Joey's Sunshine 1 free porn video

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Life, on the whole, treats us pretty well. Sure, there are broken arms, lost keys, stolen cars and the odd break-up, but on balance, things could be worse. On second thought, though, I suppose life shows some preferential treatment with some people getting the lion’s share of the luck, and the rest left with the scraps. What can be said, is that into every life some rain must fall, and thus there has to be a little sunshine. This is a little story, about Joey’s little bit of sunshine.

“Oh my god,” he thought, “and she doesn’t even have my shorts off!”
Of course, he wasn’t thinking this in the beginning. In the beginning, his thoughts were much more mundane, humdrum, far less erotically charged.

For Joey, it had been an okay Friday. Work was over for the week, and this was the third week of the month, and he’d gotten his moderate salary on Thursday, paid his rent for the month and felt good about the sizable bank balance he had left over. He’d knocked off at 5:30, leaving restaurant where he worked in the hands of the night-shift and driven home, picking up a six pack on the way and a couple of movies. One – a comedic PG13 film – currently whirring away inside the DVD player, and the less teen friendly second lying in wait on top of the TV. Joey took another long sip from the can. He wasn’t sure why he’d rented it out, it had been more on impulse than anything else. Being a virgin, it was the closest he’d ever gotten to members of the opposite sex. 24 and he’d never so much as touched a girl’s breasts!

Lately, though, he’d been finding less and less joy in porn. He had to actively try to get turned on by what he saw. Whether a busty blonde, and naughty school girl, or a sexy stripper, he simply hadn’t the sexual appetite anymore. The more he thought about it, the more he believed the cause was Audrey, the girl who came to work at reception about 3 months previously. She was amazing… Cool, calm and collected, the sort of girl Joey liked. He loved the way she was so sure of herself, with every movement, step and gesture. All 170cm of her. From a turn of her delicate, tapering wrist, down to her slender fingers polished with hot pink nail varnish. One of the things that really got him was the intelligent glint in her grey eyes when she laughed, or smiled. She was smart and sweet… He remembered the day he’d forgotten his apron, knowing that the sous-chef would have his balls for that, and she’d walked over to him, smiled sweetly and pulled hers off and gave it too him, explaining her shift had just ended anyway. He could smell her perfume all night… That and the peak he’d gotten at her 34B bra when her shirt lifted up as she pulled off her apron.

“Jeez,” Joey muttered. He’d gotten an erection just from thinking about her breasts. Not to mention the curve of her waist, the way her hips swayed, her firm ass underneath the dark blue pencil skirt… He wondered what she’d look like naked. All he wanted at that moment was to cup her breasts in his hands and lick her stiff nipples… Damn. The DVD would have to do for now.
Joey stood up and took a few steps towards the TV, intent on swapping the laughter for some far more saucy enjoyment. As he put the DVD in, he felt the incessant, nagging tug he’d been experiencing over the past months whenever he tried to watch porn. It was a slumping feeling, the result of wanting more and receiving less and less.

As he stood there, watching the opening trailer, he felt his mood sink a few inches lower. A busty brunette in a tight blue latex dress reaching half way down her thighs appeared on the screen. She’s smiling, licking her finger, running it down her seductive curves, bending over to show off her ample cleavage…
Joey’s brain knew it was supposed to be excited by the visual stimulus it was receiving, and should be sending a few urgent signals to his loins, but it wasn’t interested (and nor, for that matter were his loins). Disgusted with the video and to a certain extent himself Joey let out a frustrated grunt, switched off the TV and plopped himself back down into his chair.

20, maybe 30 minutes later – Joey wasn’t sure – There was a definite knock at the door. There’d been a previous knock which had only been half heard since he’d been half asleep at the time but he was sure there was a knock now. Groggily at first, Joey stumbled towards the door, a little bemused and wondering who it was. It was probably Sam. He could expect as much from Sam. Sam always called at odd hours, to come watch TV, to play Xbox, or because he was just being a nuisance, which was often the primary reason. Reaching the door of his apartment, Joey peered through the peephole and saw shoulder length black hair, and that was enough. It was definitely Sam.

“If you’re here, I hope you brought back my Halo…” Joey began, then paused. Sam never wore high heels. His thought processes sputtered for a second then stalled, and his eyes remained fixed on the white heels outside his door.
“Joe… Hello? I’m up here.”
The voice jump started his brain and his eyes flicked upwards and locked onto the crystal blue eyes, which he was now 100% sure did not belong to Sam. “Audrey?”
“Nice to see you too,” She beamed, showing off an attractive set of teeth wrapped in red lipstick covered lips.
“Yeah… I mean, it is! It’s just… What are you doing here?”
“Well, you know how I had to find a new place? My landlord and all… Well, I got referred here and all, and then it kinda clicked that you lived here too so…”
“Oh. Well, that’s great. Really, cool…” At a loss for words, the two of them stood facing each other in the doorway as an awkward silence formed and started fermenting between them.
“So I’d probably better just…”
“No! No, I mean… You could come in for a drink or something if you want,” Joey offered, stepping aside to allow her Audrey access into his apartment. She smiled, nodded, and stepped inside. As she did, Joey caught the subtle fragrance of her perfume, a lingering scent something like strawberries. He loved it.

She was obviously coming from work, or had been there recently. She was still wearing her uniform, the dark blue skirt reaching to just above her knees, white blouse and heels. She looked awesome.
“You want something to drink?” Joey asked, as Audrey seated herself half expectantly in the kitchen, crossing her legs and resting her hands in her lap.
“Sure, diet anything, if you have any. I know how you bachelors are.” She smiled and looked around the kitchen, as if fully expecting to see more evidence alluding to his bachelor status. There were two empty Coke cans, a partially visible pizza box in the lounge and (as Joey opened the fridge) a sign that none of the food currently in the house was home made, nor were there any supplies for making any.
Joey grinned a little sheepishly as he handed her the coke (not diet) and sat down opposite her at the table. The conversation inevitable turned to the coincidence of her finding lodgings in the Herron Apartments.
“Like I told you, me and my landlord weren’t quite seeing eye to eye. The roof leaked and he said he wasn’t going to pay to fix it, so I decided maybe it was time to move out. He’s always been a problem anyway. This place was closer to work, a little more expensive, but hey. I can live in 3 rooms, it works for me. I’m just trying it out though. Took out a two month lease, and we’ll see how it goes. My apartment’s two floors up, number 11. Just got the keys,” she jangled them for emphasis. “Then I remembered that you lived here, didn’t know the number, so I just knocked on a couple doors till I found the right one.”
Joey just had to laugh at that one. He could imagine quite a few people would have been just a little upset.

