Railroad (Robledo Mountain #4)Chapter 3 free porn video

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“I’m sure glad this is all over,” I said to Anna, four days later, as we were leaving our bedroom to get JJ and go downstairs to breakfast. For three of those days, Anna and I babysat the Greenburgs until lunch when we were replaced by Tom and Yolanda. That left my afternoons free to visit the various parts of the Estancia, usually with the older kids, as well as get in some shooting practice. The other day was spent in the Estancia meeting, where we reviewed the progress we’d made against last year’s goals and established the Estancia goals for 1857.

Six items were identified as the priorities for 1857.

First, all four of the Segundos’ houses would be built to plan, with some customization for each with the caveat that Jorge would have to make the changes into each plan and only after each change had been reviewed for any impacts on structural integrity.

Second, we wanted more pecan trees. The goal was to have pecan groves along the entire northern and southern perimeter walls as well as between the set of long reservoirs and what we were now calling ‘the lake’. Pecan trees were added to Steve’s list of things to look for on his trip back east.

Third, we wanted to add twelve more greenhouses to the upper plateau. We were using my original four and we’d just received four more we’d ordered from Chicago. These were almost double the size of the greenhouses I’d brought with me and would take about a month each to erect as they were all iron and glass. The additional twelve we were ordering would allow us to provide the Estancia, at a minimum, with fresh vegetables and some fruit during the winter months as well as provide nurseries for pecan plantings.

Fourth, we needed to identify grazing land for the sheep and dairy cows. The dairy land would need to be levelled and planted with a mix of alfalfa and timothy grass. A dairy barn for milking and a cheese processing facility would also need to be built. The plan was to locate the dairy facility near the base of the Robledo Mountains between the reservoirs and the lake. To simplify the long-term storage of cheese we planned to blast caverns in the mountain side. While we expected the shepherds to come with the flock of sheep, we did need to find some experienced dairy farmers. We also needed to establish living areas for both sets of new workers.

Fifth, we needed to identify an area for a hog farm on the back side of the Robledo Mountains near the back door to the upper plateau. It needed to be close enough to support yet far enough away so we wouldn’t ever smell it. A tannery was also in future plans for this area.

The sixth, and final, item was more of a stretch. I wanted to find a vintner to get a start on growing grapes and making wine. While grapes were grown in this area in the 1600s, they had been long abandoned and finding experienced vintners was another item added to Steve’s list.

We were still short of some raw materials like hardwood and iron, but I secretly hoped to rectify both of those later in the year through some discreet purchases Steve would be making for us. We also remained short of skilled coopers, teachers, and a doctor. We could, and would, continue to muddle through with what we had, but we’d all feel better once those positions were filled with people we trusted. Although it was a long day, we all agreed that everything on the Estancia was going extremely well.

The Greenburgs caught Anna and me at the bottom of the stairs.

“Good morning, you two,” Mr. Greenburg said cheerfully. “Rachael and I just wanted to thank you for spending the last few days with us and to let you know we’re done with the reading we’ve been doing. We want to think about what you’ve said and what we’ve read for a few days. I think we’ll need to have one more talk after we’ve had some time, if that’s all right with you?”

“Of course, Sir,” Anna replied graciously. “Our other guests will be leaving over the next five days so it may be a little difficult to arrange a time in the mornings, but if you can work around that then we’ll be fine.”

“That won’t be a problem for us, my dear,” Mrs. Greenburg replied. “I must say, it’s never boring around here. I’m going to miss all the activity and the children when we leave,” she continued as we entered the dining room, where breakfast was in full swing.

“Paul,” George said, as I was filling my coffee cup, “I got a letter from Jim Longstreet yesterday. He was thrilled to be asked to be my best man and agreed to come visit the Estancia for a month. He and his family will be arriving around the first of February and will stay until the end of the month.”

“Well done, George!” I exclaimed. “That will give us some time to show him around and explain what we’re trying to do.”

“I hope you don’t expect to convince him to leave the army in thirty days, Paul,” he cautioned. “Jim is even more dedicated to the army than I was. It’s going to take a lot to get him to not only leave the Army and promise not to accept a commission with southern forces if either Alabama or Georgia secede.”

“No, I don’t think he will agree in thirty days George, but we can plant the seeds in that thirty days. Ultimately, much of it will depend on which is stronger, his love of the Army or love of running a railroad. That’s a decision he’s going to have to make for himself and I don’t think any amount of pressure will help him make that decision,” I replied.

