A Kitten's TailChapter 16 free porn video

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“Tropical Delights Resort, this is Anna speaking, how may I assist you today?” God, I hated Mondays. Especially after a weekend like I just had. Spending the night with my Master and Shelly had worn me out even more, and then Master brought me straight to the office. It was barely eight in the morning, and I was still on my first cup of coffee. The idiot babbling at me in Italian wasn’t helping.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t speak any Italian, hablas Espanol? If we need to I can find someone who speaks Italian, but it may take several minutes.”

“No, my English not to good, but I try,” he replied haltingly in a thick Italian accent. “I seeking leader of police for Fakahina, but the only contact I find is this number. Can you help?”

Thick Italian accent and the police ... Wonderful, Marta’s parents probably decided to report her missing or claim she was kidnapped. We got at least one of these every year, but Master was used to it. At least Master spoke Italian.

“We don’t have a dedicated police force, but I can connect you with Mister Slade,” I replied. “He’s the closest thing we have to what you are asking for, please hold.”

After hitting the hold button, I dialed the extension for Master’s office. “Excuse me, Master, but there’s a call on extension one-oh-one. It’s an Italian man looking for our police, but I couldn’t get much more, as he didn’t speak much English.”

“That’s odd. Even if Marta’s parent’s tried to claim we kidnapped her, it should have taken the police longer to get permission to contact us due to the diplomatic issues,” he replied. “I’ll take care of it either way. Just make sure we have enough coffee, I’ll probably need a cup by the time I finish with this guy.”

I glanced back at the coffee pot and shook my head. Of course there was enough, the only cup out of it was still in front of me. Master was just messing with me because he knew I was still wiped out from the weekend.

It all started Thursday night when I spent the night with Master Alonso. He had claimed Sonia as his pet that morning. He celebrated by tying her hands to the headboard and fucking her senseless while Marta and Kiera sucked on her nipples. I was playing with his kitten and we were watching when he climaxed. Felicia crawled over to clean him up, leaving me with my favorite snack in the world, fresh creampie.

My ass was up in the air because I knew he was going to take me while I cleaned up Sonia. The memories of the nights we had spent together had me wet when we arrived at the cabin, and his kitten playing with my pussy while we watched had me right on the edge of climax, but the feeling of his thick cock slowly sinking into my ass for the first time made me cum so hard I almost passed out.

I loved anal sex, but he had never taken me that way before. We all talked, and I know he had tried it with a few of my sisters, but he was afraid of hurting us. His willingness to use me freely set me off as much as the feeling of him doing so.

It continued on Friday at the lagoon, when my Masters decided that they wanted to compare the pet’s climaxes. They each had one of the pets in their lap as they brought her to an orgasm, and then discussed their favorite part of each of our climaxes as we were trying to recover. Hearing them talk about how much they loved my throaty little moans almost made me cum again. The afternoon of snorkeling was almost a letdown, but we all loved snorkeling too much to pass up a chance to go.

The experiment continued through the weekend. On Saturday they had us form two lines and each of us got to ride the Master in front of her until she climaxed, then moved to the back of the other line as the next pet took her turn. After the first couple turns, we were all so horny that we barely made it two minutes before we climaxed and had to switch again. Each of us got to climax a couple of times with each of our Masters before they decided to stop because they were too tired to get hard again right away. They had enough energy to drag us out water skiing for the afternoon though.

We were excited on Sunday morning when they lined us up again, thinking we were going to repeat Saturday’s game. I almost melted when Master Alonso had Kiera and Marta step out of the line, giving them the special job of making sure our asses were properly lubed and warmed up before our turns. I think they got to cum more times than the rest of us combined, as each of us had our fingers buried in their pussies as they lubed us up.

All the pets were overjoyed in the changes in Master Alonso’s behavior, but Sonia and Felicia were ecstatic. The way their faces lit up when he called for one of them was priceless. Sonia admitted it wasn’t that he was summoning them, but how he did it that excited them. When he called for them before, he would make it sound like he was asking them to come to him, but now it was a clear command. He wasn’t domineering, but he expected to be obeyed, just like Master Julien.

I was still reminiscing and sipping my coffee when Master walked out of his office. “Anna, call the tower and have them track down the flight crew. I need the jet prepped and ready to take off as soon as possible. I’m sure Alonso and his pets will be departing after I talk to him, and I need everything ready.”

