Two Moms Two Sons 21 Gia And Keisha s Plan Involving Pete And London
- 2 years ago
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Escaping the humdrum of normal life, my man and I had escaped to London for a weekend. I’d booked us tickets for a show, with a decent hotel part of the package. In return, he’d planned to show me where he’d spent his early years and the area around his beloved football team. A night in a hotel, an insight into his past and a show to transport us somewhere else for a while – what more could we want.
We arrived just after lunch and checked into our home for the night. A king sized bed sat in the middle of the room, coated in those cushions that hotels love so much, and a rich blue throw over the foot. A deep bath and a large shower were found in the bathroom. A very decent room.
Dropping my overnight bag in the corner, I launched myself onto the bed and sank into the soft, cosy duvet. Laughing at my childish move, my man joined me in a much more adult way, pulling me into his arms and resting my head on his chest. My favourite place to be. Reaching up, I tipped his chin down to me and pressed my mouth to his. Parting my lips, I deepened the kiss, telling him all I couldn’t find words for. With a regretful sigh, he broke our embrace.
“Come on, we best get moving or we won’t have time for the sights I have in mind.”
Watching him stand and adjust himself to be more comfortable, I saw the reaction to our kiss. With a little smugness, I reached for his fly. He laughed as he swotted my hand away, and tried to frown at me. Giving in, I grabbed my bag and we headed out.
Heading to Fulham on the tube, we were packed quite tight. There was one tube line inactive, so everyone was using the one we were on. Or that’s how it felt. It did mean I got to be pressed against my man in public, so there was a silver lining.
A couple of hours of showing me around the area, and a couple of drinks, we headed back towards the hotel with the intention of grabbing a bite to eat before changing for the show. We stopped at a pub just around the corner from the tube station. Not quite a gastro-pub, which was intentional, more of a traditional pub that served some food.
I grabbed a table while Callum went to the bar to get the drinks. I was browsing the menu when a group of three claimed the table next to me, two pretty girls and a cute guy. The black haired girl went to the bar, the guy went towards the toilets, leaving the brunette girl doing the same as me. Catching my eye, she smiled which turned her from pretty to amazing.
Gesturing at the menu, she said “Has anything caught your eye? I don’t know what I fancy.”
“I’m going for a Panini, I think. Where are you from? That accent’s not local!” I replied.
“Northern Florida, my family came here for my fathers' job about thirteen years ago. They’ve gone back home, but I chose to stay. I like it in England, it’s home now.”
Before I could ask what she did, where she’d settled or anything else, her male friend returned and jokingly told her off for talking to me.
“Julia, how many times! You can’t just chat to the locals, they’ll think you’re weird – it’s not the London way,” he told her while rolling his eyes at me. He was maybe 5ft 8in, athletically built with sandy hair and wire glasses, and introduced himself as David. I got an instant warm feeling from him and the sense that he was good company. As he sat down, my man returned with my drink and the chat was done.
We ate and drank while chatting about the area and his time there, and said goodbye to the group beside us as we left.
After a quick change in our hotel, we made our way “up West” to the show, which was simply amazing, then onto a pub to relax before bed. Just as we finished our first round, as I stood to go to the bar, the two people I’d spoken to earlier walked in. Sandy-haired David, and American brunette Julia. I threw a smile in their direction and continued to the bar. As I ordered, an arm was thrown around my shoulders as Julia drew me into a hug. My surprise must’ve shown in my face as David laughed and apologised for his over-friendly companion.
Inviting themselves to join us, the three of us returned to my man, drinks in hand. Introductions made, Julia pulled a stool close to mine and settled in for a chat. The four of us seemed to get on really well, there was lots of laughter and the drinks flowed.
As Julia got more drunk, she got more touchy-feely and flirty. As David got drunk, he just got more funny, mainly at Julia’ s expense, taking full benefit of the American stereotypes as we were all Brits. She took it with good grace, though did punch him in the arm at one point.
When Julia and David went to the bar for another round of drinks, my man laughed and told me that he thought I’d made a “friend” there (complete with waggling eyebrows), kissed me deeply and said,
“Let’s make this the last, I want you.”
Rather predictably I guess, the conversation finally turned to sex, when the other two returned. Julia complained that she hadn’t found a girl she was attracted to lately that she could actually have a conversation with, and David complained of the same. My man and I looked at each other and silently went “Ahh! Okay!” which set the other two off laughing. Apparently, everyone took them for a couple, so that look was something they’d seen frequently.
With her hand on my knee, Julia said “Why can’t I find a woman like you, Zoe? You’re pretty, funny, intelligent with a great pair of breasts!”