They talked for another twenty minutes or so until a quarter to nine, when Audrey excused herself and stood up to go.
“Oh, mind if I use your bathroom? Don’t think I can make it up the stairs.”
“That’s a little bit disgusting, you know that?”
“What? The world’s changing, Joey,” She intoned in mock reprieve, “Nowadays, girls no longer have to wait to be offered these things, they just ask. And besides,” as she walked through the lounge to his bedroom, “me pissing in your house will be the highlight of your day.”
For lack of any sort of decent reply, Joey left her to do as she pleased. He liked her. She was really something… He’d only known her a month, but he was the sort of hopeless romantic that believes in soul mates and that sort of thing. His friends (Sam) often found it very sad, and for the most part it was rather pathetic. Telling a girl you love after only 2 weeks hardly ever goes down well, and in Joey’s case it never did. Partly explained why, at 24 he was still a virgin. It was through no diligent effort of his own, it’s just that it never really happened for him. He wasn’t unattractive, in fact he’d heard regularly over the years that the dark hair, brown eyes and smile were cute, and at 2 meters and 70 kilos, he wasn’t exactly a stick or a slob. He was slightly above average in his own opinion.

His musing was interrupted by a niggling thought that had been knocking at the door of his consciousness. He’d heard the flush from the bathroom, then he’d heard the muffled footfalls of Audrey’s heels in the lounge, but he hadn’t seen Audrey. He got up, still wondering what she was up to, then walked into the lounge, and what he saw caused a lump to form in his throat and a cold sweat to break out over his whole body.

Audrey was standing in the lounge, her feet together in their white 3 inch heels, her slim, smooth and shapely legs wrapped in a dark blue pencil skirt (obviously from work) and her white long-sleeved blouse with the sleeves rolled up, and the top two buttons undone, but not as to show off any cleavage, just the beginnings of her collar bone. Unfortunately for Joey, he wasn’t in the frame of mind to enjoy the view. His eyes were locked on to the DVD case she was holding in her manicured hands. From his angle, he could just about make out the word “Sluts” on the cover.

“Ah, so this is what you were up to,” Audrey said with a smirk, flipping the cover in her hands to read the back, appraising it with a critical eye.
“Look, it’s not what you think.”
“Well, I think it’s porn, so unless you can convince me otherwise…” She now looked at him, she was still smiling, but her eyes were hard, disgusted. Joey didn’t know what to say, he could feel his cheeks turning red, and his mouth was hanging open.
“So what kinda whores do you like? Let me guess, the bigger her boobs the better, right?”
“It’s not like that…” Joey repeated, each word tumbling through the air more and more faintly.
“What IS it like then, enlighten me, please.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest and paused for dramatic effect. “I bet if I turn this on right now, there’ll be some slutty sex scene that you’d just absolutely love.” She held the remote threateningly in her hand.

Joey stared at her, his mouth hanging open, unable to speak. He didn’t know what to say. He’d never been caught before, but then gain he’d never really watched porn… Just sometimes he needed a release. Addiction to porn was a mystery to him. His association with it was like that of social drinkers with alcohol. He could live without it, and often didn’t care about it, except every once in a while in small quantities. And that’s when his resolve formed, coalesced and hardened. He didn’t care. So what if she was awesome? Like always, women made him feel like jelly, and for once he wasn’t going to let that happen. He swallowed and breathed then looked her in the eyes, her beautiful blue eyes.
“Maybe we should have a look, eh?”
“I don’t care.”
A bemused micro-expression crossed Audrey’s face, but vanished as soon as it’d appeared.
“Oh, don’t you?” She motioned again with the remote in her hand.
“No, I don’t. And I don’t care what you think.”
Audrey shrugged, tossing the remote onto the couch and walking nonchalantly towards the front door. As she did, she called over her shoulder, “Guys are all alike.”
Joey felt an unprecedented anger boiling up inside him, and he was bursting to say something, and the words started pouring out of him before he really thought about them.
“Yeah, well girls like you are all alike. You’re all high and mighty, because you know guys are always drooling over you, and you act like a bitch, because that’s how you get your kicks! So what if you’re beautiful, and funny? Who cares if you’re one of the nicest… uh...,” At this point, Joey had realized that his train of thought had derailed itself, and he wasn’t making sense. He immediately felt stupid for his outburst. He didn’t even know this girl. But he knew her type, the type of girl he always fell for and now that he’d actually said it, the kind he really hated. It was like a terrible spiral. After one such relationship, he’d gone on in life to constantly seek out and find such women. In the same way that sometimes, people with abusive parents go on through life subconsciously seeking out similarly abusive relationships with people, be they friends, love interests, employers or mentors. Same old thing.

He flopped down into the couch, leaning back and covering his face with his hands. He slid them down his face, staring up at the ceiling, trying to steady his breathing and get his thoughts back in order. Gradually, his shock melted into apathy. For the moment, he was being objective, emotionally detached. Everything was perceptively clearer without the turmoil of all his stewing feelings getting in the way. He’d said some things that needed saying, and it was directed at ever girl who’d ever treated him like crap. It was also his fault though, he let himself be taken advantage of and should have known better. He always did, but he did stupid things.
Life is full of coincidences and repeat occurrences. Deja vu isn’t actually all that odd, when you think about it, and repetition isn’t totally unexpected. They’re both bound to happen, as probable as the sun continuing to rise. When exactly they happen… Well… That’s up to chance.

It was very similar to the knocking. It could have been 20 or 30 minutes, he never heard it the first time, and the second time it was more tentative than the first time, but he definitely heard it the second time. It was a soft and gentle whisper, the cutest sound he’d ever heard (and truth be told, he’d remember it all his life). A single word, that he’d heard so many times, used in so many different ways.
Lowering his hands, opening his eyes, he sat up a little and looked up towards the door. She was standing there, looking completely lost and more than a little chastened. Her shoulder was leaning against the door frame, cradling her elbow with her other hand. Her expressive blue eyes were soft, dampened by the moisture in her eyes.
“Did you… Did you really mean that…,”
“I didn’t mean to call you a bitch, I’m-“
At that she laughed and interrupted him. “I’ve heard that before, don’t worry,” She said with a sad smile. Tentatively, she walked over to Joey and crouched down in front of him. “I meant the part after that.”

