Grains Of SandChapter 15 free porn video

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The world went black, the hiss rose to the level of crackle, and a pinpoint of white light appeared in the middle of darkness. Yakhir blinked and the pinprink expanded into a colorwheel of every shade he could imagine, until his entire view was a static picture of color. The intensity, the brightness, almost hurt his eyes. The color faded into a blue screen with a ruby rotating on its axis in the upper right hand corner.

In the upper left hand corner, words in Neo-Europeno appeared: "Accessing Source" and then "Source Offline - Accessing Backup Source."

Yakhir held his breath. He read the phrase "Synchronization complete" and had no clue what is really meant, but he assumed that it was good.

"Welcome, Martell," a female voice cooed in his ear, "Awaiting command."

"Ah, what are you and where am I?" Yakhir said aloud.

"Accessing," the screen read. "You are accessing MAR2-3.2 and you are located at port designated as Martell Secure Repository," the feminine voice whispered seductively.

Yakhir refused to let confusion take over his thoughts. Something was working if he could master more of the language and get a handle on what concepts were assumed. 'Repository' was a word he understood but the letters and numbers meant nothing. There was no other way but to ask.

"What is MAR2-3.2?" he probed.

"MAR2-3.2 is tertiary backup to Ruby Initiative 2.2. MAR2-3.2 was reserved offline on standby and is now fully linked as primary source. Two links to primary source are active at this time."

Yakhir was stumped for a moment. "Primary Source" could to mean "the first beginning", which didn't make sense or it could mean "central hub" like the center of a wheel to which the spokes were connected. He was certain he was at a hub of the Neural Net.

"Am I one of the links?" he asked, to confirm his hunch.

"Linkage confirmed," the voice answered.

"Where is the other link?" Yakhir continued with a little more confidence.

"Second link is 5-node connection to Martell Laboratory Archology."

Yakhir wanted to dance for joy; he could go somewhere and it sounded important, a Martell place, even if he didn't understand the words.

"Can I go to this connection?" he queried.

"Signal is confirmed, but each node requires transfer. Do you wish to begin transfer?"

Yakhir took a deep breath, "Begin transfer."

There was whirling in his ears as the screen momentarily went blank. The screen returned as Yakhir looked out upon a great globe with the deepest black surrounding. The blue of the globe was sumptuous and interspersed white glowed with a clear brilliance. "GeoStat 102 at 45, transfer in progress" a different voice whispered in his ear.

'That is the planet' Yakhir realized with rising adrenaline when his screen went blank again.

"Weapon platform 23 transfer in progress. Please hold," another stilted voice declared. Yakhir looked out at the planet again, this time with a maze of lights with titles at the bottom of his vision. Most of them showed red. Only one showed light green: Comm 2. Then the screen went blank.

A moment later he had another view of the planet and the same maze of lights. "Weapon platform 45 transfer in progress. Please hold." He had time to glance at another title, this one above the red lights: Grazer Readiness, and his world went blank again.

The next vision was an empty room with chairs and banks of consoles. "Achilles Archology, secondary freight overflow intake. Transfer in progress." A male voice spoke in his ear.

The emptiness was almost frightening to him. He waited several seconds, much longer than the other transfers. As he waited, he confirmed to himself that a node was where he moved from one road, for lack of better word, to another road. The screen went blank finally.

The new tableau before his eyes was a wall with a door in it, but the door had no knob or handle. There was a small round object next to the door in the wall, not unlike the button on the light torch that Adilah had found.

He reached with his hand to push the button, but thought that was silly. His body was in the back of Shaft 1. As he lowered his hand he recognized an image of his hand in the lower right hand corner of the screen. "Odd. Interesting," he mused.

He raised his hand again and pressed the button. Nothing happened. He waited, counting in his head to twenty and then he pressed the button again.

The door slid open into the wall and a man with disheveled brown hair started yelling from the other side of the doorway. "I expect my employees to find me when I need them. How long did you fucking expect me to wait? The lab locked me down in suspension mode because you took so damn long." The face looked up, "Who the fuck are you?"

The archivist spoke automatically in Neo-Europeno, "Yakhir Al-Taquir, master archivist. I ask the same question of you."