My man replied with a shrug. “I used to think that, but play your cards right Julia, you never know who’s around the corner.” Julia laughed and we went back to chatting about everything and nothing.
As we finished our drinks and used the toilets before we left, David had run into a group of friends and had stepped away from us. Feeling bad about leaving Julia on her own, I asked if she’d be alright. Saying she’d had enough of the pub, she stated she’d head off too. Discovering that her flat was in the same direction as our hotel, we offered to walk as far as we could with her.
The cold air hit us and I instantly felt drunk. Holding my man’s hand for stability (well, that and the fact I like to, any skin on skin contact with him is welcome), I hooked my other hand through Julia’s arm. Laughing when she stumbled, we ended up arm in arm walking down the street. Luckily, our hotel wasn’t far, but I was very aware of her boob brushing against mine, her fingers brushing against my waist, the scent of her perfume. And the solid manliness on the other side of me. When we reached our hotel, instead of letting go and saying goodnight, I steered Julia through the doors and earned raised eyebrows from my man.
As soon as the lift doors closed, I gushed “I’ve never been with a woman before, but you’re so alluring, will you teach me? Don’t worry about Callum, he won’t touch you, he’s mine!”
Suddenly feeling guilty, I turned to my man, “I’m sorry, do you mind? I won’t do anything if you mind. I should’ve asked you first. Shit, I’ve messed up big time haven’t I?”
Looking from one to the other, I didn’t know what to do. Taking my hand and putting it on his crotch, my man looked me in the eye, kissed me thoroughly and said “I know you won’t desert me, this is fine with me as long as I can fuck you too. And as long as Julia agrees.”
We both turned to Julia, who took my face in her hands and kissed me softly.
Opening our door, my man switched on the bedside lamp and got three glasses filled with water. Dropping our bags on the table, and our jackets on the chair, Julia kneeled at my feet to remove my heels. Running her fingers up my leg as she stood, her mouth was on mine once more. Shirts came off, I’m not sure how, and skirts followed. Turning to kiss my man, Julia’s hands learned my curves.
Down my sides, over my hips, squeezing my bum cheeks, up my spine. Turning me round to face Julia, my man briefly rubbed his strained crotch against my rear, then sat in the chair, dropping his clothes onto the other as he went.
Following her lead, I traced her curves. She was slighter than I, narrower I guess. Her hips were less, her butt tighter, and her boobs were like peaches. I’m like Jessica Rabbit in human form: tiny waist, voluptuous hips, melons for boobs. Julia was more modern, sleek. Holding her boobs in my hands (no idea where her bra went, or how) I tweaked her nipples with my thumbs.
“Are you sure you’ve never done this,” she sighed and pulled me down to the bed. Leaning over me, she allowed me my first nipple suck. Yes I know men have nipples too, but believe me, it’s not the same. Hers hardened between my lips, growing like a cock. I wasn’t expecting that. Eyes wide, I looked at what I’d done, then looked at my man as if to say “Hey, look what I did!”
He was sat in the chair, with just his top on, fondling his balls, eyes focused on my face. He blew me a kiss, as though telling me to carry on. Next thing I knew, there’s a mouth on my nipple. Sucking it, blowing on it, biting it. The last one got my attention, and my nub grew in response. Laying beside me, Julia removed my thong, hers having disappeared somewhere along the way.
“I’m going to give you your first Girl Orgasm,” she whispered, as her hand roamed my skin. Stroking down my sides, over my thighs and back up between, she stroked my lips before dipping a finger between to find my moistness. Slipping one finger into my pussy, she pushed her tongue into my mouth. Swapping one finger for two, she stroked my pussy opening and rubbed my g-spot. It was like being a teenager again, the sensations kind of alien but so natural. Kissing my neck, biting my nipples, sucking my tongue, all while she fingered me. I was starting to writhe and moan a little when she positioned her thumb over my clit so my movements rubbed it against her digit. With her nipple in my mouth, I came for the first time that night.
After I’d recovered enough to breathe, I asked how she did that. She just laughed and guided my hand to her crotch.
“Let me show you.”
Trying to mirror what she’d done, I stroked her lips. They were smooth like velvet, much like my own but it was strange to not feel the contact from the inside too. Dipping my finger inside the folds as Julia had, I found her to be dripping. Bringing the finger up to my mouth, she smelt musky, tasted a little spicy. Exotic I suppose.
“You like my taste?” she asked.
