the bulge and backside of his See HIM boxers ? Next, Blake gets HIM all lubed up ? making sure Zaddy2x’s thick black prick is ready for action. Blake ? sniffs and licks ?...

1 year ago
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Thick All That Ash

She looked at them. She felt it. She felt all their gazes. As Ashley sashayed down the hallway, it's like she could read the boys’ thoughts as she looked at them. “Goddamn, she’s fine.”She got that a lot. For some reason, she drove the opposite sex crazy. She was tomboyish with girly-girl tendencies. As for her self-esteem... She had no issues with that. “I’d fuck her in all her holes... Shit!" She got that a lot also. However, those holes were reserved for her boyfriend. Ashley was a very...

3 years ago
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The Hunter Becomes The Prey

The HunterThe hunter was moving quietly through the woods, searching for signs of deer in the area. He needed this hunt to feed himself for the winter. As he moved, he became quite aware of the sound of something moving in the water. Thinking he might find his prey there drinking, he crept slowly towards the sound. He slowly slipped from tree to tree, moving ever so closer to the sound of splashing water.As he closed on the sound, he saw the forest opening into a sunlit area. He could tell...

4 years ago
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Great Fuck With Married Lady

Dear friends, I am 30 years old guy from Chennai. Now I am working in Delhi NCR, Ghaziabad this sex story is how I met this married lady online on social networking site and we ended up having a nice time. To begin with, this incidence happened around 1 year back when I came across one married lady from Delhi, Rupali (name changed) let me describe her she was in her she was 26 years of age whitish complexion with a figure of 34-32-36. Those days I was looking for girls/women for friendship...

1 year ago
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The warm colors of rain-drenched sunray dawned upon the magical coconut grove, filling the shaded oasis with the crimson glow of romance. It was to be our first ever encounter, and there was no looking back. For days, my shyness had kept me from her; the fear of her apprehensive reproach would haunt me forever, the poisonous stake of rejection would tear through my heart, snuffing life out of me, leaving me a lifeless, loveless corpse. But here was the moment, and she would be there, in all her...

2 years ago
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When Nora Met Master

Room 1723. Nora knocked softly on the door. A moment later, the door to the hotel room opened revealing Him standing before her. ‘Hello, Nora.’ He said nothing more, but instead wrapped her in his arms. She tipped her face upwards to look into his eyes and their lips met. While they continued to embrace and kiss, he led her two paces into the room, almost as if they were dancing, just enough for the door to shut. They kissed each other for quite some time before finally he ended their kiss...

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Painful ParadiseChapter 14

The door to her room was closed when Pal awoke. It took her a while to get up the courage to test the floor, but finally she forced herself to rest a bare heel briefly on the surface. The current was off. She quickly went out into the hall and directly to the bathroom which was near the door to the exercise room. As she showered, she felt the tickling trickle of Dr. Stillwell's semen as it dribbled slowly out of her uterus and into her vagina. Her sanity had returned as she awoke, but...

2 years ago
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Online Romance and More Part 2

Friday Night Julie and I both had very busy schedules the next week and did not have an opportunity to talk on the phone or on the dating website we met on. I arrive home at a decent hour and change into a t-shirt and athletic shorts. I go to the kitchen and prepare some egg rolls, egg foo young and fried rice. Once I finish and clean the dishes I get a glass, and my favorite cigars, which are Flor de las Antillas Toro. I head into my den and sit in the large leather chair and light up my...

2 years ago
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A Stormy Night

When, as a child, I first caught sight of my mother naked, I thought she was being punished. The rain was beating on the roof of my troubled dreams, and the thunder roaring, raging. I was frightened. My bedroom window looked out across the long driveway into the trees, and it was dark, the trees quaking like ghosts. I wanted my Mother, I wanted to pee. I began crying and got out of bed, wandering down the dark corridor and then along the balcony that looked down into the living room, Mummy!...

1 year ago
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A Lazy Sunday

It was another lazy Sunday morning. We had both woken up earlier, cuddled close, and then fell into a dreamy sleep. When I awoke again, I was spooning her, my hand on her breast, my growing cock wedged firmly against her ass. Now that the kids had grown and moved out, this kind of lazy weekend lovemaking had become something of a ritual. As I pulled her closer, I reminded myself just how lucky we were. Many married couples lost their passion after only a few short years of marriage, yet after...