"Why are you wearing grandfather's moniker, Yacky Takey?"

Yakhir was not amused, "I found this helmet hidden in the back of Shaft 1 of the Martell repository."

"So that's where grandpappy hid the prototype, that sneaky bastard. That damn thing is ancient," he snipped. "Hey. Why aren't you using your neural chip? Are you a fucking felon? Do I need to call security?"

"I am not a criminal," Yakhir huffed. "No one in the Tribe wears a chip. No one on the globe has worn a chip in 250 years. Those who did all died in the Great Burn."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" the man stared at him.

"I don't have time for this," Yakhir stated flatly. "I am in great danger and I need help."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" the man repeated, "I get chased into my lab. I send out distress calls and none of my family or staff responds. I get thrown into suspended animation only to find a beggar at my door instead of my assistant."

Yakhir stared back in disbelief wondering if the man was entirely sane as he correlated the term 'grandpappy, ' in Neo-Europeno, "You are a grandson of Martell?" and the man nodded. Yakhir calculated his next words, then decided that a direct approach was the only reasonable chance to gain help from this man.

"Then I am here to inform you that the entire Neural Net and all the people connected to it died 250 years ago when the orbital weapons seared them to death and the flying needles attacked them. Only my tribe survived as far as we know. Your family is dead 250 years, Martell ibn Martell," he flatly declared.

The man's eyes seemed to burn.

"Don't take my word," Yakhir offered, "Check for yourself."

The man shook his head in denial or disbelief, "I can't. That fucking dragon will lock on me again if I turn on my remotes. The damn thing will try to kill me like he did the first time."

"Dragon?" Yakhir's interest was peaked and he couldn't help himself.

"You know, one of them Chinese dragons with the claws, the long tail and teeth things," the man seemed jittery.

"Did it have diamonds in its eyes?" Yakhir thought aloud, fearful of what he may have discovered.

"Yeah. Now that you mention it, its eyes were faceted like a diamond's face."

"You tripped the Diamond Initiative; the dragon is the symbol of diamond," Yakhir surmised.

"Bullshit!" Martell shook his head, "Diamond is about fascists and dictators and psychopaths trying to attack people over the Neural Net. I'm fucking chair of the fucking Martell Corporation."

"Then," Yakhir acting as the investigator he was groomed to be, "what were you doing when the dragon attacked you?"

"I was taking a fantastic leap in Neural Net technology out on the Net for a spin. Are you sure you're not a spy, Yacky-Tacky?" Yakhir shook his head as the crazed man gave him a paranoid look.

He continued, "My invention allows access to the Net without a microchip embedded in the brain. Just touching the body, this little chip can access brain waves; this is mother-fucking powerful."

"And apparently a danger according to the Diamond protocols," Yakhir pointed out with a dry throat. "How did you escape the dragon?"

"The solution was fucking brilliant once I thought of it," Martell crowed. "I replicated my signature thousands of time over and sent them scurrying all over the Net. The dragon started chasing all of the copies and I escaped to the lab where I could cut off primary access and escape the nasty bastard."

"You sent the dragon chasing your copies across the Neural Net?" Yakhir swallowed in amazement.

"Yeah, brilliant idea if I say so and I can, because I'm in one piece," the man gloated. "Now cut the bullshit and tell me where everyone is."

"I need a weapon to defend myself against my enemies, who are armed with rifles while I am trapped underground in the Shafts. If you can help me, I will help you," Yakhir offered as if he was in the marketplace.

"You are some work of art for a thieving begger. If you found the helmet, my paranoid grandpappy would have stashed something to protect his precious hide in the same place. Just look around," the man sneered. "Okay, you got your answer, Yakey Takey. Let's start with an easy one: if the Net is down, how the fuck did you get to my doorstep?"

"Thank you for your help," a relieved Yakhir bowed. "I accessed a source that was on standby, if that is the correct word, called MAR2-3.2, which claims that it had access to two links, your's and mine."

Martell ran his hand through his hair, "MAR2 was three iterations ago, grandpappy's time, and 3.2 version didn't exist, I don't think. Wait here," and the man walked back into the lab.