Joey didn’t answer, he didn’t want to, to spoil the moment. He just wanted to be here with her. He looked into her beautiful blue eyes. They were even more beautiful now as they stared earnestly back into his, wavering back and forth slightly, searchingly. His eyes travelled down her face to her slightly open mouth, along her arms, down her body to her thighs, the hem of her skirt having ridden half way up her thigh. Although his brain knew now wouldn’t be the most opportune of times, it began sending clandestine messages consisting of instructions for redirecting blood supplies and increasing adrenaline concentrations.

“No ones ever told me that… I mean, I’ve been told I’m a pain, and that I’m beautiful… but not all at once. And I suppose coming from you it’s different.”
“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean it the way it came out.”
“I think you did. I never took you for the type of guy that watched porn though.”
At that, Joey felt embarrassed himself. He had no moral dislike of it or anything… It was just never really his thing. He’d never really thought about it before though.
“Yeah… Well, you should probably get going,” Joey said, making to stand up, but was motioned to sit down again by Audrey gently placing her hand on his thigh.
“Would you believe me, if I told you that I’ve never done anything like this before, but I want to kiss you?”
“I guess so, since I’ve never even kissed anyone,” he joked, laughing nervously. To his immense relief, Audrey smiled back at him.

Slowly, she stood up, leaning forward. In one continuous and fluid moment she lifted one knee and then another onto the couch, lifting her skirt up a little so that she could straddle him, facing him. Her arms wound gently around his neck with one reaching up and gently running through his hair. The warmth of her body mingled with the scent of strawberries in her hair, the smell Joey’d mistaken for perfume. Her perfume was of something he had never smelt before, making it all that much more alluring. He couldn’t see her face, as her cheek was now resting firmly against his, her hand caressing the other side of his face, her fingers gently brushing up and down caressing him. Nervously, Joey placed one hand, then a second upon her waist. He gently stroked and kneaded her through her blouse and she responded by gently rubbing her cheek against his. Slowly, she leaned back till she was staring into his warm brown eyes, and at that moment she realized how cute he was. Sweet and innocent. At that thought, she felt a sharp pang in her heart, although she wasn’t sure why. She leaned in slowly, and their lips met. Each amazed at the warmth of the other. Joey couldn’t believe it, as he felt her draw back a little, then press her lips against his again. Never having kissed anyone before, he was anxious about it, and stiff for the first few seconds, then just let himself be carried away of the wave of euphoria. His lips melted into hers, and at that point there was nothing else outside of his lips and hers.

Joey knew things could get any better. Until he felt Audrey’s warm tongue gently running along his lip sending a shiver down his spine and he gave her and involuntary squeeze. She moved her face away from his again and smiled at him, then mouthed the single word, “Come.”
She lifted herself off of him, gently taking a hold of his hand and leading him towards the bedroom. He walked behind her in a trance, loving the sway of her hips as she walked, her sexy legs and how good she looked in her heels. He just wanted to stare at her all night. In the bedroom, she eased him down onto the bed, straddled him again and started kissing him once again. This time, he eagerly, although without much skill began exploring her mouth. Audrey’s tongue met his with equal gusto, and she alternated between gently exploring his mouth and sucking on his tongue. Increasingly excited, Joey’s hands started making their way down her body and the curve in the small of her back, till he gingerly cupped her curvy ass in his hands. She pressed her rear into his hands and began slowly gyrating her hips in his lap, gently grinding against him as a sign of encouragement. At this point it wasn’t really needed. He was already fully hard, and he was lost in the moment, and all he wanted was having her here with him, now. The feeling of her firm ass in his hands, her lips meshed with his, her breasts pressing against his chest every time she moved up and down in his lap. Gradually getting more and more bold, Joey inched his hands up her sexy body towards her breasts, feeling her breathing quicken. He could now feel the bottom of her bra cup beneath his thumb, and registered the tantalizing smell of her sex for the first time, as she pressed herself harder against his lap and his throbbing erection. Gently, trying to hold back his body’s impatience, he squeezed her breast in his hand. Her body gave a little shudder and slumped gently against him for a second, and she thrust her breasts towards Joey’s eager hands. He could feel the fabric of her lacey bra beneath her blouse, and was eager to feel them without her bra on. Audrey was breathing heavily now, her warm breath caressing his ear. As he fumbled with the third button of her blouse, she held still for him. For the first time he saw her breasts, encased in silk and lace. They were beautiful, and he could help but stare as he cupped one through her blouse and squeezed, enjoying the way it looked, and felt, and how she arched her back and pressed against his palm.
“Are you hard, babey?” She whispered, causing his cock to give a painfull twitch at the sound of her sultry voice. All he could do was nod in reply.

Abruptly, Audrey pulled back, and removed his hands from her breasts and placed them on her thighs. Joey’s eyes travelled from her breasts, down to where his hands rested on her sexy legs and enjoyed the view, until he sensed her piercing eyes on him. He looked up. Again, they were sad and moist, and she looked like a shy little girl, nervous and seeking approval.
“Are you sure you want to do this…?”
Joey laughed at this, halting immediately when he saw her puzzled and hurt expression.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?”
For a second she didn’t reply, she looked down before continuing. She couldn’t look at him. “I mean… You’re a really nice guy. You know. It’s just that… Don’t you want your first time to be special?”
“This is special,” Joey said, kissing her on the cheek, and she smiled at that.
“Thank-you. But it’s not like I’m a virgin or anything, and I’m not the greatest person in the world. Like, you’re special. I’m just one of those girls.”
Joey really didn’t know what to say. To begin with, he didn’t know what he’d done to be special, and in his books, Audrey was pretty amazing. “But you’re… Awesome. I like you.”

