Grains of SandChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
Glancing at his watch, Yakhir suddenly remembered that he had promised Azzi to meet him at one of the cafés that evening. He groaned in frustration because his watch already read 19:15 and he was at least a half hour away from the 19:30 get together. Arriving late for promised appointments was one of those characteristics in others for which he had little tolerance, how much more so when he was the guilty party. He stuffed his pad in his sack and ran down the tunnel and up the shaft.
He was torn between his promise to Azzi and the new trove into which he was burrowing. Master Kevit-Nevar had steered him further down to L40 and a small niche that was unusually secured behind two sets of doors. The cache was documents and e-files stored on early version datacubes, which were stored in a substantial set of trunks made out of a metal alloy with gasket seals. The manifest indicated Kyoto as the origin and the Neo Mandarin indicated a post Fundi War date. Pre-war Kyoto spoke another Asian language, most of which was lost when the capital city of that island nation disappeared in a nuclear explosion.
Little of the written material made sense, and most of the datacubes were encrypted. Only Master Archivists had access to the encryption tools that could pry open such data and Yakhir's master had moved onto to another bin himself, one that Yakhir forgot to make note. He needed a master program; the chance of destroying data while trying to extract it was deemed too great for apprentices and mere archivists. Yakhir would have to track down his master tomorrow and beg him. 'Strike that thought, ' he chided himself, 'he would humbly request him to take a crack at the cubes.' He still had difficulty separating friend from enemy in his new reality.
His thoughts cleared as he stepped into the evening air and wished the watchman a good evening. Yakhir ran as fast as he could down the mountain without endangering his balance, and into the winding streets. Of course Effie's Café was halfway on the other side of the town and he had to offer more "pardon's" than usual as he raced through the thoroughfares. He didn't knock anyone down this time.
He turned the corner and spied Azzi sitting outside the café by himself. The little establishment was a favorite haunt because it sat on a dead end street off of another small street, away from the thoroughfare. Only those who had business walked these few streets. Yakhir plopped into a seat and offered his apologies for arriving late.
"You're not late," Azzi chuckled, "you I told 19:30 and Davni I told 20:00. We know to give you an extra fifteen or thirty minutes to get anywhere. You'll probably be late to your own funeral."
"Let us hope so," Yakhir responded cryptically, as he signaled the owner for a mug of steamed goat's milk with cinnamon and clove. He had not been sleeping well lately.
They kicked around a lot of empty talk while waiting for Davni to arrive. Both of them were nervous for the same reason: would they, could they, should they, try to shift a young woman's desires? They lived with a great superstition that the powers of a young woman's affections were not to be tampered with in a trivial manner. Should such a lass be insulted or demeaned, woe betide the source of her ire. That poor bastard was going to shrivel up and die like a slug in the midday sun. However, Yakhir wanted her gone and Azzi didn't see many choices in the coming years. If the tall man with the kinky hair fancied her, both of them were dedicated to changing her mind, despite the superstition.
Davni skipped around the corner and flounced into a chair between the two. She was dressed in a less modest skirt and a blouse that gave a hint to her cleavage underneath. From her choice of clothes, it was obvious what was on her mind and she smacked Yakhir with a big, toothy grin that he returned weakly. Azzi looked concerned.
Then Davni launched into a running commentary of how important her trivial day was. She worked in a daycare center and someone's baby barfed, and another one refused to stay in a diaper in the building, and so on and so on. She hardly took a breath or sips of her coffee. Yakhir fought his eyeballs from rolling back into his head; he managed by watching Azzi stare at the light brown talking head with longing. His friend's chin was resting on his hands as he stared at her. Puppies could not have been cuter.
Davni was oblivious; Yakhir was convinced he had found a cure for his insomnia as he shook his head to stay awake.
Davni's monologue came to an abrupt stop, which caused Yakhir to raise his drooping chin.
"I really liked the Festival," Davni cooed with a change of topic.
