Money!Chapter 39 free porn video

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Waking up in the morning covered with female body parts laying on you is very disconcerting. The one thing it does is cause a ‘sprong’. Just thinking of all the available breasts to caress and kiss, along with the juicy pussies lying next to me, had my middle lifting the sheet.

Someone’s leg was lying right on the exit wound area that Fran had treated. It was sore, but not hurting. The docs and nurses always ask you to rate the pain from one to ten. This was a two or three.

Janet’s eyes opened and she immediately smiled at me. If anything will make your heart sing, it’s something like that. The love of my life wakes up, and the first thing she does is to smile at me. I motioned for her to let me out on that side of the bed with my head. I needed to use the bathroom.

I went to the bathroom and had Janet standing in the door watching me pee. She sat down as soon as I shook off, and I could hear her flow into the toilet. She wiped herself, and the two of us were both thinking of going back to bed. Nope, we would go out and do some forms and then enjoy some coffee with Steve.

Both of us were in shorts, t-shirts, and barefoot when we stepped out into the grass outside the patio, which was moist from the early morning dew. I did some light stretching forms to see how much each would hurt, and continued until I was putting some good pressure on the wound.

I decided that was enough and went back into the patio with Janet. We both pulled a mug of coffee and sat at the table Steve always sat at. Tiny walked in and turned the lights on. He said, “Steve had to go to DC to talk to one of the big guys about our fighter/bomber and laser weapon. It seems the competition thinks that they should be allowed to access the patent and be instructed on how to build the weapon so that they can be paid for it instead of us. Steve said he’d burn the patent and all the processes if that was the Feds’ decision. He said there was no reason to enrich our competitors when we were the group who designed the weapon.”

Glenda came in and said, “I saw Steve leave out of here about four this morning. I know he was hyper about something last night, but he doesn’t say anything.

Tiny said, “He has both Wes and Sal, who headed the teams that built the weapon and airplane, with him. The company trying to steal everything has constantly failed to design an aircraft capable of going through Mach 2 without sending a shock wave across the country. Our new fighter/bomber is just like the PX, and can go through Mach 3 without any major disturbance. I watched our weapon fire and hit a moving target from almost thirty miles out. Mind you, the air has to be clear for it to be effective. Haze or cloud dissipates it to nothing pretty fast, but it’s usually clear at high altitudes.”

I looked at Tiny, and said, “You know that we shouldn’t even be talking about this. That equipment is so top secret that the President may not be cleared to know about it.” That brought everyone listening at the time into a good laugh.

Tiny told everyone who had heard the conversation, “You all know the drill, this conversation didn’t happen. Have some coffee and forget what we don’t know.”

Janet and I went into the house to nudge our ladies into consciousness. Donna and Nikki had to go to school. Andrea and maybe Janet needed to go on charters. Kissa pulled me to her and kissed me until I was breathless. She said, “Something came over me, and I can’t resist kissing you now. You should probably fly courier today so that I don’t follow you around like a puppy dog.”

The household was moving and having a good time doing it. The banter between the girls was fun and I let it surround me as they went back and forth, kidding each other while getting ready for the day. I was just about to reach for a breakfast sandwich when my cell phone began ringing.

I didn’t think anything about it, and answered it, “Miller”.

“Charles Miller, you are ordered to appear in Washington, DC, at nine this morning for a hearing concerning your recent action toward subjects under warrant.”

“Okay, where exactly should I go and why am I being questioned on a required warrant?”

“You will be met at Andrews AFB when you land your airplane and will be taken to the room where you will be questioned. You should probably have legal counsel with you when you testify.”

“Pardon me? Why would I need to have legal counsel to tell you what had to be done?”

“You exceeded your authority by invoking that severe of a warrant resolution.”

“I can’t magically appear at nine this morning. It is already seven thirty, and I will have to shower, shave, and dress appropriately. I’ll be at the appointed place about eleven. If you want me somewhere by nine, you have to tell me the night before.”

