Grains of SandChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 25
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The Shaft was remarkably still as Yakhir prepared to walk out of the R1 tunnel for a brief march to the entrance. Graduation day had finally arrived and the apprentice was to be elevated to archivist. For three years since his father's death, Yakhir's elevation had been widely anticipated by many, both friends and enemies, and that made him nervous.
Three years ago, he had nearly died from an assassination attempt. He had nearly lost his sister, yet he had gained his betrothed. Yakhir shivered slightly in the faint breeze of the ventilation system as he considered how close they had all come to the edge of the grave. Surely, he and his sister Janina had been marked for removal, but he also began to suspect that so had Adilah after her betrothal to Yakhir had been made public. Her standing with Al-Taquir had all but banished her from clan of Shaheen. They had all spent three years looking over their backs, just in case.
Her undocumented expulsion had set tongues wagging throughout the tribe, even far beyond the limits of the town. Peculiar though it may seem, that unwritten banishment had brought a focus to the power and politics of the Council of Elders among the population. The Clan of Al-Taquir had neither set out to tangle with another clan nor had it done so in the past. The clan was respected for the dedication of its members to the future and its struggle raise up the tribe from its degradation through knowledge and hard work. The tribe passed judgment in its unseen manner and Arda Shaheen was forced to retreat from his attempt to overtake the Council.
Yakhir clucked his tongue as he followed the thread of events beyond his control. The tribe had sided with his clan, but not because of the attempted murder of Janina and him, but because of Adilah. The siblings had no proof of their attack other than an easily dismissed knife, and their aunts, uncles and cousins had been reluctant to protest for justice. His clan, skeptical and cautious, had not sided with his household until the outing of Adilah, an outsider welcomed into his home. "Welcoming the stranger into their midst" took more precedence than the attacks on their lives, which meant that clan support came with caveats and strings attached. Another cherished childhood belief turned to dust.
Even the undocumented council of master archivists, a group that did not exist on paper, had sided with Yakhir immediately upon the elevation of the new Archivist. His own flesh and blood had dilly-dallied until the tribal winds blew in their favor. He didn't trust his own clan fully, and that was considered a bad omen in his world. It was a small source of bitterness that he kept to himself.
Even so, his back and been guarded in the Shafts and in the streets for three years. Those three years came to an end today. Today he became a man with full rights and the danger ratcheted up again. He would be expected to take up his own battles at the front of the field and could no longer lurk behind others further forward.
Intrigue and confrontation were coming; only a fool could deny such tidings. The Shaheen Clan had long memories and didn't accept defeat gracefully, considering such loss as a smear upon their honor. No longer a neophyte but still young and fresh, Yakhir was vulnerable to a political assault. The Al-Taquir clan had agreed amongst themselves that Arda Shaheen would try again to gain power, he had to try or surrender his chieftain's authority, and Yakhir's elevation was the first time in three years that an opportunity arose.
Elevating from apprentice to professional was usually a minor moment for family and maybe a friend or two. When Janina had graduated as an agronomist, the few clansmen who came had made a toast of fruit juice and cookies before sending her off to her first posting. Since archivists were few and precious, their elevation held a bit more ceremony, even though the archivist wasn't traveling anywhere to a first posting; they returned to the Shafts and often to their master.
Yakhir was ready. He turned into the Shaft and bowed to Master Kevit-Nakar, taking his place beside his master. They walked out into the mid-morning sunlight to the ceremony just outside the entrance. Yakhir had to blink twice before his pupils adjusted to the bright sun.
Whatever he had expected, he was taken aback by the gathering. All of the master archivists stood in the front, with the archivists behind them along with the other, few apprentices. His entire clan stood behind them, along with his mother and Adilah. Several Council members stood among the crowd as well. Among the entire crowd only Archivist Atto, who stood apart and forward of the rest, seemed to be sweating and uncomfortable.
His master led him to a point before the Chief Archivist and pronounced the ritual introduction of a completed apprenticeship. The Archivist replied with his formal lines and then presented the symbolic key to the Shafts on a chain that the archivist wore around his neck as a sign of office. Yakhir bowed to the Archivist and then to his master, who placed the key around his neck. His master kissed him on the forehead as a gesture of respect and an end of his obligation to his student. Cheer and applause arose from the crowd as his family and clan pushed through the archivists to embrace the newest adult member of the clan.
In the Archivist Building, Yakhir hopes soared because of the large crowd, but he was mistaken. He got the same damn cookies and juice that every other completed apprentice got. Adilah read his thoughts and whispered in his ear as everyone departed, "Just wait until tonight and you will be properly rewarded for your accomplishment."
