Money!Chapter 38 free porn video

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Someone moved into my bed about two in the morning. They weren’t trying to fool around, just snuggle. Another body moved into my bed around three o’clock, and I could identify this one since the body was long and lean, and she put my hand over a nice size long breast. This one was definitely Wanda. She surprised me by reaching behind her and stroking me until I was very alert. She slipped me into a very moist grotto and pushed back into me. I instinctively pushed forward and we were soon releasing our juices into the mix. I did the appropriate All- American male thing and went right back to sleep.

I felt lips kiss my back as I was falling asleep, and it had to be Fran who held me to her and pulled me back into a full body hug.

I had thought I might be embarrassed when I woke up in the morning, but it wasn’t a problem. We decided as a group to pass on the gym this morning, dressed and got ready to go to work. We took our luggage with us as we might still be able to get out of Dodge that afternoon.

I was shaving, and Fran was brushing her teeth, when she told me, “You really are a horn dog. Your women give you carte blanche and you don’t do anything, and then the office secretary moves in and slides you in. She told me that she was going to do that, and I told her that you wouldn’t go along with it as long as I was in bed with you. Wanda just winked at me, and said, ‘Just wait, I know the secret of how to do this’. I can’t believe she nailed you with me in bed with you. You have to quit this or I’ll be joining in.”

I gave Fran an eyebrow raise with a grin.

We had a good hotel breakfast and went to the Regional Deputy in Charge’s office. He was already there with a bunch of banker boxes that he had assembled. The man said, “You and I know that it’s time for me to say goodbye to this place. I probably have overstayed my usefulness, but it’s been fun. Who are you going to put here?”

I appraised the man and felt he was sincere. “I’m bringing the Atlanta Manager here. He appears to be ready for the job, and although he doesn’t know his future yet, he is eager.”

The retiring Regional Deputy said, “I know the young man well. I interviewed him right here in this office and swore him in. He even took time out to go to the training center before it was mandatory. Yes, I know him well.”

Wanda walked him through his retirement package as gently as anyone could. The last duty the man wanted to perform was to call the Atlanta Deputy in Charge and promote him to his office. You could see the pride in his eyes as he congratulated the young man for progressing. As he was preparing to leave, he said to us, “I’ve had this job for over fifteen years and enjoyed it. I’ve been able to be a federal law enforcement officer for almost forty years. I guess it’s time to hang up the gun and badge.”

We helped carry his boxes to his car, where he said, “I bought this car about six months ago, preparing for what we’re doing. I think my wife is having a tougher time than I am since I’ll be underfoot all the time. We have a condo in Hawaii and enough in the bank to live out our years. I’ll play golf and fish, but I’ll also enjoy time with my wife. Thank you for being so gentle with me today.”

We watched the man drive away, and I’m sure each of us felt a loss. Fran even had a long look on her face.

Wanda said, “Let’s tell the secretary that a new man will be here tomorrow. There weren’t any inventory items to write up as the sidearm the regional had was an ancient .38 S&W snub-nose that had been declared as excess thirty years ago.

We went down two floors to the Chicago main U.S. Deputy Marshal office. The new Deputy in Charge, Tom Morrison, who was sent here from California, was watching for us and met us two steps into his ready room. He told me how happy he was to be brought in to be in charge. He and Wanda had to do a bunch of paperwork that hadn’t been done yet, and was quickly taken care of.

He said, “I ordered sandwiches so that we can eat while you look at a couple of files I was told needed your attention. The one on top is the most important, and the one the FBI has an interest in. The one underneath it is political and needs to be done without any media attention. I think the way to do that one is to kidnap the guy and anyone with him, take him to DC so that Justice can put him where they think they can keep him. I’m thinking that since you fly, we could grab this guy and you can fly him to DC where Marshals there can put him in a box to await trial. The man is guilty as sin, but he still gets a trial unless he decides to plead guilty. Our job is to bring him in and give him to the appropriate authorities.”

I looked up and said, “This first file doesn’t look that bad, other than shots have been fired every time an attempt has been made to get him. I think this is a type ten capture, Fran. I’m sure you remember what that is.”

The Deputy in Charge gasped and said, “You’d do that? The man isn’t wanted for murder, only robbery of Federal monies and injuring several guards when they hijacked money trucks.”

I said, “Look, the man has been lucky he hasn’t killed one of the guards, and is wanted for shooting an FBI agent. Treasury says here that the entire group is extremely dangerous. This is what the type ten capture is listed for. We bust in and shoot anything that moves. It’s fine if they give up in the process, otherwise they will be fired on. We holler we’re Federal Agents on the way in, and should be pulling the trigger every step of the way.”

The Deputy in charge quietly told me, “My guys will do this, but they won’t like it. They think the guy will reform while he’s cooling his heels in jail. You and I know it won’t happen, so we’ll get a team together and do this.”

I told the DIC (Deputy in Charge), “No more prep work so the perps don’t get a chance to organize if there’s a leak. Call Treasury and FBI to meet us at the site for us to look it over. I want six of your best Deputies called in to go get this guy. I want him in the bag by the time the other agencies get there. Call them and I’ll explain to you how we’ll do this on the way to the site.”

Fran and I got our equipment cases and put our armor and equipment vests on. Wanda raided the local supply closet for armor.

We drove out to the site in a U.S. Marshal van. I explained to everyone that two men would go in each of the side doors, and two more into the back door by the kitchen. I was going through the front door and would be shooting with a silencer on my sidearm. I thought of using an MP5, but figured that I had four magazines for my sidearm and we were all in deep shit if that wasn’t enough.

I told Wanda to stay in the van and Fran to hang back to watch for someone trying to flank me. The station DIC said that he was going in with me. I grabbed his shirt and he was wearing his armor.

The men followed my lead, put silencers on their Glocks, and were ready. The six men with me dispersed to the three other exits as soon as we parked in the driveway of the house.

Allen and I ran to the front door where I kicked it in, hollering to give up as this was the U.S. Marshal Service. A round went off near me, and I snapped a shot at a guy who had a surprised look on his face. We were shooting at anyone moving after that, but had to be careful when our own people began showing up.