I took a deep breath and headed toward our suite. I dressed in a suit after a shower and shave, and headed to the airpark with Fran. Janet and Andrea were both gone for the day, so I begged anything that would quickly fly to DC. I was back in the Phenom 100 and on the way to DC.

I was in the pattern in DC when my cell phone was going off. I looked at the screen and saw it was from Chuck. He said, “It’s me also in the pattern in DC.”

Chuck told me, “I don’t want you to go in there raw. Those pricks will make you say things that aren’t even close to the truth. I’m coming down from 60 thousand feet and should be able to land in about fifteen minutes. You did what was necessary and took a bullet because of it. Let me land and go with you to this hearing. This is bullshit and the same stuff I had to constantly go through. Land and stall them until I’m down. I’ll call you to pick me up wherever it may be.”

I was given access to landing and drifted down to gently land and taxi to the area they were indicating. I was monitoring the PX2 coming in as it landed and was going to be parked near me.

A car came racing out to the where we were parked and a man jumped out and was waving me toward the car. I held my hand up and pointed at the PX2 that was parking near us. I said, “My boss is on that aircraft and I want him to accompany us.”

The guy was getting angry and actually reached for the sidearm at his waist several times. I told the man, “Pull than gun on me, and you will die. Not from me, but from those who watch out for me.”

The man became more docile as he realized he had been outmaneuvered on this one.

Chuck came from the PX2 and walked to me. He shook my hand, and said, “Don’t worry. I’m sure these are the same crazies who messed with me during my time in charge. Listen to what I say, and tell them the same thing the next time.”

We spent three hours of them asking me questions and me answering. I asked that they be allowed to view the videos that were taken. The first thing they heard was me hollering that we were serving a Federal Warrant. The first shot was immediately taken at us that hit the wall near me, but very close to the man behind me. My shot was dead on. I guess that would mean that whoever shot at us was dead.

It was instance after instance of our men returning fire and not taking an active attacker role from there.

Fran handed me a note that made me smile. I said to the panel of five men, “Someone took the time to listen and watch the video enough times that the number of rounds fired were counted. The people we were attempting to capture fired a total of five hundred and eighty-two rounds. Law enforcement fired sixty-three times. We were very lucky to have suffered only a few casualties and no deaths.”

Chuck Johnson stood up, and said to the group of men, “Unless there is any other part of that operation that you don’t understand, I think Deputy Miller should go back to his residence so that he can recuperate. He’s still on bed rest for this week. Do you want him to show you his wound?”

They actually had to look at each other to see if it was okay to not look at the wounds. Chuck shook his head and pointed at the door. Tom Crowfoot was just outside the room. He had a scared look on his face, but smiled at us when Chuck winked at him. Chuck said, “Show us where we can get a cup of coffee.”

We went to a cafeteria on the ground floor and bought four coffees. Tom asked, “Was it bad? I go nuts every time a Deputy has to go through that. They won’t even let me attend the panel anymore because I kept telling them what our General Orders are. These people are from the Justice Department, but have some warped sense of how sweet and innocent these killers are. Listen to them go on and on about some guy who got some bruises and scrapes when he is captured after he’s just killed a couple people in the name of Allah, if you want to really get sick of this. One of the Secret Service guys was put on suspension because he was deemed to be too rough on a guy who had just stabbed a mother and her three year old son because she wouldn’t let him get in front of her in line. Both died and the man was arraigned, given bail, and is now nowhere to be found. Two people died and the Agent is now suspended for handling a prisoner too roughly.”

Chuck told Tom, “You’re doing a good job. The Marshals and I think you’re a great link to the field and want you to continue the way you are handling the job now. Chuck won’t be in the field for a while, so no one is going to be breathing over his shoulder. I’m going back to Hawaii for the rest of this week and should be back next week. The ladies are having a great time, but miss all their friends at home. There are just too many of us with too many directions to go in. Tina didn’t get to go with us this time because the doctor she works with is on vacation to Hawaii, of all places. Have you seen much of her?”

