Dreamscape The Conclusion
- 2 years ago
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‘Hi Diannia here Mrs. Diannia Scrooge to give you my real title that’s right, Ebenezer Scrooge is my other half , Well sit back and let me tell you my side of the story,
Oh he was nice to everyone else he could be quite a charmer but he could be cruel sometimes but that was just with me even so I tried to be a good and loyal wife one that he could be proud of.’
I thought I loved Ebby when he asked me to marry him but are we sure of anything when we are young, I felt I owed him something as he had showed me kindness, cared about me, and I had not felt loved or wanted in a very long time, so maybe I saw this as love.
After the death of my father when I was a small child I spent years in a cold lonely work house.
It was in the heat of the summer when he became my husband as he slipped the ring on my finger, a single tear slid from my eye, I cared about this man but did not feel what I knew my heart should be feeling.
I was dreading my wedding night as he had consumed quite a bit of drink, and in drink he was not always very nice. I lingered as long as I could in the bathroom till I heard him shouting me to come to bed, I felt sick as I walked into the room and saw the man who was now my husband his hand pumping furiously at his flaccid penis,
Slipping into bed Ebby began tugging at my night dress, I begged him to be gentle and take things slowly I wasn’t a virgin many things had happened through my life to have took this choice away from me, but even though I knew I did not want this man to make love to me, I knew it was my duty as a wife to allow him his rights to my body and make it as good for him as I could, but I had hoped for gentleness, I had been hurt enough though the years,
I noticed that his penis was still soft and sent up a silent prayer that it stayed that way.
‘You try ‘ Ebby said folding my hand around it, but no matter what I did his penis remained soft, ‘you are useless’ he snapped before falling into a deep sleep.
Sometimes prayers are answered I thought as I lay listening to the gentle ticking of the clock.
The next morning Ebby woke me with a cold look in his eyes, pinning me down on the bed forcing my legs apart, I froze in fear when he climbed between my legs, he forced himself inside me, ignoring my screams from the pain that shot threw my body. Grinning he started thrusting in and out of me.
It seemed as he had gained super human strength as he slammed into me over and over, I could feel his penis swelling inside me felt him tense as his hot sperm flooded my insides.
Tears ran like a river over my cheeks I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life.
I could hear the chimes from the old grandfather clock, Midnight, that can not be right I looked across at the pillow next to me Ebby was sleeping soundly but it was something else that drew my attention sounded like chains being dragged along the floor and there was a horrible smell filling the room as I looked around the room I could see Ebby by the light from the candle but now he was sat in a chair
‘So pleased you are awake my dear I would like you to meet one of my friends,
Happy Christmas Diannia, this is your present
Meet Jacob Marley’
A scream escaped from deep within me as I gazed into the stony cold eyes of a man who looked like he had been dead for years, he had a chain clamped around his middle it was long and wound around him like a tail and even though I did not believe what I was seeing, even now as I stared at the phantom standing before me I felt the chilling influence of its death-cold eyes, it’s body was transparent but totally naked, my heart froze as I took in the sight of a very real solid looking penis that jaunted out of its body
Midnight- Christmas and a ghost with an erection, was I going mad?
‘What do you want with me” I cried ‘Much’ came the reply from Marley.
Turning to Ebby I pleaded ‘Why are you doing this to me’ with a caustic and cold tone Ebby said ‘because you are the key to my strength, through you I retain my hold on life’. Before I had a chance to reply Ebby reached and snuffed out the candle. I lay there in the dark terrified of what was going to happen to me, I did not have long to wait before hands ripped my night dress from me, my legs and arms being pulled apart, the feel of cold heavy chains being wound round them fastening them to the four posts of my marital bed, a rag was stuffed into my mouth stifling my screams all hope was lost as I relinquished myself to whatever terrible fate awaited me.
I felt a sensation of something on top of me a body with no weight, felt the pain of male hardness forcing its way inside my body ‘oh god please no’ a sudden realization came to me not only do I have Ebby I had the ghost of his mate Marley complete with his very own set of bondage chains to contend with. The penis as it moved in and out of me was solid and real it seemed to grow in size with each movement but the weight from Marley’s body was like the flutings of butterfly wings against my skin.
I know I was here, but somewhere inside I also knew I was in the deepest parts of my own mind.
