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Copyright© 2005

There was a young woman named Florence
Who for fucking professed an abhorrence,
But they found her in bed
With her cunt flaming red,
And her poodle-dog spending in torrents.

Every summer mother donates me to help my grandparents around the house - painting, trimming and other general duties to both lawn and structure. This year being the first since grandpa had died before last Christmas and so my mother had loaned me out for a full week rather than the traditional weekend!

To say the least, this fifteen year-old dreaded every second - wanting to be a sloth full-time comes much more naturally.

It was one of the hottest and most humid days of the summer up till then. So grandma wore loose fitting shorts, buttoned up shirt and sandals. I wore shorts and not much else. Both of us started to sweat even before we started to work just after breakfast the first morning of my visit.

Grandma is an attractive, in an aged sort of way of course, and energetic old bird. No I never looked at her that way - but I did not miss the fact that she still had a waistline and that her legs were her best feature. In fact, I was a little proud that my grandma was not the least like most of my friends' - old and miserable.

Before it got too hot, grandma asked me to retrieve the junk in the peaked roof of the garage - to bring it down to the cement floor for her to sort. It was dust covered boxes of memories - many opened or rotting - stacks and stacks of them.

It was dusty, and as the sun rose in the sky, hot work.

I don't know how many trips up and down that folding ladder I did that first hour - but there were still plenty of boxes in the attic and grandma kept opening and sighing deeply when discovering some memorable content from her past.

Since I had been much more proficient than my grandma, as she frequently strolled down memory lane, I started to slow down - a drink of cold water, sitting down to rest for a moment, and even looking at some of the old junk from my grandparents past.

At one point I sat down in the attic and checked out some of grandpas old war medals, slowly inspecting each. They came from a dusty smelly old foot locker that was unlocked.

After the medals, an old helmet, mess kit, a smelly pair of leather boots and even powdered mouth powder and boot polisher. I was just about to close the box and continue when I brought out a small leather bound note book. The leather had turned brown with age and the pages yellow.

There was only a single page of writing, the rest empty. In dark ink that had run or faded, the odd list stood out enough for me to inspect it closer.

Glenda's Command Word List

soaring heatsexy for her man green gremlinsremoves clothing insatiable tartneeds sex naughty riverbecomes submissive horse prickneeds to suck my red assdaddy's naughty little girl unclimbed summitwilling to try kinky sex

Glenda was my grandmothers name! The rest, well, that was just all noise to me - puzzling how it listed some obviously strange and provocative words. And what did it mean with the heading of 'command word' listing?

"Have you fallen asleep up there Freddy? I have nearly caught up to you."

I hated when she called me that, no one calls me 'Freddy' not even my mother.

"No grandma - I will be right down." I stuffed the small leather notepad into my back pocket and grabbed another box before I carefully descended the stairs.

Since we had started work that morning, grandma seemed to be rather melancholy with the emotional task she had set out for us to complete today. So when I spoke a phrase out of that notebook it was to be provocative - because, as I was beginning to believe, it was some old codes that grandma and grandpa had devised for when they wrote letters back and forth during the war. That is what horny teenagers forced to separate do right? Not understanding sexuality, but overwhelmed with its emotions and feelings, we approach it each in our own way. Mine was to be blunt and to use humour.

"Grandma? 'Green gremlins'!"

I stared at her with a smirk, expecting her to turn bright red and wiggle a finger at me in anger. Instead she stared at me in something like shock - open mouthed and wide eyed. Finally, "What did you say Freddy?" She practically whispered this.

With the unexpected response I did not have the heart to say the phrase again and just shrugged while staring back at her.

When it was obvious that I was not going to say anything, grandma asked in a near-whisper, "Are you sure this is what you want honey?"

For some strange reason my shrug turned into a single nod of my head - though I had no idea what I was agreeing too.

Grandma sighed deeply and then brought up her dust covered hands and hooked her thumbs into her elastic waistband and shoved them down her long shapely legs.

My nervous silence turned into shock - as I watched my grandparent step out of her discarded shorts before her hands came up to start working on the buttons of her dirty shirt.

Since my grandma had started to remove her clothing, something in her had changed. It was a subtle mix that I could not decipher - it was almost like she was anxious or pleased.

