Incredible ChangesChapter 43: Don't Wake A Sleeping Tiger free porn video

Damn why now? I was getting ready to see if the girls wanted to take a shower together!
Out of nowhere, an ice cold paper towel landed on my balls. That did the trick and my dick shriveled as it tried to hide up inside my body. The twins helped me get dressed quickly. A few kisses from each twin and I was being pulled out the door by Crystal.
"David I am so sorry for even letting Sam watch you with the girls there at the end. She was about to go force you to try and open her up," Crystal said almost crying. "I almost didn't stop her. Something did not feel right about her coming to ask you to even try." Ok this I had heard from girls around school being said both to boys and other girls. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her until I was pretty sure she had settled down.
"Crystal I would have told her no. I don't care if I was the only dick on the planet that could open her up. Today was all about the twins. If I was so weak as to let her even try, the twins would want to go postal on her. You're such a good friend as well as a girl I know that loves me. I don't know how you even accept that I will be having sex with other girls for a while until this whole fame thing wears off," I told her as I looked into her eyes through my dark goggles.
We hugged and then kissed before she started talking happily about TV shows, music and other stuff kids our age talk about. At home, she took me right up to my room, stripped us both and we took a long shower. She wanted to be sure every inch of my body was free from the Twin's juices. Crystal even demanded I let her dry me off before telling me to go get into bed naked. She slid smoothly under the covers a few minutes later.
I suspect she looked in while I was with the twins. She had to be horny. I was expecting her to want her turn now. Instead she told me to spoon up behind her and reach over to hold onto one of her big boobs. I made her sigh briefly as I played with her nipple and then she put her hand over mine she told me to stop, we were taking a nap.
Up until now I had not even felt tired. I don't even remember falling asleep. When I awoke there was a girl spooned up behind me now, Crystal was still up against my front. Just like every time I woke up since my dick started to grow, I had a boner and it was pushed right in between Crystal's pussy lips to just touch her clit.
For the first time since I came home to my renovated room, I did regret some of the modifications they made for me. Being in between two naked girls kept me from seeing my clock and having the special light blocking blinds closed on my windows I could not see any shadows to guess the time. I went ahead to turn on the place in my head to see if I was going to be able to read the blocks that made up the digits on my clock. Turns out that even though I could see the lines of power going into the blocks that made the numbers, none of them looked like anything I recognized. Just something else I would need to figure out when I was able to see the clock as it changed the digits. Realizing I woke up because I needed to pee badly, I tried to work my way out from between the two girls. The girl behind me was leaned in on me so that her boobs were pushed into my back. She also had one leg over mine and Crystal's. In the end all I ended up accomplishing was really needing to pee a lot more urgently than I had minutes before. I was not going to pee in my bed. I had to figure something else out.
Arthur's training from back in the hospital came back to me and saved me from converting my new bed into a waterbed.
Remembering that I now had my own phone line and knew how the lines of energy looked when the phone was made to ring at the hospital, I quickly looked around to find the energy I needed. I finally found the specific source I needed. When I found out how far away it was I nearly did pee in the bed. I had somehow managed to trace my phone line all the way back to the phone company to the part where the energy was waiting to make a phone ring. The main office was three miles away! Once I pulled the energy over to my phone line, I did not even have to pull it all the way to my house, it came on its' own.
Instead of ringing like normal, it came out as a long, loud ring. I never knew it was turned on and off to make the breaks in the rings, I thought the phone did that itself. So I stopped pulling energy into my phone line and made it ring shorter this time. Four more rings and still nothing. This sucked. I was going to pee in the bed and both girls here were really sound asleep. I ran out of ideas.
Luckily for me, it was later than I had thought. Mom and dad were both home already. When mom heard my phone ringing and not being answered, she sent dad up to check on me to be sure I was ok.
Dad came over to the end of the bed and said it was time for us to wake up, dinner was almost ready. I heard him, but the girls did not stir. After I told him I was sort of trapped between the girls, he teased me about being in such a terrible position. He said I had better learn to do things in moderation to keep from wearing my guests out if I was going to end up asleep between them. We talked for a few minutes hoping that would wake at least one of the lightly snoring girls, but still no luck.
Since that failed, dad did to them just like he did to me when I was so far gone that a bomb could go off without waking me. He reached down and shook the foot of the girl behind me. I am still both amazed and confused by what happened next.
In the blink of an eye, both naked girls were out from under the covers, and had him on the floor. I saw that Annie had been the girl spooned up from behind. She had done something where she was sitting behind him with his hands on his elbows and her legs wrapped around them. Crystal was down with her legs in a pretzel around dad's legs, one hand on the floor and the other raised up with the palm about to slam into my dad's chest.
If he was not there on the floor in shock, there is no way he would not have had a huge boner. As the girls woke up enough to realize who it was and they stood up, he was staring right into their pussies as they got untangled from him. In particular, the way Annie had to move around to release his arms pushed her clit up against his nose, pubic hairs against his chin and him having nowhere to look except into her spread pussy. "Oh I am so sorry," Annie exclaimed sounding embarrassed at having attacked my dad. "You scared us out of a dead sleep and our karate training kicked in."
