Grains of SandChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
The world went black, the hiss rose to the level of crackle, and a pinpoint of white light appeared in the middle of darkness. Yakhir blinked and the pinprink expanded into a colorwheel of every shade he could imagine, until his entire view was a static picture of color. The intensity, the brightness, almost hurt his eyes. The color faded into a blue screen with a ruby rotating on its axis in the upper right hand corner.
In the upper left hand corner, words in Neo-Europeno appeared: "Accessing Source" and then "Source Offline - Accessing Backup Source."
Yakhir held his breath. He read the phrase "Synchronization complete" and had no clue what is really meant, but he assumed that it was good.
"Welcome, Martell," a female voice cooed in his ear, "Awaiting command."
"Ah, what are you and where am I?" Yakhir said aloud.
"Accessing," the screen read. "You are accessing MAR2-3.2 and you are located at port designated as Martell Secure Repository," the feminine voice whispered seductively.
Yakhir refused to let confusion take over his thoughts. Something was working if he could master more of the language and get a handle on what concepts were assumed. 'Repository' was a word he understood but the letters and numbers meant nothing. There was no other way but to ask.
"What is MAR2-3.2?" he probed.
"MAR2-3.2 is tertiary backup to Ruby Initiative 2.2. MAR2-3.2 was reserved offline on standby and is now fully linked as primary source. Two links to primary source are active at this time."
Yakhir was stumped for a moment. "Primary Source" could to mean "the first beginning", which didn't make sense or it could mean "central hub" like the center of a wheel to which the spokes were connected. He was certain he was at a hub of the Neural Net.
"Am I one of the links?" he asked, to confirm his hunch.
"Linkage confirmed," the voice answered.
"Where is the other link?" Yakhir continued with a little more confidence.
"Second link is 5-node connection to Martell Laboratory Archology."
Yakhir wanted to dance for joy; he could go somewhere and it sounded important, a Martell place, even if he didn't understand the words.
"Can I go to this connection?" he queried.
"Signal is confirmed, but each node requires transfer. Do you wish to begin transfer?"
Yakhir took a deep breath, "Begin transfer."
There was whirling in his ears as the screen momentarily went blank. The screen returned as Yakhir looked out upon a great globe with the deepest black surrounding. The blue of the globe was sumptuous and interspersed white glowed with a clear brilliance. "GeoStat 102 at 45, transfer in progress" a different voice whispered in his ear.
'That is the planet' Yakhir realized with rising adrenaline when his screen went blank again.
"Weapon platform 23 transfer in progress. Please hold," another stilted voice declared. Yakhir looked out at the planet again, this time with a maze of lights with titles at the bottom of his vision. Most of them showed red. Only one showed light green: Comm 2. Then the screen went blank.
A moment later he had another view of the planet and the same maze of lights. "Weapon platform 45 transfer in progress. Please hold." He had time to glance at another title, this one above the red lights: Grazer Readiness, and his world went blank again.
The next vision was an empty room with chairs and banks of consoles. "Achilles Archology, secondary freight overflow intake. Transfer in progress." A male voice spoke in his ear.
The emptiness was almost frightening to him. He waited several seconds, much longer than the other transfers. As he waited, he confirmed to himself that a node was where he moved from one road, for lack of better word, to another road. The screen went blank finally.
The new tableau before his eyes was a wall with a door in it, but the door had no knob or handle. There was a small round object next to the door in the wall, not unlike the button on the light torch that Adilah had found.
He reached with his hand to push the button, but thought that was silly. His body was in the back of Shaft 1. As he lowered his hand he recognized an image of his hand in the lower right hand corner of the screen. "Odd. Interesting," he mused.
He raised his hand again and pressed the button. Nothing happened. He waited, counting in his head to twenty and then he pressed the button again.
