TimeChapter 28 free porn video

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Early in the morning we left in two cars. Rita and Libra were not invited. This was mainly because we would be staying one or two nights. Mario was a fairly permissive father for this part of the century but that did not make him stupid.

Natalie drove one car with Helen, Linda and me, while Laura drove Valerie and Aron. I sat in the back seat with Helen and I was molested even before we left the city limits. I held her head as she lay on her side and started to give artificial respiration to little Alex, who was far from needing the stimulation to stay erect.

In a few more minutes she had my pants off and she was trying to get me inside her. It was too difficult, so she lay on the seat and I got between her legs. She had three orgasms before getting to Barrie.

Linda climbed in the back and Helen reluctantly climbed into the front. I kept Linda amused for the next hour. Poor Natalie was playing with her clit and bemoaning her fate. Linda and Helen had no licence to drive but both knew the rudiments. Even Mom drove but she had no licence, either.

The 400 highway had not been built and in fact hardly any highway in Canada. The Queen Elizabeth Way from Fort Erie to Toronto was just being built. This meant that we drove through every small town on the way to Toronto. The QEW was stop and go too, for there were no expensive overpasses made yet. There were a few rest stops along the way, so I asked Natalie to pass Laura in the lead and then pull into one of the shaded places to rest.

When we pulled in Laura followed. There were no other cars or people, so I pulled an unsuspecting Natalie into the back seat and worked on her for a while.

Aron was behind me when I finished and he said, "How come all the girls are like that? Valerie wanted to teach me something and I had to lick her again."

"Did you want to do it?"


"Was it fun?"

"Yes... but I wanted to see where we are going too. Where I was I couldn't see at all."

"Well, you ride with Natalie now and I will take your place and Valerie can teach me."

"Well, I liked it too, you know."

"Then maybe Linda will teach you things."

We left in a few minutes with Laura, Valerie and me in the lead. Laura was lucky, for Valerie could drive and she, too, enjoyed her time in the back seat.

I was glad to get to Toronto for it gave me a chance to rest. The trip had taken five hours and we found a restaurant to eat first. We stayed away from Young Street like the plague, because I remembered that they were putting the subway in and had the entire street torn up.

Soon we were shopping for clothes. The girls wanted to find clothes for Aron and me first and then look for themselves. I in turn made sure that they got the clothes I wanted them to have along with their own choices.

I had made the call yesterday to the minister and tomorrow I was going to meet him to get the apology. I was also going to see what I could wring out of him to make the school system change.

Toronto was not nearly as big as it was in 2004 and many parts were still farmland that would one day have skyscrapers. If I had the credit, I would mortgage the land and just keep it till a developer wanted to pay me what I wanted for it. I could also see gigantic malls with my Wal-Marts, Zehr's, Home Depot and even perhaps a Starbucks at the ends. Maybe we could even have Mario's Pizza Hut in to feed the customers.

We did make it downtown and we ate supper there. As a treat we ate at a small Chinese restaurant. I couldn't order very well in the language but I did know a few phrases, which I used. None of the girls had been to a place like this. Grocery stores had chickens hung on hooks and in the back you could find the delicacies that they did not let the 'English' see.

We found a good hotel with adjoining rooms. The desk clerk again wanted to give me problems. Being thirteen made things even worse. When I raised my voice and said I was going to go elsewhere the owner came out of the back. He was polite and I told him my request.

He asked, "Are you that boy from North Bay?"

"I am but that must make you an old man from Toronto."

"I'm..." he thought then said, "I'm sorry, young man. We have some nice rooms for you."

The rooms were not bad but they didn't measure up to the Clarkson.

We had breakfast early in the morning to get the most in. We visited other areas of the city. The CN tower was not there but I could see where it one day would be. The waterfront was not a pretty sight but that too would improve in time.

Around nine thirty I started making phone calls to various businesses. The first were to some bakeries to get some quotes for some buns and for having them delivered to North Bay. They could hear my voice and I usually had to go further up the company chain of command to get my requests met. I was prepared for the delivery charges and picked one bakery to see later to get a contract signed.

While the girls shopped I rode the public transportation to the first electronics company. The manager looked disappointed to be greeting a boy but was polite. When he learned that I knew what I was talking about he started to cheer up. I bought some extra equipment and it would be delivered in the next week.

