Dreamscape The Conclusion
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Charles led her out of the pub to his car, helped her into the passenger side and then moved around and got in on the driver's side. But he didn't start the car. He turned to look at her and asked her to fill in some of the details about her life that he couldn't tell from just observing her. What she did for a living ... where she worked ... what kinds of things she enjoyed doing in her spare time... I want to know EVERYTHING about you...
"I work as an administrative assistant to an executive producer at a movie studio and I'm a studio recording singer. I also have a part-time singing gig at a nightclub. I enjoy all kinds of music and dancing and playing poker with my girlfriends. I go for target practice every few months at a gun range because I keep a gun by my bed for self-protection. I used to enjoy fishing, sailing and horseback riding, but I haven't been able to do any of that since I moved to L.A."
He could almost believe that she did have a fling with The Duke. She worked at a movie studio so it was entirely possible that she had met the man! And she sounded like just the type of woman that Wayne would probably be attracted to. Hell ... you're just the type of woman I've been searching for...
She asked him for more personal information.
"I've been with the FBI since I graduated from med school about four years ago. I just transferred to the Bureau's L.A. office less than a month ago from Washington. I was born in Maryland but my family lived in a couple different places when I was growing up—Texas and Colorado—but we wound up back in Maryland by the time I was a teenager. I loved Colorado and I wish we would've stayed there. I much prefer the countryside and the mountains to big cities. I hope to retire there when I'm ready to quit The Bureau. I was married once but it ended badly and we divorced three years ago."
He noted her surprise at learning he was divorced. Shit. Why did I tell you that? I don't want to get into that with you this soon ... I don't want to scare you away. Better break you in with some of the minor stuff first...
"I don't like my job sometimes. It keeps me reminded that there are subversive elements around the world that threaten the security, peace and freedoms the U.S. has struggled to establish and maintain. But, I also feel my job is important in the fight to help protect our way of life."
"You've seen some things that make your sense of duty important?" she interrupted him with a chuckle.
He laughed with her and then continued. "Because of what I've had to deal with at times, I've developed a bad habit of bottling up my fears and anger to remain calm during tense interrogations. Then, sometime later, the least little thing sets me off and I explode in rage and take it out on whatever or whoever happens to be around me at the moment. After that, I usually need to be left alone for a day or so and then I return to my normal, easy-going self again."
She was a little worried. "How do you express your rage when you explode?"
"I've broken some things—punched a few walls and doors. But I've never hit a person during those outbursts—just yelled at them."
"Has anyone ever yelled back?"
He chuckled shortly. "No. Most people are usually shocked to see me like that so they just walk away from me."
She raised her eyebrows. "We might have a problem. I have quite a temper myself, you know. And if you just yell at me sometime for no reason, I'm likely to yell back!"
He grinned at her. "I've already thought about that. But I think I know how we can resolve it."
"And how would that be?"
He shook his head as he replied. "I'm not going to explain it to you now because I need to learn more about you before I know if it will work."
"What else do you need to know about me?" she asked expectantly.
Charles looked at her in irritation. I'm not about to tell you that I intend to use our bodies to vent our frustrations until I know whether you desire me that much! "Damn it, woman! I'm not going to tell you any more right now! I guess there's only one way to distract you!"
He grabbed her and pulled her against him and kissed her hard—at first. She whimpered desperately and he backed off and softened and deepened the kiss. Their lips parted ... their tongues met for the first time. He caressed her back and sides firmly with his hands. She moaned softly into his mouth—he moaned in response.
Her arms moved of their own volition around his shoulders. Her hands slid to his neck and the back of his head. Oh ... my ... God! The things you can do with those lips ... and that tongue! She was melting into him again. Suddenly, she envisioned him with his head between her legs—she could almost feel his mustache tickling her. She groaned deep in her throat as she throbbed with need and soaked her panties ... again.
