Wolf And The Cat. (7)Chapter 3: Wolf And The Cat Pursued free porn video

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Veenalara Thersin was spending her fourth tasin this hakin at the Temple in the neighborhood she was living in. It had been six tasin since she had arrived on the planet Elishen with Eric Wolf. In that short amount of time, however, she was the happiest she had been in her entire adult life. She had never even had a full hakin to do what she wanted since she had been eleven cyankas old and her powers had begun to manifest. Now she was spending several tasin doing the one thing she had so desperately wished, but had never been allowed, to do. She was serving as a regular priestess, maintaining the Temple, praying with those who needed comforting and giving advice to those who came seeking it. These were the normal day-to-day activities of a Priestess of the Temple.

She was currently helping another priestess clean the statue of the Goddess of Dizyn located in the main courtyard of the Temple. It was a large statue, about six meters tall, and Alara had climbed up it to clean the top. This was where she was when she heard a voice call up to her.

"Don't fall from up there. It would be bad if you broke something your first hakin on the planet." a familiar voice said.

She looked down and saw Eric looking up at her. "Do not worry yourself over so trivial a thing. I would have to fall from higher than this to risk an injury."

As if to prove her point, she proceeded to leap from the statue. She landed with the grace of the felines her race resembled. She needed to touch only the fingertips of one hand to the ground to ensure her balance as she crouched to absorb the impact. She looked up and saw that she had landed directly in front of Eric, just as she had intended.

"Nice landing." Eric said. "I give it nine out of ten."

"Only nine?" Alara asked as she stood.

Eric nodded. "Yes, you touched your fingers to the ground."

She smiled and nodded in agreement with the analysis. She wrapped her arms around Eric and hugged him tightly.

"What brings you to the Temple today?" she asked.

"My ship is fixed and ready to go." Eric told her. "I need to get going to make up for the time I missed."

Alara released her hold on him and stepped back. She looked up at him with an unhappy expression. "I do not want you to go, Eric. I will be lonely."

Eric chuckled and said, "I must go if I wish to make any money. Besides, I never said you could not go with me."

Alara smiled brightly at him and nodded. "Then I must let the Sister Riazanlen know that I will be gone for... ?"

"We are going to Trellken and back so seven and a half tasin, round trip. We will also have to spend a couple of days there waiting for a scheduled cargo. So ten tasin all told." Eric said.

Alara nodded, turned and trotted off to find the Head Sister of the Temple. Because she was an associate Priestess of the Temple, meaning she did not reside at it but in the surrounding neighborhood, she was not expected to serve full time at the Temple. Such priestesses were allowed to come and go as they pleased and most even had jobs. Normally, associated priestesses worked about twenty vallin every hakin at the Temple.

As Eric waited he looked at the statue that Alara had been helping to clean. All the Temples had one, of course. The size varied from life size to some which were ten or twelve meters high, or so he had heard. This one was about average he supposed, but it was a beautiful piece of sculpture carved from a blue veined marble. They were all similar, a humanoid figure with large wings outspread. It looked for all the world like an angel from earth mythology. In fact, Eric had always thought the facial features were more human than Dizyntk.

Alara walked back to where Eric was and took his hand. "I am ready to go."

"Are you sure, Alara?" Eric asked. "I mean, I do want you to come with me but I thought you were looking forward to working in a Temple."

"I am." she replied. "But we have been lovers for only a short time now. It would be odd if I did not want to come with you if I was able."

She leapt up and Eric caught her so that her face was even with his. She kissed him lightly on the lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Besides that, I want to come with you." she said softly. "Now that I am getting used to snuggling with someone again, I am not sure that I wish to try and sleep without you."

Eric gently lowered her to the ground. "Well then, Alara, let's get going. I have to take off in three hours."

"Enough time for me to stop by the apartment and get some things?" she asked.

"Of course. I made sure there was enough time for you to do so." he replied.

Alara smiled and took his hand. "Why are we still standing here then?"

The two of them walked together out of the Temple entrance and out onto the sidewalk. It was only a ten minute walk to Eric's apartment and another thirty minutes by rail to the spaceport. They had plenty of time.

Star Courier Twelve was just entering orbit above Elishen. Its name reflected that it was a courier vessel, the twelfth obviously, belonging to the Star Order of the Temple of the Goddess. It bore the crest of the Order emblazoned on both sides of the hull. Although there was no way of telling from looking at it, the ship was currently under the command of a priestess from a different Order than that which owned the vessel.

Head Sister Tylavari Therazanik stood on the small bridge of the ship. She looked at the view screen as it displayed the planet Elishen below them. She was thinking about how they could go about finding their quarry. There were ten spaceports on the planet that a ship could land at. This did not even take into account the possibility of the ship merely landing in a field somewhere on the planet. Most small starships, the one they were on included, were capable of this. Right now, however, she was waiting as her assistant was trying to narrow down their search.