Was that what that notebook listed, commands that grandmother had to act out? I had said the word phrase next to the line about 'removes clothing' and suddenly she was stripping right before my eyes.

"Grandma stop!" She blinked in surprise and froze with her hands just on the verge of pushing the unbuttoned shirt off her shoulders. I could see the white sports bra beneath.

"Is this not what you wanted me to do Freddy?"

I had to tear my eyes from her exposed flesh, her long legs, the white cotton panty covering that place between her legs.

"Or am I finally too old to expect any man to think me attractive?" Grandma suddenly dropped the shirt so that it fell to her bare feet before stomping out of the garage in only her bra and panties.

When had she removed her sandals?

What a fucking heel I felt like. The book had given me the phrases to control grandma - of that I was suddenly sure of. In my fifteen years, I had never once seen my grandparent as exposed as she had been only seconds before. That was simply not how our family does things - nudity was not condoned or accepted in any common way. So, without realizing the power I held over her, I had used that phrase and saw more than I had ever seen before - but in telling her to stop, she had assumed I had been disgusted with her body.

Oh sure, it was not like the co-ed girls in my school - especially the seniors. But grandma had all the right curves in the right places and the sight of her had done more than simply surprise me. Hell, it was the first intimate promise of womanly flesh in my life, what do you think it did to me?

"Grandma?" I followed her back into her home - the place of my mothers childhood, the place where my grandfather read me stories on his knee as I inhaled the sweet smell of his pipe.

She stood clad, as I had left her wearing her panties and bra, in the kitchen, boiling water for her tea. As I entered she turned towards me and crossed her arms before her. The look on her face bore no patience and boded ill for my immediate future.

The only thing I could think of to say was, "'Green gremlins'!"

Grandma blinked a few times and then spun to turn off the stove element before moving smoothly to remove that sweaty sports bra and panty. They lay quickly forgotten upon the floor at my grandparents feet. There, two meters before me, was a naked woman and I felt my body tremble.

Ever so slowly she turned on her small bare feet, until she faced me almost boldly. I could tell that she was trying to read my impressions of her bare form - to see if I was disgusted or enjoyed the sight. This gave me the strength to boldly view the naked woman's body before me. Those dark small nipples, the thick inverted triangle between her legs, even how the tan lines seemed to cause the normally hidden flesh of her body to glow brightly in the morning light.

"Do I look so terrible Freddy?" She seemed nervous suddenly, as if fearing an answer but feeling forced to answer. I really had no idea what it is like to be a older woman with a younger man appraising her aged body - but I could imagine.

My head eventually nodded negatively long before my raspy whisper, "You're hot grandma!"

A pleased, and perhaps proud, smile spread slowly on her lips. "No one but your grandpa has seen me naked since I was about your age." She slowly turned, giving me a great view of her sexy curves and that perfectly proportioned ass.

It could be the ass of one of my more attractive teachers. The legs perhaps a little thinner, but long enough to give me the impression that her short frame was in fact tall.

Though she stood before me for a very long while - neither of us saying a word, she studying me and I her - both of us seemed satisfied and pleased with ourselves and the situation. Finally grandma commented, "I am dirty from the garage, I think I will go have a shower?"

Grandma never had showers, she was a once-a-night bath person from long before I was born. She slowly turned, almost as if she did not want to go as well as knowing eyes would watch her every move, and started for the hallway. Just before she disappeared, my mother's mother looked over her shoulder to see me still staring at her ass and she gave me a quick private smile before she was gone.

I fell into a hardwood chair immediately and took several long breaths - as my heart was pounding in my chest as if someone was using a sledge hammer from inside.

With a blink of remembrance, I yanked the notebook from my pocket and read the list again - the odd phrases suddenly meaning so much more. I could not believe the luck in finding such a magical item.

As impossible as it seems, those odd phrases seemed to control my grandmother - and subsequently, I uttered them and had controlled her. Her disrobing like that before me was like halting the flow of a great river, so incredible as it was.

My feet moved quickly as I followed my grandmother within minutes of her disappearance. The bathroom door was still open and I could see the shadowed bare form beneath the steaming hot water behind the curtain. I strode over and pulled the curtain aside and spoke hurriedly, "'Soaring heat'!"