Dad slowly got up. I saw his eyes blink a few times as he shook it off. I don't think either girl saw his eyes go wide when he noticed they were both naked as they now provided him a little support until he stopped being so dazed. Then they stood in front of him apologizing some more. Neither having any signs of modesty at all.
"Sorry girls, I really did not mean to startle you. I was sent up to check on David because he did not answer his phone a few minutes ago and it rang a lot of times. He said he has been trying to get up to pee and could not get loose of you two. Seeing you would not wake up, I just shook your foot Annie like I used to do to wake up David," he told them.
Both girls made sure he was ok as I snuck out of bed to get to the bathroom to pee finally.
As he was leaving he said, "Girls you need to be dressed properly when you are outside of David's room. Dinner is being finished up now, so please hurry before it gets cold."
I came out of the bathroom to find both girls had on tank-tops that showed a good bit of their cleavage and just barely enough support for their huge boobs. They also had on shorts what were so loose I could easily see their bright yellow panties. Since Crystal's clothes were navy blue and Annie's a light forest green, there was no way to miss their panties peeking out.
"He was the one that said we had to be properly dressed for dinner David," Crystal said reading my mind. "Even if he was a bit dazed and confused there for a few seconds, I saw him take a good look at everything we have to show. Just our being around him will give him a boner all night. He knew what he could expect if he was in your room."
I was given a pair of shorts and a t-shirt without any underwear.
Annie just smiled as she reached up the leg of my shorts to pull my dick so it was down one leg hole and said, "No need to get any underpants dirty David, you don't even stick out the leg hole when hard. Yet. I can play with it and not be breaking the rules because it is not out in the open."
I shrugged. I knew Crystal would not be that bold out in front of my parents. Annie, on the other hand, always seemed to enjoy pushing the barriers of what she could get away with in everything she did. She always had to try harder to do some things Crystal did easily. I think was why she did the outrageous things a lot more than everyone else.
One off thing I quickly noticed once I was not being made to eat nutritious meals all the time was that the place in my head was not doing anything to force me to get the nutrients I needed. Before the accident I was pretty much middle of the road on vegetables. I did not really complain about them, but I only ate them grudgingly. At dinner tonight I am sure there were vegetables on my plate, but I could not tell you which ones they were. Even with mom getting extra food now, there were not any leftovers. I think Annie may have gotten seconds, but I had fourths before polishing off the rest of the rolls and even salad.
Guess my brain and body don't need the place in my head to tell me to eat what I need to keep growing and building muscle.
"David if you are going to keep eating like this I think will need to cut back your afternoon activities," mom joked. "You drank half a gallon of milk with dinner along the food I was going to use to make your father's and my lunches for tomorrow."
Dad teased, "Then it is good we spent all of that time talking with the families of the girls coming to visit David in the hospital. We are going to need that extra income to keep him fed. Otherwise we would need to apply for a second mortgage on the house to keep the cupboards filled."
Crystal joined in to the teasing saying it was just the price they had to pay to get me back into good enough physical shape for gym class once school restarts after Christmas.
Surprisingly Annie was silent as Crystal bantered back and forth with my parents. Once dinner was done the girls shooed the rest of us out of the kitchen so they could clean up. Mom started to argue a bit about them being guests. Dad and I knew better and beat a hasty retreat for the den.
When mom joined us they both told me about their new jobs.
It seems both of them were offered jobs while I was still in the hospital as soon as the girl's families found out what jerks the companies my parents worked at were being to them. Both of my parents started working at their companies before I was born and were really treated poorly even after all of these years. I know I went to one dinner where he was being given some award he explained was for keeping the company out of bankruptcy and management out of jail. He did not even get a bonus or raise.
"Even with all of your hospital bills paid by anonymous donors, we did not want to risk financial ruin by changing jobs while you were still in the hospital. All of the health insurance companies did a lot of back door deals to get the Affordable Care Act through congress to ensure they benefitted heavily. We had a number of lawyers specializing in insurance plans look over our existing plans and those from our new jobs. It was safest for our family, your mother and I to continue to suffer at our current jobs until you woke from your coma," dad told me.
Mom added, "At the time we did not know your hospital bills had all been paid. We only found that out after you went to the clinic. If we were not so dedicated to our co-workers, we would have both quit the day you left the hospital."
With the girls getting close to being done with the dishes, my parents were not able to give a lot of details. What I did get was that they would not have to work long days all the time like before. Mom was getting three times what she had been making, dad was getting just over twice. They told me that while it sounded like a huge raise, their old company have been only giving them annual raises even though both got more responsibilities over the years. College kids with no experience got fifteen percent more to start doing what dad was making at the same company. Just before the girls came in mom said that they expected to be getting really big raises after their first ninety days once their new companies confirmed they really knew their stuff.

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