The thrusting of Marley’s penis was getting faster, it was swelling to an enormous size, if it grew any bigger I feared it would tear me in two, the tears fell from my eyes as I prayed to die and it all be over, faster and harder that penis tore into me, the whole bed was bouncing around, making the chains shake with a dismal and appalling noise, a frightful cry rung out around the room, a sound like a million lost spirits crying piteously at being unable to assist this poor wretched woman, a low wailing sound escaped from between Marley’s transparent lips, coming deep from inside him, growing louder and louder, I felt my head would burst with the terrible noise in the room, with one last hideous scream the seed of a thousand phantoms found their home.
I felt the hardness leave my body, the chains removed, felt the weight of another body on mine, I knew that this time it was Ebby. I could hear chains dragging along the floor.
As Ebby began to enter my sore and used body the rasping sound of Marley’s voice whispered ‘See you very soon’
Mercifully Ebby was quick and I could soon hear the gentle breathing of him and knew he had fallen into a deep sleep. I lay and listened to the chimes from the clock ‘Midnight, No, that’s not possible’ I cried.
The more I thought, the more perplexed I became, did I dream all that had taken place, dream Marley’s visit, I must have but something was telling me other wise.
I resolved to lie awake until daylight came, if it was all a dream I did not want to go there again.
‘Ding, dong” A quarter past ‘Ding, dong’ Half past. ‘Ding, dong’ A quarter to, the chimes of the clock rung out through the night ‘Ding, dong” as the clock struck One, light flashed up in the room and I found myself staring up into the face of an unearthly visitor, It looked like a child, yet also like an old man. Its hair was long and white with age, but the face had not a wrinkle in it, from the crown of its head there was a bright jet of light,
‘Who and what are you, what are you doing here, have you come for the same reason as Marley?’ I demanded.
‘I am the Ghost of Christmas Past. I am here for your welfare!’ Replied the Ghost.
It put out its strong hand as it spoke, and clasped me gently by the arm. ‘Rise and walk with me!”
For some reason I did not feel afraid as he lead me towards the window, no words were spoken as we passed through the wall, and stood upon an open road, with houses on either side. The darkness and the mist had vanished, now it was a clear, cold, winter day, with snow upon the ground. As I looked around. I realized this is where I lived as a child.
The Spirit was looking at me I could feel its gentle touch on my arm, I was conscious of a thousand odors floating in the air, each one
taking me back to a time of great sadness never forgotten.
‘You’re trembling’ said the Ghost ‘have no fear, what you will see is but a shadow of the things that have been, and they have no consciousness of us.”
We entered a house which I knew as the home of my childhood, it was poorly furnished and very cold, a solitary child, who looked badly neglected was sat weeping by the bed of a dead man, a tear fell from my eye as I knew I was looking at myself and the man who had done his best to take care of me.
‘My Father’
We moved on to another house, this was Tiny Tim’s house, he was not so tiny now, between you and me, I always knew Tim was the man I belonged with, but I will explain about that later.
We moved back to the other house my child self was there, crying for her dead father, knowing there was no one to protect her from the monsters any more.
No one to save her from those years of hell she would endure.
I felt a jolt and realized I was back in my bed, Ebby was still sleeping, I felt really confused, was this whole night just a dream, I could hear a voice calling out to me and felt compelled to go seek it out, it seemed to be coming from the lounge, as I entered the room I saw another spirit ‘Come in!” exclaimed the Ghost. “Come in my dear, I am not here to hurt you, but to help you look inside yourself, if you are to ever find peace of mind you must place your trust in me.
Once again I found myself outside but this time facing the workhouse. I saw the gates open, and a scared and broken young girl come through them, for the second time that night I was watching myself.
I saw episodes of my past life flash threw my mind, some I embraced, some I wanted to run from. The years were flying by in an instant, was I dying?
Suddenly I found myself in Tim’s home. I watched my other self look into his eyes and say the words I had long kept buried ‘I love you’. Felt my heart fill with joy as he whispered ‘I love you too’, then in an instant felt that same heart shatter into a thousand pieces as he said ‘I am no good to you, go on with your life, find someone who can make you happy, it can never be me.’ he had also been scared by episodes in his life, a man who did not have the confidence to recognize the man he was, deep inside, no matter how I tried to tell him my love was real and I only wanted him, could only be happy in his arms, he was too afraid to take a chance in my heart. I knew that I would have to leave, I could not bear to be close to this man, and not hold him in my arms, could not stand knowing that he would never truly know the love my heart holds for him. As I turned and walked away, I knew for sure, I was turning my back, but not my heart on my one true love and my life would ever have any real meaning again.
