myfirst experience
- 3 years ago
- 51
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As Sergeant Tolbar was finishing his story, the thirty-man fast reaction force arrived in six Humvees. Seeing soldiers in ACUs guarding the perimeter around the what ever it was, they did not open fire. By the time they arrived; Sergeant Michaels, Specialist Flynn, and PFC Lincoln pulled Lincoln's S&P upright and checked it for damage. It would run, but it needed some bodywork.
Staff Sergeant Juan Ortiz was in charge of the rapid reaction force. The first thing he noticed was the strange box shaped object. Then he noticed that none of the vehicles in the convoy was moving. Basic doctrine for an ambush was to try and out run the ambush, not park and gawk.
After briefly scanning the area, he instructed his people to climb out and reinforce the perimeter, then he said. "OK who's in charge of this Charlie Foxtrot?"
Over his headphones he heard. "This is Sergeant Michaels. I'm second in command. Sergeant First Class Thomas is inside the shuttle questioning the prisoners, and Lieutenant Johnson is dead. Before you say a word, you need to talk to Sergeant Thomas."
"OK, I'll talk to her, but this better be good. I can't think of any reason why you parked here instead of heading for a base."
Robert walked up and stuck out his hand. "I'm Michaels, if you will come with me I'll take you to Sergeant Thomas. She can explain everything. Just a word of warning, you may see some things you're not going to believe."
"Michaels where is this shuttle you are talking about?"
Sergeant Michaels pointed out what looked like a huge box sitting on the ground to Sergeant Ortiz. Looking at it, Ortiz expressed doubts that the thing could move. He definitely was skeptical when Michaels told him it could not only fly, but it could also fight.
Walking up the ramp of the shuttle, Sergeant Michaels warned Ortiz about the change in gravity inside the shuttle. Ortiz thought Michaels was kidding him when suddenly it fell like he was falling. Looking down he could see that both of his feet were firmly planted on the deck of the shuttle. Looking around, Ortiz spotted four bodies lined up on the floor like they were prepped for Graves Registration. The only thing was, these people had the grayest skin Ortiz had ever seen and they were wearing what looked like uniforms.
The uniforms were the most outlandish thing Ortiz had seen, bright yellow shirt, royal blue pants, and calf length boots. These had definitely been parade ground soldiers. In passing, Ortiz noted that someone kicked in all four of their heads. Looking toward the front of the shuttle, he spotted two soldiers in ACUs carrying rifles that definitely were not standard issue. They both had their rifles loosely trained on someone dressed in the same type of uniform as the bodies. Next to him was a soldier about five feet ten inches tall in ACUs.
Taking a closer look, he recognized SFC Carol Thomas, a platoon sergeant in the 311th FSB. She was holding another one of the rifles, and seemed to be discussing it with the grey skinned man in the yellow shirt. As Ortiz and Michaels approached Sergeant Thomas, she said. "Computer, stop all translations from English to Raznits until instructed. Continue translating Raznits into English."
"I had a nice talk with the pilot in charge of this shuttle. With two people holding energy rifles set on kill it's amazing how willing he was to transfer all control of the shuttle to me. Now the shuttle's computer only responds to my commands. I locked him out completely. When he flies us back to the mother ship, I'll give him just enough control to pilot the ship and communicate after I approve the message."
"Why are we going to the mother ship?" asked Sergeant Ortiz.
In response, Sergeant Thomas told the two Sergeants everything she learned from Sergeant Tolbar. She emphasized the Raznits wanted to turn all the people on Earth into slaves, including the families of the troops in the 11th Armored. She also told them about the other four shuttles which would return to the Tavnit Oma in approximately one hour. With travel time, they would need to leave within twenty minutes, or the failure of this shuttle to return would warn the crew of the Tavnit Oma there was a problem.
Sergeant Thomas proceeded to outline her plan. She intended to load the shuttle with as many soldiers, and as much ammunition as it could hold. When they arrived, she intended to seize the ship and prevent the crew from notifying Raznits of Earth's existence. After discussing it briefly, Sergeant Michaels and Sergeant Ortiz agreed to Thomas' plan. They would leave five soldiers with a pair of 240 Bravos guarding the convoy's vehicles. Sergeant Ortiz would call for additional back up. That would leave an assault force of forty-two men and women to take the ship. From what Sergeant Tolbar said, there were only seventy Tuvet Marat remaining, counting the ones on the other shuttles.
Sergeant Thomas assigned five of the truck drivers to guard the vehicles. She kept the entire rapid reaction force for the assault. Sergeant Michaels contacted Specialist Flynn and had him grab all the zip strips in the two maintenance vans. They could use these instead of plastic handcuffs. Searching the two service vans, Flynn found four packages of a hundred each.
Thomas knew that one of the pallets on the PLS Lieutenant Johnson was riding in contained a shipment of ammunition and M-4 magazines for the troops at FOB Turner. She ordered four people to open the container, and pull out 250 extra magazines for the M-4s and 8,000 rounds of ammunition. Additionally, she had them pull four boxes of 7.62mm ammunition for the 240's. The troops could load the extra magazines on the way to the Tavnit Oma.
Sergeant Ortiz had his men dismount all of the 240 Bravos from the gun trucks. The 11 Bravos (infantry) and cav scouts helped the truck drivers set up a defensive position. Sergeant Thomas then told the truck drivers to hold until the relief force arrived. When Sergeant Ortiz explained what he needed, the Company Commander thought he was crazy. Why would you show up at a stranded convoy then request eleven drivers and four fully rigged gun trucks? Then Ortiz requested four 240 Bravos and six turret gunners for his gun trucks. After about a minute's worth of discussion, the CO agreed to send the troops and let Ortiz explain when he returned to the base.
