Vacation?Chapter 74 free porn video

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Day Seventy-four - Thursday

The phone was ringing. Why would the phone be ringing? I raised up and reached for the phone on the headboard shelf.

"This is Steve."

"Mr. Sharp, this is your security company. Both pair of my guards at your locations has called in that there are suspicious vehicles parked in front of your buildings. So far no one has gotten out of the vehicles but I am calling you to let you know we have alerted the sheriff's department."

"I'll be there right away. Thank you for calling me."

Sue woke up, "What is it honey?"

"The security people called that two strange cars are parked in front of our buildings. They called the sheriff's department already but I'm going to go find out what's up."

"I'm going with you. If you need help, I want to be there."

I was going to say no but I would rather have her with me than to worry about her somewhere else. "Okay, but you have to do exactly what I tell you, no matter what."

She nodded while getting out of bed to slide into a pair of Jeans. We both wore jeans, dark T-shirts, and work shoes.

I rummaged in the closet for the AR15 I bought. I was tearing up the closet till I remembered, I had left it in the wrecked truck behind the seat, damn. I took the short barreled shotgun with the pistol grip that was in there and grabbed a box of 12 gauge double 0 buckshot. I put my 9-millimeter in my waist, pocketed three more full magazines and carried the shotgun out to the Mustang.

I walked over to the cop car that was now parked on the lane actually on the yard grass. "There is some kind of problem down at our buildings. We are going down there. Please stay here and watch the house, as I'm apprehensive about someone getting into the house while we are gone. If you want to wait inside, you are welcome to do so." The deputy radioed in to his supervisor and was told to secure our premise so he got out and I brought him inside. Sue was at the door ready to leave when I brought him in. I filled her in on my thinking that it would be good for him to watch the place for us while we went to the shop.

I asked him if he could confirm from his dispatcher whether anyone had been dispatched to the shop. The deputy used his mobile unit to call in. They confirmed that two units were in route, ETA ten minutes.

Sue and I drove the few miles down to the shop, taking about seven to eight minutes to get there. When I hit the outer area of the business park, I cut the lights on the car and pulled to the side where I powered the top down so we would have unobstructed vision.

I rolled down a parallel street to see if I could see any thing. Just as we neared the corner of the back lot of the shop the two sheriff's cars came down our buildings' main road and stopped in the street in front of our two buildings. We could see the car in front of the door of the factory but we couldn't see the car in front of the shop building.

Just as a deputy nearest the factory started to get out of his car, there were two separate muzzle flashes by the factory door and from the car. Both rounds hit the sheriff's car but not the deputy, thank goodness. We heard another gun go off that must have been from the car in front of the shop.

I told Sue that we had best stay put so the deputies would not confuse us with the bad guys. More cars should be here quickly.

The two sheriff's cars backed up about thirty feet and I saw the two deputies slide out of the cars and go for their trunks. Both came up with what looked like MP-417 rifles. These are weapons made by H&K who build the MP-5 except these rifles are 7.62 and come with a variety of scopes. Most have a scope with an available light option. They are the choice for most military and police snipers. They both got between their cars and looked out at the two buildings.

The one deputy used his car PA, "Put down your weapons and come to the middle of the street with your hands up."

That caused more rounds to be fired from the door of the factory and somewhere in front of the shop building. The deputies both returned a couple of rounds. I heard glass shatter. There went the front window of the showroom.

A sheriff's car pulled up behind us and a deputy got out with his gun leveled. Sue and I put our hands up and explained that we came here in response to our security guards call. The deputies down on the street needed the help. He asked us for ID, and Sue and I both showed him our licenses.

He said he recognized my name. He used his radio to alert his supervisor that they needed the tactical team, as there were two separate groups of shooters attacking the deputies on site. He then started directing arriving cars down different streets so all the surrounding streets would be covered.

Occasionally a round would be fired from the factory front door but the deputies were not returning fire. I asked the deputy with us if he had the same weapon as the other deputies. He said he did.