She kissed him again, then stood up without a word and slowly began unbuttoning her blouse, taking her time, knowing Joey was enjoying it, and she just wanted to make him happy. He was one of the sweetest guys she’d ever met, despite the fact that he’d called her a bitch… which meant he was truthful to boot. By the time Audrey’s blouse dropped to the floor around her feet, Joey was painfully hard. Seductively, with measured, deliberate movement Audrey unclipped her bra, but didn’t take it off. She parted Joey’s legs and kneeled between them, staring up at him expectantly.
Not knowing what she wanted, he felt nervous and his cold sweat started again. The room became very still. Joey ran his fingers up along the length of her arms, enjoying the satin feel of her smooth skin, and enjoying the way she shivered and half closed her eyes, but never once blinked nor took her eyes off his. Ever so slowly, he slid one strap off her shoulder, leaning over and kissing her shoulder, then slipping of the other strap and it fell to the floor making the most imperceptible of noises as it tumbled. Joey involuntarily held his breath.
He stared at her breasts. They were so perfect, her small nipples standing out half erect, surrounded by beige areolas. The looked firm and perky, and he couldn’t help but reach out and cup them tenderly in his hands, softly kneading the flesh causing Audrey to start breathing hard again. She couldn’t remember having been this excited in a long time. She couldn’t remember ever having wanted to make a guy as happy as she wanted to make Joey. She closed her eyes and sighed as he began rubbing her nipples with his thumbs, causing her to spasm and shiver a little. Her nipples became fully hard as he began caressing them between his thumb and forefinger.
She carefully removed his hands, kissed them and smiled at him. She squeezed his thighs, and ran her hands over his stomach, under his shirt, causing him to shiver. With delicate tugs, she began removing his belt, kissing his stomach all the while. Joey was rendered speechless. He watched as she finally undid his belt, then felt her delicate fingers undo his button, then slid down the zipper.

Audrey looked up at him, and saw his awe struck expression. “Are you still hard for me? Is this what you want?” She didn’t wait for a reply, she knew the answer already. She could see his erection in his boxers, and she slowly brought her lips to it, and kissed it once, causing his cock to twitch again. She hooked her fingers into the waist band of his boxers, and gently pulled them downwards, kissing her way down along with them. She stopped, reaching her hand into his boxers and gently grasping his throbbing member in her soft, warm hand, pulling it out of his boxers. She could see how excited he was, there was already some precum on the tip of his dick, where the foreskin had moved away slightly. Slowly, her hand began stroking his cock, and she just couldn’t take her eyes off it. She’d seen a few before, but his was by far the sexiest she’d seen. It was about 7 inches long, smooth and hot to the touch. She could feel herself starting to get even more wet just from looking at it moving in her hand. The more she stroked it, the more of his head that appeared from under the foreskin, till the whole head was exposed, and she began salivating, wanting nothing more than to feel it inside her mouth. She looked up at Joey, his eyes glazed over with desire and pleasure. Her eyes locked onto his, she stuck out her warm tongue, gently moving her head forward till her tongue met the base of his cock head, causing him to twitch and gasp violently. She repeated the same motion again, causing his cock to jump again. She gripped his prick more tightly then slowly, lovingly stuck her tongue out further and let a single drop of spit to fall on his penis. Joey moaned loudly, finding it hard to sit still. Audrey’s tongue began trailing up and down the underside of his cock, from the tip down to his balls and back again. Her tongue began making small, slow circles around his pee-hole, her little hand jerking him off slowly up and down, her other hand cupping his balls, squeezing ever so gently, pleasing him so much he murmured Audrey’s name breathlessly. Staring into his eyes, she slowly started taking his cock into his mouth. Not sucking, or licking, or stroking, just letting it slide into her wet and warm, eager mouth. About two inches down, she paused, staring at him for a full ten seconds, just looking into his deep brown eyes. Just as he started to worry something might be wrong, she gave his cock one gently but firm, solitary suck. It sent a spark down his cock, to his balls and all through his body. When it had subsided, she did it again, squeezing his cock tenderly with her red lips as she did so. She then began sucking on him in earnest, making little suckling noises that turned Joey on even more. Her black hair moved sensually along with the movement of her head along his shaft, her mouth wet and very hot, her tongue licking every inch of his cock as she sucked on it with vigor, spittle dribbling from her mouth, trailing down his cock to her hand squeezing the base of his rod. Joey knew he was about to cum, and he wanted to cum in her warm eager mouth and started thrusting upwards as she moved her lips down. Audrey sensed it, and slowly slid his cock out of her mouth, licking the head, then kissing it and standing up.

Joey stared at her unable to speak, as she asked him to take off his shirt. He did so, and as he did, she turned around and sat down in his lap, facing away from him. He immediately began playing with her breasts, another part of her he so longed to touch. She could feel his breath on her neck and back, very ragged and uneven. She let him caress her for a few minutes, to give him time to cool down, but also because she loved the way he would squeeze her breasts a few times, trace small circles around her erect nipples and then do it all again.
“You know what I love to do?” She asked, taking his right hand and placing it on her thigh, spreading her legs wide, hiking her skirt up, till it just covered her black lace panties. Joey took his cue, and slowly moved his hand over her thigh, smelling more than ever her poignant aroma, a sign of her heightened excitement. Ever so slowly, he inched his hand up to the edge of her panties, feeling the soft silk. His breathing stopped once again, as for the first time he felt a girls vagina. Her juices had already made her panties wet, and he could feel them as he traced the outline of her pussy underneath the fabric. He caressed her through the fabric for a few minutes, enjoying her moans of pleasure, and her ass grinding up against him. As he was about to slide his hand inside her panties, he felt her hand there first. When it emerged, it was slick with her juices, then he felt her wet fingers lathering up his dick, which was standing at attention, visible through her wide open thighs.
“I love sucking you, and I love jerking you off, Joey,” Was Audrey’s husky whisper as she began slowly stroking him, using her juices for extra lubrication. Joey’s finger had found her entrance, and had proceeded to tentatively place one finger inside her, which she gripped with her vaginal muscles, and that caused her to produce a long moan. The more excited and wet she got, the easier it was to move in finger in and out of her pussy, and she writhed more and more in his lap. When he squeezed in his second finger, she gave another low moan and squeezed his cock hard, almost causing him to cum. He worked his finger in her faster and faster as she humped herself against his hand groaning and panting. Joey’s thumb found her little hard clit, and after fingering her a while, he’d stop to rub her clit or do both simultaneously, all the while covering her neck with kisses.