Sister Linatora was in contact with the orbital control station circling Elishen. This space station's job was to coordinate the comings and goings of starships, and non-FTL spaceships, between the surface and orbit around the planet. She had previously contacted the system control station that monitored all ships coming into and leaving the star system. This latter station had been of only limited help. There had been no ships entering the system from the same trajectory as their vessel in the past hakin. This was not surprising as a ship could, if the pilot chose, circle around a system long before coming into sensor range and enter from another heading.

They had been able to determine that the ship they were looking for was probably a courier type vessel, given the power output of its engines in relation to the ship's size. This had only narrowed their search somewhat. Elishen was a main world after all and had a lot of courier vessel traffic. She did learn that, as a rule, courier vessels only used four of the planet's spaceports. They tended to avoid the larger ones due to the traffic. Courier vessels depended on speed and tried to avoid any delays, even involving take off and landing. They also did not like to use the smaller ports as they were too remote from the larger population centers that were the source of most courier ship business. This left the moderate sized spaceports of which there were four on the planet.

Linatora was now checking whether or not any courier vessels had landed at any of the ports that were not normally used by them. She was using the authority of the Orders' judiciary powers to make the inquiries. She was also lying somewhat in saying that they were investigating possible smuggling on behalf of the Star Order. While the sister was uncomfortable with this deception, it was something that Head Sister Silvarinea had suggested. She had provided an investigation permit bearing her authorization to back up the ruse. This permit appeared on the screen whenever Linatora was contacting any government agency so that they knew it was an official investigation. This and the fact that the ship she was on was an official vessel of the Star Order ensured that everyone she had contacted was very forthcoming with the information she was looking for.

It did not take long for the response to come. No courier vessels had used any but the four aforementioned spaceports in the past hakin. She then asked about any ships that had been late. This was a hunch on Linatora's part. She had suspected that the vessel had not landed on TK-334-1 to look for the Faylantkrana but had found her by accident. This left in question the reason the ship had landed on the planet. She suspected it was to effect repairs on a malfunctioning system. She smiled as her hunch paid dividends. The station operator she was talking to came back after checking what she had asked.

"There was a courier vessel that had been reported missing when it did not show up on schedule." the control operator said. "It finally showed up a hakin late about three or four tasin ago. Star drive malfunction, if I remember correctly. I went to check if we still had the report with the ship's registration number on file but I guess we erased it after they showed up safely. Apologies, Sister."

"No need, operator. Do you perhaps recall what port they were using?" Linatora asked.

The operator closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He opened them and nodded. "Carendak."

Eric and Alara walked across the tarmac to the Lupus Rising. Alara had changed into the simple clothing that most Dizyntk wore. It made for easier movement and she needed that right now. Eric was walking ahead of her so that she could not see the laughter in his eyes. It was unnecessary on his part though. She could practically read his mind even walking five paces behind him.

"I still do not see what is so funny about this, Eric Wolf." she said.

She only used his full name when she was annoyed with him. That had not taken him long to figure out. He looked back at her and at the large container she was lugging along on a hover cart.

"I still don't know how you plan on getting that contraption aboard, much less where you plan on setting it up." he said.

"Let me worry about that, human." she said crossly.

Eric looked forward again and nodded. She called him human when she was particularly annoyed, or when she was pretending to be. By the tone of her voice, Eric decided that she was not pretending.

The box contained a supposedly portable, self contained shower. It had a seventy-five liter tank and could continually filter the water it used. It also had a heating element. It weighed close to forty kilos all told even before adding the water. Eric had no idea where she could possibly set it up.

"I hate those chemical showers. They don't leave me feeling clean and I hate, hate, HATE the way they make me smell." she complained.

Eric simply continued nodding in agreement. He actually did agree with her on this point. Chemical showers only kept you from smelling rank. They did nothing to make you feel particularly clean and they did leave an odd odor on you. Not unpleasant, per say, but not a smell you would call good either. This was, of course, to his human nose. He knew that Dizyntk had a much more acute sense of smell than humans. That being said, it was a Dizyntk chemical shower. One would wonder why they were not able, apparently, to make a chemical that was more pleasant in its aroma. Perhaps such a thing was just not possible, Eric thought. It was one of the great unanswered questions.

"Don't take too long about getting it aboard." Eric said. "And wait until we get going before you try to set it up."

"Why?" Alara asked.

They reached the ship and Eric turned to look at her. "Because you have to learn the pre-flight check."

"I do?" she asked. This was the first she had heard of it.

Eric nodded and motioned with his thumb back at the ship "Yes. It is the first step in my teaching you how to fly this thing."

Alara's eyes widened. "Me? You want to teach me to fly a starship?"

Eric nodded again. "Yes I do. It benefits us in that, once you are trained and licensed, you will count as crew. Extra crew means that the ship is considered to be better staffed and I can charge more money, meaning you get paid. You being a Dizyntk also means that, once you are licensed, I will have Dizyntk making up half the crew of the ship."

Alara looked confused by this last statement. "Why is that important?"

"Because the Imperium has stated that any commercial ships operating into or out of any Dizyntk worlds, other than Elishen, Trellken or the new human worlds, must have at least half their crew made up of Dizyntk." Eric explained.

Alara smiled at this. "I am going to be a pilot."