"Get it out. Let me see if I can see the shooter in the factory doorway with it."

"You know how to use it?"

I nodded my head, "Marine, Desert Storm."

He opened his trunk and handed me the MP-417 then automatically handed me two magazines. Not really thinking about it, I slid the clip home, put a round in the chamber and checked the safety position. Using his car to stabilize the rifle I sighted through the scope at the front door. I flipped the low light magnification on but the scope glared at me because the street light was at an angle, getting into my eyes.

I laid the rifle on the car and pulled my black T-shirt off and draped it over my head and the rifle scope to keep out the light glare. This time when I sighted in, I could see two men at the door with what looked like Uzi's or some kind of small automatic rifle. They were faking every one out though, as they were firing single rounds instead of bursts. A technique you learned when you were trying to conserve ammo or when you were trying to sucker someone into thinking you only had a pistol. I told the deputy what I had. He asked if I had a target.

"Two, both armed."



"Damn, I can't let you do that. Shit."

I squeezed off a round, watching the target lurch back from the hit. The son of a bitch got up. More body armor.

The other shooter in the doorway fired several shots at the sheriff's cars.

"The guys wearing armor. I'll try for a head shot."

"You can't do that, wait for the team."

"Target acquired, your sights are damned good."

With the magnification and illumination up, I could see the guys eye balls. Very slowly I squeezed the trigger. This time the head snapped back and the target disappeared. The other shooter fired wildly out of the door. I couldn't get a fix on him as he was moving down to check the fallen man and then standing up and looked like he was yelling.

All of sudden there were three more people behind the door.

"One down but three more just came to the door."

The deputy radioed to the two deputies in the street to offer a surrender again.

While the deputy was using the PA, I sighted in on another target in the doorway. As soon as the deputy was making the announcement the target raised his gun and fired a burst this time. I squeezed the trigger and watched his head snap back as the round hit him.

"Two down. Tell him to announce again. Let's see if more of them want to shoot."

The announcement began but this time no one fired. I had a target but no one was making any threatening gestures. I didn't see any weapons in the hands of the three that were standing there.

I relayed this information to the deputy next to me. Sue, who was on my left side while the deputy was on my right nudged me, "There's someone coming from the back of your building. They are running for the gate."

The deputy heard Sue and turned to watch the runner stop to look at the concertina wire atop the gate. It would be near impossible to climb the fence or the gate at this location. If he had known the property better he would have just gone to the other building and slipped under the fence by the drainage ditch. We watched as he went to one of the big race day tractor-trailers parked in the yard, open the trailer door and climb in.

"Guess we know where that one is," the deputy said with a soft chuckle.

Cars and vans were arriving at the corners of the streets. The tactical team was dispersing and setting up at various points. The deputy offered the opportunity to come out again. This time three men came out of the propped open front door of the factory with their hands up. As the three men got to the street a round was heard going off from the shop building and the lead guy fell to the ground. Several deputies opened up at the same time in the direction from where the shot came from.

Someone called a cease-fire and two team members made their way to the front of the S&S building. We couldn't see what was happening from where we were so I stood up, used my T-shirt to wipe down the MP-5 and handed the piece to the deputy. "You did some fine shooting, deputy. You probably saved several lives by downing those two guys in the factory."

"I can't say I did that. They all know I don't shoot that good."

"I guess all your practice paid off tonight," I said while pulling my T-shirt back on covering the gun butt in my waist.

"Shit, I wouldn't have known to cover my head and the sight to see better. I bet the tact team doesn't even know that trick."

"Now you do, and you used it to your advantage. Pick up your brass deputy, there should be three casings. Remember you have a round in the chamber, but you still have a bogey in the trailer."

A tactical team member came out the back door to the shop and walked toward us. When he identified the deputy, the deputy told him there was a guy in the trailer. The team member radioed for assistance and two more of the team came out the back door toward the trailer. When they were in position, the first team member opened the door and called for the man to give up and come out. There was some cursing and noise as the guy was obviously stumbling in the dark. He came out and stepped down to the ground to be put face first down and handcuffed.

