Oh BoyChapter 31 free porn video

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It took Milwaukee and the Dodgers seven games to get the Brewers to the top of the pile. The Brewers were another Cinderella team like the Rays, so it was a perfect ending to a crazy season. I think every sportswriter or sports talk host had exhausted the possibilities of who would end up on top by the time the Brewers finished off LA in a very dramatic 9 to 1 win.

We both now had to wait for the big game. The World Series wouldn't start until Wednesday. The Brewers came to town as soon as they could on Monday to acclimate themselves to our time zone and to our humid weather. Inside the Trop, (Tropicana Field) was always nice with the great air conditioning, but the Brewers needed to get used to our carpet.

The team set up additional machine batting cages in the left field corner for the visitors. The gym was open to the Brewers players the same as us. They even had access to our cafeteria to get something to eat while they were practicing.

I began my Monday with a good run on the beach, and the girls had me at a Chrysler/Dodge dealer doing a commercial after breakfast. We went to a golf course from there so that I could take some lessons from their pro while a film crew was doing a video of our every move. I was actually doing more than hitting the ball ten feet to the side by the end of the hour plus. I promised the man that I would continue to learn and actually play with some of the guys on the team who were avid golfers.

It was lunchtime by the time that was done, so we went to the Roadhouse for some lunch. We went to the stadium from there so that I could use the gym to work out and possibly get some infield work in, along with throwing a little.

A couple of the Brewers' players became excited that they had someone to show off for when the girls went into the gym with me. The girls used the treadmills while I did my regime. Jeannie came to me while we were doing this, and said, "Take your T-shirt off. Show these guys what a real six pack is."

My T-shirt was already soaked, so it didn't make a difference to me. There was hush from the visiting players as they checked out my tanned and fit body when I began doing some upper body curls.

A couple of the front office girls had come in for their afternoon workouts, and were being attentive to me, "Can we get you a Gatorade, or how about one of your protein shakes?"

Jeannie and Sherry thought it was cute, but also distracting to have a few more nicely-built women working out with me and the Brewers' players.

I passed through the locker room to get a fresh T-shirt when we were finished, and went to the field. Joe was directing some infield work, so I alternated between second, short, third, and all three outfield positions. That was very neat because I was seldom put in the outfield anymore.

I saw Scott working with a few pitchers and was going to approach him, when Hanigan came to me and said, "You're finally done playing in the field. Come play on the mound now. You probably won't pitch until Thursday or maybe even Saturday in Milwaukee, but I want you to throw every day the way you're used to doing. Let me sign you through your pitches, and then we'll do some location work.

Hanigan had me throw at least a hundred pitches, but it was a good workout as he kept varying pitch locations so that I was throwing every pitch to every corner of the zone. He told me, "You're going to kill 'em" when we finished. "I love the way your two and four seam fastballs wiggle all the way in. Your sliders are doing exactly what you want, and you're able to vary the height and not throw just at the bottom of the zone. Your curve is working and your changeup is very deceptive. Even your fork and palm balls are working. You're ready. We'll do this again tomorrow, but probably not as much."

Jim Hickey had been watching and told me, "Try to rest a little. I want every pitch to be decisive if Joe wants you for Thursday. I doubt you'll get a chance to pitch another game, but one will be enough for any contract changes you might be looking for."

"Don't worry about contract shit. That's the last thing I'm worrying about right now. Let all those front office types worry about that."

Jim slapped me on the back and told me to do some live batting practice, but no more throwing.

I felt like I had a great workout after I showered and met the girls. Being able to limber up and throw, as well as do some infield and batting practice was enough to make me a happy ballplayer.

Tuesday was just about the same, except that we went by the Ford dealer while driving the red Expedition to do a truck commercial. The Expedition went through the shop for a checkup and wash while we were there. It wasn't dirty, but they wanted to make it spotless. I signed a bunch of autographs for customers who were there to buy a car or for service when the commercial filming was complete. I think most of the salespeople and office staff had an autograph by now.

