Cut by the Cane
- 3 years ago
- 29
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Someone moved into my bed about two in the morning. They weren’t trying to fool around, just snuggle. Another body moved into my bed around three o’clock, and I could identify this one since the body was long and lean, and she put my hand over a nice size long breast. This one was definitely Wanda. She surprised me by reaching behind her and stroking me until I was very alert. She slipped me into a very moist grotto and pushed back into me. I instinctively pushed forward and we were soon releasing our juices into the mix. I did the appropriate All- American male thing and went right back to sleep.
I felt lips kiss my back as I was falling asleep, and it had to be Fran who held me to her and pulled me back into a full body hug.
I had thought I might be embarrassed when I woke up in the morning, but it wasn’t a problem. We decided as a group to pass on the gym this morning, dressed and got ready to go to work. We took our luggage with us as we might still be able to get out of Dodge that afternoon.
I was shaving, and Fran was brushing her teeth, when she told me, “You really are a horn dog. Your women give you carte blanche and you don’t do anything, and then the office secretary moves in and slides you in. She told me that she was going to do that, and I told her that you wouldn’t go along with it as long as I was in bed with you. Wanda just winked at me, and said, ‘Just wait, I know the secret of how to do this’. I can’t believe she nailed you with me in bed with you. You have to quit this or I’ll be joining in.”
I gave Fran an eyebrow raise with a grin.
We had a good hotel breakfast and went to the Regional Deputy in Charge’s office. He was already there with a bunch of banker boxes that he had assembled. The man said, “You and I know that it’s time for me to say goodbye to this place. I probably have overstayed my usefulness, but it’s been fun. Who are you going to put here?”
I appraised the man and felt he was sincere. “I’m bringing the Atlanta Manager here. He appears to be ready for the job, and although he doesn’t know his future yet, he is eager.”
The retiring Regional Deputy said, “I know the young man well. I interviewed him right here in this office and swore him in. He even took time out to go to the training center before it was mandatory. Yes, I know him well.”
Wanda walked him through his retirement package as gently as anyone could. The last duty the man wanted to perform was to call the Atlanta Deputy in Charge and promote him to his office. You could see the pride in his eyes as he congratulated the young man for progressing. As he was preparing to leave, he said to us, “I’ve had this job for over fifteen years and enjoyed it. I’ve been able to be a federal law enforcement officer for almost forty years. I guess it’s time to hang up the gun and badge.”
We helped carry his boxes to his car, where he said, “I bought this car about six months ago, preparing for what we’re doing. I think my wife is having a tougher time than I am since I’ll be underfoot all the time. We have a condo in Hawaii and enough in the bank to live out our years. I’ll play golf and fish, but I’ll also enjoy time with my wife. Thank you for being so gentle with me today.”
We watched the man drive away, and I’m sure each of us felt a loss. Fran even had a long look on her face.
Wanda said, “Let’s tell the secretary that a new man will be here tomorrow. There weren’t any inventory items to write up as the sidearm the regional had was an ancient .38 S&W snub-nose that had been declared as excess thirty years ago.
We went down two floors to the Chicago main U.S. Deputy Marshal office. The new Deputy in Charge, Tom Morrison, who was sent here from California, was watching for us and met us two steps into his ready room. He told me how happy he was to be brought in to be in charge. He and Wanda had to do a bunch of paperwork that hadn’t been done yet, and was quickly taken care of.
He said, “I ordered sandwiches so that we can eat while you look at a couple of files I was told needed your attention. The one on top is the most important, and the one the FBI has an interest in. The one underneath it is political and needs to be done without any media attention. I think the way to do that one is to kidnap the guy and anyone with him, take him to DC so that Justice can put him where they think they can keep him. I’m thinking that since you fly, we could grab this guy and you can fly him to DC where Marshals there can put him in a box to await trial. The man is guilty as sin, but he still gets a trial unless he decides to plead guilty. Our job is to bring him in and give him to the appropriate authorities.”
I looked up and said, “This first file doesn’t look that bad, other than shots have been fired every time an attempt has been made to get him. I think this is a type ten capture, Fran. I’m sure you remember what that is.”
The Deputy in Charge gasped and said, “You’d do that? The man isn’t wanted for murder, only robbery of Federal monies and injuring several guards when they hijacked money trucks.”
I said, “Look, the man has been lucky he hasn’t killed one of the guards, and is wanted for shooting an FBI agent. Treasury says here that the entire group is extremely dangerous. This is what the type ten capture is listed for. We bust in and shoot anything that moves. It’s fine if they give up in the process, otherwise they will be fired on. We holler we’re Federal Agents on the way in, and should be pulling the trigger every step of the way.”
The Deputy in charge quietly told me, “My guys will do this, but they won’t like it. They think the guy will reform while he’s cooling his heels in jail. You and I know it won’t happen, so we’ll get a team together and do this.”
I told the DIC (Deputy in Charge), “No more prep work so the perps don’t get a chance to organize if there’s a leak. Call Treasury and FBI to meet us at the site for us to look it over. I want six of your best Deputies called in to go get this guy. I want him in the bag by the time the other agencies get there. Call them and I’ll explain to you how we’ll do this on the way to the site.”
Fran and I got our equipment cases and put our armor and equipment vests on. Wanda raided the local supply closet for armor.
We drove out to the site in a U.S. Marshal van. I explained to everyone that two men would go in each of the side doors, and two more into the back door by the kitchen. I was going through the front door and would be shooting with a silencer on my sidearm. I thought of using an MP5, but figured that I had four magazines for my sidearm and we were all in deep shit if that wasn’t enough.
I told Wanda to stay in the van and Fran to hang back to watch for someone trying to flank me. The station DIC said that he was going in with me. I grabbed his shirt and he was wearing his armor.
The men followed my lead, put silencers on their Glocks, and were ready. The six men with me dispersed to the three other exits as soon as we parked in the driveway of the house.