2 years ago
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The Stripper Slide

I walked into the strip joint, just wanting to kill some time before business appointments. To my surprise, a totally naked young nubile stood at the front lobby desk just inside the double wooden doors that lead to the erotic lair. I walked up to the desk to pay the six -dollar cover charge. The young door lady took my twenty-dollar bill. I patiently waited as she counted out my change, the very thin and very good-looking young dancer standing in silence next to me in her elevated see-through...

Quickie Sex
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Cant Escape

Karen was surprised to see Rachel and Kim at the front door. "Hi girls, what's up?" - "We're going on a vacation for a week, come with us", replied Kim emphatically. Kim and Karen had known each other all through high school and Rachel had been Karen's best friend since the end of elementary school. They were both shorter than Karen who was 5'9". Rachel was the shorter of the two. - "Yes please come, we're going to this cabin, well more like a mansion out in the forest. My cousin invited me and...

3 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 75

At the front of the house, Frederik took care of Sandra's bike and loaded it in the back of his car. He was glad that he had a station wagon, because it made it easier to put Sandra's bike away in it. Sandra smiled when she noticed Frederik holding the passenger's car door open for her, he was trying to be a real gentleman it seemed. After Frederik had joined her in the car, they drove off towards Sandra's soccer club. "So, are you excited to see me play?" Sandra asked. "I sure...

3 years ago
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My JC Teacher SG

IntroductionI lived through the four years of my secondary school life in an all-boys environment and tho we dont get the chance to ogle at chio bus walking past we had lotsa fun tgt like you know the all guys stuff like stripping some guy in class when a female teacher is teaching and when the principal is giving his speech. Those were the days but thats not exactly what my story is gonna talk about so lets just leave it aside for now.Basically, I never had any problems in terms of studies...

3 years ago
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How I got into group sexgangbang Part one

One Friday night I sit alone in a bar somewhere in Copenhagen.I've gotten a little drunk and that means I'm horny.I hear a voice behind me, you must let me buy you a drink, he says.He looks cute; my nipples detect it.We sit and chat, he's cute in addition to looking good.After too many drinks, I follow the guy home he lived nearby.He gave me a drink when we got to his apartment. We kissed; he was a good kisser.As we entered his bedroom, he quickly got the clothes off me. I felt it like electric...

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Klan8217s Woman

Tammi Buckner sighed and gazed at her reflection in the full-length mirror in the bedroom of her double- wide mobile home. The pretty blond 23-year-old turned this way and that, trying to look sexy in the long white robe and the pointed white hat. At length she puffed her cheeks and gave a snort of resignation. There was no way she was going to look good in the robes of the wife of the local grand dragon of the Knights of the KKK. Her husband, Mike, was still at work at...

2 years ago
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Brian Where Are You an Alone and Afraid StoryChapter 7

It wasn't two minutes before there was a knock on the door. Of course, it was Amos and Nat. I invited them in. Nat gave me a hug. He whispered, "You look great!" Amos was in front of Beth. "Elizabeth, you look fantastic! Every guy who sees you will be jealous that you're with me." They walked us to Nat's SUV and the guys opened the doors for us. I decided that, while I didn't need it, I liked chivalry. Nat drove us to a park a short way out of town. The guys brought a cooler of...

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My wife fulfills my desire

My name is Suresh 42 year old and my wife is renuka who is 38 year old. We have two children. Here in this episode I am going to narrate how my wife fulfilled my desire of watching her having sex with another man last year. Infact in a period of this one year I enjoyed watching her getting fucked by different men on different occasions. In the first occasion according to my wife she cheated me by having sex with a someone else without my knowledge. She was not aware that I watched that and...

4 years ago
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Freedom Pt 3

Cheyenne could hear her pulse in her ears as Dave's light blue eyes watched her dark brown eyes as he placed his hand on top of hers. She could even feel the pulse between her legs and in her breasts. Please touch me all over, she thought. His smile revealed a hint of his pearl white teeth. He massaged the knuckles of her hand as her pulse raced even faster. She felt her nipples harden and she wished she hadn't worn the padded bra with the air pockets for comfort. At that moment, she...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Daisy Stone Fucking Around Behind The Scenes With James

James Deen and Daisy Stone have an interesting relationship. They joke around with one another and pretty clearly want to have sex. Daisy teases James Deen with her big booty and all natural body. James is a weak son of a bitch and doesn’t even attempt to control the situation. He basically stops working and follows the blond PAWG around with a camera. He also says some dumb pick up lines. I guess they aren’t that dumb, because Daisy Stone tells James Deen to shove his cock into her...