Eric growled a little and crossed his arms. "Not if you don't get aboard the ship before I decide to leave you here."

Alara laughed at this and much to Eric's surprise dragged the shower up the stairs quickly. Eric suspected that she was doing so more with her powers than her muscles but decided to say nothing.

"Should we not just shut down the spaceport?" Linatora asked as she and Sister Tylavari exited their vessel.

Tylavari shook her head. "On what pretext? I do not want to frighten the Faylantkrana if I can avoid it. More importantly, Sister Silvarinea specifically told us to prevent any widespread knowledge of the Faylantkrana from getting out."

Linatora closed her eyes and nodded slightly. She knew that this was the best thing, but wondered how they planned on finding the ship in question before it left, if it had not left already. It was a courier vessel after all and one would assume that it had runs to make. The spaceport here at Carendak was the most popular one with Elishen's commercial courier vessels. Eighty-three of them, half the planetary total, made the port their home.

"Where do you suggest that we try first, Head Sister?" Linatora asked.

"The nearest Temple, Linatora. If she was actually trained as a priestess, she may have gone there." Tylavari answered.

"As you say, Sister." Linatora agreed.

They had discussed this during the trip from Kalantk. According to the information given them by Sister Silvarinea, there were basically two types of Faylantkrana. The most common were those that were trained mainly as fighters, with only cursory training as priestesses so that the Orders could call them such. They made up about ninety percent of the Faylantkrana and were the ones responsible for most of the atrocities attributed to their kind in the unexpurgated history files.

The second type was those that had full training as priestesses in addition to their training in the use of their powers. They were more powerful than the regular Faylantkrana and arguably more dangerous. They were used as a check on the others of their kind and were not usually used to fight anything but other Faylantkrana. The exceptions to that rule had always resulted in horrific casualties though. Even when fighting one of their own, it was not wise for anybody else to be near the area.

Tylavari was praying that this Veenalara was one of the latter. Although they were much more powerful, they seemed to be more stable as well. This she attributed to their actually being properly trained as priestesses. If this was the case, then she would have gone to a Temple.

As they made their way to the terminal building, Linatora noticed a human male and a dizyntk female making their way out to the landing/launching cradles. They appeared to be together and having an animated discussion although they were too far away for her to make out what they were saying. This caused a smile to come to Linatora's lips. She knew that there was a small community of humans here on Elishen, the oldest one on a Dizyntk world. That they were integrating well with her race was a good thing as far as she was concerned.

It took a full day for the Lupus to reach a point in space far enough Elishen's sun for the star drive to propel the ship past the speed of light. During this time Alara had managed, much to Eric's amazement, to get the shower put together. It just fit inside the existing chemical shower. After Alara used her powers to bulge an interior wall by a couple of inches that is. This took her about half the day. The other half she spent sitting next to Eric on the bridge as he began explaining how the controls on the ship worked.

A full day into the interstellar portion of the trip, Eric was satisfied that the star drive was functioning properly. He hooked up the simulation program to the piloting system and began Alara's training. It would take three or four trips before she would be ready to take her test for an assistant pilot's license, if she had any skill. Eric told her as much and she took to the new training with enthusiasm.

As they finished their second day of training, after Eric double checked the auto-pilot, they took a shower and settled into bed.

"Is the shower not much better than the chemical one?" Alara asked as she snuggled up next to Eric in bed.

Eric shook his head and chuckled. It was the third time since they had left Elishen that she had asked the question. "Yes, it is much better. You were quite clever to have brought it."

She snuggled up to him even closer and wrapped an arm around him. She was pleased that he agreed with her.

Eric looked at the large bulge in the wall between the bedroom and the shower. "Of course I never would have thought of damaging the ship to make it fit."

He laughed as he heard her growl. He almost stopped laughing when he felt her claws extend on the hand that was on his shoulder. He slowly stroked his hand up the length of her tail. At the same time he licked and nibbled on one of her ears. This caused her to make a low whining sound and retract her claws as well.

"Eric..." she said breathlessly.

"Behave yourself, my little dizyntk, and I will make you feel good." he whispered in her ear as his hands roamed slowly over her body.

Alara growled a little at this but her heart wasn't in it. A small part of her disliked it when Eric called her "my little dizyntk", as he had started doing the past couple of nights. It reminded her of being referred to as a possession by some members of her House. On the other claw, Eric only ever did it while being affectionate to her and touching her as he was doing now. That meant there was a growing part of her that was beginning to accept this from him as he apparently meant it, as a term of affection.

Eric let a hand trail down Alara's torso to her pussy. He stroked his fingers softly through the fur covering it. He kissed and nipped at her neck as he did this.

Alara's hips rose slightly to encourage her lover to keep going. She ran the fingers of both hands through his hair and tilted her head back as he kissed her throat.

Eric slipped a finger inside her. It entered easily as she was quite wet by this time. Alara gasped and pulled his face tightly against her when he did this. He slowly stroked the finger in and out of her. Her hips began rocking faster and her tail stroked up and down Eric's back. She released her grip and Eric kissed her as he continued to play with her. They continued this for a few minutes until Eric removed his hand from her crotch. This caused Alara to growl slightly in annoyance.