My prep work was just like Monday, but the girls didn't draw a lot of attention as only one of the Brewers' players was in the gym. I used the batting cages and then threw to Scott who wasn't busy today. He told me Price came in early and left after he had stretched, loosened up, and threw about thirty or forty pitches.

I was just loosening up with Scott when Hanigan showed up. We did some three people long toss, then Hanigan had Scott catch while he got down behind Scott to view the pitches. We went through all my pitches in a series, and then called locations as Scott signed various pitches. My most difficult pitch was to get a ball in the upper right hand corner of the zone. That would be inside to a right-handed batter, but would still be called a strike if I did it right. Anything in middle up at the top of the zone would be swung at. A batter usually missed the ball as it was tough to move your eye level higher after a changeup or curve at the bottom outside of the zone.

I saw Joe and Jim Hickey, but neither was talking. Hanigan told me, "Don't be upset if they sit you tomorrow so that you're fresh for Thursday. They're worried that you work out too much and will be tired for the game."

I shook my head as I went in to shower and dress. I asked Hanigan, "How do I convince someone like Joe that my body likes to work. He's watched me for half a season, so he should know by now. I want to help win this thing. I'm lucky to be up from the minors for games like these, but I know I can contribute if he lets me."

Hanigan told me, "Don't work yourself up over it, because Joe is going to manage the way he wants to get maximum benefit from every one of his players and that includes you. He asked me if I thought you might choke in a big game, and I told him you hadn't choked yet when you were pitching no-hitters or other important games."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. I know you don't want to ride the pine tomorrow either. Price likes Molina to catch him, so I suppose we'll get a chance to study the batters' book tomorrow." We laughed as we left to go our separate ways.

Wednesday's game was scheduled at three o'clock. The theory was that the west coast baseball fans could start watching at noon, and the Eastern European countries could begin watching at 8 PM. Thursday's game was going to be at our regular seven o'clock time, so I suppose MLB didn't care whether or not Europe watched the second game.

Wow, I awoke with a start, staring at the clock that said 7:00 AM on Wednesday morning. My stomach was doing flip-flops because this was the first game of the big show, what every baseball player wanted to be a part of. I slipped out of bed, but disturbed the girls enough to have them both sit up and display their nude upper bodies. This gave me a smile and they appreciated my drooling stare as both of the vixens held their breasts up offering them to me. Jeannie could cup hers with breasts hanging over her hands, but Sherry held hers up with three fingers. Sherry smiled and said, "Are you sure you don't want to come back to bed? We could help you relax if you're nervous."

I quietly laughed and told them, "I need to stay on my schedule and run. We'll have breakfast, and then go in by eleven. I'll do my usual warmups, but I may not play at all today."

It was Jeannie who said, "You'll play. You'll be the DH at the very least. Your bat has been too good to sit you."

Sherry told me, "Go run, and we'll get breakfast ready. Don't push too hard, just run at your regular speed."

That's easier said than done at my excitement level. I stretched out on our patio, pushed the foliage out, and took off for the water's edge. It was a nice 65 degrees on this fine October 22nd. It was perfect weather to run in, and perfect because the only other people on the beach were people checking for shells that might have washed up overnight.

This morning seemed like a good day to run north to the Don Caesar resort (the pink palace). More people were coming from the homes and condos to run on the beach by the time I reached my turnaround point. I was a little later than usual, and I normally went south instead of north.

The girls told me take a shower when I came into the house after brushing the bottoms of my running shoes off, and said we would eat when I was done.

Brushing my teeth was first, followed by a quick shower and shave. I was looking at my face, thinking that maybe I would grow a beard like so many of the players. All I could think of was that it would be hot and itchy if I had a big bushy beard. I'm sure the girls would tell me if they wanted me to grow whiskers.