“Joey, you’re gonna make me cum,” She moaned, starting to eagerly jerk his cock, running her delicate fingers all over the head and the shaft, stroking and caressing and squeezing, bringing Joey to the brink of cumming, but he was determined to make her cum first. In the end, it was a close one, two. Joey thrust his fingers deeper inside Audrey, more and more eagerly, getting his hand covered in her juices, until her pussy contracted violently and her whole body stiffened, and she let out a loud moan, and whispered in his ear, “I’m cumming, babey. Oh, Joey. Cum for me!” It was all the encouragement he needed, besides her frantically jerking hand. As her pussy juices soaked her panties and his lap, her handjob made Joey cum like mad. He sent several spurts across the room, the first hitting the door and the others either on the floor, Audrey’s creamy thighs or covered Audrey’s hand, and she squeezed and caressed every inch of him, including his cock head as he came. The last thing he remembered from that night was murmuring her name over and over, and watching her lift her spunk cover hand and licking it clean, covering her tongue in sticky cum. Then he passed out, one hand inside her panties, the other squeezing her breast.


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Good Morning Sunshine

Its New Years Eve. We’re dressed to kill. The boys are waiting for us in the lobby of the hotel. Tanya and I made our last check in the mirror. One last swipe of lipstick. Adjust boobs. Hotel card key in purse. And were out the door.  He drives my ass deep. I feel a twinge of pain at the end of each stroke as if he’s trying to get deeper and deeper with each thrust. My pussy is soaking. I can feel it dripping onto Tanya’s tongue below me as her boyfriend fucks my ass. Oh god, her tongue on my...

2 years ago
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Nap In The Sunshine

Savannah dropped the bags of shopping on the table and called out to Mason. “Baby, I'm home.” She expected a reply but the house was silent. His car was still in the garage so he hadn't gone out and she wondered where he was. Walking down the hall, she thought she'd find him in their bedroom, but nope, no sexy man to be found there. She went back down the hall and into the lounge, thinking perhaps he was asleep on the couch, but once again, no Mason. The french doors leading out to the...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Out in the Sunshine

In the recent sunshire I driving home feeling really hot. I needed a pee and when I saw a laybye with a grass field behind it with a wood on the far side. I got out of the car an walked through the very long grass in the feild to the woods. By the time I got their I was desparate. and as I was getting my cock out some wee went all over the brand new lacy thong I was wearing. After I had finished I looked around and not seeing anyone pulled my shorts downand took off the thong.The area looked...

2 years ago
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A Ray of Sunshine

My older brother Liam was currently scowling at the many cars in front of us. It was 8:30 in the evening, and we'd been sitting in London traffic for nearly an hour. The storm was still raging on outside, and car horns were blaring left, right and centre. I'd called Liam after my shift at work. Public transport was all but down, and I didn't want to walk the streets of London at night. Liam had been less than enthused about coming to get me. “I'm sorry, I didn't know there'd be congestion.” ...

4 years ago
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Hidden Sunshine

The morning sun rose, casting a deep orange glow upon the older district. Already, early rising beings had taken off on skiffs or boats if they were too poor to afford the latter. Nets were made ready, and soon, the wharf would become bustling, filled with traders, salesmen, fishermen, and the goings about of daily life. Suresh left his simple home, stepping out onto the docks, smelling the fresh air that had come in with the tides. Up in the sky hung the familiar immense gas giant, looming...

3 years ago
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Summer Sunshine

Clara My mind wandered as I looked into the eyes of the attractive, exotic young man above me. It was a strange time to be thinking about other things. His tanned skin and exotic eyes alone should have been enough to keep my interest, but it somehow wasn't the case. As his sweat dripped down onto me and my body finally began to respond, I was imagining another face. I stifled a laugh and Stephen thought that it had something to do with what we were doing. Alone in my own little world, I...

2 years ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 15 Good Day Sunshine

Mike’s Apartment, Tuscaloosa, AL Early Morning, Saturday, January 11, 2003 With an unexpected elbow landing on my nose, I was unceremoniously awoken at about 4:30am. Startled, I sat up in bed wondering what just happened. As I came to my senses, I could see Kaleigh waving her arms up above her head and down in front of her chest. She was mumbling something I couldn’t make out, and then I heard her clearly shout, “Stop! No don’t! Stop!” Her arms and her legs were now moving in jerky,...

3 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 5 Sunshine

Thursday evening THE PRESIDENT HUNG UP THE phone and turned to his wife. "It never ends." She had no idea what the call was about, but given the current poisonous political climate it wasn't hard to guess. She smiled and pulled him to her and kissed him. It wasn't a quick kiss, and she pressed herself against him. When they separated she smiled up at him. "Better, honey?" "All better. Where are the girls?" "In their rooms doing homework. And our high school girl is working on...

3 years ago
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Joeys Story

JOEY’S STORYIt was the saddest day Joey could ever remember, it was the day of his grandfather Joe’s funeral. Even as a sixteen year old, he felt no embarrassment in crying.As the service reminisced about Joe’s life from family and friends, Joey remembered the good times he had spent with Grandad Joe. The fishing trips to the local gravel pits, even though they didn’t always catch anything, it was just being with the nicest man in his life. Having lost his father when he was only seven years...

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Joey part 1

Joey part 1 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story and it may not be sold; it may be shared at free sites only. Any comments or ideas may be sent to [email protected]. Joseph Nadar was trapped in the locker room after he showered; he was at the middle school after gym class, it was the only class that he did not like, for this very reason the bigger guys had taken his clothes and left him, laughing as they departed. He was glad they did not take the towel as it was all he...

4 years ago
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Joey and his Bullies 5

Introduction: School time is more humiliating than ever for Joey. Joey and his Bullies 5 By Mathew Elizabeth Joey,Evan and Little Jake made it to school before the bell rang. School was already a place he considered hell. But he believed his thoughts of the past would be nothing compared to his experiences he was going to take part in the present. Both Evan and Jake lead him into the school toilets. He already knew his day of humiliation would be more than mere name calling and punches. The...