George nodded in agreement and the Judge spoke up. “I also received a letter Paul. We need to discuss some Marshal business, after breakfast, perhaps in your den?”

“Certainly Judge,” I replied, curious to see what had come up.

The Judge took a quick look around the table before looking back at both Anna and me. “I know that most of us were planning to leave in the next few days, but George was kind enough to invite us to his wedding and we all have pretty much agreed that we’d like to attend. So, if your hospitality stretches that far, we’d like to put off leaving for Santa Fe until the beginning of March.”

Anna gave me a quick hand squeeze under the table, and I caught her smile and brief nod out of the side of my eye, so I was able to respond without hesitation.

“That would be better than fine, Judge. You are all welcome here as long as you want to stay, whenever you want to stay. I must say though, it’s awful brave of you to travel during the windy season.”

“Nothing brave about it, Paul. I for one will be traveling in the coach with Helen and Hiram. It’s our escorts and drivers who will bear the brunt of the weather,” the Judge replied to laughter from around the table as we all resumed eating.

Anna and I led the Judge into the den a short time later. The Judge, himself, firmly closed the door, hesitated a moment, and then lowered the bar before turning to address me.

“Until now I never really believed your predictions on a Civil War. Now I’m worried. Very worried.” Seeing he definitely had our attention, he continued. “I’ve got eight arrest warrants,” he said pulling a packet of papers from inside his jacket and handing them to me. “All eight have been arrested for murder; three in Colorado City and five in Tucson.”

Taking the papers, I had to ask, “What does this have to do with my predictions of a war in the next few years?”

“All of the men in those warrants are strong pro-slavery or anti-slavery proponents,” he said as he sat down in one of the chairs facing the couch. “It seems that just before Christmas a band of twelve pro-slavery men attacked an anti-slavery meeting in Colorado City, killing fourteen attendees, including two women. Two of the pro-slavers were killed and three were wounded, captured, arrested, and jailed. A small component of the anti-slavers apparently weren’t satisfied with waiting for a trial. Five of them stormed the jail and killed the Deputy. They took the three wounded prisoners out of their cells and hung them. The Deputy killed two of the anti-slavers before he died. The three anti-slavers who lynched the prisoners were identified shortly after the hanging and arrested by the Town Marshal.

“Meanwhile, the original pro-slavers that hadn’t been killed or arrested left town riding fresh horses, stolen from the livery stable, heading east. A drummer, passing through Colorado City, identified the three prisoners that were lynched as members of a pro-slavery group in Tucson. He also provided the names of four other members of the gang. The Town Marshal wrote up the whole incident along with the drummer’s statement and sent it to the Tucson Town Marshal on the next stage.

“On the Saturday afternoon after Christmas, the Tucson Marshal received the letter from the Colorado City Marshal. He’d just finished reading it when the swamper from the roughest saloon in Tucson ran into his office and said there were five men, all drunk, causing problems. The Marshal took two of his Deputies to the saloon and found the four men named in the Colorado City letter, along with a fifth who was known to associate with them. When the Marshal and his Deputies walked into the saloon, they found the five men, drunk almost to the point of incapacitation, hooting and hollering about the anti-slavery meeting they’d broken up in Colorado City. He arrested them all without a problem and has them in jail.

“He sent me both his report and the report from the Colorado City Marshal. Together, the reports were more than enough for the warrants. I don’t want this sitting around and festering,” he said with a grim look. We need to get those men out of Colorado City and Tucson, both the pro-slavers and anti-slavers, get them here as soon as possible, and tried.”

“Well, I can see why you’re concerned,” I said slowly as the ramifications started sinking in. “Damn it, it’s already started! I was hoping we had another year or two before this started happening.” I was racking my brain, trying to remember if I’d ever read anything about this incident in my history classes, but came up with nothing. “I’ll leave for Mesilla as soon as we’re done here and get Esteban and Ed started out tomorrow morning to get the prisoners. If you have no objections, I’m going to deputize a couple of teams of Scout/Snipers to go with them to help provide security.”

The Judge mulled it over for a few moments before slowly nodding his head. “That sounds like a good idea Paul. There’s more that you need to hear though,” he said standing up and passing me another piece of paper from his inside pocket. “The other letter I received yesterday was from an old friend of mine, in Pinos Altos, just south of San Vicente. Apparently, there is a small group of pro-slavers in the area. My friend says a cannon was fired off just outside of town and he’s worried that the pro-slavers are going to use it on the anti-slavers in the area.