You want me ... don't you, pretty lady? Probably as much as I want you... He had been hard since he first saw her. He had instantly envisioned ripping her clothes off, bending her over a bar stool and burying himself inside her ... growling like an animal as he branded her as his! He throbbed painfully as the urge to brand her right that moment swept over him. I'm not about to take you tonight! I just laid eyes on you a few hours ago...
You're kidding yourself. If you had no intention of bedding her, why are you offering to take her home at 9:30? And you don't even know her name yet ... Agent Richards! Shit! All the things he'd just asked her and he didn't even ask for her name! He suddenly pulled back from her and stared heatedly at the look of desire on her face as she slowly opened her eyes. Aw hell ... don't look at me like that! I can't take it...
They were both panting heavily...
He asked her raggedly, "By the way, what's your name?"
You're an FBI agent ... you want to marry me and you're just now getting around to asking my name? Let's see... She gave a slow, sexy, crooked smile. "Maureen O'Hara."
What the hell?!! You little minx ... let's see how you like my interrogation tactics...
She gasped and moaned loudly, closing her eyes again as he moved his left hand around to grasp the tip of her right breast through her clothes. So ... maybe you're not such a gentleman after all... She moaned even deeper. "Gail Russell."
Oh, please ... don't make me push this much farther! I don't know how much longer I can hold back, pretty lady! I want you so badly ... but it's just too soon...
Her eyes popped open when he pinched her even harder; it was starting to hurt a little. She could see a look of warning mixed with the desire in his eyes. She wasn't sure just how far he might take this game. It might be too soon to push you so much... She whispered, "OK, OK!"
He released his tight hold and caressed her breast gently, making her moan again. "I'm Diana ... my name is Diana Maitland."
He had wanted to see how much she would respond to him. He'd never dreamed a woman could respond so forcefully to his kiss and his touch. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as he slid his hand from her breast. He tried to erase the erotic images that flooded his mind when she moaned so wantonly.
He leaned toward her and kissed her tenderly. Then he moved his hands to her sides and set her away from him as he turned to start the car. I have to get away from you before I take you right here in my car... He spoke gently. "Nice to meet you, Diana Maitland. Now tell me where you live so I can drive you home."
Diana stared dazedly at him for a few seconds, still breathing heavily. She could tell from the finality in his voice that he had no intention of doing anything other than taking her home. How could you do this to me?!!
She hadn't felt this desperate since she'd been with the big man! And she hadn't had a good fuck since then! The last ones had been lousy because she'd gone back to her bad habit again ... but it'd been over a year since she'd had sex at all! Her body was quivering with need... And you're just going to take me home? Why won't you just take me?!! Her anger exploded. She turned to open the car door to get out, but she fumbled with the handle.
He reached over and grabbed her wrist, holding it tightly. "Just where do you think you're going?" he asked calmly. What have I done to anger you so?
She struggled vainly to free her wrist from his steely grasp. Then she yelled angrily, "Nowhere with you! Fuck you, Charles Richards! Let me go!" Please don't let me go...
Boy, you do have a temper ... and you're starting to test mine... He grabbed her body again and yanked her across the seat into his lap. He wedged her between him and the steering wheel as he held her tightly against him. He let his slight anger mix with the desire in his eyes.
Slowly, calmly and deeply he replied, "I'm never letting you go. And don't worry; you'll get to fuck me as much as you want ... as soon as you're my wife! Now, is that understood?" There. I've told you how it's going to be!
I have to have you ... tonight! I'm not waiting any longer! She grated through her teeth, "Understood! How much gas do you have in this car?"
He frowned in confusion. She asked again louder and angrier; "Do you have enough gas in this car to get us to Las Vegas?"
His eyes went wide and he just stared at her. She said forcefully, "I'm not letting you get away from me tonight without fucking me! And if you won't do it until I'm your wife, then you'd better head this car toward Vegas!"
