Grains of SandChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
A Master's Defense, the last step in attaining the masters level in the archives, was usually a dry, academic event. The presentation had a drab air of utter boredom to all but those who were responsible for giving their blessing, and even they had a glazed patina of ennui across their eyeballs. 'Usually' did not apply when one's name was Al-Taquir and the topic was "The Definitive Origins of The Tribe". Rather than the dining room in the ArchivesBuilding, the defense was to be delivered in the Council Chamber for the benefit of the clan elders. When Yakhir was told of the change of location, he flashed back to the moment on the garbage mound when he discovered the key to the Kyoto cubes and how his bowels trembled.
His Uncle Porat explained to him that evening that it was the only way to subvert the probable veto of the Archivist Atto and that he should thank his teacher, Jahmiel Kevit-Nakar, for finding a solution. Yakhir nodded sagely at the explanation, feeling like a pita that had slid off of the baking pan into the fire underneath; there was nothing profound behind his mask except for abject fear.
Adilah was more than a little frustrated with him. They were not married yet because their house had not been renovated. As was the tradition, he bought property within the two or three neighborhoods where most of the clan lived. The land came with a dilapidated house, a back wall in disrepair and a shed of dubious stability. His bonus from the caravan had paid for the property and a good chunk of the structural repair, but the roof of the house had gouged a significant hole in his savings and the house was still not livable. These were only circumstances and excuses. The truth was that he hadn't taken the time from his studies and she knew it.
To say that her anger flashed when Yakhir informed her of yet another delay is to suggest that bullets merely leave the barrel of a rifle. The woman exploded. Had she not been blocking the doorway, he would have fled into the night in fear of images that she had conjured with her sharp tongue. Afterward he sat at the kitchen table alone, drinking a bitter cup of coffee late into the night. Breakfast was a frigid affair and Yakhir ran out the door as soon as he could.
Instead of heading to the archives, he turned towards one of the larger neighborhoods and came to Azzi's new house, an old but solid structure on one of the backstreets. He knocked and Davni answered the door, inviting him in as she collected her bag for a day of work. Her stomach had a noticeable bulge that made him feel all the more inadequate. Over another cup of coffee, Yakhir poured out his troubles to his friend hoping that at least he could get a sympathetic ear.
Azzi gave him that same lazy smile that he had always had. "Is that all?" Azzi asked.
"Yeah," Yakhir replied dubiously.
"You still have coin to spend?" Azzi followed up.
Yakhir nodded without understanding. Azzi slapped the table once as if a business deal had been struck.
"You have more friends than you remember," Azzi point out. "You are the bearer of a lion pelt, which you earned. The next caravan does not leave for several weeks and your friends are looking for an odd job or two to keep them busy and in coin. I will check out your house today and stop by tonight to pick up your coin. Besides, I like taking your money!"
Mollified and relieved, Yakhir climbed the mountain path back to the Shafts and returned home in the evening. The air was still frosty and he felt like a stranger within the familiar walls, when Azzi made his entrance. Yakhir invited him to the table, forcing Adilah to sit as well even though it appeared she wanted to bite off his hand. Azzi had a hand slate with chalk scribbles all over it, which he explained as he discussed the water and drainage pipes, the new tile and a sundry of other, smaller items. With each item Adilah visibly relaxed and molded back into the chair, which gave Yakhir hope that he would be freed from the doghouse.
They discussed prices and timelines, and even Adilah added a comment here and there, adding to the flame of hope in Yakhir's breast. He pulled a bag of coin from his room and they counted out the coppers, silvers, and golds. The estimated price and the amount of coin were very close, leaving little room for error, but the tasks seemed doable. Azzi swept the coins back into the bag and made his leave.
Yakhir turned to Adilah, waiting for her response to the evening's transaction. She gave him a blank look, announced that it was her time of the month, and went to her bedroom, shutting the door firmly. Yakhir looked at the slate calendar on the wall: he had one week left to prepare.
The week passed by quickly during the day and dribbled past miserably at night. As the week went on, Adilah appeared more civil but still distant; she made no visits to Yakhir's room. He made time to stop by his new house and chat with his friends. Their bodies were tan all over from the sun but often they looked like ghosts, they were so coated in mortar and grout. He nearly fell into the trenches that ran through the front and back of the property and almost had a heart attack when he spied the deep trench in his kitchen. He swallowed his horror but remembered to leave a bottle of ouzo in his wake.