Fran hollered, “Two ran upstairs. I think this place has a basement too.”

I yelled up the stairs, “This is a Federal Marshal warrant service operation. Come down the stairs with your hands in the air if you want to live. Anyone with a gun in their possession will be shot.”

Treasury men arrived and two Agents ran up the stairs while I was hollering for them to stop. The first Treasury Agent to enter the hallway was shot, forcing him backward as his armor saved him. Two FBI men were going to follow the two up, but decided to stay down.

I hollered again for the men on the second floor to give up and come down. This was taking too long, so I knew these people were trying to use an alternate escape route. I grabbed the six men who had broken in with me and told them to circle the house to look for any way someone could get away from up there. I had FBI men check the basement and they didn’t find anything. I had the Treasury men go down and check the basement too, and they found a room behind wooden shelving that had ammunition and some rations in it. I told the FBI guys to go over the basement again inch by inch, as there probably was another secret room down there.

I heard a commotion outside and rushed out to see one of the bad guys leveling a gun at a Deputy. I snapped off a shot at the man’s head and watched him toss his gun into the air before all his parts landed on the gravel driveway. This was getting scary, but it was as I suspected and had to be a type ten warrant capture.

Someone tackled me and held me to the ground as an automatic weapon fired over the top of whoever tackled me. Fran was rolling off me firing an entire magazine at whoever had been firing that automatic rifle. There was only one last man hiding behind a steel garbage can the house people had used to burn trash. He was peeking over the top to see where people were and then decided to begin firing and running away from the area at the same time. I tracked him and shot him in the ass. I think that was something for me to savor for a second. The guy grabbed his butt and swung around, wildly firing with a new magazine in an automatic rifle. I put three rounds in the guy’s forehead.

I checked on Fran who was okay, and then rolled back to get some cover from anyone else who might appear.

The new Deputy in Charge came over to sit by me, and said, “Holy shit. No wonder no one wanted to serve that warrant. We have one of my Deputies with a slight arm wound, and a Treasury Agent with a broken rib from being shot from a couple of feet away.”

Fran had taken off for the van, came running back, and pushed me down. She used her K-bar to split the leg of my pants that I finally noticed appeared wet. My personal medic was cussing, and finally said, “Okay, we have to get you to a hospital to remove the bullet. I think you were hit by a ricochet. You know that you’re supposed to fall down, scream like a baby, and holler ‘Medic, Medic!’ when this shit happens.”

We both broke up with that and the local DIC asked, “What so funny?”

I just looked at him because he wouldn’t understand. One of his senior Deputies smiled at Fran and me, and said, “Fucking Jarheads. The babe is probably a Navy Corpsman who was assigned to the Marines. Those characters don’t know when they’re hurt until someone shows them. We’ll get a litter over here for you.”

I said, “Let me walk to the ambulance. It’s faster.” Fran pushed me back down and said, “Wait for the litter. This isn’t a dustoff. We’re in control.”

“Didn’t that round go all the way through, Fran? They go through most times.”

An ambulance crew came and was going to look at the wound, but Fran told them what she had done. They rolled me onto a back board and lifted me onto a fancy gurney. I still say that I could have walked.

Wanda said that she would advise the upper offices. I told Fran, “Not a word. Don’t say anything to the girls. They are not to worry.”

Wanda said, “This one is Chuck Johnson revisited. He’ll let them find the bandage and then tell them it was nothing. All will be well, but the girls will look at him funny for a few days.”

Fran said, “We’ll pick you up from the ER. I guess we should stay over another night.”

I said, “Let’s see how I am in the morning. We’ll kidnap that other guy and fly him to DC if I’m doing okay. We need to do what’s on the board if we’re here. This isn’t a big deal. It’s going to hurt for a couple weeks, but nothing serious. I should still be able to exercise and I’ll definitely do my Tai Chi.”

Wanda leaned down, kissed me on the lips, and said, “I’m going to have to check you out to make sure all the parts are functioning.”

I burst out laughing, because I’d bet that Wanda said those same words to Chuck ten plus years ago. Fran looked at me strangely while Wanda winked at me. A paramedic told the girls that we needed to leave, so they both got out of the ambulance. I could see the two having a conversation with their heads together.

I went into a multi-bed ward that was called ‘triage for bullet wounds’. I hung my badge around my neck after forty minutes, and called a nurse over. “What’s the holdup with getting fixed up?”

The nurse said, “Someone treated you at the scene, so you can wait. These others are moaning and hollering at how much pain they’re in. We need to get them first. You haven’t seen the administration team yet, so we have to find out who’s going to pay.”

I slowly said, “I am a Federal Law Officer who was just shot in the line of duty. It’s critical I get out here so I can perform my duties. I’ll pay cash if you won’t take my emergency medical card. Now get me repaired or I’ll walk out of here and file suit.”

“You can’t leave. Hospital security will arrest you for trying to leave without paying.”

I saw a woman and a man with clipboards talking to a patient who was moaning and complaining. I got up and went over to the couple, and said, “While you’re messing with Medicaid for this guy, I have Federal Law Enforcement insurance to pay for treatment. Come to me next so that I can get out of here. The man said, “What makes you so special? All these people need our help.”

I smiled at the man and walked out of the ward. I could see the sign that said Emergency Treatment Waiting Room. Wanda, Fran, and Tom, the Deputy in Charge were at the desk in front trying to get some information. I hollered at them, “Let’s get out of here. Take me to the VA if there is one nearby, or we’ll go to a CVS or Walgreen and get what’s necessary for Fran to fix me up.”

A very big ugly guy in a policeman’s uniform grabbed me, and spun me around. I swept the guy’s legs and went down with him pulling my sidearm from its holster and holding it under his chin. I said, “I’m not sure what your beef is, but you don’t grab me like that and expect to live.”

The angry facial expression turned to fear. I moved my lanyard with the badge to in front of his face and said, “Unless you can find me a doctor or an emergency bed with a cart so that my medic can take care of me, I’m leaving. You have my name and the office number, so bill me at that address. I’m going to let you up and then give you your weapon back when I’m out the door.