All of this took the better part of ten minutes. During this time, Sergeant Michaels convinced Sergeant Thomas to take him along on the mission. As he told Thomas, the Lieutenant had been good to him and he wanted to payback the people who killed her. The truth was, Lieutenant Johnson tracked him down after Miguel died, and let him know before he found out through the grapevine.
Also, she gave him some very good advice. She told him that he needed to take a pass on reenlistment. Someone turned him in under don't ask don't tell, and the LT did not want to kick him out if he would leave on his own. Except for don't ask don't tell, Sergeant Michaels would have made a career out of the Army. He liked his job, he liked the people, and he liked the benefits.
In Iraq, he was beginning to see that the old joke about the Army motto was not a joke at all. According to the joke, the motto of the U.S. Army was, 'join the Army, see the world, meet interesting people, and kill them.' With the way Hajji operated there was a lot of truth in that. Now Sergeant Michaels had met some very interesting aliens and had a strong desire to kill as many of them as possible. If the Raznits thought they could enslave the population of Earth, they would have to do it over his dead body. He wasn't a door kicker, but he definitely could kill people if the situation required it. With the Raznits, the situation definitely seemed to require killing or capturing all of them.
When Michaels mentioned this to Sergeant Ortiz, the Sergeant told him. "A good soldier never kills out of anger. A good soldier kills because he needs to kill to complete the mission. Just remember, when in doubt, kill them and let God sort it out."
The more Michaels thought about it, the more sense it made. If you started killing out of hate, when did you stop? If you killed out of necessity, then you stopped when it was no longer required to complete the mission.
With five minutes to spare, the troops loaded the last box of ammunition and offloaded the bodies of the four Tuvet Marat. SFC Thomas verified that the second relief column was inbound to the ambush site, then ordered the shuttle's ramp closed. Using her command overrides, she authorized Lieutenant Collut to take off and return to the ship. She kept the shuttle on radio silence by locking out all transmission functions while leaving the receiver turned on. This way, if the ship hailed the shuttle, she could decide whether to answer.
Once the shuttle took off, Sergeant Thomas ordered the shuttle's computer to show a schematic of the Tavnit Oma. While questioning Sergeant Tolbar, she determined that all weapons were secured in the armory unless the Tuvet Marat was practicing with them, or conducting operations like this one. From this she developed a three-pronged attack on the ship. She would split her forces into four groups.
The first group, under the command of Sergeant John Smith, would retain two of the 240 Bravos and hold the shuttle bay. The other two 240 Bravo crews would act as a rapid reaction force. The second group, under SSG Ortiz, would rush to the armory and secure it before the Tuvet Marat could draw weapons. The third group, under Sergeant Michaels, would seize control of engineering, and the ships drives. The forth group, under SFC Thomas, would seize control of the bridge and neutralize the Captain.
The three Sergeants used the holographic schematic to plot the best route to each of their objectives. The armory was almost dead center in the ship. This reduced the chances of the armory's destruction during a battle. Sergeant Michaels looked at the complex route to main engineering, and commented that he really would like a printed map. The computer then asked him if he wanted it to print one out. When they found out about the print capability, each Sergeant ordered a printed map to their objective, with all side passages and alternative routes included. Two minutes later, the three of them were comparing their personal print out to the hologram, and making notes.
Sergeant Thompson then addressed the troops before she split them into assault groups.
"OK troops listen up. I want to explain to you exactly what is going on here before we reach the ship." Grabbing Sergeant Tolbar by his forearm she forced him to stand next to her. "This piece of shit is Sergeant Tolbar of the Tuvet Marat. Tolbar belongs to a race called the Raznits. His job is to keep slaves in line. It seems that Sergeant Tolbar and the other Raznits think you, me, and our families will make good slaves.
"The purpose of this mission is to deliver a message to the Raznits on the spaceship we are heading for. That message is, 'Don't Fuck with Humans'. We are going to seize the ship to prevent them from notifying their Emperor and his cronies that there is a new slave planet out here. Then we are going to turn the ship over to the U.S. Army so we can figure out a way to take the fight to the Raznits.
"Before I divide you up into groups for the assault, I need some temporary snipers. Who here shoots expert?" Four hands went up. "Who shoots forty?" Linda Barlow and Specialist Roger Tillman kept their hands up. "Barlow, Tillman, report to me when the briefings start.
"Listen up for your assignments. Sergeant Smith has first squad, which will guard our backs by holding the shuttle bay. Sergeant Ortiz has second squad, they'll take down the armory. Sergeant Michaels has third squad, they will capture engineering. Finally, I have fourth squad, we're going after the bridge."
Sergeant Thomas proceeded to divide the troops among four squads. She placed Barlow and Tillman in Sergeant Smith's squad. Thomas and Smith explained that as soon as the shuttle landed, two other soldiers would boost Barlow and Tillman to the roof of the shuttle with their M-4s. Their job was to study the pictures of the senior officers of the Tavnit Oma; if they spotted one in the shuttle bay they were to kill him immediately. Sergeant Thomas wanted to disrupt the chain of command to give her troops any advantage possible. After killing any officers, the two of them were to take out any Tuvet Marat that had not surrendered. The rest of Sergeant Smith's squad was to secure the shuttles, then neutralize any remaining resistance in the shuttle bay.