He blushed bright red and his fellow archivists laughed aloud at his embarrassment, much to his consternation. Yakhir felt his ears burn when Adilah responded to the laughter by shaking her butt and hips at them as she walked out the door. The gathered group roared all the louder and Yakhir could only shake his head. Kemal slapped him across the shoulders, telling him he was one lucky man and that she was one lucky woman, if the rumors were true. Yakhir stifled the automatic response of staring down at his crotch. The laughter rose that much louder. Everyone agreed they wouldn't forget this ceremony for a long while.
As the archivists drifted back to the Shafts, Master Kevit-Nakar motioned Yakhir to follow him to one of study carrels that the masters used to write their research. Though the seating was tight, the two of them managed to sit in the small space with the door shut.
The master assured him that they could speak privately without concern of unauthorized ears listening.
Yakhir waited for his master to speak, "What do you wish to research, archivist?"
Yakhir was puzzled, "Don't I have to take the assignments given to me by Archivist Atto?"
"Usually, that is the case," Kevit-Nakar agreed, "but you are in an unusual position. You will do his bidding, as we all do, but you are obligated to follow your father's research as well. Don't you agree?"
"Master," Yakhir began but he was cut off.
"You have earned the right to call me 'Jamiel', young archivist; you have passed all of your master's level exams and except for a year's required wait and a thesis, which is probably already indexed and annotated on your datapad, you are a master. Also let my first name be an agreed sign that you wish to discuss your real research."
Yakhir swallowed as he realized he had crossed another boundary, "What do you know of my father's research?"
Jamiel smiled, "I have been waiting for that question for three years. My last assignment for your father was to locate all of the Neo-Mandarin sites in Shaft Two that dealt with computers, the Neural Net, or a consortium which used the term 'Diamond' in their name, logo, or subtitle."
Yakhir felt his curiosity start to boil and a hundred questions came to his lips. However, the older man stayed his questions with a raised hand. He continued, "Three more of us were given the assignment to seek out Neo-Europeno, Neo-Latino and Neo-Swahili companies that used the terms 'Ruby', 'Emerald', or 'Sapphire.' in the same manner."
"The four great languages that emerge from the Fundi War represent each of these precious stones?" Yakhir asked confused.
"No," Jamiel explained. "remember your first year history lessons. Among the companies and nations that emerge after WW3, all of the languages of the world collapsed into four. Before the Fundi War, as you prefer to call it, we believe that there were thousands of languages, but a basic 7 or 8 that were used for international commerce. After the war, the hundreds of human languages, large and small, folded into four based on geographical location. This is old material that you already know."
Yakhir agreed and waited impatiently for the master to continue the lesson into his father's work. He didn't have to wait.
Jamiel continued, "The international community agreed on four initiatives to help them emerge from the nuclear devastation of The Fundi War. They abbreviated the names and descriptions of these missions by four precious stones: ruby, emerald, sapphire, and diamond. Each geographic location appeared to concentrate on one gem more than the others, although we have found many exceptions. There were contracts and money to be made under each of these initiatives, and many of those successful companies stored their Precious Gems archives on this site."
Jamiel took a different tangent, "Do you believe in coincidences?"
Yakhir gave a pinched smile, "No, and neither does my sister and mother."
Jamiel ignored the political inferences, "Good, it runs in the family. Your father did not believe in coincidences either. He believed that this site was a deliberate repository for the Precious Gems consortiums and that there was a reason why these records were buried in this brutal, distant corner of the world."
"What is the reason?" Yakhir whispered fiercely.
This time the master held up both of his hands, "Your father never said, because he didn't finish finding the answer. Suli Al-Taquir believed that the answer to the origin of The Great Burn is in these particular archives that relate to the gems. Your job, as far as the masters are concerned, is to finish his research and find the answer. Time is short, archivist. Atto grows bold again and when he behaves as such, we know that Ardo Shaheen is gearing up to attack the Council again."
"Al-Taquir clan expected no less," Yakhir admitted.
"Good, forewarned is forearmed," Jamiel concluded. "let us get to work. First we report to Atto for your camelshit assignment and then we return to the Shafts for the real work."
Dinner was a festive meal with relatives, and a leg of lamb on the spit out back. Had the occasion been grander, a whole lamb would have been spitted, but a leg of lamb was still rather extravagant. Yakhir was reminded in mid bite of his first real conversation with his sister over lamb-shish.
She had claimed that the expectation placed upon them was that both of them would have all of the answers when they graduated from their apprenticeships. The prophecy slammed down upon all his warm and fuzzy thoughts. He swallowed the suddenly chewy meat, understanding for the first time that the clan was serving the festive dish because they celebrating his expected immediate rise. Yakhir was to take Suli Al-Taquir's place. He licked the sheen of fat off of his lips not knowing what to do next.