3 years ago
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Joey and his Bullies 3

Introduction: A party takes place at Joeys house. Daddy comes to visit Joey and his Bullies 3 By Mathew Elizabeth By 1 oclock in the afternoon on Saturday, all eight of the 16-year-old skater boys had already cum on Joeys mother in the master bedroom and decided to pay attention to Joey himself. He had already groveled to a beating while his mother got titty fucked by the smallest boy there. So now they wanted to see something funny. A girly boy older than them being sexually humiliated. ...

4 years ago
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Joey and his Bullies

Introduction: A boy is tormented by his highschool bullies, as they dominate him in every aspect of his life. Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This author will not be held responsible if this work gets into the wrong hands. This story contains consensual but intimidating descriptions of sexual activity between boys and older people. Please write: [email protected] I would like to hear if you...

3 years ago
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Joey Fucks Teach

He was working late again, forced to supervise a senior's work on his end of year assignment. To be fair, he really didn't mind all that much. The kid, Joey, was a real looker. 5' 11" and thin, with a soft, boyish face, long blonde hair, and eyes to die for; Light green with flecks of amber and full eyelashes that loved to gaze languidly at Mr. Brennan's clothed crotch when he thought no one was looking. And don't get him started on that ass. Oooo, that ass! The merest thought of that...

3 years ago
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Joey the Next Door Neighbor

Introduction: This is about a girl and her neighbor, Joey, find what is buried in their hearts. Most people in their life have the good neighbor. My entire life I grew up next to a boy named Joey who was the same age as me. As children, we played with our toys, rode our bikes, and played in the sandbox as another child our age would do. When I was around twelve, my body started to change. I began growing breasts, my body began taking the womanly shape, and I became more attracted to boys. ...

1 year ago
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Joey Wasnt Just a Nice Guy

by Larry Malone In the old neighborhood, years ago, the word “gay” was never used. and disparagingly, “they” were called “queer” or “fags” and weren't accepted at all. So, in those days, “they” didn't exist ...except for Joey. Joey wasn't gay, he was just... “a friendly nice guy.” Not the sharpest tool in the shed and he barely got out of the eight grade in education but everyone liked him. Joey was the kind of guy who always had a smile for every body and would do anything for you to...

4 years ago
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Joey the Next Door Neighbor

When I was around twelve, my body started to change. I began growing breasts, my body began taking the womanly shape, and I became more attracted to boys. Joey noticed me as a changed, but he did not stay far behind. I noticed his voice getting deeper; I could see the hairs that were growing on his arms and legs become thicker. We both noticed each other changing; however, we never said anything about it. When we were both thirteen, things were changing from what they used to be. We...

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Joey becomes my Slave Part One

Joey becomes my SlavePart OneOn the flight back from my birthday trip to Maui Joey asked if we could move to the rear of the plane so she could ask me something? I was puzzled by this but said, " Okay. "After we moved to seats in the back she said, " Your husband Mark said IF you wanted me, I could offer myself to you as your final and forever, birthday gift? "I looked into her eyes and said, "I've already had you as part of my birthday gift in Hawaii. What are you suggesting here? "She looked...

2 years ago
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Joey my 18 year old helper

I suppose that this being my first attempt at writing about one of my experiences I should introduce myself: I am Annie, and that is my real name. I am a recently divorced forty-something mother of two grown children, both of which live out of state. My husband and I always had an up and down sex life, and, no, I am not speaking of his penis!Over the years his sex drive dropped off as mine continued to increase. As time went on we would try different approaches to help with the situation but...

1 year ago
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Joey becomes my Slave Part Three

Joey becomes my SlavePart ThreeDinner was wonderful and I know Mark loved having a girl on each arm as we exited the resturant. He's such a hunk. We did make a striking pair, Me with my blonde hair and Joey with her jet black hair. Mark has a shaved head and broad shoulders with 21 inch arms. He pumps a lot of iron and even in a sport coat it shows.Mark suggested having a drink at a local gentleman's club and Joey said, "How exciting. I've never been to a topless bar before." Mark told her,...

3 years ago
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Joey becomes my Slave Part Two

Joey becomes my slavePart TwoMark pulled into the garage/shop and the automatic door closed behind us. Joey had never been inside our house and she stood there admiring the 3 Harley's and other vehicles until I took her by the hand and said, "This way my lovely Slut."She followed us into the house and Mark said to me, "Give her a tour of the house and I'll mix up some cocktails."I said, "Yes Sir" and still holding Joey's hand I led her throughout the house showing her the "Master" suite and the...

2 years ago
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> > I have paused in my writing for only a moment, asJoey has called me to attend to him. I am glad he wants me,and not my wife or one of my darling children. What is it this time?> The magnificent Latino teenage stud is in thebathroom, getting ready for>a date. At nineteen, he is a total thing of beauty. Smoothbrown body, well>muscled abs and pecs. Fully pouty brown nipples. Beautifulsculpted arms. And then of course that dick. I have never in my thirty two years seen a>dick like...

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Joey Becomes My Slave Part Five Final Chapter

Mark awoke to Joey on one side and me on the other side and we were kissing and licking his neck to wake him up. He stretched out and put one of his muscled arms around each of us and said, "Ok, I'm awake and just what do my gorgeous sluts have on those dirty minds?"I said, "We want to lick you from head to toe Master.""Ask me nice and I might allow it." Mark said.I put his hand on one of my tits and said, "Please Sir. We would very much like to put a smile on your face this morning....

4 years ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 7

Susan When we got back to Joey's house Heather told us that Sheila was studying at Wendy's as they were still working on their science project so we could have our discussion now if we wished. I could see from the look on Joey's face that he wanted to get this over with so I answered for both of us. "I think that would be a good idea, the sooner we get finished, the sooner Joey will be able to relax." Heather smiled at that remark and led us into the room which she used as a study and...

3 years ago
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Joey and Ronda Meet in Person Pt 01

I started the shower water and set it to a comfortable temperature and stepped in. The hot water felt great running down my head, face and shoulders. I used the soap that was in the shower all ready to wash my self with. The water was running a long time then I shut it off. I grabbed the towel hanging on the rack and started to dry myself off. I was now drying my hair when I heard a knock at the door. ‘Hun, are you ok. You’ve been in there for a long time?’ Clearing my throat, I said,...