As they brought him up to a sitting position, I saw it was one of the managers from the plant.

I told the deputy who the guy was as he was put on his feet to walk back through the building to the front.

Sue and I, and the deputy, drove our cars around to the front of the building. Both of the two big plate glass windows were shattered. There was an older Chevrolet with a ton of bullet holes in it and no glass. There was a yellow drape over a form in the driver's seat.

As Sue and I went toward the factory, we saw the man on the ground that had been shot by the draped body in the car. It was the former CFO. I guess he made bail but was dumb enough to try to recover the money and drugs from the safe. The two men that were now cuffed, sitting on the ground were the other two former management types from the factory. They glared at Sue and me as we passed, but kept quiet. We looked into the doorway to see the two men I head shot. The scene was pretty gruesome. One of the deputies had lost his lunch near the doorway. I'd seen worse.

The tactical team Lieutenant was congratulating the deputy that Sue and I had been with for the excellent marksmanship. He said he was a credit to the sheriff's office. The deputy glared at me and I saluted him as we passed.

The four hired security guards came walking up the street. They explained they were there for protection and not to become an army. When they saw how many people there were, they walked up the street to stay out of the way for when the sheriff got there. They figured the safest place to be was far away. I thanked them for calling in and told them to finish out their shift then we could probably call the duty complete.

Deputies with dogs came out of both buildings saying that the buildings were clear. A county detective was coming out saying the men had gone directly to all the safes and opened them to find nothing there. They had opened a fourth safe that was in the executive bathroom between the president and the CFO's office. They must have been interrupted, as there was a large amount of money still in the opened safe. They weren't going to mess with it, as it was still intact, on the premise. Sue and I went into the building and up to the second floor into the bathroom that we had never been into before. The mirror over the sink hid the safe but it was now swung away revealing the open safe with stacks of hundreds again. I told Sue to find a trash can and bring the garbage bag.

"What are you going to do Steve?" Sue asked.

"I'm going to get a bonus for you and me and have some cash for us to do some nice things for others without having to worry about where it comes from."

"Why do we want a bonus, especially money that's tainted?"

"Money is money. Somehow, someway, you and I should be rewarded for all of the bullshit we have put up with recently. This is that reward. This cash will buy some nice things for people but it will also give us a few bucks for a nice vacation."

"We have been through a lot lately, especially from the people of this company. I'll get a bag."

I counted out thirty-five bundles of cash, over a million and a half. I put five bundles back in the safe and closed it, spinning the tumbler to lock it. I closed the mirror and Sue and I put the garbage bag in the closet in Betty's room temporarily.

Back outside there were all forms of police and sheriff deputies everywhere. State and federal detectives were questioning the three men sitting on the ground handcuffed. Sue and I went to the shop and used my phone to call an emergency board up company. I asked them if they cleaned up the broken glass and they said they did. They would be out within the hour.

I looked at the time display on the phone. It was three thirty-five. There goes another night's sleep. I got out a big push broom, a dustpan and a big trash bin on wheels to begin cleaning up the mess. A deputy told me to hold up cleaning, as they need to keep the crime scene intact for a little while longer, as every agency wanted their own pictures.

I went upstairs to the break room to get Sue and me a Diet Coke. We began inspecting whether our display car was hit. None of the inside glass was hit but there were some bullet holes in the walls.

We were sitting in our shop office when our good friend, the Captain, walked in with the deputy that I had borrowed the MP-417 from. He walked up to me and said, "Good shooting. Jack here couldn't hit a wall if he were standing in front of it. As soon as the tactical officer said Jack should get an award, I knew something was up. Then Jack told me who he was with. A Marine could make those shots, but not Jack."

"Give him the credit, Captain, he tried to tell me not to fire, but the two were shooting at your men."

