115 Ways and Use and Abuse a faggot
- 4 years ago
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The girls had me washing their hair like it was some sort of odd punishment.
I don’t get girls.
While we were in the shower Paula and Lenny made a run on the pizza. When they said they were good the rest of us finished it off.
I told the girls I was willing to braid their hair, which they seemed to have heard that I was actually pretty good at, if I got to pick the channel on TV.
Not sure why they all rushed off upstairs. Must be a girl thing.
I put a towel under me as I took the prime seat in the center of the five-person leather couch. Almost immediately my dark goggles popped up a message “Channel 893. Coming of age movie with English subtitles. Starts in fifteen minutes. High school aged kids. Implied sexual activities with Nudity.”
They came running noisily into the room still just as completely naked as we had been all day. Trina dropped down next to me on the left with a girl sitting next to her. I had two more on my right and then one moved between my legs. With a smile I was handed a hair brush before getting five scrunches put on my left arm.
As soon as the movie started I instantly knew it was Swedish even if I had no idea how I could understand everything that they were saying.
Yeah those subtitles are not even close to what they are saying most of the time. It would have been really cool if I could have told them that.
As we watched the movie I mindlessly worked on brushing out the hair of the girl in front of me and started braiding it. When I was done a different girl swapped places for her turn. When the girls were swapping places I noticed I had a boner from the movies, but the girls were only taking peeks at it. Not a one touched it.
I still don’t care that all of them are less than two years younger. I know I will go limp if they reach over to try to touch it.
Right as Trina was moving to take her turn there was a scene with a naked boy and girl. Both had a bit of hair between their legs, the girl had firm tits and the boy a decent sized limp dick.
Must be what is keeping this from being considered even soft porn.
The boy was sitting on a couch much like I was. The camera had an angle such that we could see the boy’s face and chest. As we watched, the girl moved up between his knees. They pushed their naked bodies together lightly to kiss before her head dropped out of sight. We didn’t see any real action, only his arms come up on the couch and his head tilting back with his eyes closed with a look of pure pleasure on his face. His body soon tensed up and lifted a bit off the couch before he dropped down on it. He was breathing hard before getting up. His dick was as limp as before, but the head was now shiny.
Seems it is ok wherever this was filmed to have him play with her tits and suck her nipples with the camera looking on.
The scene was then reset with the girl sitting in a huge bean bag. He worked on her nipples a lot more and then moved down as her legs spread out. The camera was moved so we could see her hands looked to be on his head, but couldn’t see more than his hair between her fingers. They were making it seem the boy was munching her muff as she guided his head. Her face scrunched up before her face relaxed. He slid up her body to kiss her. There was some cheesy music and random voice overs of really bad porn moans, but the camera was moved so we were looking at them from the neck up. Both were making faces like each was getting close to getting a big orgasm and then the fake moans made it sound like they got there. When the camera was back on them they were pushed tightly together with the girl’s legs around him so nothing was showing. I was pulled out of my own trance when a felt cool fingers go around my dick.
I smiled, pulled Trina’s hand off my dick, turned her around to sit down on the floor between my legs, and started brushing the tangles from her hair as I told her, “I know you are curious and the movie was pretty hot, but I said hands off, ok?”
Before she could reply the movie changed to lots of moans with the boy and girl turned on their sides facing each other with us seeing the boy’s hairy butt. They appeared to be rubbing the other off, but we didn’t get to see that either. Automatically my hands started working their magic with Trina’s hair.
“Um,” one girl next to me said. “Should I be all tingly and a little wet between my legs?”
“Given that you already have some bumps showing on your chest, it is probably just that you are growing up. Girls are supposed to do that when they are thinking sexy thoughts once their bodies have developed enough for it to happen. I’m not a girl, but they covered that happening in fifth grade sex education.”
I glance over to see that she had her feet on the couch with her legs spread as she was looking closely down at her bald vulva. Trina moved away from me to get a look along with the other girls. She told her friend that is how she looked like when she got turned on.
Well there is no way of hiding she was turned on.
The girls started comparing notes as I turned back to watch the movie. It seemed to have pretty much done all that they were going to do naked and had started showing a man and women getting married, having sex under the covers and then her being pregnant all the way to having a baby. The two kids from earlier asked a lot of questions about how the woman got pregnant.
When the girls seemed to have finished inspecting themselves, and each other, to see where they were compared to their friends, Trina moved back between my legs again. I had to start over and the movie went back to the teenagers looking like they were doing it again and then the girl in the scene realized that the boy was supposedly firing his load inside her. They showed quick clips of the boys and girls face as they got off over and over again until she looked really worried. There was a whole lot of dialog between the two teens as they tried to figure out what they were going to do about her possibly being pregnant. For weeks they worried until the parent’s noticed. Of course that caused a lot of shit, as expected, and then the girl finally got her period. At first they didn’t have sex at all for a few weeks and then were back at it when she said she was sure she was safe again. Even then she missed her period. Finally they had a big fight and didn’t talk to each other for a while. Both went through depression and then going out with others teens, but the movie never showed more than heavy petting over clothes. It ended with the two teens having grown up a lot, the girl getting on the pill and the boy using rubbers. We got to see them put a rubber on his dick a bunch. Only once did it show him pulling it off. It didn’t show any cum in it. The movie even had him saying it felt better without a rubber, but she didn’t want to risk it ever again. From there is got so sappy and boring the girls had me turn it off.
As I sat there talking about the movie Trina got behind us to do something with the hair brush as she told the girls to look.
No way do I want to know if she is doing what I think she might be doing. I’m sure not looking.
Like a flesh colored blur she ran around the couch, got in my lap and was trying to aim herself at my boner.
Paula and Lenny were instantly there pulling her away from me.