3 years ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 4

Tuesday Evening Susan My mum and Joe's mum went off to the cafe for some refreshment and I was left alone with Joey. I think it was an intentional ploy by his mum to give us some time to ourselves. When I looked over at Joey his eyes were glistening with tears. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to stop them," he told me. "I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to fighting." The fact that you knew that and still faced up to those two large oafs and that makes your actions so brave in my...

1 year ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 8

Joey When I awoke on Friday morning it dawned on me that this was the last day of our week being naked in school. So much had happened in that time to radically alter my life that in one sense it seemed to have been much longer than just a week. On the other hand now that it was almost at an end it seemed to have flown in. It seems strange, that depending on your perspective time can be so contradictory. I got up dressed and showered and went down to breakfast. Sheila was already there and...

4 years ago
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Joeys Powers Part One

“I keep seeing it! You in collar with a leash, you in a private school outfit on the computer and playing with you lips, and you fuck your twin s*s’s brains out with a strap on!” He said yelling and pointing at each woman in the private room.The girls blushed at their deepest fantasies being revealed.“Y-You really keep seeing that?” one woman said.He sits on the couch frustrated. “What is wrong with me…?”_____________________________________________________________________________________Joey...

2 years ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 2

Joey I made my way to the head master's office and the headmaster and he indicated for me to take a seat while I waited for my partner and wondered what her reaction would be. To my surprise, when she entered instead of being agitated at the prospect of going naked she seemed quite calm, I even though I saw a hint of a grin as she looked at me. "She probably thinks that she will be able to ignore me and the buddy system without me causing her any problems and she is right," I thought....

3 years ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 10

Joey. After I told her she was not just the girl I dreamed about but my dream girl Susan kissed me and once again I was hard and once more we were engaged in a fast and furious bout of lovemaking. By the time our passions had subsided she was no longer drowsy but bounced out of bed and dragged me into the shower with her. There was no doubt she was right when she told me I would need it. I was lathered in sweat after our morning romp. When we had dried off I looked at her and said, "Now...

3 years ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 3

Joey When I got home that evening I told my mother that I had met with Susan and that we had agreed to support each other throughout the rest of the week. When she asked me what I thought of the girl now that I was talking to her and getting to know her. "She seems very nice I told her and not the snobby bitch I thought she was. In fact if the truth be told, she can be a bit earthy at times." "What do you mean she can be a bit earthy?" My mother wanted to know. "When we stripped this...

2 years ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 5

Joey The doctor was as good as his word and he began his rounds on Wednesday morning by looking in on me. He gave me a check over asked me a few questions and then said that if someone brought me some clothes I could leave. Shortly after this Heather and Susan arrived carrying a case with clothes for me to wear in order to get me to the school. My mother had dropped it off at their place on Tuesday evening. I got dressed, thanked the nurses for looking after me then Heather drove us to...

4 years ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 6

Joey When I woke up on Thursday morning I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Last night Susan took my virginity and the sensations were incredible. What I found even more unbelievable was the fact that I had been able to bring her to several orgasms on the two occasions we made love. When she told me that these orgasms had been more intense than any she had ever experienced before I was walking on cloud nine. As a result I was really chipper when I went down to breakfast...

3 years ago
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Joey Becomes My Slave Part Four

Joey becomes my SlavePart FourAs the door to Steve's office closed with a loud click I saw that Dakota was sitting in a chair in front of his desk. She seemed surprised to see me and I just handed her the money and told her "Mark said to give you this. He enjoyed the lap dance."She stuffed the bills down into her blouse and Said, "Tell him it was my pleasure." Then she looked at Steve and he told her, "You're lucky... Me and Mark used to ride together in a motorcycle club so we have a history....

2 years ago
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Joeys Powers part 2

Last time on Joey’s powers…"Ohhhhhh... fu-fuck meeeeeee.."He then relies some one was still here."ok if this isn't real, no more carrot cake at the cake monster!" he thought. "Here it comes"He opened the door silently and could not believe what he saw...___________________________________________________________________He saw Candie squirting right at the office! this is the 1st time he had seen it outside of porn tapes. Her top piece was un-buttoned with her tits hanging out, thong, &...

3 years ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 9

Joey Mum was giving us a lift home since Susan was staying the night and Sheila was going to ride along with us. As we were standing waiting for her Natalie approached carrying one of those cardboard tubes which usually contain a poster. "During my Lunch hour I did a bigger sketch of the drawing I did this morning. I would like you to have it, you will have to argue among yourselves about who gets to keep it." She said with a grin. We thanked her very much, but she said she was pleased...

1 year ago
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Joey and the Roommate Part II

My name is Joey. I work as a delivery boy for a pizza chain. I have always been a little bit shorter than other people and have never had so much luck with girls. I did once have a brief encounter with a male co-worker while on the job, but he quit soon there after. By the time I had saved up some money from tips and paychecks my parents were pressuring me to move out of the house, I was 23 and well over due. I looked for an apartment that was close to work and moderately priced but the only...

3 years ago
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Joeys King For An Hour

Joey's King For An Hour(Mf)The elevator doors opened and Joey stepped in, wearing workout clothes and sunglasses."All the luggage in the car?" she asked me."We're ready to leave whenever you want.""Good." she said, then turned to the mirror and took a selfie. Friends only

1 year ago
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Joey and Shane the CoWorker Part I

My name is Joey and I had never thought of myself as gay. I was a virgin up until I was in my early twenties, but I just thought I was bad with women on account that I’m a little short. It wasn’t until one afternoon that I came to realize why I was so bad with girls. I work at a pizza place called Garlic Jim’s. As part of an advertising promotion, our boss has us hang door-hangers, or coupon vouchers, on people’s front doors. The employees would usually go out in groups of three or four each...

1 year ago
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Joey and the Older Guy Part III

My name is Joey. I live in an apartment with a roommate, Matt. I also work at a pizza place as a delivery boy. Over the past couple of months I have been saving up money to go to my sister’s wedding. I told Matt that I would be leaving for a few weeks to stay in California to see my sister get married. So I got on a plane and headed down to San Francisco. My sister and her fiancé, Evan, picked me up at the airport. She was thirty-six at the time and he was about to turn forty. No one in my family ...