Allen and I ran to the front door where I kicked it in, hollering to give up as this was the U.S. Marshal Service. A round went off near me, and I snapped a shot at a guy who had a surprised look on his face. We were shooting at anyone moving after that, but had to be careful when our own people began showing up.
Fran hollered, “Two ran upstairs. I think this place has a basement too.”
I yelled up the stairs, “This is a Federal Marshal warrant service operation. Come down the stairs with your hands in the air if you want to live. Anyone with a gun in their possession will be shot.”
Treasury men arrived and two Agents ran up the stairs while I was hollering for them to stop. The first Treasury Agent to enter the hallway was shot, forcing him backward as his armor saved him. Two FBI men were going to follow the two up, but decided to stay down.
I hollered again for the men on the second floor to give up and come down. This was taking too long, so I knew these people were trying to use an alternate escape route. I grabbed the six men who had broken in with me and told them to circle the house to look for any way someone could get away from up there. I had FBI men check the basement and they didn’t find anything. I had the Treasury men go down and check the basement too, and they found a room behind wooden shelving that had ammunition and some rations in it. I told the FBI guys to go over the basement again inch by inch, as there probably was another secret room down there.
I heard a commotion outside and rushed out to see one of the bad guys leveling a gun at a Deputy. I snapped off a shot at the man’s head and watched him toss his gun into the air before all his parts landed on the gravel driveway. This was getting scary, but it was as I suspected and had to be a type ten warrant capture.
Someone tackled me and held me to the ground as an automatic weapon fired over the top of whoever tackled me. Fran was rolling off me firing an entire magazine at whoever had been firing that automatic rifle. There was only one last man hiding behind a steel garbage can the house people had used to burn trash. He was peeking over the top to see where people were and then decided to begin firing and running away from the area at the same time. I tracked him and shot him in the ass. I think that was something for me to savor for a second. The guy grabbed his butt and swung around, wildly firing with a new magazine in an automatic rifle. I put three rounds in the guy’s forehead.
I checked on Fran who was okay, and then rolled back to get some cover from anyone else who might appear.
The new Deputy in Charge came over to sit by me, and said, “Holy shit. No wonder no one wanted to serve that warrant. We have one of my Deputies with a slight arm wound, and a Treasury Agent with a broken rib from being shot from a couple of feet away.”
Fran had taken off for the van, came running back, and pushed me down. She used her K-bar to split the leg of my pants that I finally noticed appeared wet. My personal medic was cussing, and finally said, “Okay, we have to get you to a hospital to remove the bullet. I think you were hit by a ricochet. You know that you’re supposed to fall down, scream like a baby, and holler ‘Medic, Medic!’ when this shit happens.”
We both broke up with that and the local DIC asked, “What so funny?”
I just looked at him because he wouldn’t understand. One of his senior Deputies smiled at Fran and me, and said, “Fucking Jarheads. The babe is probably a Navy Corpsman who was assigned to the Marines. Those characters don’t know when they’re hurt until someone shows them. We’ll get a litter over here for you.”
I said, “Let me walk to the ambulance. It’s faster.” Fran pushed me back down and said, “Wait for the litter. This isn’t a dustoff. We’re in control.”
“Didn’t that round go all the way through, Fran? They go through most times.”
An ambulance crew came and was going to look at the wound, but Fran told them what she had done. They rolled me onto a back board and lifted me onto a fancy gurney. I still say that I could have walked.
Wanda said that she would advise the upper offices. I told Fran, “Not a word. Don’t say anything to the girls. They are not to worry.”
Wanda said, “This one is Chuck Johnson revisited. He’ll let them find the bandage and then tell them it was nothing. All will be well, but the girls will look at him funny for a few days.”
Fran said, “We’ll pick you up from the ER. I guess we should stay over another night.”
I said, “Let’s see how I am in the morning. We’ll kidnap that other guy and fly him to DC if I’m doing okay. We need to do what’s on the board if we’re here. This isn’t a big deal. It’s going to hurt for a couple weeks, but nothing serious. I should still be able to exercise and I’ll definitely do my Tai Chi.”
Wanda leaned down, kissed me on the lips, and said, “I’m going to have to check you out to make sure all the parts are functioning.”
I burst out laughing, because I’d bet that Wanda said those same words to Chuck ten plus years ago. Fran looked at me strangely while Wanda winked at me. A paramedic told the girls that we needed to leave, so they both got out of the ambulance. I could see the two having a conversation with their heads together.
I went into a multi-bed ward that was called ‘triage for bullet wounds’. I hung my badge around my neck after forty minutes, and called a nurse over. “What’s the holdup with getting fixed up?”
The nurse said, “Someone treated you at the scene, so you can wait. These others are moaning and hollering at how much pain they’re in. We need to get them first. You haven’t seen the administration team yet, so we have to find out who’s going to pay.”
I slowly said, “I am a Federal Law Officer who was just shot in the line of duty. It’s critical I get out here so I can perform my duties. I’ll pay cash if you won’t take my emergency medical card. Now get me repaired or I’ll walk out of here and file suit.”
“You can’t leave. Hospital security will arrest you for trying to leave without paying.”
I saw a woman and a man with clipboards talking to a patient who was moaning and complaining. I got up and went over to the couple, and said, “While you’re messing with Medicaid for this guy, I have Federal Law Enforcement insurance to pay for treatment. Come to me next so that I can get out of here. The man said, “What makes you so special? All these people need our help.”
I smiled at the man and walked out of the ward. I could see the sign that said Emergency Treatment Waiting Room. Wanda, Fran, and Tom, the Deputy in Charge were at the desk in front trying to get some information. I hollered at them, “Let’s get out of here. Take me to the VA if there is one nearby, or we’ll go to a CVS or Walgreen and get what’s necessary for Fran to fix me up.”