“Once you get your two Deputies moving west to pick up the prisoners, I’d like you to ride up to Pinos Altos and quietly investigate what’s going on. That’s a bench warrant,” he said pointing to the paper he’d just handed me. “You can use that if you find anything nefarious going on, but let me make it clear, owning and firing a cannon is, in and of itself, not against the law. How and when it’s used, may be against the law.”

“How come you have Pablo doing this instead of Sheriff Bean?” Anna asked, clearly upset.

“That would be a real problem Anna,” the Judge sighed. “Apparently, the owner of the canon is Roy Bean, Sheriff Bean’s brother. Sam has a history of ‘rescuing’ his brother from problems so I can’t very well trust anything he tells me concerning Roy.”

Anna and the Judge sat quietly, waiting for my response. This incident I had read about, but the history I knew said the cannon was fired after the Civil War started, when Roy and members of the Confederate Guards were fighting off a raid by Apache warriors. The only thing I could think of was that Roy had test fired the cannon before setting it up in front of the store and saloon he and his brother owned.

“All right Judge. I’ll leave tomorrow morning, ride to Mesilla and get Esteban and Ed on their way. Then I’ll head up to Pinos Altos and see what I can find, although I don’t expect to find much. Roy is a troublemaker, especially with the ladies, and he’s a pro-slaver, but he’s not a diehard about it, nor is he what I would consider a violent man.”

“Why wait until tomorrow?” the Judge asked.

“It’s going to take me a few hours to gather everything I’m going to take with me, that’s some rough country, and I’m not going to pack light – too much can happen. It’ll probably be lunch time before I can get that done and get the Scout/Snipers ready as well. This time of year, the sun goes down around five o’clock and I don’t fancy riding in the dark.”

“Makes sense,” the Judge said, nodding. “I really hate to send you out, but I don’t see much of a choice. Like you said, it may be nothing.” A moment later he asked, “Are you going to take anyone with you? Are you still worried about ‘the Boss’ being out there waiting?”

“I’m always worried about what ‘the Boss’ is doing,” I answered. “But, no, I’m not worried that he, or more accurately, his men, are out there waiting for me at the moment. We pretty much wiped out his gang in the southern territory a few months ago. I don’t think he’s had time to recruit a new gang and move them down here, yet. No, I think it’ll be late spring, at the earliest, before he starts making his next move.

“I think I need to make this trip alone. You said you wanted this to be nothing more than a quiet investigation. That’s most easily accomplished by one person. As I said, Roy isn’t a violent man and I fully expect to find everything quiet in Pinos Altos.”

The Judge slapped his thighs with both hands and stood up. “I’ll leave you to prepare then,” he said as he unbarred and opened the door. Turning back towards where Anna and I were still sitting, he added, “Thank you, Paul,” before turning down the hallway towards the dining room.

Anna was out of the chair as soon as the Judge had disappeared from sight down the hall. She closed the door, turned back to face me, concern etched in every pore of her face.

“Mi Pablo, I don’t have a good feeling about this. Please take someone else with you, to watch your back if nothing else.”

I got up and took her in a hug. “Anna,” I whispered. There’s nothing to be worried about. At least not for me. Esteban, Ed, and whichever of the four Scout/Snipers go with them, are the ones we need to be worried about. They are going to be under constant threat from both pro-slaver and anti-slaver ambush or attack from the time they pick up their first prisoners until they get back to Mesilla.

“As for me, the only thing I really have to worry about is how rough the country is up near Pinos Altos. You see, I know that Roy Bean has that cannon and that it’s one of the small ones. He uses it exactly once according to my history and that won’t be for a few more years. I expect that he just traded someone for the thing and tested it to make sure it worked. If I believed there was anything more to it, I would be taking at least a team with me. Let’s let everyone else enjoy the last few days of the holidays before sending them back out to work.”

Anna hugged me tighter for a few moments in silent response before sighing and looking up at me. “I still don’t like it, mi Pablo. Too many things can happen when you’re traveling alone, especially in rough country. Please be very careful.”

I nodded my head in agreement as we continued to hug each other for several more minutes. All that time I was trying to remember when the last time I’d traveled alone was. As we broke the hug, and Anna opened the door, I finally remembered that the last time I’d traveled alone was when the tall man shot me over three years ago. Since that time, I’d always had at least one person with me on a trip and usually more than one.