Another bus took me to Queen's Park, the seat of the Ontario government. Part of the University of Toronto and their research facility called Connaught Labs was close, too. I would love to go in but that was out of the question right now. The girls had arrived earlier and were just walking around like the tourists they were.

The minister finally came out. He was a half-hour late but I too showed some restraint and remained polite. He must have waited for the reporters to arrive and he did apologise and wanted to shake my hand. I did not put my hand out but said, "Your apology as a the Minister of Education is accepted but I am very angry at your ministry. You, first of all, let the various school boards do as they want when you need a firm hand to get all the boards the same."

He said in his defence, "Each board has their own problems and needs, so they need room to make a course that best suits them."

"That is right. They are usually poor school boards that have very little provincial tax dollars to give the same level of education as a private school would give or one in a large urban centre. Tell me, Mister Minister, where do your children go to school?"

"My children go to a public school in Hamilton. The school board does get more money but there are higher costs, too."

"That is true but the scales are still not anywhere near being balanced. We need more resources put at the disposal of smaller and less affluent school boards or you will lose many future leaders of industry."

"Like you, Alex," he said.

"I am an exception and most people would find this. There are many others who are not being encouraged to do their best because the boards are under funded. How can new products be developed, when we have under-trained teachers and text books that don't keep up with current trends." The minister was getting embarrassed. I said, "I will make a deal with you."

"What is that?" He asked.

"We shake hands so you get a picture that keeps you from being lynched and I get a half-hour to tell you in private what we can do about fixing things."


"You certainly can't do it alone."

We shook hands and the man did take us to a place to talk. He had shook hands with the girls and Aron to ensure that he was seen to be friendly with everybody. When we all had seats I started to tell him how I saw Ontario in the next few years.

North America was currently going through a polio epidemic. When I said that a cure was coming very soon he really sat up. He said incredulously, "Somebody has a cure?"

"We are very close. By September there will be an announcement. My company will be doing its part. For political and monetary reasons the announcement will come from Chicago."

The man sat back and thought and finally he said, "You got me, Alex. I almost believed you there. I don't like what you did," he said angrily.

"Keep your temper in check sir. Call me a liar after September, not now. There is too much at stake. Didn't my company just invent a new artificial hip joint?"

He pulled himself together. "There is a lot of difference between a hip that may not turn out to be better than others that have been made and a cure for polio that very many highly skilled people are looking for."

"Then you will have to discount the new group of anaesthetics we invented. After all, there was only a very few highly skilled people involved in their creation."

"I never heard about them."

That was easy for him to say, for their fabrication was still in my mind and nothing had been done to make them yet. "The chemicals were made in crude conditions and now I have to build an entirely new building in what I want to be my technological park. The Americans give millions of dollars of taxpayers' money for research. I have asked for nothing till now. I want Hydro to supply me with the power I need. I also want tax dollars flowing to the North Bay school board to make a school that meets the demands of industry. Science and Technology has to be stressed in the lower grades or the students are not ready to do what I require them to do."

He said, "You should train them if you want them."

"Maybe I should move my operations to the United States. Canada is well known for ignoring the obvious and letting other countries buy our ideas."

"That is not true."

"What country did Bell invent the phone in and then what country was he forced to immigrate to?"

The light came on and he knew he was trapped. Bell had come to Canada and invented many things including the telephone here. His laboratory is in Nova Scotia. Recently he had been making hydrofoils with American assistance in the form of money and material. For the telephone he had to go to the United States because Canadians were more near-sighted than most. There were more examples and I gave all of them to him. It was always a pet peeve of mine and he was the first of this century to get it.

I had really overstayed my time and the shaken minister showed me out. He even invited us to his home.

"Thank you sir but I did want to get moving. In a month, though, there will be a fair in my city. I believe it would be quite fascinating for you and your family."

We didn't go home, though. When we left I was given a great many pieces of peoples minds about how I picked on a man that just apologized to me.

"He wouldn't have apologized if he wasn't forced to. He just did what he had to do and I made sure he remembers our conversation when he next goes for his budget. I want trained people and I want some to come from the north."

I was able to see two more businesses before they closed. We got rooms downtown and went to see a musical, then had a good dinner later. The girls saw why I wanted them to have nice clothes, now.

We stayed till noon on Saturday and then headed back. I was tired but the girls were 'frisky', so I got little rest.

We just had time and I made it to the bakery I had talked to and signed a contract for the products I wanted delivered to Grandpa. I warned them that more orders might come in with some people finally coming to the conclusion that they would not be able to cope.