3 years ago
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Black Magic for Black Cock Part One

My wife, Diana, and I have had a pretty typical marriage for most of our lives, living in the Omaha suburbs since college, and raising our children here. I’m Jeff, and I was fortunate to get a job with a major insurance company in Omaha, and now, at the age of forty-eight, I make a good living from my upper management position. Our children have graduated college and are living out of state with their own families.Diana and I had a very good sex life, until she began to lose interest in sex at...

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Friend to sexual partner

They are all related to how one has enjoyed with some person or the other. I am writing down an experience of mine also. This was a few years back, when I had just got out of college and had started my own business. Like all youngsters I also had a steady girlfriend and a lot of friends (boys and girls) who I use to hang out with. My steady girlfriend was not a part of our group of friends and as her parents were very strict we got very little time with each other. All my friends were aware of...

2 years ago
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Black Gang Bang Virgin pt 1

Black Gang Bang Virgin pt 1 Andrew led me up some stairs and into a small lounge area lit only by gas lamps and the light from the open fire in the corner. It was late, only 30 minutes or so from closing time, I noticed a noisy group of young black guys playing pool in the corner. Stoping at the bar momentarily to order drinks, Andrew and I then made our way over to a bench seat in the far corner of the room. Taking a long slow sip of red wine, I couldn’t help wondering what Andrew had in...

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My Best Girlfriend

Chrissy was my best girlfriend, a normal night for us included opening a bottle of wine, gossipping for hours, google searching makeup techniques and trying them out, and playing dressup. There had to be a million pictures of the two of us all dressed up, stashed away in a secret folder on Chrissy's computer. It had to be kept hidden, because in Chrissy's regular everyday life he was Chris, a computer tech with a desk job, and nobody knew his secret but me. Chris wasn't gay, not even bi, he...

4 years ago
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Saint Seiko

In ancient times, a group of young Futanaris devoted their lives to protecting Athena, the Hermaphrodite Goddess of Wisdom and War. These Futas were capable of fighting without weapons—a swing of their cocks alone was powerful enough to rip the very sky apart and shatter the earth beneath them. These brave heroes became known as Saints, as they could summon up the power of the Cosmos from within themselves. Now, in the present-day, a new generation of Saints is about to come forth. **Toyko,...

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Wishes Granted Inc The Anime Case

Wishes Granted Inc.: The Anime Case By (Miss) Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Mei never could understand what her boyfriend, Mohammed, liked about Anime. "Mohammed! You are always watching Japanese cartoons. I really don't understand why." "Gee whiz, Mei! What is your problem? Don't I buy you stuff and take you places?" "Yes," said Mei. "Last week, we went to a Ranma 1/2 film festival and you bought me a Lum Urusei Yatsura T-shirt!" "Oh, come on Mei, I just wish that you would...

1 year ago
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Reddit PHGoneWild, aka r/PHGoneWild! So, are you ready for another juicy Gone Wild subreddit? Welcome to r/phgonewild/, aka Philippines Gone Wild, where you get to see just what you would expect. I think I have explained this on many occasions, but the ‘gone wild’ subreddits are basically all about sexual shit of something particular… such as this subreddit, where you have Philippine chicks getting dirty basically.First of all, I think it is safe to assume that you are into lovely Asian girls,...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Long Hot Summer Three for the Road

*** DISCLAIMER. The Long Hot Summer – Three for the Road is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Also note that my works generally contain sexual themes, objectionable language and behavior that most people should avoid. If you are easily offended, unable to discern...

4 years ago
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The Futas Mindcontrolling PantiesChapter 11 Futa Shares Her Familyrsquos Passion

Sasha Ford Who was Dad fucking? When had he gotten a girlfriend? All my plans to reunite my family would be ruined by this new woman in Dad’s life save for one fact: my mind-controlling panties. I held the sodden pair of flannel boy shorts in my hand and marched down the hallway to confront my father and his new girlfriend, leaving my mom and little sister behind. Nothing would stand in the way of us being a family. Dad and I would share Mom and Fawn. He would help me figure out what to...

3 years ago
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My Secret Crush Had A Crush On Me Too Pt 1

Part One: The Secret SpotZach was a boy who I secretly had a crush on back in the day. But I would never have guessed that he liked me back since at the time he constantly made fun of me and teased me, so I thought I didn't stand a chance. The poking and teasing got to the point where I started questioning why I still had a crush on a guy like him and one day the answer came to me in a way I didn't quite expect.One day as the bell rang, Zack leaned over closer to my ear and he told me to meet...

