Commanding PresenceChapter 12: Three's Company free porn video

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The doorbell rang and Cheri hurried to answer it. Standing in the open doorway was one obviously nervous young woman. The makeup from the night before had been removed and replaced with just a hint of rouge, eyeliner and lipstick. Her hair was undone and falling to her shoulders. She wore a short but not extremely short skirt, sandals and a short-sleeved blouse buttoned almost all the way up to her neck. A scarf under the blouses' collar covered her choker completely.

"Oh it's good to see you, Pam. Thanks for coming. You look wonderful tonight! Please come on in." Cheri smiled at the change in her normally extremely extroverted young friend.

"I wasn't sure if I'd ever hear from you again," Pam stammered as she entered the hallway.

Not giving her a chance to refuse, Cheri stepped up to her friend, grabbed her in a big hug and kissed her hard on the lips. Pam's eyes got very wide but suddenly she relaxed and began to return the kiss with all the warmth and ardor she could muster.

"Hey, is this a private party or can anybody join?" Evan walked into the hall still wearing an apron and carrying a wooden stirring spoon. Breaking apart, the two women started like two teenagers caught kissing by someone's dad. Realizing what they had done, they both started giggling. Suddenly much more apprehensive, Pam let go of Cheri and slowly walked over to Evan.

"Master?" she said very softly.

"Am I?" he replied with just a hint of a smile.

"Yes, you are," she said with the nervous smile being replaced by a much more natural one.

"Well," reaching up with his free hand he caressed the scarf around her neck. "I wasn't sure since I didn't see my token. I thought maybe you didn't want it and had taken it off."

"Oh no, Master!" again her eyes got big and round this time from fear and not surprise. Oh my God! she thought. He'll think I'm ashamed to be seen wearing his tag! "Oh no!" She dropped to her knees wondering if she should prostrate herself completely before him. "I didn't know if you still claimed me! I didn't want to show your claim if you didn't want me!"

Tears began to well up in her eyes while she wondered how she could have screwed this up so badly. Positive he was going to send her away, she tried to stifle a sob. Last night she had hardly been able to sleep because of the euphoric feeling that had gripped her. This morning came the fear. The fear of being rejected, of having to keep looking for her true Master through the sea of wretched filth that seemed to pervade the Dom-sub culture. She had been too long without her man, fighting to stay independent until she could find the one perfect or at least reasonable one. Finally she thought she had found him and with him a soul sister that she was sure she could love more than she loved herself. And now one stupid mistake had thrown it all away!

"Pam?" Evan's soft voice filtered through the rush of the noise of her impending doom. "Pam, please look at me."

Afraid to lift her head thinking it would be the last time she would be allowed to look at him, she reluctantly did as she was ordered. The face she saw didn't look like one that was about to crush her heart like so many others had. In fact it looked concerned, maybe even frightened.

"Pam, what's the matter? All I wanted to ask you was if you wanted to wear my tag. Do you?"

When it finally penetrated what he was asking, her sudden relief almost caused her to hyperventilate and pass out.

"Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Please, may I? I will be yours forever. I'll be good and never cause you any problems! I promise!"

"I doubt that very much, but then I won't even attempt to promise that I won't cause you problems in the future, so let's just leave it that I claim you and you accept my claim. Now get up off your knees! As your master don't I rate even a little kiss hello?"

Jumping up she grabbed him like she would never let him go and crushed her lips to his. After a few very intense minutes he gently pushed her away and shooed her towards Cheri.

"Whoa!" he said. "Now that's what I call a hello kiss! Better scoot along and watch out or I'll get spaghetti sauce all over you. Cheri, why don't you take Pam into the living room and get her a drink. Dinner will be done here in a few minutes. Is the table set yet?"

"Of course it is, dear. Give us a yell when it's done or you need some help." Cheri then turned toward Pam. "Now you come with me and we'll get you something to drink. What would you like? Beer? Wine? Hard stuff?"

"Ah, a little wine might be nice," she was reeling from the emotional roller coaster she had been on. "Ah, Master, I mean Evan is cooking dinner?"

"Sure is. He's actually a pretty good cook but I only let him for special occasions. And by the way you can call him anything you want. If Master makes you happy then that's fine with him. Otherwise just call him Evan."