A very big ugly guy in a policeman’s uniform grabbed me, and spun me around. I swept the guy’s legs and went down with him pulling my sidearm from its holster and holding it under his chin. I said, “I’m not sure what your beef is, but you don’t grab me like that and expect to live.”
The angry facial expression turned to fear. I moved my lanyard with the badge to in front of his face and said, “Unless you can find me a doctor or an emergency bed with a cart so that my medic can take care of me, I’m leaving. You have my name and the office number, so bill me at that address. I’m going to let you up and then give you your weapon back when I’m out the door.
As the man was getting up, he said with a lot of anger, “You were lucky with that sucker punch. That’s not going to happen this time.” He began raising his fist to hit me, but stopped as he was looking at four Glocks pointing at his head. Deputy in Charge Tom quickly said, “Deputy Miller didn’t throw a punch at you at all. You were lucky. The DIC used his cell phone and made a phone call. Three men came running in with a set of chains a minute later. One Deputy read the man his rights and then they pushed him out the door toward the van that had taken us to the capture site.
Wanda said, “There’s a clinic out by the airport where our hotel is. I’ll bet we can get you fixed up there. Your boss was fixed up out there once.”
We used the Marshal car with the GPS that we were able to set after using 411 to find the clinic’s address.
Our arrival caused a stir at the clinic as the problems at this location weren’t the same as at the hospital. Fran went to the desk and showed her badge and then some kind of ID card that allowed her access to surgical facilities. The attendant used her phone to call for help, and two physicians showed up and looked at us and Fran’s card. The female physician asked, “Where’s the gunshot victim?”
Wanda pushed me forward and said, “He still has the bullet in his leg. Fran couldn’t remove it in the field, insufficient equipment.”
The male doctor hollered at someone inside the doors, and an aide came out with a wheelchair that I was directed to sit in. Both doctors looked at the dressing and told Fran, “You need to scrub if you want to assist. Can you all take the guns you’re displaying and hide them somewhere? You can tell me why you left the hospital and didn’t get fixed up there.”
Wanda took Fran’s and my Glocks and dropped them in her purse. Fran pushed me toward the back and was directed by the aide who had brought the chair. We stopped at the door of a glassed-in surgical theater. The aide directed Fran to scrub up and put a hair net, surgical gown, gloves, and mask on. I watched as she even slipped the booties over her shoes. She followed the aide into the room and helped slide me onto the table. He began shaving the little hair I had on my legs around the entry area and the bump that indicated the deformed bullet that was still in the leg. The guy washed the area with some form of special sterile soap after the shave, then splashed more around the now exposed wound.
Fran was looking through the trays of instruments and asked the aide for some smaller forceps with long handles. The man told her what tray they would be in. Fran kept looking around, wanting to begin, but thought that she should wait for the doctor. A couple of doors finally burst open and the two physicians came to the table holding their hands up in an attempt to keep sterile.
The male doctor said, “I’ve never worked on a gunshot wound. How about you?” He was indicating the fellow female physician. Fran said, “I’ve treated hundreds of them, so watch. We have to remove the bullet, and then clean its path.”
Fran looked up at me, and said, “This part is going to hurt like hell. They have stuff that will help but let me deaden the area if you want to watch. No screaming, yelling, or cursing until I’m done. Got that, Miller?”
I smiled as the female doctor was spreading the deadening solution all around the wound.
Fran had the back part of my thigh opened and the bullet out in a flash. She was using a special eyepiece to peer into the wound and continue to pour a solution in to clean the path. The male doctor was fascinated by the young woman who was doing such a professional job. She used some surgical scissors to clean up the ragged edge of the entrance wound. That’s what told you that the round was a ricochet. Fran said they could sew it up after one more thorough look, but she wanted to leave a drain tube in for a while. She said the path was exceptionally large as the round was deformed because it was a ricochet.
Fran and a scrub nurse wrapped my leg after putting a bandage on the two openings. My backup very professionally said, “You should probably stay off the leg for a week. See your local doctor in three days unless the area gets red, swollen, or hurts. No booze for a week or so, and no running for at least three weeks. Do your Tai Chi, but watch the stress on the area of the wounds. These two doctors will give you some Percocet that will help you sleep and ignore the pain for a couple of nights. You’ll still be alert enough to fly the next day if you take the pill early. I’ll change your dressings for you and pull the drain when it’s time.”
The two doctors were looking at each other, and the female said, “You should be in medicine. Are you doing what this man was doing? You have too much experience to let that talent go to waste.”
Fran said, “I was hurt overseas, and some of my own injury was emotional. I was captured and held hostage for over a year. I had to repair wounds that were going to kill who they happened to, but I was just a quick repair center. Everything I did was in unsterile conditions, with instruments that were constantly dirty. They wouldn’t even let me sterilize them.”
“I can work on my partner and have helped when I was needed, but I need to be doing exactly what I’m doing. Thanks for the ego boost. Now let me get this guy to the hotel to see how he does tonight.”
They gave me two Percocet tablets and tried to give more. Fran said, “We don’t want that stuff around. It could fall into the wrong hands. A local doc will give me more one at a time as we need them.”
Wanda said, “We’re going to take you two to the hotel where you can eat and get ready for bed. Tom will take me to the office to get the rental car. You can see how you feel in the morning. You may or may not want to do that other capture.”
Tom said, “I’m green here and have been told that I shouldn’t involve myself in the dangerous stuff. If I shouldn’t, you shouldn’t either, Chuck. Your boss always was in front when there was a heavy warrant or capture. I could do this one, but I couldn’t fly the captured person to DC.
I told Tom, “You can come along and help with the kidnapping. You can arrange for the meet to dump this guy at Andrews if we can get in there. My special Office Manager is also a pilot if I’m not up to flying.”