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Saras Journey Ch 02

When Jenifer brought in my dinner she said, ‘How’d ya like to take a stroll in the fresh air?’ ‘I’d love it!’ I said. ‘It looks absolutely gorgeous outside.’ ‘The grounds are beautiful this time of year and you can see the ocean from here. After dinner I’ll have all my work done for tonight and that’ll leave me with a couple of hours to kill. Stephen said he’d cover for me.’ Jenifer came back with a wheel chair after the dinner dishes had been picked up. ‘Where are you taking me? Tibet?’ I...

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Wicked Dreams 1

It’s been a stormy night and, although the sun is now beginning to rise, I can still hear the wind howling around the house and the rain lashing against the windows of your bedroom. It is December, but mild, none of the frost and coldness usual for the time of year, but blustery wind and rain, rain, rain. The skies are grey and full of gloom. I have been awake for some time in the large dog basket at the foot of your bed where you have me sleep, naked but for my heavy black leather collar...

2 years ago
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Awesome Sex With Lavanya Sukhmani

Once I was in my village to attend my family function where my mother introduced me to a middle aged lady. Her name Lavanya Sukhmani and is at the age of 45, religious, orthodox, and having a peculiar type of body. She is a widow. She used to be my childhood caretaker. Unfortunately when she was around 39 her husband passed away quiet unexpectedly and it was a great shock to her. She was living near our home. She was very poor and her only one son (mannu) who was unemployed as I was working in...

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My New Neighbor knows my Secret PT2

"Mistress Rebecca, ma'am ... may I speak" I quietly asked."I would prefer you not to, rickiee ... in fact ... you're never to ask me if you may speak. I , from time to time, may ask you if you wish to say anything ... but you are not to start that conversation by asking me if you may speak. I will grant it, this one time, since we are just starting. What do you wish to ask your Mistress, rickiee?" she inquired.Mistress, I need to urinate very badly. May I please, Mistress Rebecca ... may I...

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Making the Boss a Bitch

Making the Boss a Bitch By Trish Katrina had been working for Flights of Fantasy for about three months and really enjoyed her work. To every one there, she was simply Katie Burke, the boss's secretary and liked it that way. It was not so much that she was trying to hide her aristocratic background because she was not, but she did conveniently fail to mention that her full title and name was Lady Katrina Evington-Burke. Katie did not really like all the fuss that happened when...

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With mom after new years eve

On the last day of the year I went to some party with friends. It was almost 5AM and I decided that it’s a time to come home. I entered the house and went to the kitchen to have some drink. I was really thirsty. Suddenly mom appeared in the door. In t-shirt and panties only. She asked how I was and said happy new year to me. I asked her how she was with dad. They were both at home with some of our friends. She said it was good, calm and easy party. They went to bed something aroud 2AM. I...

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I am a 18 year old guy who has discovered of late that danger is a real turn on and that danger and Incest is out of this word-especially if the other party has no idea it is happening. My mom is utterly fantastic as a mom. She does everything a mom is expected to do for her family and I love...

1 year ago
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And The Dog Made ThreeChapter 9

Major had been observing the girls as they cavorted, with curiosity to begin with, but then with a growing urgency as the sight and the sound and, above all, the scent, of their arousal stimulated his lusty nature. His balls were full once more and his giant prick was jutting out, hot and hard and ready for attention. Tracy and Jennifer looked at the doggy, then glanced at each other, eyebrows lifting. They both wanted that big prick and it seemed a shame that there was only the one lovely...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 41 The Final Test

As the five new figures appeared in the center of the classroom, I heard Grace gasp in surprise. "Natalie?" she cried, rising from her seat. "Grace?" Natalie replied as she looked around the strange room. "What's going on?" "All will be explained, Miss Richards," said Narvenia as she held up her hand to stop Grace from running to Natalie. Spiro turned to the other four figures beside Natalie. "Welcome to our classroom, Your Majesty," Spiro said, bowing slightly as she addressed...

3 years ago
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Xtasy 8211 3

I sighed and started taking off my shoes. “That’s it, Cherry. I want to see your naked cock and balls. And I really want to see you jerking off.” I managed to get out my shoes, stood up, let my pants drop, and stepped out of them. “Ooooooh, good. I want you to stroke it for me …” I started to reach for my penis, but she motioned me to stop, “… But I want you to do it the way I tell you … It’ll be much better that way … You’ll see.” I nodded and managed to choke out an affirmative reply. “Now do...