“Actually, not at all. I didn’t know she stayed home. I wonder if my ladies know that. Gin thinks that the sun rises and sets on Tina. Nicki and Sheena are almost as bad.”

Chuck said, “She’s still getting over the clinic losing a mother who they found had been a drug user. The baby lived, but now there is a baby who was addicted to drugs at birth who can be adopted. Tina’s been very upset over that. Have your girls get with her to give her some smiles.”

We were able to get a car to take us back to our aircraft. Chuck said he was going back to Hawaii but stopping to pick up Dewey and family. He said, “I would tell you to come with us, but I’m sure you want to spend time with your family. I’ll tell you what my women used to tell me all the time: ‘Learn to duck’.” We shook hands and the man gave me a one-armed man hug before he walked toward the PX2. It’s hard to believe the aircraft will be on the west coast in just over an hour.

I did my exterior inspection, had my fuel replenished, and prepared to leave. Getting out of DC airspace always requires some moving around. I ended up having to fly almost fifteen miles out over the Atlantic before I could turn to fly home. I had called Kissa to see if there was a courier package I could pick up and deliver, but she said that she thought she was covered. We were still at only five thousand feet when my phone rang. I handed the phone to Fran so that she could answer it for me. She wrote some information down, and then told me, “Kissa has a pickup in Atlanta that’s going to Pensacola.” I refiled to Atlanta, which isn’t all that far out of the way.

We arrived at an Atlanta airfield next to their auto race track an hour and a half later. The Jeppesen tower frequency didn’t raise anyone, so I did the usual unattended tower announcement and landed. I taxied up near their operations building where there were two Suburbans with U.S. Marshal Insignias.

There were a bunch of people standing there waiting for us. This could be a problem, so I completely shut down. Fran and I went out to greet the group and learned that this was a military prisoner transfer. There were four prisoners with two guards. The only luggage was the two duffle bags belonging to the guards, both of whom were being transferred to Pensacola. The man in charge of this detail wanted to give me the paperwork and get out of there, but I had to stop him.

“This aircraft is normally not capable of handling more than four passengers. I have two small seats with belts, but they aren’t that comfortable. It’s only a forty minute flight to Pensacola and I have enough fuel to get there, but I will be right at the weight limit. These four are all skinny and your two guards aren’t overweight, so we should be okay with only a half tank of fuel. You need to advise the courier company when you have something like this. We have larger aircraft. Most of our other courier aircraft are larger. These men are all in chains, but we’ll need four sets of handcuffs to anchor the prisoners to their seats. The guards will have to ride in the jump seats.”

The Deputies were able to come up with four sets of cuffs, and I showed them how to use the cuffs on the seat anchor and attach it to the chain on their leg.

One of the prisoners asked if there was bathroom on the plane, and I just shook my head. I pointed to the side of the building and said, “Go water the bushes over there. Any of you others who need to go do it now because I push people out the door at twenty-thousand feet if you pee on my seats.”

The one prisoner who just had to pee really didn’t need to now. It was some kind of ploy he thought he could use to gain control of the aircraft and guards. I pulled my sport coat aside when he said he could wait, and then put my U.S. Deputy Marshal’s badge in my pocket so that the badge showed. Fran still had her badge at her waist, so the prisoners understood that we wouldn’t be taking any shit from them.

It took twenty minutes to get the men in their seats and the additional cuffs on them. Fran and I made sure they were buckled in. I seated the two guards thinking how lucky we were to have the fifth seat option. We were up and down to get to Pensacola, but ended up out in front of the operations building for forty-five minutes, waiting for the Military Police to come for the four prisoners. I kept the APU running so that the air would stay on. Fran found some bottled water in the fridge, so we had some water. I didn’t want to give any of the precious K-cups of coffee away. Fran and I stood over the guards while they were taking the cuffs off the chains and seats. I told the guys giving the prisoners away to turn the cuffs in and log them as Atlanta Marshal Service cuffs.