Anna turned right down the hallway, back towards the dining room and kitchen, as I headed up the stairs and out to the upper courtyard to send a mirror message to Miguel asking for two volunteer Scout/Sniper teams to take a trip to Colorado City and back. The whole time I was doing that, I was wondering if, maybe, I should take someone else with me. I paused for a moment, as the wind chilled me to my bones, waiting for the acknowledgement to come back. Just before I saw the acknowledgement flashes, I finally decided to go with my original plan of traveling alone.

Decision made, and message sent, I went downstairs and found Tom still in the dining room drinking a last cup of coffee with Anna.

“You ready to go?” he asked, referring to the ride we’d planned for this morning.

“Yep, I’m looking forward to seeing what Frank has been able to put together from the design I gave him,” I responded.

“Me too!” he said, standing up. “That’s the damndest looking contraption I’ve seen you come up with yet. The horses should be ready out front.”

I gave Anna a kiss and a few moments later, Tom and I were in the saddle headed towards the village.

We were half-way to the village when Tom spoke up, “Paul, you know Anna’s really worried about you traveling alone. Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

“Thanks for the offer Tom. I really do appreciate it, but I don’t think there’s really anything to this trip. It’s more just a show the badge type of trip. A quick in and out, the same day, type of visit. There’s really no need for you to miss time with Yolanda and little Joe. We’ll be gone enough this spring and summer as it is.”

“If you say so Paul,” Tom replied doubtfully. “Just remember, you’re never going to hear the end of it from Anna, and everyone else, if you get hurt. Why, if you die, Anna will be so mad she just might bring you back to life and then kill you herself,” he said, trying to lighten the conversation.

“I suspect you’re right,” I replied with a grin.

When we rode up to the smithy, we found Frank busy, pounding iron ingots, on the anvil, just in front of the forge that he’d claimed as his. The heat from the forge more than offset the chill northern breeze as evidenced by his sweat soaked shirt and rivulets of sweat streaming down his face.

Tom and I stood there, out of the way, for a good five minutes, before Frank noticed us. Even then, it was another couple of minutes before he finally plunged the iron back into the forge and walked over to us, wiping his brow.

“Morning, Paul. I hope you weren’t expecting to see much this morning. The ropes and chains are all ready, of course, but the sled itself is going to take another week or so.”

“Morning, Frank, I was really hoping to see some progress this morning. What’s the hold up?” I asked concernedly.

“It’s the iron, we don’t have enough,” he replied with a shrug. “What I’m working on now is the last of the iron ingots we have on hand. It’s one of the biggest problems we have. Hopefully, we’ll get some more in the next few days. Well, that and I didn’t realize just how big the scraper really is. I’ll be about two-thirds of the way done with the pieces of the scraper itself by the end of the day, but I won’t be able to complete it and put it all together, until we get more iron ingots.”

Same as Railroad (Robledo Mountain #4)
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 12

We both woke up in the middle of the night to a crashing, raging, howling storm blowing outside. The rainy season had begun with a vengeance. We’d fallen asleep without closing the French doors, which were still standing wide open. Gusts of wind came blowing through periodically, causing the curtains to billow up and swirl around the doors. I got up to close the doors and Anna asked me to leave one of them open, so we could hear the rain and watch the lightening. I returned to bed to find...

2 years ago
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 15

As the day of Tom and Yolanda’s wedding approached, activity around the Hacienda exploded. We were expecting fifty people from Las Cruces to begin arriving three days before the wedding, all expecting accommodation at the Hacienda. Luckily most of those people were Yolanda’s extended family, so putting as many as five or six into a single room wasn’t going to cause much concern. Regardless, for the very first time, every room in the Hacienda was going to be used. Every room was assigned to a...

2 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 5

I was two days out from Trujillo Gulch and had just saddled up for the days ride, when the faint sounds of gun shots came from the east. Without thinking, I mounted up and rode towards the sound of the gunfire. I was two miles west of the Camino Real, and figured that was where the gun fire was coming from. As I rode, I realized what I’d done, and debated with myself whether this was really the smartest course of action. I may be a defender, but was I to be everyone’s defender? The thought...

1 year ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 14

Taking down the adobe bricks from the cave entrance, I thought about the next step that I dreaded so much. A heavy door of wood and adobe bricks was going to need sturdy support from the wood door jamb it was going to be hung on, which meant burying the jamb a minimum of nine inches. Digging down into nine inches of rock was not going to be easy. I started digging the hole for the left support jamb using the largest cold chisel and the heaviest hammer I had. The floor here didn’t seem to be...