He returned only a moment later, "the records show a 3.2 that never went online. Grandpappy must have wired a secure lifeline back to the inner sanctum. Where is everybody and don't tell me a fantastical story that everyone died 250 years ago."

Yakhir concluded that he was looking into the face of madness, "I suggest you follow me and gaze out through any of the nodes through which I must return. They are the only functioning links on or around the Earth. The archology is empty and the two weapons platforms have no power."

"Can't leave," the man said with a shake of his head. "The lab sustains my self as long as I stay within its boundaries. If I leave without a tether back to my body, then I disappear in a digital poof. I'm waiting on my staff to return with a tether."

Yakhir gave the man a blank look, "I'm sorry, but I know not of such things as 'tether' or a 'digital poof', but I assume you mean you will die if you leave. I must return but I swear by all that is dear to me, all that you knew was destroyed 250 years ago. Martell is only a three room collection of crates gathering dust. If I can, I will return to you when I and my betrothed are safe. Goodbye."

Yakhir turned tail and fled, calling the voice to return him to his link. He never looked back and Martell never even returned his farewell. The travel back through the nodes was the same; he caught a few more titles and got a better glimpse of the planet beneath him.

Yakhir lifted the helmet off of his face and smiled weakly at Adilah, "You will never believe..."

"I heard half of the conversation. You talked loud enough to wake the dead; now, drop your voice," she insisted.

"Turn your torch on the crates and see if any of them have markings," he ordered.

The bottom crate at the other end had numbers in white facing them. Yakhir peered at box and then grabbed the torch from the now composed woman. He ran the beam around the edges and hissed a "yes" of success. He handed the torch back to Adilah and flipped back the hidden catches. The whole side opened up banging both of them, and they had to squirm out of the way to gently lower the door to the ground. Inside were rifles, the likes of which they had never seen. The material was neither wood nor metal and the dull black color was unique. However, a rifle it was with a barrel, a trigger and a bulbous stock. There was a dial on it as well. Yakhir pulled one out and when he put his finger on the trigger, a soft green light appeared on the inside of the stock.

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November – Year 4 “STILL in the hospital? How?” I was stunned. “I’ll tell you when we get home. It is going to upset you and I don’t want you to crash the van. Trust me lover.” Lynn placed her hand on my arm. MY best friend, my best man, the man who helped me be sure that Lynn was safe when she was blackmailed. Bosco was in the hospital. How long? She said ‘still’. I drove safely, but my mind was all over the place. I followed Lynn’s directions and soon realized that I was not driving to...

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John knew from a young age he liked cock. When he was young he always was rubbing his and playing with it. In his teens his friend Mike and he would get together and suck each others cocks and jerk them. As they learned more they would fuck each other in the ass. They lived in Las Vegas and when they started driving they would go to a male sex club. The men there loved the young guys and every Saturday they would suck cock and get their asses fucked many times. One Saturday as Mike was sucking...

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Mothers Future Helper

--- Mother's Future Helper (F-solo, f-solo, ff, MF, 1st, bi, cons, reluc, oral, impreg?, ScFi, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- -------------- Two weeks ago: -------------- "But Dave, you know what week that is!" "I know, Linda, but it's my job, and we need the money." "Money isn't everything." ----------------------------- Jump forward - four days ago: ----------------------------- Hi! My name is Jessica (Jesse7327 to my friends). I'm 15 years...

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Pyasy Aurato Ki Kahani 8211 Part II Kamini

Hi main dhiraj. Apani dusari kahani ko pesh kar raha hu mere pyare aur pyari dostonke liye. Ees part me main apako bataoonga ki maine kis tarah kamini ki chudai ki. Mangalwar ke din poonam ne muzase kaha ki wo kamini ko nahi la sakti. Aur tumhe usake sath guruwar ki rat ko hi usake mayake jane ke liye nikalana hoga. Kamini ka mayaka mysore ke pass 65 km ek gaon me tha. Mumbai se kareeb 1100 km door.. Maine poonam se kamini ke bare me aur puccha to uasane bataya ki kamini ne 18 saal ki umra me...