The door slid open into the wall and a man with disheveled brown hair started yelling from the other side of the doorway. "I expect my employees to find me when I need them. How long did you fucking expect me to wait? The lab locked me down in suspension mode because you took so damn long." The face looked up, "Who the fuck are you?"
The archivist spoke automatically in Neo-Europeno, "Yakhir Al-Taquir, master archivist. I ask the same question of you."
"Why are you wearing grandfather's moniker, Yacky Takey?"
Yakhir was not amused, "I found this helmet hidden in the back of Shaft 1 of the Martell repository."
"So that's where grandpappy hid the prototype, that sneaky bastard. That damn thing is ancient," he snipped. "Hey. Why aren't you using your neural chip? Are you a fucking felon? Do I need to call security?"
"I am not a criminal," Yakhir huffed. "No one in the Tribe wears a chip. No one on the globe has worn a chip in 250 years. Those who did all died in the Great Burn."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" the man stared at him.
"I don't have time for this," Yakhir stated flatly. "I am in great danger and I need help."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" the man repeated, "I get chased into my lab. I send out distress calls and none of my family or staff responds. I get thrown into suspended animation only to find a beggar at my door instead of my assistant."
Yakhir stared back in disbelief wondering if the man was entirely sane as he correlated the term 'grandpappy, ' in Neo-Europeno, "You are a grandson of Martell?" and the man nodded. Yakhir calculated his next words, then decided that a direct approach was the only reasonable chance to gain help from this man.
"Then I am here to inform you that the entire Neural Net and all the people connected to it died 250 years ago when the orbital weapons seared them to death and the flying needles attacked them. Only my tribe survived as far as we know. Your family is dead 250 years, Martell ibn Martell," he flatly declared.
The man's eyes seemed to burn.
"Don't take my word," Yakhir offered, "Check for yourself."
The man shook his head in denial or disbelief, "I can't. That fucking dragon will lock on me again if I turn on my remotes. The damn thing will try to kill me like he did the first time."
"Dragon?" Yakhir's interest was peaked and he couldn't help himself.
"You know, one of them Chinese dragons with the claws, the long tail and teeth things," the man seemed jittery.
"Did it have diamonds in its eyes?" Yakhir thought aloud, fearful of what he may have discovered.
"Yeah. Now that you mention it, its eyes were faceted like a diamond's face."
"You tripped the Diamond Initiative; the dragon is the symbol of diamond," Yakhir surmised.
"Bullshit!" Martell shook his head, "Diamond is about fascists and dictators and psychopaths trying to attack people over the Neural Net. I'm fucking chair of the fucking Martell Corporation."
"Then," Yakhir acting as the investigator he was groomed to be, "what were you doing when the dragon attacked you?"
"I was taking a fantastic leap in Neural Net technology out on the Net for a spin. Are you sure you're not a spy, Yacky-Tacky?" Yakhir shook his head as the crazed man gave him a paranoid look.
He continued, "My invention allows access to the Net without a microchip embedded in the brain. Just touching the body, this little chip can access brain waves; this is mother-fucking powerful."
"And apparently a danger according to the Diamond protocols," Yakhir pointed out with a dry throat. "How did you escape the dragon?"
"The solution was fucking brilliant once I thought of it," Martell crowed. "I replicated my signature thousands of time over and sent them scurrying all over the Net. The dragon started chasing all of the copies and I escaped to the lab where I could cut off primary access and escape the nasty bastard."
"You sent the dragon chasing your copies across the Neural Net?" Yakhir swallowed in amazement.
"Yeah, brilliant idea if I say so and I can, because I'm in one piece," the man gloated. "Now cut the bullshit and tell me where everyone is."
"I need a weapon to defend myself against my enemies, who are armed with rifles while I am trapped underground in the Shafts. If you can help me, I will help you," Yakhir offered as if he was in the marketplace.