He still stared at her. She ranted exasperatedly, "Hell—I wanted John Wayne all my life and I managed to get him just three hours after I met him! You're the only man besides him that has made me want more from you than just sex! I couldn't marry John Wayne, but I do want to marry you—even though I'm not sure if I love you! And you said I was going to be your wife, but now you're hesitating! How ironic is that?!! Now, do you want to marry me or not? If you do, then start heading for Vegas! And if you don't, then let me out of this car right now and I don't want to see you again unless it's to take me to Vegas and marry me!"
Part 1 of a multi-parter. Dreamscape 1 By Diana Kimberly Heche No, this isn't right! None of this is. I stopped in mid bite, then chewed the pancakes more slowly, straining my senses to search for the qualities that I loved in them so well. Nothing. It was not that they were bland in the traditional sense, they were completely devoid of taste altogether. Impossible. I picked up the glass of orange juice and brought the pulpy liquid to my nose, inhaling vigorously for a...
Dreams Really Do Come True I love to dream. I can lie in bed and just let my mind wander. In my dreams the girls are always willing to undress for me and let me have sex with them. Anything goes too such as oral, anal, spanking, and water sports. When I fuck the girl next door her mother is always okay with it and she never calls the police on me. In fact most times she joins in. I can run around naked inside or outside and never get caught. All of my dream girls will pose naked...
Dreams are fulfilled by me, the desires by you. It was a dreary Saturday afternoon as Daniel Samuelsson walked under a dreary sky to enter a dreary mall, to just be around dreary people while he tried to find something bright, at one of the dreary stores filled with dreary goods, to lighten his dreary mood from having a dreary life. Daniel did not really believe his life was really that dull, lifeless and depressing. It was just February, the worst month of the year for...
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Introduction: A story of sexual awakenings. A young teen dreams about her algebra teacher. But what does she discover about him during a scheduled tutoring session? – a submission of the dreams writers competition. AUTHORS NOTE: This story was written as a submission of the writers competition by eljs and J Jackass Tails. It is a fictional telling of a sexual awakening by a young teen. Among the criteria of the submissions is thematic associations with the song: All I Have To Do Is Dream, sung...
teen. Among the criteria of the submissions is thematic associations with the song: "All I Have To Do Is Dream", sung popularly by Roy Orbison, the Everly Brothers, and others. Another criterion is the central character in narrative perspective must be the opposite sex of the author. I pose the usual disclaimer that the posted themes for ...
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Cordelia’s Corporal Comeuppance. This is a parody I do not own any of the characters or Angel the TV Series. They are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and Warner Brothers Studio.Warning: This should be read by adults only, eighteen years of age or older All characters are over 18 years of age and this is a hard spanking with humiliation and sexual overtones. (FF/F) Bodily noises just happen sometimes in your life at the most inappropriate times. I remember such an incident when the...
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This is my entry into the ‘Winter Holidays Story Contest’. Be sure to vote, and either leave a comment or send feedback. I hope you enjoy it. **** Dozens of lights twinkled from their perches. A fresh pine scent filled the air. Gaily wrapped presents crowded together to find a spot under the tree. People scurried through the stores to find those last elusive gifts. It was three days before Christmas, and Abby wished it was over. The packages were empty, fake, like the tree with its air...
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‘Hi Diannia here Mrs. Diannia Scrooge to give you my real title that’s right, Ebenezer Scrooge is my other half , Well sit back and let me tell you my side of the story, Oh he was nice to everyone else he could be quite a charmer but he could be cruel sometimes but that was just with me even so I tried to be a good and loyal wife one that he could be proud of.’ I thought I loved Ebby when he asked me to marry him but are we sure of anything when we are young, I felt I owed him something as...
Ethan and I weren't dating. In fact, we hadn't even met yet. I was on vacation with my mother in Florida and I met Ethan online through a friend. Ethan had been Hannah's friend forever and so he and I started talking online. He was older than I being twenty and I only sixteen. He had seen my picture and I his. We were becoming very close friends. We decided that the first day that I was to come back from vacation which was going to last for an entire month, we'd hang out. I knew that...
