Foggy Beach
- 4 years ago
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I am not about to give an opinion as to the propriety or impropriety of capital punishment. On this point good men have differed, and will differ, I dare say, for some time to come. What I wish to impress upon the reader is the horrible nature and atrocious effect of a public execution.
Dolly and I were passing by Newgate a few weeks later. Twas a Sunday and outside the formidable prison a considerable crowd was gathering. There were respectable men with their wives and children staring at its dreary stone walls. We also saw several ragged boys and girls romping and laughing in the streets. That the neighbouring public-houses were filled with a tipsy crowd was no surprise, save for the early hour, and here and there a few barriers had been erected, and workmen were engaged in putting up more.
"I wonder what's going on?" I said to Dolly. My young mistress caught me off guard by supplying the answer.
"It appears to be a hanging, or or least the crowd seems to be expecting one," she opined.
She had to be correct, for why else would such preparations be made?
"I've never been to a hanging," I told Dolly. At which she expressed the greatest surprise. "Yer haven't? Oh, yer must see one. This one." That said, she left off holding my arm and scampered away and into a near by public house. A minute later she came skipping out, a huge grin on her angelic face.
"A hangin' it tis!" She yelped gaily. "We must attend, we must!"
And so I resolved for once to see the tragedy performed. Neither Dolly nor I knew anything of the man to be hanged, save he'd led an outlaw's life and was to die as outlaws often do.
We returned later that evening. The public-houses had been closed, decent people had gone home to bed; but already the crowd had become denser; already had the thief and the bully from all the slums and stews of the metropolis been collected together. There is generally something fine, and genial, and hearty about an English mob. On a normal night one might take a lady from one end of London to the other, and she would not have heard an objectionable word, or been inconvenienced in the least; but the mob of which I now write seemed utterly repulsive and reprobate; all its sympathies seemed perverted. It is a hard world this, I know, and it has but little mercy for the erring and the unfortunate; but that they should regard it with such evil eyes was what I was something I did not expect.
It really made one's blood run cold to hear the mob around me talk. The man to be hung had rushed into a jeweler's shop as it was being closed, beaten the shop man, who tried to defend his master's property, with a life-preserver, and then left him for dead.
It appeared the crowd evidently admired him rather than not. "He was starvin' "one of them informed me. "The bloody Government "dodged him, and if he steals it is only what he must do, and if murder follows tis not his fault and the bloody Government is unjust in hanging him for it."
It occurred to me that these men had been gathering for hours to watch the event and how were they to pass their time if they did not talk? And who was there to lift up his voice on behalf of law and order? For that matter who would have listened? I say this because in looking around I saw not men of honesty and virtue, for those men have long been abed.
I wondered about the strange and mysterious interest with which death clothes everything it touches. Could it be that looking at a man so soon to have done with life we fancy we can better pry into the great secret? Do we think that seeing him struggle we shall die more manfully ourselves; or is it merely the vague interest with which we regard any one about to leave this life and the secrets of which he can never return to tell?
My thoughts were suddenly shattered as Dolly was violently knocked into me and I caught her before she fell to the ground. A fight had broken out! And twas between two women! Some of what follows I pieced together later, but I add it now for purposes of clarity.
That bundle of rags, with matted hair covering all the face so that you cannot clearly see a feature, is the Clare Market Pet, and she has just encountered Slashing Sal, her mortal enemy for years. Both women are very tipsy, very dirty, and very red. Shrieking and cursing, the Clare Market Pet rushed on Slashing Sal, who is by no means loth for the encounter. A ring is formed, men and boys halloo and encourage, and the battle rages furiously; though both women are far too drunk to do each other any serious harm. At length the Clare Market Pet is vanquished and order, such as it is, is restored.
"Well, that was a bit of action," a breathless Dolly opined.
"That it was I agreed, and noticed that Dolly and I had been surrounded by a group of youthful costermongers and their wives, who have come here for a lark, just as they frequent the penny gaff, or crowd the gallery in the Victoria.
"Please give me a penny," says a girl of about fourteen, and I find myself in handing the young heathen a penny after getting her to agree not to tell any of the others I'd done so. Dolly and I move on through the crowd, closer to the buildings and again, I find a female standing by my side. She is horridly dirty, she stinks of gin and her face is that of the confirmed sot -- of one who has given up home and husband for the accursed drink. She looks very piteously in my face and says, "And so they are going to hang the poor man," she exclaims; "they have no mercy on him."
"You forget," I replied, "the poor man whom he murdered, and on whom he had no mercy."
"No, I don't," she exclaimed with tipsy gravity; "he had no right to kill the man, and ought to be punished; but ain't we all morally bad?"
But here the conversation ended, for maudlin and stinking with gin the woman sank down on a doorstep, overcome by either serious feelings for the man in question or a victim of the gin.
Ah, those doorsteps -- tonight the police don't bid the habiués move on. What a rabble have collected on them. Ragged boys, who, perhaps, have nowhere else to sleep, wild-looking women unbonnetted and shoeless, with red, uncombed hair, faces very much marked with the small pox, only seen on such occasions as these, with old men for whom home has no charm, and life no luster crouching on them. And girls, though young in years, whose rouged cheeks and shabby finery tell to what wretchedness and degradation they have already come. Some of them sleeping on this fairly cold evening, happier now than they can be in their waking hours.
My eyes lifted up from the sordid wretches before me and noted the windows above all lighted up and filled with gay company. Two beautiful young women have just stepped out of the brougham, and are now gazing from a first-floor on the wild human sea beneath, will probably sit playing cards and drinking champagne whiling away the hours until the poor man is to be hung, then these same girls, all sensibility and tears, will sit with their opera glasses during the fearful agony, as if merely Grisi acted or Mario sang.
"Katie! Laura!" I heard Dolly shout. I followed her eyes and saw Dolly was yelling to garner the attention of the two girls in the window.