Eric rolled onto his back and brought Alara on top of him. He put his hands on her hips and raised her up. Alara smiled as she knew what her lover wanted. She gently took his hard cock in her hand and lined it up with her opening. Eric brought her slowly back down and both of them moaned at the sensation. Alara began riding slowly up and down on the hard cock inside of her. Eric stroked his hands up the sides of her body and gently squeezed her breasts.

Alara rode Eric for several minutes. She was lost in the sensations of him being inside her and of his hands roaming over her body. As her climax approached, she could again feel the mingling of their sensations. She could actually feel what she felt like from his point of view. She knew that it was her powers causing this but had no idea how it was happening. She also did not really care. All she knew was that it felt good.

Eric reached his limit slightly before Alara and pulled her down hard against him and released his seed inside her with a yell. This in turn triggered her own orgasm. She arched her back, tilted her head and howled at the top of her lungs. After she came off her high, she slumped down and lay in Eric's arms. The two of them breathed heavily for a couple of minutes. As they calmed down, Eric wrapped his arms gently around Alara. She slowly and lightly traced a claw up and down his shoulder while her head rested on his chest.

Eric kissed the tips of her ears. "I think that little trick of yours is pretty amazing."

Alara snickered at this compliment. "I told you that I am not doing it on purpose."

"I know." he replied as he stroked her hair. "That doesn't make it any less pleasurable."

She licked his chest, then up to his neck and finally kissed him on the lips.

"Does it make you want to keep me around?" she asked playfully. She could fully sense her lover's feelings.

"Maybe." he replied. "I will have to think about it."

Her eyes narrowed at this response. "Maybe!?"

Eric smiled at her and wrapped his hands around her upper arms. "Yes, maybe."

He quickly rolled them over so he was on top of her. He kissed her slowly and deeply. "I think I need another sample of it to make sure."

Alara could feel his cock, which had recovered its hardness, brushing against her pussy. She smiled up at him as she wrapped a hand around it.

"I suppose I can comply with that request." she said as she helped to line him up.

"I had a feeling you might." Eric said as he slowly pushed back inside her.

Tylavari and Linatora had had no luck at the Temple nearest the spaceport in Carendak. They had also struck out asking personnel at the spaceport. While several of them knew that a ship had arrived behind schedule, none of them recalled which one. Apparently, as many private couriers used older ships out of necessity due to the expense of buying starships, it was not too uncommon for one to be late every now and then due to mechanical difficulties. As long as the vessel showed up safely, most pilots and ground crew quickly forgot about it.

Linatora knew that her friend was worried. She understood why but also thought that the worry might be unfounded. Nothing had happened as yet, of this they were sure. If a Faylantkrana had used her powers in an urban center like Carendak, there would be no concealing it from the media. This assumed that the local authorities knew to conceal it. Thanks to the diligent efforts of the Orders down the cyankas they would have little idea of what they were dealing with. Thanks to this lack of activity, Linatora felt they were rushing needlessly. She agreed that the Faylantkrana was a possible danger but she felt they should be more circumspect in dealing with her.

Tora was currently holding Tyla's head to her chest. Her friend was still asleep and probably would be for a little while yet. Linatora had done her best last night to wear her friend out so that she would sleep soundly. The two of them had been lovers for two cyankas now. They both had wondered why they did not get bonded. Whenever the subject came up though, something would happen that demanded their attention in their Order. They had actually been talking about it the day this business with the Faylantkrana had intruded on them.

She softly stroked Tylavari's hair and fur for another half hour before she felt her begin to stir.

"Good morning, my love." Tora said. It was only at times like these that they were so informal with each other.

Tylavari looked sleepily at the clock and then up at Linatora. "I thought I told you we needed to get an early start."

Linatora batted her friend's ear. "And I told you that you needed to get a good rest."

Tyla almost argued the point but decided to let it drop. She had always been one to push herself too hard. In fact she had driven herself to exhaustion on several occasions but never since Linatora had become her friend. She knew that her lover was correct.

"You are right, my love." Tyla said as she nuzzled back into Tora's chest.

Linatora stroked her friend's hair and said, "I have a suggestion, if you will be quiet and listen to it."

She was well aware that the best time to suggest something to her headstrong friend was at times like this; when she was happy and content in the morning after a night of sex.

"About the Faylantkrana?" Tyla asked as she looked up at Tora.

"What else?" Linatora asked.

Tylavari closed her eyes, sighed heavily and laid her head back onto Tora's breasts. "I will listen."

As much as Tylavari hated to admit it, she knew that her friend was smarter than she was. Linatora had been the first young priestess that she had been able to recruit into the Nebula Order some six cyankas previously. It was mostly her suggestions, given at moments like this, which had led to the slow but steady growth of the Order since then. Tyla was the fire and drive of her Order but Linatora was usually the brains. Tora was very reserved around others though and did not mind being the behind the scenes partner.

"Perhaps we should call the other Temples in the city, rather than trying to visit them all." Linatora suggested.

