Dickgirls Of Faeruhn: 06 Kei And Yuri: Marooned...With BenefitsChapter 5: The Departure free porn video

After stopping twice to “pet the kitty” while spying on hermaphrodites screwing each other, Kei finally reached the river as dawn was breaking. She spotted Yuri’s boots. “Hey partner.” she called cheerfully. “Isn’t it a wonderful morning?” She kicked off her boots and dove into the water before Yuri could spot the drying crust of semen on her inner thighs.
The water was cold enough to almost stop her heart. “Yuri, this is cold!’ she stammered.
“I-I know!” Yuri stammered as she hoped Kei wouldn’t notice how she was scrubbing her hands between her legs to remove the cold-water jelled gooey remains of her early morning exertions. “It’s ice runoff from the mountains.”
“Refreshing!” Kei gasped as she began scrubbing between her own legs.
The trouble consultants stopped and stared at each other. “I guess both of us had an eventful night.” Yuri said sheepishly.
“You could say that, Yuri.” Kei said with a lopsided grin.
“At least we haven’t caused any harm this time.” Yuri tried not to feel guilt over her part in the tiny rapist’s suicide.
Kei thought of Peony locked safely in her cell and tried not to feel guilty. “At least we haven’t caused any harm here. Hey, why don’t we keep it that way?”
“What do you mean?” Yuri asked, thankful that the cold water had cut her still simmering arousal down to a low flicker. Kei did look good naked in the water. “It’ll take some work to generate enough liquid O2 to fuel the escape pod. Then we have to find a source of alcohol.”
Kei laughed. “Alcohol won’t be a problem. All even remotely civilized worlds have alcohol. As for the O2, we just need to snitch that compressor. Mughi is clever with his paws. I’m sure he can handle refining it, and using the electrical system of the pod to power it.”
“You may have a point. For once, let’s leave a planet in the condition we found it in.”
The trouble consultants made their way back to the laboratory. The sounds of squealing could be heard all around them.
“I guess they’re all morning people around her.” Kei said as she spotted a large hermaphrodite topping a smaller white skinned beauty. “Damn, look at her go!”
“Eyes front, Kei.” Yuri snapped as she stared at the coupling couple. “Let’s get a move on.” she said gruffly, trying to ignore how her body was responding. “I want off of this rock as soon as possible!”
The duo managed to get back to the lab before being spotted by an unoccupied hermaphrodite on the prowl. They paused long enough to get back into their bikini uniforms before heading for the compressor.
“Maybe we should tell Peony we’re grabbing her equipment. Yuri said softly as she examined the primitive machine. She liked the cute touch of it’s power source. The thing was actually hooked to a stationary bicycle made out of wood. The operator would have to pedal like a maniac to generate enough electrical energy to run even such a crude machine. “She most have put a lot of work into this thing.”
“I’ll tell her!” Kei announced as she headed for the cell. She put her ear to the door and listened carefully. All was quiet. “Let me just use, uh, my key.” She blocked the view with her body while she used her electromagnet to slide the deadbolt once again. She opened the door and looked inside. “Oh, she’s gone.” She whispered. Entering the cell, she looked around. “She couldn’t have reached the bolt or the window at her size.”
Kei looked out the tiny window anyway. She saw a statuesque hermaphrodite with Peony’s face and a limp penis happily patting the heads of pack of beautiful wolves. The wolves looked a little weird with their almost human looking breasts up high on their chests, but they sure were friendly as they ignored a pile of fresh meat to play with their keeper.
Kei sighed. She hated locked room mysteries! It was better just to get out of here as soon as possible and not get involved. “Okay, thanks Peony!” she called loudly. “We’ll return it right before we leave!”
“That was nice of her. “Yuri said as she watched Kei close the door. “Isn’t she getting up?”
“Uh, no. She said something about sleeping late today.”
Yuri grinned. “Did you tire the poor thing out?”
“You knew?” Kei asked as her face grew red.
Yuri sighed. “Don’t worry about it. I had a little encounter of my own with an eager native. Remember, as long as we didn’t hurt anyone, there’s no harm in a little recreational inter-world good will. That is as long as the chief doesn’t find out.” She thought of the tiny suicidal rapist. Swallowing her didn’t count, but thank goodness Kei didn’t know about that. She would never live it down!