It was Laura I later learned who spied Dolly first. "Dolly! She shouted gleefully.
"Look, there's Dolly down there by the doorstep! Old acquaintances I was to learn. And we were soon weaving our way through and over the masses sprawled on the doorstep and up the stairs to join her former girlfriends (at least that is what I prefer to call them.)
Katie was the mistress, for the evening at least, of a Frenchman named Charles. Laura had been invited to join them to watch the hanging. Charles was a gentleman of means much as I myself. That is he was not born to money, but came upon it early in life. He never made mention of how he acquired his wealth and neither did I.
Dolly and I joined them a several glasses of champagne and I was pleased to see the Frenchman's hands roaming freely over both young ladies bodies as we passed the time. Dolly ignored the Frenchman's fondling of her friends and chatted away; catching up on all the gossip she'd missed while staying with me. To be sure both her friends gave me the once over too and I appear to have passed such test as they used to measure my standard -- and Dolly's.
We watched the workmen putting up the last barriers, the Frenchman discreetly raising Laura's dress and rubbing her quim with a hand at first and then humping her clothed rear with his prick. Since no one objected I ignored it too and thusly avoided a possible confrontation with this Charles of Paris.
As the clock stuck three, the crowd, more eager than ever, has planted itself by the Old Bailey. The yard was thrown open, and three strong horses, such as you usually see in brewers' drays, drag what seems to be an immense clumsy black box. They stopped at the door of Newgate nearest to St Sepulcher's.
Several women, including Katie shrieked as the black box rumbled over the stones, and I shuddered, for instinctively I knew it was the gallows. By the dim gas-light I saw workmen first fix securely a stout timber -- then another -- and then a beam across from which hangs a chain -- and now the crowd becomes denser.
There are but the five of us, excluding the barmaid looking on from the window. Katie tells us she has seen every hanging for the last five years and boasted that she had witnessed one man hung at Newgate, and took a cab and got to Horsemonger Lane in time to see another. The Frenchman told her that such was a rare treat indeed and one of which she should be justly proud.
"I am indeed, sir," said she and leaned far over to provide him with an ample view of her generous bosom.
Dolly took a moment to whisper in my ear that, "Hangings make a girl want to fuck like mad. I don't know the why of it, it just happens."
I took that as a hint of better things to come for later that evening for altogether there is somewhat too much mirth in the house, though we could not have had a better place had we paid £5 for it. The women are exuberant and full of fun. It is true, as the girls say to each other, "they don't hang a man every day," but the gaiety is discordant.
Over the way the man awaiting the noose is just waking up from his troubled sleep. A thin wisp of smoke goes up from the dark dreary building opposite. Are they boiling him his last cup of tea?
"Look," shouts Charles, "See, there is a light in the press-room! Ah, what are they doing there?" I make no comment, for none is required of me.
St Sepulcher's strikes six. We have been waiting for this all night and admittedly dolly and I are half drunk with champagne. The others are worse then we, but not to the point of being in danger of passing out.
We watch silently, holding our collected breaths as the door at the foot of the scaffold opens, and very stealthily, and so as to be seen by none but such as are high up like ourselves, a man throws sawdust on the scaffold, and disappears again. A few minutes later we see him with a chain or rope. All this while the hydra-headed mob beneath us amuses itself in various ways: Singing songs, chiefly preferring those with a chorus; hooting dogs; and tossing small boys about on its top.
As we look from the window, we see the mob below and before us. Far as the eye can reach towards Ludgate-hill oil one side, and Giltspur-street on the other, it is one mass of human heads. The very air is tainted with their odor -- and we can't help but smell it where we are. Katie, Laura and Charles are in excellent spirits; as are Dolly and myself. They inform us that they have not seen so many people at an execution for some years.
It was a long, wearisome night for us and I wondered what it must have been like for the man to be hanged, for it it just now eight and the roar of the crowd is so great that we cannot catch the sound of the neighbouring chimes; but we do see signs that the end is approaching. The police have filled up the intervening space between the scaffold and the crowd. A bell tinkles dismally, horridly. We look beyond the scaffold down into the open doorway, and there they are, ascending the stairs, first the chaplain, then the criminal, a man named Marley and then Jack Ketch.
Marley walks steadily, with pale face and eyes cast down, and places himself immediately under the rope. He trembles slightly as his legs are being fastened; his hands had already been pinioned behind. A nightcap is drawn over his face, the rope adjusted round his neck, and then Jack Ketch hastens down the ladder, while the chaplain, reads the burial service then steps back.
Strangely enough the crowd is suddenly somber and quiet.
With no warning, down goes the drop -- a woman or two shriek and there is a slight convulsive movement of the body, and what was a minute back a living man is now a dishonoured corpse.
There he dangles in the cold north wind for an hour. We cannot get away, as the crowd is determined to see the last of it, and will not move. It stops to hoot Jack Ketch, as he comes to cut Marley down at nine o'clock. Till then, there he hangs, a tall, well-made man, with fine dark whiskers, in his very prime, heedless of the sixty thousand glaring eyes all round, with hands clasped as if supplicating that divine mercy which all born of woman need, and which may God grant us in our dying hour. Finally the crowd hastens away to its business or its pleasure; and when a short time after we pass by the very spot where that hideous throng had stood, blaspheming in the very presence of death, butchers' and carriers' carts had filled up the vacant space, and the past night seemed a ghastly dream.
Dolly asked me if her friends might join us for breakfast at our home and I readily agreed, sensing a new wave of carnal delight in the offing. My intuition had never been more accurate.
We took two carriages back to my home. Dolly ever the wanton bitch, pulled off her bloomers and then removed my prick from its confines, freeing it and fisting it with her hand and then her mouth. When she was satisfied I was as ready as I ever would be, she straddled me and I was giddily impaled in her slushy cunt.