The next three weeks were busy and enjoyable. The new equipment had come in and we were making many different kinds of transistors. Even though I knew the correct procedures, the lack or pure materials and the necessity of making new tools stymied us. The laser was started on but this time they didn't know what I was making. We found and converted some small RF transmitters by throwing out all the circuits devoted to modulation. The stripped-down units would be more than enough to do what we needed.

More and more of my time had to be devoted to the fair. Both Helens were very busy with the bookkeeping. They not only had to keep track of every penny spent but had to do payroll and other tasks. Derrick's wife had to hire more help on a temporary basis. Helen was taken under the older woman's wing and shown some of the more arcane facts of bookkeeping.

People going to Toronto for supplies took the information for my ads and the money to pay for them. This would absorb a lot of profit but was necessary. Not all were paid for, though. Lass was shown walking with a small limp but seemed to be in much less pain than before. She was to appear each day at the fair so people could see her.

I had my own trip planned.

John Stoner had purchased another truck for me, just after the first one. This one had four-ton capacity as well and was in good shape for an old vehicle. At the same time I had Derrick do some searching for me.

From an Illinois warehouse he bought for me fifty war-surplus Indian Motorcycles and an equal number of Harleys. These were brand new. They were disassembled and packed in heavy wood boxes surrounded by grease by the manufacturer for the war effort. He had negotiated and we got them for less than twenty dollars each. Twenty dollars, though, was a week's wages. The entire lot was sent to a warehouse in Buffalo, New York.

One afternoon I sat across from John Stoner. "John, I need a secret compartment in the second truck." I trusted him enough to not insult his intelligence. "The Canadian and American governments don't like gold just shipped around. I need a way to get some into the United States without being found, then removed without outside help."

He thought for a moment then said, "Tell me how big it has to be."

"It has to be strong to carry gold along a rough road, the weight may be up to a ton. The volume has to be around four cubic feet and a minimum height of eight inches."

"Alex, you usually come with your own ideas. Tell me about them."

The plans were put in front of him. He looked it over and simply said, "When do you want it?"

Four days before the fair began, dad, Helen and I took a trip to Buffalo. It was a seven-hour trip and very bothersome. Dad knew of our load and was worried about every bump for fear of losing the precious cargo. He hadn't even started to worry about getting past customs.

Even before we started dad was angry. Helen was dressed in what he thought of as provocative clothing. It was a bit daring for the time but still enough to distract a man's eye without bringing down many thoughts of impropriety.

"Why won't those crazy Americans take our gold?"

" Dad, they have laws that say they can only own gold if it is in coins or nuggets. They have more laws that say we can't just ship gold around any way we like. That is also why we will get so much more for the Goldilocks Group."

Our goal was the suspension bridge in Queenstown. In later years it would be taken down and a new one put up further upriver.

Dad took a sip from his bottle just before we got there and this seemed to help. We waited in line for two minutes and dad had to have another nip then we were at the barrier. He was very relieved to just pay a toll. I said nothing till he found that he had to go through the inspection at the other side.

Dad gave out his papers after he said who he was and who we were. Then the McCarthyism came out and we were asked if we were ever members of the Communist Party or any other subversive group. Dad said that he was mostly a farmer and wondered if that was against the rules, too. The man didn't quite think so for he let us through.

It was forty minutes to Buffalo but we took over an hour. On a side road we pulled off for a bit to eat from our lunch we packed. When everything was clear, I went into a box of equipment and took out four lengths of threaded rod. These went through the wooden bed and into a frame around the hidden shipment. With nuts now attached to the rods the bolts to a fake gas tank were removed. The nuts on the wooden bed were backed off and the heavy tank was lowered to the ground. A nearby tree supported the heavy gas tank with a chain fall while dad backed the truck under it and it went into an empty, weathered, wooden box. Two chains and two chain binders held the load securely to the truck bed.

Dad was very happy and wanted to take a drink to celebrate but both Helen and I got him to wait.

At one trucking firm we stopped and a lift truck took our load after signing some papers. It would now be on its way to Chicago and await our arrival in a week. Dad was very worried about the box and I had to get him out before he drew too much attention to it. It would be safe simply because of its anonymity.

Another firm had part of our shipment of motorcycles. It was easy coming through with ten of the heavy bikes. We had to pay the duty and taxes at the border. Dad said, "Why did you want these things anyway?"