As the man was getting up, he said with a lot of anger, “You were lucky with that sucker punch. That’s not going to happen this time.” He began raising his fist to hit me, but stopped as he was looking at four Glocks pointing at his head. Deputy in Charge Tom quickly said, “Deputy Miller didn’t throw a punch at you at all. You were lucky. The DIC used his cell phone and made a phone call. Three men came running in with a set of chains a minute later. One Deputy read the man his rights and then they pushed him out the door toward the van that had taken us to the capture site.

Wanda said, “There’s a clinic out by the airport where our hotel is. I’ll bet we can get you fixed up there. Your boss was fixed up out there once.”

We used the Marshal car with the GPS that we were able to set after using 411 to find the clinic’s address.

Our arrival caused a stir at the clinic as the problems at this location weren’t the same as at the hospital. Fran went to the desk and showed her badge and then some kind of ID card that allowed her access to surgical facilities. The attendant used her phone to call for help, and two physicians showed up and looked at us and Fran’s card. The female physician asked, “Where’s the gunshot victim?”

Wanda pushed me forward and said, “He still has the bullet in his leg. Fran couldn’t remove it in the field, insufficient equipment.”

The male doctor hollered at someone inside the doors, and an aide came out with a wheelchair that I was directed to sit in. Both doctors looked at the dressing and told Fran, “You need to scrub if you want to assist. Can you all take the guns you’re displaying and hide them somewhere? You can tell me why you left the hospital and didn’t get fixed up there.”

Wanda took Fran’s and my Glocks and dropped them in her purse. Fran pushed me toward the back and was directed by the aide who had brought the chair. We stopped at the door of a glassed-in surgical theater. The aide directed Fran to scrub up and put a hair net, surgical gown, gloves, and mask on. I watched as she even slipped the booties over her shoes. She followed the aide into the room and helped slide me onto the table. He began shaving the little hair I had on my legs around the entry area and the bump that indicated the deformed bullet that was still in the leg. The guy washed the area with some form of special sterile soap after the shave, then splashed more around the now exposed wound.

Fran was looking through the trays of instruments and asked the aide for some smaller forceps with long handles. The man told her what tray they would be in. Fran kept looking around, wanting to begin, but thought that she should wait for the doctor. A couple of doors finally burst open and the two physicians came to the table holding their hands up in an attempt to keep sterile.

The male doctor said, “I’ve never worked on a gunshot wound. How about you?” He was indicating the fellow female physician. Fran said, “I’ve treated hundreds of them, so watch. We have to remove the bullet, and then clean its path.”

Fran looked up at me, and said, “This part is going to hurt like hell. They have stuff that will help but let me deaden the area if you want to watch. No screaming, yelling, or cursing until I’m done. Got that, Miller?”

I smiled as the female doctor was spreading the deadening solution all around the wound.

Fran had the back part of my thigh opened and the bullet out in a flash. She was using a special eyepiece to peer into the wound and continue to pour a solution in to clean the path. The male doctor was fascinated by the young woman who was doing such a professional job. She used some surgical scissors to clean up the ragged edge of the entrance wound. That’s what told you that the round was a ricochet. Fran said they could sew it up after one more thorough look, but she wanted to leave a drain tube in for a while. She said the path was exceptionally large as the round was deformed because it was a ricochet.

Fran and a scrub nurse wrapped my leg after putting a bandage on the two openings. My backup very professionally said, “You should probably stay off the leg for a week. See your local doctor in three days unless the area gets red, swollen, or hurts. No booze for a week or so, and no running for at least three weeks. Do your Tai Chi, but watch the stress on the area of the wounds. These two doctors will give you some Percocet that will help you sleep and ignore the pain for a couple of nights. You’ll still be alert enough to fly the next day if you take the pill early. I’ll change your dressings for you and pull the drain when it’s time.”

The two doctors were looking at each other, and the female said, “You should be in medicine. Are you doing what this man was doing? You have too much experience to let that talent go to waste.”

Fran said, “I was hurt overseas, and some of my own injury was emotional. I was captured and held hostage for over a year. I had to repair wounds that were going to kill who they happened to, but I was just a quick repair center. Everything I did was in unsterile conditions, with instruments that were constantly dirty. They wouldn’t even let me sterilize them.”

“I can work on my partner and have helped when I was needed, but I need to be doing exactly what I’m doing. Thanks for the ego boost. Now let me get this guy to the hotel to see how he does tonight.”

They gave me two Percocet tablets and tried to give more. Fran said, “We don’t want that stuff around. It could fall into the wrong hands. A local doc will give me more one at a time as we need them.”

Wanda said, “We’re going to take you two to the hotel where you can eat and get ready for bed. Tom will take me to the office to get the rental car. You can see how you feel in the morning. You may or may not want to do that other capture.”

Tom said, “I’m green here and have been told that I shouldn’t involve myself in the dangerous stuff. If I shouldn’t, you shouldn’t either, Chuck. Your boss always was in front when there was a heavy warrant or capture. I could do this one, but I couldn’t fly the captured person to DC.

I told Tom, “You can come along and help with the kidnapping. You can arrange for the meet to dump this guy at Andrews if we can get in there. My special Office Manager is also a pilot if I’m not up to flying.”

We were let out at the front door of the hotel. We didn’t have any luggage since it was in the rental car. I checked us in, getting only two rooms, one a double. We went into the restaurant and ordered a piece of red meat along with some red wine for me. I received a text that Wanda was going to supper with Tom and would be back with our luggage within an hour.

We were up in the room chatting about the need to clean our weapons that Wanda had in her purse. A bellhop came to the door with our luggage. We let him drop everything in this room. I wondered if Wanda might be sampling a young Station Chief.

Nope, she came in the door and flopped on the couch. She said, “I knew Chicago was going to be a challenge, but this has been crazy. Get your laptop out so that you can write your report. We need to have it in DC for their morning meeting. I don’t know how you’re going to play the wound down, but try.”

