Incredible ChangesChapter 178: Weekend At Bernie’s Emily’s free porn video

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Molly is damn smart, but how in the hell did she get involved in with Emily or her mom? Where am I going anyway?

“Emily needs you. Only you can help her,” Molly said quickly. “Hurry. Drive fast, very fast. You can be there by ten with no stops, eleven if you have to take bathroom breaks.”

Yeah, I can see needing to take a bathroom break to take a shit, but the piss tube in the car takes care of the more urgent needs.

At the gas station I loaded up on snacks, junk food, and drinks for the road. The gas cost me thirty bucks, but the food cost me sixty-three. At best, if I went over the speed limit, I had around six hours.

Emily’s mom must have driven the wheels off her car going back and forth to the hospital if she lived this far away. No wonder she couldn’t come visit after work each day.

I used the hands-free Bluetooth setup in the car to call her.

“Hello,” Emily’s mom asked over the screaming and sound of things smashing into walls.

“It’s David. Molly got me driving to you as soon as I got home. By the way, what should I call you? Emily didn’t formally introduce us and calling you Emily’s mom is just weird, but that works for me if that is what you want,” I told her.

After covering the phone to yell at someone, she said, a bit in a huff, “Bitch, hypocrite, bible thumper, cunt, take your pick.”

Uh oh.

“Do you need me to cuddle you like I did for Emily while I was in the hospital. If you’re up for it, I could sure use a real woman to show me about sex my first time. That would make this long drive worth it. I get to visit Emily and have some fun too,” I said excitedly.

That caught her off guard and she started going off on me.

Wait for it ... Let her vent a bit...

Ten to fifteen seconds into her rant she stopped mid-sentence. Once she processed what I had said to her she realized I was teasing her and really started laughing. I wasn’t exactly teasing her though. She would have the expected sag to her breasts and some extra pounds, but I wouldn’t turn her down if she asked me into her bed. Plus. I had a lot I had leaned since the last time I saw Emily.

“Smartass,” she told me before covering the phone to yell again. “Please be careful and don’t break the law by driving recklessly, but please get here as soon as you can. Completely out of the blue, Emily went way off the deep end. She won’t talk to her friends about what is going on. One was nearly decked when she tried to find out what was up with Emily. It is bad David. She has never forgiven me for not letting her say goodbye. Every time she takes a bath with that rubber ducky, the one she stole from your hospital bathroom, she reminds me about how much it still pisses her off. That is the biggest reason I had to track you down. Maybe you can help her, whatever it takes. If it doesn’t bother you David, you can call me Mary. It is my name after all.”

Interesting. She was so very judgmental and condemning when she saw Emily and I in bed together screwing to spite her.

“I will see you as soon as I can get there. Can you turn on your porch light or tie something around your mailbox so I know I have the right address,” I asked.

She laughed a bit again before saying, “Believe me, you will know the house when you see it.”

Ok. What the heck could that mean?

I told her it would be somewhere between ten and eleven according to Molly’s estimates.

If not for my shield reacting immediately to go around my car and push me off the bunched-up cars in front of me, I wouldn’t have arrived until Saturday afternoon. Only my driving school reflexes kept me from losing control or, worse, rolling my car. I found myself stopped on the side of the road about fifty yards later. Only then did I look to see why I ended up in the grass on the side of the road. Back behind we there was a massive pileup that was, at the very least, twenty cars deep.

If not for the semi jack-knifing, there would be a lot more cars in that mess.

Not removing my dark contacts first, I pulled on a pair of my goggles and connected them through my shield. As I walked toward the pileup, I had myself only see the cars as wireframe outlines.

Yeah. No question about it, that is the car that caused it. Dumbass.

It didn’t take a genius to see that the damage on the left rear half the guy’s car to tell he had veered over toward the fast lane from whatever lane he had be in previously. Getting close I saw he had his dick out of his fly, and still wet semen all over his shirt. Crumpled on the floor was an unconscious girl was only alive because the airbags deployed. Her shirt was fully unbuttoned and her skirt tucked into the waistband. I didn’t see any signs of her underwear in the car. The place in my head did a quick check to find that she had lost a tooth, a lot of bruises, a mild concussion, and, oddly enough, a twisted ankle. The guy she had been blowing, given the girls missing tooth embedded in the side of his limp dick, was staring around dazed.