“Sorry little sis,” Lenny, obviously stoned out of his mind, said. “No can do. You were, like, so cool there earlier. Don’t be a buzz kill now. David so told you he wasn’t into you middle school girls. Sis, you really, like, have to chill or David is going to come hang up in my room for the rest of the weekend or bail on us all together. Nobody wants that downer.”
Instant cold water. If she had actually gotten my limp dick touching her I would have pushed her off my lap anyway. It was cool having Paula and Lenny in the background keeping an eye out. Now I didn’t have to be a dick in the girl’s eyes.
Lenny sent the girls off to Trina’s room for the night. Some of them grumbled until he got ready to dial his phone.
“Man you so had Trina ready to get it on with if you were into middle school girls, man,” Lenny said.
I laughed and told him, “Thanks for keeping me from looking like a dick. I didn’t want to have to dump them all off the couch.”
“It is what a big brother is for David. Everything is cool. I was so, like, expected her to try to one-up her friends at some point tonight,” he replied.
While he went upstairs to make sure the girls stayed put tonight, Paula pulled me out by the pool.
“You really made their day today. Trina probably would have screwed you and suffered through the pain just to say she did it with you. Lenny is having a bit of a chat with her right now about pulling that shit on you just now. You were really cool about letting them sit back naked against you. I’m even sure you felt it all of the times girls played with your dick, sucked it, and even fucked you in one of your hiding places in middle school. Why else would so many of them send you the nude pics? You were their safe dick since they were old enough to know about getting laid,” Paula told me as she pushed her very hot pussy against my dick as she straddled my legs.
“Trina and her friends are no different than the girls who sought you out in your hiding places. Lenny did some mind blowing things to me today as a way to convince me that his sister and her friends needed to see real fucking. We weren’t two feet away from you when Lenny was pounding me. They all had a ring side seat, but I think only Trina and the one that asked you about getting wet her first time really paid any attention. They have some really cool friends from their Girl Scout troop that got full scholarships to a very elite boarding school. Both girls happen to have just gotten back home for their two week spring break. Too bad that no one bothered to tell their families they were coming. Both called Lenny for a place to crash for two days until their families are back in town. He told them that his sister’s room was packed and he has a male friend staying over in the guest room. They were so desperate for somewhere to stay that they told him you could be a seriously deformed, only have two brain cells, drooled and had a funky dick. They would do all they could to make sure you enjoyed them sharing the bed with you. A queen bed will be pretty tight for three teenagers. They should be here any minute.”
“I’m sure we will make it work, somehow,” I told her. “If nothing else I will go crash on the couch. No need to make them have to crash with a strange guy.”
She replied, “Thing is David, you taking the couch and giving them the bed makes you a great guy, not a strange one.”
Paula started rubbing her hot pussy on my dick more and more as I got hard. She was wet and ready. When I was as hard as I was going to get she slid forward to get it lined up.
“As much as I really need to get off right now Paula, and no matter how good it would feel to be inside you, Lenny is your boyfriend. He is really cool. Even if he was standing here next to us saying to go for it, I just can’t do it with you while you are dating someone. I know we have been really close since I came home from the hospital, but I don’t want to do anything that would mess up what you two have. Everyone at school notices how really happy you are now and you even stopped going into super grown up Paula mode when you talk to them,” I told her as I pushed her hips away from my dick so she was sitting on my thighs. “Seriously Paula. If I can’t make do with my hand and just have to get laid, I would rather see what I can do with Trina. It is so not cool to do it with a girl who is dating someone, especially at his house.”
I hadn’t really seen Paula cry much. Tonight she just needed to have a good one. She reached between her legs, pushed my dick up against my body, scooted forward and got her body molded to mine as she cried on my shoulder. She didn’t say anything. She just cried. I did what I was finding worked the best; I rubbed her back as I held her tightly to me until she stopped crying. She only stopped because she was sound asleep.
It took some work, but I managed to get up off the lounger. Paula’s arms automatically went around my neck and her legs around my waist. I couldn’t see them, but I felt my muscles were showing me straining everywhere they should be when carrying someone. I knew Lenny’s room was somewhere upstairs so I headed that way.
Inside the kitchen I saw he was with two girls dressed in a short sleeved dress shirts and skirts going down below their knees.
“Where do you want me to dump her,” I said with a laugh.
Lenny led me upstairs and down a long hallway to his room. While not quite as big as my newly expanded bedroom, it was still a lot larger than most bedrooms of the kids I knew when I was still hanging out with them. As I moved toward his bed he pulled back the covers and then covered her up before following me back downstairs.
“Shit, man. You don’t look like much David, but, dude, you are hiding some serious muscles. Paula is so not fat at all, but man, no way can I, like hold her up for anywhere near that long. Definitely not to carry her up the stairs,” he told me.
I smiled as I said, “I’m probably going to hurt like hell all over tomorrow for straining to carry her upstairs.”
He then introduced me to Tammy and Toni, the two girls that were crashing here too.
As they looked me over Lenny said, “See I so told you that he was mega cool. Never have I hoped someone else gives me a break now, from, you know. I, like, can’t keep up! I told Paula that David, like, so deserved a nice long ride after a day with Trina and her friends. He knows I’m way cool with him and her having fun. He is so like her friend with great benefits. Never heard guys telling a hot and ready chick to back off because she is with someone.”
“Lenny you don’t need to talk him up. Any guy who can hold a naked girl to him as she cries is cool by me,” Tammy said. “We all saw his hard cock was right there against her wet pleasure palace. I saw his face in the pool mirror. Not a single bit of lust, only his caring for her almost like she was his sister. Plus he is seriously buff if he can carry her like she’s lighter than Trina.”