"They had armor on too. One had been hit in the vest, the round was still plastered into the vest. You already ran into that once today from what I heard. Amazing how you could hit a head shot at a little over four hundred yards in the dark."

"That was our job, Captain. We were trained for it. The MP-5 or this case the 417 is a good weapon when you know how to use it."

The deputy said, "You should have seen him. He whips off his T-shirt and covers his head and the sight after the light glared at him then cool as can be he says he's acquired a target then let's go of a round. You should have heard him curse when he saw the man had on armor. But it wasn't thirty seconds later he was firing again. That time he just said, 'One down' then after they shot at the deputies in the street again, he fired and said 'Two down.' This guy is good."

"You are good deputy, not me. Remember that. I had nothing to do with it."

The Captain said after the deputy left, "Noticed you two have a couple of toys in the Mustang. I hope that shotgun barrel is over eighteen inches. I'd bet you both are carrying too. You're legal though, you both have permits."

The Captain asked, "Are you two going to go home and wake up my deputy and kick him off your couch, or are you going to stick around here for a while?"

"We'll stay until the emergency board up folks are done and we can fix the door to the factory. The door may not be broken. These guys seem to be able to go through most doorways."

"Yep," the Captain said, "they were pros alright. The two guys in the factory doorway and the one in the car are all from Chicago. They are a bunch of bad guys for hire. I'm surprised all these local guys are a part of this. You wouldn't think a few management types would be involved in some heavy duty dope dealing."

The Captain mentioned as if fishing, "The detectives said there was some money in a safe in the executive bathroom. Is it still there?"

"We closed the door and spun the lock. We'll get a locksmith to open it tomorrow. There is a lot of money in that safe. That and the money we found earlier must have been what they were after."

"Must have been, Steve. Maybe you can keep that money. The other may be considered dope money since there was the heroin found with it.

Sue spoke up, "Hope we get to keep it. This plant could use some improvements and I'll need all the help I can get to make a go of it. I need to keep all the folks working."

"Put that way, Sue, I hope you guys get to keep it too. I better check to see if we can clear out of here. The day will start pretty soon and you need to get the places cleaned up."

The state and the feds were gone, leaving only the county sheriff's men making one last check around the properties. The deputies let the board up folks through and told them they could begin cleaning up. They also let the professional cleanup guys into the factory entrance to clean up all the blood on the floors and walls. The entrance would probably have to be painted. Thank goodness the floor was tile.

By five, everything was done and the sheriff's people and all the workers were leaving. The four security men went home. The showroom windows were boarded up and the factory entrance was cleaned and even painted. You couldn't tell what had happened. I locked up the shop and the buildings, set the alarm, and pulled the Mustang over to the factory entrance. Sue came out with the garbage bag and threw it into the back of the Mustang. While she set the alarm and locked the door, I put the top up on the car. We drove slowly home and found the deputy sitting on the patio. We told him we didn't think there was going to be any further threats as the ex-president was being charged with the drugs and conspiracy to commit murder. He would be responsible for the four dead men. He could even get the death penalty, but probably wouldn't.

The deputy left, so Sue and I brought in the bag and the extra weapons we had taken with us and put them all away in our bedroom. We took a shower and didn't even think of fooling around, as we were so tired. Sue wanted to count the money, so I told her to just count the one bundle. I made some coffee while she began counting.

It turned out like I had thought. Each bundle was five hundred, hundred dollar bills or fifty thousand. That was a cool one and a half million in cash. We would need a safety deposit box, quick. I had left a quarter million in the safe for the cops to find if they wanted to put their hands on it. Who could have guessed these guys could make so much money dealing drugs. I wonder how they were doing it.

I turned on the patio light at six along with the TV. The local news was full of what had happened. There was even a news truck at the shop, taking live videos showing the boarded up showroom windows. They gave the entire story and how the former management had broken into the factory to attempt to recover cash that was hidden there. They showed a picture of the former president, listing the many charges against him at this time. They even mentioned that he was deemed a flight risk so was not offered bail.