"Most of the doms I know insist on being called Master... part of the power trip you know. It never occurred to me that it mattered what I wanted to call him."

"Yes, well you are going to have to learn that we do things a bit differently. Is white okay?" Pam nodded her head and accepted the glass as Cheri continued. "To tell the truth, Evan isn't into the power trip thing very much, just enough to keep me happy but nothing more. And yes I do like him to be a little firm now and then, no pain or very little anyway, but I do like him to take control now and then. Here, have a seat." They sat down next to each other in a comfortable but not overcrowded loveseat.

"Oh by the way since he did mention it you might want to take off your scarf and let your collar be visible, but do as you choose." It wasn't seconds after Cheri started talking that Pam was franticly tearing at the scarf and unbuttoning her blouse proudly displaying her new owner's tag.

"That's partly why we wanted to bring you over here tonight. First off, we are both absolutely smitten with you but I think that's obvious."

"I'm, mmm, more than just a little smitten with you two," Pam interjected.

"Thank you, honey. Maybe smitten is too light a term but I didn't want to scare you off right away. You see the other part is the Dom-sub routine. I am submissive, as submissive as they come and I have given myself to Evan heart, body and soul. But you see Evan isn't your traditional dominant. He doesn't want to micro-manage my life or anyone's. He doesn't mind making the decisions and Being in Charge but he doesn't belittle anyone for fun. He doesn't like to cause pain and when it really comes down to it, he's not going to make you do something you didn't really want to do anyway. The question for you is, is that enough? If you want someone to really beat you down, rough you up and totally oppress you, then I'm afraid we're not for you."

Settling back in her seat Pam tried to look thoughtful but inside she was bubbling. "I think I could probably stand it," she said.

"You don't have to answer now, baby. And by the way, if you say it's not what you need or want, then we hope we can still be friends. I mean real friends. I mean friends like I hope those kisses inferred. But if not that, then at least friends. I've needed someone I can talk to -- you know girl talk -- for forever, and Evan really likes you."

"I already know what my answer is." Pam's voice seemed to get hoarse and it was becoming a real problem getting the words out. Even her eyes seemed to be having trouble focusing; her tears were getting in the way.

"Good," Cheri whispered as she took her hand, "but let's wait for Evan to formally ask. It lets him think he's in charge." They giggled as their foreheads came together and they lightly rubbed noses.

"Dinner is served!" they heard bellowed from the other room.

"Well that was quite delicious if I do say so myself, and I do," Evan pushed back from the table and patted his stomach.

"It was wonderful!" gushed Pam.

"It was excellent, Evan. You outdid yourself this time," Cheri smiled.

"Good, I'm glad you liked it. Now I'd better get this cleaned up."

At that the two women looked at each other and simultaneously pushed their chairs back and stood up.

"You sit down," said Pam.

"Better yet, go into the living room and watch TV. That ought to keep you out of our hair for a while," Cheri added.

"I could let you get away with cooking for a special occasion but cleaning up? Not a chance!" Pam said directly after. "Two collared women and he thinks he's going to do the cleaning. Boy, does he have a lot to learn!"

"Kick us right out of the union they will if it's found out," Cheri continued.

"Okay, okay! I get the message! Well if you want to do it that badly, I'm certainly not going to stop you! Have at it!" Putting his hands up in mock surrender he retreated hastily to the living room and the TV.

In a surprisingly short amount of time the girls were done and came back into the room. When he saw them he quickly turned off the TV and turned to them expectantly.

Trying to keep a somber façade, Cheri drew the nervous Pam in front of Evan.

"Slave Pamela would beg permission to speak to the Master."

"Speak, Slave Pamela." Evan also tried to keep a serious expression. "But before you do may I say how lovely your collar looks this evening? It is indeed a thing of beauty on a person of beauty."

"Thank you, Master," she said blushing a little. Then she slowly got down on her knees before him and held her crossed hands out in front of her reaching toward him. "Master, I ask that you claim me."

Not knowing what exactly what to do Evan looked around beseechingly for Cheri but she had already moved to his side and whispered in his ear, "Say 'I claim you for my own.'"

"I claim you for my own."

"Master I accept your claim and now I am yours."

("Slave, wear this token that all others shall know you to be mine.")