With wide eyes, I nodded. “May I taste more?” With a smile, she lay back and opened herself to me. Pausing to lick those responsive nipples, I settled between her thighs. Who knew that my first time with a girl would see me munching! Honestly, I’m rather shy normally.
Hearing my man groan at the sight before him, I raised my hips and opened my legs in a silent offering. Dipping my mouth to her slit, I thrust my tongue into her pussy, the way my man does me. Fucking her with my tongue, I felt my man's cock against my own pussy. Pushing back on his glorious cock, he slipped right to the hilt. Pushing two fingers into the pussy before me, I sucked her clit into my mouth as my man began to move. As he thrust into me, I thrust into Julia. And by god, her clit was as responsive as her nipples. Stiffening and swelling between my lips. I could feel the smooth swell of her g-spot against my fingers as I stroked inside, and sucked her clit as I, and my man withdrew.
Hearing her breath shorten, and her fingers grip my head, I felt a rush of pride. She was going to cum from my actions! Trying not to rush her, I continued fucking her with my fingers and sucking her clit. A moment later, she cried out as her pussy clamped around my hand and her clit throbbed against my tongue. Feeling the gush on my fingers, I remembered the cock buried inside me and rocked back on it. It felt so good, as it always does. Rubbing my g-spot that had earlier been awoken, I could feel a sensation building inside me.
“Keep going baby, fuck me, I want to cum on your cock,” I tried to tell him but I think it was more mumbled half words in reality. I felt his cock twitch just as my (second) orgasm broke and my pussy milked his cock of spunk.
Crawling under the covers, my man spooned me as I spooned Julia, one hand cupping her boob. “Thank you,” I mumbled as I nodded off. I’m not sure which I was thanking.
At some point during the night, I awoke to find a nipple stabbing my palm. Giving it a dreamy tweak, I opened one eye to see if I’d dreamt it. Nope, the breast in my hand was real, as was the cock sleeping against my rear. The owner of the breast stirred, throwing her leg over mine as she shifted more onto her back. Sleepily pushing my hand to her snatch, I felt her clit swell against my finger. Rubbing it slowly, with circles and oblongs, I wanked Julia to her second orgasm. The groans and gasps woke Callum, as the cock against my bum thickened and stiffened.
“Do you mind if I ride?” I whispered to Julia.
“Not at all, I’d like to watch though,” she said with a wink.
Rolling away from my man, I pushed him onto his back and lavished his cock with my tongue. I love sucking his dick, it’s so smooth and firm, and I know he gets pleasure from it too. It must be a powerful feeling watching your body going into another’s cavity. I licked around his head, and down his shaft. Saying hi to the twins briefly with the tip of my tongue, I took them in hand, then ran my tongue back up his shaft and swallowed his head as far down my throat as I could.
As I worshipped his cock, Julia was enjoying my curves again. She’d snuck behind me and was stroking my bum cheek with one hand, and my pussy lips with the other. Thrusting two fingers into me, she made me gasp and so swallowed more cock. Callum groaned his delight at the move.
“Enough eating, ride it,” came a voice in my ear.
Straddling my man, I held his cock as Julia held my lips open. I stroked his cock as I positioned him against my wet opening, and sat down with a sigh. With a pair of boobs in my back, I rode my man. Julia had my boobs held securely in her hands, tweaking the nipples as she did so. Kissing my neck, one hand snaked down my belly and onto my clit. She rubbed my sensitive orb as I rode my cock, my orgasm coming with a gasp. Continuing to ride as my body convulsed, Julia held me up and kept me moving. Riding the waves of my orgasm as I brought about the same for my man. He let go with a cry, filling me once more.
After our breathing had returned to normal, Julia gave me a little kiss and said she had to leave. She was due at work in a couple of hours (it was six am already!) but thanked us for an amazing night.
Seeing her to the door, she gave me a tight hug.
“You’re a beautiful person, and he’s a lucky man,” she said with a small smile. “He loves you. Stay happy Zoe.” And with that, she closed the door and left.
Returning to bed, I curled into my man's chest and was soon sleeping again, happily cocooned in his arms.
This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till late...
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FantasyThis is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till...
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“Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I replace the missing clothes with a few towels. We set off...
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When I arrive I Jacqui is very effusive, “You are a very attractive man. Just my type I think on first impressions.” She is tall, sun tanned, with short blond curly hair, very voluptuous and I guess a full size 14 body. I note her stiletto heels as I take in what she is wearing for me. Her full-length diaphanous see-through pink negligee is almost touching her feet. As she moves I note that it is split at the sides way up past the tops of her brilliant long legs and wonderful thighs to the...
After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...
