Heartache Tonight
- 4 years ago
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Freshman girls occupied the front seats of the bus Steve rode, well away from the freshman boys in the back. When the bus paused for a slow freight, one of the girls approached Steve shyly. "Are you the Steve who saved Amy Jensen?" she asked.
"I'm the Steve who drove her to the hospital," he answered. "Shannon saved her, Shannon and the doctors." The girl went back to her seat and whispered to her friends.
"What's this, Steve?" one of the few juniors on the bus asked. "Robbing the cradle? She looks like she has a crush on you." Steve, unable to come up with a sensible response, gave no response at all. The crossing gates began to clang, ending the incident.
Steve hurried to English class. Shannon got there a minute before the bell. Steve grinned when he saw her, and she returned that smile with interest. They traded disks slowly enough for each to feel the other's fingers, but quickly enough to be in their own seats before the bell had finished ringing.
Mrs. Foster saw some of it, but decided against commenting. Students were always exchanging things; this exchange was technically outside of class time and didn't stretch the PDA rule much. She'd make a comment if either showed that they hadn't read the assignment.
They were both on top of the material, of course. Steve, who hadn't many other chances to shine in front of his girl, had moved English from his last homework priority to his first.
The next chance to see her was lunch. By the time they had transferred the clock-radio from his backpack to hers, she was joined by two of her friends. They had heard of Shannon's grounding by now, and they were being supportive. Steve wished that they would be supportive some other time.
To top it off, Heather joined them. "I heard about your grounding," she said. "That sucks."
"We were looking forward to the Ball, too," Shannon said. "Now, it looks like we won't be going."
"Ken and I will miss you two," Heather said. "We owe you a lot."
"Ken and you?" Steve asked.
"Yeah. He asked me to be his date to the ball. And that wouldn't have happened without Shannon."
Shannon picked up her own tray when he picked up his, they -- all knowing he would normally take her dirty dishes back with his -- guessed that she wanted the moment alone with him. The two of them left the others still sitting at the table. "Love you," he said as they walked towards the wash area.
"Likewise," she said as they were suddenly surrounded by a mob of kids moving in the opposite direction. Then they parted for the rest of the day.
Steve couldn't read Shannon's letter until after he got home from work and shoveled the walk. When he did read it, he was devastated. She didn't want the talk about their future sexual activities, and most of his last letter had been just that.
He wrote a heartfelt apology. But he did end up with a set of questions:
It had been harder to get to sleep at nine o'clock than Shannon had expected, and it was harder to wake up at two- thirty. She'd read Steve's letter as soon as possible, but turned to homework and the housework her mother assigned her right afterwards.Now, she decided to put off her excursions into the rest of the house and only deal with the letter. She wanted to save the fantasy and, after thinking for a minute, decided to save the entire letter onto a disk she could keep.
It had been awfully fresh of him to sneak the kiss down there into the letter. On the other hand, it was sexy to think about. It was a little dirty, too; but Shannon was feeling a lot happier about being dirty these days. Look where being a good girl got her, after all.
Still, that didn't mean Steve got to decide whether she would permit that.
The whole letter was sweet. She didn't grade Steve on his love notes, whether being called a naiad was really a compliment. Intent was more than enough. And his intent was clear. That was a little weird. Boys were a little weird. But still, she answered him. She hoped he liked that. She wanted him to think of her as sexually desirable -- maybe not sexually available, but sexually desirable.Did she want him imagining her taking her shower? What was sexy about taking a shower? Boys, she told herself again, were weird.
Weirder still was the bit about the store manager embarrassing his wife. He couldn't enjoy making her blush like that could he? Would Steve embarrass her in front of other people because he liked to see her blush?
On the other hand, she liked the fantasy and would tell him so. She couldn't expect him to write her fantasies -- or anything, really, if all she told him was the parts she didn't like.