"Slave wear this token that all others shall know you to be mine."

"Master, this token shall I wear that all shall know I am yours."

With that she rose up and both Cheri and Evan could see she had tears running down her cheeks. Evan sprang up and enfolded her in his arms hugging her tightly to him. He nuzzled his face down in her hair and neck making little shushing sounds of comfort. Cheri was on her other side holding both of them. Soon the three of them found themselves on the couch. Evan couldn't say who was where except he knew he was on the bottom of two very soft and wriggling females. There was kissing, touching, caressing and even blatant groping going on but whose hands or lips were doing what was a little difficult to follow, if anyone were to care.

At some point he noticed that Pam's skirt was up around her waist and her blouse was either undone or missing most of it's buttons, Cheri's dress had been unzipped in back and was hanging half off her front while the hem was somewhere up around her waist and her bright pink pussy lips were quite visible and obviously very wet.

"Why don't we go upstairs where it's a little more comfortable," Cheri said.

The look he gave her was definitely an "Are you sure?" look. While he couldn't deny that Pam was an exciting handful, there was no way he wanted to jeopardize what he had with Cheri for just a piece of ass! Not when she gave him everything he wanted as far as sex goes and love, comfort and companionship besides.

Cheri could tell exactly what he was thinking and her heart nearly burst knowing he would willingly give up a chance at a piece of new ass if it bothered her. She didn't know why but what they were doing with Pam seemed to feel right. For some reason they meshed, the three of them, and it didn't worry her that her lover might have his cock in someone else's cunt very soon. She knew they belonged together and nothing could change that, nothing.

Smiling Cheri nodded her head yes and stood up and held her hand out to Pam, helping her out of Evan's lap and to her feet. Evan jumped up and the three of them slowly made their way to the bedroom shedding clothing as they went.Entering the room Cheri dropped Pam's hand and strolled over to the big bed. Slipping out of her remaining clothes she lay down on her side, legs demurely crossed, one arm propping up her head the other casually draped across her breasts. Evan, now down to his shorts, walked over and lay down so that their heads came together in the center. Pam stood looking at the two as they smiled at her. Seeing the two together was making her really hot, but then something clicked.

"You're brother and sister, aren't you!?" she gasped. "Oh my God, I can see it now! I don't know how I missed it before. I guess I just wasn't looking, but there, together, it's plain as can be!"

Looking quickly at each other the smiles disappeared and both Cheri and Evan turned back to Pam.

"No, we aren't brother and sister," said Evan. "Would it make any difference if we were?"

"Oh no, Master!" Pam said as she made her way to the bed where she knelt down on the floor beside them. "No, not at all! In fact it is so, so, hot!"

Again looking over to Cheri, Evan sighed and turned back. "Pam, we're not brother and sister like I said, but we are related."

"What? Aunt? Cousin?"

"No. Pam, Cheri is my mother."

"Oh, my, God! Your mother is your slave and you've been fucking her?" Evan nodded his head, yes.

"Pam," Cheri said tentatively. "We understand if this changes things for you, but we would really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone. We are both adults, but you understand how this would seem to others."

"Tell? Tell on my Master?" Pam practically squealed. "Oh God, no! Oh this is so hot! My Master has dominated his own mother! Christ this makes me hot! I'm so horny I'm dripping. Please Master! Please take me now. Fuck me, oh please fuck me!"

Once again Evan looked over at Cheri, raising his eyebrows in a look that meant 'This is your last chance to say no."

Grinning, Cheri replied to his unspoken question in a whisper loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Milord, your new wench needs to be serviced. T'is cruel to make her grovel and beg."

"Aye," he grinned back at her. "T'is time she felt the rod of discipline, isn't it?" Jumping up off the bed he reached down and hauled Pam up to her feet.

"Slave Pam, are you ready to submit to your master and provide for his needs as is your duty?" he growled at her.

"Yes, Master," she replied breathlessly bending her head back to look him in the eyes as he held her tightly. "I am ready to serve you in any manner you require."

"Good, then you won't need these." Reaching up to the flimsy bra she was wearing he grabbed the fabric between her breasts and pulled until the snaps in back gave and the broken garment could be pulled off and thrown to the floor. Pam gasped slightly as the straps dug into her back but said nothing as she shook and moaned. After dealing with the bra Evan reached down and almost casually ripped her thong off, letting it fall on top of the discarded bra. Evan was pleased to note that Pam shaved all her pubic hair, leaving a wonderfully smooth, and very wet, pussy.