I had both of her tits out and was going from one to the next, biting and sucking as she humped up and down upon my throbbing shaft. We kissed, her mouth moved against mine, her tongue alive and shameless, moving, touching, attacking my mouth and then retreating as my tongue followed. Dolly began moaning as never before grinding her pelvis against mine and shimmying her arse from side to side to make sure my prick was touching all side of her quim. As she rose up and down her breathing rate increased, then she stuffed her fist in her mouth in time to muffle her orgasmic scream and thank God the driver didn't hear her, although I'm fairly certain he knew what we were about in back of him. Dolly kept humping even as her delightful climax began to fade and so brought me to my spend... and as I washed the walls of her quim with my spunk, Dolly came again.
Sweating profusely, we separated and put ourselves to rights and within three minutes the carriage pulled up to Number 7 Saville Row.
A minute later the carriage with Laura, Katie and the Frenchman pulled up. I waited for them to disembark and opened the front door. I noticed that Katie's bodice was awry, and that Laura's dress was askew and the Frenchman's trousers stained by what I had to assume was his precum or spunk.
My housekeeper was about and I told her to prepare a large repast, not only breakfast, but a sumptuous lunch as well. In short order we sat to a hearty breakfast and I excused myself to inspect the kitchen and found the housekeeper was setting out roast fowl and joint of mutton, plum pudding and boiled beef. I told her that after she had finished that she could take the remainder of the day off.
I next located my manservant and gave him the day as well. Then wine goblet in hand I returned to the dining room and joined the others, eating and drinking our way through the huge meal.I should add that drinking was ubiquitous in London in those days; everyone seemed to have a drink in their hand. This partly reflects the fact that alcohol was safer to drink than the water, then too, life was hard and many drank to forget their troubles.
With the housekeeper and manservant gone we began to get somewhat frolicsome, kissing the ladies and fondling them as well. Katie's breast popped out to much laughter all around and to my surprise she decided to leave it out.
"And why not?" said she, "it's as pretty as any in the room is it not?"
When no one disagreed with Katie, I suggested she reveal both of them for us to judge which was the nicer.
"Yer really think one's prettier than the other?" she asked seriously.
"It is possible, Charles the Frenchman said, "For I have often found one to be plumper, or fuller, or bigger, or smaller than the other. It is not that they are not both beautiful, but it is possible that one is indeed nicer than the other."
To my great surprise, I found the other women nodding their heads in agreement to Charles's statement.
Katie promptly plucked the other teat out and we each in turn gave them a close inspection. Charles was the last to examine them. I had taken the liberty of squeezing each in turn and pronounced then equally beautiful, which garnered my a kiss from the delighted Katie.
Dolly ran her fingers around her areoles, while Laura lightly pinched each nipple. As Charles took his turn, Katie's nipples had stiffened considerably, and I was surprised to see him reach into a pocket and extract some type of clamp which he quickly placed, one on each nipple.
Katie howled with some distress. "That hurts!" She wailed.
"Damn it man," said I, "just what the blazes are you doing?" For I had never heard of such a thing, but a quick look at Dolly and I knew she had.
"Rest assured my dear fellow," the Frenchman said calmly, "pain and pleasure go hand in hand. Katie my dear, tell us, does it still hurt?"
Sniffling, Katie wiped away a tear and said, "No, that's strange tisn't it?"
"Did it hurt early on?" I inquired.
"Oh most assuredly, it pained awful," said Katie who was now gingerly touching her reddened nipples, a curious expression on her face.
"Laura," said the Frenchman, "please give each of Katie's tits a suck will you dear?"
"Sure," said Laura and she went quickly to her f friend and bent her head and sucked each clamped teat in turn.
I couldn't believe my ears, for Katie moaned with passion and grabbed Laura's head, running her fingers through her hair as the girl nursed away on her.
"Dolly, would you like to try?" asked the Frenchman.
"Which?" Dolly asked, "a suck to her tits or a taste of the clamps on me own tits?"
He smiled knowingly and I had to adjust my prick in my trousers for it was sticking out prominently at this point.
"Whichever your little heart desires my dear Dolly."
"I'll take the clamps for a bit, said she, stunning me with her acceptance of this mild torture.
The Frenchman removed the clamps from Katie and Katie promptly began rubbing her left nipple and Laura did the same to her right one. Stepping close to Dolly he said, "Would you be kind enough to expose those twin charms of yours to me, or us for that matter?"
All eyes were on my Dolly as she lowered her bodice and revealed her milk-white globes. He took his time fastening each clamp to her nipples and I distinctly saw Dolly biting her lip in obvious pain as the second clamp snapped into place.
"While we're about it," the Frenchman continued, shall I help you out of this gown?"
Dolly, unable to speak from the discomfort of the clamps (which the Frenchman had tightened somewhat) could but nod her acquiescence and Charles very smoothly managed her out of her gown. Since Dolly had removed her bloomers for me in the carriage and not bothered to replace them on her person afterward, she was naked to us. The Frenchman stepped back to admire Dolly's lithesome form.
"C'est formidable!" He said, a smile appearing on his face for the first time in my memory.
"Dolly," he continued, "c'est magnifique!" and turning to me he added, "Her cunt is like a burning bush! I almost fear to put my cock in it." He burst into uncontrollable laughter and I glanced at Dolly and was stunned to see her laughing along with the Frenchman; her pain gone; her arousal clear from her flushed countenance.
"S'il vous plaît, monsieur!" and then he went on switching to English. "See the pearl about to drop from her fiery furnace!"
I did see it, for Dolly was rubbing her thighs together and had been doing it ever since the second clamp went on.
"Oh the ladies," he said to me. "Viva la difference!'
I could but nod my agreement.