Fran asked Wanda, “Give me our weapons and I’ll clean them. We need our cases for some additional ammo. Did you use your weapon, Wanda?”

Wanda shook her head ‘no’. “I never did have a clean shot or I would have helped. I’m still wearing my armor.”

I spent the next thirty minutes writing the report in detail. I had to mark the box for ‘Injured Deputy’. That required the name, badge number, and type of injury. I let Wanda review the report and watched as she added the information about the other minor injuries, and sent it off to DC as well as a copy to our office.

Fran was stripping her top and then her armor off. She said, “I hope I don’t have bad dreams tonight. I had this eerie feeling that I’m doing this all over again.”

My backup continued to strip until she was naked and went to the bathroom. Wanda was smiling when she said, “She’s a nice package. I wonder how long she can resist your masculine attraction. You’re just like Chuck with that same magnetism. I was almost asleep last night when parts of me woke up and told me that you were in here with your backup snuggled up to you. I didn’t think enticing you for some fun would be that easy.”

“You surprised me, Wanda. You give off signals that you’re full of energy and spice. I know that you and John do some playing up at the hot tub, and have been known to enjoy some of the others. Chuck’s girls love the hell out of you.”

Wanda grinned as she said, “I’ve heard from Chuck’s Fab Five that Jan still wants to raid Chuck to get her mouth full of his good stuff in the morning. That woman is a total slut, just like Hanna.”

“I wouldn’t know, Wanda, and won’t know as we’re in two different worlds.”

The office administrator said, “Never count out a woman with an itch. You have Chuck’s magnetism and you do it all so sweetly. Something will come up that will throw you and Jan together. She’s older, just like me, so enjoy her lush body with a very juicy pussy.”

I sat back with my feet up, and said, “I’ve lived in that house for over two years, and have learned more and more about the king of the mansion and his women. I’ve become close with Chuck and have a great relationship with his women. What’s really nuts is how everyone from each of the families seems to draw me into them with love and familiarity. I think I know each of Chuck’s women better than most men know their wives or lovers. My only crazy intimacy has been with Lisa, Brandy, and Nancy. It was something that happened, and it was with Chuck’s knowledge. He was actually being swamped by Janet, Gin, and Sheena.”

Wanda chuckled as she commented, “How could he be anything but totally overwhelmed with those three devouring him. Don’t you see, Chuck? You’re meeting with these families on equal terms. Your women love you more than ever, and the men of the families all enjoy their women for their fun. We are a crazy bunch.”

Fran came from the bathroom totally nude. She came to me and climbed into my lap. Wanda smiled and went to take a shower.

Fran didn’t wiggle around, but asked me, “Do you enjoy holding me in your arms the way a lover would hold me? I have so many crazy thoughts about us and then like right now, I’m totally into your head listening to you tell me to relax and be a special person for us.”

This woman snuggled to me, and said, “We’ve found that we trust each other and enjoy being together, and now I want to be more than just your backup; I want to be more like a companion. I want the girls to be with us when you make love to me. We probably shouldn’t be more than casual acquaintances, but we’re already there and will be more so in the future. I want the girls to make me feel like I’m one of them. You may become even more bountiful than Chuck Johnson. However and whatever, I want to be a part of it.”

I stripped down and slid into bed with the damaged right thigh on top, using a pillow between my knees. I could have used a shower, but it would have to wait. I lay on my back at first and let Fran nearly be on top of me to kiss and touch me. Wanda slid into bed to overwhelm me by kissing my breath away before straddling me. This long, tall woman slid down on my instantly erect interest, and began to stroke me without any thought of holding back or waiting for each other. I exploded into her, and it felt like I could have impregnated the entire trailer park with that release.

Fran surprised me by diving into Wanda’s liquid center when Wanda slid off to the side with a massive amount of me drooling out of her, and then Fran was all over her, from lip kisses to sucking up all the juices I had left there.

That’s when Fran really surprised me. This woman who had displayed all the anti-men attitudes pushed me onto my back, kissed my lips, and slid her tongue into my mouth. She kept kissing me as she traveled down until she had my excitement totally in her mouth. She choked and coughed, then moved up to kiss me. This woman smiled at me as she resumed kissing me. Fran threw a leg over me, laying on me with our mouths locked together. Fran gasped, as she said, “I need this and have to have you now. Please, Chuck; I can’t wait, this is important to me.”

This woman positioned me and rubbed me over her swampy lips and then wedged me into her opening. Fran locked her lips on mine and slid down, capturing all of me deep into her body. My partner, my backup, exploded in an orgasm that was something special. We were kissing each other and Wanda was kissing us as well. Fran was sobbing as she hugged me, giving me kisses while holding me tight.

Wanda was very loving and held Fran and me while kissing her eyes and lips.

Fran sat up when she recovered, and said, “Whatever you did released everything that had been pent up inside me, Chuck. You’ve been teaching me to become the hunter like you are, and have even convinced me not to hesitate to shoot quickly and deadly. Our minds have been melding, learning of each other until it came to this. You’ve shared your women with me and made me comfortable enough to enjoy sleeping with you. Now we’ve made love, Chuck. That was more than a friendly fuck like you’ve had with Wanda. We had the real thing. My body and mind wanted that. I had wanted to wait until the girls were with us, but this couldn’t wait. I hope Wanda and I didn’t hurt your wound. You did all this while ignoring the pain your thigh has to be giving you.”

Wanda told Fran, “Give him one of those Percocet pills to knock him out. He needs rest and not the two of us ravaging him. We’ll sleep a little later in the morning before we see about transporting a fugitive to DC.”

My leg was throbbing, so I took one of the tiny pills. The pain was subsiding and I was drifting off within a few minutes. I heard Fran talking to the girls at home while Wanda was talking to John. It was then that I let my black cloud lift and was bombarded by questions from Mercy and Missy about what happened to me. Dora told me to call and tell her that I was okay. I hazily told Mercy that it was just a minor thing so to not worry and that I was going into dreamland. It wasn’t even nine o’clock and I was zonked out.