"And ask them what?" Tyla asked. She knew that asking about a new priestess in vague terms would seem strange to any Head Priestess.

"What reason would you give to a Head Priestess for being here without assignment? Especially if you were a new priestess in an area but did not want to reveal that you had been in stasis sleep for a hundred cyankas?" Linatora asked.

Tyla though about it for a minute. "That I was traveling?" she replied.

Tora smiled and nodded. "All priestesses know that there are some of us that have an urge to wander after our training is finished."

"But how does that help our search?" Tyla wondered.

"Simple, my love." Tora answered. "We call and inquire as to the presence of a member of our Order. There cannot be any but the one we are looking for that fits that description."

Tyla nodded slowly. "That makes sense. One cannot just purchase priestess robes and the only ones that she would have had access to were those at the Temple she was held in."

"Exactly." Tora said. "As to why we are looking for her; since we do not wish to arouse suspicion we will say we have been looking for her for three cyans."

Tylavari had to think for only a moment to realize what her friend was getting at. She smiled as she understood the cover story. "We have not been able to find her to inform her of the death of the previous head of the Order."

Linatora nodded and Tylavari hugged and kissed her. "I love you, my brilliant and gifted friend."

Tora wrapped her arms around Tyla and whispered, "Prove it."

Tyla looked a bit unsure. They needed to start their day. "But, we have to..."

Tora interrupted her with a kiss of her own. "Prove it." she said once more after the kiss was done.

Tyla smiled and shook her head in resignation. She supposed they had time enough for this pleasant distraction. She kissed her friend and began licking and nipping her way down Tora's lithe body. Tora had completely ravished her last night and she fully intended on repaying that favor now.

Later that morning Linatora and Tylavari began to call the various Temples in the city. With a population of about half a million, Carendak had over a hundred Temples. It was well into the list that they finally found what they were looking for. A young priestess had answered when Linatora had called.

"Nebula Order? Oh yes, that is the Order that Sister Veenalara belongs to. Why do you ask?" the Priestess said.

"I am of her Order and have been looking for her. We have had a hard time tracking her down since she has been traveling." Tora told her.

"I see. I do not think she is here, at least I have not seen her today. The Head Priestess is busy with a bonding ceremony right now, but I could ask her later where she is." the Priestess explained.

"That will not be necessary. My companion and I will come to your Temple and talk to the Head Priestess ourselves." Tora said.

"As you wish." was the reply. The Priestess then gave Linatora directions to the Temple.

A vallin later, the two of them walked through the entrance of the grounds of the Temple. They both noticed the large courtyard and the several dizyntk working on its upkeep. Tylavari walked briskly to the Temple itself and entered the main doors with Linatora following in her wake. She saw an older Priestess and headed for her.

"Pardon me, Sister. Are you the Head Priestess of this Temple?" Tylavari asked as she bowed her head slightly.

"That I am, Sister. I am Head Priestess Riazanlen. How may I help you?" she replied.

"My assistant called earlier inquiring after Sister Veenalara." Tyla explained.

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Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

4 years ago
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Cat and Mouse The Grandparents

Note - Luchadores Maximos is the creation of Cgdurck. Thanks! Cat and Mouse: The Grandparents By Bluto "Well," Gaby thought, "for someone called The Medium, I'm sure being surprised a lot lately." And an unwelcome surprise it was, indeed, as she stared at Mr. and Mrs. Montana, parents of one Mickey Montana, better known as Mick Montana, but now known simply as Micki, because Mick Montana no longer exists. No, 28-year-old male, detective and superhero Mick Montana was...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 20 How Joerg Isebrand Kneels Before his Sister Katherine

"Who giveth away the Bride?" the preacher asked. "I, Bjoern Isebrand of Lauheim, give away my sister Nele Isebrand, a maid of free birth, to be wed to the Noble Arnulf of Erlenburg." Bjoern's voice was strong, yet wistful. Giving Nele away came hard for the Isebrands. They all loved and cherished their youngest sibling. There was no turning back, though, and Bjoern placed his sister's hand in Arnulf's left hand. "Do you, Gøtz Rudolf Ernst, Baron of Erlenburg, consent to the wedding...

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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

Introduction: CAW 13 Entry – How horrifying Art Can Be. Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13 Entry. This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth...

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Catherines Delight

Really late at night on a Friday, I come home from out of town.I walked in to find Catherine lying on the couch. She had gotten really drunk and passed out. Jessica, my girlfriend, had gone to bed long ago and Brandon, Catherine’s boyfriend, was already at his house for the night. I walked past Catherine’s limb body with her disheveled clothes and walked up stairs. I set my stuff down in Jessica’s room and unbuttoned the collared shirt I was still wearing from work earlier that day. I took...

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Catherines Home Invasion

   Catherine closed the book and looked out the window. Outside the rain brushed lightly against the window of the library. "I must leave soon" She thought as she took off her reading glasses and put them back into their case. Her stomach sounded slightly, "Jack in the box" she thought. She wasn't in the mood to cook for herself tonight. She just felt like relaxing, spending some time to herself. She didn't feel particularly tired, in fact she felt more energetic than usual. Catherine...