Grandma, at first, looked surprised at my intrusion - whipping water from her face to blink at me. Then a wide smile appeared on her lips and her eyes seemed to twinkle as she hoarsely asked, "Are you here to join me honey?" She did not wait before a hand reached out and caressed, that is the only term appropriate, my shoulder.

That single touch seemed to draw me into the shower stall as if her hand was magnetic.

Grandmother seemed to swing her hips generously as she reached past me to close the curtain. She then covered her mouth and giggled like any girl my own age would have, "Are you going to shower with your shorts on Freddy?" Her dripping wet eyebrows fluttered several times. "Would you like me to take them off for you honey?"

Now I know you will think it sounds stupid but I felt embarrassed at walking into the shower with my shorts on - infantile or at least juvenile. Should I just post 'inexperienced' or 'virginal' on my forehead?

My hands moved quickly and shoved my shorts off so that I stood naked facing my grandmother. I felt so inadequate and uncertain what to do next. Then the realization that my hard teenage penis was fully exposed and I felt heat flushing the skin of my face from embarrassment.

Grandma, though, was staring unashamed at my fully hard manhood. "Oh Freddy... you have a beautiful penis!" Her eyes looked up into my own, almost playfully, "Is that what you young people call it now?"

My mouth moved anxiously, wanting to appear less inexperienced than I truly was and used the crude title my friends used amongst ourselves, "'Cock'."

Grandma giggled into her hand again before her eyes stared back down at my teenage dick, "I like that... 'cock'... it sounds so deliciously naughty!" Then her eyes looked intensely into my own, "I love your cock Freddy."

Then the moment was lost as she turned back towards the shower head and adjusted it so the water hit us both. This allowed me to exhale the breath I had been holding unconsciously as well as to enjoy the intimately close sight of my grandmothers naked wet flesh.

I loved how her pale skin shone with the layer of water rolling down it. It seemed to make those sexy curves glow.

When she spun back around, grandma held a bar of soap. "May I wash you honey?" She fluttered her eyes a few times before I could even nod.

Grandma suddenly dropped to her knees and began to lather up my feet and legs, slowly moving higher. She worked systematically, methodically, so that every centimetre of my flesh was caressed by the soap covered hand. She worked right up to my thighs before she stopped and gave me another flutter of eyebrows, "Shall I clean your cock for you honey?"

There she was kneeling naked and wet before me, one side of her face a breath away from my hard dick, those eyes looking deeply into my own. There was no age difference between us at that moment, nothing saying that she was decades older than I or that what I was doing was illegal.

Now I understood what it meant when someone said a guy's dick is his second brain! Because that was where I was doing most of my thinking at that moment. This is my grandmother for gods sake!

Not getting an answer, grandma lost some of her smile and some of the twinkle in her eye, before she continued to soap up my torso to my neck. As I watched her, the magic seemed to have dissipated from between us - and for the life of me, I was not sure what I may have said to cause this.

In moments, when she was again standing before me, grandma said simply, "You have a gorgeous body Freddy." She turned around and bent to turn off the shower, she having completed hers before I arrived.

Grandma opened the curtain, stepped out and passed me a towel before retrieving another for herself. She did not look at me as she dried her long thick brown-gray hair.

Then the words that I feared to say came mumbling through my lips, "'Horse prick'."

Grandma slowly turned her head to look over her shoulder at me - I saw that that glint was already smouldering into a blaze again within her eye. She licked her lips slowly while her eyes studied my hard cock.

She turned around and pulled my wet towel from my hands, dropping it where her own had landed. Then holding both my hands in hers, she stepped backwards - out the door, down the hallway and into her room.

It was a grandmother's room - flowered wallpaper, mysterious bottles and tools on the dresser, stale perfume and moth balls.

Grandma turned and then gently pressed me back into a seated position at the foot of her bed and let go of my hands. She kept her eyes locked onto my own as she retrieved a thick flower-print-covered pillow and dropped it between my spread feet. A sly smile spread and her tongue constantly licked and moisted her lips - she looked down-right anxious!

My body was again trembling as I understood what was about to happen - amazed at what I was about to enjoy. Though never before had it included my grandparent, what was about to happen was something out of fantasy.

Grandma slowly knelt down upon the pillows and placed both her palms on the tops of my upper thighs. Her eyes softened before she spoke, "Grandma loves you very much Freddy and she wants to make you happy." Her eyebrows again fluttered in my direction. Almost impatiently she added suddenly, "I want to suck your beautiful cock Freddy! Please tell grandma to suck your cock?"