Some times he was so smart, and other times he acted like such an idiot. That was the problem. Would she let him? Her mother wouldn't tell; the bodice rippers made it out to be so special; but the idea was so gross. Whatever, it was her body and her decision. He couldn't say that they would. His tanned back would get burned, what about the insides of her thighs? Still, it was his fantasy and his sunburn. Wouldn't do to admit that, though. And she did love them both. It didn't hurt that he was fantasizing about being married to her, either.Tuesday morning, Steve checked with his mom about inviting Ken home with him. "Of course," she said. "We haven't seen him for a while."
Steve got a big smile with his disk. He was puzzled as well as apologetic. But there wasn't time to talk.
"Must you two pass those disks around during class?" Mrs. Foster said.
"No, ma'm. We'll wait until lunch next time," Steve responded. Mrs. Foster hadn't been asking, and the answer communicated to Shannon.
All they could trade was 'love you's as they left class.
Neither Shannon nor Steve had been at all reticent about Shannon's grounding and the reason. The story had spread, as had Mrs. Jensen's version. In the way of stories, complicating details had been lost. A few kids, on the distant ends of two different communications chains, learned two stories. In one, two seniors had saved a baby's life by rushing it to the hospital. In the other, a babysitter and her boyfriend had been caught stark naked fucking on the living room rug when the parents got home early.
Most of the stories had them discovered by the child who came out feeling sick. No student, not even the occasional virgin who had herself snuck a boyfriend into homes when she was babysitting, was willing to consider anything short of naked coitus. The story demanded that much.
One oasis of disbelief consisted of Shannon's close friends. Diane summed up the consensus. "Steve might get her into bed, but he's not getting her onto some sofa or rug in a stranger's house. Not Shannon!Matter of fact, Steve probably should start saving up now for the silk sheets."
Most of Steve's friends didn't believe that there were any virgins (except, in some cases, themselves) in the senior class. But among that group Ken's question made some impression. "Let's see. Steve, Shannon, and the baby are there. That's all. Steve's not telling this; Shannon's not telling this; the baby couldn't tell this. Who's telling this?"
"Ken," Mr. Babaian had said after hearing that response, "I foresee a great future for you in abstract math. But I'll never understand either your success in student politics or your interest in it."
Meanwhile, the subjects of all this gossip met for lunch. "Sorry for that letter," said Steve. "I hadn't read yours about not pushing yet."
"Well, you shouldn't have pushed anyway," Shannon answered, thinking about the genital kiss. "But I loved the rest of the story anyhow."
And, before Steve could figure that out, they were joined by another two of her friends. "Don't you wish that you could come to the committee meetings, at least?" Steve asked.
"I'd kill for that," she said.
He looked a little odd at that remark, but neither of them pursued the subject.
"Look, guys," Steve said after a little chatter, "I think we're all agreed that Shannon's parents were way out of line. I certainly think so, but Shannon gets to brood on that 24 hours a day. Can't we talk about something else?"
For a minute they couldn't. Then one of the girls started talking about the digital camera she had and the pictures of the group that she had taken. The pictures were on her web page.
"That's another restriction," Shannon said. "I can't browse the web except for homework, and my mother watches to make sure. Can you send those pictures to Steve? Steve, would you pass them on?"
"Sure!Just put 'Shannon' as the first word on the subject line. I'm on a few spam lists, and I might toss it otherwise." He wrote down his screen name for the girl. Then the two of them passed out a few more copies for anyone who might want to write her. "It takes a long time," he warned them. "You'll see her before she gets the disk, let alone reads it." Still, getting mail again was a little more freedom.
"I have other friends, though. With you guys, I don't really need e-mail. But my dad cut off my computer from the phone lines. I can't access that account at all."
Steve clamped his jaw to keep from correcting her. 'Not in front of her friends, ' he kept telling himself.
Joyce wasn't so reticent. "It doesn't work that way. Tell her, Steve."
"You can connect from anywhere. My dad connects from all over the state. Well, half over the state. That's why you use a password."
"Could you?" Shannon asked. "I mean connect from your computer?"
"I couldn't. I don't know the password. But you could."
"Why don't you know the password? You gave it to me."