We had a leisurely breakfast that was very relaxing. I didn't overeat mainly because I was still nervous, anxious, or something else because this was the first game of the World Series. I kept thinking that I was just excited to maybe already be playing in the big game.

We were enjoying a last cup of coffee when the doorbell rang. I opened the door to Andy Friedman. He was standing there in one of his good suits, smiling from ear to ear. "What's up, Andy? Want a cup of coffee?" I motioned for him to come in, and he came and sat at our long counter.

Andy said, "I'm really psyched this morning. This is the first game of the series. We went in 2008, but I was still green then, but I'm now part of everything and involved in every move the team makes. It's a reflection on me this time."

I patted Andy on the arm and told him, "Relax, my man. I might be playing in this game and I have reason to be nervous. I think what I am, is 'amped up', as in excited beyond belief."

Andy smiled and said, "We both have the jitters. Were you able to eat? I couldn't even think about food."

"Of course, I ate. How about we fix you some scrambled eggs and toast? You need food to keep going and be the leader today."

"I'm okay, the guy who has to be the leader on game day is Joe. I stay in the background and take notes for what to do during the offseason. I have to go looking for another Matt Williams, wherever he might be."

"Come on, Andy; let's win the Series before worrying about finding players. Are you sure I can't whip you up some eggs? You'll feel a lot better."

Andy looked at each of us, and then to his watch before asking, "What time are you going in?"

"I'll leave here just before eleven, now how about some food?"

The man let a sigh out and said, "Scrambled eggs sound good."

The girls and I went into synchronized motion with Jeannie getting the pan back out and putting it on the ceramic cooktop. Sherry put three strips of bacon on the Jenn-air. I cracked three eggs into a bowl and whipped them up. Jeannie put a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster and reached for the butter.

The eggs were scrambled in just a minute, the bacon was cooked perfectly, and the toast smelled good. Sherry poured Andy a glass of milk and warmed his coffee up. Andy had a big grin as he began eating the breakfast. Between mouthfuls, he said, "I really have to find a woman to do this stuff for me. You guys were amazing. I don't think it was much over five minutes and I'm eating. Amazing."

Sherry told Andy, "We're used to cooking for ourselves and Matt. We're good eaters and have breakfast even when he's on the road. We do our exercises later everyday, but not today. We're going in with Matt and already have permission to be in the players' family seats which are right behind the dugout exactly where we always sit, early."

Jeannie told Sherry, "Come on, let's get our jerseys on. The players are going to be surprised when they see everyone in their family there in one of their named jerseys."

Matt asked, "Will yours say Williams, or are they like all your others with only 'Matt' on them?"

Sherry said over her shoulder as she was heading to the bedroom, "'Matt', of course."

I hollered and asked the girls, "Do you want to take me in, or should I drive?"

Jeannie hollered back, "We're ready; all we have to do is dress. We'll be out in a couple of minutes."

Andy said, "I'm leaving now. I'd ride in with you, but I'll need my car this evening. I'm meeting someone after the game." He got up and stuck his hand out, "Good luck at whatever you do today. I might see you later."

I cleaned up the Jenn-air and put the dishes in the dishwasher after Andy left. I made sure the patio doors were locked and closed the drapes. I was just coming back to the kitchen when the two girls came bouncing down the hall. "Let's go win a ballgame, Matt. We're going to be cheering extra loud."

Scott was standing in the hall and asked, "Can I ride in with you? Nancy and Freddie have seats behind the family section. I'll bet Freddie paid a fortune for them. Freddie's bringing Howard, her lawyer, with her."

We slipped into the Mercedes and put the top down. Scott and I rode in the back seat enjoying the breeze and sunshine. Scott made the comment that he was probably going to be busy warming up all the bullpen guys and may not be able to warm me up. I nodded and told him, "Not a problem if you don't have time, I'm sure Hanigan will let me throw some to him."