Same as Vacation?
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I got a couple of more, then I became a ghost. I didn’t make a move for six days, watching, waiting. There knew I was still out there, so they kept looking. Once or twice I was close enough to touch one, but I let them go. I wanted them relaxed and comfortable. They found our cave and moved in. Then they found the mine. I was watching from behind a rise, heard them whoop and holler, saw them comin’ out with bags of ore we’d already mined. Still I waited. When they started mining in earnest,...

3 years ago
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Escaping Reality

Connor McLander pranced five steps to his right, paused a half measure, looked left, right, left, and then dropped to one knee with a fist resting playfully under his chin. Just like he’d rehearsed. In his periphery, he saw his bandmates had dropped precisely in sync, just as the roaring crescendo of the band ceased and the lights swung out to the crowd. The brief silence was overtaken by a deafening roar of 20,000 kids screaming at the top of their lungs. It was the same ending for every...

First Time
4 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 121

After that, life settled down to what I considered normal. The boys rotated through the fuck schedule so that I had a nice varity of combinations entertaining me several times a day. On a birthday, the boy in question spent the whole day with me. Occasionally, one of them would think of something new and they would surprise me with a new toy or a new position. For instance, one afternoon I came home from a showing - Yeuhan and I still had a few of those - only to have Sean order me up to my...

2 years ago
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Claire Chapter 6

The six months since Lyn and I got married had been magical we were made for each other the sex fantastic and inventive we couldn’t get enough of each other. We had moved from Nottingham to Cornwall where Lyn had taken over a small parish I had found work as a registrar working for a consultant surgeon at a local hospital.A week ago Mom had phoned to say she and Yvette had parted it appears Yvette had met someone she loved more than Mom. Lyn and I discussed it and suggested Mom comes to stay...

1 year ago
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Within these walls The newcomer part 1

It was my parent's plan to have my step-sister stay at my apartment once she had touched down in Singapore. Having entered my house using the spare key that was given to her in advance since I was out at work, the teen dropped her luggage in her prepared room and proceeded to open the windows in her room. She was 18 years of age , at a height of 5' 8” and weigh about 125 lbs, and had transferred from overseas Japan to Singapore to further pursue her study. Given that I was her only closest kin...

4 years ago
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FionaChapter 10

Kathryn giggled playfully as Hayden's hands cupped her pert buttocks through the short dress adorning her teenage body. "Why can't you wear that?" Greg asked his partner as the four teenagers meandered down the dark road in the November chill. "Your..." "Don't even think of finishing that sentence," Fiona interrupted. "And Kat, are you cold or not?" The girl had done her best to hide her discomfort in the cold evening, while wearing completely inappropriate clothes, but her...

1 year ago
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Beach Belle 1 Juicy Jewish Julia


2 years ago
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Becoming Traditional

"Becoming Traditional" by Geode Jack's life could never be described as "traditional". He was raised by a strong mother and three harsh older sisters. Being Married to a woman that was an electrician that owned a very large and successful contracting company. Even his work was untraditional, being a man in the predominantly female Social Work profession. Although all that changed on his Silver Wedding Anniversary second honeymoon. I was born nine days after my father's death in...

4 years ago
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Panty Lovers

I'm an 18 year old guy my nickname is Em. I'd had a couple of boyfriends in the past. It was fairly well known in college that I am gay, but its no problem. The college is big and attracts all sorts of people. I'm due to leave after exams in the summer. My current boyfriend is Michael who is a few weeks older than me. This is the story of how we met. Panty Lover - by Em Michael and I have been lovers for about six weeks. We are both members of the school running team which is...

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It happened

We had a very open relationship, not to the point where we slept with other people. I mean it was open in the way we talked about our desires and wants. My wife and I had been together for over 20 years and we still loved to fuck. Hardest periods of our marriage had been when my wife was pregnant and we were told not to have sex due to her difficult pregnancy. This happened at both of them. But we got two beautiful k**s so it had been ok not to fuck my wife. My statement about us not sleeping...