"You didn't change your password? I told you to."
"I didn't see the sense," she said. "Besides, I liked what it said." Steve buried his head in his hands. By now, he was sure, the entire table knew the password was stVlvSshN. Well, maybe his trick of capitalization hadn't been spilled yet.
"She trusts you, Steve," Joyce said. "Not that she has any secrets to keep. Honey," she turned to Shannon, "you don't share your password with anybody. Even if you don't have any secrets there, it's just a bad habit. And you should have changed it more than once since then. I bet Steve has changed his."
"Since September? Three times," Steve said. Shannon was taking this lecture from Joyce a lot better than she would have taken it from him.
"As for the rest of us," Joyce said. "We can bring our own disks to Shannon. Going through Steve would only complicate things."
"But you could download my mail?" Shannon asked.
"I'll download your mail. And I'll change your password. Just be a good girl, or I won't tell you what the new one is."
She stuck her tongue out at him. If they had been truly alone, off school property, he would have kissed it. The memory of doing so started to harden him. Luckily, the girls were chattering so much that he could just listen for a while.
After the committee meeting, he and Ken caught the same ride to their neighborhood. "My mom said that I could invite you over," he told Ken. "Want dinner tonight?"
"Sure!" It had been a long time since Ken had visited Steve's family. At first, he'd been so embarrased by the last visit he'd turned down some invitations. Then, Steve had stopped asking him.
Steve's mom commented on the length of his absence. "Steve prefers Shannon's company to mine," Ken said. "I can't blame him at all."
"Well, you're welcome here. Don't you have to call your mother?" Actually, he didn't. But the phone call was much easier than admitting to Mrs. Anderson that he didn't.
At dinner, Steve's parents complimented Ken on his selection by the U of C. Steve had told them about early selection, the scholarship, and everything. Ken didn't mind telling it again, and they were generous in their praise.
"Chicago made the only decision it could," Steve said suddenly. "All the suspense was whether they would see you for what you are. What I want to know is what Heather sees in you."
"Steve!" his mom said.
"It's all right, Mrs. Anderson," said Ken. "When you find out, Steve, tell me."
"You aren't as hard to like as you think, Ken," Mrs. Anderson said.
This was too close to the comment which had led Ken to embarrassing himself on the earlier visit. He clamped his mouth shut, and the conversation moved away from him.
Afterwards, they went off to Steve's room. "You said once that you owed Shannon big time. I figure that the debt has only grown bigger."
Ken raised an eyebrow.
"You can sic that famous brain of yours onto people when you want to bad enough. Figure out a way to get her mother to allow Shannon to come to Committee meetings. Come on, I know the woman; she is not as bright as her daughter is. She sure isn't as bright as you're supposed to be. Figure out a con. You said it, man; you owe Shannon."
Ken looked at Steve. Did he really think that Ken owed Shannon that much? Did Steve really think that Ken would do something for Shannon that he wouldn't do for Steve -- that he wouldn't do for Mrs. Anderson's son? Maybe not. He hadn't asked in school; he had brought Ken home for a meal with his parents before asking the question. "I'll try," he said.
Soon after he got home, he tried. "Mrs. Bryant? This is Ken Dalton. I'm the student-council president at Shannon's high school."
"I'm sorry, Ken. Shannon isn't permitted to receive phone calls. We've restricted her social life."
"Yes ma'am. You are the person I wanted to talk to. You see, when you restricted her social life, you excused her from an obligation she had made to the school. Shannon was on the committee to plan and work on the Valentine's Day ball. She participated in the planning; her opinions got into the mix. Now that there is work to be done, she is grounded."
"You meet after school, don't you?"
"Yes, ma'am. That's the only way to get a group from across the school together. We've been meeting after school. Of course, we don't expect every student to show up every day. But we do expect three days a week from every member of the committee for work projects, as well as the Saturday morning before the ball. And committee members sign up under that understanding. Now, you've taken one of my committee members away. And another committee member has already begged off work on the Saturday morning."