In the car next to them was a man and woman along with three kids. Their airbags had gone off too, but everyone had their seatbelts on. The kids were all in child seats. Their mom had turned around trying to comfort them while the man was trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head as I tried to dial 911.

The three cars behind them were hunks of twisted metal and broken plastic, but all that was on the ground near them was antifreeze. I double-checked, to be sure, but didn’t see any gas, oil, or even battery acid. About halfway down the pileup was a mother frantically trying to get to her baby in her car. Her door had popped open, but the others had jammed closed and she couldn’t fit over the bench seat to get to her baby.

“Please miss. I need you to sit over here and calm yourself. Babies pick up on our emotions. As you are right now, you will just upset them even more, instead of comforting them. Let me see if I can get your baby out of the car for you,” I told her as I got her to climb over the guardrail and sit up on the small embankment.

Pretending to be trying to work the door open, I made it appear that I somehow managed to get I free so I could get to the baby inside. I was using my shield-juiced muscles to hold it on the hinges when I pulled it open.

No way can I explain that I was so full of adrenaline that I ripped the door off the car.

The baby was secure in her carrier with no signs that the base had moved any at all. I left her in the carrier as I took her up to where I had her mom sitting down. When I saw the woman was going into shock, I took the baby out of the carrier to rock her gently to calm her down. I had my goggles direct the responders to the accident.

The mom zombie walked with the paramedics as I carried the baby and her carrier.

Once one paramedic was checking the mom, the other paramedic came to me to ask, “How are you doing? Are you ok? Is your little sister ok?”

“This precious little girl is her baby,” I explained. “That is my car up there in the grass. I reacted just in time to get off on the side to keep from hitting the cars in front of me. The woman was frantically trying to get her baby out of the car but wasn’t really understanding what was going on. To keep her safe, I got her to sit up on the hill while I went to get her baby. I found the baby still strapped into her carrier and the base still held in place by the LATCH hooks and tether that hold the base down. The baby calmed right down once I got her out of the carrier. Her mom was already in going into shock by then,” I told the lady paramedic.

She had me keep holding the baby which she checked over the carrier for damages. The mother was getting strapped to the bed in the ambulance as the other paramedic stripped the baby down to check her over for injuries. My goggles told me the baby would have some bruising on her chest from the straps but would be red and swollen between her legs because her crotch took most of the impact.

I waited until she got the baby’s diaper off before I said, “Looks like she got pushed into the belt on the carrier. If she wasn’t still mostly rubber, and chubby, she might have broken her pelvis.”

That got me a surprised look as she checked the baby all over between the legs. The little girl didn’t seem to mind. She was happily trying to grab at my fingers I had moving around in front of her face to distract her.

“How did you know that? You don’t look even old enough to drive, much less have any medical training,” she asked me.

I smiled as I told her, “Technically I’m not old enough to drive. I’m fifteen. I got my driver’s license a year early after passing all courses at a tough professional driving school, versus driving around cones in a parking lot when I turned sixteen. I had to do each section until I did it correctly three times in a row. If I failed even one of the times, I started over to do it again until I could. It was brutal.”

“Well this little girl is pretty banged up, but as you said, she is still mostly rubber. Given the newborn diapers, I would guess she is only three to four weeks old,” the paramedic told me as she redressed the baby and put her back into the carrier.

Did they send the entire state patrol and ever car in the two nearest police departments?

I soon noticed an officer searching around looking for me.

“Son, you need to get back into your parent’s car,” a cop a few feet away from my car told me. “This car appears to be involved in the accident, but we can’t find the driver.”

I’m so not going to let you give me this round of little kid shit.

I handed the officer my driving school certification card, and my driver’s license as I told him, “Officer, I would love to comply, but my parent’s cars are probably still at their offices. That is my car behind you. It seems the driving school lessons stuck. In the blink of an eye I was driving along with traffic and the next I was working to stop my car, in the grass on the side of the road, without rolling it. While not ever having any sort of professional training. I’m quite observant. It is only a guess here, but I would bet that the guy over there with the tooth in his penis, and the nearly naked lady passed on the floor, is probably the one at fault. Then there is the damage on his car being in the back left corner with him and the car behind him jammed into the retaining wall.”

He took my license, insurance and driving school card to go off to his car to call it all in. The paramedic that had checked out the baby went over to the cop’s car to talk to him as she was trying to get the baby back to sleep. The baby’s mom was obviously on the stretcher in the ambulance under a blanket and with an oxygen mask on her face.