The spirit turned to me ‘tell me what you are thinking’ he said.
Wiping the tears from my eyes I started to speak ‘Maybe this life with Ebby is my punishment for being with a man I could never love, punishment for keeping the love that should be his locked inside my heart, you see it is impossible to give my love to him, I can never give it to anyone, for it is not mine to give, I know they say if you love something set it free, but tell me how do you set love free, it is the holder of all your hopes and dreams, these are the things that keep you alive, to lose these I may as well lay down and allow the breath to leave my body for all time’.
‘How ever hard my life with Ebby will be I will accept it because no matter who may enter my body I will not be betraying the one I love, because no-one else will be allowed to enter my heart, and without the key to the heart they can not touch the depths of the soul’.
‘At the end of life when there are no more obstacles in the way my soul will still be pure it will be reunited as one with its other half, the half that lives inside the heart of my one true love’.
The spirit listened as I talked than turned to me ‘you know the true meaning of love, but you still have much to know, it is time we returned home’.
‘Please’ I begged of him, would I ever know the warmth of lying in Tim’s arms, the sweetness of his kisses, and the gentleness of his cresses?
‘Amor vincit omnia’
‘What does it mean’ I asked.
But they were his last words to me.
Once again I found myself sitting up in bed trying to get my thoughts together still unsure if it was all just a dream, was it that my every thought was centered around my love for Tim, was it clouding my judgments, or did the spirit come to me to show me that the pain that lingers in a broken heart, the pain of living in a empty world would only be erased in that last final breath. If this is true, I would more than welcome the sweet peacefulness that everlasting sleep would bring.
I could smell the delicious scent of cinnamon and other spices so strongly all around me. A glowing light filled the room, taking shape, as another spirit appeared.
‘I am the Ghost of Christmas Present.” said the Spirit. ‘Look upon me!”
It was clothed in one simple green robe, its eyes were clear and showed great kindness.
‘Touch my robe’ it said to me ‘don’t be afraid, for I am here to show you the way forward’.
As my fingers found the robe the room vanished from around me, I was in Ebby`s Study, I started to feel scared, as right in front of me was Ebby, but it seemed as though he was looking right through me yet at the same time welcoming someone into the room.
I felt a breeze pass through my back and saw the ghost of Marley walk out of my body.
‘Don’t be afraid’ the spirit whispered, ‘they can not see us, but my child you must listen carefully if you are to know the truth’.
Ebby began to talk
‘Welcome Marley, I know why you are here. I have done what was asked of me. I pretended I was someone we both know I am not. When I found Diannia out in the world, knowing she was alone, I was there at her most vulnerable moment and asked her to marry me, she owes me, she is trapped with me, you can do as you please with her, everyone else always has’.
The deal was that for everlasting life, come the darkness of the night, you can have everlasting pleasure of my wife’s body, her weakness will give me new strength. To keep her locked to me, I am thankful that you gave me the time that I could enjoy her body for a short while, but it now belongs to the darkness, it will no-longer be mine, I don’t want it, I only want to break her will to escape’.
‘Her heart is fragile and the spirit is weak, I will soon break her totally’.
‘At night when the dark spirits come, the horror and the pain will never be forgotten, when you fill her body night after night with the seeds of ever lasting memories, she will be trapped in this ever lasting hell, unless she looks for the light, she is lost and will be mine for all time’.
I looked at the spirit ‘why have you shown me this, I can’t change the future, no more than I can change the horrors of my past’. I cried.
‘Amor vincit omnia’
The words flooded the room as I found my-self back in my bed.
As time passed, my life with Ebby got worse. Every night as sleep over came me, the dark spirits came, and they entered my body, destroying my mind. I tried to fight against them but still they came.
Those words echoed through my mind.
‘Amor vincit omnia’
I knew they held the clue, but what did they mean.
I was reading one of Ebbys books one evening, it was the meaning of Latin words and there it was,
‘Amor vincit omnia’
‘Love conquers all’
The answer lay within my heart.
‘I am the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come’
The voice startled me, it seemed to come out of nowhere, glancing around, I noticed the shadowy shape of a man ‘you have found the meaning to the key to release you my dear. You must use this wisely, follow me and I will give you a glimpse o
f how things could be’.