"Hokay, Dolly, let me relieve your titties of their irksome burden," he said reaching out and plucking them off. Laura was quick to aid Dolly in rubbing the feeling back into her bright red nubs.
"I think we should begin, ' said Charles, and turning to face me he asked, "do you agree, monsieur?"
"I do indeed. I expect you have a plan of proper seduction?"
"Yes, yes I do. Ladies! Ladies!" he called out to get their attention. "Come close, in a circle, S'il vous plait. Yes, yes, just like so." The three women were in a circle. We two were not, but I let Charles take the lead, for I knew he wanted Dolly and would allow me to have both Laura and Katie for myself. Not a bad bargain in that Dolly would be staying long after the others had left.
"Now ladies we begin our games. Are we ready?"
Dolly spoke up. "Not quite. For I'm starkers 'en Katie's still got some clothes on, 'en Laura's still full-dressed."
"Let's remedy that shall we?' said I, stepping to the fore.
Charles assisted Katie from her remaining garments leaving but her stocking remaining and I took, with Dolly's assistance, all of Laura's clothing off, save her black stockings, duplicating Charles, for it left her looking even more exotic that without them.
Charles and I then disrobed; leaving only our stockings on; for the floor, even with a roaring fire, was cold to the soles of our feet.
The Frenchman held his manhood in his left hand and shook it several times. This seemed to get the blood flowing into it as it then grew to a disproportionate size. I found myself incredulous at its length and had to ask, "How... how big is that thing?"
"N'est-ce pas? Sorry, Fogg old chap, I'll stick to English. How big is it you ask? Well, I should say it's in excess of eleven inches, not quite a foot long, although I do wish it were thicker rather than so lengthy."
I replied in French, ""C'est formidable, in any event! I feel inadequate being in the same room as you." Of course in my embarrassment, my manhood had melted away to nothing.
"But," the Frenchman said, we are both men here and have fucked enough women to know how to satisfy them, 'eh?"
I nodded ruefully.
Then d'accord! Let's get to fucking. 'Eh, don't worry about that. It may be on the wane now, but in a minute it will rise like Lazarus from the grave to fill each of the juicy cunts in this room. I know, for I too shall fill each delicious cunt in the room as well!"
"Ladies," he went on, for the girls were still where he'd ordered them, "lean forward and give each other a nice kiss, 'eh?"
Laura stuck her chin out; lips puckered and met those of Katie. A moment later, Dolly's lips were puckered as well, meeting both Laura's and Katie's in turn.
"Ladies!" the Frenchman called out in exasperation. "I said kiss each other... the French way, 'eh!"
All three women giggled, but soon enough their tongues were going in one mouth and then the other, and I was reminded of hummingbirds, wings moving with incredible speed, yet hovering in one place as they tongued out the nectar of the flower before them. And so it was with the ladies, first Dolly's tongue flew into Laura's open mouth and a split second later, it was Laura's flicking against Katie's. Then I saw Katie's hand cup Dolly's mons, causing dolly to shiver, and how well I knew what that was a sign of. Dolly reached out with her right hand and brushed lightly over Laura's breasts and Laura sent a finger into Katie's quim. Still the kissing and tonguing continued getting even better as the girls became more adapt at the game. In another minute all three were fingering each other. That is, Katie was frigging Dolly, and Dolly frigging Laura and Laura frigging Katie. But after a minute of this they changed partners, somehow reaching an accord, but never quite stopping the frantic flickering of the tongues until Charles called a halt to their game.
"C'est magnifique! But let us move on, for we men need to become involved, 'eh?"
"Oh, yes, Charles and we want you too... become involved," Laura said staring intently at his weapon and it was indeed a weapon.
"Dolly would you be kind enough to join me by the bed?" She ran to his side and stood waiting, her eyes downcast but riveted on his manhood as hungrily as Laura's had been a moment ago.
"Now Laura and Katie, may I suggest you two share the divan with Mr. Fogg here?"
So it was a two for one trade. I didn't mind a bit. I was hardly tired of Dolly, but the sight of two new females jiggling flesh had restored my erection to its fullest and while no where close to the Frenchman's eleven inches I guessed my own to be at least a seven, not overly large, but not nearly as small as others I'd seen in the army.
Taking Katie in my arms, I drew her close and kissed her. Her tongue glided into my mouth and I savored its taste which was of course, commingled with that of Dolly and Laura. Then I did the same with Laura. Now Laura had such soft cushiony lips that I pulled away in alarm. But her doe-like eyes beckoned me back and this time my lips fastened on to hers and I did not what to end the kiss. Perhaps I wouldn't have had not Katie taken my member into her mouth and begun to suck me off.
Finally and with the utmost regret, I tore my lips from Laura's.
"You kiss very well," Laura sighed, and I knew she meant it, for while prostitutes can lie with the best, they are also known far and wide for their unblemished candor and honesty. Of course they'll steal your purse in a second given a chance, but not when they are known to you. At such times they can be trusted.
I left their seduction to them and Katie lay down on the divan on her back. Laura, giggling, climbed over her, facing her feet. Katie immediately placed her hands on Laura's rump and pulled her cunt down to meet her mouth and tongue.
'So, ' I thought, 'they'll be gamahuching one another while I'm to watch. Why I'll be harder than an iron piling.'
But such was hardly the case, for Laura gestured me over to stand between, well actually kneel between Katie's stretched out feet, and took my prick into her mouth, giving it several long, hard sucks and a good licking before deserting it to dive face down into Katie's quim. She did the same to Katie who promptly began to squirm and jerk her hips upward to meet Laura's fastidious tongue. Then she returned to my prick, this time taking slightly longer in her suck. I leaned forward, bracing myself by placing my right hand on her arse. And when Laura returned to gamahuching Katie, I teased her arsehole with my index finger and watched as she wriggled her arse in rhythm to my wandering finger.