"I see that in the future they will be worth fifty times what they are now."

"A thousand dollars?"

"Well, the money is not worth as much in the future but the average man has to work for a year to pay for one of those crates in the back and that doesn't count the taxes he has to pay on his income or on the bike we sell."

"Damn government. They always want money then just spend it foolishly."

"That never changes, dad."

When we got home late that night, we left the truck in the barn and just slept.

Martin came through with my request. His men came to town and provided security for us. The local police were miffed but did cooperate. The bank then put a photograph in the Toronto paper with some gold bricks. They said this would be on display with other gold to show how closely the bank was working with this area.

Dad and the rest of the family did come up with another half ton of gold dust and flakes. This went into the vaults. Mr Jackson was still speechless when the money came in. This time we had heavy canvas sacks which to me sounded much more sensible.

The city started to fill early. Good clean rooms were available and I made sure that nobody got gouged. Everybody offering a 'bed and breakfast' had to display their prices out front. The warehouses were used for all kinds of storage. One was set aside for emergency housing. The camping grounds were featured in the newspapers and many people came with this in mind.

We had scoured much of southern Ontario to get enough large tents. Laura set up a mini hospital and we even had a few doctors and nurses come to assist us.

Natalie and Libra had a very large area with lots of toys to watch the infants. Many of the high school girls not employed elsewhere were there to help. Natalie had worked hard to perfect what each person had to know. Some of it was to direct people to where they could get help. She even came up with the idea of large maps painted on plywood showing the various booths, first aid, security, washrooms, lost and found and the babysitting services.

The students making the cube were given different duties when I found we needed everybody we could find.

Aron was very happy when he worked with our security. He did help a bit but mostly I saw that the detachment liked to have him and some of his friends around.

There were one hundred and six booths of various kinds. My inflatable canvas bag was a hit with everybody. The smaller children had to be given their own times, or they would never have gotten on. This was even before the fair opened.

Rita was just about coming undone. She tried to be everywhere and do her singing too. She was irritable and short with people but she still did what had to be done. Part of the reason was that her period had come around again.

Her father was wearing a smile now even though he was working much harder than usual. I figured it had something to do with his wife's new set of unmentionables.

Same as Time
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100% fiction! Oh crap it thought as I turned my car around and headed back to the house, I left it on the printer. I had an essay due today in my English class, I’d finished it last night and printed it then, I’d forgotten to pick it up. It was still up in my bedroom. I pulled in the driveway and ran upstairs, gathered it up and started back down when I heard what sounded like a sob, it was coming from my Mom’s room. I looked in. Mom was lying on her bed drawn up in the fetal position, she was...

2 years ago
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Unleashing The Fantasies Within Vol 01

A HARD Lesson Learned They say that college is a time of finding out who you are and where you stand in society. My sophomore year of college is when I found out what that truly meant. I’m normally a shy, reserved type of person and rarely do I ever have conflicts with people And if I do, I try my damnedest to solve them in a calm manner. Now with that being said, my sophomore year of college was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The person that I evolved into was not like my normal self....

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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

1 year ago
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Two 2 Gay Erotic Poems by Len Bourret

San Francisco fantasy Ah yes: To Shakespeare, With Love. I on the bottom, and Joseph Fiennes on the top. Fucking me on Fisherman's Wharf, at Alcatraz, on the Golden Gate Bridge, and in Sausalito. On a roller coaster, in an elevator, and on an escalator. Anywhere that's wild and new, artistically creative things to do: for this Taming of the Shrew. Meeting my every want and need: plunging his rockhard and sexually- arousing missile into me, filling me with his sperm and seed, at Star Trek's...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 49

Dani took B to buy a car. They were in the Jag, and when they pulled up to the car dealership, sales personnel were ready to help. They walked toward the used Toyotas, and Dani said, "Pick one that you like." "D, I can borrow Momma's car. You don't need to buy me a car." "I know I don't. Tell me again why you lost your last job." "I didn't have a ride to work," she said dejectedly. "I just spent a few hours helping you get a job. Do you think that I'd be happy if I got a...

1 year ago
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Movie Night

It was a cold November evening and I was relaxing at home. It was 7:45 and I had called my boyfriend, Blair, then, like me, a highschool senior, and asked him to come over at 8 and watch some movies with me. My family had left earlier in the day to go to one of my 12-yr-old brother's soccer tournaments. I had just been lounging around in a fluffy yellow towel after my shower so I went upstairs to change. I put on Blair's latest present to me, a black bra, and added my favourite pair of black...