Taking the spirits hand, we left the restrains of our earthly bounds. I felt as though I had turned to air, as my body drifted over the roof tops, and we passed through the star lit sky.
We were at Tim’s home now ‘I will leave you here for a short while, for there are some things to be seen which are only for your eyes’ he whispered to me.
I entered the house and what a shock awaited me. I was already there with Tim, I could see I had changed or maybe I had just become the real me. My face showed a radiance that it never had before, I had become a happy confident women, I was holding him in my arms, giving him the strength that I had found in side myself, showing him that all scars of life can be healed, with the power that true love brings. We slowly lowered ourselves down on to the fluffy rug, our bodies entwined against the glow of the fire, felt the sweetness of his lips as they found mine. Transfixed, I watched as my hands guided him over the womanly curves of my body, heard my own moans of pleasure, as the confidence grew within him.
I wanted to give this man the love he so desperately needed, but had never been given. My lips began a journey around the contours of his body, my fingers caressing him as my love broke through the barriers to his heart. Slowly he entered my body, moving gently against me, our bodies soon began to rise and fall in unison, never had we known this kind of love, a deep warm gentle act between a man and a women, the sound of pleasure rung out into the night, our bodies shuddering, as two lost souls found their way home.
As we held each other I looked into his eyes ‘Amor vincit omnia’ was the only words needed.
All to soon I found myself back home, my arms aching to hold him, my heart once again breaking, because he was not with me, but the realization that love had shown me the way, no more would I fear the darkness of the night. Now I could welcome it, as my only thoughts, my only dreams, would be of him, of his kisses and cresses. They alone would chase away the spirits of darkness, the horror and fears they fetched with them, would be replaced with the light of love. I don’t know if he will ever truly be mine, but his place in my heart will remain through all eternity. I have found something within me that I did not think existed. I found the true meaning of love. The true meaning of life. We can fight against the very thing that would bring peace and contentment to us, but to fight, will trap us in the cold empty vessel of ourselves. We can travel through time never really being fulfilled without love, the dark spirits can be free to enter our minds but with love the darkness is replaced with an everlasting light, a healing light, for the confidence to trust the strength, to accept we must welcome love into our hearts, for only love can cure the scars that this world bestows upon us.
‘Was it all a dream or not?’
‘Was it love that entered the darkest recess of my mind, to heal the blackness that lay within?’
‘Amor Vincit Omnia’
please have a look at my other stories listed under my other name (icebaby).
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Dreams By J. John Seaver "I'm lying on my back in an empty room. There aren't any doors or windows, and the ceiling is so high up that I can't see it. All of the walls and floor are white, and it's bright enough to see, but the light doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere. I can't see where the floor ends and the walls begin. "I realize that I'm naked, but it doesn't bother me. I'm kind of seeing everything from outside my body, but that doesn't bother me either. I look...
Here it is, once again, the weekend and Robert has called me every night since our last night together. I have been fairly busy at work the past couple of days because of a television special they are doing. Our restaurant is being listed as one of the top ten places to eat in Florida. We are actually number two on the list. I have talked to Kim a couple of times this week and told her that I hoped she didn’t think I was avoiding her. I explained about the restaurant and she was very...
Tonight was it. Every detail had been meticulously planned. He had haunted her footsteps like a shadow for the past two months, had her in his every thought for the past seven. He had memorized her every smile. He would awaken from his dreams to swear he could smell her sweet perfume. He had tried fruitlessly to win her attention, but she barely even noticed his existence. And with every unreturned smile he felt a hate burn inside of him. She thought she was better than him. She thought that...
By : Arousingboy Hi this is bob again, I guess it has been a long time that I had posted my story. I got good replies regarding the story “Kareena Kapoor and Bob. Now wasting no time would like to tell you guys about one more story. Again it is not truth but my imaginations. First would like to tell the truth is. My name is Bob, I’m 5’10, athletic, with a manhood of 9 inches long. Since my childhood I have been a shy guy which actually didn’t took my anywhere regarding fulfilling my sexual...
IncestDreams of Future Passed - An Apple A Day! I woke up the next morning feeling very groggy and the first thing I realized was that I was not in my own bed. I could also feel my backside and the backs of my thighs aching and coupled with the aching pulse I could feel in my hole, the memories struggled to find their way into my consciousness. Nothing was clear and thinking was an effort, let alone remembering. I put my hand behind me and gingerly drew a finger across my bum and could...