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He’s done it again. The little shy boy routine, the wide oval eyes full of sparkle, the uneasy stammer. I’ve been with James for a year or so now. I know the tricks only too well because I fell for them myself. The story of a softly spoken, innocent looking guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly, but scratch the surface and you find the reality. * We’re sat in a backstreet pub in the centre of London, nothing out of the ordinary, and in fact we almost walked right past it, until James had taken a quick...
VoyeurIt was Friday evening and as dusk drew in, and i sat thinking how much i was looking forward to the weekend. I was sat on a train hurtling down towards London to attend a conference the next day. I couldn't really care less about the conference. One of those all expenses paid interdepartmental things that work made me go on from time to time. No what I was looking forward to was seeing my best mate Joe and his gf Sarah. Joe had been my best friend since we started uni 6 years ago but as we...
IN THE OFFICE In the afternoon I dressed, as a girl. Tucking my penis into panties, stockings, heels. Knowing, I guess, what might well happen in the evening but still unsure of myself. It was both expected and unexpected. When I took the job, it was just as a computer nerd. Andrew was a great boss, if that's the word when two people work together, in the office that's just the ground floor of his three storey terrace in Swiss Cottage. In his late 30s, reserved and polite, no...
I was just twenty when I met Marcus. A two hour train journey to London, we sat opposite each other with just the customary formica covered table separating us. I caught his eye a few times but disregarded the visual union as he was just an old man - older than my Father - yet like my dad smart, well groomed and stylishly dressed - for his age. My attention was for the first hour confined to the silly magazine I'd been daft enough to pay three pounds for but now, getting somewhat bored...
MatureIt must have been the year 1995, I was age 17 and I my last year of school. And in the last year of school each class makes a trip to another country for about 3-4 days. Our class and 2 other classes were going to London, England. As I live in Belgium, we just had to take the Chunnel so we were going be in London fast. I was looking forward to it for months. When we arrived at our hotel in London, the teachers parted the classes in small groups of 3 for our rooms. I ended up in a room with my...
Molly & Mark 2073 At long last the good times had returned. The economy was booming and there were more jobs, more money and more international confidence. And if it wasn't an economic boom for the whole Kingdom of England, it was undoubtedly a boom for those employed in the Docklands and the City of London. Although England's financial capital could no longer be ranked with New York or Tokyo, it was a comfort that something remained of the Square Mile's historic significance in the...
It must have been the year 1995 , I was age 17 and I my last year of school . And in the last year of school each class makes a trip to another country for about 3-4 days . Our class and 2 other classes were going to London , England . As I live in Belgium , we just had to take the Chunnel so we were going be in London fast . I was looking forward to it for months . When we arrived at our hotel in London , the teachers parted the classes in small groups of 3 for our rooms . I ended up in a room...
EroticAmerican-Man At War By Paul G. Jutras "1,2, 3, 4...." Christine said as she stood in gold three inch pumps and a backless evening gown with spaghetti straps. With the clicking of drumsticks the band prepared to join in. Soto began to played the guitar in his usual leather jacket, pants and boots and red tee shirt. Mark played the drums, Luke the keyboard in their yellow and red striped coveralls, and Starshine the tambourine in her purple blouse, leopard print mini skirt...
Set in late 1800s LondonI wind up my new gadget and press it against my puffy clit. Ahhhhhhhhhh! As the gears turn, my delightful button is hammered. The whir of the machine adds to the erotic atmosphere. My knickers are bunched around my knees and my left hand grips the edge of the desk while my right holds my new invention steady against my aching clit. Genius. Bloody genius, I think.I allow myself these pleasures for a few delightful moments before I select the one with the rounded head....
SteampunkHer piercing blue eyes flicked from the map to the city vista before her, then back to the map once more. Like everyone, she carried a smartphone but there was something special, something tactile about a paper map. A more authentic, genuine and personal experience and she liked that.As the cold December air fluttered the map in her hands she could barely believe she was here. She’d never done anything like this in her entire life. It was totally out of character for her. Or was it? Did she...
LesbianMonday I had been hired by an Irish based company to join their team moving back office support from London to the cheaper Dublin location, offshoring while improving the accent. I'd have an initial two weeks training In London to pick up what they did as with my experience I wasn't expected to take any longer. I'd been offered the job after one interview a couple of months before but the company seemed to take forever to do all the background checks, which I have to point out was due to their...
Ah, London. The largest city in all of England where you can find anything from cheap booze to cheap women. Shops all around for every day consumption and the odd number of people you meet on a day to day... And who could possibly forget the pubs. Fine buildings with plenty of alcohol to drink your life into a pit of bad decisions and good times. London is the place to be! There are however certain areas you have to be cautious of and certain people to be wary of for if you don’t listen, you’ll...