"Really?" Yakhir spoke for the first time with his prepared comeback, "I don't remember a thing. I remember drinking and then waking up naked in my own bed."
"You don't remember anything?" Her eyes went wide with incredulity.
"Nope." He gave Azzi a look, hoping his friend would jump into the conversation.
Davni indignantly spouted, "You are hurting my feelings, Yakhir,"
Yakhir shrugged with as much nonchalance as he could force into his shoulders. If he apologized, she would jump on it as an indication that he liked her. If he refused, then the curse was her only recourse to save face.
"He's not trying to hurt your feelings, Davni. Yakhir is only saying he doesn't remember that night," Azzi finally spoke up.
"He's piling insult upon insult. After he used me and left me bare to the world, he claims he can't remember. He is no man."
Yakhir felt his blood boil. He wasn't sure whether he was angry or just supremely frustrated with her stupidity. He opened his mouth to rip into her with a vicious retort and then deliberately swallowed it.
"Brother!" Janina's voice called out, breaking the impasse. His secret weapon had finally arrived and Yakhir felt his back sag slightly back into the chair. A great relief washed over him as Davni's turned her gaze towards the strolling figure. He had no clue what Janina would say, but she had a way with these sorts of relationship-type things. Give him a datasheet any day, because this date, girlfriend and wife thing was far too murky for him. He liked girls, he wanted girls, or at least one particular girl; he just didn't understand the intricate steps that made one girl his girl and another one not his girl. Why couldn't they have a clear list of instructions?
Janina took the fourth seat and the cafe owner slipped her a coffee without even asking; Yakhir would inquire into that later, thinking that she was entirely too comfortable. The younger three held their tongues out of respect to the older who was savoring her drink.
"Davni, you can't decide whether to make 'moon eyes' over him or slap him upside the head. Which is it?" Janina tossed across the table.
"Your brother is a work of art," the younger woman testily declared hewing to a neutral attack. Janina Al-Tiquir's reputation among her female peers was well known and even Davni was smart enough to watch her tongue in front of the sister.
"He is a work of art," Janina agreed, "expensive, unique and not for sale."
"That's hardly what he said at Festival," Davni retorted.
"Festival is a one night rhapsody from reality. You saw his cock and you played with it; now suddenly you think you own it despite the rules of Festival: most anything goes and nothing counts. Not only do you forget the unwritten rule, you miss the obvious point. You have no clue who Yakhir is," Janina condescended.
Davni would not be moved, "I certainly do." Not that anyone at the table believed her; score one for Janina.
Yakhir felt he was watching two she vipers coiled and weaving. Each was trying to strike at the other with dripping fangs, waiting for the bigger one to make the killing strike. It was fascinating to watch in the same manner a person views a rock slide toppling over one's head.
"Did you know his master told him he was boring. A master archivist, who's personality is best compared to a dead fish, proclaimed Yakhir is boring. When he is home he either pounding on his computer pad or has his nose stuck in a data sheet."
Yakhir's face dropped in astonishment. His own sister was insulting him, in front of his best friend and in public. Azzi smirked at him and motioned with a finger for Yakhir to close his jaw.
If you don't believe me, Davni, watch this," Janina turned to her brother, "do you have your datapad with you?"
"Of course," Yakhir acknowledged as if she was asking him if he was wearing pants.
"Do you know what a datapad is?" Janina turned back to Davni.
Davni hesitated and then defiantly exclaimed, "Yes!"
"Don't lie," Janina chastised, "you do it poorly." Score number two.
Janina went in for the kill, "Do you think the Al-Taquir clan would let Yakhir marry you? You have a good heart and come from a decent family, but you are neither apprenticed nor do you have advanced schooling. Even if Yakhir wanted to, it would never happen, Davni. You have reached for a shelf that is too far above your head."