Sergeants Thomas, Ortiz, and Michaels would use their squads to take out any Tuvet Marat in the shuttle bay before moving forward to their objectives. Sergeant Smith's squad would mop up any resistance from maintenance personnel or shuttle pilots. If at all possible, they were to keep the shuttle pilots alive, but if they did not surrender, then the squad would kill them and worry about the consequences later.
As they were finishing their briefing, the shuttle computer announced the shuttle was on final approach for the Tavnit Oma's shuttle bay. Sergeant Smith's squad gathered at the shuttle ramp ready to leave first. Every one of them had ten zip strips to use as handcuffs if the pilots or other Raznits surrendered.
Approaching the shuttle bay, Sergeant Thomas instructed the computer to record and translate all messages from the pilot to flight control. She then instructed the computer to only transmit the message with her approval. The pilot gave her a sour look. He had been planning to warn flight control of his unusual cargo before they landed. He had seen the bodies of the four Tuvet Marat and had not doubt in his mind that these forty two soldiers could take his ship and strand him here forever. He had no desire to be someone's personal slave.
Shuttle 3 made its final approach, entering the shuttle bay and docked in its usual place between shuttle 2 and shuttle 4. As they say sometimes it is better to be lucky than smart. The position of the shuttle would allow Sergeant Thomas' troops to spread out in both directions from the shuttle ramp, and would put the snipers in the middle of the bay.
Sergeant Thomas used the shuttle's intercom to speak to her troops. "Look alive people, Lock and Load. Remember radio silence for two minutes after the ramp drops then use your radios as needed. Let's Rock and Roll." With that she pushed the button that dropped the shuttle ramp. She convinced the pilot to show her the correct button before they left Earth, and tested it prior to departure. There was no way she was going to trust this little grey weasel with her troops' lives.
Sergeant Thomas and Corporal Rivera grabbed Lieutenant Collut and yanked him out of the pilot's chair. They quickly bound his hands and feet with the zip strips. The two of them carefully placed him on the deck of the shuttle cargo compartment next to Sergeant Tolbar. Gently nudging his buttocks with her foot, Sergeant Thomas said. "Now don't you two sweet things go anywhere, I don't want you wandering off and getting lost." With that she turned, leaving PFC Rogers to guard them and the shuttle.
As soon as the shuttle ramp dropped, two of the soldiers in first squad made stirrups out of their hands to give Barlow and Tillman a boost to the roof of the shuttle. They then did a low crawl across the roof until they could see most of the shuttle bay. Scanning the room, Barlow spotted Captain Garatta and Lieutenant Major Misling inspecting about twenty humans dressed in civilian clothing. Guarding them were four Tuvet Marat with pulse rifles and what looked like an NCO with a pistol.
Barlow nudged Tillman and whispered, "The Captain and the Tuvet Marat CO are at your eleven o'clock. Did you see anyone else?"
"No it looks like other than those five Tuvet Marat, everyone else is either maintenance or prisoners. You take the one on the left I'll take the one on the right. Then you start on the Tuvet Marat from the left and I'll start with the NCO and work left."
"OK, now all we need is the signal."
First squad split left and right after boosting the snipers to the roof. At each shuttle, they assumed a position on the left and right of the shuttle ramp, and then waited for Sergeant Thomas' signal. Second and third squad broke left toward the door into the passageways leading to both the Armory and Engineering. Fourth squad broke right toward the door into the passageway leading to the bridge.
Before arriving in the shuttle bay, Sergeant Thomas determined that the computer on the shuttle could patch her into its outside speaker system through her radio headset. The computer would translate what she said into Raznits, and play it through the shuttle's loudspeakers. She also had the computer teach her the Raznits command for translate this into Raznits. That way when she reached the bridge, she could have the main computer translate her orders.
Precisely, two minutes after the first person left the shuttle, they heard Sergeant Thomas's voice say, "Now." That was the signal to start the attack. Immediately, Captain Garatta and Lieutenant Major Misling had a hole appear in their shirts at the center of the ten-ring. Garatta dropped like a rock but Misling had a surprised look come over his face before he also dropped. By this time the Tuvet Marat NCO and three of his troops were down. Their combat vests barely slowed down the jacketed 5.56 mm rounds from the M-4s. The fourth Tuvet Marat started to turn toward the sound of the gunfire as he died. All across the bay, Raznits sailors died before Sergeant Thomas could announce. "Surrender or die. Put both of your hands in the air."
The civilians just stood there stunned by the sudden death that blossomed all around them. Starting with English, Sergeant Thomas went through several languages telling the people to get down. When she hit Spanish they all dived to the deck. She then ordered them to stay down until someone told them to standup.
By this time, all the Raznits in the bay were either dead, or soldiers were binding their hands behind them. Five of the survivors did not look like Raznits or Humans. These were three Darii and two Bentali slaves. First squad managed to capture three of the four remaining shuttle pilots alive. The fourth tried to draw his pistol, so the two soldiers assigned to capture his shuttle shot him.
Sergeant Thomas contacted Sergeant Smith and informed him the shuttle bay was now his responsibility. Before, leading her squad toward the bridge, she determined that two of the members of first squad could speak Spanish. She promptly placed them in charge of the civilians.