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Robledo MountainChapter 15

I fell into a deep sleep, while watching a kaleidoscope of shadows dance around the room. Flashes of lightning backlit the curtains on the window. For the third time in as many years, and the second time in as many weeks, Dream Laura visited my dreams that night. She was getting stronger, as tonight’s visit had us sitting across from each other at the picnic table on the covered patio of our old house, the patio we had built together just after we’d bought the house. Everything seemed...

3 years ago
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 3

Sunday morning, we finally rolled out of bed at eight. I convinced Anna to try the shower with me. We talked about last night, laughing as we soaped each other up. All that shower fun really tired me out. I was very tempted to just go back to bed, but Anna insisted that we have breakfast and get ready for church. Anna got dressed, opened the curtains and French doors, and cleaned up the room. I unsuccessfully tempted her the entire time, trying to change her mind and enjoy the day in bed with...

4 years ago
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 9

Anna and I were both up earlier than normal; either from a good night of rest, excitement over the trip to Taos or, more likely, a combination of both. We did our standard Tai Chi and then an extended session of practice with me teaching Anna the next kata in her progression. At the rate she was going she would soon be ready to start learning Krav Maga. When we were finished I gave Anna a big smile, pulled her into a hug before giving her a big kiss, and telling her she was doing extremely...

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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 10

After the Monday morning staff meeting, I holed up in the study with Tom and Yolanda. I’d been wrong in El Paso. It didn’t take two days to give them the background and go over the tentative plans Anna and I had been working on. It took all week, and even then I’d just scratched the surface of the background. The major problem, as always, was trying to figure out how to answer their questions in terms they could understand. I tried to stay away from things they didn’t need to know about....

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Robledo MountainChapter 26

I was sitting in the restaurant the next morning, finishing up breakfast and thinking about how Anna’s smile seemed to make my day. I’d just taken my last bite when Anna came over with fresh coffee and sat down, giving me another one of my Anna smiles, and asking me what I had planned for the day. Swallowing my last bite and taking a sip of coffee I said, “I was hoping to talk my fiancée into spending the morning riding with me, and perhaps start learning to shoot. Do you think she would...

4 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 2

Early the next morning I awoke and stretched out on the queen size bed, luxuriating in the feel of crisp cool cotton sheets and thinking about how good I felt. All those minor joint aches and pains I’d learned to live with over the years simply weren’t there. And those dreams! I rarely remembered my dreams after waking, but somehow, I knew that I remembered every one of last night’s dreams. The dreams of my past, both good and bad. With a yawn and a final stretch, I got up and started my...

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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 7

Although they were always on our minds, we put the unsettling spirit visits behind us and got on with our lives. I spent as much time as I could in the RV cave melting gold, but it was only a couple of hours most days, and the small mountain of gold seemed to defy my attempts to reduce its size. Giuseppe returned from his short trip to the base of the Doña Ana Mountains late Wednesday afternoon in a jubilant mood. Over supper he informed us that he’d found the rock we needed to build the...

2 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 24

I was up before first light the next morning. I found two of the ladies already up and quietly preparing to make breakfast for the camp. I walked down to the river and soaked my head in the water to wake me up, as well as help tame my hair. When I lifted my head from the river, I found Giuseppe and Hector had joined me. After relieving ourselves we walked back up to the campfire where the ladies handed us each a cup of coffee. We sat drinking our coffee and enjoying the quiet of the...

4 years ago
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 5

The next week seemed to fly by as we instituted the various classes, continued settling into the hacienda, worked to turn the Estancia into a farm, and prepared for new arrivals; all while Anna and I prepared to leave on our honeymoon. The days always started with our early morning Tai Chi and ended with talking and singing in what was becoming known as the music room before Anna and I went off to explore whatever new possibilities she had thought up. As I expected, training the cousins to...

3 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 23

Standing at the opening of the cave, they stared inside in stunned disbelief. I cleared my throat, regaining their attention. “No one else besides you three know about this. I expect it to remain that way. The cave and what’s in it are never discussed outside this room, and then only if the door is closed and barred.” Handing Mr. Mendoza the lantern, I watched from the doorway as they wandered around exploring. All I could see was the soft glow of the light when they were in the smaller cave...