Anxiously she awaited until I realized nervously that I had to speak the words or else I would go mad with lust from the wait. Sounding like my voice box had been ground with sandpaper I gasped, "Suck me grandma? Please!" The last had been in a higher octave and sounded nothing less than what it was - pleading.

My grandmother just fluttered her eyebrows approvingly and smiled with pleasure before leaning forwards and engulfing the head of my penis just as I began to shoot.

It was that fast.

Grandma swallowed loudly and I could feel the sucking warmth at the circumcised head of my prick.

God it felt good!

Her familiar face eventually rose and her tear-glistened eyes looked into my own. "It has been years since I tasted anything so delicious honey. Thank you." It looked like she was about to cry - though it was a toss up if from happiness or from missing grandpa.

I then noticed a small drop of my sperm on her chin, and for some reason that sight, and not what we had done up to that moment together, would alter how I looked at my grandmother from that day forwards. Gone was the old distant cold woman that us grandkids dreaded visiting. Within that woman kneeling before me was a person that I had not considered before - in a relative or not. She was so complex - experienced but lonely, sexy but hidden. Somehow grandpa had discovered these words to control his wife - and probably they had enjoyed them for years and years before I was even born. This colourful woman before me had been a sexual object of pleasure and from what I could see in my short glance, enjoyed that part of her secret self.

Grandma looked down to my lap again and made a gasp of surprise, "You are still erect Freddy?" It sounded as if this could not be possible. I am a teenage guy who has just experienced the most amazing thing in his life - the fact that it included my grandmother pushed it to a different plain of existence.

There was no hesitation or misrepresentation this time, "'Insatiable tart'!"

Grandmother quickly smiled widely before lowering her face enough to press my hard shaft against her smooth cheek in a soothing almost loving manner, her eyes still locked with my own. "Please fuck me Freddy? I don't want to live another day if I can't have this beautiful cock inside me!"

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House Fucking Part 2 New Listings

House Fucking- Part 2- New Listings Dedicated to someone I am incredibly smitten with at the moment. Two days later, Hong called informing me of new home listings in my desired neighborhood. After that wonderful showing the first time, how could I not want to see more? I agreed to meet him at his realty office so we could make some new (home) discoveries. It took every bit of restraint on my part not to unzip his pants and suck his cock in the car as he programmed his GPS for the first...

3 years ago
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Bluetooth and the Bucket List

Amanda's heart and stomach where taking turns fluttering as she pulled into a gravel parking lot. Her head had been racing during the whole drive, mentally practicing what she was going to do, what she was going to say, and all the possibilities of what could happen. For most of her drive she envisioned everything going great, just as she wanted it to. She would feel charged, impatient and her heart warm in anticipation. The closer she got to the lake the more and the longer her thoughts would...

1 year ago
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Mums Friend Edna Part 2 The List

My assignation with my Mum's friend Edna had got off to a wonderful start. We were going to rewrite the book of sex, removing all the nervousness and shyness and restoring the act to its glorious, unselfconscious origins.  We had made a solid start with her enthusiastically sucking my cock and me returning the favour by licking not just her crotch but her arsehole, which we had both enjoyed immensely. Now we were going to look at the list she had started to compile, with a view to working our...

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Her Own Bucket List

"Before She Dies" After seeing the movie trailer for 'The Bucket List', the girls in the office discussed what they wanted to do before they died. Each had a long list. All except Mary. Today she would complete her list. She hoped. She had already sky dived, snorkeled in Florida, hiked in the Rockies. She had been to Rome, Paris and Cairo. She had stood on the steps of the Parthenon, had been to the Wailing Wall. She had walked the moors in England and had done a walk about in...

4 years ago
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Commander Vix takes Japan

No one suspected until it was too late. The invasion was perfect, silent, deadly and very discreet. The Gorthan’s didn’t need big space ships, machines of war, or to even fire a single shot. Like many movies had predicted, the invaders were parasites. Maybe it was because of these same fictional works that made the invasion easier. Those that did discover the truth and spoke up were ridiculed and treated for mental issues. They made sure to take control of Hospitals early on, to “Cure”...