I only put in a thousand pounds of fuel since we were only going to Tampa. That’s when my phone rang. It was Tom Crowfoot calling. I could tell something was wrong as soon as I heard his voice.

“I need you up on the border in North Dakota, Chuck. I’m trying to send everyone we have open up there to stop what’s happening. Two of our men are dead, and six more are seriously wounded. I know that you’re still hurt and you just went through the torture chamber with those Justice guys. I need you. Chuck is already in Hawaii and wouldn’t be able to help. Nightfox is officially retired now, so I can’t really call on him.”

Fran motioned for me to let her speak since the phone was on speakerphone. She told Tom, “Find Sean McHaffey and Terry Bettendorf. Those were the two others we worked well with in school. They will gladly team up with us if you can find them. There’s another guy, but he’s normally so much of a loner that I don’t know whether or not he would work out.”

Tom said, “I’m looking them up now. Sean is in San Antonio, and Terry is based in St. Louis, but is on assignment out west for training with the Agency. I’ll send both of them to you up there.”

“Where is up there? Where is this close to so that we can set our airplane down?”

“This looks like you’ll be able to go into Minot Air Force Base. This will put you within twenty miles of where these people have holed up. They’re on a wildlife refuge or preserve. I’ve contacted the North Dakota National Guard but they are reluctant. We have twenty men up there now, but no one with combat experience.”

“Come clean with me, Tom. Who are these people up there?”

“I don’t know, Chuck, but I do know that they aren’t nice. The reason we’re involved is some Park Rangers were fired on when they were near an area within the refuge. Those guys are rough and tough, but their reports say that over two hundred rounds were fired at them. It’s our job to protect government employees, so fix this for me. I’ve already advised the board who ripped you up this morning of our need for you and that we had already lost some men, plus all the casualties. There was no return comment from any of them. You know what to do. Capture a couple of them if you can figure out how to, but these people have crossed the line otherwise.”

Well, shoot. I had to get the fuel truck back to top my tanks off. I wanted to call home to find out if a CJ4 was in while we were waiting. It had a longer range and was faster. I would be up there faster in the Phenom even with having to stop for fuel.

We flew to St. Louis, refueled, and landed at Minot late in the day. The folks there were really good about helping us with an assembly area and additional information about the terrain. We were given handheld radios to talk to the field command post. They told me over the radio, ‘Get a truck, or have them bring you in by helicopter. Make sure you bring your equipment. You may need it all’.

We were given a ride on a nice helicopter. I told the officer who was riding with us that two other men were coming in and would need transportation out to us. The office told us, “We are doing a recon flight over the area and should be able to provide more information after that. We’ve dispatched a field kitchen, as well as some field quarters. If the showers aren’t up yet, they should be by morning.”

My thoughts were that I hoped we didn’t run into so much trouble that we were here long enough to become smelly.

The first responsibility of a leader is to bring everyone together so we are all working on the same problem. I talked to every man and woman as there were a couple of females besides Fran who were armed. One lady was a Federal Forestry Agent and was used to carrying a sidearm and rifle. Fran immediately hooked up with her and learned a lot about the operation from her.

I found one of the native Forestry Agents and had him take me through the Refuge to where these people were digging in. This man knew who was foreign or domestic. He said, “There are only about a half dozen Americans or Canadians in the group. The rest are imports and I’ve heard several holler ISIS slogans. None of us understand any of the languages from over there, but most of us have pulled a tour. A guy who is on the ridge watching them was wounded over there, but that won’t influence him. The man will do his job the way you direct him.”

We watched from four different viewpoints and finally went back to the bivouac area. I told Fran that the only way to really destroy these people would be a direct assault. I said that it would be easier if we had air support.

One of the local officers asked me what kind of air support I was talking about.