1 year ago
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First time in public

A few years ago I was sent out to Paris on business. The first night was spent as Billy No-mates in the hotel watching French television and I don’t speak French! Second night I wandered out into the night and spotted a porn cinema. Now ever since I was about a f******n years old when I was introduced to Parade I have always had something of an interest in porn, so I plucked up courage and went in. The cinema had 4 screens, a.k.a. dingy viewing rooms, so I decided to go to No. 1. I felt as...

4 years ago
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Divya Being Enjoyed Everyday

Hi ISS Readers, this is my first story and so i introduce myself. My name is Sonu(28) from the city of Chennai and I work in an IT organization. This story I am writing is a true encounter of events which actually happened to me a few days ago. The heroine of the story is Divya and she lives in my opposite flat. She was a house wife with a 4 year kid. She was married for about four to five years and her husband was from the IT background and was working in one of the reputed companies. We...

2 years ago
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Further She is not a servant

This was happened during the delivering period of my wife’s second baby. Some complications were aroused then she had to stay in the hospital for special medical attention. This caused big difficulties to the day to day work at home because we have another c***d at the age of two years to look after carefully. The office I worked was 5 to 6 km away from my house. I had do go every day because it was supervising nature duty. As a solution to this problem we had decided to find a servant. It was...

2 years ago
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Big Game Hunting in AlabamaChapter 9

We must have been the good luck charm because two weeks later we got a call from Mrs. Roberts that the other two sibling-pairs had been spoken for. Therefore, she wanted to know if we would like to keep Jim and Mary. It only took a short conversation for Jo and me to decide on the adoption. Jo called Mrs. Roberts and set up the final meeting to get some more paperwork done. At that time, the kids would come home with us and the court date would be finalized. Jo and I could hardly wait! The...

1 year ago
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Cum again Sir

Dear ISS readers hope you enjoyed my first 2 stories about sex in office. Here is the third installment.It was Diwali time and there was an exclusive party going on in office in a upmarket garden resort kind of place.We were all dressed in tranditional dresses and I knew that the trio of Raghav,Rakesh and Rohit had plans for me.I had lost some weight and now in a red saree and skimpy v necked sleeveless blouse my assets were literally popping out. My good friend and fellow secy Kiran too was...

4 years ago
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Tinas Torpedoes Ch 01

Chapter 1: Tina Wants To Teach Tina Torpedowicz had the biggest tits in town. Her 42 double D, conical funbags attracted attention wherever she went. She didn’t mind the attention at all. In fact she loved it. The raven-haired, eighteen year old bombshell thoroughly enjoyed teasing the guys. Of course, she never teased for too long. She liked cocks too much for that. She loved the feel of them, the smell of them, and the life of them. Whether in her pussy, her ass, her hands, her mouth or...

3 years ago
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My Mom the Porn StarChapter 5

The porn vid is still running as Mom masturbates me while I record her pleasuring me. The Japanese mom is now being fucked and fucked hard by her son from behind as I ask my mom, "Maybe we should do that?" nodding to the laptop's screen. "Just enjoy this, horny boy," she said and a few minutes later, I got a great cum shot of my dick going off and it splattering down on my mom's hand. "But what they're doing looks like more fun." "Hush, just enjoy," she said and I relaxed, laid...

3 years ago
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the story she told me

i was with my boyfriend skip and he had this friend flanders who had been dying to be with me forever...(if you read my blog you know we finally did...but htis was before)....we were all staying at a cabin in the mountains and had been drinking a lot...skip and i were staying up watching a movie and he ended up going back to bed and i was sleepy and drunk but wanted to watch the end...flanders' and his girlfriend went to bed too and it was just me watching the movie...i had a long t shirt on...