Seventh Day finally arrived and the entire family had slunk home the night before with nerves frayed and limbs exhausted. Seventh day was the day of rest when every business and office was closed, when everyone not needed for emergencies or guard duty was with family and friends. Yakhir's body refused to cooperate with his plans to sleep late, despite the fact that everyone in the house was asleep, even little Ayoub. With his football tucked under his arm, Yakhir stole out to the football...
Later that night Yakhir lay on his bed staring at the stars through the window. Unable to sleep because nothing had been resolved, including his annoyed cock, his brain refused to wind down and release him to the wisp of dreaming. He heard a slight shuffle in the hallway and then a soft pad of bare feet entering his room. "Who?" He called out in a whisper. "Who else were you expecting?" Adilah shot back in a muffled voice. "Now, move over and let me in." Yakhir shifted against the...
In the light of day, the town looked pristine and innocent again. Yakhir shook his head trying to reconcile the two views of his town that he now knew existed. After much debate, the family decided that daytime should be safe for both Yakhir and Janina to travel alone from the house, but if they went anywhere that might be out of way, they swore they would not go alone. They let Adilah sleep through that dead-of-night conversation. Circumstances had taken a turn for the worse and they needed...
The Shaft was remarkably still as Yakhir prepared to walk out of the R1 tunnel for a brief march to the entrance. Graduation day had finally arrived and the apprentice was to be elevated to archivist. For three years since his father's death, Yakhir's elevation had been widely anticipated by many, both friends and enemies, and that made him nervous. Three years ago, he had nearly died from an assassination attempt. He had nearly lost his sister, yet he had gained his betrothed. Yakhir...
Yakhir was nursing a goose egg on the back of his head from sitting up too quickly in one of the bins when a runner from his clan shouted his name from the tunnel. The pain became immediately inconsequential to the quickening thump of his heart. The runner could only mean one thing: a Council meeting had been called outside of the normal schedule. Jahmiel Kevit-Nakar had heard the runner as well and met the two when they emerged into the Shaft. He offered Yakhir words of encouragement and...
The anger had his fingers curled into white knuckled fists as he tromped down Shaft 2. Yakhir was spouting every invective and curse he could conjure from his memory. More than one archivist heard his railing and gave him some distance; everyone was waiting for Atto's wrath to come raining down upon his head. The rains had come. The young archivist had achieved a modicum of control by the time he reached the assigned area of his master. He ducked into the tunnel in search of Jahmiel and...
Leaving from town was a minor affair, when all was said and done. The tribe had spread up and down the great valley and onto the mountains on either side. As they headed west, they observed crisscrossing the mountains the trails of shepherds and their herds of sheep and goats. As the mountains gave way to the coastal plain, the agronomist stations and experimental farms fanned out before them before they descended downward. The bright blue of the Great Sea was on the horizon, looking more...
A Master's Defense, the last step in attaining the masters level in the archives, was usually a dry, academic event. The presentation had a drab air of utter boredom to all but those who were responsible for giving their blessing, and even they had a glazed patina of ennui across their eyeballs. 'Usually' did not apply when one's name was Al-Taquir and the topic was "The Definitive Origins of The Tribe". Rather than the dining room in the ArchivesBuilding, the defense was to be...
His celebration party was held at Uncle Porat's compound because Yakhir's childhood house was too small for such a gathering of the family and friends. Many friends of the Clan were invited and a lamb and a pig were spitted for the celebration. The drink flowed and the party was a whirlwind of dancing and singing, of eating and laughing. Azzi brought his wife, who basked in the glow of her pregnancy, and his friends from the caravan came with wives. They made sure the celebration was not a...
The world went black, the hiss rose to the level of crackle, and a pinpoint of white light appeared in the middle of darkness. Yakhir blinked and the pinprink expanded into a colorwheel of every shade he could imagine, until his entire view was a static picture of color. The intensity, the brightness, almost hurt his eyes. The color faded into a blue screen with a ruby rotating on its axis in the upper right hand corner. In the upper left hand corner, words in Neo-Europeno appeared:...