4 years ago
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"And he gave you $250!" Everly friend Aubriella screeched in shock. "For just carrying his clubs?" "Well maybe I did give him a handy at the seventeenth," Everly admitted. "Oh my God, you're such a slut!" Daleyza slapped at her friend. The three girls laughing over their garden salads. "Says he wants me to caddy for him next Thursday as well," Everly told her friends. Aubriella's eyes going wide. "Tell her about the pro in January," Daleyza prompted Everly. Everly Wilson, now 18, had been...

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Karmas a Bitch

Karma's a Bitch! - by Kris K ([email protected]) You would think that the moment ones family comes home would be the happiest time of the day. I guess that is the norm for most however every time my owner Rick comes home I cower in fear and try to find a place to hide . Oh sorry I guess an explanation is in order. You see my name is Toby I'm a dog and Rick is my owner. I'm loath to use the word owner as it make me a sound like a piece of furniture although sometime I envy that chair...

3 years ago
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Do Mardo Ka Sukh

Hi dosto. Mera name pinky hai. Mai. Wiase to mai shadi shuda hu but mai akele rahti hu kyuki mere business man husband delhi me rahte hai meri sex ki pyas aisi hai ki kabhi bujhne ka nam nahi leti. Ghar se kuch viwad ke karan hum husband aur wife ne new ghar liya aur usme shift ho gaye fir mere husband ne business dal diya jo itna chala ki india ke kafi sharo me fail gaya mere husband ne delhi me head office banaya aur shift ho gaye par maine jane se mana kar diya kyuki mujhe kanpur ki hi...

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TriptychChapter 15

“HELLO?” I CALLED INTO THE HOUSE. I turned on the light and went back to the bedroom, but it was empty. “Where are they?” Kate asked. “Melody took Lissa dancing. They must not be back yet,” I said. I wasn’t sure about this. Did Kate look nervous? “We could, uh ... go join them ... if you want,” I suggested. Kate looked at me and I saw the ghost of a smile play at her lips. She moved closer to me and, as her lips touched mine, her hand found the hall light switch and flipped it off. “I’ve...

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Mommys Hot Showers

It was getting late and I was ready to lay down and get some sleep. I told my dad I'll see him tomorrow before I headed up the steps. When I reached the top I heard my mom and brother laughing in the bathroom. Out of curiousity I opened the door slightly just to get a peek of what was going on in there. Oh my god, both of them were in the shower washing each other! Moms big d-cup knockers were being lathered up by my brothers hands while mom was doing the same to his boner. They were having a...

1 year ago
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Sweet temptation

Jake, her date, had just called to cancel, giving her the excuse that her grandmother was sick, even though she could hear a party in the background. It wasn't like Jake mattered, and let's face it, she probably couldn't get any sugar tonight or any other night, but that was the bottom line. Roxxie looked at her watch, sighing and shaking her head. She and her friends had planned to go on a river cruise, on a boat that was paid for by all of them. They had been pressuring her to get to the...

2 years ago
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Sister Does DogsChapter 7

While Gail continued to suck her brother's big prick, her free hand moved to his balls. The hairy balls squirmed in her grasp and she groaned along with her brother. "God, Sis, I'm gonna dump my whole load down your throat any second now!" Biff growled. He could feel his heavy load of cum churning in his ball-sac and he threw his head back, trying desperately to hang onto the little self-control he had left. The young girl's dog still lay between her widely splayed legs. His tongue...

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BOUND TO PLEASE (PART 2)Someone was again fastening the ball stretcher on to my already stretched balls and they were pulled back between my spread-eagled legs......... lower it ! lower, lower!........ I felt something pushing on my arse hole, and then I felt it forcing it's way in, it was heavy, I could feel the weight on my arse, it was again a huge dildo but it felt different. I had the feeling that it was being lowered from above from some sort of gantry.Suddenly it began to vibrate, an...

3 years ago
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Rebirth of the ShadowChapter 1

The time, now. The place, high in the mountains in Tibet. Here in these mountains, hidden from the world, is the Temple of The Cobras. Very few know of it's existence, and is visited only by a few local people who come to pray for deliverance from evil and injustice. Inside the temple, monks go on with their daily duties just as others have done for thousands of years. The Marpa Tulku, the spiritual head of the temple, has just concluded with the morning rituals and with the help of a...