2 years ago
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Near the center of the city park, there was a small, rundown bathroom far from any of the main walking paths.  It had originally been intended as a park employee bathroom, but as other facilities were built over the years it fell out of use.  Nowadays it received very little foot traffic, but thanks to a lax cleaning staff, managed to be as filthy as any heavily used gas station bathroom.  The usual graffiti adorned the walls, most of the floor was covered with tracked-in dirt and leaves, and...

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Road Trip Bucket List

My name is Samantha, my best friend, Greg, and I were driving across the country heading to my new school, my new life in fact.Greg and I have a special relationship. We have known each other since we were kids, we have never fought, and most importantly, he knows I am a trans girl.It hasn’t always been easy for us, and it has been a bumpy road sometimes, but he always ends up giving me his full support.Now we are friends, but also friends with benefits. We are both bisexual, and we have had...

3 years ago
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Naughty List

Socialite Stella Quest never once made Santa’s nice list; not that she tried too hard.  She found being naughty much more fun. So much fun that after her most recent Christmas Day escapade of debauchery, her daddy carted her onto his private jet with one hastily packed bag and a one way ticket to Germany for two weeks of self reflection and meditation at what she thought would be a luxurious mountain ski retreat.  Which is why, twenty six hours after being shuffled on her Gulfstream, one...

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Cocksucker To Do List

Cocksucker’s “To Do” ListI regularly chat and cam with other men who wear women’s clothing, men who love to perform for each other in sexually explicit ways. We enjoy each other and our small group has become a sort of club since we are geographically and sexually close. A leading member of our “club” organized a challenge and selected a number of us to attend a special “real” event. Three of us accepted the invitation. We would be meeting for an “opportunity” to perform the sexual goals...

3 years ago
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Friday Anime List

FRIDAY NIGHT ANIME LIST BY PAUL G. JUTRAS George woke up and kicked off the comforter. He was covered in sweat. With the dawn light shining in the room, he looked across the room at the anime posters, statues, clock and reading lamp. ?That weird dream again.? He said to himself. Every night for the past few weeks, George had dreamed he turned into a girl named Janet. The sort of transformation he often enjoyed watching in his favorite Japan animation. He felt his hands down his...

2 years ago
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Trim your pubic hair so you have hardly any. Watch you use your vibrator Sit on my face A golden shower Another woman to watch me fuck you “I am fine with all those, let’s do it, though a hung, younger man would be my preference for number 7,” she emailed back. Kelly is a Libra and the sexist woman I have ever known with brilliant thighs and as I have told her countless times, ‘the world’s best ass’. Forty-three inches of magnificent dimple free beautifully proportioned and formed...

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JuniorChapter 23 Sammys list

Classes ended early on Friday, December the twentieth and I chose to leave that afternoon rather than waiting to entertain Gladys as was our custom. I used the weather forecast as an excuse for taking off early. She accepted the news that I would be away until Sunday, January the fifth. I knew she would be happy to find the gift I left for her in my bedroom. I stopped to have something to eat at the mid-way point and it was nine P.M. when I entered the back door at home. Suzanne met me and...

1 year ago
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It was a beautiful sunny Sunday morning and I decided to go and have a run out, maybe get a spot of lunch in an old Country pub. As I drove along a notorious bendy road cyclists and motor bike riders were over taking me at speed and being a general nuisance of themselves, as I drove along I was cursing them as they passed me. Coming across a sharp bend to the left I slowed right down and saw a cyclist riding in a careful manner, for once. He seemed a little unsure and appeared to be wobbling...

2 years ago
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Commander Feanaur

I come over to you and pick you up. I bring you to my quarters, which are in the base. I lay you down on my bed, putting the blankets over you. I then start a pot of Hothi Tea, which is the strongest and most tastful tea in this galaxy. When you awake, I say to you. "Hello." You jump up and curl up to the back of the bed. "No. I am here to hurt you not." I say, assuring your safety. "Who....who are you?" You ask sheepishly. "I am Commander Feanaur Dur Ithil-Hir of the Sith...

3 years ago
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Commander Vix takes Japan part 3

Hiroko slowly opens the drapes in Vix’s chambers. She takes several minutes to allow the light into the room to gently wake her new Master. Once the blinds are open she stands next to the bed in her sheer gown showing her perky firm tits and freshly bald mound. She smiles as his eyes open and looks her over. “Good morning Vix-sama, did you sleep well?” She asks. He pulls back the covers of his bed and sits up, exposing his nude form to her which brings a slight blush when she sees his...