I heard people moving around and sat up in bed looking around. Oh, that hurt. The thigh was telling me that I had something wrong there. Wanda was already dressed, but Fran was in a hotel robe. Wanda saw me and said, “You needed some extra sleep last night. Fran and I thought you should sleep until you woke up on your own.”

I looked at the clock, and it was after nine. “I probably shouldn’t have slept that long, but I do feel rested. I’m starved though. Can I take a shower, Fran?”

Same as Money!
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Now, past her prime, she sits alone after having her last date cancel on her. Another night and a failed attempt at trolling the bars brought her back to her apartment. Her empty small apartment is dark and lonely. There sits on the mantle a faded photo of her family, back when they were all happy and together. It's so faded and old that her image has almost faded away. It was funny to her how all those cocks, the big ones, the long ones, and the thick ones had all merged together. She only...

3 years ago
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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 13

Deena’s turn: Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and be an adult, even if you’re only fourteen. We have Sandy with us. And a hotel with a king-sized bed, and nobody offered to put anybody up for the night in the Auburn community, so there’s Bill, sounding all apologetic. “I’m sorry. I must’ve clicked the wrong button when I made the reservation. You DO have a room with two queen beds, don’t you?” “Yessir, we do,” the desk clerk said. “Same price. I see you have one of our...

1 year ago
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I Dominus East meets West

I Dominus: Japan – East meets West It was three in the morning, Tokyo time. I was wide awake, sitting in a leather chair in my hotel suite, looking out at the brilliant, Tokyo Tower. My eyes shifted to the shimmering, city lights that reflected off the Sumida River. Tokyo is a beautiful, modern city. Crowded, noisy and always bustling. But, if you looked past the Tokyo Tower, that rose bold and stark against the skyline, to the white, snowcapped peak of Mount Fuji, you were taken back in time....

2 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Five

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…--------- Chapter 9Kenzi Monroe….Early Monday night, June 25, 1990.Little Rock, ArkansasIt didn’t take Jim long to convince Sandra that she should work at the XTC Showgirl Strip Club. She wouldn’t be doing any dancing, he...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Justine Joli Samantha Ryan Relentless Pleasure For Horny Lesbians

Two stunning lesbians take us on a shamelessly sensual adventure as they pleasure each other relentlessly in this Penthouse film. It’s multiple climaxes for breathtaking blonde Samantha Ryan as glamorous redhead Justine Joli fucks her pussy with a dildo while licking her clit with delight. Unbelievably turned on, Samantha begins to tongue and fingerfuck Justine’s juicy pussy as the seductive siren grinds her hips, then bends over and plays with herself while her perfect asshole is...

3 years ago
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Summer CrushPart 2

It’s one thing to be naked and fucking in front of horny, cheering people. It’s another when you are standing in front of a well-dressed authority figure old enough to be your father. This Detective Chang guy was checking us out and I was finding the experience very tantalizing. He walked in a circle around us, slowly and methodically like a predator stalking its prey. I could feel the sexual tension in the room and my own vulnerability exposed both figuratively and literally. “So, tell me what...

1 year ago
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Dickgirl Twins

Eighteen years ago, they were the first documented twins to be born with the genitalia of both sexes: each had a penis, a scrotum, and a vagina, thus they were "intersex." When they were older, they willingly appeared in the local newspaper, and even had a special on the Discovery channel. "Well, we feel like girls, I guess," they'd say, "but technically, we're in the middle." Despite the twins' acceptance of their ambiguous sex, some townspeople did not receive them well. Their...

4 years ago
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Humiliation School Revenge

Madison's a white girl with a somewhat tanned body, brown eyes, annoying voice, stands about 5'4 with a round butt, with Dark brown hair and a very nice body with a cute face. She comes from a very wealthy family and drives a Mercedes in high school also she is a major teachers pet as well teachers give her special treatment. Her parents will basically buy her anything she wants, and she plays golf for the high school team, although she still works hard in her rich public school and is number 1...

3 years ago
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Amy runs into an old friend at college

“Amy? Ha no way,” Bill Rolen responded. He stepped over to embrace her. “What's it been? Four years? How are you?” “Five actually,” she said with a roll of her eyes to indicate she was wrapping up a ‘five year program’. “I'm doing great! So are you going to offer me a job?” “Maybe. Do you have any employees willing to sponsor you?” They both laughed. “Are you going back to Chicago tonight?” “No, actually. We’re going to be part of a symposium with the Computer Science...

4 years ago
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It Happened Exactly Such

It Happened Exactly SuchBy: Londebaaz ChohanHello, my name is Nathan Aslam. I am an exchange student in United Kingdom and one of those lucky guys who were selected; rather who were picked by a family in UK to stay with them in their house as their guest and whatever the money settlement, was to be paid by the college who sent us or someone; I don’t even know who. The family consisted of a man, wife and their son; Bob Fletcher, who was also 20 years of age; just like me. Bob was also a student...

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The Klinik Chapter One

Chapter 1.Rachel Darian tapped upon the highly polished walnut surface of a long dining table with fretful nervous energy. Along with all the other students gathered in a loose knot around her they waited anxiously upon the imminent arrival of Frau Doktor Ilse Webber, in company with Steve Dunmore’s hastily obtained replacement.“What happens to us if the new boy doesn’t get up to speed by the end of the week Rachel?” An obviously nervous Ari Sonderberg wondered.The clipped aristocratic sang...

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My office colleague

I am Rubesh Male 23 from Chennai.. My mind takes me 6 months down the time. I command respect for all the fellow colleagues who are working on a higher level or even at a junior level I had a woman who was working as an associate under me Her performance was below average & the management decided to take some corrective actions against her& it was left on to me to do the needful One evening I called her in my cabin & told her about the decision management has taken so she was shaken She begged...

3 years ago
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He Should Have Played Ball Part 3

He Should Have Played Ball - Part 3 Erica Kennel Chris sat silently in the back of the minivan. He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about the situation he was in. Here it was, a beautiful summer afternoon, and what was he doing? He was going with his mom and sister to meet a bunch of silly girls so they could try on their dresses for his cousin's wedding. Not only that, he was in this situation because he had not wanted to go play baseball with the guys in the neighborhood...