1 year ago
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InterracialBlowbang Gina Valentina 04092017

The new Dogfart Social Club is in full swing. Sure, it’s in a secret location, and as you can see, membership is highly selective. The entertainment on any given day is a black cock slut, and today’s “BCS” happens to be one of the hottest we’ve laid our eyes on in quite some time — Gina Valentina. Gina’s a sexy Latina, and she’s such a slut for black cock, she’s here to entertain 14 bulls! And she’s going to do it by only using her...

2 years ago
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Kate becoming a bitch Pt2

During the following week Dave and I talked about what had happened and what Kate actually men't when she said “I’m yours to do what ever you want with and whenever”. So Dave suggested I talk to her and find out how far she would go I guess pretty far as we have a film of her fucking our dog and me eating dog cum from her pussy. So when Friday come around Dave went to the pub with Tyson as normally and Kate and I stayed in and chatted over a couple of bottle of wine. I built up the courage...

2 years ago
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Taking one for the Team Chapter 2 Extracurricul

A few days had passed since the incident on the first few days of school when my new friend James was harassed by Dan, and Dan ended up getting was was coming to him.James was lucky enough to have a pool in his backyard and he invited me over for some extra after school practice, and just some genuine fun, non-competitive swimming. I pulled up to his house and his dad answered the door. His dad was wearing a tank top and a bathing suit. I guess he was going swimming as well. Over the course of...

1 year ago
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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 21

MAC MELVILLE – The JUNCTION – Day 14 - Sunday This Sunday wasn't going to be a day of rest, I thought, as I got out of bed. I needed to check on how the techs of the Counterfeit Investigations Division were doing, presumably they would be using the Federal labs in LA, and it could take some time to get a response out of that group. Then I had to get Sunshine Helicopters organized as I couldn't rely on Gita Fullwood being able to do anything. After a quick breakfast at the cafeteria, I...

2 years ago
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Warrior WoesChapter 37

“You kicked her out?” said Cherry. “If I am not at the very least her main daddy; then, as far as I’m concerned, I’m nothing,” I said. “Not at the very least, huh,” she said. “I think that you are a bit more than the very least with her, and, well, with everybody,” said Cherry. “Hah! Show me your evidence,” I said. “You can’t because there is none!” I said, kinda loudly. “The evidence, Mister, is right there in front of your face: they keep trying to connect with you. Yes, they want to...

3 years ago
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It Started with an Apron Episode 4

IT STARTED WITH AN APRON by Monica Graz Episode 4 It was 6.30am on Friday morning. Betty switched off her alarm and got out of bed immediately, as she had done on the previous mornings it had called her. But this morning she felt somehow different. Something was missing and she felt very strange. Nevertheless she enjoyed preparing herself for work, taking morning tea to her Mistress and serving her as personal maid until she...

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"Thank you for taking this job, Emily, I appreciate it," I stated, walking into the office with her. "Your smaller office is right over there with a desk; I hope you like it. I just... crap," I muttered, sitting down in my chair."Are you still missing Jackie?" she asked, coming up to me."Yes, you could say that. The divorce was only a month ago, but you know, I'll be fine," I answered, peeking at her. "I'll just need you to look over some files to make sure everything is in order,...

Office Sex
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My sexual past with Janelle chapter 1

My neighbor’s daughter I learned early that having a hot car got you the hot girls. This story is how I picked up Janelle, my neighbor's daughter. I have known Janelle most of her life and being my neighbor we spent a lot of time doing things together.By the age of 16 we drifted apart,I couldn’t be seen with a girl 2 years younger than I,it just wasn't cool.We were getting too close ,we had taught each other how to kiss and started exploring one...

3 years ago
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Hi to all! This story would be best you could ever read. This story is absolutely real but I cannot reveal my identity. Well I am 21 years old guy I am s/w engineer and recently completed my engineering. In my family there is my papa, mom, and me. Papa is a project manager in ONGC and he always lives on sites of drillings like in tripura, gujrat, Bombay high etc. My mom is a house wife. About a year ago my father was transferred to morocco where the ONGC has recently started a mega project he...