Yep. She is in shock.

A few minutes later the cop came back to ask me what I had seen and I told him like I had before. I only remembered trying to make sure I kept my car under control after I had reflexively gotten out of the way of the accident. I only know about the man with a tooth in his dick because I checked each car to see if there was somebody who needed immediate first aid to not die before the first responders arrived. No one did and then I saw the lady trying to get to her baby. I explained what I did before the ambulance arrived.

Relaxing visibly the officer said, “That clears up a lot of questions I had David. A minute after I ran your license, I had my police commissioner on the phone asking why I was running an inquiry on you. My supervisor was calling me on the radio asking the same thing. You can understand my disbelief. I’m never met a fifteen-year-old who could avoid an accident while driving seventy miles an hour, off in the grass in a high-performance car. Yours isn’t what I would ever consider a high-performance car son. Then there is the fact that most people under twenty-five wouldn’t stay around waiting on first responders to arrive when they weren’t involved in the accident. Since you didn’t witness the wreck, I don’t need to get you involved in this mess. The paperwork is already going to be a nightmare. Off the record, the car you suspected of causing the accident are claiming it was the other car’s fault. Look, you didn’t hear it from me. but the driver is as much of an airhead as the woman. To try to cover things up he removed the tooth from his penis before the paramedics got to him. They had to go to some extraordinary measure to stop the bleeding. It is expected that not even Bobbitt’s doctors will have any success trying to save his penis.”

Now that is funny. Not quite a Darwin award, but maybe it will keep his sperm out of the gene pool. Karma sucks.

I swapped out the goggles I had grabbed at first for one of the light adaptive pairs that were much more comfortable. With the accident behind me taking up all the cops in the area I was clear to open it up. My goggles gave me details of when I would hit some traffic as well as telling me that the next six exits were for very rural areas. None of them even had a gas station near the exit. I had at least twenty minutes of open road between me and the few cars that had been in front of the accident.

Go Speed Racer, Go!

To be safe, I kept my speed down until I was too far from the accident for anyone to tell I was hauling ass. Instead of pulling energy into the batteries, I pushed it directly into the voltage controller for the motors. I was doing over one-twenty when I passed the only car I had seen on this stretch of road and they were getting off at the exit just past a rest area. My goggles started showing more cars about two miles ahead of me.

I wish dad hadn’t made me watch a season of that 80s “Street Hawk” show. It was like Day Driver, but with a super motorcycle that could take a ninety-degree corner, at over a hundred miles an hour, like it was a light cycle. My goggles had changed to be a square with the middle half of the lines taken out and a bad digital speedometer, just like how it was on that dumb show.

Whoever was messing with me even made it so that the head and tail lights streaked past as they did on that show.

Funs over. You can’t do that if I don’t let it get in through my shield.

I crossed the state line doing one-thirty, as the highway was devoid of any traffic. My goggles let me know that there was a cop a few miles up the road and an exit with a good selection of fast food. I slowed down to seventy before taking the exit for a throne break and to get some food. Ninety minutes of driving well above the speed limit had me at Emily’s exit a half past nine. I can’t believe it the speed limit dropped to twenty-five miles an hour through the town. The stoplights were setup so that when one turned green, the next one turned red.

What moron designed this? I’ve seen three cars and three motorcycles. All of them were cops with radar guns.

I knew I could punch it and get away from them easily. They couldn’t get on their motorcycles or give chase in the police cars before I was miles away.

Outside the city the speed went back to a more reasonable seventy miles an hour.

Lot of good being able to drive seventy will do me when Emily’s neighborhood was only three miles down the road!

Her neighborhood was one of the typical cookie-cutter, fast build neighborhoods with perfectly laid out roads and houses. No one had a bigger yard than anyone else and their houses were all identical, except for the paint colors chosen from a palate of four colors. Dad always joked that the people who built these places wanted people to think that whoever lived here had servants, other than their children, who took care of everything. He told me that most of them were upside down in their mortgages that had rates three to five times the current low rates. None of these people could get the lower rates without having to take out another loan to cover the difference.

Of course, the idiots that laid out these neighborhoods thought they were being cute by having all streets named Cherub Lane, Cherry Street, Chert Way, and Cherokee Blvd.

Someone seems to have a big hang-up on Cher.