Meanwhile Katie was sucking and licking up a storm in Laura's quim. For Laura, although holding me fixed firmly between her lips, issued forth a loud moan and then gave a shiver of delight. A moment later, I was forgotten as she placed her mouth on Katie's cunt and sealed her face to it, sucking and licking furiously until she succeeded in making Katie shiver for twice the time she had. During this so called lull of mine, I glanced over at the bed and saw Dolly on her knees sucking but half of the Frenchman's appendage down her throat. That she had that much of him down there was to her credit. She was also paying proper homage to his gonads, which to me seemed appropriately proportionate to his long member.
My attentions returned to the two women beneath me. Laura was now teasing Katie's clitoris, which had emerged from its hiding place. I had heard this delicate part of a woman's gentilalia referred to as the man in the rowboat; and could attest to the fact that in some cases this was a very apt description.
Laura took me in hand and guided me to Katie's cunt. She then proceeded to rub my cockhead over Katie's well gnawed folds while flicking her tongue across her friend little man in the boat. Katie was damn close to spending and we all knew it.
"Now's the time, Mr. Fogg," Laura hissed and I shoved my member into Katie's quim. I
was stunned as it surged in to the very base of my prick! I left it there for a moment, reveling in the sensation of Katie's muscles squeezing me and then very slowly I pulled all but the head of my prick from her dark haired abyss. I waited while Laura took her clitoris between her teeth and lightly nibbled, driving poor Katie wild with lust and made a mental note to try that very thing on Dolly at the first opportunity.
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…Fear set in when I saw our neighbors’ kitchen light turn on. They were a very nice, conservative couple in their late sixties, Ellen and George. I immediately grabbed my nightgown to cover myself, but my naughty husband grabbed it back with a smirk on his face. I sighed out loud in frustration as he tossed it to the far end of the room. He could act like such a horny teenager sometimes! Seriously, what would they think if they see my smirking husband holding my nightgown, and me naked, cream...
A few weeks had passed from my night with Alex. God was that a night to remember. Fuck did he had the stamina of a God, ridiculous. Here I was, sitting back in the break room, horny as I'll get out. I was ready for some more fun. Looking through some of the craigslist ads, I came across a few people that wanted to hook up in a car. That could be fun, I thought to myself. One ad really caught my eye; it was a young black dude wanting to fuck. In his ad, he said he wouldn't be available...
Saturday morning arrived bright and clear and it was decided over breakfast that we’d go to the coast. It seemed only natural for Sophie and me to sit in the back of Lana’s Jaguar while the identical twins sat in the front. They were not identically dressed this morning. Both wore jeans, it’s true but Lana’s were black and Lyn’s blue. We’d gone up to our rooms after breakfast and dressed. ‘Wear a skirt, Em, I want to be able to touch your legs.’ ‘I want to be able to touch yours too.’ ‘Well,...
LesbianCasey and Dido Angel are locked in an intimate embrace on the couch one hot afternoon. They can’t stop kissing one another, especially as Dido’s shirt comes off and is followed to the ground by Casey’s. The girls take turns sampling the hardness of one another’s nipples. Then their exploration moves lower, with Dido caressing Casey’s pussy. Dido is just leaning in for a taste of Casey’s slick juices when their boyfriend Ricky Rascal arrives. Dido is the first...
xmoviesforyouAfter Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley, Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...
Hello naughty ladies and horny gentlemen. Ankur Roy is the name I’ll be using for posting stories. I’m a 21 year old man from Navi Mumbai. I’ve been reading stories on ISS from the last 6 years and it has truly widened my imagination and fantasies. I’ve read all types of stories here and it has made me even more horny and desperate for sex. I was a virgin until the last weekend but all that changed. My virginity was taken by a beautiful 31 year old lady called Nikita. Now, I’ve come across many...
My Dad was in Spain for a 2 month consultancy and it was the perfect excuse to have a holiday in Barcelona. My flight arrived on time and after clearing immigration I came through the gate and looked around for the guy that had been sent from Dad’s office to collect me. The arrivals hall was like any other found globally, with a cluster of people holding signs with the names of unknown people they had been sent to collect.I glimpsed my name as I scanned the signs and then looked at the face...
"Eventually a deal was reached with the English," the Admiral continued, "Lieutenant Commander Jago was offered to them to state our case in an International Commission of Enquiry. Of course, everything had been settled behind closed doors already. This was for public consumption." "And this Jago, sir," replied the Ensign, "he wrote the official record?" "Aye, that was for Russian public consumption. They needed to hear about heros, gallantry, how we overcame a treacherous attack....
“Mom, I had a request from Naomi while we were traveling. She wants to meet you and Dad.” “She does? Why?” My mother was completely mystified, if not apprehensive. “Uhhm, well, we got talking and she was curious about me and how I was raised and it just seemed to come up,” I stammered, unconvincingly I’m sure. “She doesn’t have any parents or relatives, just her guardians.” My mother gave me a long, silent stare of curiosity. “I thought she was just a study partner.” “No ... she’s...
After my intense and strangely satisfying lipstick application initiation, all the women and young girls and the male pharmacist drifted off, allowing Judy to take control of her cute little pansy customer once again. I was dumbfounded that the woman I first saw coming towards me with what I thought was disgust in her eyes, was really a rougher, blunted extension of my darling wife, my Mistress Claire. Judy seemed perfectly happy to take command of me and my sissy needs. She proved...
My name is Tina. I had my son Alex when I was still in high school. My parents and my sister helped me raise him, and I was eventually able to go to college as make a nice life for us. Now 30, I’m a junior executive at a $1B a year company. With my salary I’m able to afford extra help to manage the house, care for the yard, stock the shelves, et cetera. I also like to care of myself with frequent mani-pedis, massages, and a personal trainer. One benefit of having a baby early in life is...