By the time Sergeant Thomas left the shuttle bay, second squad under Sergeant Ortiz was half way to the armory. It was only ten meters from the shuttle bay to the armory. The trip was almost a straight shot from the shuttle bay, so the Tuvet Marat could grab their weapons and leave he ship as quickly as possible. Now that design was working against the Tuvet Marat.
Staff Sergeant Delco sat at his workbench with the pieces of a P-479 pulse rifle scattered around it. He was listening with one ear for the door to open. Only three of the crews assigned to the shuttles had turned in their weapons. The Sergeant in charge of Shuttle four reported fifteen minutes ago that his squad was in the shuttle bay. When the Captain finished viewing the new slaves, and they were properly housed in the slave quarters, the squad would return their weapons to the armory.
The Captain must be taking a really long look at this latest batch of slaves. Sergeant Delco would have to ask Sergeant Obnit what was so special about this batch of slaves that it was taking so long to settle them into the slave quarters. Sergeant Delco heard the door to the armory slide open and turned to greet Sergeant Obnit. The greeting died in his throat, as he spotted the strange looking weapon pointed at his head. He did not know what it was but it looked enough like a pulse rifle for Sergeant Delco to recognize the danger. One look at the creature holding the rifle cleared Sergeant Delco's mind of any thoughts of resistance.
The look on the creature's face was the look of a vicious predator, not a snarl, but the calm confident half smile of a rognar looking at its lunch. The rognar was the most vicious and dangerous predator on the five worlds of the Raznits Empire. Even with a pulse rifle, only the bravest Raznits hunted for rognars. At least once an annual cycle, some member of the Raznits nobility would be badly injured or died hunting rognars.
Looking behind the first creature, Sergeant Delco saw several more cautiously entering the room. He had watched some of the exercises for entering a room where someone was holding a hostage. These soldiers, yes they were definitely soldiers, could have given the instructors of the course lessons. He did not know where they learned to secure a room, but they made it look like a deadly ballet, not something you practiced once or twice a year.
The soldier said something softly then said louder in what was obviously phonetic Raznits. "Stand up slowly, turn around and put your hands behind your back. Any sudden moves and I will kill you."
As far a Sergeant Delco could tell, that last did not even need to be said. This soldier looked like he had killed many times before, and would do it again if he felt it was necessary. When Sergeant Delco turned around, the soldier placed some kind of strip around both wrists then pulled it tight. A brief tug proved to the Sergeant that his hands were not going anywhere until this soldier decided to free him. The soldier pushed him to the floor with a firm but steady pressure.
Sergeant Ortiz entered the room and determined that there was only one Raznits on duty in the Armory. Seeing that, he organized his squad into a defensive position. When the Tuvet Marat realized what was happening, the first place they would head was the armory. Sergeant Ortiz's job was to ensure that the surviving Tuvet Marat could not reach their weapons. After doing that, he contacted Sergeant Thomas and informed her, the armory was secure.
As Sergeant Thomas received notice that the armory was secure, she stopped at the last bend in the passageway before the entrance to the bridge. The shuttle computer showed two Tuvet Marat guards just outside the bridge. She informed her squad that there should be two armed troops around the next corner. She designated two of cav scouts, and told them to take out the door guards.
The hall continued on past the turn to the bridge, so the cavalry scouts decided to take the guards from both sides. One did a diving roll to the other side of the passage just as the other popped his head and weapon around the corner at chest height. Seeing the two guards standing at attention on either side of the door both soldiers fired a three round burst. This knocked the two guards down but it was obvious that one of them was still moving. A second three round burst into each guard ended the movement. Crouching as they advanced, the two cav scouts approached the downed guards. Meanwhile two more squad members assumed the positions they first two had abandoned. Less than a minute later, Sergeant Thomas heard, "Scratch two Rats."
On the bridge, Lieutenant Commander Soblat heard a noise from the direction of the passageway hatch. Turning to Ensign Minglat, the communications officer, he said. "Find out what is going on out there."
Ensign Minglat tried three times to contact the guards outside the bridge hatch. As he turned to tell the Executive Officer that there was no response from the guards, the passageway hatch slide open. Six people in very strange clothing rushed through the hatch carrying what appeared to be some type of rifle. In Raznits that sounded like the person did not speak Raznits, one of the people said. "Do not move or I will kill you." One of the bridge crew near the hatch sprang out of his chair like he was going to tackle the people with the rifles. By the time the crewmember was halfway out of his chair, Ensign Minglat heard a loud extended pop. The crewmember's shirt suddenly turned red, and he dropped to the deck, not moving.
The point man of third squad approached the hatch, labeled on the map as main engineering. So far the squad encountered four Raznits and two slaves. None of them resisted the armed men. In each case, the shuttle's computer told them how to say "Do not move or I will kill you" in Raznits. It made the conversation very limited, but effective. None of the people the squad encountered tried to resist. After binding the prisoners, a member of the squad would cut off one of the prisoner's shirt sleeves to use as a gag. That way they could not alert the others. Not wanting to leave them behind, Sergeant Michaels kept them in the back of the formation with two squad members acting as both guards for the prisoners and watching the squad's back.
Over the squad frequency, Sergeant Michaels described the attack plan. Michaels would lead three men to the engineer's office, and Specialist Flynn would lead three men to the upper gallery in the engine room. The remaining two soldiers would guard the prisoners and alert the squad if someone tried to counter attack. All ten of the people in the squad knew what the Chief Engineer and his assistant looked like after studying their pictures retrieved by the shuttle's computer from the ship's main database. All shuttles and computer terminals had access to that portion of the database to allow identification of command level officers.