We were let out at the front door of the hotel. We didn’t have any luggage since it was in the rental car. I checked us in, getting only two rooms, one a double. We went into the restaurant and ordered a piece of red meat along with some red wine for me. I received a text that Wanda was going to supper with Tom and would be back with our luggage within an hour.
We were up in the room chatting about the need to clean our weapons that Wanda had in her purse. A bellhop came to the door with our luggage. We let him drop everything in this room. I wondered if Wanda might be sampling a young Station Chief.
Nope, she came in the door and flopped on the couch. She said, “I knew Chicago was going to be a challenge, but this has been crazy. Get your laptop out so that you can write your report. We need to have it in DC for their morning meeting. I don’t know how you’re going to play the wound down, but try.”
Fran asked Wanda, “Give me our weapons and I’ll clean them. We need our cases for some additional ammo. Did you use your weapon, Wanda?”
Wanda shook her head ‘no’. “I never did have a clean shot or I would have helped. I’m still wearing my armor.”
I spent the next thirty minutes writing the report in detail. I had to mark the box for ‘Injured Deputy’. That required the name, badge number, and type of injury. I let Wanda review the report and watched as she added the information about the other minor injuries, and sent it off to DC as well as a copy to our office.
Fran was stripping her top and then her armor off. She said, “I hope I don’t have bad dreams tonight. I had this eerie feeling that I’m doing this all over again.”
My backup continued to strip until she was naked and went to the bathroom. Wanda was smiling when she said, “She’s a nice package. I wonder how long she can resist your masculine attraction. You’re just like Chuck with that same magnetism. I was almost asleep last night when parts of me woke up and told me that you were in here with your backup snuggled up to you. I didn’t think enticing you for some fun would be that easy.”
“You surprised me, Wanda. You give off signals that you’re full of energy and spice. I know that you and John do some playing up at the hot tub, and have been known to enjoy some of the others. Chuck’s girls love the hell out of you.”
Wanda grinned as she said, “I’ve heard from Chuck’s Fab Five that Jan still wants to raid Chuck to get her mouth full of his good stuff in the morning. That woman is a total slut, just like Hanna.”
“I wouldn’t know, Wanda, and won’t know as we’re in two different worlds.”
The office administrator said, “Never count out a woman with an itch. You have Chuck’s magnetism and you do it all so sweetly. Something will come up that will throw you and Jan together. She’s older, just like me, so enjoy her lush body with a very juicy pussy.”
I sat back with my feet up, and said, “I’ve lived in that house for over two years, and have learned more and more about the king of the mansion and his women. I’ve become close with Chuck and have a great relationship with his women. What’s really nuts is how everyone from each of the families seems to draw me into them with love and familiarity. I think I know each of Chuck’s women better than most men know their wives or lovers. My only crazy intimacy has been with Lisa, Brandy, and Nancy. It was something that happened, and it was with Chuck’s knowledge. He was actually being swamped by Janet, Gin, and Sheena.”
Wanda chuckled as she commented, “How could he be anything but totally overwhelmed with those three devouring him. Don’t you see, Chuck? You’re meeting with these families on equal terms. Your women love you more than ever, and the men of the families all enjoy their women for their fun. We are a crazy bunch.”
Fran came from the bathroom totally nude. She came to me and climbed into my lap. Wanda smiled and went to take a shower.
Fran didn’t wiggle around, but asked me, “Do you enjoy holding me in your arms the way a lover would hold me? I have so many crazy thoughts about us and then like right now, I’m totally into your head listening to you tell me to relax and be a special person for us.”
This woman snuggled to me, and said, “We’ve found that we trust each other and enjoy being together, and now I want to be more than just your backup; I want to be more like a companion. I want the girls to be with us when you make love to me. We probably shouldn’t be more than casual acquaintances, but we’re already there and will be more so in the future. I want the girls to make me feel like I’m one of them. You may become even more bountiful than Chuck Johnson. However and whatever, I want to be a part of it.”
I stripped down and slid into bed with the damaged right thigh on top, using a pillow between my knees. I could have used a shower, but it would have to wait. I lay on my back at first and let Fran nearly be on top of me to kiss and touch me. Wanda slid into bed to overwhelm me by kissing my breath away before straddling me. This long, tall woman slid down on my instantly erect interest, and began to stroke me without any thought of holding back or waiting for each other. I exploded into her, and it felt like I could have impregnated the entire trailer park with that release.
Fran surprised me by diving into Wanda’s liquid center when Wanda slid off to the side with a massive amount of me drooling out of her, and then Fran was all over her, from lip kisses to sucking up all the juices I had left there.
That’s when Fran really surprised me. This woman who had displayed all the anti-men attitudes pushed me onto my back, kissed my lips, and slid her tongue into my mouth. She kept kissing me as she traveled down until she had my excitement totally in her mouth. She choked and coughed, then moved up to kiss me. This woman smiled at me as she resumed kissing me. Fran threw a leg over me, laying on me with our mouths locked together. Fran gasped, as she said, “I need this and have to have you now. Please, Chuck; I can’t wait, this is important to me.”
This woman positioned me and rubbed me over her swampy lips and then wedged me into her opening. Fran locked her lips on mine and slid down, capturing all of me deep into her body. My partner, my backup, exploded in an orgasm that was something special. We were kissing each other and Wanda was kissing us as well. Fran was sobbing as she hugged me, giving me kisses while holding me tight.
Wanda was very loving and held Fran and me while kissing her eyes and lips.
Fran sat up when she recovered, and said, “Whatever you did released everything that had been pent up inside me, Chuck. You’ve been teaching me to become the hunter like you are, and have even convinced me not to hesitate to shoot quickly and deadly. Our minds have been melding, learning of each other until it came to this. You’ve shared your women with me and made me comfortable enough to enjoy sleeping with you. Now we’ve made love, Chuck. That was more than a friendly fuck like you’ve had with Wanda. We had the real thing. My body and mind wanted that. I had wanted to wait until the girls were with us, but this couldn’t wait. I hope Wanda and I didn’t hurt your wound. You did all this while ignoring the pain your thigh has to be giving you.”