The morning of his defense arrived. To his dismay he walked alone on one of the most trying days of his life; he checked his anger but couldn't banish the disappointment from his breast. Master Jahmiel met him outside and escorted the candidate into the building and down the hallway to the Council Hall. The room, which had seemed large and empty during the closed Council meeting, was tightly packed with elders, staffs and onlookers. The masters of the archives sat up front with Archivist Atto in a seat of honor. He had arranged for one unique piece of equipment, a projector that lifted pictures off of his datapad and projected them in a 3-D picture on a convenient wall. Yakhir saw a small space, a table, and a projector for his datapad on top of it.
He took his place and looked out upon the room. Yakhir found his clan among the mass of people. He saw his Uncle Porat who nodded his head. On his left was Yakhir's mother and on his right was Adilah. He did a double-take; Adilah should have been next to his mother and not in the honored position of Porat's right hand but he had little time chew on that puzzle. Regardless of her seat, she looked small and disconcerted.
Scanning the rest of the room he suppressed a grimace at the craggy face of Arda Shaheen sitting on his stool with his clan arrayed behind him. Yakhir imagined a sluice of cold hatred emanating from that corner. His thoughts were abruptly halted as a bell was sounded with a small mallet.
As his sponsor, Master Kevit Nakar introduced the Master's Defense and its rules, which basically whittled down to "shut up and listen" and "only master archivists may challenge." The welcome speech should have been Atto's to give but Yakhir easily dismissed the slight as a pathetic gesture that reflected more on the gluttonous turd than on him. Yakhir took a final moment to collect his courage and with permission of the masters, he began.
The origins of our tribe begin with the Third World War, the world wide spasm of violence that preceded the Great Burn by at least 300 years, at least 550 years ago but maybe as many as 600 years ago; the dating of this ancient time is hazy because of confusion in our earliest sources. On the wall you will see a map of world and its great cities before the Third World War, or The Fundi War as I prefer to call it.
At this time the population of the world was calculated at approximately 12.5 billion people. Compare that to our current census of .5 million and the number seems nearly impossible. However, the fanatical devastation of the The Fundi War cut this pre-war number by over half to somewhere around 5 billion. To reach our pitiful number, one must factor in the devastation of the Great Burn.
The Fundi War was not a long, drawn out series of battles. With the weapons that they had at their disposal, the humans of that time were able to wipe out over half of the their population within one year, maybe in as few as three months. The war did not respect national boundaries or moral codes, such as avoiding the death of civilians. In this war, everyone was deemed an enemy of the other.
The green dots represent the major economic centers of the world. Most were destroyed in the The Fundi War, but they were neither the direct cause nor source of the war. These economic centers were identified by the warring parties as the source of the distress in the world at that time, but I suggest that such identification was propaganda. None of the warring parties were based in these economic centers.
The red areas now showing on the map represent the largest concentrations of the warring parties, some are close to each other and others are removed by oceans of water. The recovered materials indicate that there were three major enemies that caused the The Fundi War. I use the word "major" because the evidence makes clear that under each major grouping, there were many subgroups. There are also other groups not connected to these three major groupings mentioned, but they did not survive the conflagration intact.
The three major groups called themselves Christian, Muslim, and Hindu. They were not economic or national groupings, but religious groupings. They were religions, superstitious belief systems that believed in a god or gods.
I see many of you bristle. One of the outcomes of the war, that also became a foundational element of our tribe, is an intense distrust of anything that is god, godlike or godly. This element was found throughout the surviving populations after the Fundi War.
The word "Fundi" is a shortened form of the term "fundamentalist"; a term no longer in use today. Our language is derived from Neo-Europeno, but this term is found in the other three languages that emerge from the war. It is a derisive term, a word that connotes stupidity, rigidity, and narrow-mindedness. The word becomes the ultimate condemnation among the survivors of The Fundi War. The survivors testify that the fundamentalists caused, promoted and actively fought the The Fundi war; it was their war.
Fundamentalism in religion means "One Way" as in "there is only one way to believe and all other ways are false." A fundamentalist cannot tolerate other belief systems; that is to say, all other religions must accept the fundamentalist religion or they must disappear. A fundamentalist is always right and everyone else is always wrong, regardless of the evidence to the contrary. One might call this "institutionalized intolerance."
These three fundamental religions: Christian, Muslim, and Hindu had taken their intolerance to such an extreme that nonbelievers were reduced to images of less than human. Unless one believed correctly, one was not fully human; one was defective. Defective human beings were sent by the gods to a magical place after they died where they would suffer eternal torments. This magical place was called "Hell." Conversely, the believers, when they died, went to another magical place of earthly delights called "Heaven" or "Jennah" or "Nirvana." These terms are not exactly equal and I am being a bit broad for presentation purposes, but this idea of reward for the believer is constant.