Hello friends how are you all? After long time I share my another experience of chudai with a beautiful housewife who meet me in marriage, before I share my experience I introduce myself who read my sex stories in hindi first time. I am garryfrom ludhiana(punjab) mai dikhne mai slim hu aur thoda gora hu aur 6feet height mere dick ki size 7inch hai jo kisi bhi lady ki sex ki pyass bujane ke liye kafi hai, aur ha after read my story please share ur experience with me. Ab apko jyada bore na karte...
After recently reading a sexy story, I got inspired to come up with a game for me and my wife. The game was simple. We bought blank note cards and envelopes. Then, we agreed on three scenarios, a mild one, a sexy one and a wild one. We wrote each on a card and sealed them in individual envelopes. The game began on our next date night. We'd booked a hotel room in a nearby city. Before we left, my wife selected one of the three sealed envelopes, having no idea which scenario she'd picked, and put...
ExhibitionismAfter getting back to my own time from my test with the mules, I took their packs off. I loaded them onto the trailer, stowed their gear, and drove out of the parking lot. I headed west. I was going to do a little gold mining! What better place than Coloma, California? It was the home of the famous gold strike that started the great gold rush of 1849. It was actually 1848 that the gold was discovered, but it took some time for the information to percolate back to "civilization". I took it...
She would host team parties at her house and loved a good drink, always making sure everyone was enjoying one too. I was kind of new to drinking any kind of alcohol and she delighted in getting me drunk enough to make the room spin. Instead of having me drive home drunk, she had me stay the night at her place after the party ended and everyone else left. I thought I'd be fine just sleeping it off on the sofa with a blanket, but when she turned off the heat to the house, it got quite cold...
I was right, there was no one as cool as Lieutenant Bullet in the Motel lounge that Saturday night. I really might not have been in any shape for a new man anyway. I sat gingerly and tried not to squirm in my seat. In other words my rectum was a wreck. I went to bed after my lounge walk through, even though I had only been awake a few hours. Again I slept like I had been drugged. Hell who knows with that crowd, I might have been drugged. Sunday morning when I woke up it was all better. My...
I held her. My ear was hovering over the phone attached to her ear; my arm was comfortably around her waist. I felt her body relax against me suddenly, and I tensed in an automatic response – an awkward seated dance. “Negative?” “Yeah.” Sam breathed deeply. “Safe to sleep with me now. Right, man?” I think she was kidding, so I played the part. “Oh yeah, baby. Let’s go four people this time! Or maybe 7, my lucky number!” Sam smiled and tackled me on the bed, letting her long dark hair tickle my...
LesbianPart 5How I came to meet my GF, and eventually her Daughter and Stepson......who now live with meOn one Saturday morning after my GF had left for work I had slept a bit later than usual. Lisa had stayed at a friends over night and wasn't home. When I got up I went to the kitchen to make coffee and see what I could find for breakfast. While the coffee brewed I decided to check on David, who was also sleeping late. I walked down the hall to his room to ask if he wanted some breakfast. His bedroom...
Even as a relative newcomer to the surgical staff, Dr. Roxanne Tremblay had already heard rumors about the 'Cutters Club' of the male surgeons. At first, she dismissed the rumors as folklore, propagated by bored nurses and resentful administrators. With massive egos, chauvinist attitudes, and salaries that often didn't match their skills, the male doctors certainly gave enough ammunition to their detractors. Until she heard it straight from another female surgeon, she didn't put too much...
Life can be tricky, it can also be boring, slow, and repetitive but, most of all, it can be wonderful. I learned the first one while picking up innuendo, a hidden meaning, in my best friend Holly’s jokes. I’m Sarah, and I’m here to tell about a time I had with my friend Holly that turned into a long time of exploration. Holly and I were friends all through our lives, we got our ears pierced together, went o our first dates together, and even made love the first time in the same night, we were...
Some important info before reading: I'm a newbie to the zoo lifestyle. At least to realizing I'm a zoophile. I tried to fuck a neighbor's dog when I was considerably younger and raging with hormones. I wrote it off as being just a horny teen-aged boy. Many years later, married and not getting as much sex as I would have liked (needed?) since my wife was really tired raising the kids. However, no matter how busy or tired she or I was, my libido still was acting like I was a teen! I would...
Hi, frnds mera naam Chintu ha mei kuch time se Hissar (Haryana) mei reh raha hu. Meri age 25yrs height 5-10 ha rang gora or achi body hai. Mera lund (dick) 7 inch ka hai plz koi bhi 18-40yrs ki ladki , aunty,aur bhabhi mere ko yaad kar sakti hai or meri sewa le sakti ha meri email hai Ab mei aapko apne jeevan ke pehle sex ki sachi ghatna ke bare mei batata hu.Baat un dino ki ha jab mei bcom final mei tha hamare pados mei ek aunti jo ki 40 ki umar ki thi raha karti thi unka name meenakshi tha...
Hey everybody this is my first story on ISS. So i would like to get some feedbacks from you all. My email id is My name’s sourabh(name changed) and i am a normal college going guy. i don’t have muscles but i am fit and i have a dick of 7 inches. My height is 5.10 inches. Let me not waste your time and start the story. It all started after i completed my post-school studies and took admission in a nice diploma college. I’ve had gfs and I’ve kissed and played with boobs but never really had sex....
Girls Weekend … Continued I laughed along with Jane at the amazing scene that was rapidly unfolding that night. Jane propped herself up and lent across to retrieve her G&T from the bedside table. She took a hearty gulp and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. We held each others gaze as I continued to stroke her well toned thighs. She groaned and looked at me seductively. “Kate … that was fucking amazing.” She said, still slightly breathless. “Glad you liked it … I really enjoyed...