First Time
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Enter the DarknessChapter 10 Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

July, 1988 I think my hormones must have been catching up with me because I had never found anyone so gorgeous in my life. Lars Johannes Dieter Magnus was dressed in an elegant, if a little foppish, baggy white shirt with billowy sleeves and frilly cuffs tucked into skin tight silk pants the same color as his dark blue eyes which were in turn tucked into a pair of over-the-knee boots of black leather. A tight, blue silk vest a shade or two lighter than the pants was buttoned over the shirt....

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 105

Oklahoma Territory Crow Ridge Cattle Company August 4, 1889 Jon David, Amanda, Sissy, and Analisa told Eli yesterday that they needed to be at the office early this morning. They let Chane and Jon Jr. spend the night with Shawn, Karly Jo, Clara, and Maryanne. Eli stepped out on the front porch earlier than usual that morning since he had all his Little Bucks here for the day. He drank the last of the coffee from his mug and stood looking down at the river before turning to look over toward...

4 years ago
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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 A Shaggy Dog Story

I had plenty of suggestions on how to spend my thirty-first birthday, which would also be the first anniversary of the death of my family. They included locking myself in a room and getting dead drunk; locking myself in a room with three or four whores and galloping them all senseless, before getting dead drunk, with myriad permutations on those two similar themes. In fact my intention was to take a ride over the Mendip Hills, possibly with some bivouac equipment, and spend the day completely...

2 years ago
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Student Ki Mast Chudai

Hi I’m back again after long time. Mera naam hai Raj Gupta. Jo mujhe mujhe nahi jante wo mera stories (Cousin Sister Ki Mast Chudai I & II, Dost Ki Behan Ki Mast Chudai aur Rakhi Behan Ki Mast Chudai.) pad le. Mera email hai – Ye story mere sath kam karne wali teacher ki beti ka. Uska naam Sonia. Actually mai jis school mai kam (office staff) karta hu usi school ki teacher hai Sonia ki Maa. Sonia hamere hi school se 10th ki. Phir aage ka padhai bhar si ki. Mai us par pehle itna dhayan nhi deta...

4 years ago
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More Than Friends

It’s hard to believe that I, Kevin Peterson, get to have Jessica Graceson to share a dorm room with. I know what you're thinking, why on Earth would any college allow a guy and a girl share a dorm room? Well, Jessica isn’t an ordinary girl, she’s spectacular. She’s amazing! She’s my best friend. She’s the world to me. Just looking at her unpacking her clothes releases butterflies in my stomach. How did I get so lucky?I remember the day I met Jessica. My life has never been the same since. She...

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Wild Thang

Suzy and I had booked a last minute cheap bargain Holiday. We found our selves surrounded by mainly wild and single 18 - 30 year olds. At 33 and 34 we were not that much older but married for over ten years. The hotel was jumping to 3 or so in the morning before booze and tiredness took its toll. Susy reckoned that my new shades must have been bought so she couldn't see who I was eyeing up, she constantly joked about me eyeing up the naked flesh on the beach's. I got my revenge when I caught...

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The Temple Priestess Ch 02

Chapter 2: A temple priestess Anouk’s lessons in the art of love continue. This story is set around 5,000 years ago, in Babylonia. In pre-Christian times, just before the patriarchal Hebrews invaded places like Canaan, goddess worship was widespread and sex was connected to spirituality. I wake after a delightful night’s sleep, following my official initiation as a temple priestess. The objective of the initiation is to teach me to enjoy the pleasures of my body and how to give pleasure to...

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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 44

So, I’d like to thank both of my editors. They have put up with all the stuff I send them. Their help is what brings my weirdness under control so it makes sense. I don’t remember what their usernames are here, and I’m not going to use their real names. You guys know who you are, thanks for all your help. If there are any mistakes when I upload new chapters, know they did all that they could and I jacked it up in the end. Also, I’d like to thank all of you that read the stuff that swirls...

3 years ago
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My Doctor Humiliation

My Master Ray, A 52 year old divorced man who has been training me for over six months, ordered me to meet him to attend for a medical examination at his own personal doctor's surgery. My name is Charlady, I am a 21 year old submissive single slut, five foot ten inches tall and I consider myself a little overweight but my master tells me different. I followed my instructions to the letter, by wearing the required short black skirt and white blouse with no underwear beneath them. I was allowed...