Picking up the phone, I called the control tower to relay Master’s instructions. From the tone of his voice, I knew he wasn’t upset with Alonso, but the way he was carrying himself meant something bad had happened. After Ethan confirmed he would find the rest of the flight crew and have the jet ready to go within the hour, I grabbed the satellite phone and rushed out the door after Master.


I had just finished breakfast and was enjoying a second cup of coffee when Julien dropped into the chair across from me. He looked like hell, and the first words out of his mouth confirmed something was wrong. “I have Peter waiting at your cabin, and the flight crew is getting the jet prepared. I got a call from the Bari police this morning, and you need to get home. Have your pets get packed up and Peter will help them load the luggage.”

I told the girls to go get packed up. The concern on Felicia and Sonia’s faces was clear, but they rushed out with Kiera and Marta following them. “Okay, what was so bad that you didn’t want to say it in front of them,” I asked.

He smiled wanly as he shook his head. “I wanted to tell you first and let you decide how to break the news to them. The police wouldn’t give me many details, but there was a fire at your home. The police were trying to contact you and Sonia in particular.”

I knew I was listed as the emergency contact and guarantor on their medical insurance, Sonia was ... oh no. “Were there any survivors?”

I could see the pain in his eyes as he shook his head. “They found three bodies when they were trying to put out the fire.” I slumped down in my chair and covered my face with my hands. Three of the people I cared most about in the world were dead, and Sonia was going to be devastated.

“She’s going to need you to be strong,” he told me. “I know exactly how you feel right now because I was there not long ago. It would be easy if we were heartless bastards like my uncles, but when you love your pets, you support them. You and her new sisters are all she has left now, and she will need all the support she can get.”

As much as I hated to admit it, I knew he was right. I had been pushing myself the past few days, taking cues from Julien on how to be the Master my pets wanted me to be, and I could see how excited they were over it. Now I would have to stay in control, giving Sonia the strength she needed to get through losing her family.

I could see Julien’s smile as I straightened up in my chair and nodded. “Good, I’ve watched you following my lead this weekend, but it has always been inside of you. Your mistake with the pets has always been that you see them as women first and try to please the woman you see them as. They want you to see them as a pet and use them for your pleasure. Their pleasure is a given at that point because knowing that you are using them excites them. I’ll check on the preparations for your departure while you take care of your pets.”

As he stood to leave, I noticed the silence that had fallen over the room. All the pets were quietly watching with tears in their eyes. I was their Master, and by accepting Sonia as my pet, she became their sister as well. As if they had known her for years instead of just a few days, they were sharing the pain of her loss. That was when it sank in, I had a responsibly to them as much as the four waiting in my cabin.

“Don’t worry, my pets, I’ll take good care of your sister and bring her back to visit as soon as I can,” I told them. “I know you want to be with her right now, but we’ll need a few minutes alone. Sonia hates for anyone to see her crying. Wait for us by the trainer’s cabin, and I’ll bring her up when she’s ready.”

There was a sea of sad smiles as I turned and left the dining hall, but I knew that they would all be waiting for us. I walked back to the cabin, trying to think of an easy way to break the news to Sonia. When I saw Peter and Joshua carrying the luggage out, I realized I was there and was no closer to a solution.

When I walked into the cabin, I was surprised to see them all still in what they had worn to breakfast as they dropped to their knees beside the bed where they had been sitting. “Please, Master, can you tell us what’s happening? Julien said the police had contacted him,” Sonia asked. “Was there an accident?”

‘There is no easy way to break this kind of news to someone,’ I thought as I crossed the room and pulled her up into my arms. “There was a fire at the house. We don’t have all the details, but our family didn’t make it out.”

I was glad I had my arms around her, as she collapsed into me and started sobbing. My kitten was the first to reach us, but I quickly found myself in the middle of a group hug as my pets came to their sister’s support. With my heart breaking, I held her as the grief for our family poured out.

There was no sense of time or the world outside our cabin as her tears poured out, but it was the quiet sobs from my kitten against her back that finally broke through her shell of grief. She looked up and saw the tears running down my cheeks before turning and pulling Felicia into her arms. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I keep falling apart on you this week.”

Felicia just gave her a weak smile as she reached up to wipe Sonia’s tears away. “You have nothing to apologize for, my dear,” I told her as I held them. “You needed to grieve, and we were here to support you. That’s what a family does. I’ll always be here for you, and so will your sisters. The rest of them are waiting for you by the trainer’s cabin because I thought you would prefer to have a smaller group around when you received the news.”