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The slut on holiday

Hello to all my regular readers, sorry I haven't posted a story in a few weeks, I've been on holiday! What an eventful holiday that was! As ever, all these events are really, and this did happen. However, the names of characters have been changed so that no one gets in trouble ;) My family and I went to South Africa for a bit of a fall getaway, and we booked this beautiful luxury hotel in the capital, Johannesburg. We arrived about 1pm local time, and the heat hit you instantly...

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Anal WifeChapter 8 Bunghole Dream

It didn't take long for Susan to get into the, swing of being an anal fuck. She loved doing it, loved making, men that.way, and she especially enjoyed giving Charley the works -- as often, as hot, as much as he wanted. She could spread her cheeks at the drop of a hat, and Charley would start ramming his prick into her tube. She loved it. One time, about two months after they'd been into their rear intercourse activities, Charley had barely arrived home after work when Susan turned around,...

2 years ago
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Tick Tock Ch 01

It was now three weeks to the day since the moving van left. Most of our stuff was now put away except for a few boxes of junk in the garage. The move across the country took a toll on us but it was finally over. My husband Michael, whom I adore more than anything, started his new job this morning. His promotion and transfer landed us here in small town Missouri. His new job was the CEO of a bank here in town. It was going to take a while for us to adjust to the more rural setting that we...

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The Sponsor

Leyla was found guilty of drug smuggling and sentenced to 3 years in prison. Her husband Dale who had been her accomplice payed his way out but ran out of money before he could spring Leyla. He returned to the US promising to raise the money to get her out but after 3 months Leyla still sat in the South American prison and waited.His calls became more and more discouraging. Finally his sister wrote to Leyla and told her that Dale was now himself in prison in the states and that she'd better get...

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Suzies New Life Chapter 6

To all of my readers, thank you for the kind comments you left me. For many reasons that will come out in future installments, I have not had a chance to work on my story for a while. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I promise I will try and finish the next chapter sooner. Suzie's New Life (Chapter 6) When we arrived at the airport, it was 42? and very dreary. In an hour and a half, we landed in San Diego to sunny and warm, 64?, weather. I could immediately...

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Impregnated in Jamaica

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at 32 years old, being 5’5” tall and weighing 125 pounds, with shoulder-length, natural blond hair and sparkling green eyes. My husband Ed is 35 years old and works as an editor for a book publishing house in New York City, and he always tells me how pretty and sexy I am. I am trim and fit from frequent workouts at the gym, and I have full and firm DD-cup breasts...

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Living in a Dreamlike Wonderland

I cant help it. I want her, no need her badly. She consumes my thoughts and dreams. I want to take her over and over again, I want to be as gentle and as rough with her as I can, all while making her moan in ecstasy. Every night, I imagine us together in bed, our tongues battling for dominance while we strip each other from our clothes little by little. I can see it clear as day, her deeply kissing me before kissing, licking, and nibbling down my neck and chest, leaving a love bite or two...

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Cillas Introspection

Cilla's first summer as a high schooler was fast approaching and she couldn't wait to get out in June; she was bored to tears! Her past year had been eventful, to say the least: She'd been 'tied' by the family dog, drilled by all three of her brothers, and probably been voted most likely to suck seed, (heh, heh)! Her popularity in school was due mostly to her easiness, but at least Cilla didn't put out because she thought she had to, rather, she just loved giving and receiving...

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A Great Time Had By All

I was asked by my company to visit a clothes trade show at the N.E.C. at Birmingham, we were looking for some new items to logo and become our corporate wear, we would need suits and casual wear for men and blouses skirts and casual wear for the ladies. I was staying overnight as the show was huge. I arrived at the NEC and started to look around I had been there for a couple of hours wondering around talking to sellers when all of a sudden I spotted a familiar face! Oh my god, it was Sarah, the...

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Eating Tanyas Pussy

It is Halloween Night. Amateur historian Mark Davenport has driven his eighteen-year-old nephew Nigel to see the ruins of a moated manor house deep in the countryside. The youth is none too enthusiastic about this excursion, having unsuccessfully suggested to his uncle that a trip to the local IMAX to see ‘Scream III’ would have been much more in keeping with the spirit of Halloween. The deeper they drove into Devon the darker it got.The path up from the car park was lined with hollowed-out...


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