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VincennesByKurt SteinerPART ONEOn the fringes of the Calcutta Racecourse, in an expensive and extensive top-floor apartment with views across to the beauty that was the Hoogly Bridge, Vincent Vincennes was surrounded by affluence and lived the life of a canine.The root of his discontent?His Indian girlfriend.Samira.Where he was Anglo/French and Paris/Londres, Samira was all India and Kolkata. Where he was, had been, proud European , she was unrepentant sub-continent. Where he was? As usual at...

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Unusual Feelings

Things seemed to be going well with our family. A mom, a dad, and 2 kids. We were, what most would say was a good loving family. But one day my parents told us they were getting a divorce. We were pretty young, I was maybe 10 or 11 years old. So divorce did not make sense. Our parents were splitting up and we weren't going to live together anymore. Obviously it was very sad, but our mom disappeared. Apparently she ran off and married another guy very quickly. And now our dad was Raising my...

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The woman with the sleeping husband on the plane

I was travelling for business from London to New York like any other business trip. When I got onto the plane, I was really tired and exhausted, so I was looking forward to take a nap as soon as the plane took off. This time I had the window seat, since nothing else was free and the plane was packet. Usually I prefer the aisle seat. Boarding is almost completed and a woman with her (I think husband) sat down on the seats next to me (aged probably 35-40).And as soon as we took off and it was...

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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 2c

Pasadena, California December 31, 1986 Rachel ended up wearing a black, thigh-length cocktail dress that clung to her body quite alluringly. Her toned legs were clad in dark nylons. She wore three-inch patent leather high heels on her feet. Her blonde hair — which was usually tied up in a ponytail at the restaurant — was styled and hanging down around her shoulders. Her face was carefully and expertly made up with just the right amount of blush, eye shadow, and bright red lipstick that...

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Dick in 3D

It is Friday night I'm laying down in my bed drifting off to sleep everything I did the previous day before I went to school on my first day was playing in my dream like a movie trailer. Then Fade into black and I see a title that says Jon Jon he's sitting in class his desk is in front of mine my teacher walks half way out the classroom everyone in the room is shirtless topless and the girls were wearing see through clothes. It felt like a nightmare at first then everybody disappeared Jon Jon...

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Conversations 13

This series is all about conversations around one event – the cheating spouse. But cheating affects more than just the two protagonists, and I wanted to look at those conversations as well. We all need love. However, when the conversation is finally over, the story ends. And if you feel it’s in the wrong section, well ... the others in the series are here and I wanted to keep them together. No sex in this one. Sorry. Enjoy. I was seated on my favourite bar stool in the Crown and Anchor,...

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The Slavering Chapter 03

The Slavering, Chapter 03 Tesla texted, *John Father is here.* Cheri brightened when she read that. Then Cheri's secretary notified Cheri of an incoming call. *Call from John Smith* Cheri braced herself. Probably another cancelation. "Hi, Short Stuff." A woman's voice, machine. Not Dad. Dad's secretary. Cheri disliked her father's secretary even though she knew it was just a collection of code and hardware like her own secretary. "Calling to inform you that," the...

1 year ago
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Antonia und Juliane

Antonia und Juliane sind Mitbewohner in einer gemischten WG. Ausser den beiden wohnt noch ein Typ namens Björn in der WG Antonia ist 21 Jahre alt und Studentin. Sie ist 1,74 m groß, wiegt 62 kg, hat glatte Schwarze schulterlange Haare und eine natürlich gebräunte Haut. Sie ist eine sehr sportlich, athletische Person die so ziemlich jede Sportart nach kurzer Zeit perfekt beherrscht. Auch sonst ist sie sehr erfolgreich in ihrem Leben und dem ist sie sich mehr als bewusst. Juliane ist 22 Jahre alt...

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Caught Ch 2

Yvette looked around her with no small amount of concern. This downtown pool hall was full of well-dressed men, most of them in suits. She couldn't see any women besides the scantily clad servers. Some of the men looked her way. The ones who did not were engrossed in games of pool or in talking to their friends. The men who looked at her grinned and poked each other with their elbows as she walked past in Stuart's wake. These men were quite used to seeing strikingly attractive women....