Wanda told Fran, “Give him one of those Percocet pills to knock him out. He needs rest and not the two of us ravaging him. We’ll sleep a little later in the morning before we see about transporting a fugitive to DC.”
My leg was throbbing, so I took one of the tiny pills. The pain was subsiding and I was drifting off within a few minutes. I heard Fran talking to the girls at home while Wanda was talking to John. It was then that I let my black cloud lift and was bombarded by questions from Mercy and Missy about what happened to me. Dora told me to call and tell her that I was okay. I hazily told Mercy that it was just a minor thing so to not worry and that I was going into dreamland. It wasn’t even nine o’clock and I was zonked out.
I heard people moving around and sat up in bed looking around. Oh, that hurt. The thigh was telling me that I had something wrong there. Wanda was already dressed, but Fran was in a hotel robe. Wanda saw me and said, “You needed some extra sleep last night. Fran and I thought you should sleep until you woke up on your own.”
I looked at the clock, and it was after nine. “I probably shouldn’t have slept that long, but I do feel rested. I’m starved though. Can I take a shower, Fran?”
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As I stepped off the space-bus, a stiff breeze of wind howled over the landing field. The last time I left, it was still Longnight and winter had a hard grip on the planet of Nilfeheim. While it was still Longnight, for fourteen more months, the planet was already thawing and Shortsummer was soon upon this world. I filled my lungs deeply with the cold crisp air that carried the scents of Soakstone and Kelp brick fires, but also the savory smell of fried fish and Fangsnapper. I knew I was no...
It was well past sunrise when Terence awoke. He lay with his eyes still closed. Already he could feel the warmth of the sun as it filtered between the leaves and branches overhead, and against his side the warmth of the young woman, his companion. He mused how good it was to wake with her at his side. In such a very few nights it had become a habit he would not willingly forgo. He opened his eyes and turned towards her, and almost jumped when he was met by her wide open, clear blue eyes staring...
Growling he looked back at Lana, "Lana hon?" He finally said to her. "What's wrong Johnathon?" She asked completely unaware of the fits he was having, looking at the pendant that she was cradling so lovingly. "Hon if you could, please put that away? It reminds me of how much of a failure I am to my friend." Johnathon said. This was a shock to her, hearing Tyrome tell it, he owed Johnathon and would never be able to pay him back. Shaking her head she wondered how the men ever...
I can’t believe I’m at Jason’s house again. It was only three days ago that we’d officially met, after he was introduced to me by a friend/co-worker. We had texted at first, and then we’d spoken over the phone. He had guessed right off the bat that I was a virgin. In fact he had asked me because something I said had triggered his “virgin-senses”. I wasn’t hiding that I was a twenty-four year old virgin, but I wasn’t advertising the info either. I found that when guys found that out they either...
I was bored at the house one day and nobody was home, or that’s what I thought. I was looking for some finger nail clippers and walked into my sister’s room and looked in her drawers. Well there I found a dildo. My sister is 18 and very beautiful. She’s got huge breasts and a super tight ass. I have thought about my sister in this really weird way before just because of times where we’ve been at the pool or the beach together and she would turn any guy on that looked at her.I picked up the...
Reddit PornStarletHQ, aka r/PornStarletHQ! With the porn industry blooming more and more each day, there are so many new pornstars waiting to be discovered. Well, for those who love to know all the upcoming sluts, you have a subreddit that is basically dedicated just to that, and it is called r/PornStarletHQ/. So, if you are interested in the upcoming sluts in the porn industry, this is the right place for you.We all have our favorite porn beauties… chicks that just make our dick rock-solid,...
Reddit NSFW ListI gently lifted the duvet and took sight of my naked family, through the night any garments that had remained on their bodies had been shed, now they were just two beautifully naked women. My Mom's ass was pointing directly at me, while Bobbie was sprawled on her back with her arms up behind her head. I'd have taken a picture of both of them if I'd had my phone with me. I glanced at the clock and new that I had ten full minutes to appreciate the pair of them before the alarm went off, I...
Feeling rejuvenated from the terrific fucking I had had last night, I decided to do my daily exercises in the morning right away. After finishing my workout, I had a shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I made myself some breakfast of cornflakes and milk, and was just finishing my orange juice when the bell rang. It was Pushpa and Rani, the two girls whom I had employed as maids a few days back. Pushpa, the younger one, beamed at me when I opened the door; while Rani, the...
Ms. Cherro owns the ranch down the road from mine. Actually, it’s my father's ranch not mine, but my dad is looking to retire soon and he made it clear he wants me to take over when he does. He would always remind me to see Ms. Cherro every spring and help her once in a while, especially to fix the water shed. It ran between our ranches and we would alternate watering days. We had this agreement with her that I, or my dad, would maintain it.There’s this little secluded spring back there. I used...
Straight SexWritten By: Mr. Mongo 5/6/2012 Constable Ron Jones and his patrol partner Neeja Sidhu sat in the Hidden Truncheon pub. The wooden sign on the front of the pub had a cartoon-masked robber grabbing his behind with his eyes bulging out of his head. Both officers were excited to see if their votes made a difference in the citywide election. Every constable in the pub had their ear open to hear the results of who won elections for the Greater Manchester area. Mildred Alistair had the cops vote,...
The faucet poured water into my hands which I splashed onto my face. It was a fresh feeling, having just woken up. I stood only in my boxer briefs and a t-shit and felt like I was at home. I was standing in the new bathroom which I had just finished the day before. The girls loved it and I felt great to be able to make them happy in another way, other than tantalizing them with my cock. I stepped out and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Jill was standing by the stove preparing tea and I...