I wanted him. How desperately I wanted him I cannot begin to tell you. Alone at night I thought of nothing but his face, his arms, the white and pink and ivory blue of his delicate skin, the curls of his hair, the soft smile of his lips, the glitter of his eyes. But he wasn’t there and I sat alone, the bottle before me, the bottle pouring into the glass, into the glass until there were only shadows. And then sleep. But even in sleep he towered above me, lay supine below me, his every curve and...
GayI awoke late one Thursday night, early Friday morning, and was drenched in sweat. The air conditioning had went out and I had not cracked the window as I often do during the hot spring months. In Grants Hall, the air conditioning often went out during the night and we would surmises that the administration would shut it done to maintain cost. Any way, I got up and d****d myself in a towel and headed off to the common showers. As I opened the shower room door I heard the waters running, slowly I...
Dreams By J. John Seaver "I'm lying on my back in an empty room. There aren't any doors or windows, and the ceiling is so high up that I can't see it. All of the walls and floor are white, and it's bright enough to see, but the light doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere. I can't see where the floor ends and the walls begin. "I realize that I'm naked, but it doesn't bother me. I'm kind of seeing everything from outside my body, but that doesn't bother me either. I look...
Charles collapsed on top of Diana after his hips stopped bucking. He was able to prop himself up on his forearms enough so she could breathe and he turned his head to the right toward hers as it rested on the pillow next to him. She turned her head to look at him and they smiled softly at each other as they took a few slow, deep breaths. He asked, "Where did you go for a few minutes? What took your mind away from us?" She lowered her eyes for a few seconds. What should I tell you? "I was...
By : Arousingboy Hi this is bob again, I guess it has been a long time that I had posted my story. I got good replies regarding the story “Kareena Kapoor and Bob. Now wasting no time would like to tell you guys about one more story. Again it is not truth but my imaginations. First would like to tell the truth is. My name is Bob, I’m 5’10, athletic, with a manhood of 9 inches long. Since my childhood I have been a shy guy which actually didn’t took my anywhere regarding fulfilling my sexual...
IncestDreams of Future Passed - An Apple A Day! I woke up the next morning feeling very groggy and the first thing I realized was that I was not in my own bed. I could also feel my backside and the backs of my thighs aching and coupled with the aching pulse I could feel in my hole, the memories struggled to find their way into my consciousness. Nothing was clear and thinking was an effort, let alone remembering. I put my hand behind me and gingerly drew a finger across my bum and could...
Dreams of Future Passed - Dr. Caroline's Consultation. When I got up it was already afternoon. We had after all been at it most of the night, and I spent the next hour or so simply luxuriating in a very hot bath full of bubbles and the most exquisite scent. It was heaven to feel the aching in my bruised backside gradually ease, and simply to lie there daydreaming and mulling over what had happened to me in the last 17 hours. I had gone from being a somewhat timid, yet intrepid novice,...
Charles stood and helped Diana up so she could walk down to the stage area of the nightclub. As the crowd clapped and cheered, Diana made her way over to the microphone and greeted the bandleader and he kissed her hand before he went back to his podium. When the crowd quieted, Diana began her introduction to the first song. "Good evening, and thank you for that enthusiastic welcome! Some of you may notice that the dress I'm wearing looks similar to a fashion worn by the incomparable Miss...
Introduction: This is the part 2 of Dreams come true. Its a true story of me and my friend a few years back when we were both 14 years old. The events take place in our summer vacation. I woke up the next day spooned behind him. The feeling running through me was unlike anything Id ever felt, everything was perfect. The boy I had been so deeply in love with for so many years actually loved me back. Plus it was summer, which basically meant this was only one of many nights we could spend...
Dreams Do Come True By K.C. Prologue Hi my name is Carl and a few days ago I was a 20-year-old pedophile. I had a very extensive picture collection of little girls. Mostly 6-14 year olds, nude, their smooth supple body there for me to masturbate to. I would almost cream my pants thinking of their breastless chests. One day something strange happened; now my name is Kaci and I am an eleven-year-old girl. This is my story. Chapter 1: Pre Kaci days I had just gotten home...