Every Halloween my wife and I go to a private party thrown by one of her friends. Nan is a lady my wife met several years ago and after they discovered they both are into cuckolding they became best friends. The only thing Man's husband Mike and I have in common is we are both cuckolds. He is an I.T. guy and I own a automotive repair shop. They live in a hootie tootie gated community and my wife and I live in a nice older neighborhood. Each year Nan gives away an award for the best costume and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi dear readers thanks for all comments from my dear readers I am very happy to hear your thoughts and comments that will encourage me to write more Incest stories. Ok. this is another super story for you it will give you another super ejaculation. read and write to me. My name is Parase and I m 19 and lives with my wife, Gladis. Let me tell you a little about my family history: I was 19, and my dad died about 6 years earlier. Ever since that time, my...
IncestHi guys…. Hwz u all.. This is Avi Patil from Indore (M. P. ). My age is 21. Height is 5 feet 10 inch. I’m a college student. So ye baat may 2013 ki hai meri mausi ke yaha unke bête Vijay ki shadi thi to maa-paa to jaa nhi sakte the kisi karan se to unhone mujhe bhej diya pehle me nana-nani k yaha gaya chuki shadi Gujarat me thi or mujhe bus ki timing nhi pta thi. So me unk sath agle din subah 4. 30 wali bus se chala gaya. Hum waha karib 11 am pe pahoch gye waha mene mausi ke ladke ko call kiya...
Hello Friends This is Saumya par log mujhe Simmi bulate hai. mai 31 years old hu. meri marriege ho chuki hai 3 years pahle. Par abtak hamne baby plan nahi kiya hai. So we are still enjoy our marriage life. I am 5’ 3’’ tall and my complexion is milky white. My figure is 36-26-36 and weight is 50kgm only. My hubby loves me very much because I am very much pretty & broad minded girl. Jo bhi mujhe dekhta tha tariff kiye bagair nahi rahta tha. Last year ki bat hai mujhe apne mom-dad ke marriage...
Jake's stage outfit consisted of tight red leather pants and a black, loose-fitting shirt that came down slightly below his waist and covered about half of his arms. For shoes he was given patent leather, ankle-length boots that had been polished to a high shine. The moment he got dressed he began to sweat. He knew it would only get worse out beneath the heat of the stage lighting. "Fabulous," crooned Reginald Feeney, the wardrobe manager. "It accents that nice ass of yours but hides the...
I was working at my father’s accounting office for the summer,I didnt know a thing about the business, but I did know there was enough ass working there to keep me quite busy for the whole summer. i had my own office and my duties were to a ssist the office manager. Most of the time I was on the phone or at lunch.I became friendly with a number of the women that worked in the back, as accountants and data entry operators. There was one women in particular that made my blood boil the minute I...
"Come on!" she murmured. "Ring, dammit!" She restlessly resumed her tapping on the table top, glancing at her replacement, Jill Owens, working on a specimen at the far end of the room. Jill was the Supervisory Lab Tech for the "three to eleven-thirty shift," replacing Carol as supervisor. There was always a thirty-minute overlap between the shifts, allowing hospital supervisors and workers to update their replacements on department activities and on-going actions. Just then the...
Hi friends I am Mr.x from deep down in south Tamilnadu….I am back with another new story…Enjoycontinuation of chapter 1Indira didn’t have a nice sleep that day. She was excited very much rather than shocked seeing Veeru giving his sister sexual pleasures. She rolled in bed thinking about it all night. Her husband Ashok had no interest in her and he is in good sleep. She held a pillow close to her pressing against her chest region to cool her starving. Her mind was full of Veeru’s play on...
IncestMy uncle grabbed me and pulled my face to his. We kissed deeply with him kissing and licking away his cum from my face. He shared his cum from his own tongue as our tongues entwined in our mouths. We finally went to just pecking at each others lips as he held me. Hi, my name is Kay and most just calls me K. I am a married 50-year-old mom from the Midwestern United States. I live a secret life as most have no idea of my kinky past nor of the present fun, I am having. I would like to share some...
I pulled into my driveway. Mae stepped from the passenger side and I unlocked the front door. "Kyle called while you must've been speaking with some others on his team," I said to her. "He's really amped up over you. He said it's not often he finds a candidate who knows both systems and the banking industry." "I thought today went well," she replied. "He gave me a copy of the employee handbook. I was looking at the dress code. Going over to Hubbard's for a pair of pantyhose was...
Today was a rotten day for Jim. His temperamental boss just gave him an earful. As he drove home, he started to swear under his breath. Jim felt aimless and wasn't paying attention to his driving and suddenly found himself in a strange and derelict neighborhood. As he drove around he notices that the place was relatively quite and deserted. Not wanting to stay any longer in the eerie place, he started to drive around to look for a way out. Just as he was about to turn around to...
Innocent as she is pretty, fresh 18-year-old teen, Scarlett Sage thinks she’s ready to become a porn star! After flashing her I.D to prove she’s legal, she prepares to get bottomed out by the notorious John Strong. First, he’ll see if her purty little mouth can fit his wide-ass cock and she passes…barely. Sticking her gorgeous ass in the air, Scarlett readies herself for her first, genuine porno cock. And from the looks of it, she’s bitten off more than she can...
xmoviesforyouI'm laying naked under the comforter in the dark watching tv as you come into the room. You just got back from a girls night out on the town. I watch you as you slowly strip out of your clothes. You take everything off except for your black pantyhose. You sit on the edge of the bed by me and you lean over to give me a kiss. I kiss you back as I wrap my arms around you. You put your hands on the bed as you lean in closer. You feel my tongue slip into your mouth. As we continue to kiss...
This story is based upon very real events.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"I'll go get us some more drinks babe, still want WKD Blue?" My wife, Christina asks as she stands up from the small electric blue lounge area in the club. The music thumping on my chest as revellers dance the night away. It was getting on for midnight, and I was feeling a little tipsy, having gone clubbing with my wife.I watched as she walked a short...