The same idiots, or those on the homeowner’s board, thought it was just as great to carve the street names into wooden posts and paint them brown. I’m sure they really popped back when the pressure treated wood was still new and wet. Now it was nearly impossible to read any of them.

They could have at least gone back over the letters in black or white. Did they have to number start the numbers over on every street?

Giggle Maps was doing damnedest to get me to the right road, but even with the GPS resolution of five meters, when standing still, it couldn’t keep me on that same road from one minute to the next. I just started driving out the perfectly designed little grid of the neighborhood.

Those two busybody ladies and the guy walking his dog didn’t even look up when I drove past at five miles an hour looking for Emily’s house. Mary did say I would know it when I found it.

Burning into the small area of grass they had in front was “Hypocritical Bible-Thumping Bitch”. Cunt was spray painted in reflective white paint on their mailbox post and columns on their porch. The poor mailbox looked like someone had beaten it with something made in the shape of a cross. There were bras and panties up in the trees and on the bushes. There was a pair of plain, white, girl panties stapled to a piece of plywood with Virgin painted over top of them in red with a circle and slash. If I thought that maybe, just maybe, I had the wrong house, the other sign saying “Emily lives here. I don’t want to fuck you. Go away,” would have crushed that hope.

Her mom may be a complete witch, but she doesn’t deserve this.

It only took me a few minutes to make myself only see the reflective paint, on their property at least, and vaporize it away, without damaging the paint underneath. I quickly got the underwear gathered up too. The signs pulled out of the ground easily, so Emily must not have been able to find a hammer or a big rock. They went behind their trashcans next to their house. I was about to go to knock on their door when my phone chirped.

“I’ve only observed the process twice, but I expect you can find out how to do it easily enough,” the message said. “See only the burnt grass. The moist dirt kept it green just below the surface. It only needs nutrients, water, and energy to grow back.”

Not sure who that was, or why they knew I was about to go in but can’t hurt.

It took a lot of hard work to get things started because I couldn’t find the right energy types it needed. That is until I made myself see only grow lights around me. A mile off I found a shed with grow lights. They were probably growing pot, but I only cared about the energy coming from the lights into the plants. When I started to push in as much energy as the grass could take it started to grow quickly, but that dried out the soil. It was enough to fix by finding water and pulling it up by the energy color inside it. The grass grew back in quickly and the green parts were the same height as the green grass around it. Making myself see only the burnt parts of the grass, I pushed in a big blast of energy to vaporize it in a quick flash.

Now that was cool. Takes more energy to vaporize it but wasn’t really any different than when I burned hairs down to the root to make them fall out.

It was still early, but the lights were all out. When I knocked, I saw a light come on upstairs and then Mary came down to open the door. After the stink eye she gave me the last time I saw her, I didn’t expect her to pull me into a big hug.

“Oh, thank god,” she said as she asked me to come in and closed the door behind me. “Emily finally had to come out of her room to get something to eat. I had to drug anything she might possibly eat, all the sodas, and bottles of water in her room. That made her calm down enough that I could give her as much sedative as I felt was safe to give her. It doesn’t last very long. I’m just hoping to get a six-hour respite before it starts to wear off. It doesn’t take her long after that happens to be up and at it again. You saw what she did outside when I wasn’t able to stay awake any longer.”

Same as Incredible Changes
Chapter 178: Weekend at Bernie’s Emily’s Videos

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A DATE WEEKEND After our successful first date, Hannah and I kept in regular contact via email. True to her word, Hannah tried to set up a second date for us to go for a meal together on her side of London for a few weeks hence. However, as so often happens when you are trying to set a date for something you would really like to do, it proved impossible to match diaries. Although we tried juggling other commitments, we just couldn't find a suitable evening that we could both...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Weekend Surf Sun Sand Sex

I had decided to befriend a young woman who nobody wanted to know. She was aloof and very different from any of the other females that lived in the district. She was also a year or two older than most of the other women as well. Doris possessed a perfect body but her facial appearance left something to be desired. She had long straight hair, a prominent sharp nose, slightly buck teeth and beautiful dark brown eyes. She was known in the district as ’the ugly duckling.’ When Doris divested...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A Gothic Weekend in Whitby

GOTH GIRL For any of you thinking of spending time on Teesside, I have to tell you that after three months there I had more than exhausted the charms of Billingham! Teesside is an area in the North East of England which is dominated by chemical plants and associated industries. A number of smallish towns have effectively merged into one large conurbation. I work for a company that designs and installs computer control mechanisms for complex and potentially dangerous processes. We...