"Well, you can blame someone else for that," Allison said. She didn't know why she was still listening to this boy.
"Blame wasn't on my mind, ma'am. But I don't think Steve Anderson would have backed out if you hadn't acted. Steve was willing to lose a payday to take Shannon to the ball. He isn't willing to lose a payday to prepare for a dance he won't attend."
"But he stays after school?"
"He did tonight. He doesn't Mondays and Wednesdays. You do know that he works at Hauksbee's don't you?"
Had Shannon's parents been deaf, they still would have heard all about Steven's work schedule. The discussion went back and forth. Allison was quite surprised to find that she had agreed that Shannon could stay after school the next day and also Monday and Wednesday of the next week.
"I'm very grateful, ma'am. And you'll keep Saturday morning in mind if Shannon behaves well for these days?"
"I'll think about it."
"That is all I ask," said Ken.
Allison had second thoughts, although riding herd on Shannon had been as hard on her nerves as it had been on Shannon's. She waited until Wayne was in bed to broach the subject. "I did tell him I would let her," she said. "But now, I don't know. I do know that I should have asked you."
"Well," said Wayne, "really this is only permission until she misbehaves the first time. I don't mind that you decided for us. I've told you before, I trust your instincts."
"After what she pulled on us for half the year? You trust my instincts?"
"Well, dear, I don't really trust them. I just trust them much better than my own. Besides, that's three days when you don't have to ride herd on her so early. You can leave the realtor's office at the normal quitting time.
Since Shannon seemed to be sleeping longer hours to avoid them, Allison waited until morning to tell her.
Steve was watching TV with his dad and mom when 8:30 came. He couldn't remember a thing about the upstairs bathroom at the Bryants'. So he pictured Shannon getting into the tub at his own house. He hardened at the image of her removing bra and panties to stand there in her glory. He pictured her raising her arms and turning to let to let the spray hit under her arms; her breasts, high and firm when she stood normally, rose and pointed when she did that. At that point, however, he needed to either pay more attention to his cock or less attention to her body. He went back to watching TV.
When he did go to his room, he downloaded his mail, and then Shannon's. He figured that luV%ewE was good enough for her new password. Then answering her disk was the first priority. He had already read it as he ran the new margins. Shannon hadn't understood what he'd said about that, and no wonder.
Confused about what she allowed and didn't allow in these fantasies he sent her, he decided to put it in a separate file. He finished the letter, spell-checked it, and saved it. Then he tried to be hot again. Steve spell-checked the story and buried the disk in his backpack. He did what he had to on his homework, distracted by flashbacks to his fantasy.Shannon found it easier to go to sleep that night, and easier to wake up when the music came on softly. She turned the radio off as soon as she was awake, and lay for a minute listening for any motion from her parents.
She would have been glad to turn over and go back to sleep. There were things to do, however. She put on her robe and slippers. Once she got downstairs, she knew what she wanted to do first. She got the glass from the kitchen and poured an inch and a half of creme de menthe into it. The bottle was half full, and her father might notice any greater depletion. She took it back up to her room for the first phase of her misbehavior.
She took a generous swig from the glass, and almost spit the bitter stuff out of her mouth. A little creme de menthe had added complex flavor to a large serving of ice cream. Taken straight, it tasted awful. She poured the rest down the toilet, rinsed her glass twice, and used the facilities. She brushed her teeth to get rid of the last of the taste. Whether she had got rid of the penetrating odor, she couldn't guess.
The bourbon hadn't tasted quite that bad, but it had tasted bad enough. She decided not to sample it again.
Here she was, up when her captors were asleep, free to do almost anything. Except that almost everyone else was asleep, too. It was winter, and she had no desire to wander the empty streets. Her first choice for being a bad girl had tasted awful.
The most fun thing she could imagine was answering Steve's e- mail. All alone in the house, and her best temptation was answering mail. If the devil was the tempter, as some Sunday- school teacher had said, he sure wasn't interested in Shannon.
And Steve's letter was much less tempting than his previous one had been.