FantasyField ReportA report of my recent visit to the big cityThis trip had been some time in the planning and as you will see if you plough through the whole strory it actually worked out really well.Booked a hotel in Paddington which I had seen reviewed in Telegraph of all places. Someone had thought that what was needed in a hotel was lots of quirky details, some worked, some just looked weird but it did give the place the feel of something different a bit special which helped with getting me in...
Oscar’s Cinema in LondonApologies for my English, it is not perfect! In 2009 I was lucky enough to get an Erasmus grant to study in England, my Mother’s homeland. I was born and grew up in Sweden, in a small town called Sveg right in the middle of Sweden – and apart from very occasional visits to Stockholm I had not spent a lot of time in a big city. Now I was going to stay for a whole year in London. I was nineteen, quite small and slim for my age – blonde hair (but not blue eyes) and good...
Train to London We got the train to London for the evening to meet up with some old work colleagues. Ann was wearing a lovely figure hugging dress that showed off her voluptuous body and a short top coat. We had to stand on the train, I stood with my back to the door and Ann stood in front with her back to me. She pushed back to me, rubbing her pert rear into my groin. My hand stoked her round bum…..I couldn’t feel the outline of her knickers, covertly moving my hand up to her waist I felt her...
I was delighted with the job offer in London. And the more I thought of it the better it seemed. I’d visited a number of times there as a young man and spent six months as an intern when I finished university. I knew the city well and had many great memories. I work as a software contractor and do stints for several months or years at a time. I don’t really need to work as my father left me fairly well off even though he didn’t let me know until I was thirty. I can do whatever I like within...
Internet.By day I am a working professional but by night you will come to realise I am quite the sexual deviant. This is my story of a recent experience I had. My name is Suzie and I live and work in central London and have done for about 3 years now. Moving here on my own was a challenge in itself but also very difficult to make any decent friends. This is when I came to realise the wonders of the internet. Passing countless hours either chatting to strangers or browsing through the copious...
The Way To ParisI couldn't wait, I wanted to go to Amsterdam more than anywhere else in Europe. This was my first visit to the city which I imaged was full of enlightened thinkers and freedom from the stodgy American war on d**gs and the cloistered view of prostitution. I couldn't wait to experience it for myself. I was practically vibrating with impatience to be on the coach to London. Miguel said coolly, in no hurry to be off, "Belle, if we get to the station before the bus, we will still be...
My name is VIJIT I’m 25 yrs old and live in London, UK. Over the last few months I have decided to go into the london university and thank god it has done well. One of the properties that I own is a two bedroom flat that I was looking for tenants for. A Sikh girl by the name of Harpreet applied, she was 22 and new to England. She was studying medicine at a local london university. She was very interested in the flat and took it. Everything went fine for about 6 months; she paid her rent on...
I had been friends with Catherine for some time, we had in the past been a little intimate and I always found her pretty hot. A year or so after we met she moved away to live with her boyfriend in London. I always regretted not taking our sexual relationship further.About a year later I went down to London on a business trip 5 days & nights in England’s capital city, I took this opportunity to re-connect with an old friend and gave Catherine a call, we arranged to meet on Tuesday night I...
Hi, I am Sunny from London, originally from Delhi & live in Hounslow London. I can’t help but picture Ramesh’s hot wife sitting on my lap. Those big boobs as they bounce up and down as she screams out my name in my mind. Well sure it’s wrong for me to have her there in the first place. I just cant help myself! God made that woman for guys to have hardcore, sweaty, sexual thoughts about. It all started about a year ago. Ramesh, my co-worker, invited me over to watch a India Pakistan Cricket...
Hi friends this is Willy and I’m from Mumbai currently in London pursuing further education. This is a true story about a gal that I’ve met on the website named ‘Tagged’as I mentioned earlier I met this gal on tagged website. She is a Brit-Asian gal. We started chatting and came to know that both of us have blackberry so we exchanged our BB pin and started chatting on that rather then the website. After couple of days she asked me for my mobile number i gave it to her and she immediately called...
I am Raja,29 yrs old, six foot, medium built physical structure. After finishing my MBA, taking care of my family business. Among few other business, we have a pharmaceutical company. I had to attend a conference of British Pharmaceutical Industries(ABPI)in New Castle, England. My sister lives with her family in Pinner, Middle sex suburb of London. Which is just twelve miles away from London Heathrow Airport. I talked to my sister and brother in law before the departure from our country. They...