I was surprised that no one was in the clubhouse yet. I slipped workout clothes on and went to the batting cages. The bat felt good in my hands today, and I was able to make good contact with the ball. I went to the gym after about fifty balls, and did my normal regimen before going through the clubhouse to get my glove and heading to the field. There were people getting dressed now.

Hanigan was finished dressing and he said, "Run a lap with me, then we'll loosen you up and you can throw some pitches to me. Joe hasn't posted the lineup yet, so we have to wait to see who sits."

I was able to throw all of my pitches with precision after some long toss. Hanigan even told me to slow down when I was throwing the fastball. He hollered, "No sense in throwing your arm out the day before you pitch."

Hickey and Maddon were watching everyone warmup, and were pleased with how Price was throwing. He had pitched in the 2008 World Series, so he wouldn't have the same jitters I did.

I took off for the clubhouse to shower and put on a good uniform when I was done throwing. I felt good today. My clothes felt good, my shoes were comfortable, and my stomach was even settled down. I went out to join in on some live batting practice and to chase some of the balls hit from the batting cage. I knew better than to ask to throw some batting practice, so I just fielded what I could, and threw to Loney who was covering first.

Joe herded the team and coaches into the clubhouse when it was time to give the cages to the Brewers. He brought his tall stool out and sat on it with his ever-present lineup card. He looked at his players around the room, knowing that there would be some guys who would be disappointed, but he had made his mind up. He held the card in front of him and said, "This is the lineup. Myers in right, Jennings Center, Joyce in left. The infield will be normal with Longo, Escobar, Zo, and Loney. Molina will catch David. Oh, and Matt will DH. Here's the deal. I know all of you relievers warmed up and that's good. If you're nervous and need to let off some steam, throw to Scott during the game, but nothing hard. Practice curve balls and changeups to get rid of the jitters. I won't tell you this is just a normal game, because it isn't. This is the World Series and I want a ring. I want to see our name up in lights and to have every sports announcer begging for us to be on their show. I'll pull people from the bench for pinch hitters as necessary, or to replace or shift personnel in the field. Now, let's go do this."

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the only time my wife gets horny is when she's drunk, other than that she hates anything to do with sex, and i'm left with full balls and a waiting game, so every month or so i say having a drink tonight honey, if she say yes, my cock throbs cause i know i will be getting off when she had a few drinks.half way though the evening i pretend to have an itchy cock, i put my hand down my jeans saying what washing powder you using, it's given me me an itchy cock n ball, i will pull my pants down and...

3 years ago
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The Mall

My name is Shoshanna. I turn 18 on Friday. There is no party planned. That's because my parents just moved us to Texas. My dad is career military. Air Force. Which means I get to move every couple years and rarely have time ti fit in. Its hard to keep friends when you never stay anywhere. I like movies and playing guitar and singing. My mom is from Hawaii and my dad is from Oklahoma with half white, half Native American heritage. People tell me I have a pretty "exotic" look, whatever that...

4 years ago
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Wisdom Intro

Observe the man - the human male - as he proceeds along the street. A nondescript human, dressed, perhaps, a little outwith the norms of his society and currently under the influence of their drug ethanol. GABA and NMDA receptor systems in his brain are disrupted and his mood is perhaps slightly elevated, his balance and propioception impaired. He is not 'drunk', as they say - though he would not legally be able to steer one of their 'cars', at least not in this city - but he is observably...

2 years ago
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Power Chapter Fifteen Finals

CHAPTER 15: Finals And in answer to your next question, no, I've never fucked a chicken I had to study a lot for my History final. The other courses were a breeze, even Music Theory. Ultimately it was like math, just another way to express concepts. Mrs. Toyoda’s heavy accent had made history classwork difficult. I had A’s in all courses but that. I had a C in History, and the final would make a big difference. The Psych Department called and said I had a paying job for a final exam....