2 years ago
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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 14

Lillian collapsed on the bed and began to cry. Gabriel, not realizing the fact that it implicated him, crawled over to her and pulled her against him. Phyllis turned to Trish. "Well?" "They were all in here together. The boys were cuddled up too tight to be innocent," Trish explained. Phyllis' eyes swept the four young teens. "Well, are you innocent?" Brie and Pietro traded glances. "Well, not THAT innocent!" Brie replied, pushing back, refusing to act guilty. Pietro prepared...

3 years ago
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We Never Knew Part 2 Sophie

“Dylan, we need to break up!” I said to my boyfriend after our nine-month relationship. “Why baby? Did I do something wrong? Please don’t do this. I’ll to whatever it takes to keep this alive.” “I’m sorry but it’s over. Goodbye Dylan.” I said as I walked out the door and called a taxi home. I didn’t want my sister to know my secret of why I really broke up with Dylan so I rubbed my eyes to make them red and fake cried with I came home. “Dylan broke my heart tonight!” I cried in my...

1 year ago
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Accepting womanhood

My name was Sam Lawrence, and this was my story. I used to be a good student in the college with great grades. But my family background was not worth sharing. I never knew of my father. My step-father forced my mother to abandon me when I was a little boy. The result was years of foster care and limited support from the society. Still I wanted to make the most of my school education and eventually managed to enroll in the college with the help of the church, as one kind old lady...

2 years ago
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On the Nothingness of Impossibility

Like a sea turtle crawling out of Poseidon’s dream kingdom, Muhammed Ali materializes, pumping a gloved fist and giving a victory roar. Despite his long arms, he reminds me of a T-Rex. Emblazoned across his torso is ‘Impossible Is Nothing,’ which is brilliant but not really the way Addidas intended it. I don’t remember much of the months before but I seem to be on the tail of a Lucy trip. I notice a small arm across my chest, its nails are pink and glittery. There is silence, within and without...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 37 Seeking Conviction

“Ucel Sax, ucel Sax”. A pair of chubby hands reached up after tagging for attention at the long and silky, fiery pants. The toddler had olive skin and brown hair just like his mother, and gemlike, yellow eyes similar to his father. “Jing Jing, give your uncle a big hug”. The man wearing the silky, fiery pants bent over the baby boy, picked him up and embraced him with two muscular arms that concealed the little figure. “Stop, big bro! You’re doing it on purpose so I won’t be able to get to...

2 years ago
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Toms DiaryChapter 5

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 When I awoke, it was because JR bounced the bed; the sun wasn't up yet, even if my sister was. I cracked an eye at the clock, it was ten after five. Jennifer rolled over on her back, and JR grinned at her. "Was Tom good, Jennifer?" Jennifer nodded. JR smiled. "I told Jennifer if you were good, I'd give you a reward." With that she shrugged out of her own nightshirt, to stand bare next to the bed. Then she tossed the sheet that had been over me back on to...

3 years ago
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Maid at Hotel

Anil Kapoor smiled at the sign over the reception desk. It simply read: Patrons are encouraged to take advantage of our maids. Just another case of fractured English, the businessman thought. The man was pulling clothes out of his suitcase when he heard a timid knock on his door. He almost thought he hadn't heard it, but then there it was again. The man went to the door and pulled it open and there standing on his doorstep was Harsha Lalwani. The young maid shifted nervously from one foot...

4 years ago
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HeroesPart 5

My parents had had plans to go away for the weekend. They offered to cancel them. I know they were worried about me, because of Sam. I assured them I was fine. I don't know if they were quite convinced, but when I told my mother my plans, she laughed and agreed. Friday Craig picked me up for a date. "My parents are going away for the weekend," I told him. "Ah," he said. "So, I was wondering," I continued. "I really don't want to be in that big house all alone all weekend." Craig...

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