Seventh Day finally arrived and the entire family had slunk home the night before with nerves frayed and limbs exhausted. Seventh day was the day of rest when every business and office was closed, when everyone not needed for emergencies or guard duty was with family and friends. Yakhir's body refused to cooperate with his plans to sleep late, despite the fact that everyone in the house was asleep, even little Ayoub. With his football tucked under his arm, Yakhir stole out to the football...
Later that night Yakhir lay on his bed staring at the stars through the window. Unable to sleep because nothing had been resolved, including his annoyed cock, his brain refused to wind down and release him to the wisp of dreaming. He heard a slight shuffle in the hallway and then a soft pad of bare feet entering his room. "Who?" He called out in a whisper. "Who else were you expecting?" Adilah shot back in a muffled voice. "Now, move over and let me in." Yakhir shifted against the...
Glancing at his watch, Yakhir suddenly remembered that he had promised Azzi to meet him at one of the cafés that evening. He groaned in frustration because his watch already read 19:15 and he was at least a half hour away from the 19:30 get together. Arriving late for promised appointments was one of those characteristics in others for which he had little tolerance, how much more so when he was the guilty party. He stuffed his pad in his sack and ran down the tunnel and up the shaft. He was...
In the light of day, the town looked pristine and innocent again. Yakhir shook his head trying to reconcile the two views of his town that he now knew existed. After much debate, the family decided that daytime should be safe for both Yakhir and Janina to travel alone from the house, but if they went anywhere that might be out of way, they swore they would not go alone. They let Adilah sleep through that dead-of-night conversation. Circumstances had taken a turn for the worse and they needed...
The Shaft was remarkably still as Yakhir prepared to walk out of the R1 tunnel for a brief march to the entrance. Graduation day had finally arrived and the apprentice was to be elevated to archivist. For three years since his father's death, Yakhir's elevation had been widely anticipated by many, both friends and enemies, and that made him nervous. Three years ago, he had nearly died from an assassination attempt. He had nearly lost his sister, yet he had gained his betrothed. Yakhir...
Yakhir was nursing a goose egg on the back of his head from sitting up too quickly in one of the bins when a runner from his clan shouted his name from the tunnel. The pain became immediately inconsequential to the quickening thump of his heart. The runner could only mean one thing: a Council meeting had been called outside of the normal schedule. Jahmiel Kevit-Nakar had heard the runner as well and met the two when they emerged into the Shaft. He offered Yakhir words of encouragement and...
The anger had his fingers curled into white knuckled fists as he tromped down Shaft 2. Yakhir was spouting every invective and curse he could conjure from his memory. More than one archivist heard his railing and gave him some distance; everyone was waiting for Atto's wrath to come raining down upon his head. The rains had come. The young archivist had achieved a modicum of control by the time he reached the assigned area of his master. He ducked into the tunnel in search of Jahmiel and...
Leaving from town was a minor affair, when all was said and done. The tribe had spread up and down the great valley and onto the mountains on either side. As they headed west, they observed crisscrossing the mountains the trails of shepherds and their herds of sheep and goats. As the mountains gave way to the coastal plain, the agronomist stations and experimental farms fanned out before them before they descended downward. The bright blue of the Great Sea was on the horizon, looking more...
His celebration party was held at Uncle Porat's compound because Yakhir's childhood house was too small for such a gathering of the family and friends. Many friends of the Clan were invited and a lamb and a pig were spitted for the celebration. The drink flowed and the party was a whirlwind of dancing and singing, of eating and laughing. Azzi brought his wife, who basked in the glow of her pregnancy, and his friends from the caravan came with wives. They made sure the celebration was not a...
The world went black, the hiss rose to the level of crackle, and a pinpoint of white light appeared in the middle of darkness. Yakhir blinked and the pinprink expanded into a colorwheel of every shade he could imagine, until his entire view was a static picture of color. The intensity, the brightness, almost hurt his eyes. The color faded into a blue screen with a ruby rotating on its axis in the upper right hand corner. In the upper left hand corner, words in Neo-Europeno appeared:...
Yakhir lost the argument with Adilah. He tried to make his points with reason and intellect, never raising his voice. She stomped her foot, crossed her arms across her breasts and held her ground with growling, yelling and sun-blasted stubbornness. Maybe it was all of the death and loss he found surrounding him, but he acquiesced quickly and gathered a few volunteers. Thus at dawn Yakhir found himself inside the Shaheen compound wrapping the rank bodies or their parts in sheets from the beds...