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my bdsm check list

Bdsm check list for meNote | 13 days agoBDSM check ListAnal Play- Curious is a Hard limitBeating (General) YesBeating - Canes YesActs in which one partner is beaten with a cane. YesBeating - CropsActs in which one partner is beaten with a crop. YesBeating - FloggersActs in which one partner is beaten with a flogger. YesBeating - HairbrushesActs in which one partner is beaten with a hairbrush. CuriousBeating - HardActs in which one partner is beaten hard. YesSmall Limit Yes (Asthma may kick or...

1 year ago
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my bdsm check list

Bdsm check list for meNote | 13 days agoBDSM check ListAnal Play- Curious is a Hard limitBeating (General) YesBeating - Canes YesActs in which one partner is beaten with a cane. YesBeating - CropsActs in which one partner is beaten with a crop. YesBeating - FloggersActs in which one partner is beaten with a flogger. YesBeating - HairbrushesActs in which one partner is beaten with a hairbrush. CuriousBeating - HardActs in which one partner is beaten hard. YesSmall Limit Yes (Asthma may kick or...

3 years ago
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The ToDo List

Kevin Reilly sat under the dim lights of the empty movie theater. The front of his trousers were completely saturated with a gooey concoction of pussy juice and cum, and he was still in a state of shock over the events of the last few hours. It all began that morning, the first glorious day of his vacation. Well, it had been glorious until his wife gave him that damn To-Do List. He even skipped breakfast so he could get a head start on it, but by 12:30 he was less than halfway through it. That...

4 years ago
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The Lists

Maddi was still amazed. In the last two years her desire for sex had exploded. Thinking back, she tried to imagine having gone through life the way things had been. Having sex weekly, and weakly. It had all started with her desire to redecorate the master bedroom. Getting ready for bed one night she had offhandedly made a comment, “Jake, I’d like to make some changes in the bedroom.” He paused while pulling off his shirt and responded with a devious grin, “Me too!” “No, I’m not talking about...

Love Stories
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Movie Listings

Silver Cinema 16 listings and showtimes for Oct 31 - Nov 6 DEALING WITH IT (Drama - Rated R - 125 Minutes - Starring: Yvonne Catzin, Chris Oldenbach, and Rachel McElder) When a strange illness causes one third of women worldwide to suddenly develop male genitals, a young married couple faces challenges that were never really mentioned in their vows when the wife becomes functionally a man during the course of their two week honeymoon. When they return home, not only does Jerry...

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Sissy Sisters Schooling Specialists

Sissy Sisters' Schooling -- Specialists by Throne The facility was a series of low buildings, all joined together, set in a level area of the rolling countryside. A late model car rolled onto the parking lot and took a spot near the front entrance. Two attractive young women got out to go inside. Once they were there they went to the front desk. "Hello," said a well groomed fellow in a white shirt and navy slacks. "I'm Larry. How may I help you?" "We left our husbands here...

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JuniorChapter 6 Summer of 1991 Keyword Fling

We stopped at a market and while Patti was shopping, saying she preferred to shop alone because my tagging along would distract her, I killed time at the drugstore next door. I found what I was looking for, Dining out in Atlanta, the magazine Smyth had boasted his articles appeared in. I picked up the July and August issues of the magazine and on my way to the cash register I spotted the condom display, my favorite section in the store. How could I not stop and admire the colorful packages?...

3 years ago
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The List

‘What am I doing here?’ Carrie thought to herself as she put away the last of her clothes. She listened as her new roommates chatted cheerily, and gave her bag a final zip. As she shoved the bag under her bed and stood up she brushed off her hands and found the two beautiful blondes staring at her. She pushed her newly weaved hair behind her ear and smiled at them warily. ‘So, I just took a chance and I auditioned and here I am!’ Courtney exclaimed to Hunter. Courtney shook her hair off of her...

3 years ago
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Quick Flash I Can Cross THAT Off My Bucket List

Well, I can cross something off of my bucket list…I just woke up. It is noon but Matt and I had a rather late night. Last night something happened. Don’t be scared, everything is fine, but you are my best friend I want you to hear it from me before you go to class and hear it from some stranger. Hopefully you haven’t already. I would call you but I know you have class right now so I’m hoping you see this email before you hear the rumors.Last night Matt and I went to a house party off of campus....