AnalMy name is Claire Foster and I want to tell you my story, scandalous woman story. First off, I am 55 years old and have been married for thirty years. I grew up in the UK but have lived in the states since college. I am not a model but I am not ugly either. I work hard to stay in shape for my husband. We had gone to Las Vegas for a vacation and were having a great time. We had gone to this club and were drinking and dancing. My husband had met this black man, TJ, a younger very good looking...
“Are you ready for another go?” Emma asked, greeting Phil as he pulled into a parking spot. “Or rather, can you survive another one?” Ethan teased. “Yeah, though this time will be a little different,” Phil said, exiting his car. “Instead of the typical crowd scene, I told Melissa I was done with waiting room demonstrations. I insisted I’d only handle five of her worst cases. That way, the chances of complications are reduced, as are the number of observers. If I take out one creature each,...
Hi friends am Vithu,22yrs,white,slim,slight girlish look I am a fan of ISS and now I decided to share my experience with you. I am from Thiruvalla, Kerala.This occur when am 19.even though I have some little experience in gay sex I don’t experience fucking. I was staying in hostel and as the college was going to close within 1 week I decided to go back to my home on the way I decided to watch a movie so I entered the theater. To my surprise there was only 3 guys that too very old for the que...
Gay MaleIn the end, I decide to walk, it's really not far, probably not far enough, and the streets are still busy enough for it to be safe... And I don't think I could take the risk of a chatty cabby talking to me tonight... or letching at me, which would be worse... Home gives me a chance to take out the tampon, and bathe, and try and get my head in order.. I can't start walking around like a love struck girl. But.. I did feel owned today... and that felt good. I even masturbate in the bath...
This story is graphic because it is true."Are you ready for this, Mrs. Honey?" Professor Vanessa Barnes asked, with barely concealed excitement."Y'all know I just come off a double-overtime shift, right?" warned Mrs. Maxine Honey, the middle-aged chief custodian at Urban University. "Didn't have time to shower or even change, so I'm pretty sweaty an' maybe a bit stinky. Just sayin'.""That will serve as a fine lesson to this little cheater, as to what honest hard work really means!" replied the...
“Get my shit and leave? I don’t fucking think so. I took your shit for almost an hour. I watched you get off over and over again. And you think I’m going to leave without getting something out of this arrangement?” “W-what are you going to do?” she asked. For the first time since I came in the room, she wasn’t totally in control anymore, and she wasn’t all together pleased about it. In fact, she almost seemed a little scared. “Relax, I have no intentions of forcing myself on you. In fact,...
I’d had a longish drive up the M1 to Leicester where my rather younger sister lived. She had been a late baby, and I had been in my last year at school when she was born, so I really didn’t see much of her when she was a child, but after my divorce, I visited my parents much more often and saw much more of her and her friends also when they were in their teens. Then her marriage and children brought us a lot closer, and I enjoyed being the older uncle, especially as I saw less than I would have...
It was late at night as usual when she was closing the bar up. Savana looked around at the mess the patrons had left behind, and exhaled a big sigh. Sav, as most called her, leaned back on the bar in between two stools. She let her head fall back onto the bar as she rested a minute, gathering her thoughts on what to tackle first. Her long lean legs stretched out beyond the stools, moving one foot in a circular motion and then the other. Somehow she felt as though she had been on her feet for...
Hema aur Navin ne chodaRaju kiraye ke kamre mei Hema ji ke yahan rehta tha. Hema ji ek school teacher hain aur Navin ji ek businessman hain. Dono kaafi paise waale log hain. Hema ji bahut sunder aur kaamuk kism ki lady hain. Unke boobs aur chuttad kaafi bade aur sudol hain. Navin ji bhi young and smart hai. Raju ka kamra unke bedroom se bagal mein hai aur har roj raat ko unki chudam-chudai ki awwaz mujhe saaf sunai deti thi. Is mare raju ka lund khada ho jaata tha aur raju Hema ji ko chodne ka...
My old University Professor asked me to come and talk to his students about the work I was doing, I don’t really like talking but I love smart university woman and knew often they throw themselves at guests. So on that thought I decided to do it.I talked for about an hour and took questions from the group. There were several woman that stood out for me in the crowd and my luck held as two of them stayed behind in the group after the class and eventually it was down to the two of them. They...
I have always been obsessed with boobs. I like them all but especially big ones. I stare at them in the grocery store and of course have an extensive collection of pics from the internet. Lately, I have even been thinking about what it would be like to have a big set myself. I'm a guy don't get me wrong, but I am fascinated by what it would feel like to have a large set of breasts. The internet is a great source of information as we all know. I found sites for cross dressers easily. I figured...
TransBéla, surprisingly, had been one of the last to arrive, having spent the last three hours in attendance with her old friend, the Great Bard Geoffrey and his wife, Terri. She had wanted to introduce them to her own lifemate, but he had been shepherded into the dining hall by Annalisa only moments before her own arrival. Béla smiled, seeing him seated next to her empty chair and looked around to see who else was in attendance. As she gazed raptly around the hall, she realized that all of...
I met Ann online. We chatted for a while and finally decided to meet. Against all odds, we hit it off pretty well and in a matter of weeks, we became a couple. The first few months were like wedded bliss, romantic dates, and outings, doing almost everything together. And of course the sex. Sex was incredible. Well, at least as far as I could tell, being young and very inexperienced.Ann was the same age as me, but it was clear from the beginning that she had way more experience with sex. I...
The unfortunate date I have taken a trip to London and have arranged to meet you at the hotel in which I am staying for dinner. Through out the meal we chat about May things TV the food we are eating and the surrounding As we chat it comes to us that we will be nothing more than friends And that romance was probably out of the question. But best friends was ok with both of us You ask to see my room, as you’d never been inside the hotel before And you wanted a noisy before you went home I agreed...