3 years ago
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My Wife is Taken Hard

It had been more than ten years ago and my wife Ann had just turned the magical age of forty. She felt she had hit a milestone in her life where she had lost all sex appeal. She stopped wearing two piece swimsuits, along with wearing more revealing clothing. Our sex life had become nearly nonexistent and I knew I had to do something before it got any worse. I did my best to try convince her that her age was just a number and that many of men out there would love the opportunity to be with her,...

2 years ago
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Idaho Wild Child

{There is almost no sex in this story, so be warned…:).. MGM) The full moon peeking over the canyon rim lit up the valley down below nicely. The view was as bright as it sometimes is in early morning or late evening. The canyon was a short season’s graze but it was always lush. The melting snow fed streams, and kept the ground moist. The tender grass shoots the Sheep loved seemed to know there was little time, they made up for it in explosive growth once the warmer late Spring days arrived. ...

2 years ago
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A Drink Before Going Upstairs

Gianna and Pete drank, chatted and laughed for 2 hours. They also had a good time whenever they were around each other. They met at a friend's party a few years ago. They had few common interests but the ones they had were passionate. And then there was chemistry between them. At times it was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Their friend's have commented about it. How one would seem to light up like a Christmas tree when the other would show up. They brought things out of one...

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Revenge On Bullies Part 5B Ravi

Continued from 5(a)……. After getting an arrest warrant for ravi’s father pramod kumar, I went with a unit to arrest him. Some other such gov. Officials were also apprehended. There were too many people gathered at his residence. Reporters, officials etc. I went in and arrested pramod kumar. I had come up with some other arrest warrants as well. One for ravi. He was once charged for molesting a girl but had got away due to his dad’s influence. So it was my best chance for payback. Then I noticed...

3 years ago
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In The Bus Part 2 Groped By A Gay Stranger

After playing with my ass the guy removed his hand and as expected his dick replaced his hand. He was rubbing his dick head in my ass crack and I could feel his pre cum all over my ass crack. He kept doing it for 5 minutes, sometimes he rubbed his dick head on my asshole as well. Don’t know why I was feeling horny and wanted it to continue. He then put his finger on my asshole. I unknowingly tighten my ass hole. He massaged my butt as was convincing me to relax and I did. He again put his...

Gay Male
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My hot mom LOUSIE have written a letter to me.she have kept it in my purse & i read it a day and replied her in a proper manner. Hello ! My mom lousie have shown her sexual desires.she have written me a letter & kept it in my purse.In the evening , when i was in shopping mall with my friend RACHEL , I opened my purse to pay bill on coffee shop.I saw a paper inside & took out to see.even RACHEL is looking , now we both are reading a letter written by my hot mom LOUSIE. I with RACHEL are shocked...

3 years ago
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My lovely mam

Hi. Dis is my 4th story. Mai yaha pe story keval holi tak likhunga. Mujhe aap sabki madad chaiye. Plz meri pheli story”Tell me” padhkar meri madad kariye. My id is N thanks 2 da boy.who reply me.its not mine . Dis story of my friend. Jise mai suna raha hu.maire college mai ek bahut sundar mam aai. Her name is anu. She is vry sweet. Aap sab bhi apni mam ke peeche padte honge. Mai(yani mera dost). Bhi mam ke piche pad gaya. Mai usko har samay ghurta rheta tha. Unko class me padhane nahi deta...

2 years ago
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The Black Book Of The Nature Boy 22

It was a nice Friday night, and my friend Diamond and I were getting ready to go to this exclusive swinger party. It was easy to mistake us as a couple because of the strong chemistry we had. Although she was like a little sister to me, I often wondered how sex would be with her. ‘I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this,’ I said. ‘I should have known you had something outrageous in mind.’ ‘You said your sex life had not been the same lately so I’m trying to spice it up for you,’ Diamond...

4 years ago
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Hi, dear readers this is your one and only JJ bringing you the joy and pleasure of erotic story reading. The marriage has a special purpose and well defined objectives to be worked upon, for some it’s yet another formality in life in which he or she undergoes for the sake of the family elders. Let us not forget the kind of treatment that has been given to the brides from Indian sub continent chasing a myth of a US groom. The below narration is about yet another Indian bride who under goes the...

2 years ago
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Is It You or Her

"Eva, isn't there something you want to tell me?""I bet you want to talk about my pussy, don't you?""Well, Eva, it's been pretty hard for me to not notice how messy and gamy and gapping it has been for the last few weeks when you've come in late. Is it that new guy at work, Eddie? The one that's called here a few time and left messages, as well as picked you up a few times.""Yes he's the one. Isn't he handsome?""That's beside the point Eva. Remember, we're married. You're not supposed to...

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