I don’t suppose there is a hacker alive who hasn’t spent time in the gaming world. Probably a lot of time. Gaming keeps us sharp and we develop long-term attachments and respect for each other. Back in the good old days, online gaming was limited to Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) where the gamer entered character attributes, then chose what to do in the world that evolved. It was nearly all text-based. But just reading those lines—turn right, take two steps, strike, run—were enough to put real...
Jeremys' mother finished tidying up after a visit from their neighbour, Mrs. Gonzales. Could it really work? Could Francesca Gonzales be telling the truth? She had heard of those tiny machines lately, noonites or whatever they were called, being able to change people, but a whole catalogue of clothing with the little what-nots embedded into them? Mind you, Francesca certainly proved herself when she called for young Alberto to come over and say hello; that boy had sure changed over the...
Hi fndz I am mahesh from vizag, na age 25 , 5’10 height and 70 kgs weight, emanna tappulu unte kshaminchandi edi na 1st story , nenu roju jogging ki veltha kabatti naku stamina ekkuve na tool vachesi 6 inches, inka na heroin gurinchi chepalante tanu ma fnd valla amma, age 45 ala untadi, house wife, tanaki oka babu papa , babu na classmate and papa na kanna 2 years chinnadi, inka unty structure vachi tipical south indian lady, sizes 35d 38 40, chudadaniki avg a untundi height kuda 5’4 . But...
Karen Miller woke up sore all over. She felt as if she had run a marathon, every muscle aching in a way that made her feel accomplished. But unlike a 5K or other run, her exhaustion was from a different kind of activity. She propped herself up on her elbows, looking down her athletic frame. She was lying in bed, the sunlight streaming over her, illuminating streaks of dried semen. She was covered in it, smears of dried cum covered her stomach and small, pert breasts. She sat up and touched her...
I spent most of my work day yesterday playing with myself under my desk. I'd take a peek at recent uploads from my xhamster friends and casually stroke myself. Before I realized it, the day was over and I had never actually gotten off. Needless to say, I was pretty horny, so I decided to take a trip to the local ABS.The ABS absolutely sucks as a porn/adult toy store. There's a tiny shop in front with all the merchandise spaced out on the walls. I'd be amazed if there were more than a 150 DVDs...
Man die letzten Monate waren echt hart. So viel Arbeit und kaum Freizeit. So war ich froh, dass ich mal eine Woche weg konnte. Leider mussten alle anderen Arbeiten und so musste ich alleine los. Auch gar nicht so schlecht. Kann ich aussuchen was ich machen möchte ohne Rücksicht auf andere zu nehmen. Bei einer Woche wollte ich auch nicht so weit und so entschied ich mich für eine Woche in die Türkei an die Küste zu fahren. Das Hotel war nicht gerade super aber es lag direkt am Meer. Das Wasser...
Pauline Manson smiled as she wiped the cups and plates, which she took from her dishwasher, with a tea towel. The seventy-year-old retired School Mistress tried to keep herself busy in order to help the time pass a little quicker before Zofeya and her boyfriend arrived. She hummed to herself as she placed her things back in the cupboard. Pauline Manson was looking forward to spanking Diane’s eighteen-year-old daughter that afternoon. It had been far too long since she had smacked the...
SpankingI was in my room trying to finish an essay when my mobile rang. I sighed when I saw it was Andy. I’d told him I had a deadline to meet, and he’d promised not to disturb me.“I hope this is important.”“It is, really important. You remember what you said this morning?”“Erm, yes, but…”“Well, I’ve got it sorted. But it has to be this afternoon.”“Seriously? Right now, you mean?”“Yeah. It’s the last chance you’ll get before the end of term. I know you’ve got an essay, but you said you really wanted to...
MasturbationIt was the evening of the Kink Collection party. Cerys was bleary eyed and coughing. Her nose was streaming from a particularly unpleasant cold. “It’s no good,” she said, “I’m in no condition to go to this thing tonight. “You sound awful,” Allison responded, sympathetically. She had come to meet up with her friend on the way to the Kink Collection event but Cerys was obviously not well. “I quite understand.” “I think the only way I could do it would be wearing a gas mask with a block of...
I lost my virginity when I was at a large high school in the East Midlands. There was a girl in my English class who had a rather sexy reputation, her name was Donna, she was a bit chubby and by no means the prettiest girl in the class but she was known rather unkindly I thought for being what my school mates called “easy”. Donna lived just up the street from me, and I would often walk home, watching her sexy big round bottom swaying in front of me. Eventually, she and I began to chat about the...
My name is Walter and I'm 39 years old. My niece D.J. turned 14 a year ago and she is very special to me. Every year I give her something special for Valentines, and every year I get a kiss on the cheek from her. I had been lusting after D.J. ever since she was 12, just waiting for her to be grown up enough for me to be her lover. Last year just after she turned 14 (the age of consent in our state) I decided to take her out on her first date. I knew my brother wouldn't let her date until she...
"Can I?" Susannah whispered, her face crumpling into a tipsy half-giggle. "You don't mind?"She had asked to "try out" on my boyfriend, James. She was always asking."Why not?" I sighed, lifting myself from the sofa and exiting towards the kitchen, muttering, "it's about time!" Susannah was in almost every way a perfectly normal, attractive young woman. Tall, slender and willowy of figure, she had a slim waist, long legs and feminine grace. High, well-defined cheekbones and generously-freckled,...
Straight SexShe alighted from the car with Jackson’s assistance, endeavouring to keep her thighs together and microskirt down. There were a few people in line for the nightclub as well as a large group of smokers clustered in a fenced off area outside. A few heads turned to look at her in her outfit but despite her feeling exposed no one seemed to linger on her for too long and she realised that her outfit was not hugely out of place – though she imagined that most of the other women here were wearing...