KristinChapter 45 free porn video

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While all of this was going on, preparations were underway for the June wedding. When the girls returned home from Hillsdale, they couldn’t wait to tell Mother about meeting Andy Taylor and the discussion regarding a triple wedding. Mom was utterly delighted with the prospect ... until Ann mentioned Andy’s name.

Then mother just rolled her eyes and murmured, “Drea Pierce Taylor ... I just don’t believe it!” Then she slowly shook her head and said, “No, kids. No way. It’s just not going to happen.”

The girls were crushed or at least they pretended to be. The fact was they at least half expected their mother’s reaction based on what Andy had told them while in Hillsdale. But they didn’t let on. Instead, Little Bit asked, “What’s wrong with the idea?”

“Sweetie,” Mother began, “I guess it’s time to tell you a little more of my background.” Then she looked thoughtful as she reminisced. “You know, there’s an interesting question: Which of us was worse, Drea or me? God, we were awful. I told your brother and sister about some of the things I did. One of them was working as a prostitute. What I never told anyone, though, was that Drea and I would do it together. We once even had a competition to see who could make more money fucking — or anything else — in one night.”

Again she paused, gathering her thoughts. To me she said, “I’m sorry, Cam, that I never told you or Kris about this before. And I guess I may have lied to you, too. I remember telling you that I would fuck for up to $500 a trick. But not the night of our competition.”

Then to the group she said, “I won that one. That night I agreed to let a couple of guys beat the shit out of me for $5,000. The next day was a school day ... and I actually attended. Well ... I went to school that morning, anyway, even if I didn’t actually go to any classes. It was just so neat ... I guess we spent the whole morning in the girls room. Drea was certain she had won; she had turned four $500-tricks that night. And her pussy was sore! She was still leaking cum down her legs.

“When I counted out my money, she was in a state of shock. I stripped and proudly showed her the still-bleeding welts all over my body, and I can still remember standing there with my legs spread wide while she had to eat out all the cum still in my pussy. Between beatings, the guys got to fuck me to their hearts’ content, too. Of course, being a school day, girls were constantly coming in and out, but there we were — me standing there stark naked with Drea on her knees in front of me — having sex. I remember having some screaming orgasms while ignoring the girls wanting to use the facilities.

“I guess we both got tossed out of that school that day, too.” Then she paused and appeared to be thinking. Finally she snapped her fingers and murmured, “Damn!”

“What’s that mean?” I asked.

“I just realized something,” Mom replied. “That might have been the only school that ever tossed us out at which we didn’t take at least one innocent faculty member with us.” Again she paused and then added, “I guess I was still so excited about my five grand, and Drea was okay with her two thousand, so we just clean forgot.”

Mom slowly shook her head and then continued, “It even continued after we both were married. I guess it finally stopped when Dad built this house and we moved out of New York City. And that’s the way things were left until you and Kris came to see us and I actually tried to clean up my act. But getting together with Drea again?” She just slowly shook her head.

“Mom,” Little Bit countered, “you’ve changed, but so has she. With you, you claim it was Kristin’s appearance that triggered the change. With Andy — and she’s Andy, now; Drea is dead and buried — it was being enslaved to Kathy Carlson.” The girl smiled warmly and continued, “But that’s not all. Her granddaughter, Caitlin, is marrying her son, John. Isn’t that a hoot? And now she’s got an infant, too, named Jimmy. He’s almost exactly the same age as Karen.” She paused and then continued, “But what really piqued Andy’s interest was when I told her about your piercings. She’s now dying to see you and them. And I’ll bet any money, she’ll want a referral to the studio that did the work on your body, too.”

Clearly, Mother’s resistance to seeing Andy again was starting to dissipate. “What ... what does she look like now?” Mom asked hesitantly.

“Sort of like you, I guess,” Ann reported. “Except your hair is white while hers is golden blonde. Both of you have magnificent blue eyes and bodies that are virtual duplicates. Oh, one other thing...” Ann added with a grin. “Not counting her adopted daughters, she has seven kids of her own. John is 18 and the eldest, while Jimmy is a few months old and the youngest. Please, Mom?” she concluded.

Mom finally nodded her head slowly in agreement.

It was a Friday when the helicopter bringing Andy Taylor and friends arrived. Dad was in the city, and Kim and Judy, the Little Bit and Ann look-alikes, were in school, as were Little Bit and Ann. Of course, both Diane and Steve were in school, too, teaching, so there was just Mother, Kris, me, and the four tigers waiting for the chopper’s rotors to stop turning.

When the door opened and Andy came down, I glanced to the side and saw my mother acting more nervous than I had ever seen her. When she got a good look at Andy, though, she moved hesitantly toward her and murmured, “Drea?” (In her nervousness, she had forgotten that “Drea” was dead.)

Andy Taylor’s eyes widened and she said, “Bunny?”

The two women rushed into each other’s arms and began bawling while at the same time trying to kiss each other. Finally they coordinated enough for their lips to meet, and it was all over. Kris just sighed as we all heard the crackle of electricity when their lips finally joined.