“The forest around these people isn’t dry or fragile. It looks like it was burnt out about five years ago, so it should withstand some heavy action. I’m thinking we drop a dozen five hundred pounders on their central area and strafe the shit out of them from the center out. We should kill off most of them and we can then do a mop up. We could have heavier resistance if they have dug in, but it would be lighter than if we were doing a straight-up assault.”

Same as Money!
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SSShotguneagle Part Six

It didn't help, also, that Leah was beating herself up mentally. She hated how she was letting these animals have their way with her. Leah never wanted to be another helpless victim who couldn't do anything to prevent it from happening. It is why her father had signed her up in so many fighting classes, which Leah grew to love. All her training has made her a formidable opponent. As much as she enjoyed training, Leah was thankful she never really had to use it to protect herself or...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriend and I

I will start out by telling you all that I am 19 and my boyfriend it 20. We have been together for over a year. I am 5'5" with long dark hair and bright blue eyes. He is about 5'7", dark hair and he also has blue eyes. We are very intimate with each other every time we get the chance.One day, we had the house all to ourselves. Since this doesn't happen very often, we both knew what this meant. We were going to have a long wonderful day filled with sex and romance.He had stayed with me the night...

Straight Sex
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Of Scavengers and SmugglersChapter 2

Rey awoke first the next morning, still snuggled in Jakson’s arms. As she began to regain consciousness, a huge grin spread across her face as she began to remember the events of last night. This man, one of the only kind souls she had ever met in her life, had deflowered her in the most wonderful way imaginable. She had been nervous as hell the whole time, but he was nothing short of patient, reassuring her of her beauty every time she began to doubt herself. It was all beyond her wildest...

4 years ago
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Hard PromiseChapter 5

"Hey, Doofus!" I turned around at hearing the familiar voice. Jared Felson was walking toward me down the hall. His locker was just down from mine, and we often stopped to talk before our first-period class. "You talking to me, Shit-for-Brains?" I grinned at him. "Shit for brains? Me? I'm not the one who's got the brown eyes, oh observant one." "Just because the eyes are brown doesn't mean I'm full all the way up to there with bullshit, like a certain overconfident running back...

2 years ago
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Awakenings Ch 50

When I got to work Thursday morning, I decided I wanted to talk to Ruth about the events of the previous evening. At ten o'clock, I walked out to the reception area, poured a cup of coffee for myself and asked her if she'd join me for a cup of coffee in my office. Ruth poured a cup for herself and together we retired to my office.As soon as we were inside, Ruth started unbuttoning her blouse and asked, “Boss are you ready for your morning blow job.”I answered, “Ruth let's just sit and talk for...

4 years ago
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Khala ki sat rat

Aik din mein apne kamre mein perh raha tha or sister school gayi hoyi thi, khala mare kamre mein ayein to os waqt on ki haalat koch yoon thi ke onhoon ne khoole gale wali qameez pehny howi thi or dobata nahi liya howa tha or mathe per germy ki waja se paseena aya howa tha. Khala ne mojh se kaha ke beta mein tomhare kamre ki safayi kerne ayi hoon, mein ne kaha ke khala ap safayi ker lein to onhoon ne jharoo pherna shoroo ker diya or mein apna perhta raha, achanak hi mari nazer khala ki tarof...

1 year ago
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Just a Taste at Work

It was late in the day, a warm overcast March Friday evening following a wet morning and showery afternoon. The building was deserted; virtually everyone had gone about their business seeking a good reason to leave early, which evidently, all had developed, because a ghost town had a huge population when offered in comparison to our place. There was no one left on our floor, each and every cubical and office was vacant, I knew because I had to check the security before I closed the area up, no...

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Late night phone call

On Friday nights I usually would hang out at a party, but this friday I felt like staying in. I missed my part way boyfriend, Adonis, who had went to Canada for an internship. I hated being in my apartment alone. I hopped onto the couch and surfed through the channels. Then I went to chat on my computer. My phone rang and I thought about not answering it, but eventually picked up the phone. "Hello" no answer "Hello" I say again. "Hey this is Chase." I know no Chase "Wrong number" I say annoyed...