2 years ago
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Three Day Weekend as a Sub

Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2005 From: [email protected] Subject: Three Day Weekend that a Dom becomes a SubLEGAL STUFF: If it's illegal to be caught with this material where you live, Don?t read this. If you are under age, don't read this. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions of ff, mf, mm, group sex, oral, anal, cum, sex toys, Beastiality. If this offends you, stop reading now.  This story is fictitious and any similarities to real events or people and strictly coincidental. This story,...

4 years ago
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Wendys Weekend Part 2 A Satisfying Solution

Jamie had already gone to work when I dragged myself down to the kitchen and drank the first of many cups of strong coffee before starting my day. My implant was messing with my hormones badly; my face and chest were flushed pink, almost as if, like Sandy, I’d had a morning orgasm. The clinic had been right; no period had materialised since my treatment had started. I was infertile; in another week I would move onto the Stage Two implants and become hyper-fertile so the timing for a first and...

Wife Lovers
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Company Team Building Weekend

By Docker5000 Part 1 Sharon Price was sat at her desk in her office at Samuel and Goldstein solicitors. She was doing the monthly pay roll. When Jerry Gold walked into her office with his usual big sarcastic smile on his young face. Sharon couldn’t stand him. However Jerry was the grandson of Mr. Goldstein and he was also a new junior partner in the firm as well. So Sharon had no choice but to tolerate him. Sharon looked at him through her glasses and was forced to give him a...

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Weekend Fantasy

The fantasy starts early one Friday morning, and would last for the whole weekend, and every thing that you think can happen will and even things you can't even imagine. On Friday morning I call you from work and tell you to get dressed, and that I will be there shortly to pick you up for an erotic, passionate, hot weekend. On my way home I pick up some flowers and some other items that will come in handy over the weekend. I stop at a good hotel and get the honeymoon suite for the...

3 years ago
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The Ultimate Bridal Weekend I

The Ultimate Bridal Weekend By Sheila Anne Morgan I followed the links to a new website I found: Phantasy Photography We are a full service photography studio that specializes in fetish photography. Nothing is too kinky for us. Bring us your wildest dreams and we will make them come true. Our services include, but are not limited to: ...

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The weekend

Chapter One: Friday NightI looked around the room, it was one of dearest rooms in the hotel. While it wasn't as fancy as I had wanted it to be, it was the only hotel with a room that had everything I wanted available: big bathtub, massive shower, and a four poster bed. I made sure that everything was in place, and that I knew where all the items were. I didn’t want to have to waste any time looking for stuff, or having to dig it out. I probably bought far too much, but I figured I would rather...

4 years ago
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Weekend Sisters

WEEKEND SISTERS BY JANICE My name is Howard, I have a twin, brother named Dexter, we are fifteen and have a sister, seventeen. Her name is Corrine. One weekend our parents wanted to take a weekend skiing trip, away from us kids. As luck would have it. It was also the weekend Corrine wanted to go away with some of her girl friends. Both plans had been made several weeks in advance but as always happens, no one...

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A Weekend At Sams

After weeks of waiting, the day had finally come! John and Beth were on their way to the ski resort for the 19th Annual Winter Wife Swap weekend. This would be the seventeenth AWWS event that they had attended. It was a really big event, and every year they had something new and exciting to offer participants. Last year, they had added an adult toy seminar where people could learn about and try out sex toys before actually purchasing them. They had tried all kinds of dildoes and vibrators and...

4 years ago
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Hen weekend

Your friend Jane arranges a get together for the following Friday. Everybody who is going on the hen weekend has been invited. The aim of the night is to plan the hen weekend and have a few drinks. When you arrive at your friends house most of the gang have already arrived. You all get on the computer and search for suitable hotels. It doesn’t take long before you find a Hotel that everybody agrees looks good. The hotel is all inclusive. The Hotel is close enough to the main area but...

2 years ago
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Weekend Of Submission

Weekend of SubmissionSix weeks had passed, since my 1st encounter with Camille (Cami) and her roommates in my ?Lesbians and Unicorns? story. Cami had me tied naked and spread on her bed. Time after time, Cami mercilessly teased and tormented my pussy, with her tongue, bringing me higher and closer to my 1st orgasm that I so desperately needed. But each time, she would stop just before I could have my release. Shortly after Cami began her 5th diabolical assault on my wanting clit, I became...