EroticAs I walked into the supermarket, I can feel the rain pelting me with fast heavy droplets. I wasn't about to run at 35 I figure I'm to old for that. Not that I couldn't sprint from the parking lot from the doors, but I figured a little rain never hurt anyone. If I had know what this night had in store for me I may have payed a little more attention to my appearance. By the time I walked in the door I was soaked. I brushed some of the rain down off my dark blonde hair leaving it flat and stuck...
Unbelievable! The infamous Hammer Man is none other than my ex gay lover I knew up in Boston. One day he up and and disappeared on me only to turn up here! How insane is that! Hank was more surprised than I was. He totaly forgot his lines. ‘Is that you, little soldier? Looks like you’ve gone trannie on me.’ ‘I’m a transvestite you ignorant fucktard!’ I shouted a little more than I would have liked. Perhaps the Estrogen treatments were having an effect on me. ‘Hey, I’m sorry!’ Hank...
He had dreaded telling his story, dreaded the inevitable revulsion he so richly deserved, especially when he finally opened his eyes and met her gaze. But what he was greeted with was not what he expected; he faced only sympathy and understanding, despite everything. Mixed with some pity, there was no way to hide that, but the overwhelming disgust he’d braced for never happened. Her reaction was the most surprising. She knew. She looked at him, had listened to him, seen right through him,...
In my teens I had been introduced to a man by one of my friends , he was bi and really educated me in sexIt's through him my submissive nature developed with other malesHe liked me dressing up, as a girl some time there was five or six of us plus him , boys and girls visited his house regularly. ( Lots of stories to tell)I had been going there for around two years and was having the time of my life my duties soon as I walked in was to put on my skirt bra and knickers and a top ,he usually had...
Big Ideas By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Cindy and Me Cindy and I have been best friends ever since we were almost seniors in high school and she and her family moved to our town. Cindy says she got the Big Idea first, but I know it was me. Cindy's sweet and pretty, but I'm the smart one. You don't see her writing this biographical story do you? You see, back then, when we first met, Cindy and I were pretending to be boys, because that was what everyone expected of us. I...
My stepsister, Tana Waters, has always been a little nosy, but when I catch her sneaking around my room and fingering my pocket pussy, she’s taken it too far. I try to get it back, but she drops it on the floor and breaks it! I guess Tana’s going to have to suck my cock to make up for it. I love her blowjob skills so much that I can’t help but shove my mouth in her cock while she’s resting a couple days later. And when she buys me a brand-new pocket pussy, she lets me fuck the new toy and then...
xmoviesforyouI had been going to this evening class for a few weeks, learning to do fancy things on Microsoft, and there was more to it than met the eye. In some ways I felt like an idiot, because although I used Word every day just for writing, there were all these other things you could do with it, and all the secretaries and administrators knew more than I did.My attention started to wane and my mind began to wander, and where it wandered to was a classmate called Letitia. She was a mature, that is...
Oral Sexthan honorable in the states eyes, wasn't a candidate to get custody of me. I asked him "Daddy are you a cowboy?" He responded, "yes babygirl." Then he gave me butterfly kisses. Now here i was again, about to meet him again. Memories flooded me on the way to the house he was staying at with his friend. He had left his wife to come live near me again. As we pulled into the driveway my hands shook. I had worn my tightest jean and the lowcut shirt I had just picked up yesterday. I had...
That afternoon, Tom had returned from a quick trip to another part of town, and he'd left Samantha and the other members of the office staff to do their normal work. He'd always given Sam more than enough to keep her busy, but he always made sure she knew that "the task at hand" had priority if that task involved sexual play with him. Tom knew that he'd give Samantha more and more guidance on what her job as his SEXetary entailed but he was already amazed at what an eager worker she was...
"Ooo, spooky place," Terri burbled, her wide-eyed gaze sweeping the hallway that stretched from the bottom of the narrow stone stairway. Jason nudged his glasses back up his nose and touched one of the walls. "The bedrock runs close to the surface on this side of town," Jason said, a tone of awe to his voice. "Someone must have had to blast right into it to carve out some of these passages. I'd love to know how they did this without anyone knowing. Or if they even did it themselves....
By : Shaitan_chodu Mera naam ali hai aur main 29 saal ka hoon aur Belgium main rehta hoon, main nay ISS ki bohaut kahania perhi hain aur bohaut passand bhi hain mujhe isi liye socha k ajj apni kahani bhi app sab doston se share keroon yeh kahani mere class fellow k bare main hai jis ka naam sania hai ab kahani shurow kerta hoon. Sania aur main 9th class main saath perh rahay thay aur main us ko bohaut pasand kerta tha lakin kabhi kaha nahin tha us se. Us ka figure us waqt 36 24 30 tha jo k...
100% fiction! In a related story (helping my uncle) I saw my uncle (moms brother) pumping his moms hairy pussy and as we all came they saw me jacking off. The next day while helping my uncle, he offered me his big cock and I sucked it for all I was worth. Me and mom took turns with his big cock but never together although I thought about her hairy pussy a lot. One day my mom told me that my uncle was having a poker game at our house and that he wanted me to help with clean up. My uncle and some...
IncestNovember 29th, 4:32 AM The bed shook and I rolled over lazily away from the movement on the other side of the bed. Cool air crept under the sheets before more shaking and the sound of someone exhaling slowly. If this wasn't Brad coming to bed then I didn't give a... A hand rubbed my shoulder slowly and I reciprocated with a not so enthusiastic, "Mmmm..." I was so tir... November 29th, 8:13 AM Warm puffs of air blowing across my face woke me long before my body was telling me I...
It was always her soft manner as well, always gentle, with such grace, suggested a highly sexual person but more in a role of deep understanding, not just lustful but more cerebral she made no apology for who she was, her boobs were massive and she didn't care if people looked, she got closer, this time invading my personal space"I'm so sorry she whispered"Her exposed boob now so close to my body, you can feel the aura radiating off her, not overpowering, just enough to be comforting. Her...