“Yeah, you’re right.” Kei thought of how Peony had shrunk down to the size of a child, and somehow escaped from a locked room. Thank goodness Yuri didn’t know about that. She would never live it down!
“Now let’s get this antiquated hunk of junk to Mughi. We have some leave piling up, and I want to find Mister Right!”
“I’ll settle for Mister Big!” Kei said as she grabbed one side of the machine. “Now grab the other end and let’s get a move on!”
Mughi took one look at the machine his human partners brought him. It was an atmospheric compressor, but woefully inefficient. He mewled his discontent as he began examining it.
“Don’t give me that.” Kei said as she swatted his furry backside. “Just make it work so one of us can fly up to retrieve Lovely Angel!”
It took days, but they finally had the tanks full of fairly pure liquid O2. It took some finagling, but Kei managed to talk the natives out of the massive amount of 200 proof moon shine they would need if this was going to work.
It all came down to deciding the pilot. Kei and Yuri rigged up a large balance scale while Mughi went off sulking somewhere. “Now we’ll see. “Kei announced gleefully as she sat at one end. “Climb on Yuri, or are you chicken?”
“No, but you’re about to eat crow!”
“Put your feathers where your mouth is, Yuri!”
Yuri hopped up onto the balance and sat down. The scales slowly teetered back and forth. It took nearly a minute before it finally stopped moving with Yuri lifted high and Kei lightly touching the ground.
Yuri shook her hands up over her head like a winning prize fighter. Just the movement set the scales slowly teetering again. “In your face, Kei!” She cried. “I told you I was lighter!”
“It has to be by just by a few ounces.” Kei said huffily. “Look!” Waving her arms made her lift slowly up, to settle gently back down again.
“Who cares by how much.” Yuri said with a grin. “A bet is a bet. I’m the lightest, so I go!”
They heard an insistent mewling. It was odd. Mughi was rarely this loud! They turned to face their trusted co-pilot and friend. “What the hell happened to you?” Kei gasped.
Yuri couldn’t help giggling. “Mughi, you look so funny!”
The cat just sighed. It had taken quite an effort to shave off his luxurious coat, but every ounce counted. The normally fierce looking huge ball of fur was now rather skinny and scrawny looking. He lifted his right front paw up on the platform where Yuri sat. He grinned as he dropped a dozen small pebbles. Yuri slowly settled to the ground. He aided a larger stone just to drive the point home before climbing on with her.
Yuri suddenly got it when Mughi started pushing at her. “Oh, very well!” She stepped off. Mughi instantly shot upward, rocks and all. Kei slammed to the ground with a resounding thud. Yuri couldn’t keep from laughing as she saw the look of indignation on Kei’s face. “The vote is in! Mughi is the lightest by at least ten pounds! He’ll be our rescue pilot!”
Mughi hurried into the pod before his partners could start arguing. He had fasted for days in order to insure their success in escaping this world. The local life forms were too strange for him to think about eating. On the first night he had to hide in the pod. An amorous wolf bitch with a huge penis seemed to want to mate with him.
Mughi was a genetically engineered being, but bisexuality hadn’t been written into his genes. He had no wish to be sodomized by a filthy canine! Well, to be honest, if a sexy she-cat with a big dick came along, things might have developed. Still, Mughi was glad to be finally leaving!
Kei and Yuri watched as the pod lifted off. “Will he be alright?” Yuri asked, as she looked around at all the parts they had stripped from it to save weight. “He’s sitting in the dark, and doesn’t even have a pilot seat.”
“He’ll be just fine.” Kei said as she reclined comfortably on the torn out seat. “I remembered to put back the radio beacon after somebody yanked it out!”
“Hey, that was just an accident!” Yuri snapped. “Who wanted to rip out the emergency oxygen supply? We wouldn’t be going anywhere if Mughi suffocated before reaching orbit!”
“Oh, shut up!”
In less than an hour, Lovely Angel slowly came down on impulse power. Mughi settled her gently into a forest clearing before cutting the motors.
“Thank goodness he made it!” Kei cried as she ran for the boarding ramp. “Yuri, let’s get off of this rock!”
The girls headed for the flight deck. “I’ll take off.” Yuri announced. “Last time we took off from a world without a space port, you started a major fire and leveled a city when you fired the main engines too soon!”

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