"You are some work of art for a thieving begger. If you found the helmet, my paranoid grandpappy would have stashed something to protect his precious hide in the same place. Just look around," the man sneered. "Okay, you got your answer, Yakey Takey. Let's start with an easy one: if the Net is down, how the fuck did you get to my doorstep?"
"Thank you for your help," a relieved Yakhir bowed. "I accessed a source that was on standby, if that is the correct word, called MAR2-3.2, which claims that it had access to two links, your's and mine."
Martell ran his hand through his hair, "MAR2 was three iterations ago, grandpappy's time, and 3.2 version didn't exist, I don't think. Wait here," and the man walked back into the lab.
He returned only a moment later, "the records show a 3.2 that never went online. Grandpappy must have wired a secure lifeline back to the inner sanctum. Where is everybody and don't tell me a fantastical story that everyone died 250 years ago."
Yakhir concluded that he was looking into the face of madness, "I suggest you follow me and gaze out through any of the nodes through which I must return. They are the only functioning links on or around the Earth. The archology is empty and the two weapons platforms have no power."
"Can't leave," the man said with a shake of his head. "The lab sustains my self as long as I stay within its boundaries. If I leave without a tether back to my body, then I disappear in a digital poof. I'm waiting on my staff to return with a tether."
Yakhir gave the man a blank look, "I'm sorry, but I know not of such things as 'tether' or a 'digital poof', but I assume you mean you will die if you leave. I must return but I swear by all that is dear to me, all that you knew was destroyed 250 years ago. Martell is only a three room collection of crates gathering dust. If I can, I will return to you when I and my betrothed are safe. Goodbye."
Yakhir turned tail and fled, calling the voice to return him to his link. He never looked back and Martell never even returned his farewell. The travel back through the nodes was the same; he caught a few more titles and got a better glimpse of the planet beneath him.
Yakhir lifted the helmet off of his face and smiled weakly at Adilah, "You will never believe..."
"I heard half of the conversation. You talked loud enough to wake the dead; now, drop your voice," she insisted.
"Turn your torch on the crates and see if any of them have markings," he ordered.
The bottom crate at the other end had numbers in white facing them. Yakhir peered at box and then grabbed the torch from the now composed woman. He ran the beam around the edges and hissed a "yes" of success. He handed the torch back to Adilah and flipped back the hidden catches. The whole side opened up banging both of them, and they had to squirm out of the way to gently lower the door to the ground. Inside were rifles, the likes of which they had never seen. The material was neither wood nor metal and the dull black color was unique. However, a rifle it was with a barrel, a trigger and a bulbous stock. There was a dial on it as well. Yakhir pulled one out and when he put his finger on the trigger, a soft green light appeared on the inside of the stock.
Seventh Day finally arrived and the entire family had slunk home the night before with nerves frayed and limbs exhausted. Seventh day was the day of rest when every business and office was closed, when everyone not needed for emergencies or guard duty was with family and friends. Yakhir's body refused to cooperate with his plans to sleep late, despite the fact that everyone in the house was asleep, even little Ayoub. With his football tucked under his arm, Yakhir stole out to the football...
Later that night Yakhir lay on his bed staring at the stars through the window. Unable to sleep because nothing had been resolved, including his annoyed cock, his brain refused to wind down and release him to the wisp of dreaming. He heard a slight shuffle in the hallway and then a soft pad of bare feet entering his room. "Who?" He called out in a whisper. "Who else were you expecting?" Adilah shot back in a muffled voice. "Now, move over and let me in." Yakhir shifted against the...
Glancing at his watch, Yakhir suddenly remembered that he had promised Azzi to meet him at one of the cafés that evening. He groaned in frustration because his watch already read 19:15 and he was at least a half hour away from the 19:30 get together. Arriving late for promised appointments was one of those characteristics in others for which he had little tolerance, how much more so when he was the guilty party. He stuffed his pad in his sack and ran down the tunnel and up the shaft. He was...