Sonia blushed as she leaned into me. “Thank you. I would have been mortified if I broke down like that in front of everyone. I just need a minute to wash my face and I’ll be ready to go. There will be plenty of time to cry on the plane, but we need to get moving.”

As she slipped out of my arms and rushed to the bathroom, Felicia turned and wiped away the tears running down my cheeks with an inquisitive ‘raow’.

“I’ll be alright, little kitten. I’m more worried about Sonia right now. I want one of us with her at all times over the next few days,” I said, taking in Marta and Kiera as well. “She just lost her entire family, and she needs to know we’re here for her.”

They quickly agreed and Felicia slipped out of my arms to check on Sonia. I pulled Marta and Kiera in closer for a moment. “Not quite how I envisioned taking the two of you home, but we’ll get it figured out. We may be living out of a hotel for a while though, so we’ll have to do some clothes shopping for you. Did you have something to wear that’s appropriate, or do we need to ask Katherine before we leave?”

“I have a few outfits in my luggage, Master,” Marta said. “It’s only enough for three or four days though. I was told I would rarely need regular clothing, so I left most of it with my family.”

“Getting new clothing isn’t an issue,” I told her. “I just need to make sure we have something for when we land. As much as I enjoy what the two of you are wearing, it’s not exactly feasible for getting around town in. Kiera, do we need to see if Katherine has something in your size?”

“Felicia was going to let me borrow her robe until we got to the house,” Kiera replied. “Sonia said she had a couple of summer dresses that would fit me well enough to go shopping in, but I don’t think that will work now.”

“Alright, we will talk to Katherine then. I’m sure she can find something for you in the wardrobes,” I told her. “We can make a trip to Via Sparano when we get home. Not my first choice as it’s where the tourists go, but we can get all four of you a few outfits quickly for the same reason.”

“There are other places we can go that would be less expensive,” Sonia said as she and Felicia came out of the bathroom. “Via Sparano is all the designer lines and we don’t really need fancy clothes.”

Figuring it was time to practice being masterful; I stepped up and took her chin, tipping it up so I could look into her eyes. “Unless you have suddenly changed your mind, you’re still one of my pets. If I decide to dress you in designer clothes, your only response should be ‘thank you, Master’.”

A small smile crossed her face and I could see Felicia miming a clap behind her. “Of course, Master, thank you. I may need more of that over the next few days to keep me from slipping into a depression. I’m ready to go if you are.”

“I need to see if Katherine has something for Kiera to wear, but I imagine your other sisters are going to need a few minutes to say goodbye so we should be fine,” I replied. “Let’s get moving, my dears; we have a long trip ahead of us.”

With all of our luggage already gone, we just had to get ourselves out the door. As expected, all the pets were waiting with Julien. Sonia was surrounded as soon as we arrived while Julien walked over to me. “The flight crew will be ready to take off as soon as you’re on board. I have them going through Miami to refuel and I told Dale that time was a factor, so they will be pushing a bit more speed out of it on this trip. You should be home by three tomorrow afternoon with the time difference. You will have to contact Officer Sanpori, with Bari municipal police, to get any more information. There is a satellite phone on the jet you can use to contact him and start making any other necessary arrangements.”

“I don’t know how to thank you for getting this arranged so quickly,” I told him. “I would probably still be sitting in the dining hall if you hadn’t reminded me that Sonia needs me. We need to talk to Katherine though, and see if she has something Kiera can wear out in public.”

“Don’t thank me, it was the least I could do under the circumstances,” he replied. “Katherine already took care of clothes for Kiera though. She has always been the practical one and realized you would need regular clothes for Kiera, so she stopped at her workshop and picked up a few things.”

It seemed everyone was a step ahead of me right now, but I wasn’t surprised. All the things that would have to be taken care of kept running through my head, but I kept running up against the thought of their deaths. A week ago, they had been smiling and wishing us a safe trip, and now they were gone.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and noticed the pets watching Julien and I. “They’re going to miss you and your pets. Give me a call if you need a change of scenery after you get everything taken care of and I’ll send the jet to pick you up. Marta can’t start school until the fall, so if you want to disappear for a couple of months, you’re all more than welcome.”