4 years ago
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The Naked Weekend

Friday: We both get off work and meet at the bar with about 10 great friends. I change shirts in the parking lot. You change at work into a tight strapless dress and a see-through blouse over it. We get there about the same time and greet each other with a big hug in the bar that last about 30 seconds. Then a kiss on the lips that lasts more than 10 seconds. It is great to see each other. We then separate and start to mingle with our friends, laughing and having a great time. After...

2 years ago
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A young husband allows his wife to be auctioned off for the weekend for a charity function

I guess this story all started a little more than a year ago. My husband bought an old car that he had found for sale on the internet. I thought he was pretty silly, spending that much money for a car that was almost forty years old and in such horrible shape. It was a 1969 Dodge Superbee. We drove out with a friend to look at it, and when I saw it I thought he had lost his mind for sure. It was in pieces. The guy that owned it had started to restore it, but apparently hadn’t gotten very...

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Aspen weekend

Sherry was already at the table, looking at the menu, when Beth showed up. They gave each other a hug, and Beth sat down. They quickly ordered so Beth would have time to eat and get back to the office. “Thanks for meeting me here, Sherry.” “No problem. What is it you wanted to talk about?” “I’m leaving town for three days, and I need someone to take care of Blake. It’s not his Dad’s turn to take him, and I don’t want to ask him if I don’t have to. Can he stay with you over President’s Day...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Weekend with Daniel part 1

-------------------------------------- This is a story of fiction and fantasy. If it comes true I would be ecstatic. Thanks for reading and be positive and kind with your remarks. -------------------------------------- I decided that it had been way too long since I have been laid. The upcoming 3 day weekend I had nothing at all planned, so I decided to put an ad on a local website looking for fun and lots of sex. The ad: "I am mid 50's, 5'11" 212# dad-bod, construction worker,...

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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake Chapt 127 Revised

Introduction: RJ and Candy Make New Discoveries A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. Its called My Right of Free Speech. If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading...

4 years ago
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Weekend With 122 Prep School Girls

Weekend With 12 Prep School Girls By JenniferHi, my name is Jennifer. I'm a 27 year old businesswoman. I'm 5'9" tall, with long brunette hair and big brown eyes. I exercise at the fitness center 3-4 times a week, and I'm quite proud that I've maintained my sexy svelte curvy 120 pound figure. My handsome hubby Dan and I got married right after graduation from college, and have quite an active sex life. I'm even prouder of my perfect pair of 36C tits. I'm on the pill, with no immediate plans to...

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Wifes birthday weekend

Wife’s Birthday Weekend Well it all started months before my wife’s birthday when the discussion came up as to what she wanted for her birthday. She told me that all she wanted was to get away with me for an intimate sex filled weekend somewhere since I had been working out of town so much. She wanted some place that we could just stay in and stay naked for the entire weekend and just enjoy each other and relax. I looked at my current schedule and picked the only weekend I had available and...

2 years ago
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Weekend with Carleigh

Weekend with Carleigh The plane banked to the left, aligning itself with the runway in preparation to land. Looking out the window I could see the university campus off in the distance. Soon I would be there, finishing the plans that we had made. After landing and gathering my bag, I rented a car and drove toward campus. There were two motels on my list to check out, one of which I was going to rent a room for the weekend. After checking both of them out I decided on the Fairfield Inn on...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P7

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

2 years ago
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Another Sexy Weekend Away

Number 2 of a series of individual stories. Another Sexy Weekend Away, 2 ? by: Sonia_en_femme Chapter 1 - Plans I arrived home from work and Sally Anne, with a smile on her face said "I've booked up a weekend in the country, lets go upstairs and make plans". On the last weekend away our game of dare ended up with us both going out to the pub wearing nothing but sexy lingerie under coats and that was my first time at wearing women's panties ?what a memory! While I went to...

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The Long Weekend

When Mike's wife, Sue, wins a weekend break for one in Scotland, it suited both of them that Mike should go instead. The problem was that the organisers wouldn't let her change the name on the ticket. Fortunately, Sue had a ready solution: Mike could simply pretend to be her. Things may have been less eventful if Sue hadn't purchased such a large pair of false breasts for him. As it was, the new Mrs Susan Martin found she had a number of admirers, to whom she had great difficulty in...