Dreams of Future Passed - Dr. Caroline's Consultation. When I got up it was already afternoon. We had after all been at it most of the night, and I spent the next hour or so simply luxuriating in a very hot bath full of bubbles and the most exquisite scent. It was heaven to feel the aching in my bruised backside gradually ease, and simply to lie there daydreaming and mulling over what had happened to me in the last 17 hours. I had gone from being a somewhat timid, yet intrepid novice,...
EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...
At first she did it because she desperately needed the money. Lately though, the share she got wasn’t even enough to cover both food and rent. Things were bad before her husband died but they were starting to look up. For the five years they had been married they both worked full time to make enough money to afford food and their little apartment. After years of hard work and patience, he had chanced upon a much better paying job. It was such an improvement that she didn’t even need to work...
I dreamt of you last night… There we were walking through the woods, the wind catching our laughter and carrying it away. The late evening autumn sky streaked with all the shades of red and orange, filling us with a warm cozy feeling. Arm in arm there’s no need for words between us, as we step into the cabin we had rented for our rendezvous. Closing the door behind us, I turn to find you just inches from me and I smile. Your strong arms pull me to you and softly you kiss me, parting my lips...
Dreams by Candice Hi! My name is Kathy and I'm writing this to show women everywhere that revenge is possible. I was at the beach and decided that I would go to a bar. I had a few drinks and a man named Gary came up to me and asked me to dance. We talked about the ocean and he asked if we could take a walk on the beach. I replied yes but as soon as we got away from the hotel, he threw me on the sand and raped me. When he was done, he ran away leaving me covered with...
Hazel had been my next door neighbour for over a year and although we'd got on really well from day one, nothing sexual had ever happened between us but it didn't stop me dreaming. She wasn’t what you'd call a raving beauty but she had something special. She had a latent sex appeal!!! She didn't seem to do anything to push the point but it was just there. Each time, after we'd spent time together, I'd go back to my own flat and imagine how it would be to undress her and find out what sort of...
Erotic FictionOctober 31, 2018 – 3:00am CST – New Orleans, Louisiana Dr. Sean Mallory slowly moved his cursor up to the little apple icon in the far left top corner of his massive twenty-seven inch Thunderbolt display. He clicked on it and then hovered over the words ‘shut down’. He paused briefly, and then, with an audible sigh, he confirmed his choice. The computer slowly began to shut down all open programs. The screen went grey, and then black, and the fan that had been cooling his hard drive came to a...
Dreamscape 2 By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 2: Arnie and Janet One of the things I learned quickly was that Lucy Maya wore glasses. I sat on the couch surrounded by books and articles of every ilk - everything from witchcraft to little known aspects and traditions of major religions. I had been this way for days, sitting and reading almost continuously. After a few days of holding papers near the tip of my nose, it dawned on me that perhaps I should search for a pair of...
Dreamscape Iv By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 4: When It Rains... After a traumatic first working day in the body of Lucy Maya, I had braced myself for them all to be that way. But they were not. A fortnight into the life and job, I was beginning to settle in a little more comfortably. Although in my more relaxed times I was still capable of making large "un-Lucy like" mistakes which raised the occasional eyebrow. In one particularly surreal moment, I told a male co-worker...
This story will be something unique for me as the story is not completed. It starts by telling the story of how a transition takes place, but then leaves the future completely up to you. At the end of this section I'll offer suggestions as to where the story could go next. Through your reviews you can tell me what you would like to see happen in the next chapter. You can choose one of my directions or suggest one of your own. Each week I'll try to complete the next...
After the reviews are in it was predominantly decided to go with option #3, but perhaps with some #1 as well. I think I can do that... *** Dreamscape - Things that go bump in the night I opened my eyes at the sound of several loud bangs. It was a knocking sound. "Harold! I know you're in there! Open up!" The first thing I did was check my hands. They were still small and feminine. I glanced at myself in the mirror. I was still the new me, thank God. I was also still wearing the...
on my bed with a good book. I walked into my house, but before I walked into my room I went into the bathroom, stripped and jumped into the shower. Washed quickly, and then remembered that I left my towel in the room. Oh well, no one was going to see me anyway so I walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom dripping wet from tip to toe. ******* When I saw him lying down on my bed I didn’t know what to do. I've wanted him all my life and here he was, lying down, staring at my...