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kitten and the rubber band

As always, I would appreciate hearing your feedback on this story. Please leave a review or email me at [email protected] sat naked at the computer, fingering her clit with slow circular motions. Beside the keyboard lay an opened envelope which contained a note, from her Master, telling her to be waiting for his IM and to have her pussy freshly shaved and warmed up. The letter also contained and rubber band, about 3 inches long and ? inch wide. She didn’t know the purpose of the rubber...

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When she came in the door to the foyer she found a note on the buffet. “Hello kitten, I’ve been waiting for you.” The note started. She noticed a trail of red rose petals leading down the hall. She also saw kitten ears and tail on the buffet next to the note, along with a blindfold. “You will notice that I have laid out ears and tail for you. You are to strip down and put those on. Put the provided blindfold on and insert the Bluetooth headphones. I want you to crawl for me kitten. ...

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Kitten 4

All rights held by the author. Downloads for personal pleasure are allowed. Any other use strictly prohibited. This is a forced feminization fictional story. If you are not of age or do not like forced feminization do not read or send negative comments. It is recommended that prior parts be read first. Kitten 4 By Cheryl Lynn Tuesday arrived and Joanne wasn't sure what she was going to do. If she did not take Josh to see the Doc, Pete would have her ass on a platter. A stab of ice...

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Kitten and her Master

"I see you're up at last. Did you have a nice sleep?" He enquired. "It's 9am! Damnit, I wish you wouldn't DO that!" "Do what? It isn't like I haven't seen you naked before." "Just don't burst in on me like that. Can you get lost while I get dressed?" He rolled his eyes and went into the living room, sitting on the couch and waiting for her to get dressed. She pulled on a pair of jeans and a skinny t-shirt and sauntered out, sitting beside him grumpily. "Now what do you...

1 year ago
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Kitten In Heat

(Stepmother goes wild for her brash 19-year-old stepson)I.It was 6 a.m. and Kitty was down in the kitchen making eggs. Her usual uptight mannerisms, developed over the course of a two-year marriage to man that resembled a dopey eyed sloth, were suddenly being replaced with an easy grace as she shuffled around the kitchen.Her full c-cup chest shifted comfortably in a small blue baby t-shirt as she wiggled her hips every so often to a happy beat that she hummed to herself.Katherine, Kitty to her...

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Kitten Priscilla 3

Kitten, Priscilla 3 By Malissa Madison I lay there my heart still pounding holding onto her in the darkness of the room. "My god," I thought to myself stifling a giggle. "Yesterday I'd have thought that was the grossest thing in the world." I could still taste her cream in my mouth, and I smiled, then carefully got out of bed making my way to the potty. I sat there thinking of the events of the last twenty four hours, while I peed. Then as I was wiping I heard a muffled knock at...

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Kitten Tales Part 2

A tall, rugged, solid man, who is exceptionally well dressed, answers the door and, greeting us warmly, invites us in out of the cold.As we follow the well-dressed man into the long, high ceiling hallway, he introduces himself as ‘Elliot’ and explains that he will be our host tonight.“Welcome to Lust and Lace!" he exclaims. "Mr Pierce, I have placed your belongings that were delivered earlier today into this room for you,” Elliot announces as he opens the door to a small and cosy room that’s...

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Kitten obeys daddy

"Daddy, will you play with me?” Kitten begs while kissing Daddy. “Yes, baby girl. Go lay in bed, face down. With your ass up. Oh, and don’t forget the blind fold. I’ll meet you in there.”   Kitten gets up and goes to the bedroom. She strips her clothes off and puts the blind fold over her eyes. Lays in bed just as Daddy told her to with her face down, and ass up ready for Daddy.   Kitten hears daddy come in the room. She waits eagerly to find out what he’s going to do. She can hear him opening...

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Kitten Tales Part 1

You watch as I apply the last of the blood-red lipstick to my pouted lips in the full-length mirror in our bedroom. You let your hungry eyes roam all over my scantily dressed body, drinking in my dangerous curves and alabaster skin aching to have it pressed against you.I know your eyes are on me, and not just because I can see you through the mirror, but because I can always feel your gaze when it is upon me, especially when it’s as full of lust as it is tonight.“You look incredible, baby...

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Kitten 2

Kitten 2 By Cheryl Lynn This is where the story takes a darker turn and is now rated R+. All rights reserved by the author. Downloads for personal use allowed and any other use strictly forbidden. A forced feminization story that is pure fiction. If you do not like forced feminization, please do not read or leave negative comments. Kitten 2 After Josh had gone to sleep Joanne slipped down the stairs and into the Kitten Club. She made her way through the sparse crowd and into...