Uh hello? I’m right here you know and sure that I’m not invisible.
When Tammy and Lenny started bantering back and forth I reached for Toni’s hand. She came with me as I led her out toward the pool.
“You cool with sharing the bed with me? I have no problem taking the couch. We were just introduced. No way should you have to share a bed with a stranger. Definitely not an extremely horny, naked boy you don’t even know,” I told her. “That is such a complete dick jock move.”
Without even thinking about it I was looking at the orgasm energy inside her. I barely reacted fast enough to catch her when she pushed her hand between her legs, squeezed her thighs tightly and came so hard that her body turned to rubber. I got an arm under both arm pits to mostly support her as I got her down onto a pool chair. I sat cross legged on the pool chair next to it in case she was going to pass out or something.
Her eyes were glazed over as I asked her, “Are you ok Toni? You aren’t diabetic or anything like that are you? I somehow learned how kids do the finger prick testing to see if they need to eat or have to take a shot of insulin.”
Again the place in my head was showing me her orgasm energy as it seemed to go from low to full in a blink of an eye.
Why I lifted her hands to look at her finger nails and then lift her face up to look at her lips, I have no idea. Both weren’t the normal pink. Instead they were more of a purple to blue. She got limper, so I put my head on her chest. She had so many clothes on under her shirt I couldn’t even hear her heart, but the place in my head was showing it was still beating away normally. When my hand brushed against one her nipples, through all of her shirts, she came hard again. That made her lips go blue.
“Tammy,” I said as I rushed into the house. “Does Toni have some sort of medical condition? We were talking and it looked like she got herself off right before going limp, I had to help her sit down. Her lips were sort of purple then, so I tried to listen to her heart. I think she may have gotten off again and now her lips are blue.”
Tammy shook her head and told me, “She is such a twit. Go strip her completely above the waist and then lay your hand one of her legs so your thumb is pointing in toward her crotch. Jam this down on the part of her leg covered by your fingers and keep it there for at least ten seconds. Don’t be surprised if she starts to shake anytime you just graze her breasts, nipples or pretty much any skin on her stomach.”
Ok? What the hell is going on?
I hurried back out as Tammy went back to banter with Lenny like it was no big deal.
This must happen enough that it doesn’t freak them out anymore...
When I got back to the chair Toni still had blue lips. I could see her chest moving as she breathed very slowly and saw her heart was still beating. Doing as Tammy said I started pulling off Toni’s school shirt. Underneath she had on another shirt that made it look like a python had swallowed her chest. That didn’t want to come off no matter how hard I tried to pull it up. Finally I panicked a bit and ended up ripping it all the way up to her neck. When I had what was left of it pulled off, I saw she had a shorter version of the same thing, but at least this one came off with only a bit of fighting. Under that she had what looked like two six inch wide Ace bandages tightly wrapped around her from her armpits to down below her tits. Those were held in with the regular clips that came with them. I had to move her back and forth a lot to finally get them undone. Underneath she was wearing one of those binders Crystal and Annie has been using to hide how big their boobs really are. I finally got that off her too and let her lay back against that chair.
You have to be kidding me! She doesn’t even have boobs as big as half tennis balls and her nipples aren’t even the size of pencil erasers even as hard as they are right now.
I noticed her lips weren’t quite as blue as before, but they still weren’t pink like normal. Taking the cap off the EpiPen I found the meaty part of her thigh the way Tammy told me. I felt it as the hidden needle jammed down into her leg. I counted to ten before pulling it back.
I don’t know what that is supposed to do. It doesn’t seem like it did much other than speed her heart up a bit. Did I do it wrong?
Out of the blue she took in a deep, raspy breath before starting to really breathe in and out quickly. I could tell she was looking toward me, but I’m not really sure she was seeing me. I didn’t pay all that much attention because I was going between checking the color under her finger nails and her lips.
Oddly her nipples weren’t blue. I wonder if her pussy lips actually turned blue too.
“What happened,” Toni asked.
Tammy walked over beside us and said, “You gave yourself an asthma attack, again. What the hell do you think about when you wrap yourself up like a damn mummy and then put on those body contouring shirts? If you would just wear a sports bra your little boobs wouldn’t even show. Every time you pull this shit you end up like this. If David didn’t have really light sensitive eyes he probably wouldn’t have noticed your lips turning blue. For someone with a genius IQ, you are a real dummy sometimes.”
“Actually, if you really want to make everyone think you are flat chested all you need is the binding wrap you were using. I have some friends that have really big chests and they use just the binding wrap to make them look really small. Well it is also to keep them out of the way when they are doing their karate classes,” I told her. “I haven’t seen a lot of girls without bras in person, but I have seen a lot on the Internet. Like Tammy said, a really good sports bra would probably work really well to squish them down if that is what you want. I think they look great just like they are. I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to show off that they are really nice ones.”
Toni turned away and said, “I don’t want anyone seeing that they are teeny tiny David. I would rather them think I am still just a flat chested little girl instead. My doctor said my hips will stay straight and breasts this tiny until I have a baby.”
She stopped talking and looked down at them. I looked too. It was when I noticed that I had been unconsciously playing with them. Toni had looked down because she was starting to cum.
“Tammy, please? Can you please pull him away from me,” Toni begged Tammy. “I have cum three times now. Each has been bigger than the last one. I don’t ever have it happen just from my breasts and he did it twice.”
“Oh you just need to cool off. Let him finish stripping you and then go jump in the pool already,” Tammy told her.
Toni gave me a begging look, so I moved to help her to her feet. I unzipped her skirt before pulling it and her panties off in one smooth motion. I saw that she was still bald. The place in my head showed she never got any pubic hair and probably wouldn’t. When she lifted her leg, so I could pull her skirt and panties over her feet, I leaned in to blow over her clit. I was ready for her this time and caught her before she fell too far. After I laid her back in the same chair I finished taking her panties off her other foot.