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Wolf Eve

Introduction: A werewolf for Christmas. Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. -Mark Twain, Following the Equator *** It was an old forest, with ancient trees and long shadows through which kobolds and goblins might creep, and with deep hollows and still ponds and hidden caves and secrets and hazard. Peter walked with his pack and his stick and when he came to the forest he went in. It seemed a good place to be alone. He was not a priest anymore. Excommunication, they called it....

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Wolf Eve

-Mark Twain, "Following the Equator" *** The door was open when Peter came home that night. Inside, a wolf was waiting for him, although of course he didn’t know it at first. At the chapel entrance, he frowned and set his pack down. Snow was tracked all the way in, but it was too dark to see anything. He was reluctant to go inside, but with the snow still falling he couldn’t stand out here in the middle of the woods all night. He lit the lantern on the table and shone it around....

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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The GodgranddaughterChapter 7 Cathrsquos business development

Cath asked for time with Mom and me. “I have a business proposal that doesn’t have much to do with sex, which gives it a certain appeal: it’s a way to process travel, venue contacts, meetings, etc., which are quite legitimate and thus may legitimize other activities. For our meeting, Ada and I dressed in sexy casual, knowing Cath could be professional. Wet-look tube dresses are pretty much standard for us. Mine has a crisscross laced front that dips below my navel, showing much cleavage in...

1 year ago
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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

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Wolf cage

The time I got on the phone I was asked the normal questions of getting hired for any other job. But though it all went my way and I was accepted. I was told to come in first thing at 8 o'clock to see what needs to be done each day. The night passed and I woke up early to take a shower. Thoughts came through my mind of the sexy female wolfs that live there. I've always had a thing for animals, though I never had the chance with anything. As I stand in the shower I was getting hard the...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 42 Mandy the Cat

Music filled the air. It had a rhythm that begged to be moved to. I couldn't help but tap a foot at the very least. I looked and found my girls all felt the same compulsion to get up and dance, but we all held our seats. The figure that had been curled up on the floor to the left of Vikkor during our meeting, the meal and my show of power finally stirred. I was hopeful for a lithe male dancer to entice the women, but after the figure stretched a slender arm ending with fingers and dazzling...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Wolf Mountain Found Gurl

Wolf Mountain, Found Gurl By: Melody Anne Layla Pearson hadn't seen home in years, not since that summer day at thirteen when she was taken away to the private school. Or rather when Lyle had been banished because he wasn't what his father expected of his son. They called it a private school, in reality it was a mental hospital where rich parents sent their children when they didn't want to deal with their problems. The Wilder Institute had...

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Ritu Chachiji Bani Kothe Ki Sasti Raand Reshama 8211 Part I

Hi! sabhi lund walo aur chut waaaliyon ko mera lund wat pranam. Main ISS pe naya nahin hun magr yeh meri pehli story hai. Bahut saalon se stories padh raha hun aur hila raha hun. Aisa ek din bhi nahin hota jab ISS pe log in nahin kiya ho. Badi hi mast site hai aur mast kahaniyan hai. Ab bakwass bandh karke maal pe aate hai. Apni pehli kahaani mein main aapko apne ghar le jaata hun aur apni raand maal RITU chachi se milwata hun. Aisa koi lund na hoga jo is chinaal ko chodna na chahe. Saaali...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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wolf of the mountain 2

“Adonis there you are come on” she said moving back down the path grabbing his hand and pulling him along “What’s wrong “Adonis Asked “bandits, raiders, what” “Nothing like that, and put that away” Lilith said eyeing his blade She stopped at the mouth of a cave “come on out you are safe now, come along you can’t live in there forever “ Adonis stood there wondering who his wife was talking to then he saw as two girls came out of the cave they were foxes, both were young and...

2 years ago
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Here is my latest story. The usual disclainmers apply. May be archived only on free sites. Feedback is always welcome. Sarah ------------------------------------------------------ VacationLand part 1 by Sarah Miller "Maine?" queried Jeff. "You want to go to Maine on our vacation? What the hell is in Maine?" "Lots of stuff," answered Anne. "After all, they call it 'Vacationland'. There's the rocky coast, all the lobster boats, the cute New England villages, lots of...

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Scotlands Alcatraz

Scotland's Alcatraz Synopsis A new prison is set up onan off shore island where young offenders are sent to be educated under adisciplinary system that involves them living intimately with each other.Two especially so. Please take note! The text in this story containserotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF FF NC Rom If you are an underage minoror offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in yourlocality, then leave, close or delete this...

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Cathy 2 Insemination Complete Beta AlphaCathy

Cathy - 2 - Insemination Complete - Cuckold Starts My name is Steve and I have been married to Cathy for some 5 years. We are both 30 and had a great marriage. She is a leggy blond with great hips, a full bosom with rosy red nipples that stick out like bubble gum and a shapely arse. Her golden hair frames her pretty face and she has sparkly blue eyes and a beautiful smile.We got on really well and I think that after a series of tumultuous relationships she saw me as someone safe, dependable who...