Hello, Indian sex story readers. It all started when I was 18 years of age. I went to my grandmother house during my summer holidays.I was asked by my uncle to call the driver.He usually slept on the ground floor as nobody stays at Patna now.Everyone stayed in Mumbai.So he used to look after the ground floor. Hi, I’m Abhi n this is my sex story which happened before six years.I was asked by my Pramod mama to call the driver.We used to call him Pandey Ji.My mama called him but he didn’t pick up...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 It had been several weeks since we have heard of the Russian guys as well as Horowitz and his band of criminals. However, Dakota kept a log in her journal of any issues, even if they were not confirmed. She still didn’t trust that the Russians had been foiled and she certainly didn’t think that Horowitz group was out of business. As the morning rolled in, so did a thunderstorm. Not a lot of wind, but plenty of rain, lightning, and thunder. I really...
Since i started posting my wife's secret journal, i wanted to share in her fun,acting as if i knew nothing, but wanted to introduce her to something new. So far her passion for threesomes has kept me busy and revealed a totally differnt and sexy woman than i knew. We had arranged to meet some new male friends at a local pub. and if the chem was right. we would move to a local hotel for drinks and more. Alyz clearly shown approval of our two new men friends. And her flirting and teasing gave me...
Pankajam went into the tent and woke up my grandma. She came out and asked me whether i finished peeing. I said i finished it. She then took me to the house by the back door. In the house, my uncle was setting his luggage and was ready to go out for business tour to surat. I was standing nude in the backyard fetching some water for bath. My grandma went in and gave send off to my uncle. Later my aunt priya and grandma came to the backyard. My aunt was laughing to see me nude and asked me what...
IncestAdela Roma’s mother Marianne ranted when her youngest daughter announced she’d decided not to go to university in Australia or even abroad. As the sparks began to fly her father David intelligently yelled he was going for a walk and disappeared. When David returned the house was still standing, nothing inside appeared broken and mother and daughter were in their respective bedrooms at opposite ends of the house, doors shut. With dinner overdue, the lanky and greying David made two stiff...
Mother and I went to visit my aunts and a few of her friends. We checked into a hotel. I was happy that mother reserved two rooms. After dropping off our bags and headed out. It had been a few years since I seen them. My cousins and I caught up for a while, as mother talked. After visiting the my forth aunt, I was ready to go back to the hotel. After dinner we went to our rooms. Excited to be alone, I did what I always wanted to do. I stripped butt naked. I was nervous and excited. I never had...
Chapter 2 I went home for Christmas break the next afternoon. I was afraid to face Molly after the encounter in the limo. She called twice while I was away and I let it go to voice mail both times. I called when I knew she would be busy and left a message for her. Megan called as well, but didn’t leave a message. I didn’t call her back. What could I say? I was infatuated with her married sister and even though it was never going to go anywhere, I could never be with her as I knew it...
It was almost two weeks later before Ryan could find a night clear of hockey and basketball games, not to mention a time where she had no rehearsal scheduled. As they rode out to Chantilly in his car, and the weather was gray and damp, typical of early February. Brody glanced over at Ryan as she stared out the window and fidgeted, tapping her foot on the floor. ‘You’re not one of those people that steps on imaginary brakes, are you?’ he asked. ‘What?’ She looked over at him, confused. He...
My husband shocked me to my core when he asked me to fuck a big black cock. I couldn't believe he would ask me to do this. Didn't he want me? He told me it was just a fantasy that he wanted to try but I said "NEVER!" I thought it was over but our relationship struggled over the next few weeks. He clearly was upset with me as I was upset with him. Why did he want this so much? I started to worry about what this would do with our relationship long term. What if he never got over this? Could I be...
At the intermission, I turned Janey's stimulators down, more so that she could help Sally to the Lady's Room than to give her a break. I fully intended for her to be in a constant state of arousal for the remainder of the evening. It promised to be most entertaining, if not exactly fulfilling for me. I was beginning to get a certain — some might say perverse — satisfaction from the constant arousal in the two women. They returned from the obligatory visit without incident. I indicated to...
Zephyrus received clearance to approach the Azahar spaceport behind Chronos. The two ships had arrived within an hour of each other. Chronos had already advised Azahar control that Othello was still in Earth orbit when they left and could be expected within a week or so. Some of the CSM volunteers had opted for the standard augmentation package, but others followed Ensign Clark's lead and went for strength and speed, but less mass and a lower center of gravity. Chester's den mother,...
Hello my name is Ben Rohan. I don’t know English very fluently as we don’t use English in our daily life. But I will try to write the story as correct as possible. This is a real story but it is strange. I am working in a company which offers me 3 lakhs per month. A woman comes to our house every day and cleans the house and she prepares breakfast, lunch and dinner. Her name is Dwella. She has 2 daughters. Elder daughter’s name is Natalie while younger daughter’s name is Bella. ...
BEE-1194 JACKIE'S FAMILY LESSONS! by Sandy Bennett CHAPTER ONE I couldn't wait any longer. My bladder was bursting and my father was in the bathroom, halfway through Rigoletto. "Daddy, please get out of the shower so I can use the toilet!" I cried. Both my hands pressed into my crotch to hold back the flood and I trampled about in agony. "Can't you wait another minute?" Dad loved his showers so much that my mother suspected him of having an affair with the nozzle. "I have...
My friend had agreed to stay over for the night i was 13 he was 15, usual messing about and doing stuff so later it was time for bed and we were staying down stairs in the lounge me on the sette him on a camp bed, we talked for hours till i must have fell asleep, dont know why but i must have woke up feeling a hand on my dick through the covers but i didnt open my eyes, i just lay there waiting my heart was pounding and ringing in my ears it was so exciting, then a squeez and a rub and the hand...