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Yvis geiler Abend

"Kommst Du vorbei? Wir können es uns gemütlich machen und ein bisschen TV schauen." schalt es aus meinem Telefon. "Okay, hört sich gut an. Mach mich nur kurz fertig. Soll Ich was mitbringen?" frage Ich. "Nee, brauchst nicht. Gute Laune und Du, dass reicht. freu mich" wieder mein Telefon. "Gut, bis gleich" sage Ich und lege auf. So erstmal unter die Dusche. Klamotten aus, T-shirt weg, Hose aus. Tut das gut. Wasser marsch... Mein kleines Vötzchen sollte ich auch noch kurz rasieren, man weis ja...

Group Sex
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MomPOV Gillian Hot all nature blonde MILF

– 36 years old divorced single MILF – Has a degree, works in an office – Lately she has been trying to express her artistic side – Loves to paint and refurbish old furniture – Has recently tried out some modeling gigs – Decided to do her first porn while she’s still HOT – She does watch porn but mostly girl/girl stuff – Usually goes for older men but is open minded to all – What a beautiful all natural body on this sexy blonde – I gave her some good dick and enjoyed fucking her – At the end she...

1 year ago
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Surprise ending to the evening

A short story from a trip to the states…. It happened this weekend, I had some girlfriends in town from San Diego and we met up with some guys they knew who go to my school who I’d never met before. On Saturday night, we all went clubbing and then to a little afterparty but we all winded up back at my place to crash. One of the new guys (We’ll call him Rob) was flirting with me most of the weekend. I really wasn’t that into him at first, he was a little too preppy for me, but we ended up...

3 years ago
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Small Opposites Part One

He stood there by the poolside, naked and dripping, his thirty-five year old shaved smooth cock sticking out in front of his body pointing to his hotel room just across the way. There was no one around the pool, but he was hoping tenants saw him. They would mainly see him anyway. He was almost certain nobody would pay attention to his small erection. It had always been unnoticeable. He walked over to the chair, his erection shaking as he walked, and grabbed the towel he had placed in the seat...

1 year ago
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FlintkoteChapter 7

“Well ... she might,” Tyche said. “Why would she do that?” Eva asked. “Because Cassandran women like a high hard one ... just like mom,” she said. Eva gave her a look ... the Mom-look. “Just how old are you?” “I am four,” she held up four digits ... in the American style ... thumb tucked under and four fingers extended. It was kind of shaky but she got it done. Krys realized what was coming next, “Don’t ask ... she’ll tell you.” Too late ... and stubbornness, “What would a four year old...

2 years ago
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The Awakening Part 2

When Elizabeth woke up she felt... different. She'd slept soundly in the room provided to her in the government awakening facility. Last night, after her examination with Dr. Amora, she remembered feeling uncomfortable that there were no clothes provided to her in the room. This morning, however, she didn't feel concerned about that at all. Completely naked, she wandered over to the full-size mirror hanging on her wall. To her surprise and, admittedly, delight, she looked different  On her...

First Time
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Humiliation At The Discipline Centre

Dale Brown and Mary Barton, both sixty-six-year-old grannies, still couldn’t believe how silly they had been to try to defraud three of their students' parents of enough money to repay their debts. It had been bad enough being disciplined by Lucy Armstrong and Emma Lamb, the eighteen-year-old head and deputy head girls at the college they taught at, albeit both got aroused and masturbated afterwards.Then, they had to be spanked that same evening by two members of the resident's committee of...

2 years ago
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My First Encounter With An Aunt

Hi, Myself is Sameer 23 M and working in the Hospital. This was happened to me first time when i was 20yr and starting my new job in the hospital with my studies. I have got my first job in night shift in the Orthopedic Hospital and there were only two staffs required in night shift. There were already women aged about 42 years was working and later on I joined her. Now I’ll tell u in “Hindi’ so Anybody can easily understand. Gaanv mein raat ke waqt jyada mareez nahi aate the isliye night shift...