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Wolfs Bane Rescue beyong the Rim

Rescue Beyond the Rim By: Malissa Madison Wolfs Bane; LSF Lydia Shore, Col, Commander Torri Sharr, driver Wraith; TM III Lorrna Shaye, Commander Goth; Frill Layella Dellorre, Primary Driver Terror; LSF Mark IV Troika Deirri, Commander, Lycan Sanissa Demure, Co- Commander, Driver (Cord Demure's younger Sister) Grief; TM IV Tarra Demure, Commander (Reno's Older Sister) Genie Fall, Primary Driver MTS-1, DLS 1.2-T FJ-123, FJ-124, FJ-125,...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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Wolf Creek Ch 20

Ada’s return to the Wolf Creek Ranch for the duration of the war years was a period of fantasy isolation from the world gone mad around them punctuated by shocking reminders that they were part of that world. Beth proved to be a real delight for Ada—the daughter she had always wanted but that the Spanish flu had ripped out of her arms. Ada didn’t know how she ever could have gotten the notion she’d had that being the daughter of a Hollywood movie star would make Beth’s adjustment to life in...

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Wolf Creek Ch 08

Ada had grown into a strong, independent woman, spurred by having lost nearly everything, including her husband and two of her children, at a relatively young age. But she also had a weakness for men, a weakness that she fought, but never nearly enough if she didn’t want to lose the fight. She was willing to admit to herself, though, that part of being strong and independent and not controlled by social mores on what a woman’s place was considered to be in the early twentieth century was to...

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Wolf forest

Mona packed her backpack and test her SLR camera. She look bus timetable and hurry up her packing. She has tent and food for two days in her pack. Mona?s favorite genre in photography is wolves. She is 23 years old and have photographed wolves many years. Mona wait bus outside of old bus station. She look how small town wake up and peoples goes to work. Her bus come and Mona get in the bus. She give few dollars to the driver and sit down. Bus start and Mona see how it turn on very long and...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Bandhur Kakimar Sathe Chodachudi

Hi Bandhura kemon achhen? Onek din por ami amar aar akta golpo niea tomader kachhe asechhi. Abar bandhur kakir sathe sex. Suru kora jak. Amar bandhu Dip. Oor bari Kolkatar onno dike. Ami thaktam onno dike. Tai majhe majhe oder bari giea thaktam. Aram akbar ami oder bari gieachhi. Kichhudin age oor Kakar natun biye hoeachhe. Ami biye te jete pai ni karon amar porikha chhilo. Tokhon amar boyes aai 21 years. AMar sex prochhhur tokhon. Bathroom a rojie mota muti handle martam. Ami oder bari giea...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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wolf fang

I admit there were tears in my eyes as everything I had thought so powerful, so eternal, so beyond the reach of others, was reduced to nothing more than a huge bonfire obscuring the morning sun with its smoke of destruction. My tears fell, and I mouthed words of rage and defiance that were utterly impotent. The great city of Maurur was no more. My parents, my brothers, and sisters were no more. My friends, my lover Monah, all gone. The Knights of the Wolf were no more. We had all been...

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Cat Sand

hi. My name's sherry marcus. My room mate alex and I have a problem. Well... It's MY problem really! But it never fails! Alex has lots of cats. I'm allergic to cats (sigh) she keeps the catsand in our bathroom! And I wretch at the smelly oder which she NEVER cleans, so guess who's winds up doing it? I think she keeps it in there to bug me. Really! She barged in yesterday and found me going #2! Suddenly her cat sprinkle came in and went in the sand box next to me. She smirked. "You two...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Wolf Creek Ch 12

At his own request, Frank Wolf was cremated, and Ada and Frank’s surviving son, Jess, took the ashes up to the glade of the upper fork of Wolf Creek, where he and Ada had been married and, together, they scattered the ashes. Jess was a perfect gentleman, which Ada found quite surprising. But Frank had told Ada some time earlier that Festus’s death had sobered and mellowed Jess considerably, and, by all evidence, Jess’s father’s death had completed that process. Ada had thought it only right to...

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Back in the heraldic days of the Earth there were numerous creatures that are mostly seen as legends or folklore now. Most legends had a logical origin, but man kind is cruel, jealous and tends to destroy what it doesn,t understand. Back in those heady days there were still a few dragons, but they were endangered now man had devised stronger more deadly weapons. There were almost as many faeries and goblins and magic creatures, but again mankind either destroyed them outright or their habitat...

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Catherine and Alexander

Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Wolf WorldChapter 4 Wolf Brother

"But, Phil! They might have killed you," Audrey protested, leaning back against the door of the side passage where they'd been temporarily housed. "I couldn't just go off and leave you locked up back there." "Keep your voice down," he whispered, leaning close so that she could hear. "Your Mr. Jordan could have this place bugged. Look, all I had to do was to tell Marten's people who I was and what I was doing there. It would have blown my cover, but at least that way I wouldn't be...