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Gary and Helen laid silently on their backs in the afterglow of their intense orgasms. Both were lost in their guilt and shame of admitting to each other their incestuous desires. Both knew that speaking would only mean having to talk about them. Helen felt her husband roll away from her and a moment later felt his shoulders start to shake. She realized that he was once again sobbing. She rolled toward him, scooted close to his back. She placed a hand on his shoulder before leaning down and...
After months of planning; tonight was the night Kip my best friend of fifteen years was going to fuck my hot twenty nine year old wife without her knowing. You see I’ve been making my wife wear a blindfold for the last couple of weeks, telling her that this has spiced up our sexy life. As for my wife Kerri she thinks it’s a weird fetish but I never heard her complain about the outcome in the end. Kip on the other hand has always gone out of his way to tell me how sexy my wife is and that he...
‘There you are, class of ’79.’ Mary-Jane’s hand quaked just a little, as she took the yearbook from the school secretary. ‘Is there anywhere I can…?’ Her eyes cast about for some private space. ‘Oh yes, the visitors’ room is two doors down on the right. I think it’s empty right now.’ Seated alone, Mary-Jane opened the imposing, hard-backed volume and leafed her way past the introduction to the staff photographs with an odd sense of trepidation. She could not even be sure that she would find...
It all started one day after school. I was a virgin( to men ) but got a hold of some gay porn magazines that really excited me. Little did I know that it would lead to the many experiences that I have encountered and endured. I arrived home to my stepfather watching t.v. I said hi and went straight to my room to look at the magazine I had found the previous weekend in an alley near a dumpster. I was looking at the pictures and had just pulled my cock out to start jacking off when my room...
What did I get from my typical human dad? Braces and glasses. I’m just blessed, aren’t I? If you have a Y-chromosome and get a single glance at me, you will push your own mother out of the way while fumbling to get your cock out of your pants. It doesn’t matter how much I beg you to stop; the spell will only break after you ejaculate the biggest load of your life inside one of my holes. That’s why I don’t beg anymore or scream or cry. I just let it happen; attracting attention only makes it...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
My cousin Cheryl and I had always been close. In fact we were born only three days apart. I was the older one and the wiser I always used to joke to her. We lived in the city but went out to my Uncle and Aunts farm almost every weekend after my Father had passed away. It was like our second home.Cheryl and I spent so much time together we became like brother and sister. Right around puberty, my Mom remarried and we didn't go out there any where near as often. Probably was just as a good,...
IncestI’m sitting in my car, nursing a super-size diet soda and eating carrot sticks when I see her walk out of the main entrance of the mall. She’s in the dappled shadows of the fancy lattice portico for the first thirty feet or so, delaying my efforts to evaluate her suitability. As last she breaks out into the late morning sunlight of this cloudless July Saturday. Decades of serious girl watching allow me to size her up quickly through the heavily tinted windows of my nondescript sedan. She’s the...
I went out and drove to my new second home, 'The Timberwolf' sports bar, and took a seat at the fairly empty bar. I had my head in my hands when I heard the glass hit the bar, I looked, and there was a tall glass with three ice cubes and about three fingers of amber liquid. My eyes moved higher and saw a smiling face, Brenda. "I figured the battle was over for now, so you needed a little more medicine. Things go as planned?" "Pretty much; there were a couple of small glitches that were...
Hi guys…main sheena hoon….zyada time na waste karte huye main seehda story ki taraf badti hoon…i am 21 yrs old….jst finished my graduation…yeh baat hai aaj se kareeb saal pehle ki….main tab 10th class mein hoti thi….18 saal ki thi….iss age mein sex ka craze naya naya hota hai….aur mujhe bhi sex ke baaare mein jaanne ki utsukta hone lagi…mere mom daad ka bedroom alag tha aur woh har roz raat ko apna room lock kar lete the…pehle maine kabhi iss baat par dhyan nahi dia lekin ab main sochne lagi ki...
When you get out of the bus you feel like your legs are brand new and you don't know how to walk in them. Riding in that damn thing for all those hours made you feel like you were losing your damn mind, but it had to be done. It had to be done. You owed too many people too much money in Wyoming to stay there. You let out an annoyed groan as the sunlight of your new home - Arcadia Bay warms your skin, and then the smell of seawater hits you. You knew that the place was a fishing town but you're...
FetishIntroduction. My name is Greg. After graduating high school I moved to the mid-west for several years where I held a number of less than great jobs and partied like crazy. Eventually, I moved back east, got a better job, and started attending night-school at a local university. Eventually, I had taken enough courses and earned grades good enough to get me into the full time program. Soon after I started school full time, I broke off with my girlfriend of 3 years, and...