He was very apologetic for the pushing, but a little confused about it too.
>> All talk about anything down to here. > I'm sorry, darling. And my last letter was far > worse. All I can say is that I hadn't read this > then. Your last letter wasn't bad at all. (Except for the kisses in my private place. And even that wasn't as bad as the pressure.) It wasn't as bad as you make it sound now. I do know that you love me. And having your support is a consolation. > Okay! > I won't write any more about that. > I'm serious about that. I'm not saying that I > don't WANT what we aren't going to discuss after > this letter. I am saying that I want a lifetime > with Shannon. I won't throw that chance away for a > night. > Again, I'll follow your rules, but I'm not terribly > clear what those are. I'm not terribly clear either. I can feel them, but I can't say them clearly. > Anyway, > We aren't talking about that right now. ;-) ;-) ;-) > Where would you like to live? A chemist can live > in lots of places, just not all places. They live > in cities and small towns. Not, as I hear, the > *nicest* small towns. And in all sections of the > country. I couldn't make a living here. I don't know. I don't want to live in a city; that's for sure. > Do you want children? When I see you taking care > of kids, I can tell how good you'd be with your > own. I keep thinking of myself with one daughter. Not that mothers get to choose. But that's because of seeing Mom with me. Yes, I do love kids. I want at least one. > Anyway, I do love you And I love you. This has been a bad day, even though I got to see you. I had this thing all planned out. I'd get up at 2:30 and have the house to myself. Well, I have the house to myself, but what is there to do? I prided myself on being a good person, on resisting temptation. Now, I can't find the temptation to yield to it. And, no, I'm still not going to yield to *that* temptation, keep your dirty mind to yourself. Not that I could get you in here, anyway. On second thought, I'm still not going to yield to that temptation, but I like your dirty mind more and more. So keep those fantasies coming.This story was previously posted on this site. The text below has been re-edited. *** ‘You’re a heartless bitch,’ he shouted as he stuffed his male parts into the jeans he had just snatched on over his legs. He yanked the fly closed and grabbed his T-shirt off the floor. Cramming his arms into the sleeves, he yanked it over his head, dragging it down to cover his torso. ‘They’re right about you. You’re the queen of glaciers.’ He dropped into a chair and pulled his shoes onto his feet without...
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Redenhart The music throbbed around them. Ray was in a daze. The heavy bass had numbed his senses and unconsciously he moved through the crowd, more a part of the aimless crowd than his own self. Was it the alcohol that had killed his senses or was it the atmosphere of the nightclub. She moved behind like an animal stalking its prey. She knew what she wanted and how to get it. She closed behind Ray weaving her magic; even so nothing about this encounter would be memorable to the...
Blackheart by captv8td [email protected] 1 – BedeviledShe leaned out over the edge of the ship and drank in the salt air as the breeze tousled her hair. Her jet black mane flowed and ebbed with the air currents and stray tendrils of her hair whipped at her face. She took in a deep breath. It had been a long day.The Bedeviled was at anchor now. She and her officers had seen to the securing of the ship for the night. Now the duty watch was doing what duty watches do and the rest...
Categories: MC, FF+, modification, reluctant.????????? ****????????? Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.Note_2: the story is based on Unseen_Unread picture story that can be found here.Note_3: Darkheart, shockwave and Lady Psy are used with the artist's permission.????????? ****????????? Chapter 1: fun and games.Michelle...
Katie was tired of sex. Almost twenty-one, she knew she had to change something about her sex life. Blessed with beauty, bust, and body, she’d started physical intimacy with the opposite sex at too early an age. Fortunately, none of the many billions of sperm had found its desired target. Some of them had been received as the result of a persuasive male, some as a byproduct of infatuation, and some just because she was horny. As she approached full adulthood, it was now time to do something...
It was the dream that she loved and hated; her greatest fantasy that would never come true. Yunami was stretched out on the bed, naked beneath the sheet pulled up just above her breasts. Her auburn hair was scattered around her head on the sumptuous pillows like a halo. The sheer curtains hanging around the bed allowed her to see the rest of the room but hid her from the eyes of her approaching lover. She watched as Daeghen walked towards the foot of the bed. He was naked, his body sculpted...