On her own she pulled her feet up onto to the chair, pushed her hips up and spread her knees wide. I wasn’t sure she wanted to fuck, but I got a whiff of her sweet pussy juices from her panties. I dropped my mouth over her pussy to attack it all over with my tongue. Once I moved up to work on her clit, my fingers easily worked through her rubbery, still intact cherry. I was really working her g-spot over. Not only did she cum harder than before, she did it easily and was ready to cum again almost before she was done with the last one. Toni had gotten off three times from her clit and four from her g-spot without pushing my head away. I kept going until her legs flopped limply to the sides of the chair. She was out like a light.
I got an arm behind her and one under her legs as I carried her limp body into the bathroom connected to the guest room. She was just conscious enough to pee, but not enough to pat dry. I did my best before I flushed, picked her up, and carried her to the bed. A quick warm wash cloth and hand towel took care of cleaning up her pussy juices. Tammy was standing there with her mouth hanging open as I tucked Toni in.
“Damn I called Lenny a fucking stoned liar when he told me you were so cool that he had to keep Trina from fucking you tonight. He didn’t want you to have to deal with any crap she tried to pull to blackmail you do it to her again in the future. I know you aren’t gay. No queer can get a girl off like that. Still you never had a boner either,” Tammy said.
I moved over to her and started stripping her as I said, “Why would I have gotten a boner? First I had to deal with her almost dying. Then she gets a big O and passes out as I try to help her get her clothes off. Since I’m not a girl, I can’t say if girls get turned on helping each other piss or get washed up down there. Doesn’t do shit for me.”
She gave me a really puzzled look the entire time I was stripping her and still had it as we walked hand in hand down into the cool water of the pool.
The two really are opposites when it comes to their bodies. Tammy didn’t have a bra on to hide her pinkie sized hard nipples on her firm b-cup breasts and had worn a transparent lace thong that showed everything if anyone looked.
“Let me get this right David, because I am confused,” Tammy admitted. “I watched you strip Toni, get her off playing with her tits while you were talking to her like you two had known each other all of your lives. Then you did something to make her cum while pulling her panties off her foot without even touching her. After that you poured her onto the lounger you went down on her like you were trying to win an international world lesbian muff diving invitational championship. Which, if you always eat pussy like that you might even place pretty high up on in the scoring. I was right there watching it all and all you say is that you had to wipe her twat after she took a piss? What the fuck gives David?”
Man I so need to have my standard disclaimer tattooed on my forehead or something.
Pulling her, so she was looking into my goggles, I told her that I just don’t talk about anything I do with any girl, except that girl. It kept someone from calling me a liar because the girl said something else happened. She could ask Toni about it tomorrow if she just had to talk about it.
That got me a big kiss, followed by another. Soon we were tongue kissing as she reached down to make sure I was hard. I didn’t tell her that it wasn’t going to work in the pool, even if she wasn’t a virgin. Tammy was determined to get me inside her no matter what, so I let her try. She quit when we were bombarded with Trina and her friends screaming excitedly before jumping into the pool.
Not surprisingly, Trina decided she was going to try the same thing. She had no more idea of what to actually do than any of her friends, not that it mattered. I was limp and shriveled now to have no more than an inch long numb.
We all splashed around, tried dunking each other, and played water games like Marco Polo. When the pool lights turned off Trina said we had to get out. A cranky old neighbor down the hill had insisted to some county bureaucrat that the sounds of people in the pool bugged them. An agreement was made that Lenny’s family wouldn’t use the pool between two AM and six AM. I was begged to go up to Trina’s room with Tammy, but Lenny stuck his head to say something that shut her down cold.
Tammy hooked her arm into mine as she led me into the guest room and locked the door. We shared a long hot shower before we slipped naked into bed. I could see looks going across her face as she tried to decide something. I was tired so I spooned up to Toni’s back, put my hand on one of her small tits, and let Tammy figure out what she wanted. When she finally spooned to my back I moved her hand off my hip to put it on Toni’s other tit.
It must be there a lot for her to completely relax like that.
When I woke up in the morning my first thought was that Trina had snuck in and gotten my piss boner inside her. I was definitely buried in a very tight pussy. By time I was awake enough to start trying to get it out of her, my hand rubbed over a small breast with a rock hard nipple. My dick was squeezed and warmed as Toni came hard. She was breathing quickly. Pushing my hand down against her tit made her cum again and then she fell right back to sleep.
A few minutes later Toni was lightly snoring when Tammy said, “She isn’t going to complain one bit about it and you won’t get out of her until you cum. Other than her whimper of pain that woke me up, she didn’t make a sound as she fucked it up inside her, came and went back to sleep. She wasn’t even really conscious either time she got off just now. I want to have you be my first boy and if we don’t hurry up, Trina will find some way to trick your dick into her little honey pot. I saw what she did with that brush last night. It is bigger around than you are.”
She had a point about Trina and Toni. I rolled onto my back bringing Toni over on top of me. It wasn’t the best angle, but Tammy helped move Toni around so I was able to do her doggy style over top of a couple pillows. I expected Toni to just be a “dead fuck” since she was sound sleep. She wasn’t. A pinch on her nipples made her get really wet and have a small cum. As soon as I started pumping in and out of her she started to cum quickly like she had when I fingered her last night. I was really close a couple times, but her pussy locked down so hard when she came it made me have to work back up to getting off again. My dick was really pounded her when it just popped right out of her without effort at all. Up until then the head would get held in place by the tight ring of muscles at the entrance to her vagina.