In the light of day, the town looked pristine and innocent again. Yakhir shook his head trying to reconcile the two views of his town that he now knew existed. After much debate, the family decided that daytime should be safe for both Yakhir and Janina to travel alone from the house, but if they went anywhere that might be out of way, they swore they would not go alone. They let Adilah sleep through that dead-of-night conversation. Circumstances had taken a turn for the worse and they needed...
The Shaft was remarkably still as Yakhir prepared to walk out of the R1 tunnel for a brief march to the entrance. Graduation day had finally arrived and the apprentice was to be elevated to archivist. For three years since his father's death, Yakhir's elevation had been widely anticipated by many, both friends and enemies, and that made him nervous. Three years ago, he had nearly died from an assassination attempt. He had nearly lost his sister, yet he had gained his betrothed. Yakhir...
Yakhir was nursing a goose egg on the back of his head from sitting up too quickly in one of the bins when a runner from his clan shouted his name from the tunnel. The pain became immediately inconsequential to the quickening thump of his heart. The runner could only mean one thing: a Council meeting had been called outside of the normal schedule. Jahmiel Kevit-Nakar had heard the runner as well and met the two when they emerged into the Shaft. He offered Yakhir words of encouragement and...
The anger had his fingers curled into white knuckled fists as he tromped down Shaft 2. Yakhir was spouting every invective and curse he could conjure from his memory. More than one archivist heard his railing and gave him some distance; everyone was waiting for Atto's wrath to come raining down upon his head. The rains had come. The young archivist had achieved a modicum of control by the time he reached the assigned area of his master. He ducked into the tunnel in search of Jahmiel and...
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xmoviesforyouA few years back my baby daughter started at day nursery. Over the first few weeks you start to get to know the staff, particularly those who were caring for her. Each c***d is assigned a key care worker and your point of contact. Most of the girls there are in their late teens early 20's and all shapes and sizes. Our key worker Jessica was a large girl with very large breasts, certainly from day one the thought of a tit fuck had crossed my mind. The weeks had turned to months, and you have...
It was quite possibly the busiest news day I had ever seen. Everyone was running around, trying to cover all the angles of the ever developing War on Iraq. I was sitting at my desk, talking to my various sources, and watching the coverage anchored by the networks senior anchor, Darien James. Darien had always been an idol of mine, the top journalist at the network since he had joined back in the 70's. He was only in his early 50's, but didn't look a day over 40. I was getting ready to go out...
Marie was on her way to L.A.! She just couldn't wait to get out of the small Oklahoma town she was born and raised in, with nothing to do there but count the chickens and tumble weeds! Twenty years old and not a care in the world! Everyone said that Marie was pretty enough to be in the movies so she figured, "Why not?" It took two years of working in the diner to save enough money to make her move, and now the day had finally come and she was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning! One of the...
EroticAfter a few drinks, Anita declined the offer of another foursome with the Jensons, explaining that she had an errand to attend to. Her husband looked at her curiously, but she said that she’d explain it later. A few minutes after she left the room, the others left for their bedrooms, though Caroline promised John she’d get somebody to ‘look in on him.’ Anita walked down the hallway to the first door and rapped lightly. A light was visible from beneath the door, so when she didn’t get a...
You wake up in your bed, in your attic bedroom. You sigh, not wanting to get out of bed. But then, you realize 2 things--one, your alarm clock didn't go off, you overslept! You have 5 minutes to get to the bus! And two--your bed is soaked in warm, smelly liquid. Did you wet yourself? (Just a note: The "catch the bus" route leads to diaper-related content, and the "clean it up" route leads to non-diaper content. The second route is currently much shorter, but it is being extended)
FetishMick and I were having lunch in the commons when a skinny guy with light brown hair came up to us. “Are you Jake?” He said. I nodded. “I was told to tell you that there is a surprise waiting for you in practice room 22B.” Our school had plenty of small rooms for the musicians to practice in. This had to be what Hailey was talking about. I couldn't wait. Mick sighed loudly and waved me away. “Wish me luck,” I said. “I hope you get hit by a truck on the way there,” he said. I hurried my...