3 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 16

Dinner at Debbie's My eye's fluttered open as the early morning sun crept its way across the room. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings, you all know that feeling waking up in a strange room. Memories of last night flooded back, the party, George drinking and us ending up here at Aunt Karen's. George's arm was still flopped across my waist; it didn't seem that he had moved an inch all night. What time is it I thought, I stretched out my arm and reached George's mobile, I lifted...

3 years ago
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Gay Paradise In A Theater

I am a chubby bottom. I experienced my 1st experience of being a group bitch when I was 18 years of age. Its been 9 years since then I have been in so many gangbangs I lost track of it. So up until now I all the experiences I had was in either hotel rooms or friends place etc, all hygienic with protection and in a controlled environment. My boyfriend is also into this and he likes to be safe. I was kind of getting bored with all these as it really didn’t excite me anymore. And one day he moved...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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The Inn

..I turned off the shower, soap still dripping from my body especially my pussy. It looked like it had a tiny little beard of bubbles from all the friction my fingers were giving it. I started working for an auto driveaway company back in 2014. Being a female on the road alone gets a bit lonely, but It does give me some exciting encounters along the way.... I had been doing the same run for quite a few years. It's nice when you can stay in the same hotels and diners each time. People get to...

4 years ago
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Cherrys Treat

Cherry's Treat Cherry came home from work and flopped on the couch. She was tired, hungry, and horny. It had been months since she had a good fuck since her boyfriend was out of town and self-pleasuring was starting to get old. All she wanted was a hot bath and some wine. So when the knock came on the door; she grimaced as she got up to answer it. Opening the door she saw no one. Getting ready to close it, she glanced down and noticed the box. Bringing it inside, she set it on the coffee table...

Straight Sex
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aunty fuck

Soon enough she came back into the bathroom and lifted her nightie over her head exposing her bushy armpits. I checked to see if my room was locked as my flaccid dick jumped to attention straightening out in front of me. I slowly peeled the foreskin and moved my hands up and down my raging dick. She looked at her immense armpit hair and ran her hands through the mass of hair in her unshaven pits. I was shocked was she contemplating shaving off her armpit locks. I nearly cried out in anguish,...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Shelly Blonde cougar with gigantic tits

– 59 years old – Did some stripping and adult videos in the past – Has been out of the game for a while – Has a pretty wild sex life with multiple partners – Will gladly suck a big fat cock if whipped out in front of her – She has 34J size boobs that I just had to titty fuck – Loves to be fucked from behind and make her tits clap – For her age she had a lot of sexual energy and loved being fucked – She has the experience and really knows how to pleasure a cock – Her pussy is very tight, felt so...

4 years ago
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Witch EyesChapter 4 Reality Check

When Luke woke up, he was barely able to open his eyes. "Mr. Braun? Are you awake?" He forced one eyelid up to see a man in a white coat. "I'm Doctor Waintree. Mr. Braun, you were assaulted and you suffered blunt trauma, mostly to your face. Nothing was broken, but we'd like to keep you for observation." Luke managed a nod. "Your father is here, and your sister. Do you wish to see them?" Again, Luke managed a weak nod. With only one eye barely open, he saw his father and Anna...

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Hired new maid

It is my first story and I hope even if you don’t like it you will encourage me and give me suggestions. My name is Jamil (real) I live in Islamabad, Pakistan. I am 40 years old and doing government job in good grade. I already had a driver and his wife as my domestic servant. One day my driver came to me and told that his younger brother had died so he has to go to his native place. I allowed him and he along with his wife left the same day. I had difficulties in managing the house but it was...

2 years ago
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My Husband the Rapist

I came home from work Friday night and found my husband's car was missing from the driveway. I thought that it was odd that he was not home by 7:30, but figured he went out with the boys for some fun. I was fuming over that. We had made plans for a special evening together. He had promised to fulfill one of my many fantasies. That is why it stood to reason that he would rather be hanging out with his buddies than me. As I stomped up the porch stairs, I thought I heard a noise in the house,...

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The StormChapter 28

The year Bethany turned 10 and the boys turned 8 the whole family went on a 6 week holiday. I made arrangements to rent a large motorhome in Seattle and after travelling to Seattle from our island, we headed out to sightsee and visit the various families. Ever since our initial meeting with Jennifer’s parents’ families, we’d kept in touch, sending them pictures of the kids and generally keeping them abreast of what was happening with the kids. Over the next 6 weeks we managed to hit all...

1 year ago
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The craving 1

It was another typical Sunday morning, which meant I awoke to the feel of my husband Tom's hand trailing across my stomach. We always had sex on Sunday mornings, usually first thing before we heard the k**s up and about."Mmm, how do you want me?" I asked, my eyes still closed."On your stomach," was his firm command.I obediently flipped over and turned my ass up in the air. I suppressed the urge to pee, but this was going to be quick. It never lasted more than a few minutes whenever we fucked in...

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The Soldier and The Cleaner Ch 3

The image of Thomas leaning back against his car that Thursday evening as I walked out of the training facility and over to his car took my breath away. This soft, gentle giant of a man leaning back with his arms crossed and feet crossed at the ankles. My God, he’s gorgeous. Why does he have this effect on me? I thought to myself.“When you told me you were a soccer player, you didn’t tell me that you were the best player on the team.” He said to me as I finally made my way to him. The grin on...

Gay Male
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Snow Ch 04

Author’s Note: Sorry for the wait on this chapter. Real life took over for a bit. But it’s the longest yet, to make up for the wait. I struggled a bit about what category to put this in. It’s a bit kinky for an entry in the Romance category, so if anyone is worried about turn-offs, check out the tags at the end of the last page for spoilers of what this chapter contains. ***** I’m pretty sure it was the longest week of my life. And I’m definitely sure that Snow was planning it that way. I...