3 years ago
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MFM so much cum in my wifes hole

We had a 2 hour MFM session with our close male friend Friday that was amazing. He had messaged me last weekend to make sure we were still coming to his house in a week I assured him we were still on with "don't worry you're definitely still getting to fuck my wife friday". He asked me if I could get her to wear some tight shorts "I fucking love your wifes ass she'd look really hot in shorts" I recently got her a Harley Quinn Halloween outfit that came with a tiny little pair of spandex shorts...

3 years ago
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Succubus Episode

Succubus Episode By Jacquie Windsor ------------------- This story is fictional. The main characters are tributes to copyrighted characters somewhere. No infringement is expected to be taking place, apart from the usual. This story may be posted elsewhere in full only with the express consent of the author. Saturday, December 30, 2000. [email protected] Eric provided editorial comments resulting in a number of changes, although the ending wasn't quite what he...

3 years ago
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The Kidnaping of

She woke up in a cell with close to 15 other girls her age.  They were all still passed out.  Lisa couldn’t remember how she got there.  She was at a rave just last night, someone gave her a drink and the rest is darkness.  Wherever they were, they were mobile.  And whoever was driving, wasn’t caring for the bumps much.  They bounced around like luggage in a trunk of a car for what seemed like an eternity.  Some of the other girls started waking up and sniffles and moans began to come out of...

1 year ago
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Melissas Secret Life

His dick is large. Very large, much larger than she is used to but, Melissa doesn’t care she isn’t doing this for him or even for herself. So she opens wide and engulfs his hard shaft with her mouth. Feeling his cock bathed in warmth the man; who is more or less a stranger to Melissa; lets out a low moan. Hearing his moan Melissa knows what to do. She sucks him deeper running her tongue along the underside of his warm cock as she pumps her mouth up and down its length. As she works diligently...

1 year ago
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DirtyWivesClub Ella Knox 23647

What do you get for the wife who has everything on your third wedding anniversary? How about another cock?! Ella Knox and her husband are into swinging and hotwifing, so for the third annual installment of their marriage, her man gets her his friend’s big swinging dick to come through and pound her pussy into submission. The nipples on Ella’s big natural tits get so hard at the thought of that they practically poke through her bra! She answers the door in sexy lingerie when Johnny...

1 year ago
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semi public scene

Once of my fantasies involves a semi public scene- You see I fear my dirty little secret being reveled to the public, which naturally makes public disgrace one of things that gets me the hottest the fastest. One of those things that I would not likely have to courage to do but often think of while im slipping a toy into my hungry pussy. It starts out with me and my master going to a hotel, perhaps a surprise weekend trip in a bigger city. Once the we get outside our rooms door, he shoves me...

3 years ago
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Tammy and Lea 2

[/b]Well about a month has passed and Tammy filed for the big D her and Lea moved into a small apartment down the road from us and that is good cause Lea has become my wife's personal lap dog curled at her feet naked just begging for the next fucking ass, mouth, puss she don't care much just as long as it happens, and belive me Kat keeps that ass well fucked plus my wife has used Lea to help line up new prey for her to add to her group. On the other hand Tammy has taken well care of me BJ...

2 years ago
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River RatChapter 34

The month in the Bahamas on the Phoebe Lee flew by. Not all of it was trying to drink the Bahamas dry -- or at least guy's wallets -- partying hard, barroom brawls, and singing dirty songs, but there was enough of the sort to hold them. There also was some great sailing, some great lying back in quiet harbors and chilling out, some idle shopping in the island markets. For a week there was a lot of hanging out with Art and Don, and they weren't the only guys they had good times with, before...