Seventh Day finally arrived and the entire family had slunk home the night before with nerves frayed and limbs exhausted. Seventh day was the day of rest when every business and office was closed, when everyone not needed for emergencies or guard duty was with family and friends. Yakhir's body refused to cooperate with his plans to sleep late, despite the fact that everyone in the house was asleep, even little Ayoub. With his football tucked under his arm, Yakhir stole out to the football...
Later that night Yakhir lay on his bed staring at the stars through the window. Unable to sleep because nothing had been resolved, including his annoyed cock, his brain refused to wind down and release him to the wisp of dreaming. He heard a slight shuffle in the hallway and then a soft pad of bare feet entering his room. "Who?" He called out in a whisper. "Who else were you expecting?" Adilah shot back in a muffled voice. "Now, move over and let me in." Yakhir shifted against the...
Glancing at his watch, Yakhir suddenly remembered that he had promised Azzi to meet him at one of the cafés that evening. He groaned in frustration because his watch already read 19:15 and he was at least a half hour away from the 19:30 get together. Arriving late for promised appointments was one of those characteristics in others for which he had little tolerance, how much more so when he was the guilty party. He stuffed his pad in his sack and ran down the tunnel and up the shaft. He was...
In the light of day, the town looked pristine and innocent again. Yakhir shook his head trying to reconcile the two views of his town that he now knew existed. After much debate, the family decided that daytime should be safe for both Yakhir and Janina to travel alone from the house, but if they went anywhere that might be out of way, they swore they would not go alone. They let Adilah sleep through that dead-of-night conversation. Circumstances had taken a turn for the worse and they needed...
Yakhir was nursing a goose egg on the back of his head from sitting up too quickly in one of the bins when a runner from his clan shouted his name from the tunnel. The pain became immediately inconsequential to the quickening thump of his heart. The runner could only mean one thing: a Council meeting had been called outside of the normal schedule. Jahmiel Kevit-Nakar had heard the runner as well and met the two when they emerged into the Shaft. He offered Yakhir words of encouragement and...
The anger had his fingers curled into white knuckled fists as he tromped down Shaft 2. Yakhir was spouting every invective and curse he could conjure from his memory. More than one archivist heard his railing and gave him some distance; everyone was waiting for Atto's wrath to come raining down upon his head. The rains had come. The young archivist had achieved a modicum of control by the time he reached the assigned area of his master. He ducked into the tunnel in search of Jahmiel and...
Leaving from town was a minor affair, when all was said and done. The tribe had spread up and down the great valley and onto the mountains on either side. As they headed west, they observed crisscrossing the mountains the trails of shepherds and their herds of sheep and goats. As the mountains gave way to the coastal plain, the agronomist stations and experimental farms fanned out before them before they descended downward. The bright blue of the Great Sea was on the horizon, looking more...
A Master's Defense, the last step in attaining the masters level in the archives, was usually a dry, academic event. The presentation had a drab air of utter boredom to all but those who were responsible for giving their blessing, and even they had a glazed patina of ennui across their eyeballs. 'Usually' did not apply when one's name was Al-Taquir and the topic was "The Definitive Origins of The Tribe". Rather than the dining room in the ArchivesBuilding, the defense was to be...
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The world went black, the hiss rose to the level of crackle, and a pinpoint of white light appeared in the middle of darkness. Yakhir blinked and the pinprink expanded into a colorwheel of every shade he could imagine, until his entire view was a static picture of color. The intensity, the brightness, almost hurt his eyes. The color faded into a blue screen with a ruby rotating on its axis in the upper right hand corner. In the upper left hand corner, words in Neo-Europeno appeared:...
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Voglio scrivere questa breve storia per far capire che dietro una tastiera siete spesso un po' troppo superbi, eccessivamente spacconi e quant'altro: gli incontri nella realtà sono tutt'altra cosa. Voglio raccontare il mio primo incontro con un ragazzo conosciuto su questo sito. Di norma non faccio incontri reali per una serie di ragioni che potete intuire da soli, diciamo anche solo perchè non posso e non voglio incontrare tutti gli uomini che me lo chiedono. Quella volta , però, fu diverso....
Dave watched as Jerome jerked his massive black cock. He met Jerome in a chatroom and had always loved interracial porn. He loved to watch white girls fucked by massive black tools. Jerome asked if Dave had a girlfriend. He replied no but he had split up with a girl a month ago. They had been together for six months. Jerome asked if he had a photo. Dave had some photos of Meg naked and one sucking his 7 inch cock. He thought she would never find out so sent one of the pics to Jerome.Megan was...