2 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 28

Six weeks later I was again lying in Mr. Mendoza’s hayloft. Tom’s even breathing and soft snores provided background accompaniment, as I marveled at everything that had happened in such a short time. With the exception of the six days Tom and I spent on a trip to El Paso, and a two-day trip to the Hacienda, the four of us had spent virtually all of our time together. The first morning of our two-week visit at the Hacienda they’d seen me practicing Tai Chi on the plateau in the early dawn....

3 years ago
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 8

The second week in Santa Fe started out much as the first had gone. I spent the morning with Anna who had narrowed down the selection of cutlery to two different styles and now needed me to help her make the final selection. As usual we both liked one pattern over the other, so the cutlery was paid for and consigned to Mendoza Freight for delivery. The china pattern was a different story. Anna still couldn’t find anything she liked, so I suggested she explore the possibility of getting a...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 10

We skipped our exercises and practice for the second day in a row, in the interest of leaving town early in the morning before anyone else was awake. I’d paid for the room and stables for four weeks the day after we’d checked in. We still had two days of the four weeks left, so there was no issue with just leaving. After one last check of the room, we walked downstairs carrying the saddlebags and scabbards and slipped out the back door to the stables where we saddled the horses, added the...

4 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 12

I was up early the next morning after a restless night, dreading the conversation Anna wanted to have. Walking into the restaurant I was surprised to get my normal Anna smile, hug, and kiss. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. She pointed me back to my usual table and brought over two cups of coffee. Sitting down, she said that breakfast would be out in a few minutes and asked how I’d slept. “Not well. It was a restless sleep that had me tossing and turning all night,” I...

2 years ago
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 7

We rode into my usual camp in the copse of trees just north of Santa Fe two weeks later. Her wounds were healing nicely. She hardly seemed to notice the wound in her arm at all, but was still slightly favoring her side. However, we were both tired. Tired of riding, tired of trail food, tired of sleeping on the ground, tired of being dirty, and just plain tired. I helped Anna off her horse, took her in my arms, and hugged her tight giving her a big kiss in the process. “One more night of...

2 years ago
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 16

I left Tomas alone for a few days. He went to the village and rode along the river with Jesus and others he’d picked from the files. He was getting a feel for the land where he was going to be responsible for growing crops. The day before the election, Tomas asked to see me after breakfast. I asked Clara to send a coffee service up to the terrace and Tomas followed me upstairs. We sat down at a table enjoying the early morning sunshine. As I poured our coffees I asked Tomas what was on his...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 17

We all rode out after breakfast the next morning. The half day ride was quick. We all saw the Estancia through George’s eyes, as he talked about what a change there had been since his last trip north along the Camino Real. Crossing the river just before noon, we rode up the slope and I discovered that this was the first time he’d seen the Hacienda in all its glory. We gave the horses over to the cousins, after pulling our weapons and saddle bags off. Anna and I led George through the...

3 years ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 2

We were up early, and after breakfast, we rounded up the deputy and the stage coach manager before walking over to the bank. The four of us walked into the banker’s office over his objections. I closed the door and told him to shut up and listen, as Anna looked away to hide her smile. I asked the banker if the ‘Mayor’ had been up to date on his rental payments for the stable and house. When he said that he was current, I turned to the Deputy. “I want a complete inventory of the stables to...

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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 9

The next morning, bright and early, Tom and I loaded up the wagon and drove it over to the back door of the bank, where Levi was waiting for us. I signed the withdrawal receipt and accepted a deposit receipt of $35,000 for the sale of 4,000 head of cattle to Richard King. We loaded the bags of money into the steel wagon box, locked it up, and drove it back over to the hotel. In the hotel restaurant, we found the ladies waiting for us, along with Richard King, a total of twenty vaqueros, and...

1 year ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 12

“Damn Paul! None of this was here two years ago! How many people live in this village?” The questions were coming rapid fire from Steve, as we sat on our horses looking out over the village from the hills. We’d insisted that Steve spend his first day on the Estancia recovering from his trip. The only thing remotely resembling a discussion of our plans, was getting him to accept that he would need to ride a horse to Austin and back. Well, that and convincing him that his chances of surviving...