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The Colonial Wife Ch 01

His black skin covered in sweat, glistened in the bright sunlight as he poked the spade into the heap of soil. His strong arm muscles stuck out each time he clutched the spade. I was watching him from inside the greenhouse and I was becoming weary and fuzzy just looking at him. Maybe it was the heat getting to me, maybe I felt unsatisfied, anyhow I was getting excited. He was the garden boy Michael, a handsome under 30 year old guy, who came to work for me and my husband John about 6 months...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! In India there is a saying, ‘Your Wife’s sister, is your half-wife.’ I am married to a girl who is from an orthodox family and has 5 sisters. My friends and relatives always pulled my leg by saying, ‘teri to itni saaliyan hai, tu to bahut kismatwala hai! (You have so many sister-in-laws, you are so very lucky!)’ I didn’t know until much later than my marriage that they were so very right. Hi! I am Arvind. I live in Raipur in a posh colony in a house...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Ten Celebration conclusion

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Ten - Celebration (conclusion) As the one year anniversary of her trip to Rick and Jane's approached, Linda marvelled at everything that had happened. Since Lady Patricia returned from her domme training her desire to dominate Linda grew, as did Linda's will to serve. The dungeon was the scene of many sessions and they hosted friends from their expanding kink community. As Linda finished her cleanup from lunch and prepared to return...

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Riding on the Metro

I had watched her for a week. She would get on at L’Enfant and get off at Virginia Square. I would only see her in the morning. Usually, her short hair hung loosely around her face but today she had pinned it back, and it made her look attractive. More so than she normally did. Her green eyes sparkled in the fluorescent lights that made most of us look like we were underdone pieces of meat. She wore dresses, without exception. Today she wore a grey striped worsted wool dress and blazer. The...

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An invitation

I've been invited into the house and I'm now sat in the lounge. The curtains are drawn and the lighting dim. As the music plays, I'm watching a gorgeous figure dance seductively. With the lighting’s so low I’m straining my eyes to see more. As she moves the angle changes and I can’t quite see if she’s wearing any knickers. My cock stirs in my pants. The guy sat beside me has adjusted his jogging bottoms and I can see now that he is stroking his erection. I take this as my cue to unzip my...

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Playing with My Stepmother Lucy on her Birthday

My name is Lucy, and today is my birthday. My husband is out of town, and I’m feeling a little lonely and depressed today. I turned forty-five years old. Sometimes, I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. My husband said he would make it up to me, when he gets home in a few days. “Happy Birthday, Lucy. You look fantastic this morning.” “Thank you Robert. How lovely that you remembered.” “I got you a present. Want to see what it is?” “Robert, you didn’t have to buy me anything.” Robert handed...

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sirens story part 1 Turning me out

Introduction: this is a story about a very sexual girl, it may or may not be true ill let you decide This is my first story, so yea all comments appreciated even criticism….. I was a product of a raped woman. My mother at 14 years old was beaten and raped in a field, she didnt know who he was , just some crossing black man who wanted my beautiful Italian mother i suppose. She gave birth to me Siren 7 and a half months later. Despite how i came about she loved me. At the age of three i saw my...

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Ken Summers8217 encounters with his married secretary and her two daughters

Part 1-Office Respite ——————— “Yes, sir. I completely understand. I’ll have it done for you when you come in first thing tomorrow morning.” I lowered the phone from my ear and will depressing the end button to end the call, my other hand ran through my short black hair and I exhaled a soft sigh of disgust. My overbearing boss had just given me yet another unreasonable deadline. A deadline that I knew that I wasn’t going to meet...

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Impossible Virgins Chapter 10 The Avalanche The

Chapter 10: The Avalanche - The First Round"Okay girls, the first ten of you in the first row, get down here, and get out of your clothes," said Tiffany. "I'll give you a minute to yourselves, to let you decide which four of you get to fuck Toppsy and Lulu. The rest of you, you'll start getting your cocks hard, and then slip the bands around the base, and then loop it over your balls." The ten girls gathered in front of Toppsy and Lulu, and huddled together for a quick discussion as to who...

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The Touch of a Man Part Two

She got up from where she was lying and sat on the bed’s edge. The towel was still under her so she stood up and removed it. As she did, she saw the huge puddle of her cum laying on top of her bureau and the droplets of it on the front of the drawers. She took the towel and wiped her bureau clean and she felt the stickiness between her legs. She needed to shower. While she was in the shower, she started thinking to herself. She finally had hit that point where she could no longer please...

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