1 year ago
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Outta the closet into my ass

Hey I'm back for another story hope you enjoy this one. I was out at the gym that's close to my house I like to try and keep fit so I can have a little more stamina for those long nights. I was doing some curls and I saw a nice looking guy jogging on the treadmill. He was working nice and hard at a good pace. I was starting to lift faster because I was getting excited. I could see it would be hard to get his attention cause he was working hard. So I decided to get on the treadmill next to him....

3 years ago
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The MILF chronicles Tiffany0

I had just moved to Phoenix to Take Care of my mother....and also because I needed to escape Vegas. In Vegas, there was a girl I was dating. She was a slender latina with nice tits, and nice eyes. However, after 2 years of on and off dating, I hadn't so much as fingered her. So, I figured helping my mom out would give me a great opportunity to not only leave my shitty love life but also meet some new ladies. When I got to Phoenix, I was eager to start work at my "new" job. I worked at...

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Bad Ends

Your vision slowly fades in from a pitch black to a variety of swirling and undulating colors. With a start you realize that you are no longer... you. At least in the physical and spiritual sense. Instead you are now something else, something that transcends the human understanding of place and time. You see now that the colors flowing and contorting about you is the very essence of the universe itself! And not just this one but all of them. Turns out the multiverse theory was very true. With...

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cindy learns not to nag

We had been out shopping for a new bike for Mike and been to 3 dealers so far. When Mike headed to a dealer a friend told him about in Maysville KY. it was a good hour from the last place. I had been nagging him the whole time there about getting some food till he said (look I will stop at the first place I come to that has food.) So just as we got to Maysville there was a sign on side of the road about home made food. As we pulled in to the place there was only 4 cars in the lot. But it was 3...

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Love Was Waiting Next Door

I'm thirty eight years old, got married right out of high school and the last three years of what is now a twenty year marriage, have for me, been right out of hell. I am a very sexual lady, when I was first married, we fucked at least once every day, in every place imaginable and we kept up that pace for at least seven or eight years. After that, it became three or four times a week, not quite what I was used to, but I could live with it. It really started getting bad sexually, around fifteen...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Reagan Foxx Just Desserts

Reagan Foxx has just scored a big contract at work, and the horny milf wants to celebrate with her stepson Lucas Frost, who has helped her every step of the way. Pulling Lucas in for a hug, Regan hangs on for a little bit longer than is really appropriate. Lucas lets his stepmom caress him for a few moments, but ultimately retreats to the living room. Reagan ends up joining him, taking a seat on the couch that’s a little bit too close for Lucas’s comfort. She realizes that he’s got a stiffie...

2 years ago
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Eight Is Enough And Twos Not Bad Either

In a house with eight kids it's hard to find time alone. Heck, it's impossible. It's hard enough just to avoid being in a real crowd. So it was kind of a treat to have only my sister Elizabeth in the room with me when we were watching this old movie on TV. Oh, I should introduce myself. My name is Tommy Bradford. I'm 14, and, like I said, I'm one of eight kids. And Elizabeth's one of my sisters -- I'd say one of my older sisters, but they're all older than me. I'm the baby of the...

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Guddi Meri Sali Bani Adhi Se Puri Gharwali

Guddi meri sali adhi gharwali(bangla) hi friends I’m rohan.i m here to narret u my real experiences.i will narret in bengali at first then both of bengali and make it like the real what happend actually. Ami kolkatae thaki.ami khub sex priyo.jekhanei sujog pai suru hoye jai.ami bus e train e onek somoy jkhn sujog pai amar 6inch mota tagra bara die kakima boudi bon didi der anando deoyar chesta kori.r ate tara sarao dyae.onek somoy husbend ba byfrnd er sathe vir trn base uthe amar...

2 years ago
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Karens Birthday Surprise

Karen had been divorced for six months and in that time, apart from work and shopping, she hadn't been out. As it was soon to be Karen's birthday, her daughter Gemma decided it was time she did.Gemma took Karen shopping to buy a new dress, underwear, et cetera. Although Karen was very reluctant, when she got dressed on the night, she did feel quite sexy.The doorbell rang. It was Gemma and her boyfriend in a taxi come to pick her up. The night consisted of moving from bar to bar, drinking...

3 years ago
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My big titted neighbor

My name is Dan and this is a made up story about something I wanted to happen in my youth. I had just finished up with high school. I was going to attend college in a couple of months. My parents said I didn't have to find a job that summer. That was just fine with me. I wanted to kick back for awhile. The one thing my parents did say was that I needed to help our next door neighbor Paula. She told my parents she needed me to help move some furniture around. My folks told me not to ask for, or...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Piper Perri Good Little Girl Part Three

Bookworm has noticed a lot of changes since Charity showed up. And even though having Charity as her new big sister, she’s a tad jealous of the way Mr. Chase looks at Charity the way he used to look at her Momma. Charity, being the master scheme specialist she is, intends on rustling some leaves. She devises a plan to get Bookworm laid by her stepdad’s business partner, Roger. He turns out to be the perfect bait too! He’s a dumb guy with his brain on his dick, and the perfect...

4 years ago
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The Imps Revenge

Margaret Hull owned 'A Girl's Ups and Downs' Where rich ladies could keep off the pounds It had a fine gym And a pool to lap swim But she was discontent with the grounds. "That tree is so old, gnarled and craggy" "It's making the landscape look shaggy" "I don't want it around" "Go on, cut it down!" Said the fitness club owner called Maggie. So the workmen began their attacks Assaulting with saw and with axe "Timber" they cried And the ugly tree died Having suffered a few dozen...

4 years ago
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Gentle lesson in a sauna

I decided to take a detour after a long day's meetings and head to a quiet naturist spa. I'd not been there solo before. It was quiet, but the steam was good and there were 3-4 men there relaxing. After un-chilling myself from the winter weather I enjoyed watching a trio of men, who clearly knew each other, eat and stroke each other to a warmer temperature for them, and me. I left them as they headed to the sauna and, from my vantage point inn the steam room, could hear their friendship...