Jacobs is a muscular build guy, long blond hair and has a tanned complexion. Though he is an absolude playboy, yet many gals would risk anything to know him. But, though lots of gals surrounded him, he didn't quite liked anyone of them. However, there is one girl, he totally was damn mad about her. Her name was Cynthia, 4 years younger than him, red haired, and petite breast. She loved to wear sports bra just everywhere. Her tight long jeans showed her madly curved shape and the outline of her...
BisexualChen awoke first – the tent was just beginning to admit some very dim light – he listened – good, no sounds from the others yet. He then noted why he’d awakened – his bladder was insisting on some attention. Mike was curled up tight to him, with his arm across Chen’s chest. Chen whispered softly into Mike’s ear ‘lover – hate to disturb you – gotta pee, love’ – Mike mumbled something unintelligible, pulled his arm back, and Chen deftly slipped out of the sleeping bag. Chen unzipped the tent...
The next day, as dawn broke, Darla awoke in a misty cloud of morning dew, dazed and immobile. Her hips moved involuntarily and slowly made wide circles, while her back arched at the ecstasy being applied between her legs from Robert’s tongue, which explored the folds of her pussy, as he delicately separated and probed her sensitive flesh that she had involuntarily saturated with her juices. Robert drank as he lapped at her, and savored Darla’s intimate flavor, while his tongue slid along her...
This is a true account of my first medical disaster. Maybe the descriptions will help one of you. * I was up at five in the morning, cooked a little breakfast and prepared for the forty five minute drive to SR, where I was employed as an avionics engineer. I had had a fight with my wife that morning, so I didn’t even get my usual goodbye smooch before hitting the traffic. I had some heartburn when I woke up, but I ignored it because this was not an unusual occurrence. As I got into my...
My sister’s youngest son was extremely gifted and graduated from high school early. Rather than live in a dorm with older guys I volunteered for him to live with me since I live in an Ivy League town and live close enough to the school for him to easily travel to school. I am few years younger than my sister and few years older than Tom, my nephew, which I would soon share my small three-bedroom house with. Tom is a lot like my father, average height with great looks, southern manners, charm...
Jonathan grunted as he pulled himself up onto the stone ledge, his light armour rattling as he steadied himself and looked into the mouth of the cave. Here it was, he thought to himself. The dragon's cave. About six months ago, the young man had turned eighteen. Ever since he was a young boy, he wanted to be a knight. He had grown up idolising them, those armoured heroes who would fight for the king, protect the innocent, strike down villains. Everything that a knight was, everything...
Glen felt severely underdressed when he climbed out of the car and saw Melinda emerging from the house. She was wearing a knee-length skirt of basic black with a coat to match, and a white, masculine shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, giving the unmistakable impression that she meant business. Only her vibrant smile contrasted with the look. “You look great,” Glen said as she approached. “Thank you,” she responded, and then put her hand behind his head to pull him down into a...
Glen felt severely underdressed when he climbed out of the car and saw Melinda emerging from the house. She was wearing a knee-length skirt of basic black with a coat to match, and a white, masculine shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, giving the unmistakable impression that she meant business.Only her vibrant smile contrasted with the look.“You look great,” Glen said as she approached.“Thank you,” she responded, and then put her hand behind his head to pull him down into a passionate...
Supernatural“Say it,” he instructed.A smile twitched in the corners of her lips. And her eyes — damn, those eyes — they twinkled when she looked at him that way. She glanced up at the straps that bound her. The way the light flickered and played off the curve of her jaw stoked a wave of desire in him.This woman who’d stolen his heart could awaken his body with only a wink. She was teasing him. It was working.But he still wanted to hear her say it, and he would have his way. With a coy bat of her lashes,...