2 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 3Chapter 5

[Chad] The house is coming along fine. Dad says the Mister Charles is at least a week ahead of time and at budget. We had changed a few things that will add some cost but they will come later. Mister Charles suggested that we meet with a landscaper friend of his who has a good eye for design and understands leaving natural areas. We did and talked with him for a long time including two trips out to our new home. He understood about our private spot. The only suggestion he made was to set up...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet Ch 4

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 Chapter 8 The Sphinx and the Concubine

Book 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter Eight: The Sphinx and the Concubine By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Incessae – The Free City of Raratha My wings fluttered with excitement as the Doge bellowed for his guards. The reputation of my sisters and me combined with the Doge's base greed spurred him into action. He feared Angela claiming the piece of the High King's sword. “We must be smart,” I said to the Doge. “Angela and her companions...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Riley Reid Gangbang Part 1 Double Penetration Double Anal

Riley Reid like you have NEVER seen her before! Porn’s favorite petite cutie has CUM a long way since she first began, but she has saved her most intense desires for Jules Jordan and his gang of hungry, horny, hung fuckers that cannot wait to tear her to shreds! There may be 8 men, but there’s only one Riley, and she proves that she has more than enough to go around. After a bubble bath tease, she gets herself ready in slutty, black lingerie and tastes each guy on her way to the...

2 years ago
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The Love Making With My Gf

Hi, guys, this is Akshay living in Raipur, as everyone does I am too hiding my name and but this is my first sex story and incithent is about my past relationship by the way I am single now.   As I have given Title Love making is itself a love making and I adore that day will cherish it forever coming to the lady love Miss Apurva. She also lives here as I am currently pursuing studies and have joined my dad business and I am a normal guy with little fat there haha but not that fatty so my...

2 years ago
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My New life Femdom Forced Bi Spanking Humiliat

I have been dating my girlfriend Michelle for around six months now, and as luck would have it, my lease was up on my apartment the day after our six month anniversary. She suggested that I move in with her, and I agreed, Our relationship had been going pretty well, with nothing really out of the ordinary. Our sex life was getting a little sparse, but not terrible. She was my first sexual partner, but she had been with a couple of guys before me, that I know of. After moving in, however, things...

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Multi-Phasic By Ellie Dauber, Copyright 1999 "Who am I to be today?" The speaker was a phantom, wavering shape that was only vaguely recognizable as human. It drifted like smoke through a soft shimmering void. Its - her -- voice was soft and feminine, but hesitant with fear. It had been so many days, days without counting, since the torture began. "Do you remember who you were yesterday?" The second being manifested itself as a ball of bluish green light. It pulsed...

3 years ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 19 Wedding Belle Blues

The day of the wedding for Princess Helena and Prince Lewis was soon upon us. The venue was the abbey built on the site of the battle which took its name from the town of Hastings some eight miles away. The abbey buildings, some ruined but with the Abbots lodgings converted into a splendid house, stood on the crest of Senlac Ridge; the site of the King Harold's final stand. The assembled host in the abbey grounds atop the ridge was as great a gathering of the aristocracy as had been seen...

1 year ago
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Son of Martha 2 Jim and Su

Hi! My name's Jim Price, and I'm a Son of Martha. You don't know what I mean? It comes from a poem; The Sons of Martha by Rudyard Kipling... "It is their care in all the ages, to take the buffet and cushion the shock, it is their care that the gear engages, it is their care that the switches lock." I wouldn't have known about it, but I was introduced to it by my girlfriend, Petra. I didn't know that poetry could be like that. The poem talks about the people who have to sort things...

4 years ago
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Newly weds love nest

Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden. "Hello," a cheery voice called out. They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a happy face and was smiling as he approached the low boundary wall which was just a couple of feet high and really only a marker rather than any sort of wall providing privacy. "Are you moving...

2 years ago
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Silver Princess

The sun was dwindling over the purple mountains of Katara, and somewhere a couple servants were shouting and pointing at a distant silver speck chasing rapidly across the sky, probably a migrating dragon. Princess Machiko pulled shut the doors to her balcony with a sigh, retreating to the warmth of her private chamber. She faced a dilemma. Her father the Emperor had sent her a polite note written on rice paper, ordering her to appear at tonight's formal state dinner. She knew the dinner would...


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