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Comic List

Comic List By Paul G Jutras Tommy loved comics ever since he was a kid. He could read his favorites over and over again. When he reached high school he wanted to write his own comics more than anything. He made a comic list and since most comedy and super hero comics had been done to death, he chose to try TG comics. After getting one rejection letter after another saying he should get a female co writer to handle the female aspects of things he began to wear his mother's clothes...

3 years ago
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Wyoming Character List

Wyoming, Character list: This is an incomplete list of the characters found in these stories. It will be updated as newer characters are added or other events in the story take place. Feel free to save it to your computer for future reference if needed. Thank you to my fans, and readers. Missy Wyoming, Tim's Wife,/ Molly, Wolf companion Peterbilt 385, Beauty (New), Beast (old) 385 Tim Wyoming, Missy's husband Peterbilt 379, Jumper (New), Hopper, (Old passed down to Red, then...

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Top of the Naughty List

Top of the Naughty List: A Christmas Tale.By Ninja5Liz awoke a fraction before the dawn.  The gentle glow light that was visible just before the sun rose stirred her.  She laid naked on her coach the static of the TV indicating the movie she’d fallen asleep watching had ended.  She was very hedonistic, being nude made her feel luxurious.  A smirk came over her lips as the memories of last night came back to her.  She remembered the carolers who came seeking donations for the handicap.  She’d...

1 year ago
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Amy wants to make a fuck list

I didn’t get the response I was hoping for though when I knocked at her door and handed her the roses.”What The hell are these for”she said rather sternly ,”I ‘m not the woman you should be giving them too”. I tried to tell her why I left so quickly last week ,but she claimed she knew why . She then told me that she had set me up to be with her sister that day”she is the one you should be apologizing to”. “Sit down let me tell you about Sara”she said then went and retrieved a photo album...

4 years ago
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Amys Little Fuck List

I didn’t get the response I was hoping for though when I knocked at her door and handed her the roses.”What The hell are these for”she said rather sternly ,”I ‘m not the woman you should be giving them too”. I tried to tell her why I left so quickly last week ,but she claimed she knew why . She then told me that she had set me up to be with her sister that day”she is the one you should be apologizing to”. “Sit down let me tell you about Sara”she said then went and retrieved a photo album and...

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Randis List

You live in a place all your life, you know everyone in town and you think that you know all that goes on. That's what I thought and I couldn't have been more wrong. I eat breakfast at the same restaurant almost every morning and I have been doing it for the last ten years. I knew the owner and I had even dated her daughter when I was in high school. I knew all the waitresses and had grown up and gone to school with most of them. Being single, at least since my wife ran off with a truck...

2 years ago
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Lost ToysChapter 13 Shopping List

Carmen Dominguez – Monday, June 22nd, 2015 The parking structure elevator stopped on the ground floor. That wasn't uncommon; it was a big office building. Two men and three women in smart suits were waiting. I shuffled back and smiled at the man who met my eyes. I wanted to run. I knew this man. I had found this man. If Sara hadn't run from this man, I wouldn't have met Matthew. He had used Dalton West. The charity still used Dalton West. It was an easy place to look for someone who...

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The CompoundChapter 4 Next stop on the list

As we were driving along, I said, “Nick, we can’t keep this up. It’s exhausting and expensive as well. Not that I couldn’t afford it. You have a Doppelganger ready to pose as me. “Yes, Sir, Mr. Wolfenstein,” “Good,” I replied, “This is what I propose to do.” Then I laid out my plan. Smiles, you expected me to tell you the details of my plan to drop off the face of the earth. Okay, I was winging it, I had no idea what I was doing, and you can take that to the bank. We were heading to a...

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The Checklist

Her name was Jessica. I never had anything to do with her before or since the night of our first encounter. But she was special because…well, because she was the first person I ever did it with. By “did it”, I mean that Jessica initiated me into a lot of different things. Before that special night with Jessica, I was a complete sexual novice. I was one of those shy, nerdy types in high school and never really had any kind of girlfriend until my last year. Typically for me in high school, a date...

First Time

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