“Passed out again. Took long enough. Help me get her into the armchair by the door. I want the whole bed to play on,” Tammy told me as she pretty much jerked Toni off the bed.
As soon as we were back in bed Tammy had my dick in her mouth. She told me what I already knew. Toni’s juices tasted super sweet. She wanted to get all she could so much that she didn’t even care if it made me cum in her mouth. That was good because she got just that.
Must be the mix of salty, bitter cum and sweet pussy juices that drove her completely wild.
I had just finished dribbling out a few drops when Tammy moved up to start really making out with me hard. She ground her soaked, hot pussy against my dick until I was hard again. Her face may have shown her inner argument, but her body knew what it wanted. I reached between us to hold my dick up. She got it notched against her vagina. One hard push tore through her cherry. By the time Trina had picked the guestroom door lock my dick was slowly disappearing inside Tammy.
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Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Laci had no hesitation going for the main prize, inserting it in her, and expressing her happiness at achieving it. #4: I won't bother describing the 90-second fucks. A couple of details get mentioned below, but that's about all. Not that I didn't enjoy them, because I SURE did, but they were obviously all very similar, especially as the water made it very hard to get any sort of rapid movement going; a problem I hadn't...
~~Jack~~ “Oh my god,” Jack said. “Oh ... dear Lord,” Damien said. “Now arriving, Mister Jack Terry, of the Invictus, and champion this evening. With him, Mister Damien Burksen, of the ... Lancea et Sanctum, and champion’s guard,” the ghoul in the tuxedo beside them called out. The crowd turned to them, clapped for a few moments, nodded their hands, and resumed socializing. Somewhere along the line, Antoinette’s invite to the ball, which had included a ‘some skin but not too much’ message,...
What had been planned as a quiet day was no more. Jenny, Lorrie, Marcy and Ching Lee were going to look at Jeanna's new house and plan the video system she wanted. They were the experts with that kind of thing. Marcy was going to play chauffer with her new truck. Vicky and I were going to open the gym. We didn't expect many members to show up today but a few indicated they might. With all the gift coupon-books we had sold as Christmas gifts there might be some coming to check out the...
At breakfast the next morning Martin gave Mike directions to the house we had rented. " You might want to pick up a some food that you can eat room temperature," I suggested. "It wouldn't be a bad idea to dress warmly." "Nice plan, but I'm not going to be the one who sits there. I am not part of this little band of Mercenaries. I'm the camera man, I don't get involved in the day to day operations." Mike said with a smile. He really was being nice about it. "So, if you won't stay...
Dear Sister-in-law Marissa, I read Lily's letter and if its true there are some men who I hope to have close enough to strange someday. Not that I expect I'd ever get the chance. Men who are that evil just don't score well on the CAP and I can't imagine anyone dumb enough to take them as concubines. I guess I can feel confident that they will be Sa'arm droppings in a few years. That is one thing that many of the people here on Wadi believe. We expect that humanity will go on, and even...
Here are some wry bits of wisdom for all of you. The biggest lie I tell myself is..."I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it." Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller! Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet! I don't trip over things, I do random gravity checks! I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off! Old age is coming at a...
Andy and Chris timed their arrival at C-B until almost everyone had been seated. Andy had tried twice to contact Regan - once after his ceremony ended and once the next morning - but the call went to voicemail each time. He didn't think what he had to say should be conveyed in a message so he'd simply hung up. He didn't realize that Regan's phone had lain uncharged since Thursday night. She couldn't get in contact with the only person she wanted to talk to so she hadn't even thought...
THE RETREAT, THURSDAY EVENING Jeff, Diana, Arlene, Laura, Joyce, Hope, Jennie and Ann were in the living room, most of them watching the news. Most, because Ann was snuggled to Jeff's side while they lay on a recliner, and she had no interest in the news at all. "Hope will see us," Jeff whispered in her ear as he trapped Ann's hand when it slid nearer his groin. "I know she's had problems, but are we supposed to pretend there is no sex in our home? I'm going to cuddle with my man....
The server room had been an adventure unto itself. Walt's father, Wayne, had come up to build the area where Mary's servers were housed. The group had planned to make a small room, about 8-foot-by-8-foot, at the back of the what-had-been-dubbed the "Study Hall," near the new bathrooms. That idea had not made it past the initial consultation with Wayne Carter. "If you make it the size of a prison cell, it can never be anything but a closet," Wayne explained. "It can't be clear...
Laura wondered if she had ever felt such pain. She was so overcome by it, physically as well as emotionally, that she had to take the next two days off work. She lay in bed, doing nothing, staring at the TV, seeing nothing. Then she hit the vodka bottle, winding up sick, puking, full of self-loathing and fierce remorse. Finally she realized she would have to go back to work, no matter what, no matter how it hurt. She couldn't even bear to think of Trina. She couldn't bear to see either...
I went into my office Monday morning after feeding all fourteen kids breakfast and leading their forms. I got them to our classroom above the studio and turned them over to Cassie. All of those things made my head swim and I plopped in my desk chair and stared at the wall filled with pictures of the kids and families in the village. Fourteen kids. Of course, that included Melanie and Stephanie. Technically, they weren’t part of our clan, but there was no question that they’d be adopted into...
About the only thing that Tiffany Langenderfer-McMahon didn't like about living in the country was the long bus ride to school. She and Henry were about the first children to be picked up in the morning, and that meant a long bus ride to school. For whatever reason, the bus driver ran the route backwards in the afternoon, so they were about the last ones off, too. That meant for a lot of riding the bus, almost two hours a day. Some days, if her father's schedule worked out, he'd take the...