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I opened the front door and entered the house. As I walked down the hall I heard noises from the family room. I assumed that Mom and Dad were in there watching TV. I was going to go straight to my room and call Brenda but I decided to say hi and let Mom and Dad know that I was home first. When I got to the family room door I saw quite a sight. On the family room floor was my father. He had his cock buried balls deep in a pussy and female legs were up on his shoulders. But it wasn't my...
1 - Hopkins Island, Massachusetts Mid July 2009 "Maaaaatt?" "Mrs. Pemberton-Smith," I answered with a quick nod of acknowledgment as I handed Emma and her friends a menu each. "Mrs. Connors ... Miz Burton," I added as I looked down at the three twenty something year old women I'd known all my life. I was grinning. "Matthew Liam Hopkins?" Emma Pemberton-Smith, nee Kruger, said as she jumped up from her seat, the surprise clear in her voice. "What are you doing here?" she asked as...
Well a good day out at the races never fails to get me horny,the Sport of Kings,watching horses run round a track is fascinating, I am usually lucky and win my stake back by the end of the day.But I really go for the spectacle, Ladies Day at Royal Ascot is excellent for people watching, get to wear a hat,generally be elegant and a lady for the day.Well until the Champers hits my heels.It was at such an occasion I was recruited for the Pony Club, I am the Strawberry Blonde who actually believes...
“So, how was that, baby? Sex with Eric for the first time. With Bobbie, too, for that matter?” I asked my fiancee, Carly, who smiled at me as we showered together during a lull in the orgy. “Papi ... that was the best thing that we’ve done together, you, me, Eric, Bobbie, all having fun together. We really should do that regularly, permanently, wife-sharing, wife-swapping, husband-sharing, too, of course. Delicioso! Absolutely yummy! Please, let’s do it, let’s all be lovers and live...
You just entered the knight's academy, and now you are told to grab the uniform you have to wear during your life here. The breastplate miraculously tightens itself to adjust to your small body. It seems it's designed to do so by magic. You can see your two small mounds jutting out from the plate. Does it have to be so form-fitting, you wonder? You try touching them and sure enough you can feel your touch going through straight to your breasts. For the bottom, you have a choice, either to wear...
We begin with home video footage of a young boy and his mother in a doctor’s office. It’s one of those feel-good Youtube clips of a child getting his first aural implant. The boy is cute, his mother is nervous and but trying to sit still. We focus on her for a second, wondering if she’s our guest this week ... Then the audiologist leans in – her fiery orange-red hair hanging down loose over her shoulders, a warming smile, a pretty face. She tinkers with a small plastic implant on the side of...
STRANGE ENCOUNTER STRANGE ENCOUNTER? The apartment was beautiful. Tastefully decorated, and lavishly furnished. A large screen tv almost filled one corner of the room, the bathroom boasted a sunken bath with Jacuzzi, and the bedroom!. Right in the centre of the huge room stood an old, but beautifully preserved, four poster bed, not only was it? beautiful to look at, the bed was the most comfortable Eve had ever slept on. The rent was very low, but after seeing the apartment, she...
Kathy and Jerry were your typical power couple. They both worked hard and played even harder. They were lucky because they had the most wonderful babysitter. Tara was her name and how the children loved her. Tara was very studious and seemed to be quiet and reserved, however, when she came to babysit, she seemed to become a different person. The children enjoyed when Tara babysat.Tara had been babysitting for the Winger's for about four years now. Recently, Tara had been accepted into an ivy...
Group Sex(The following is a translation with some explanations for unclear words) I was brought to Georgetown about a year ago, more than a year now. I think I was sixteen then, but I'm not so sure. I'm an apprentice, they say, in the kitchen, but I haven't learned to cook much. I just carry things, wash dishes, haul the garbage. I really haven't seen very much of the town and don't have good English yet, but Jinny's helping me. Mr. McKenzie, who runs the inn here, the City Tavern, he bought my...