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Kitten Darlas story part 3

Kitten, Darla's story 3 By: Malissa Madison We watched their flight leave and I realized that while I was happy I was staying with Aunt Bev, I was sad to see my Mom leaving. "Hey Sweetie, we don't have to get back home right away, would you like to go to the Mall. I haven't been since I took Hope for her birthday. Smiling I said, I haven't been since, well I can't remember. The mall she was talking about was twenty miles from home in Ann Arbor. Smiling I remembered the place...

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Kitten Collaring Ceremony

Kitten Collaring Ceremony Developed By: Malissa Madison Cougar: "I promise I will provide for you, educate you, Love you, cherish you. And I may hurt you when you are naughty, but I will never ever hurt you beyond that. But kitten, I want you to understand that it requires a bit of self-sacrifice on your part." Kitten: "Like what?" Cougar: "You have to do everything I tell you, you have to trust me completely." Cougar: "You will be loyal to me, not straying to play with...

2 years ago
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Kitten 3

Author maintains all rights to this work of fiction. Downloads are authorized for personal pleasure any other use strictly forbidden. This is a forced feminization story that has a dark side. If you do not enjoy this type of story, please do not read or leave negative comments. Kitten 3 By Cheryl Lynn Janet looked at Joanne and handed her several templates. "Joanne which of these brow shapes do you want me to use?" She asked. Joanne examined them and choosing one handed it back....

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Kitten Ch 810

Chapter 8 She slipped into the car with great anticipation of what was to come on the ride home and later at her home. She quickly crossed her legs letting the slit in her soft leather skirt open and spread as her stockings and garter belt were revealed to him. She waited for his touch as she looked over into his eyes but it did not come as she expected. He leaned closely into her space looking her dead into her eyes and slowly shook his head from side to side with a serious expression but...

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Kitten Ch 810

Chapter 8 She slipped into the car with great anticipation of what was to come on the ride home and later at her home. She quickly crossed her legs letting the slit in her soft leather skirt open and spread as her stockings and garter belt were revealed to him. She waited for his touch as she looked over into his eyes but it did not come as she expected. He leaned closely into her space looking her dead into her eyes and slowly shook his head from side to side with a serious expression but...

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Kitten In Tree

Kitten In Tree I was jogging along minding my own business when a cute little teenage girl came running out from between two houses calling out, “Mister, hey mister, can you help me. My kitten is stuck up in a tree.” I stopped and replied, “Isn’t that usually a job for the fire department?” She said, “We have a ladder and I can get her down if you can help us get the ladder up. Mom and I can’t do it ourselves.” I smiled at her as she explained her predicament. She was wearing...

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Kitten Priscilla 4

Kitten, Priscilla, 4 We had the table set and candles everywhere. Both Darla and I had helped each other prepare for the evening. We were wearing matching Baby Doll nities, and had everything laid out beside the bed. We watched as Aunt Bev came across the yard carrying the sack that held the three dinners in it. Opening the door she asked, "Girls are you home?" "Yes Ma'am," we greeted her. Darla taking the dinner from her as I lead her into the dining room. "My heavens, you...

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Kitten In Tree

Fbailey storyI was jogging along minding my own business when a cute little teenage girl came running out from between two houses calling out, “Mister, hey mister, can you help me. My kitten is stuck up in a tree.”I stopped and replied, “Isn’t that usually a job for the fire department?”She said, “We have a ladder and I can get her down if you can help us get the ladder up. Mom and I can’t do it ourselves.”I smiled at her as she explained her predicament. She was wearing a Catholic schoolgirl...

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Kitten Darlas story

Kitten, Darla's begining By: Malissa Madison Sitting alone at the end of the counter in the diner, Driver watched as his mother and older sister fussed over a pair of guests who'd just arrived. He listened to the two cops as they waited to hear any news of the missing kid. His name was Sam, or Samantha, if he was dressed up like a girl. That thought gave him a shiver, being caught dressed like a girl. Boys in these parts just didn't do things like that. he sure hoped his...

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Kitten Rachael Ventures Out

Kitten Rachael Ventures Out By: Rachael Free What am I doing? I should be home in bed, not here. I spent the day debating whether to go out or not. Obviously the bad side of my brain said yes. Let me tell you a little bit about my current predicament and how I got into this mess. I'm a transvestite. Period. I have no interest in fucking a guy or sucking his cock. I will play with other TV's and real girls but only flirt and kiss guys. I'm married and I've been dressing for many...