2 years ago
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Other Colors Ch 12

Part 2 – Blue Chapter 12 Leda and the Swan. Alpheus and Arethusa. Pretty Psyche, blindfolded in her bridal bed. Poor, cheating Venus, caught naked beneath her husband’s net… Sing, Muse. I dreamt of Grecian deviance—limbs of oil and marble overlapping. I heard Sextus, seducing his rancid Cynthia in song… ‘Why, woman, wear your hair up? And ruin your smooth wrists with gems? Why pollute your skin with scented oils? Why cover your white breast in colored silks? Stay naked. Your beauty was most...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Petite Woman

Dali Wine Bar & Restaurant. This is one of the best bars in Dallas, Texas. The decor is wonderful, matched by great service and food. The high-class ambiance of this bar will make you frequent this bar many times in the future. Dee looked up and locked eyes with me across the bar. I was dressed in a expensive dark suit. Late fifties, gray hair, and sunken cheeks, which gave my face the illusion of danger. My eyes are bright with drink, and they are interested. She didn't smile, but she...

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The Redhead at the Strip Club

Been a little while since I've been on here to write about one my stories. But I'm ready to share some more.I had left the Carolinas and returned to living back North in early 2017, but a year later in 2018 I returned to North Carolina to see my good friend from community college for vacation.His boss at the time offered us his summer home on the North Carolina coast for free since it was in January. We took him up on the offer. We mostly went because there was a strip club in Jacksonville we...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Amy Amor Horny Maid Cleans His Dick

We called for a maid service to clean our house today, but didn’t expect the maid to be so fucking sexy. I knew when she came in, I had to get her out of those clothes. I offer her some money to show off her bra. She was hesitant at first, but it’s hard to say no to so much cash. After she lost her top, I needed to see that booty. Paid her a little bit more and got to see her twerk her perfect booty. I ended up getting her completely naked before I was way too hard to not stroke my...

2 years ago
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Romancing the Librarian Pt 03

A Decision at Chaco After the scare with Julie’s uncle and the other bikers at the edge of the Glen Canyon reservoir, we made our way carefully to the RV hidden in the wash. It took a bit of maneuvering to get the rig headed back to the road in the pitch black, but Marian did a great job with a hooded flashlight. She took the other seat and said the women were going to spell each other staying up with me. I didn’t say anything but wondered when I would get Julie in my lap again. On the low...

3 years ago
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Playing Santa Ch 07

Christmas Eve was a strange day at the mall. There were lots of people frantically searching for those last minute gifts. There were very few small kids. There were a lot of young teenagers and pre-teens that seemed to take great joy in tormenting Santa. The pre-teens would invariably pull my beard and react in shock when it did not come off. The teenage girls would come in groups of three to six and squirm all over my lap and ask for all kinds of things. A few of them were things that would...

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In the dark of her bedroom, thirteen-year-old Lisa could feel, rather than see, the red flush of mortification crash over her petite body, like an Atlantic roller against a November shore. It may seem odd that she noted this particular physical sensation at all, considering the competing stimuli: her own bony knees pressing into her cupcake breasts, the sour, whisky-tinged breath wafting into her face, and the hundred-and-eighty pound man pinning her down. It may also be surprising that her...

1 year ago
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Vicki Chapter 2

When they got up from the nap, Dan and Vicki sat down for some lunch. This turned out to be sandwiches, but the better quality kind with good ham and Swiss on whole wheat bread with plenty of mustard. Naturally, some mustard stains were likely to happen and they did to Vicki. Her sundress was ruined until it could be washed, a cycle that would take a while. Since she wasn’t picking up her son until that night, they had time to do it, but she would have nothing to wear until it was clean. “Don’t...

4 years ago
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Just Another Day In Paradise Day 7

Just a quick note to anyone who has been following this story on each release day - firstly, thank you for all the wonderful reviews! Makes a girl's heart soar to read them! ;-) Secondly, the daily updates of the story will be taking a short break in the coming week as I go on my own Spring Break vacation (if only mine could go similar to Alexis' so far...). Hopefully I should get the next two chapters written and uploaded before I go, as they'll likely be on the shorter side, but...