HorrorHEART OF A SLAVEA slave is an individual born with a slave spirit. No one can make an individual have this spirit; nothing can be done to create this state in an individual's being. No one trying hard or wishing for this sense of spirit can develop it within themselves and no Master can cause it to occur.A slave is an extraordinary human being who is born with this slave spirit - as much as they are born to breathe, or have gifted talents like design or music. A slave is extraordinary, rare and...
Chris yawned and moved to the next section of shelving. A big truck had made for a long night, leaving him and the rest of the night stock crew facing up the store after opening. "Never ending, man," his friend Alan grumbled from the other side of the aisle. "Feels like it." "At least the scenery ain't bad." After turning around to see where Alan was looking, Chris followed his gaze to see Amy - one of the cashiers - working her register. She was hot, but she was also married to a...
December 5, 2011 Keri Ryan's ability to prioritize was one of her best attributes. She could look at a problem or a situation and figure out quickly its importance and then tackle it or move on to something with a higher priority. This made her business a success. But sometimes as two people's careers take off as with hers' and her husband David they find less and less time for each other. It just happens. So her ability to prioritize got skewed along the way. In the past at least, her...
Friday, there was a home game. Steve and Shannon went to the game together and parked afterwards. They were dressed for the weather, and his hand was icy; so he took some time to burrow under Shannon's parka and her sweater. Finally, caressing her through her warm sweat shirt, he reached the soft mound formed by her breast. And it was remarkably soft. Before he touched the peak that the shirt made over her nipple, he knew that she hadn't worn a bra. "Oh, Shannon!" he said. She was so...
Iden watched as Isabelle went back and forth, creating a pile of fabric that she had sourced from all over her cave. It was comprised of silken curtains, canopies from lavish beds, and elaborately embroidered drapes. There were billowing dresses, extravagant tunics, and gowns made from the finest satin that must have once been part of some wealthy woman’s wardrobe. Instead of blankets, she had assembled piles of fur coats and warm capes. These fineries alone were probably worth more than the...
Iden listened to her read for what might have been hours, quickly losing track of time. The tales of this de Mercier person were amazing, even if his poetry was a little flowery for Iden’s tastes. He had lived a long and fruitful life, exploring foreign lands, and fighting for noble causes rather than for coin. He was well-to-do, the heir to a noble house, and so putting food on his table was of little concern. Iden had to admit that he envied the man. Not for his devotion to justice, or for...
Twigs and dry leaves crunched underfoot as Glen wandered the trail, his thoughts turned inward. The warmth that permeated the sun-dappled wood prompted him to absently remove his jacket, and the action brought him out of his internal dialogue just long enough to notice something on the breeze. Taking a deep breath, he filled his lungs with the scent of moist earth and honeysuckle. The flowers wouldn't bloom for months anywhere else, but here they opened their petals even before the last...
The smell of coffee brewing and bacon cooking awoke Sam. She opened her eyes and stretched. A feeling of great euphoria rushed over her and she smiled. All of her upbringing told her that what had happened last night was wrong. However, every other part told her it was so right. It was like she had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. They were arguing right and wrong. But, she couldn't tell which position the angel or the devil was taking. Sam got out of bed and put her robe...
It was the dog days of summer and the heat and humidity were so high it was almost impossible to stay outside in the middle of the day. My daughter had one week before she was back off to college and we hadn’t really spent any quality father daughter time. She was 19 and had a lot more important things to do than spend time with dad. I thought maybe a day at the beach might get her attention or maybe a day in the park looking at the alligators and observing the people might get her attention so...
VII The people from Leningrad were due to come for them in the morning, but their bags were already packed. The boys were on their backs now, in their crib, sated breast milk full on their lips, but Anna felt cool and restless even so, resigned to a fate of her own choosing but her heart full of regret that seemed to have taken her right to the edge of a vast, beckoning cliff. Her future was, she knew, in the abyss that lay before them all, her past was an unusable wreckage of skeletons...