3 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 32

Tom, Giuseppe and I were relaxing after lunch while we waited for the ladies to arrive. A little after one o’clock, one of the cousins came into the camp telling us that wagons from Las Cruces were on their way. I thanked him, and the three of us went up to the slope, where we used our monoculars to watch the wagons. There were ten heavily laden wagons about a mile away moving slowly up the road. With a groan I said, “My back is already starting to hurt, just thinking about unloading those...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 4

Standing at the terrace railing with a light breeze blowing from the north while sipping a fresh cup of coffee the next morning, I watched the gaggle head down the slope before breaking into their separate groups. Giuseppe and Sofia with their escort of three of the cousins headed off towards the site of yesterday’s ambush. Tom and Yolanda rode out to practice shooting, while Miguel and the cousins led their group of farmers across the river to begin another day of Apache training. My mind...

4 years ago
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 6

We slept in a little later than usual the next morning. While late, we could have joined everyone for breakfast, but Anna had other ideas. She remembered my warning that we’d be missing both soft beds and hot water for the next month or longer. Rolling over on top of me, she said she wanted one more memory of a nice soft bed before we showered. Eventually we made it to the shower and enjoyed the hot water. After a good breakfast, we loaded up the horses and mules, and double checked our...

4 years ago
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 11

I sat at the picnic table on the patio looking out at the nightly spectacle of glorious colors as the sun set behind Picacho Peak. A song with a snappy beat wafted softly over the outside speakers hidden in rose bushes climbing up both sides of the patio on their trellises reaching for the roof. I couldn’t quite make out the words to the song, but it was very familiar. If I didn’t know better, I’d believe I was actually back in my twenty-first century home. But I did know better. “You’ve...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 14

After breakfast, the next morning, we all went our separate ways. The Padre, Yolanda, and Sofia were taking her kids to school while Alejandro went out to visit his cousins on the upper plateau. He was a little sad to see the others leaving but brightened up when Anna said he would be starting school in a few days and would go with them in the mornings. Tom and Giuseppe went off to check the dams and the quarry. I told Cristina we were going to be using the study most of the day and asked her...

1 year ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 1

My head was pounding! Somehow, around the pain, I thought, ‘After seventy some years, you’d think I’d remember never to mix distilled and fermented alcohol!’ I may have looked twenty years old, but I was well over seventy. Getting sent back over 160 year’s in time was bad enough. Throw in losing everyone and everything I knew, and it was even tougher. Losing fifty years off my apparent age paled in comparison, but it was rough, too. Well, losing the years, both in time and age, had its good...

3 years ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 11

Tom and I were becoming bored. The Segundos were all doing their jobs well. Cattle were being delivered on time, and the herd continued to grow. The land along the river was being cleared and prepared for planting, while early harvesting in the greenhouses had already started for some of the crops, like tomatoes. Building activities were continuing at a furious pace, with the fences, roads, water retention buildings, and School/Community Center all in different stages. We spent quite a bit...

2 years ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 13

I was on the terrace on a fine bright sunny afternoon, staring in horror at the list of things I’d come up with for Steve to do when he got back from Austin. No matter how I looked at it, I just couldn’t see how he would ever get everything on the list done in the time-frame we wanted. I was seriously starting to think that maybe we’d over extended ourselves this time, and we would have to push the time-frame out another year, when something in my brain sparked. I suddenly remembered a...

3 years ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 15

“What do you mean something funny is going on in the land office, Paul?” Steve asked. Tom, Steve, and I were in the family dining room going over our land plans one last time, after finishing a large breakfast. Anna, Yolanda, and the boys were with Mrs. Mendoza over in the house writing up the invitations after she agreed to host the meeting tomorrow. “I’m not sure what, but something just wasn’t right about the map in the land office when we were there the other day. In all the excitement...

4 years ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 18

Our final day in Santa Fe was hectic as Tom and I, with the ready assistance of the escort teams, gathered supplies for the trip home in the morning, and picked up the trunks, booze, and books that afternoon. With little fanfare, we departed Santa Fe the next morning after a good breakfast with the Judge, Hiram, Helen, and Steve. We assured all of them but most especially Helen that we’d be back the first week in November with the ladies and babies. Pushing the animals hard we travelled...

2 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 6

The mules didn’t seem to be laboring with the load, so I figured to make good time going back to the cave. By this time, I didn’t feel threatened between Las Cruces and the cave, but I stopped just out of sight of Las Cruces. I pulled my rifle out of the panier and put it in the seat box with me, just in case. I also made sure I could get to the pistol at my waist easily, before driving on. The trip was a little longer with the mule pulling the wagon but not overly so. As I drove and watched...

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