Sergeant Michaels also managed to extract another piece of information from the database. The engineering staff consisted of eight, four on the day watch, two on the second watch including Lieutenant Collut, and two on the mid-watch. Entering engineering, they noticed four men bent over a piece of equipment, one of whom was the Assistant Chief Engineer. Standing back as if in a teaching mode, was the Chief Engineer. Quietly, Sergeant Michaels told Flynn to check the gallery for anyone else, then they would capture the engineering section. Two minutes later, Specialist Flynn reported that all other areas of engineering were clear.
Sergeant Michaels' half squad spread out to cover the entire room as Specialist Flynn's half squad spread out on the gallery to provide covering fire if needed. Then Sergeant Michaels said in Raznits. "Do not move, or I will kill you."
The engineering staff froze, except the Chief Engineer who spun around to see who was talking. None of the troops fired, as it was obvious he was not threatening them. Seeing the people in the strange clothing wearing helmets he froze. He then slowly said in Raznits. "Do not move, do exactly what they say. They are holding rifles."
The squad recognized the first words but did not recognize the rest of them. Michaels contacted the shuttle's computer through his radio and asked it to translate what the Chief Engineer said. The computer informed Sergeant Michaels that it did not hear what the Chief Engineer said, so he would need to repeat it. Sergeant Michaels had an idea, and promptly checked with the shuttle computer for confirmation that it would work.
Instead of having the computer translate for him Sergeant Michaels told the Chief Engineer in Raznits. "Order the computer to translate your statements into American English and my statements into Raznits."
The Chief Engineer, Commander Olo Rinsol, promptly gave the command. He then said. "Who are you and what are you doing in My Engine Room?"
Sergeant Michaels suppressed the desire to tell the Chief Engineer that they were his worst nightmare. Instead he said. "I am Sergeant Robert Michaels of the United States Army and you are my prisoner."
Sergeant Michaels then informed Sergeant Thomas that Engineering was secure. Hearing this, she stepped onto the bridge and ordered the computer to translate her statements from American English into Raznits. The computer informed her that it did not recognize her as someone authorized to issue orders to the computer.
With that she pointed her M-4 at the Lieutenant Commander Soblat's head. Without looking behind her, she instructed Specialist Adcock set his radio to channel two and then hand her his ACH. She then instructed the shuttles computer to monitor channel two and translate anything said on that channel. She also instructed the computer not to translate anything on the other channels unless she or one of the other Sergeants instructed it to translate the conversation. Switching to channel two on her MICH she ran a commo check with the shuttle to verify that the computer had the correct frequency.
Sergeant Thomas then took three steps forward and placed the ACH on the deck. After stepping back to her original position, she motioned Commander Soblat to step forward and pick up the helmet. After a little confusion, he stepped forward and placed it on his head. In his ears he heard someone speaking the same language as the intruders, then someone translated it into Raznits. "Do you understand me now?"
"Yes I understand you. Who are you and what are you doing here?"
"I am Sergeant First Class Carol Thomas of the United States Army. Who are you?
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Ch. 02: Gabriel Author’s Note: Sorry this took so long! Hopefully the next chapter won’t be as long in coming. Thank you for all the wonderful feedback, I’m so glad you guys like my story. Check my profile page for updates. As always, all comments are welcome. All characters are 18+ at the time of any sexual acts. Huge thanks to coloryourworld, azraeyl, and alwaysup4u2004 for their essential editing help. This chapter was written from Gabriel’s POV, and repeats some of the previous chapter,...
Author’s Note: So here we are, the last chapter. I’m sorry it took me more than a year to get this thing out, thanks for bearing with me. I’m planning on continuing the Ramirez family’s story, maybe even next, but I’ll wait until I’ve managed to write a fair amount before posting. Thanks to warrior_wolf and coloryourworld for editing for me, and another massive thanks to Tangledinyou for being there when I needed a friend. Also a huge thanks to everyone who’s read, reviewed and/or given...
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Foreword: This story was written by Laura953, and translated from Italian and edited by Empress Lainie. Copyright, 2012, Laura953. Published exclusively for XNXX. FIRST LOVE FOREWORD After I have had, for the first time, anal sex with my sister, I was hugging Marisa asleep naked on the couch next to me now satisfied and exhausted. It was Saturday, Feb. 18. As I watched my sister's naked body, lit by the dim light of the fire, my hand stroking the between her legs and...
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This is the second published story in a series I'm writing, based on events taken from my own life. Chronologically, however the events described herein took place well before the episode described in my first story, "Laundromat Love." Like it, the following story is basically true. As always seems to be the case, "real life" stories are never quite as tidy and cohesive as their fictional counterparts, so I have exercised a certain amount of creative license here and modified some of...
The First Time I have always fantasized about being involved with a dominant woman.For as long as I can remember, I have always been intrigued by powerfuland demanding women. Even as a c***d, my favorite times were when I wascaught and tied up in a game of Cowboys and Indians. Usually by Stephanie,the girl who lived just up the street from me. I always gave up much tooeasily. She knew it too, but she always seemed to get just as excited as Idid at the prospect of...
I had been talking with a man for a couple of weeks now, but I was not 18 and he did not like that. The day after I turned 18 he texted me and told me "when do we meet?" I was currently in school so I had little time other than the weekend. I told him this and the first thing he said was "when do you have time?" I responded that on weekends. But then I remembered that my parents were leaving and my only sister was out of the country as well. I would be alone with my grandmother for a couple of...