The following day Morgana and I patrolled nervously around the court as Verenestra granted some of her most loyal subjects extra land, including Talusi and her mother Melusa. You could tell that the nerves of the guards (and William) were stretched thin, though finally the ceremony was coming to a close. It was then when a little of the tension was ebbing that the floor on the dais went out of phase causing Verenestra and William to go tumbling down through it with loud yells of surprise. I...
John stretched as he awoke, feeling the familiar and comforting presence of two luscious female forms draped over him. Glancing down he was surprised to see that his bedmates had switched while he was resting, with Helene and Calara replaced by Rachel and Dana. The brunette was fast asleep with a serene expression on her face, but the redhead greeted him with a warm smile. “Good morning sleepyhead,” Dana whispered, leaning in for a kiss. He enjoyed the gentle tenderness as her wonderfully...
Stay thanks to St John for this group... Two homosexual guys were walking down the road when one looked at the other and said “You see that guy across the road?” “Wow, he’s cute!!” the other said. “Well, I had sex with that guy a couple of years back.” “No shit??” the other asked. “Not much...” replied the first. A guy asks his waiter how they prepare their chicken. The waiter says that there’s nothing special ... we just flat out tell’ em they’re gonna die... Paddy was planning...
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Gloria Rhymer, history teacher extraordinaire." Alan walked up to Glory as she was reading a book at a table in the town's public library. He took her by surprise with his happy but hushed words. Glory looked up with mild alarm to find out who was talking to her. When she saw it was a grinning Alan, she relaxed and grinned too. "My, my, my. If it isn't the extraordinary Alan Evan Plummer! Well, I won't say what you're extraordinary at. At least, not...
I awoke at 6AM very well rested. I had forgotten my depression for a while and by the time I fell asleep it hadn't caught up with me. It was however back that Saturday morning clutching me like a too tight sweater. I hated the feeling of choking on my grief. I had felt it before but it had been a while since someone I knew and loved had died. I hated that feeling of overwhelming grief and depression. I was in the shower, when I heard Wilson outside the shower starting the coffee. The...
I came home from class Friday afternoon with Rose. Senior exams were finished. The rest of the casa planned to join us by the end of the evening. We had 'senior week' ahead of us. Oh, there were things we had to attend, like picking up our gowns and commencement rehearsal, but everything else was done. As Mr. Darnell told us in our class meeting Friday morning, our job now was just to stay alive until commencement. Please. And not to go out and screw up our scholarships and college...
“Are you guys ready yet?” called out Jessie’s mom. “Nearly!” called back Bjorn. “Jessie’s just pulling on her jeans. Won’t be long.” In the other room Bjorn was making final adjustments to his hair as Jessie Harper pulled her jeans up over her hips then zipped and belted them in place. “There!” she said. “All ready.” Jessie then looked across at Bjorn standing by the door. She then walked up and flung her arms around him from behind and said, “I’m sorry, Bjorn, for making such a fuss...
Monday I was back at Washington. Congress was in session one more day before the Thanksgiving break that lasted into the second week of December. They had a funding bill that had to pass, otherwise dozens of their favorite agencies would close before they came back from recess. The reason the funding had not passed was because Thursday and Friday they had been too busy getting TV time and grandstanding on the floor of Congress about the fate of the Iranian five. The bills passed quickly;...
“I may not have believed in lady luck, but I believed in her fucking sister, irony. That bitch was out to nail me to wall.” —Pippa DaCosta, Trapped WHEN I GOT HOME Sunday afternoon, Beca’d been in the kitchen making a casserole for dinner. Mom was standing beside her giving her instructions. I just stood there for a while watching them. It was sweet. Pey came to take my hand and whisper, “Mom’s teaching my other big sister how to cook.” “I’ve been learning from everyone this summer,”...
Present – Bernie and Liz – In the ambulance on the way to the hospital I look at the preacher and plead, “Please marry us now because I don’t want Liz to have the baby without us being married.” The preacher asks, “Elizabeth Morgan do you feel the same way?” She swears, “Hell yes, please marry us now!” The preacher starts, “Love is the reason we are here. In marriage we not only say I love you today, but also say I promise to love you for all of our tomorrows.” Bernard Townshend and...
Mary did that thing she does with her lower lip between her teeth when she's cornered. "Go ahead. Get it out of your system. I know you can't wait to tease me." "I feel like I should, like it's my job. But I can't. It would be like I was picking on Jill. I guess you're growing up. Or I am. Maybe both of us." I'd made my way over to the table by now. Mary stood up and hugged me. I put my arms around her and held tight. My baby sister wasn't a baby anymore. I sat down in my chair...
1993 I was in a good mood when I got home. Newt and the Republican Party would have done the Contract with America whether I had recycled or not, but with me involved we had a chance of toning down the harsher aspects to it. I was already pushing to keep most of the ‘family values’ crap out of it. That was a sideshow that always sidetracked the Party and played into the hands of the Democrats. My good mood broke when I got home. Bucky was staying with us, and while I really like my...
The first few moments were the most disorientating. Enduring an interval when she wasn't even certain who she was, let alone if she were conscience. It only took an instant of collecting thought however to arrive at one inescapable conclusion. "C-cold! S-so cold!" A numbing sensation pervaded her renewed awareness. An icy tingling that seemed to define everything about her current state. She tried to open her eyes only to find them apparently frozen shut. "T-Time f-f-freeze..." Her...
I had barely fallen back to sleep when my alarm beeped to let me know it was time for me to get out of bed again. Releasing the straps was something I could do on my own so I pulled myself to my feet and headed off to the bathroom. Mickey was awake and at the table when I walked in. He was eating an apple. “Where did that come from?” I asked. “Huh?” he asked as he took another bite. “The apple,” I said. “I looked through every cupboard in this house yesterday for something I could eat...