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Kitten Darlas story part 2

Kitten, Darla, Part 2 By: Malissa Madison Aunt Bev's call went unanswered. But a few moments later I heard her cell phone ringing. "Hello, Hope?" Suddenly her phone was in speaker mode so I could hear both sides of the conversation. "Bev, what's up?" I heard Mom ask. "I went by this morning to check on driver. He didn't show up for dinner at the diner last night. I, I think I embarrassed him." "What was he doing?" "Well, it's hard to explain other than to say he...

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Kitten Part One

Kitten By Cheryl Lynn All rights reserved by the author. Downloads for personal enjoyment allowed; all other use strictly forbidden. This is a work of fiction. ------------------------------------------- Part One Running away from home had been a lot easier than Josh had thought it would have been. He was in the big city by the bay, had money in his pocket, and for the...

3 years ago
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Kitten Is Late For Master

I’m late home and I know Master is already waiting for me and getting more annoyed by each second. My heart is racing as I rush, my pussy is already getting moist at the thought of the punishment I know I’m in for. Rushing to his flat, I start stripping in the lift to the fifth floor, the lift going so slowly. At this point in time, I don’t care who sees me, I deserve the embarrassment for being late. I yank my panties off from under my dress and also pull off my bra, shoving both of them in my...

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Kitten Is Late For Master

I’m late home and I know Master is already waiting for me and getting more annoyed by each second. My heart is racing as I rush, my pussy is already getting moist at the thought of the punishment I know I’m in for. Rushing to his flat, I start stripping in the lift to the fifth floor, the lift going so slowly. At this point in time, I don’t care who sees me, I deserve the embarrassment for being late. I yank my panties off from under my dress and also pull off my bra, shoving both of them in my...

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Kitten Priscilla 1

Kitten, Priscilla By: Malissa Madison He came home from school early, a good four hours before his parents would be home from work. His two older sisters Amanda and Lori, were off in college already. Sure they got the decent names, and I got stuck with Princeton. He shivered just thinking about it. he even hated the shortened version. And the really bad part was his middle name was almost as bad, Alexander. No one ever called him by that though it would be much better than...

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Kitten Priscilla 2

Kitten, Priscilla,2 By: Malissa Madison I wasn't used to being out in public, but I really was hungry. And somehow I felt I could trust Lisa and Brandi as they walked with me to the Mall. "Girlfriend you need to relax," Brandi told me. "Your too stiff. I bet your hips and ankles are beginning to hurt aren't they?" Blushing, I answered, "Yes a bit. I'm not really used to high heels." "Baby it ain't the heels, trust me it's those stiff hips and the way you walk. Loosen up relax...

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Kitten Chapter 35

Chapter 3She stared at the first box with both the feeling of a kid at Christmas and the nervous feeling of student about to take a test without studying. She wasn't sure if she was ready but she was dying to open the box and begin to solve the mystery. She decided to pour another glass of wine first and enjoy the moment. The dark shade of red left a stain on the glass after her first sip and she sat the glass down to grip the package and undo the ribbon. The pink and black box was filled with...

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Kitten So Powerful Ch 00

Prologue The mourning tones of ‘Amazing Grace’ stood in sharp contrast with the joyful chatter of birds, the golden sunlight blindingly cheerful. The casket, stretched out over the shoulders of six men in dark suits, glinted like a pearl in the glare of the sun’s rays. The procession made it’s way across the courtyard, the glorified Tupperware set on a wooden altar. Mourners with eyes downcast set flowers and trinkets in an ever thickening border around the ivory box. As the last lyric of...

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Kitten So Powerful Ch 03

‘Al, tell me what’s wrong,’ Kiana chided. ‘I skipped The Harpy for you, come on.’ ‘I’m fine, Kiana, leave me alone!’ Alaster tried to close the door again, but Kiana shifted to hold it open with her shoulder. ‘Go away!’ ‘The fact that you’re yelling isn’t helping your case,’ she told him. ‘Tell me what’s wrong, or I’m bringing Hatter into this.’ Alaster stared at her, panic stricken. ‘You wouldn’t! You know he’d pick my lock and keep me up all night!’ He tried, unsuccessfully, to shove...

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