First Dates are Kissing Dates By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2016 The publishing rights to First Dates are Kissing Dates are reserved. It may be downloaded for personal use or sharing with a friend provided it is not done so for profit. Reproduction in any way or within any website where a charge is rendered is forbidden without the full written permission of the author. [email protected] 'First Dates are Kissing...
SynopsisHe is going to break her quickly and efficiently. His plans are well thought out. His dominance over her will be 100% using deprivation techniques such as the military uses to break soldiers during basic training.Sensory Deprivation: She will be blindfolded almost the entire time, but when allowed to see, she will not be allowed to look at him. She will never see what he is going to do next, nor have a visual image of him. She will have ear plugs much of the time, not allowed to...
I was excited about the coming senior year. I did my dues in high school band. I was first a freshman trumpet player who thought he was hot shit but compared to the older students I was simply shitty and over the next three years I greatly improved so that I was indeed hot shit. Nathan would graduate this year so next school year I would take over first chair trumpet. Oh, there would be tryouts to compete for first chair but I was the best. The younger players were where I was a few years ago....
I picked up my friend, Alec, at the Kodiak, Alaska International Airport. Well, it is an airport, and it’s on Kodiak Island. Not so sure the term ‘International’ is exactly accurate, though. The ocean is on one end of the runway and a mountain on the other, not a good place to run off the end of the runway, either direction.Alec had just completed his year-long tour of Coast Guard duty on Sitkinak Island, a tiny island in the Aleutian Chain, just off the southern tip of Kodiak Island.Alec and I...
Wife LoversI admit that I am an asswhore. An asswhore with very little anal sex experience - so far at least.I fucked one woman in the ass once. She was having her period and fucking her ass was her idea. This babe was a slut - not hot, but not unattractive either. If you like to fuck women you'd all almost definitely fuck her if you ever had the opportunity. Slim, petite, long brown curly hair, nice tits - medium plus a little more and perky, and a pretty nice ass too. She just wasn't my type and she...
First my wife then me by Angela J. This story has sexual scenes involving a change of gender. If this type of story offends you, or if you are under age, or laws in your area prohibit reading this type of material, please do not read the story. If you have any comments or criticisms please e-mail me at [email protected] I do not want to remember my past self, but I have been ordered to write my story, so here it goes. I grew up in a mid size town in Texas. I had loving parents,...
Please read “My first time and a Little More, parts 1, 2, and 3 for background leading to this point in my true story. To recap part one, my friend Sean and I grew up together. One weekend, Sean was enticed to suck his cousin’s dick, but the cousin wouldn’t suck Sean in return. Sean asked me the next day, and we sucked each other for the first time. The relationship was naive and experimental. Although we were both immature, I was a little bigger than Sean, but Sean was aggressive and...
First TimeThis file is a work of fiction containing sexually explicit material which may include depictions of underage, nonconsensual and unprotected sex as well as incest and adultery. It is not intended to implicate any person or action by them or me, nor advocate such practices. The material is meant for "For Adults Only" and possession by a minor is strictly forbidden. If you are not legally empowered to be in possession of this material, do not read it and delete it immediately. ONLY...
First Place Bride By Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to actual people or events is purely coincidental. I would like to thank Janet Stickney for letting Jeff Grant make an appearance in the story. Thanks Janet! ***************************************************************************** This was it! I was the 'big gun' this year. I was going into third grade! Our schools are divided so that all kindergarten through third...
Before we begin here. I wanted to personally take a moment and thank The Sandman for doing this for me. I'm no writer, but I thought it might be fun and interesting to relate some of my own "first-time" personal experiences. I've thought about doing this for some time now, going back as far as I can remember to those moments in time that I considered as the first time I did something or explored something. So again, thanks Sandman for helping me tell this story, and for your "poetic...
MF oral inc cousin Summary: Well, his dad had just fucked me for the first time a couple of days before so why not the son? The only potential complication was that the dad was my uncle and his son was my cousin! Table of Contents: Chapter 1 i****t in My family Chapter 2 Seeking My Mom?s Advice Chapter 3 My Mom?s Puts Our Plan Into Action Chapter 4 Sucking My Cousin?s Dick Chapter 5 Paul Eats My Pussy Chapter 6 Paul Finally Fucks Me Chapter 7 My Mom Surprises Paul Chapter 8 Paul Fucks Me Again...
I had to walk almost a mile to catch the school bus and we usually met about half way since she lived closer. When I’d see her in the morning it excited me and an excited teenage boy gets a hard on in 2.3 seconds flat. I carried my books in front of me every time. She always greeted me with a smile and a wink and a ‘hi cutie’. That would make my day. I wasn’t very experienced. There had been some necking (or scrounging as we called it back then) Some back seat tries for second base and dreams...
I was already quite experienced, and prior to this session I had been having regular meetings with a dominant couple, all of us into rubber bondage, but those meetings had just ended due to their moving. Following on from my previous experiences I was desperate to do an overnight bondage session, which lead to me contacting this Mistress. I didn't know anything about her except that she lived in Manchester ( a 4 hour train journey from where I lived ), was very experienced, and equipped...
First Wives Club ? Part 2 By Alexis Demoire Chapter 6 ? Conversation with my mother My parents are the most important people in my world, and I love them to death, however, working for them can be difficult sometimes. Mostly because they still think of me as their little girl. After a year of proving myself, I finally got a big break. My parents have finally assigned me a team to handle my own projects. The first project that I got was to work with this young developer named Jack...