"On the bed, Wench," he said pushing her slightly toward his intended place of debauchery. "On your back and prepare yourself for me. Slave Cheri!"

"Yes, Milord?" Cheri jumped up from the bed as Pam climbed on, rolled to her back and spread her legs. She looked up at him visibly shaking with anticipation.

"Prepare me for my pleasure! Pay particular attention that the Masterful member is well lubricated. The new slave may be dry and we don't want me to get friction burns." Cheri almost laughed aloud. Not only was Pam not dry, she was soaking the bed linens as she waited semi-patiently on the bed.

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Graduation seemed anticlimactic to Evan. One milestone in school was just a minor footnote on the journey he found himself taking. The relationship with his mother was all consuming. The emotional bonds they were forming far exceeded the paltry mother/son bonds they had once shared and never having been exceptionally close to another girl, he had nothing with which to compare it. He did realize that part, if not most of his fascination with his mother was his sexual desire for her body. He...

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Commanding PresenceChapter 11 Dinner Dancing Dominating

Evan had no problems with going out to dinner. In fact his midterm exams were finished and he was looking forward to getting out. The restaurant Cheri picked was reasonably upscale and required a coat and tie for him; Cheri wore the same dress she had for his birthday. She worried if maybe this would be a little too formal for Pam but she felt like dressing up a little. Okay, maybe a lot. She needn't have worried about that. They were waiting for their table when Pam strolled through the...

2 years ago
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Commanding PresenceChapter 13 Its Not Just A Job Its An Adventure

Still being a young man Evan was inexperienced enough to be amazed at how totally incomprehensible these wondrous beings called women can be to the average male. Being an intelligent young man he was smart enough to abide by the ancient wisdom, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." What amazed him more than anything else at this particular time was the seeming dichotomy of having two extremely submissive women with the need to breed suddenly take over and completely dominate his sexual...

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Commanding PresenceChapter 14 Picture Perfect

"Holy shit! You two look great!" Evan was practically drooling as he watched his two beauties step out of the dressing room. Pam was leading Cheri since the leather hood she wore completely covered her head including her eyes. The rest was all leather, black vinyl or rubber. Well, maybe a few chains and other such accoutrements. It hadn't taken very much persuasion to get Cheri to agree to help with the modeling. She whined that she was too old and fat; a ridiculous statement firmly...

1 year ago
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Commanding PresenceChapter 15 The Dungeon

Pam's prediction about the girls' ability to convince Evan that a trip to the nightclub was necessary proved well founded. Given his good nature and inability to deny them anything it was pretty much a slam-dunk; sex and sweet talk didn't hurt either. Their web site had done well in its beta testing and the date was set for it to go live. Their outing was scheduled to coincide with the site's opening and was choreographed more like a PR appearance than a night on the town. "Is this...

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Commanding PresenceChapter 16 Happy Endings

For the next few days Evan and Cheri had to walk on eggshells around Pam. She was alternately euphoric, depressed, defiant and then extremely passive, sometimes all in the span of a few minutes. "I won't sell!" she screamed. "It's mine and I won't give it up!" "You don't have to," Evan would say, trying to soothe her. "But what if they want to give us a lot of money?" she whined. "Money's no problem," Cheri would add. "You do what you want. We're here for you either way....

1 year ago
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Commanding Voice

Henry Johnson was an average guy for most of his life. He grew up in a pretty normal household where nothing out of the ordinary happened. For the most part, he didn’t excel in any area of his life. He was the definition of average and was content to live out his life as such. Fortunately for him, he was given a gift which took him quite a while to fully understand but it turned him from average to exciting. Henry first realized what he was capable of during his second year of college. He had...

3 years ago
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The Secrets of Smith Paper Company

It was a Friday afternoon as I sat in my office, looking over the dossier of my newest employee. A picture of the gorgeous Mina Lari stared back at me. The five-foot-nine Indian girl with long black hair was an employee most companies would absolutely love to have working for them. Twenty-five years old, an advanced degree in Economics, top of her college class, and single. For most jobs, she would be the ideal worker. Unfortunately for her, the company I own isn't like 'most jobs'. Sure, the...