I've been reading at this and several other adult-oriented sites for a while now, and I can't think of a better place to learn some of life's most important lessons. I consider them self-help sites. I've learned so much I feel honor-bound to repay the good deeds and share some of the most important lessons for those readers and writers who have had difficulty deciphering the subtle nuances of this adult education. That's just the kind of guy and girl I am (see item 20 below). 1. Never,...
By: Anita3614 Hi everyone this is my first story in ISS. Let me introduce myself. I am Anita from Mumbai. My age is 23 and I’m married to Ravindere who lives in Dubey. We are married a year back. It was an arranged marriage. I live here with my MIL and FIL. My height is 5’4” and weight is 56 Kg. My asset is 34 27 35. I am Good looking girl. My Email ID is This incident which I am going to tell happens with me 2 month before. As I my hubby work in Dubey we don’t have any problem of money....
~~Part 2~~ As we laid there on the bed savoring the sexual expression, we had just shown each other and talking about how much we had both dreamed about each other in the past, she looked over at me and asked me if I wanted to continue? This time there was no hesitation in my response, I told her yes, I would like to experience anything she would like to share with me. She looked at me and said I would like to make love to you…I tried my best to keep the excitement in me controlled, but I am...
“What the hell happened yesterday?” Alisha groaned. They hadn’t taken off her necklace, which had a camera, neither did they take off the plug from her ass. Alisha was between the two men, sandwiched like meat. She couldn’t get up, she wanted to take a look at the man who loaded her mouth with his gun! Naked with cum stains over her lip Alisha wriggled between them to get up. Once she could get herself separated from their strong muscular bodies, it was easy to move out of the bed. Alisha...
It's my office, I didn't get up very well today. It's the memories, still them. My secretary suspicious, realize. My sad, uncomfortable way.Miriam is 25 years old, curly hair, green eyes, medium breasts, brown skin. We've never had anything, but she knows about my wishes for her figure. Especially after my separation.She then starts, provokes me, curious to know if it's what she suspects."What was? Talk!""Nothing, no. I'm not well today.""Are you sad?""Yeah."She takes off her glasses and comes,...
He had a way of looking at me as if he were looking though me. In his gaze, my reality faded, and I was transformed. Under his stare I felt like the butterfly being released from the confines of its prison. His arms wrapped around me like the warmth of the sun drying out newborn wings. His soft lips were like gentle breezes lifting me to flight. His nurturing touches my life sustaining floral nectar. I would soar in flight deep within the blue-green of his eyes. The summer was too fleeting and...
Allison stared out of the window of her high school classroom, watching the breeze stirring the trees just out of her reach. One of the things she loved was to be outside, one with nature, and not trapped inside a classroom learning about things she already knew. She sighed to herself. It was almost time for relief, but of a different kind. One she took about the middle of each period, 7 times a day during school hours. She raised her hand, catching the teachers’ attention. “Can I...
Becoming his personal assistant - Part 2 This is a work of fiction, the forced sissification of Patrick, turning into eventual acceptance and appreciation. If this offends you, please read no further, as there will be explicit acts of forced sexual intercource and the like. I look up at the clock, terrified in what will happen in just a few short hours. That same clock i have been looking at every night for almost a week, waiting for my late nights to be over. Suddenly during...
This story was written as an adult fantasy. For those who missed Part 1 of this story, I am Prachi, a 5 ft 7 young light-skinned Indian girl with a slim, tight body and small firm breasts. My friend Roshni is 5 ft 6 and looks quite similar to me, except with a more dusky skin tone. We had gone for a drive when we encountered an abandoned doggy. He had fucked us both but then Roshni left me, bound and gagged, and disappeared with my car while I was fucking the dog. The dog, having shot its cum...