First Slave By captv8td [email protected] 1Angela saw the slight nod from the woman. That was her cue. She stepped forward as she had a dozen other times earlier this evening. This was the last one so it would be her final chore for the evening.She stood behind the girl. They were all so young tonight; beautiful but young. The naked redheaded girl who was fastened to the short post with her wrists cuffed behind her trembled. Angela wished that she could whisper something...
I pulled into the driveway of the hotel where Julie was staying and found her waiting outside. She was dressed in a little red dress and stiletto heels that show off her shapely legs. The dress hugged her hourglass figure and accentuated the shape of her beautiful 12DD breasts. She greeted me warmly with an affectionate hug and a very passionate kiss. As our tongues briefly meet, an electricity tingle raced through us. She hopped in the car as I held the door open for her, as any good...
HardcoreI was in college, at a small, private, liberal-arts school in Ohio. It was my first time really being away from my home in a rural community, and I didn’t want to waste my time. I had discovered an interest in BDSM while I was still in high school, illicitly sneaking looks at porn on the internet. First I had discovered bondage, with women being tied up, and I thought that was hot. I thought I wanted to be a Dominant, having control of these beautiful women who would do...
First time Hubby let his friends have me. A true story by LadyM/Sue122 As I said it was my husbands birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys. After dinner my husband invited his friends over for some pool and a few beers. All the guys gladly accepted the...
“Are we drunk enough to play Tooth or There?” spouted Caroline. Apparently SHE was. “I think we need one more frosty pitcher before I am. THEN I’m willing.” volunteered my always eager wife, Sue. All but Caroline and her new husband, Chuck, had been to our hedonistic gatherings. “But-choo aren’t drunk enough to slur yer werdz!” Sue teased, then as she rose from the thick carpeted floor, she flashed Chuck her panties. His eyes widened and he slyly checked his chubby wife to see if she caught...
Please read “My first time and Little More, parts 1 – 4 (check my author profile) for background leading up to this point in the true story of my life of “firsts.” The titles were not consistent, so search on the following for parts 1 – 4. My First Time and a little More First Time and more: part 2 My first time and a little more: Part 3 First Time and a Litte More: Part 4 Cum A quick recap of the story up to now. I learned to suck dicks with my neighborhood friend Sean, and Michael joined us a...
First TimeQuit looking so grim, girl. You act like you've never been caned before.""I h-haven't, sir.""What? You mean your father never thrashed you?" The frightened girl shook her head. I gapped in astonishment. "Not even once? Not even at school?""No sir."This certainly explained Amy's unnatural terror. Her pretty face was pale and drawn, her normally vivacious personality gone quiet and forlorn. Her slender body, blossoming with the verge of womanhood, trembled nervously as she stood in the middle of...
First time Hubby let his friends have me.A true story by LadyM/Sue122It was my husband’s birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys.After dinner my husband invited his friends over for some pool and a few beers. All the guys gladly accepted the invitation....
Boy, first time sure implies a lot. I was reading some first-time stories and it made me start thinking about my first-time everything. Some were really good memories and others not so memorable. I have a hard time believing that everything goes right the first time for anyone. Even first kisses and trying to be a sexual lover would have to be a funny sight to anyone if they were able to see it happening the first time. Stupid, clumsy and a lot of other adjectives and verbs come to mind in...
Hi all, this is my first attempt at a story for Xhamster, so please bear with me.It is a fantasy about a first real encounter with a Xhamster contact. Other than the possibility of meeting we haven’t discussed details at all, this is one version of that first encounter as played out in my head.Paul, I don’t even know his real name, said it would be easier to meet at his house as his wife was staying away with family. I had his address and a time to meet, instructions to park the car around the...
OK, there are those who have already tossed me into the “Gay” category, saying that I can’t suck cock, without being “Gay”. Let’s remedy this, right off the bat. First, I LOATHE the term “Gay” to describe queers. I’m not now, never have been, or ever will be politically correct. For those of you I have already offended, tough. Accept the fact that you are homosexual, or queer. I do not consider myself “Bi”, or didn’t until this incident occurred about which this story is written. I’m straight....
Though I identify as straight, and have been married over 20 years, I've had a curiosity about engaging in oral sex with another man since I was in my teens. The urge to satisfy that curiosity has ranged from a mild, easily ignored buzz in the back of my mind, to an almost obsessive desire, but I never became motivated to actually try anything. Well, that's not entirely true. When I was 17, I did talk an older friend, who was bisexual, into having a go at it. It was nervous, adolescent...
Though I identify as straight, and have been married over 20 years, I've had a curiosity about engaging in oral sex with another man since I was in my teens. The urge to satisfy that curiosity has ranged from a mild, easily ignored buzz in the back of my mind, to an almost obsessive desire, but I never became motivated to actually try anything. Well, that's not entirely true. When I was 17, I did talk an older friend, who was bisexual, into having a go at it. It was nervous, adolescent...
*** Authors note: Hello there, welcome to my entry to the CAW 10 challenge. It's called "First Impressions" and I hope you enjoy reading it. *** First Impressions. Ok, so I feel I have to share this. I had a date with a guy tonight, it was our first date, we've never met before and he was really sweet and adorable. He’s 19, the same age as me and we met on a popular gay dating website just a few short weeks ago. I know it’s soon to be arranging a date with someone, but we...