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Ive Got The Trains To Keep Me Company

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...

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McCardleWalker and Company

Hiram Walker was thirty-five and a happily married man, and father of three, with one on the way. His oldest child Bethany was twelve and was developing into a sure-fire heartbreaker. She was almost a clone of her mother. Then there were the boys, Martin age ten, and Willard age five.Sybil Walker was two years older than Hiram and a closet bisexual. She had a long-standing affair with her best friend Alicia. An affair that had been totally discreet until recently, when Alicia’s brother Larry...

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Ive Got The Trains To Keep Me Company

The most depressing thing about my grandmother’s death was that she had outlived all of her children and three of her grandchildren. I guess that’s the price you pay for living to one hundred and eight.My mother was a very late-in-life baby. She was born when grandma was forty-four. She said it was hard growing up because grandpa – her dad – had died in a farm accident just before she was born and all her siblings were grown up with families of their own by then. So, it was just her and grandma...

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Valuable Asset To Company

So it had been almost 6 months since I left my previous job. And, most of savings went into the breast enlargement surgery, which I got done because of my boy friend. Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 3 years. We have a nice and healthy relationship but the only thing that I didn’t like about him, was that he was a porn addict. He always fancied pornstars. We used to watch porn together at times but, he was an addict. I had noticed that he had a thing for big busts. So, on his...

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Twos Company

Two’s company…….Part OneThe day out.…Three’s a crowd, but four is… well read on and make your own mind up. But, please don’t ask me what I think, I’m still coming down and can’t think straight yet.Erotica; Probably the best exhibition or show in London of the year. Usually held around the middle of November, when it is cold and miserable out, but the heat in the Grand Hall; Olympia, near Earls Court, South West London, goes off the scale.I had managed to get two of the hottest tickets in town....

Group Sex
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I am 25 YEAR OLD VERY VERY FAIR muslim woman my hubby.. Saleem is 34 and we are totally compatible in every way. When Saleem tells me to dress properly and to attract his boss I started to wonder just what he was expecting of me. Before Saleem arrived home I showered and shaved my underarms and legs and thought about trimming my pubic hair but I know Saleem loves my very bushy hair and I didn’t want to shave or trim it unless he approved first. I really didn’t know what to wear so I simply put...

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ForgiveChapter 11 The Company

Thursday morning, the president and owner of Coulton Industries arrived at his office to a hoard of serious-looking individuals. Beth hated this portion of the process. She loved her job and liked Mr. Coulton, but there was no choice. Bob Coulton looked like a confused and defeated man as the team joined him in the main conference room. Tom Willis led the discussion. “Mr. Coulton, I wish I could tell you today was a good day for your company. Unfortunately, that would be a lie. Your sales...

4 years ago
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Adriana running the company

part 1They had met a few months before, at some anniversary for some-one they both knew professionally. Adriana had found him one of the most loathsome persons she had ever met. He had been so obviously undressing any women in the room with his eyes, he had been making several very lewd comments to any female within shouting distance and after he had left, people actually talked about how he usually was much worse!Only now she actually needed him!Her husband, Martin, was still in custody (but...

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Twos Company

Part One The day out. …Three’s a crowd, but four is… well read on and make your own mind up. But, please don’t ask me what I think, I’m still coming down and can’t think straight yet. Erotica; Probably the best exhibition or show in London of the year. Usually held around the middle of November, when it is cold and miserable out, but the heat in the Grand Hall; Olympia, near Earls Court, South West London, goes off the scale. I had managed to get two of the hottest tickets in...

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Commercial Company

Deftly backing the trailer into the spot where the guard said to, I climb down from the tractor, unlatch the fifth wheel, disconnect the air and electrical lines, and lower the landing gear. ‘Damn,’ I mutter, looking at the darkening sky, ‘I hope it doesn’t start to rain!’ Climbing back in the cab, I pick up the satellite unit I use to communicate with the company. ‘Dropped at the lot’, I send them. ‘I’m about out of hours today, and I’d like to go get a shower and some dinner. Think you can...