I slipped out of the tent, leaving my brother and my husband to ‘important’ discussions with the new Teyrn. Honestly, the meeting had gone about as well as I could expect, and I was just happy we could hopefully work together as needed, even if we’d never have a familial relationship. I was trying really hard not to take it personally. I finally caught Leliana alone when I got back to the Wardens’ camp; with a grin for a fantastic distraction, I dragged the bard into my tent, made her undo...
We awake from every sleep except the one dreaded by Danglars. He awoke. To a Parisian accustomed to silken curtains, walls hung with velvet drapery, and the soft perfume of burning wood, the white smoke of which diffuses itself in graceful curves around the room, the appearance of the whitewashed cell which greeted his eyes on awakening seemed like the continuation of some disagreeable dream. But in such a situation a single moment suffices to change the strongest doubt into certainty. "Yes,...
It was a few weekends after my shower fun with Doreen and Sue. The two of them made it clear at every possible moment since then that they wanted some more time with me naked. I told them that if I had some time away from my girlfriend Anne, I would try to hook up with them.I was running late from a long day at work and wouldn’t get to the college until about eight. I tried calling Anne & Evelyn’s room phone before I left, but there was no answer, but I headed up anyway. I figured that I would...
College SexHi friends aadi here kese ho sabhi ? Meri pichli story pe bahot sare response mile jo logg pehli bar padh rahe he unhe baata du aadi here 22 fair, handsum guy with 7.5inch long dick and 3width mera land kisiki chuth aur gand ki khujli aram se mita sakta he ab me apni chudai ki daastan pe aa jata hu muje mail aya ahmedabad se aaya 2din takk chatt kia confirmation ke baad numbers exchange huve aur baat huie sweet voice thi uski sweta ( name changed ) aged 39 usne muje bataya ki meri husband muje...
Hello friends….First of all me ye bata du ki ye ek fantasy story hai….Meri umar 24 saal…height 6 ft…athletic body…name prashant aur meri biwi sweta. Sweta sex bomb hai…fig 34-32-36…Lambe baal…gori chitti…vasna se bhari hui ankhe….Mast chikne lips. Sweta ki skin ek dam soft…chikni..Bacche jaisi hai….Hum dono baat karne me ek dam free the. Kabhi kabhi ek dusre ko gali bhi de dete the. Me aur sweta ek dam chuddakad hai…hum logo ne ghar ke har kone me sex kiya hai…hum dono role play ke bhi shokeen...
Mera naam rakshit hai. Me 24 saal ka hoon. Meri dost ki bahin ka naam Sweta hai wo 22 saal ki hai. Aur uski figure to aisi thi ki pucho mat. Wo bahut hi sundar hai, ekdam gori chitti lumbe lumbe kale bal, height Kareeb 5’5″ aur figure 36-25-38 hai. Uska figure mast hai. Hum dono Ghar se bahar agra mein ek hi room mein rah kar padhte the.maine room Mein padane ke liye kuch gandi kitabein rakhi hui thi. Jo ek din sweta Ke hath lag gayi. Isliye main apne lund aur wo apni choot ki pyas nahi Rok...
Hai, This is V.Kumar again, I am going to tell you about my second memorable encounter with my Sis-in-law,I am working with a Private bank and posted at Simla, my wife’s cousin was also working in the same city with some telecom MNC, I have rented a room which was at 10 Min walking distance from her, as she is also married and having her family at Panchkula,she has to be in simla for three days in a week and rest of the days at her home town, My family is in Haryana and I visit them after one...
IncestHi, freinds. I am prem here (name changed), a regular reader of ISS. First, let me introduce myself. I am a 23 years boy from Hyderabad Telangana. This is my first story if there are any mistakes then please excuse me and dont forget to send reply to This story happened when I was in b.Tech 2nd yr & how I was success to have sex with Swetha I’ll write this story in Telugu E story nenu b.Tech 2nd year lo unapudu jarigindhi na frnd sai lover swetha (name changed) tho, nenu hyderabad lo oka...
I and Swetha had been co-workers for several years now in an software company.. Swetha was head of accounting, while I was head of operations. We were friends who had lunch occasionally and could joke around with each other. On more than one occasion we had been know to play practical jokes on each other just to keep their spirits up. Thus was our relationship, comfortable but still very formal at the office.I was stuck. The report he had been working on all week was due by 5 and I just...
IncestHello iss readers, this is Prem again. Thank you for your valuable comments & compliments to my first story. For those who don’t know me. I am Prem, 23 years guy & from Hyderabad. Please send your valuable suggestions to my id Iam going to the story now. So ala first session ipoyaka memu fresh iyamu & nenu lunch thiskochi thinnam edharam. Nenu Swetha ni malli continue chedama ani adiga, thanu ok anatu Chinna smile echindi. Inka nenu ventane thana midaki velli malli kiss cheyadam start chesa....
Hi, I am Madhan here. First, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback on my last story about Genuine Couples looking for fun like Swap/Group/Orgy/Cuckold/Lesbian can approach me. I am a Bengalurean of 28 years of age, 6″ tall. Horny unsatisfied housewives and sexy young baby dolls can reach me on my hangout/mail and Telegram @msarsstr. Total anonymity and secrecy are guaranteed. Coming to the story the heroine of this story is Swetha. Swetha came in...
By : Patrick19 Hi guys I am Patrick (I changed my name to maintain my privacy) doing my 3rd year engineering in Chennai. I am a big fan of iss and after reading uncountable number of erotic stories i have decided to share with you my first ever experience. First let me tell you guys about me. I am around 6 feet height. I am not attractive mainly because i am fat and i am dark in my skin tone. So from my early teens onwards i had a huge complex and never even imagined having a girlfriend. So...