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A Weekend Away

A Weekend Away Authors note: Hi, Thanks for all the reviews on my first story. I've tried to take on board some of the criticism and make this one a bit more light-hearted. Of course some people we'll now inevitably say this isn't dark enough. Well you can't please everyone and anyway I've got some darker stories up my sleeve. Chapter 1: An Unwanted Meeting It was nearing 1pm as I walked down Cornhill for a lunch date with my ex-girlfriend. It was a lunch date I really didn't need...

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My Weekend as a Cleaner

My Weekend as a Cleaner Belladonna [Author's Note: This is my second partially autobiographical story. The names and some events have been changed to protect the innocent.] I have to admit that I was not sold on the idea when Derek pitched it to me. I was trusting of my friend though, and he was open minded enough to ask. Derek has been my best friend since childhood. We've shared everything over the years and nothing has ever come between us, not even when he came...

4 years ago
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Weekend with Carleigh

Weekend with Carleigh The plane banked to the left, aligning itself with the runway in preparation to land. Looking out the window I could see the university campus off in the distance. Soon I would be there, finishing the plans that we had made. After landing and gathering my bag, I rented a car and drove toward campus. There were two motels on my list to check out, one of which I was going to rent a room for the weekend. After checking both of them out I decided on the Fairfield Inn on...

Straight Sex
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Her Weekend Sex Seminar

Cindy Davis stood by the foot of the hotel bed watching the man she would spend the weekend with making love tip the old bellhop, lock the door, then turn and move towards her. What the hell had she gotten herself into? Wordlessly, Ray Mitchell, took the purse from her numb fingers and tossed it toward a chair. He missed. Neither of them noticed. For a moment they just stared at one another. Then with a quick movement, he gathered her into his arms and crushed her against his chest. It was a...

Straight Sex
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The Babymaker A Cuckolds Weekend

My wife was dressed waaay too hot for just a road trip. Her shelf bra thrust her very large nipples forward underneath a black sheer sparkly blouse. Only a sweater covering her arms and shoulders, and pulled in around her waist, hid things from the kids who were riding in the back seat, watching videos and occasionally giggling to each other.Normally, she was self-conscious about the size of her nipples and didn’t want me to see them. Today, she seemed fascinated at how her outfit gathered her...

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New Beginnings CH03 The Weekend Penetration Time

Penetration! I awoke Friday morning after a night of wishful lustful dreams. I could not believe Friday was finally here at last. Today was the homecoming game so school would get out at lunch today. Unfortunately Adam had to stay and work out and get ready for the game tonight. I was also going to run home grab a shower and make sure I was smooth as possible for my upcoming weekend. I was so excited I skipped my morning shower since I was going to get one once home, I was sure I would need...

5 years ago
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Mackenzies Weekend Pt 1

Truth be told, you were excited, but you were also nervous. You had doubts, ‘what if he’s not real?’ ‘What if he’s a serial killer?’ What if, what if… You tried to put those thoughts aside as the next half hour seemed to drag by, until finally the bell rang and the halls became flooded with teenagers excited for the weekend. You headed to your locker to put your books away and grabbed out the small duffel bag that you had packed for the weekend. ‘Wow, ok’ you said to yourself quietly. ‘This...

1 year ago
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Anns weekend away

Well it all started months before my wife's birthday when the discussion came up as to what she wanted for her birthday. She told me that all she wanted was to get away with me for an intimate sex filled weekend somewhere since I had been working out of town so much. She wanted some place that we could just stay in and stay naked for the entire weekend and just enjoy each other and relax. I looked at my current schedule and picked the only weekend I had available and started looking for...

Group Sex
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake Chapt 127 Revised

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...

4 years ago
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The Chauffeur 24 The Weekend part 1

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Dakota began calling both culinary schools, telling each what was needed. One declined telling me that they don't recommend any of their students, thus avoiding the appearance of favoritism. Dakota didn't buy that lame excuse and called the other school. After she explained what was wanted, they recommended not one but two students. Dakota asked if it would be possible to come to the school this morning and sample their cooking. They told her...

3 years ago
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Nude Weekend

About five years ago just before our oldest daughter Audrey was about to go through puberty my wife asked me if I wanted to watch it happen. Of course I wanted to watch it happen, as my three daughters’ bodies developed into women, what man in his right mind wouldn’t want to see that? So the first weekend of every month became devoted to just that. At that time Audrey was nine years old, Chloe was eight years old, and Sarah was seven years old. My wife started with ‘Panty Weekend’ where...

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