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Strip tease for Tom

It was near Christmas at a neighbour’s party that my wife Lynn together with another lady neighbour did a slow strip-tease to music as the evening drew to a very drunken close. It certainly raised the roof as quite a few men were absolutely transfixed as both women stripped down to just their bras, panties and stockings and heels. On the surface it seemed an innocent bit of fun, but later on in bed that night as we made love my wife commented on how much it must have turned me on as I was as...

1 year ago
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My Fantasy Fulfilled

It so happened that one day I received a bbm request from an unknown person,I was completely drunk and accepted it,when I asked for the intro the guy on the other side says Someone knowing me forwarded my bbm pin saying I need some pleasure in my life.I was like wtf who the hell is this,I have never shared such things with anyone yet,that ya I do lack sexual pleasure in my life. I chatted with that guy and found him a good person actually,even after my non sense n stupid questions he was decent...

4 years ago
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HomebodiesChapter 12

The office of 1st Lieutenant Sparksafroth, HSF Marine Corps, was on the bottom floor of the administration building where Gath had met with Colonel Lister the previous night. It was a small room, originally used for storage but recently and hastily converted to office space when the new position of Officer of the Day Adjunct was created especially for the occupant of the office. Gath found the door at 0920 local after searching for more than fifteen minutes. Sparky’s name and new title—both...

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Teach me

                                               Please teach me       I am a 18 year old white female and my name is Rose. I stand 5' 3 and weigh 95lbs. I have small breasts but they are full and very round for my size. I have a small waist and very sexy legs and tush. This story is about sex education. I am not a virgin and l have been with 2 boys. One shot his cum on my face when l was 16 and then it was over and the other l had protected intercourse with last year and it lasted about 6...

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Learning a Lesson his

I received a comment on my story Learning a Lesson . . . the commenter thought that the story appeared to be written by a guy.   This intrigued me because I have never been accused of anything like that before and it made me think .. . what was it that made the person think that?   I wasn’t sure but it inspired me to think about the story from another perspective.   What if the main character was male instead of female?   Would it still seem like it was written by a guy?   I don’t know.   But I...

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Love is a 5 Way Street Chapter 4

Killer Tuna Redux 2: Love is a 5 Way Street - Chapter 4Hollywood Arts High SchoolJade strolled through the side entrance of the school with a swing of her hips as if she owned the place, the guarded yet confident expression warning all those around her not to challenge her as she passed the milling about students. She had good reason to feel that way as she was one of the girls that 'ran' the school. In a sea of faceless and interchangeable cogs, there were only a few that stood out and were...

3 years ago
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Young and Sexy

Kim was young but had developed a sexy body which all men noticed. She came from a poor family and learned that the men would take care of her if she used her body. She got on an adult dating site and soon had many men wanting to meet her. She chose the one thirty years older but rich. They planned to meet friday at the Hyatt Hotel in his suite.She wore a shiny silk dress, a thong and matching push-up bra. She looked gorgeous and very sexy. She rang the buzzer to room 2110 and he opened the...

4 years ago
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Ties That Bind

While going through the junk in the garage that didn’t make it into the house on the last move, I came across a couple of items that I had completely forgotten about. They sparked my imagination. I found two restraints, one that would fasten you to the ceiling, binding your hands and the second would fasten to your ankles, keeping your legs spread wide apart. Both conjured very favorable images in my head. As the days went by, I couldn’t seem to let go of this fantasy. I was certain that you’d...

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Together Forever

This is my first attempt at creative writing. Please, if you’re going to leave feedback, keep this in mind. Thank you.—please, please, please, whined the slave boy, the knees of his sheer white thigh-highs torn and dirtied from so much time spent on the filthy concrete floor. Please, master, don’t take this worthless slave’s balls, please! The boy, a male only to the outside world, of which he was no longer apart, trembled at the feet of his master, who was a giant of a man, easily...