2 years ago
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The Company

You are psyched. You just signed onto a rapidly growing company. Your salary and benefits package is generous and has all your friends jealous. You enter the modern high tech building. At the entrance two surprisingly muscular and good looking security guards stop you. They check your ID, and walk you through some kind of scanner. Finally, they let you through. You enter the nearly filled onboarding conference room eager to begin your new career with The Company. You are greeted by a gorgeous,...

1 year ago
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Welcome to the Happy Chubby Plush Toy Company

Welcome one and all to our unique and one of a kind toy company how are we one of a kind well that's a company secret. Here we make unique life-size plushies for k1ds and adults, what's that are products resemble the recent missing heroes and villains I assure you that's a coincidence. Now won't you buy one of our unique Plushies you won't be dissapointed. Now where is the Happy Chubby Plush Toy Company getting there "Toys" from.

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The Great American Bush Company

I was in Phoenix. Not that I especially wanted to be in Phoenix, but that's where the trade show was, and one has to go where one has to go. If one wants to continue doing mundane things like eating regularly, that is. Days weren't bad; I had lots to do and little time to be bored. The evenings were something else entirely. Just what does one do in Phoenix in the evening. The magazine provided by my hotel wasn't any help. It quite blatantly was interested getting me to an expensive...

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Desert DroppingChapter 24 In Company

All day long, I'd been planning to meet Eddie when he got off work. I'd been thinking of it as a way to get out of the house. Only, I hadn't been home all day, and it wasn't like I didn't have company. I didn't need to meet Eddie the way I thought I did anymore. But, somewhere along the line, I began to realize that while I didn't need to meet him, I sort of wanted to. In fact, I'd been looking forward to it. That surprised even me. It also surprised Eddie, I think. He was in a...

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Commercial Company

Deftly backing the trailer into the spot where the guard said to, I climb down from the tractor, unlatch the fifth wheel, disconnect the air and electrical lines, and lower the landing gear. “Damn,” I mutter, looking at the darkening sky, “I hope it doesn’t start to rain!” Climbing back in the cab, I pick up the satellite unit I use to communicate with the company. “Dropped at the lot”, I send them. “I’m about out of hours today, and I’d like to go get a shower and some dinner. Think you can...

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Stud In The Company

Here I am in the Army in a new duty station. Let me start from the begining. I'm a 32 year old Sergeant, at the time this happen) married with two children. I had changed my duty station from Fort Hood TX. To Fort Irwin CA. My First Sergeant calls me to the front of formation so he could introduce me to the company. As I was looking at the soldiers in front of me I noticed some WOW looks from some of the female soldiers. I'm not a bad looking guy, 5'11" 186lbs tone muscles, light brown eyes...

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True Story of MFM Threesome1

The three of us were really close. He would always ask Raquel for advice on his relationships with women. She was always cracking up at his jokes and goofiness. I also started noticing that they teased and flirted with each other more and more as time passed. There was a lot of touchy feel between the two whenever they were around each other. I have to admit, It really turned me on because I had always fantasized watching my GF being intimate with another man while I watched and joined them in...

1 year ago
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Our First Threesome4

It started over dinner with some friends of ours. My wife of 10 plus years. She said she'd had always been a little bi curious, And she meet a friend who she work with. And the way she was sounding she like her alot so I suggested that she invited her over to the house for dinner one night. She was a bit curious if she was bi sexual also, we'd been discussing getting involved or having a threesome together if we could find someone who was interested or looking for the same thing. So she...

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A Wild Weekend Threesome0

James was a long, tall Texan, very toned and in shape. His hair was dirty blonde and he had sexy brown eyes, I have to admit he turned me on in his tight jeans and cowboy boots. I was totally clueless as to what the night had in store but they definitely had plans for me. I was dressed to kill ( I knew what Jonathan expected when he just "Invited me over") I wore a White, man tailored shirt showing lots of cleavage with a red plaid sweater and a matching skirt - very short with white...

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A fantastic threesome1

The evening was an unqualified success. I have to tell you, this guy Bill has an incredible penis. It is long and thick and very attractive and hard as a rock. Gia had never seen a dick that big in person and was totally into it. She kept saying what a big cock the guy had. He claims it is 9.5 inches and I don’t doubt it. We started off with us two guys lying on the bed stroking our cocks to get them hard. She had stripped down but still had her panties on. She climbed onto the bed...

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