Me,Swetha and manasa By: ram Hello friend’s hope you all are having a nice sexy times. I and my cousin Swetha are good friends. We use to go out and enjoy. We use to play games and I use to press her boobs as and when I get chance. This continued, one day Swetha told me that she is going to her friend’s house in Mumbai. And told me to joined her. I said I can’t come, because it was at the time of New Year I enjoyed my Christmas with nice party with my friends and don’t want to celebrate my New...
Dear ISS readers, there are many stories here I got inspired to share my story as well. This is a true story happen to me 5 years back. I fucked my maid’s daughter. I was 22 working for a software company in Hyderabad. I used to stay in one bedroom flat instead of staying with friends because I always wanted my privacy. I have a housemaid from nearby slums for house chores she used to come in the morning at 7 and clean the house and cooking food for me and wash my clothes. One year passed I...
Not long after Crystal finished in the dojo, we were on our way to her house. Her parents insisted that we have dinner over there tonight before Annie and I were driven back over to my house. Annie was going to be staying the whole weekend with me. At my house it was no secret that girls were going to be in my room and probably naked. It was different going over to Crystal's house and yet her parents didn't even so much as blinking an eye as the three of us went up to her room. For every...
Hello doston mera naan raju hei aur meine pehle bhi is series ki do story aapko likhi hei so I am not a stranger for you all readers. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni ek aur story suna reha(padha) hun. To sabse pehle mein story ke characters ka introduction aapse karwata hun. Iss story mein bhi mein yani raju (27year old, slim built, medium height, Fair and weight about 55 kgs.) Chodoo ke kirdar mein hun. Mere sath do chudakkad lady hein ek hei meri landlady Shweta about 30-31 years ki medium...
A crowd of mischievous people were pelting stones at a woman, whose language was unknown for the local people. Her body and clothes were messy dirty, one can’t judge her skin or cloth colours, her hair were uncombed dirty and s**ttered. She was shouting something at the crowd and shouting something at others, which was not understood by anybody. Even elders were there, but no one cared to save her. Instead they were laughing at her and making fun of her.Prakash was passing through the same...
I am really indebted to readers of my stories. I am receiving lot of emails from readers praising stories. Readers are from both the sexes and from all the age groups. I once again thank all the readers who have written me about different stories. All are welcome to comment on my work. Your support and guidance can improve my work. Keep writing. Here is a new story. After reading this story I am sure you will evaluate it and write comments to your Prakash Patel. A crowd of mischievous people...
Hello doston mera naan raju hei aur mein 26 saal ka hun, mein ek bacholar hun and living single. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni aur meri landlady Shweta ki chudai ki stofy suna reha hun. Shweta about 30 years ki med build short height (about 5’) ki average lady hei. Her colour is fair and she has two kids namely reema 12 years and vijay 6 years. I am fair, thin and avg height (about 5′ 7″) ka normal indian guy hun. Mein aur mere landlady ka room aaju baju mein hei. Mera landlord country se bahar...
Hello everyone, thanks for your compliments about my first story series. Those who don’t know me, please click on my profile to read my previous series which mentions how did I had sex with my two brothers and mom. So moving to the new recent experience, it was a summertime and we had my uncle visiting our home for a few weeks. He was coming with his family to spend some time in India and get some relaxation from his busy schedule. So for a few weeks, we would be having four more members in our...
LesbianHello doston mera naan raju hei aur meine pehle bhi is series ki do story aapko likhi hei so I am not a stranger for you guys/dolls. Aaj mein aap logon ko apni aur meri landlady Shweta ki chudai ki ek aur real stofy suna reha hun. Shweta about 30 years ki med build short height (about 5’) ki, colour is fair and she has two kids horney lady hei. Mein aur mere landlady ka room aaju baju mein hei and landlord country se bahar Dubai mein service karta hei. Wah saal mein ek ya do baar thode time ke...
Hi, iss antarvasna sex kahani main apko apne MAA ke saath hue kisse ke baare mein bataunga. Humlog 4 jan ki family hai – mummy, papa, mein aur meri choti behn, jo mujhse 2 saal choti hai. Yeh baat tab ki hai jab meri maa 36 saal ki thi aur mein 18 saal ka. Main maa se bahut pyaar karta tha. Wo mera bahut khayal rakhti thi. Maine kabhi maa ko buri nazar se nai dekha tha. Haa lekin kai baar jab wo kapde badal rahi hoti thi to galtise unke room mein jaake unko bra-panty mein dekha hai. Jab bhi...
Hi, I am Sam and this is my second story I am writing on this blog. So, please excuse me for my grammar mistakes.This incident happened 1 month back when I am in 3rd year of my graduation. I stay with my family in Hyderabad. This story is all about when I had sex with my neighbor girl Swetha. She is a very sexy girl, and her structure looks like 34-28-36. I was very close with her and clearing the doubts of her, because she was my junior but from different college. Our parents also know about...
“Man, your ass too phat bruh “ “I know, I know. I’m thick as a bitch huh? I hear that shit all the time”! “I bet you do! I bet all the gay niggas be trying to holla”. “Bruh! You have no idea. I get more free drinks in the club than the females I try to holla at”. “I bet you do”; *slap*! Pete trailed off as he laid a solid slap on his homie’s right ass cheek. This caused Rome’s booty to jiggle as he shot his friend a sly look. “Aight bruh, any more of them this weekend and I’m charging...
Hi All. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta couple of years ago in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really love to fuck her. In June 2008 one day I went to her home when there was no one at her home in...
Hi All again. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta in 2006 in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really love to fuck her. Also my email id is Forget to state in part 1. Contact for any type of sex, threesome,...