Chapter 3 – First Class “Ummm, Celeste?” Vicky said. “What?” “These uniforms ….” “Retro chic, I know, right?” Celeste said, her voice ringing with excitement. The girls were standing together in front of the full length mirror in the dressing room at the 100 Years of Civil Aviation attraction. They were both dressed in 1960’s stewardess uniforms: navy blue long sleeved mini-dresses with deep v-necks and lapels, gold braiding around the cuffs and large gold buttons all the way down the front....
BisexualA true story As I said it was my husband’s birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys.After dinner my husband invited his friends over for some pool and a few beers. All the guys gladly accepted the invitation. When we got home I got the guys there beer and...
While the transition from reading the internet advertisement to her present position of being bound and suspended by her wrists from the metal rings set in the ceiling of The Master’s playroom had been easy for Gloria, it had also been time consuming. Establishing new contacts always seemed to work out that way, if in fact they worked out at all. The classical music surged through the room but Gloria didn’t really hear it. Her mind was filled with thoughts of how she so willingly came to be in...
As I said it was my husband’s birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys.After dinner my husband invited his friends over for some pool and a few beers. All the guys gladly accepted the invitation. When we got home I got the guys there beer and they started...
Hi Friends, I wanted to tell you some incidents that happen regularly in my life. You see, I am a small time actress. I come in small roles in TV shows or movies once in a while. I am sure if you see me, you will recognize me from those programs. It is a very rewarding career – especially for a girl. And if the girl is a little open minded about things that happen, there is no scarceness for opportunities to make lots of money. The roles may be small, but the money usually is good and they get...
Mia and I study together at the college. We came from the same town, started our studies together, but we do have different fields. She is reading biology while I'm majoring in economics. Originally, we planned to be roommates, but Mia's boyfriend moved with her when we our school began. She has already left the bastard, but she decided to stay at their row house apartment. She was able to afford it. It's an early Friday evening. I'm just about to arrive at Mia's place. I promised her to...
The following has been approved for adult reading. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent and my penis size embellished to protect my reputation. My testicles requested no anonymity. These are their stories. It had been nearly a year since my last case; an extended vacation not because I desired one, but rather because the dust just had to settle. I'd wrapped up the case of the double-dealing dentist, named Dante, desiring desperately to discover who'd dared disturb...
HumorTo appreciate this story, it helps to check out how my wife and I got this far. You should read those first as you can really appreciate this one a whole lot more by seeing where my wife came from and how she ended up here in DC with a bunch Black Fraternity Guys, celebrating there reunion. By now my Filipino wife of 20-plus years has already broken the Taboo boundaries and experienced amazing sex with a Black man, and since her first adventure, she was actually seeing this one guy who I...
First DayIt was an odd feeling, not grogginess exactly, but a diminished sense of agency, of ability to resist, of the capability to disobey. They had given us the drug just before the auction, the ?vending? as They called it, and it had done its job, on me at least. We had been warned that the vending would be difficult, here where men – sorry, old habits can die hard – here, in this world, males are not ?men,? we are all ?boys? ? were treated as a decidedly different and a most decidedly...
I’d never had a real experience before. Years of wearing panties and fantasizing, but nothing legitimate. I imagine it’s the same story as many other panty lovers: started when I was about 13 by stealing some of my mom’s things. Bras at first, then panties. Soon I began looking forward to being home alone so I could slide on silky under things. When I got the internet in my room I started chatting more and more, and then dressing at the same time. This continued through high school. Fast...
Lesbiani got a phone call from my freind amy ask me to come over her dad want to talk to me, i found this funny as i know her day had a thing her me and i was feeling horny so was up to tease. i arrived and was sent to his office, hi Sammy he started be a sweetheart and grab me the The Peterson file would be in the bottom drawer, so I had an excellent opportunity to tease amy's dad . I purposely bent at the waist so that my short skirt rode up high over my hips and butt, exposing my secret...
My First DateBy: HornyJ My date went well Wednesday night. Jake and I met a few weeks ago at the library whenwe both reached for the same Kellerman book. Jake told me to go ahead and take it, andhe'd check it out when I was done. We got talking about authors we liked, and after a while heasked if I'd like to meet him for coffee sometime. I said sure, and told him I'm usually at thelibrary Tuesday afternoon. He met me there the next week, and we went out for coffee. Samethe following week, but...
"Don't let anybody tell you teenage girls are the only ones with a monopoly on the phone," my mother said to my dad as I started toward the stairs with a plate of crackers. Our clunky Cold War era cordless phone was tucked awkwardly against my neck. "She's bitching AGAIN," I whispered as I scurried down into the cool air of the basement and out of range of parental potshots.But it was true. We were always on the phone. Matt and I had been friends since kindergarten, now with a full year in...
ITINERARYWhere the story of a man who wants to exist in your eyes ..........A LOLA ...It was while visiting a website, a complete accident that I came across this ad. This site did the rest not primarily designed to encourage meetings have but like any site is now complying with pages dedicated to meetings. Since I 'was there, but I read the profiles are not very inspired that night I did not even used the filter searches for a particular profile fall or even a region. If evidence is needed...
First and Ten; Part 4 Nancy Cole Chapter Fourteen The image of soldiers crouching low in the assault boat from the movie "Saving Private Ryan" came to mind as I prepared to leave my dorm room on Monday morning. Granted, I didn't look anything like them. Nor would I be facing the sort of trial by fire they did. Still I felt the same sort of anxiety the real solders who stormed the Normandy beaches must have experienced as they prepared to sally forth into hostile...