TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 126: Carrie’s Letter free porn video

Once in the chapel again Jessie found a quiet corner and read the letter Carrie’s mother had just given her. She then called Bjorn over and quietly read it to him as instructed by Carrie in the same letter.
That letter read as follows...
Dear Jessie,
No doubt you are now reading this because the inevitable has happened and I am no longer with you all. You have been a wonderful friend to me and it has been my great privilege to sing with you all these years. It was also a lot of fun to watch this Lifestyle Nudism thing come to town and all the upset and new life it created. It certainly freed up a lot of people from some huge sexual hang-ups and gave new life to the meaning of being a family when Family Sex became not only permissible but encouraged. Our family certainly embraced it and I had a lot of fun with them all and especially my twin brother Troy. You probably already know by now that Bjorn was also involved in some of our Family Sex sessions as well ... and that’s where the baby comes in.
I knew my condition was incurable some time back and decided I wanted to have a baby before it was no longer possible. I thought I had much more time than what I finally ended up with. I stopped taking my anti-pregnancy injections a few months ago and was going to see if I could get pregnant with the first guy that came along that wasn’t my brother. That boy happened to be Bjorn. Please don’t be hard on him over this. He wasn’t to know what my designs were. It just worked out that way ... either by pure luck or God’s providence ... you can decide on that one.
Once I knew I was pregnant and that I didn’t have as long as I thought to see out the full term I decided that I wanted you to have the baby ... that’s if it survives the ordeal and if you will accept it - otherwise my parents will be happy to look after it instead. Bjorn is its natural father and I think you would make the best mother in the world that any baby could have. I haven’t thought of any names yet because I want you to have that privilege. I think you and Bjorn will make such a wonderful couple together and amazing parents to my (or our!) baby.
Goodbye Jessie. I love you very much and I am hoping you will read this to Bjorn as well. I am sorry if I have caused any problems between you because of the baby but I do hope it grows up with you two as its parents and that she (I know that now) causes you to remember me every now and then as well.
All my Love
Carrie Pearson
Once again tears were falling down all over Jessie’s and Bjorn’s naked bodies as Jessie read the letter and Bjorn just listened.
Jessie then went over and read the letter to all the others. She didn’t want it to be any sort of a secret open to harmful speculation. They all cried again when they heard what Carrie had written and all agreed that, even though very young, Bjorn and Jessie should be the child’s parents. They would all help of course as doting grandparents and one doting uncle and try not to get in the way of Jessie Harper and Bjorn Erikson as the mother and the father.
Just as the letter was being passed around for others to read quietly to themselves a nurse came in and told them that they could all now come down and see the little premature baby - rescued from the jaws of death as one of the doctors put it.
That baby would soon be transferred to a better facility in a bigger hospital for better care but for now it would stay here for a few hours until properly settled and it was able to be transported without fear of harm or trauma.
The seven naked people in that chapel thanked the nurse then, still staying completely naked, quietly followed her out of the room and down to see the baby that still had no name.

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