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Inspection 8211 Neighbour Maid

This story is of my sex interest on my Neighbour maid. I was thinking like she was the wife of some as I always could see her saying bye to a guy who goes to the office and a child who go to school. After seeing other women then I confirmed she is the maid. There house consists of an Old man, an Uncle – his wife, son and their maid. She always goes to the terrace to do her work like washing clothes or vessels. As the couple came from Dubai (temporary) stay she was looking after the old man and...

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Shadows Gather

It's been too long since you've remembered a taste of your true power. As madness nearly consumes you while you remain trapped in this pathetic golden urn, as a mere ball of shadow and consciousness. Ah yes, you remember it quite well... Back when you had the entire human race beneath your feet, they served with such zeal and conviction. They loved their master, their king, no - their God. Empires would rise and fall at your desire, those who would wish certain victory would come to your...

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TG Storytime

TGStorytime! I had this crazy dream where I found a remote control that let me alter the very fabric of time and space. I could have used it to rob banks, bang several of my favorite pornstars at the same time, or really do whatever I wanted. All I wanted to do, though, was turn my penis into a vagina and grow rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. That could mean I’ve been reading too much TGStorytime, a user-contributed library of transgender was established in 2011 by Joe...

Sex Stories Sites
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Howd that happen 6

I pulled my horse up up aside of the wagon, leaned over and said “Well, ladies, we're going to make it into Sante Fe in a couple of hours, but you both look a little trail worn. We should pull over by that stream there, rest the horses so they look perky, and maybe spruce up a little. I could use a wash and shave myself.” “ Horse, that's one of the better suggestions you've made lately. I feel like I've been rode hard and put up wet,” Sandra retorted. I kind'a snickered at the rode hard bit,...

Group Sex
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Ems Panties Pt 5

“That was interesting” she opened with. “Your tip is super sensitive huh?” She asked. “Yeah, it’s like a boys clit.” I joked. “You know what your clit is right?” “Yeah I’m not stupid. They showed us in health class. Um, it’s above where pee comes out? I think?” “Well yeah, technically speaking. Do you want me to show you? I can pay you back for what you just did to me?”. Em didn’t answer, she was taking her shorts off before I’d finished my sentence. “PLEASE!” she hollered. “I was gunna...

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My First Pussy Pumping Experience

The vagina is a powerful thing, and pumping mine is an amazing feeling. People always ask me what it feels like and why I do it. Oh, there are many reasons. The first time I ever saw a pumped pussy was last year, while browsing online, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was gigantic, obscene - and a massive turn-on. I knew I just had to try this for myself. I immediately rushed into the kitchen, got some boiling water and used it to heat the inside of an empty glass jar. Next I hastily...

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Meri Pyaasi Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Pratima bhabhi humare parivar mein puri tarah se ghul mil gayee thi. Hum sab use bahut khush the. Main, bhaiya aur bhabhi bahut hasin mazak kiya karte the. Pitaji ne hum tino ko Port Blair bhej diya ghum ke aane ke liye. Wahan ke liye dress main aur bhabhi hi lekar aaye. Kyunki wahan pe bhabhi ko saree toh pahan ni nahi thi. Ghar se nikle toh bhabhi saree mein hi thi. Aur flight mein middle mein baithi thi. Dono seat ke bich ka hand rest hata diya tha. Bhabhi ko belt lagana nahi aaya toh maine...

4 years ago
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Kennel Bitch II

Kennel Bitch Part II        My name was once Lindsey. It is now Kennel Bitch, and has been for some time. At once I was Jake’s slave. Now he shares ownership of my body with a dog. Two dogs, really.       It started out simply enough. You may already have read about my first time with a dog. If so you know it was not what I wanted. Neither is what I am – a dog slave. Regardless, it is what I have become, and I revel in it. Even as I detest it.        That night, as was detailed in the first...

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