Hi friends, I am Ranjan 5’8″ having a 7″ cock. In my earlier story I wrote about my college days, when I was on rent and got chance to fuck my owner whom I called Bhaiya. In This I am writing how I fucked her beautiful booby wife. Bhabi was 5’4″ tall, well maintained booby lady. I just waited for a chance to touch her boobs. When ever I get chance I just touch her boobs showing that as an accident. She just never get angry with such behave. As usual I sleep nude at night but covered my body...
Janet Davis sat her desk at her job in Manhattan. It had been a two weeks since Erica's death and a week since she had returned to work. Chewing on a pencil, her mind kept returning to the events of the past two weeks. She had returned to work to partially continue her familiar life. Tiffany, however, had quit her job immediately. So Janet arose each morning and took a different train into the city, resuming her job as a secretary. While there was some gossip about...
This Friday Ada has organized an assignment for me with a ‘high profile lady visiting from London’. “Aren’t you the lady …?,” I ask as Dorri ushers me into her suite on a high level of a top hotel at two on a Friday afternoon. “Yes I am,” she replies pointing to her picture on the financial pages of today’s newspaper. “I leave for home tomorrow, my stay here in Sydney has been very successful business wise, before I leave I need some sexual healing. “I could have purchased a new handbag for...
This story was written as an adult fantasy. The thought of watching his sister screw excited Justin. Janet was fifteen, and a cute girl with blond hair and a nice smile. She had had sex before, and he had always wondered what it would be like to watch her do it. He’d seen her naked a couple times and promptly jerked off after. Justin’s friend, Scotty, was staying overnight, and had confided in Justin that Janet planned to sneak into the room tonight and have sex with him. Both boys...
Bernard Warner J.D. saw to the prenup; well, he was the big man’s lawyer and longtime adviser. Anyone with $11 billion dollars in the bank was not getting married without a prenup, nor did anyone object to it; and the elements of it were actually generous, not just fair. A divorce for any reason would leave Lea Hanson nee Scott with fifty million dollars after taxes. The ceremony was held June 3rd 1985, at First Evangelical in Scottsdale; it was first water. Jim Hightower gave the bride...
I was checking out porn one night when I come across a curious, 18 year old absolute beauty! She had dark hair, gorgeous eyes, the kind you can get lost in. She had a very sexy and petit young form body and she was looking for fun.After confirming she was 18, we chatted, she asked me detailed questions about sex and the many women I had been with. She was very curious about bondage, BDSM, spanking and anal -- every man's dream. The hottest part, she was a virgin.We chatted a few months and she...
Hasna was reminiscing about the time she actually became a woman in the hands of a man whom she didn’t know three days ago, and what led to it. Hasna was happy that Rohan agreed to make her a woman and she was eagerly waiting for it. However, she was somewhat reluctant because she still didn’t know what it was like to have sex with a man in privacy. But she had nothing to fear. After all, her hymen had been damaged during an accident and her family knew this too. The next day, she wore her...
Later on that evening Sean greeted Garry and Susan as they entered the social club. He introduced them to committee members and their partners, to other club members, team managers and senior players. Then he brought them over to the table where his party sat and introduced them to his wife, his brother and his wife and some other friends. Inside Sean was beaming that Susan had worn a new bra that highlighted her superb cleavage. He pulled a seat over for Susan and sat her down beside...
Connie could not believe she was being raped in the back of the van by the triad thugs. The glamourous starlet was on her way to becoming a leading Hongkong movie actress, having appeared in a number of productions since beginning her career five years earlier. Her photos were constantly in the show business press at glittering receptions and film first nights. Wearing the latest fashions, she was stunning and her photos had inspired many men while they masturbated. Of course, like a lot of...
Group SexAngel Emily and Mary Kalisy have decided to have a beach volleyball game with Renato acting as the referee. Dressed in sexy bikinis, the girls keep up their efforts until Renato declares a tie. They go to each other for a high five and a kiss to celebrate their mutual strong play, then walk hand in hand to join Renato where he’s lounging in the shade. Working together, the girls capture Renato’s lips while they pull his stiffie from his shorts. Angel gets the first taste as she...
xmoviesforyouMy wife is a stay at home mom who looks after my daughter Sammy, she usually has her friends over who also have children of there owns and they arrange play dates at each others house though it's usually always over mine as I have the biggest house, it was a Monday and work was more stressful then usually as I had to take some photos of this rich family who didn't like any of the ones I did and kept arguing with me that I was the worst photographer ever, after hours of taking photos they...
Christina smiled up at me from her kneeling position while lapping at my scrotum. Suddenly a dirty little smirk crossed her face, and she began backing toward the neighbor's position. It was a slow backward crawl that kept her legs widely spread. When she reached was as far back as she could go, Christina dropped her face to the floor. With her ass pointed directly at them, she asked, "Is this close enough?"Joy, the wife, let her hand reach downward as Christina watched. With her buttocks...