3 years ago
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Belles Weekend Adventure

Driving up the mountain road with top down off the jeep the wind blowing through my hair as the radio blasts out so loud it can be heard over the roar of the tires against the hot pavement. The temperature topped 100 degrees today my skin shinning from the tiny beads of sweat forming on my skin and the bottom of my sundress whipping in the wind under the steering wheel. There’s a fair amount of traffic with people heading out to camp and have fun on this 4th of July weekend. I hear that song,...

2 years ago
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yes it is true BBC gangbang

This is a true story It was a normal Friday morning at work, not a lot going on, so I and a friend took off, we went for coffee, and talked, the chat turned to sex, I told her that I had not had any in a few weeks, we laughed and giggled like school girls, the decided to go shopping for underwear, we took her car and hit a few places, found a few good deals, jo-jo kept getting text messages, as we shopped, I must admit when she would try on something and ask me how she looked it was hard not to...

3 years ago
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Intruder Tys Point of View

The weekened before, I had gotten drunk with an old friend which led us to a hotel since neither of us had a place of our own.  We had multiple sessions but passion and intensity were lacking. I now had more self-confidence in my woman pleasing abilities so I figured hey, why not check out the personals site. I craved being intimate with another woman, so I grabbed my camera and poured my heart out. Let the browsing begin. Instantly I realized the prospects were slim. I hid my profile and...

2 years ago
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Taking the Class Part 2Chapter 2

Friday Evening, 5:16PM – Things Are Never Quite As Scary When You’ve Got A Best Friend “Bruh.” “Duude, thank fucking god it’s Friday! I’m so ready for tonight!” “Let’s go, Will, we got a lot of sets to get through!” Will racked the bar, sat up on the bench, then swung his feet off the side and stood up. “Nice, let’s get these wagon wheels going,” Vinnie Smith said, grabbing a forty five pound plate off the weight tree and slotting it onto the barbell, replacing the twenty five pound...

4 years ago
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Time to Move OnChapter 3

Matt took Gloria out three more times before he left Miami. Each time was better than the time before. Gloria was a proverbial hot-as-a-firecracker lady. In public she presented herself as a sophisticated lady. In bed she was one passionate sexual animal who enjoyed love making to the fullest. What was great about her was that she was equally into giving as she was into getting. The little blue pills that Matt had with him came in handy. He would take one pill before they left to go to...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 10 Tatyana Ivanovna Voronina

New Year’s Eve, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Pete, Melanie, Jamie, Jackie, Anala, and Prajesh all arrived just before 6:00pm. I made the necessary introductions and we went to the dining room. I pulled Melanie aside and quietly and firmly requested that she leave Jennifer be, and then we joined the others at the table. I’d made sure that the meal didn’t include any beef out of deference to my Hindu guests, though Anala had always assured me that it was OK if others ate beef in her presence....

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Lucys Tale Part 10 Final Part

Part Ten OK lets get this straight. I am a teenager and like most teenagers, I have told my Mum lies over the years. Never anything big, but lies nonetheless. This was something completely different. Mum and the rapist arrived home just after 7pm. I couldnt even look him in the eye. One of the first things Mum said to me made me feel sick to my soul. She said how delighted she was that I had asked John if I could call him Dad from now on. The little tear of happiness in the corner of her eye...

3 years ago
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This Happened One Day

I was on my way to school, about a block from my home when Bruce, one third of the terrible three(Bruce, Charlie and Daniel), intercepted me and very gracefully gave me the following instructions... '...I'll be at your back door in thirty minutes, you are to greet me in nothing but your pajama shirt. No pants, no underwear only the pajama shirt. When you open the door you are to drop to your knees and fish my dick out of my pants and start to suck my dick in earnest. When I feel that you mean...

2 years ago
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Married to a white man that wanted to swing we got into the lifestyle months aft our marrage. He loved watching me have sex with others. I didnt know to much about it, being from a small southern town. One night we went to a club in Daytona while on vacation. It was different from the ones we visited because it had blacks in it. I had no idea that I was a magnet for black men, long red hair, wide hips, a big butt, and dressing like a slut did not help my cause. I felt like shark prey, even by...

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Whatever it Takes

Hi I'm Mila. I'm 21 years old 5'4 130 pounds 38DD and I am a broke college student. I have been working for this company for about a year, I have been working really hard and I deserve a raise or some type of bonus. I been busting my butt for dead-end pay, and going to school everyday; and the only pleasure I have been getting lately, is fingering myself to sleep. What I wouldn't give for a nice hard cock to fill my empty pussy. If I don't find someone soon I may have to just give it away. Who...

4 years ago
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my black lover

My black loverAfter one year as a sissy whore and secret wife to my turkish Pascha, I felt the desire to look for a black man. I looked for ads online and put ads online myself. One day I saw an ad from a young black man looking for a crossdresser and wrote him an email. I actually thought I would never hear from him but within a few days I got a reply and two pictures. I couldn't believe it, he was 28 years old, very tall and slender and very handsome. He wrote he is a musician and that he...

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A Very Pleasant Evening at the BallparkChapter 3 Aftermath

Jenny and I stayed together for another year and a half. During that time we had a wonderful relationship. I've told others, including her parents, that she has one of the most beautiful souls I've ever encountered. Contrary to what many believe, most BDSM relationships do not last until "death do you part." The permutations and dynamics of BDSM add a complete additional range of variables to the matrix of a relationship, with many areas in common, but also many areas where the interests...

3 years ago
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Moms Best Advise

Karen paced the floor. Not just the floor of one room, but the entire first floor. She had been at it for hours now -- two hours to be precise. Shana, her daughter, was that far past her curfew, and after the discussion they had only the day before that was totally out of line. Feet taking her on an automatic tour of the house, Karen found herself passing the liquor cabinet and hesitated. She went on, warning herself that she had three already, and was already fuming hotly. Another might just...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 16

Captain Carlton was demonstrating the antics of a decapitated fowl. The news from the Academy was excellent; a full course of fifty candidates had passed selection and were ready for training. They would begin at beginning of next week. Initial kit issues were to be Navy. Initial training was to use atmospheric aerofoil fitted vehicles. More advanced training required introduction to the vessel type to be ultimately used and simulators were somewhat limited for pilot training as opposed to...

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