‘Dreams of My Son… A Spiritual Tale of Motherly Love’by DizzyDThis is a fictional biography intended for adults 18+ only It’s never easy… and some days are even harder than others. There are those particularly rough ones when I have to say to myself, “Marie… you need to get out of bed.” But when things aren’t going so well in your life, depression can sometimes set in and destroy your will to go on. And today had been one of those days. Then again, here I was, a single woman in her 40’s who was...
Dreams in Real Life By Belinda I started getting into the internet about 1986. My first interest were typical computer things. I subscribed to various newsgroups. In 1986, the internet was just forming. In 1993, I explored a different part of the internet. What I found was something the challenge and brought up feelings about how I wanted to be perceived. * * * Last night, I would like to share a dream I had? By day and in public, I am male. In...
I have the same dream every time I close my eyes. I live on a thousand acre ranch with the usual livestock, horses, cows, pigs, chickens, and you get the picture. I love to my favorite stallion "Smoke" more than anything else. Lighting stands 17 hands tall and is a beautiful Appaloosa. Lately I only ride him bare back wearing a sports bra and a pair of "Daisey Duke" shorts. I love to feel the play of his muscular body between my legs, my fingers twined in his mane with his spine rubbing my...
average. However, these dreams are not usually the full length movies but the trailers, and most if not all are forgotten upon awaking. They do stay buried deep in the subconscious and occasionally the smallest word, the simplest visual, can bring back a snatch of them... ...The girl stands nude under the evergreen tree. She is very petite, with small, pert breasts. She stands with her arms raised above her head in seeming invitation for something to come from the sky. I notice that...
Little did I know she would not be there, it was only my drunk uncle and I. Well this meant at 16 it was mainly me doing all the work while he went to the bar. The house was quite large and my aunt rented rooms out, the back studio to a studly guy that had a lot of sexy lady friends. This made my 16 year old cock hard all of the time. There were two "older women" , lol, like 24 and 26, they were lesbian, Then there was Lynette, a cute 19 year old that fell in love with Mr....
He walked through the door, one hand rubbing away the tension in the back of his neck. Running a hand through his short, spiky, platinum blonde hair, he unbuttoned the top three buttons of his starched white shirt and tossed his pinstripe tie across the back of a chair. It was then he noticed the coffee table. Twin red candles burned next to an array of dishes–sliced meats, cheeses, bread, ripe plums. Two large cushions had been placed on either side. White petals were scattered around the...
Wir wollen unser Produkt nicht ungetestet auf den freien Markt werfen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir die Droge CYBERDREAMS im Internet günstig angeboten. Im Kleingedruckten kann der Käufer lesen, das es sich um eine Beta-Version der Pille handelt, nur aus diesem Grund können wir die Pille so günstig abgeben. Bei bewußter Einnahme, verstärkt sich bei Männern die Potenz, bei Frauen wird die Libido stark angeregt. Die Lust wird so stark, das im Kopf ein chemischer Vorgang stattfindet. (diesen werden...
Hyper Dreams! In a world of 4K Ultra-HD teen cherry-popping movies and immersive VR anal fisting scenes that make you the fister, people are often surprised to learn that I appreciate a good erotic story from time to time. When the porn scenes play out in your head, the sluts are never ugly, and the action is never phoned-in or boring. That’s one of the main reasons I was so excited to find out about Hyper Dreams.Since 2011, Hyperdreams.com has been offering “Erotic Sex Stories With A Twist!”...
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Premium Teen Porn SitesNote : THis story is completely fictional! Hai, I am Jagan I like very much Incest . Every son have a dream so I have a dream. I am waiting till for that day it comes true in my life. Now the day came just one month before. So I want to share how my dreams coming true in my. Life if you also help it to get your momma as you like I am satisfied for it. The dream between my lovely momma and me, you know she is dream woman of everyman My mom was a fashionable lady in her late forties and till now....
Incest…this is the God who does not care and will never cease. Look at the seas there Flashing against this rock in the darkness–look at the tide-stream stars–and the fall of nations–and dawn Wandering with wet white feet down the Carmel Valley to meet the sea. These are real and we see their beauty. – Robinson Jeffers from -The Great Explosion’ * The Spring Break in Cozumel had been more enjoyable than Jo Anne had expected. She and her husband, Kevin, had traveled there with her younger sister,...