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Wolf Creek Ch 10

Estelle Hopewell proved to be Ada’s saving angel—and far more than in their intimate moments, of which there were many in the ensuing years. Estelle immediately fell in love with the hidden Colorado valley of Wolf Creek, and she virtually moved in with Ada and Frank in the Wolf Creek Ranch main ranch house. Frank never really took to her, but he tolerated her for Ada’s sake. Estelle was visited in turn by her adventuring husband, who one day looked in the passenger seat of the RC-38US Douglas...

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Granddaddys Love Chapter 01 Kissing my granddaddy

I’ll always love you, grandpa! I was hiding in my bedroom, hugging my ragged stuffed bear, waiting for the storm to pass. I had considered crawling under the wooden frame, but I was no longer a child. My curvy ass and generous boobs were making it impossible to use my old hiding places and short of instantly becoming invisible, this was the end of the line for me. There was nowhere else that could be safer, except outside. But it wasn't safe for me to bolt out now. My mom was drunk again...

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Wolf 1 the BeginningChapter 7

During those three months, we often discussed what we would do when the people showed up from Earth to claim the ogre spaceship. We discussed our alternatives when that happened, and we agreed that we would surrender the ogre spaceship without argument. Our real problem was what to do when they ordered us to return to Earth. We were more than happy with our current living arrangements, and had no wish to change them. Our conversations finally resolved themselves into a decision to declare...

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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter V The One In Which Cat Meets a Catspaw

Catelyn Stark was distraught. No, that wasn't quite right for how horrible she felt. Catelyn Stark was broken, as broken as her son. Her second son, Bran, was found after falling from the tallest tower in Winterfell, his back crushed and his legs useless - if he even survives this ordeal. He hasn't so much as woken up since the accident. Her beloved husband, Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and the North, and now Hand of the King, delayed his departure south as long as he could but he was...

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Wolf Creek Ch 11

Ada Albin Raven and Frank Wolf were married on a beautiful, clear and crisp, spring morning in 1927 in the glade by the cascading eastern arm of Wolf Creek about midway between Brook House and Hagen’s Saw Mill in the lower reaches of Hahn’s Peak. Ada had wanted to be married in the open air of the Rocky Mountains, and she could think of no more beautiful spot than the one where she and Pete Fair had met and made love. She meant no disrespect for her new husband, but her afternoons spent...

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Wolf Creek Ch 21

The atmosphere in the Manchester Walker mansion was so cold and austere—and judgmental—that Ada could feel herself drying up and withering away from the inside. But this is exactly what she wanted, if she had known how to enter a convent, she would have done so. She wanted this cancer of sensuality inside her to be lanced and to flow away. The Walker sisters were more than willing to oblige her. That sat stonily, day after day, in their drafty drawing room overlooking the sluggish Merrimack...

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Long Cock,s fight with John Kovacs aka the Werewolf was legendary. It was a freezing evening when Kovacs smelled the creature that seemed more human than a****l not realising he was human most of the time except when the moon was in its phases. When the wolf person sensed danger Kovacs attacked knocking Long Cock off his feet and into a defensive crouch which made Kovacs bite his long tongue in excruciating pain which enraging him even more but also made him vulnerable, Long Cock taking...

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Wolf 2 Dyson SphereChapter 10

I have no idea how he did it, but AI kept a tag on the Earth fleet and popped us into hyperspace at Warp 4 just in time to put us just ahead of the leading spaceship of the fleet. We had a canned message ready to send to all of the ships of the fleet. The message said: "We are representatives of the people currently living on Wolf-439 iv, and we demand that you halt your intent to destroy our civilization. If you do not stop immediately your advance on Wolf-439 iv, we will take action to...

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Cat and Mouse Theres An Idol In The Jungle And A Mage Is In The Mist

Cat and Mouse: There's An Idol In The Jungle And A Mage Is In The Mist by Bluto WEEK 14 "Cat." "Huh?" "Cat, wake up, we're about to land." "Ahhh, why are you waking me just for that, Nightman?" "Cat, how many weeks has it been since you turned the Mouse into a baby?" "What?? Oh, I don't know.? What's today, Tuesday?? Oh, I guess it's been 14 weeks as of? today.? And I didn't change Mouse into a baby, Malato-Zu did!" "Forget about that.? Look at her, sleeping over...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup h.ye nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Breeding for the Fatherland

Chapter 1 Gretel Heinrich and Elsa Muller were both voluntary "breeding mothers" for the Center for Aryan Development and Furtherance in Oberammergau, Germany during the early years of the 1940s. They had both graduated from gymnasium and when the Third Reich offered the chance for sexy young German girls to serve the Fatherland by serving as "breeding mothers" for the elite men of the Third Reich, both Gretel and Elsa had stepped forward and offered their services gladly. They were only...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E17 Martha Randon 36 from Atherstone

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of an old-fashioned market square – cobble stones surrounded by bollards to protect the pedestrian shoppers, then a road around the outside, and beyond that old, whitewashed buildings – shops and pubs, styled to look like Tudor and Elizabethan buildings. Walking toward us, through the crowds, is the familiar round-bellied figure of our jeans and West Ham shirt wearing host – hairy everywhere but the top of his head, it’s everyone’s favourite...

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