2 years ago
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No and YES

As the years have gone by, I have always thought I've gotten better and better at sex. I learned early on how to get a guy off, perfecting my blow jobs by listening to the breathing and grunting sounds they make. I paid attention to the way a guy would hold my head, gripping it and pushing it down on his cock as my throat and lips and tongue caressed it to the point of explosion. And I learned how to take an eager pussy-licker's efforts and make them even better, when I would tell him ... SHOUT...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 83

Finally my wives came out of the house area and greeted me and welcomed me home. Barbara said, “Bob, I guess I am going to have to stop you from going on any more trips if you keep bringing back new women for us. But I forgive you this time as Melody is such a beautiful girl both inside and out. She really loves you and we love her too. And what is this I hear about you removing some parasite from Carmaletta, that was causing her bitchiness?” “I’m sure Carmaletta has told you everything, yes...

2 years ago
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Playtime Ch 01

Prologue I was lonely. I looked around the big house and thought about how happy my parents and grandparents had been here. My mother had attracted my father with her good looks and sweet nature, but had held him with her knowledge of how to gently dominate him. He had been more than willing to go along with her, and they had loved one another deeply. He had died before I’d been born, and my mother had been devastated. She had never gotten over his death, and had passed away before my...

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The Dragon Keeper

BANG BANG BANG. There was a very loud noise upstairs. Your name is Pete Stonehold. You have a common look, brown hair and brown eyes. A very unmuscleable body tone. Your family is one of the poorest in the lands. Your mom is a sex servant, dad is a merchant. Your mom is very pretty, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a perfect body. A pair of cups breasts and a round firm butt. Your dad was like you, but he had muscles. He also fought in the Wars of War. Where the elfs fought the orges whom also had...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Ko Choda Usi K Ghar Pe

Hi..mera naam Aryan hai aur mai chandigarh ka rehne wala hu. Mai ISS ka regular reader hu nd ye meri pehli story hai kaise maine apni girlfriend k sath virginity loose ki. Mai normal built ka ldka hu height 5’5” bt mera lund bhot bda hai aisa meri gf ne muje bola tha nd uske baad 2-3 gals aur bol chuki hain..its more den 7 inches. Ab apni story pe aata hu. Tb mai 12th clas men tha nd hmare skul men ek function tha jisme hmari team men bhot se students the jisme se ek ldki thi Radhika meri...

2 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 7 Tuesday

I don't have much time today. Stupid homework. So I didn't get much done this weekend. So what? Shouldn't there be a homework exception for fucking your hot sister? Er ... well, I guess not. My sister somehow already has her homework finished. She probably didn't have as much to begin with. So now I have to catch up on that. But first ... first I want to act out an idea that I had yesterday, and then I need to make sure Anna is occupied for a couple of hours. After making her lie down on...

1 year ago
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Love at cricket coaching

Me and my son had moved from Secunderabad to Calcutta and I got him admitted in a cricket coaching center where I wanted him to continue his game. The practice was on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. From morning 7 to about 10 am. He would practice and I would sit and watch him; other parents also used to be there and we would all chat while the children played around. Since I was a widower and more than average looking so my son and myself would get extra attention from the parents group...

First Time
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Killenkoff Institute

Subject: FW: Killenkoff Institute Part One (revised)-Sherry Champion stood in her modest school girls' unifor Subject: FW: Killenkoff Institute Part One (revised)-??? Sherry Champion stood in her modest school girls' uniform before Mr.Raspikov the Head of the new school she was attending. She had just arrivedhere and was terribly disoriented and confused. Next to Mr. Raspikov stoodhis eighteen year old son. This was an all girls school located in of allPlaces, Russia?and in the middle of ...

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Unexpected Guests with Props

Is that a knock at the door? You're not expecting anyone so you ignore it and keep playing online poker. After a few moments you hear the knock again on your front door. The door bell rings. You start to get annoyed but you don't want to be bothered so you keep playing. Distracted, you lose the hand. Your heart rate is increasing but you try to concentrate. You don't want to let your game slip. Your door bell rings again. You pause your game and go to chase off the person on your stoop. You...

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Three messages on the app

Very well. Here you are to spend some time with your cock in your hand to read erotic stories online. It is a healthy activity, it frees the mind, it is good for the body. Is there a better pastime in the world? You took a look at CHYOA, you reviewed old stories and now you are here in the gay section. And here is a new story. Are you ready to read it? But first, wait a moment: yesterday you uninstalled Grindr, after the last security scandal, but you downloaded a new dating app only for men....

2 years ago
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The Dance Daddys care

My hands vibrated from the rush of adrenaline flooding my body. I was not sure I could manage the leather buckles on her wrists and ankles, but I did. She was mine, and no other Dom will release her but me. So, I straightened my back and willed my fingers to work. With slow, deliberate determination, I unfastened the buckles one at a time bringing her legs together as I released her ankles. I untied her arms which she wrapped around my neck.Effortlessly I lifted her into my arms, then walked...

1 year ago
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Jacen and Jocelyn 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! I woke on my own the next morning, rather than from my mother walking in and doing so (thank god). Everything was still as it was left the night before; the dress still completely around my waist, the bra I wore still secured on my shoulders, the panties hanging limply at the bottom of the garter belt‘s hooks (that yet held the stockings up). The only thing that had changed, is that sometime during the night, I’d rolled off of Jocelyn, and now lay...

3 years ago
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Handsome I and Ugly ThemChapter 3 Familiar faces

I went to school after running out of ideas. Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on. Suddenly, some subtle things are different. My brother and my mother say they are ugly, and that I am handsome. My father and alcohol is mind blowing. Finally, the final scene of the two hugging while watching TV. The last time I saw the two of them being intimate in front of me, I was still a boy. My dad is very conservative, and when it comes to sexual matters, he avoids talking about it. Even a hug...

2 years ago
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Bus Se Bed Tak A Journey 8211 Part I

Hello everyone mera naam rohit hai, age 25 aur main delhi se hoon. Main chandigarh me ek mnc me service engineer ki job karta hoon ,main lagbhag mahine me do baar chandigarh se delhi aata jaata hoon ,delhi se chandigarh travel karne me 6 hours tak lag jaate hai to main hamesa bus me travel karta hoon. Baat lagbhag ek saal pahele ki hai main delhi se chandigarh jaa raha tha, and as usual bus me sabse hot female ke bagal me maine seat arrange kar li. Aur us lady ke bare me kya batao name NEHA...

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