Authors note: This is my first my first shot at anything like this, so please comment and let me know what you think. Any comments are welcome. It’s a very slow build up, so don’t expect sex any time soon. I am so grateful to my editor LaRascasse. If it wasn’t for him, this would be an utter mess. Enjoy Xoxo, Amber ********* ‘I am so fucking sick of your bullshit. It’s not my fucking job to deal with you and your depression. It’s not my fucking job! You’re so screwed up in the head, it...
Heart Of GoldBy: Londebaaz Chohan I later learnt that Daisy was from a far flung area of Wyoming. She joined ‘Super Electronics’ in my department almost 1 year ago. She was very jovial and cheerful person and soon was well known and friends with most of the almost 80 employees in the office. I was the manager of the accounts section. One day she was asking about the school systems of the Colonia township and the location she asked about was exactly my neighborhood. Low and behold, about a month...
Heart of Ice By: Michael Alexander?Breanne!? A voice called down the hallway. It was late and Breanne Erikson turned at the sound of the Entertainment Director’s urgency. With a weary smile she nodded at William Price as her boss stepped out of his office, waving at her. ?Hello, Mr. Price.? Bre said. Unconsciously she resettled the large purse over her shoulder as Price quickly moved down the hall toward her. ?I know you’re on your way out, Breanne, but I know you aren’t...
The Paladins struggled up the rocky crags, the weight of their armor and their heavy shields making their progress all the more difficult. They had tied the horses up at the base of the mountain, the climb would have only resulted in broken legs, and it had taken them almost a whole day to reach the peak. The terrain here was all jutting rocks and knee-deep snow. Perilously high falls and slippery surfaces had resulted in more than one accident, but none of their number had been injured thus...
Warning: I write cruel stories of humiliation (although I'm not into physical pain). If this isn't your particular brand of vodka, there are many other fine authors on this site to turn to. The following story is based on real people as described to me by a fan requesting to be inserted into one of my twisted fantasies. This is my first strictly TG fetish tale. heart-shaped box By tainted x Case #345-98A66 CONFIDENTIAL; Nondisclosure 15C; Clearance lvl 5; USERnAME:...
That night, as Darla slept, like nearly every other time she had fallen into a deep sleep, she had a very strange and erotic dream. In this dream, Darla found herself, with Robert, next to an ocean on an alien planet. The two of them had walked along the shore of the warm green ocean, which was illuminated by the planets and moons that filled up the night sky. As they came out of the water, Robert carried Darla back into a cave, sat her down on a thick, brown fell, and knelt in front of her....
The Starlight Sonata, Part III Heart of the Sunrise ©2008 by Adrian Leverkuhn (Note: The first part of the Sonata appeared under the title ‘Woman in Chains’, the second part as ‘The Stones of Years’.) I Once upon a time Tracy had cared about the world she lived in… and the life she’d taken for granted for so long. But that world, like the life she’d known so well, was gone… The people that had defined the contours of that life had vanished in a confused instant. Now she felt the remnants...
This following chapter from the third volume of my "Slaves of the Amethyst" saga is not an erotic story as such although there is a strong erotic thread throughout mush of the novel. I decided to post this extract however in the wake of Hurricane Sandy which has so badly affected the Eastern coast of the United States because of the parallels between the story and the real life experiences of my American friends who lived through the hurricane. In the story the valley of Mathomdale, where most...
I couldn't believe my luck. Just came home from a long day at work and wanted nothing more to unwind. Alone. Get my thoughts together, shower, and have a nap. I then noticed my trash bin was getting full and said "Fuck it!". Might as well take it down now and be done with it. After tossing the garbage bag in the dumpster I headed back up the stairs to my apartment. I noticed the cute boy who lived next door having trouble with his key. He was fresh out of college and new in the building. I had...
Babysitting for Mrs. Green had several advantages (none of which compensated for the kids being monsters). She was not going to come home early, she was not going to come home drunk, she paid by check at the beginning of the evening, and she had no interest in finding fault with how Shannon had behaved. The last point was becoming more important to Shannon. By the time Steve showed up at the Green house, he had done some planning. He was glad to see Shannon in a skirt again. He kissed her...