Since the two of them were at the base of the steps of the helicopter, no one could get past. Behind Andy, still on the steps, was a gorgeous dark-haired blue eyed girl who, from my sisters’ description, could only be Caitlin Fitzpatrick. She just stood on the steps watching the scene before her with subtle amusement.

By this time it was mid-April, and the weather was unseasonably warm. Both Mom and Andy Taylor were wearing white dresses and each was exploring the other’s body with her hands. Andy unbuttoned the top of Mom’s dress. She couldn’t wait to see what her ringed nipples looked like. While she was doing that, Mother was unbuttoning Andy’s dress, too and first caressed, and then squeezed her very firm tits. Both women were moaning at the sensation each was feeling in her fingers and in her breasts.

“Could you move it a bit, Mom?” the girl on the steps said with a lovely giggle. “The crew might have something else to do with their chopper today.”

Still exploring each other’s body, the two did move aside far enough for others to disembark.

The girl on the steps came down and was followed by ... her twin! And the twin was carrying an infant. She was followed by a dark-haired boy who looked to be about 10, who was also carrying a baby. He was followed by an adorable girl of about 7 who was holding the hand of another boy about 4 years old.

When the second girl alighted from the steps, two tigers, Siegfried and Brunhilde, went over to her. Clearly, they were excited, but seeing the girl with an infant, they didn’t know what to do, so they took their house-cat poses as close to her as they could get.

By this time, we were sufficiently clear of the aircraft for it to be able to take off again, which it did. With it out of sight, the two older women wasted no time in unbuttoning each other’s dress all the way down. The two really looked like twins. Their figures were perfect, and both were wearing only white thongs which were soaked by that time.

The second girl went to Andy, gave her the infant and said, “Gram, this is yours.”

“What a handsome baby!” Mom cooed. To Andy she asked, “May I?”

Andy smiled warmly and passed her youngest into Mom’s waiting arms. She could see the rings piercing Mother’s nipples and wanted to see what would happen next.

Mom took the infant and brought him to her breast. The child took a nipple and began to drink, but moments later his free hand came out from the receiving blanket and began to play with Mom’s nipple ring. He loved it!

Just then Mom murmured, “Uh, oh!” To Kris she said, “Your sister, Karen, is waking up ... and she’s hungry. Could you... ?”

Kris grimaced, stuck out the tip of her tongue, but then ran back to the house. The rest of us followed at a more sedate pace with the baby still nursing at Mother’s breast. When we went into the library, Mom sat in an easy chair and had a much easier time with Jimmy’s nursing.

A few minutes later, Kris reappeared with my baby sister in her arms. She looked at Mom with an eyebrow raised in a question.

“Well ... your tits are still loaded, sweetie, so...” But then she turned to Andy who had been watching things closely. “Unless you would rather, Andy... ?”

“Sheesh, Marty!” Andy exclaimed softly so as not to disturb the infants. “What do I look like? A cow?”

“Gee, Mom,” Kelly Fitzpatrick piped up, “since you asked...”

Kris gave Karen to Andy who wasted no time in bringing the baby to her perfect tit.

It was really lovely, I guess. Both infants were in loving arms as they nursed. While Jimmy continued to play with Mother’s nipple ring, Andy could see that Karen was feeling around Andy’s nipple for something that wasn’t there.

When the two women finished nursing, the infants were both asleep. Mom took baby Jimmy and softly called to Sheba. The great cat lay on her back with her forepaws spread wide. Very gently, Mother put the baby on Sheba’s huge chest. The great cat brought her forepaws around to cover the baby and began very softly to purr. The sleeping baby just wriggled on her body and went deeper into sleep.

Andy had been watching what was happening to her baby with some trepidation, but when she realized how happy her infant son was, she looked at Mom with a question in her eyes.

Mom called Hilde over, and Andy repeated with Karen what Mom and done with Jimmy, and achieved the same result.

At that point the two older women rose from their chairs and went into each other’s arms. “Oh, God, Andy,” Mom murmured, “it’s been such a long time!”

With her eyes glistening, Andy replied, “Could we go somewhere and renew our friendship?”

“We sure can!” Mom replied enthusiastically. “But I have a call to make first.” To Caitie she said, “What brings you out here, by the way? Why aren’t you in school? Our girls are.”

Caitie grimaced and replied, “Since I’m leaving school this year, and since I’m really sort of a troublemaker, they’re delighted for me to stay home. Anyway,” she added, “my brother Kevin is representing the family at school today.”

Mom picked up the phone and called the school, asking for Principal Grimes’ office. When the phone was answered, she learned that the principal was away from his office; the call was taken by the dean, Monica Cumberland.

Again I had the chance to listen to both ends of the conversation, and a glance at my beautiful wife showed me that she was doing the same thing.

“Mrs. Harris!” Monica exclaimed, “it’s so good to talk to you!” The woman paused for a moment and then added, “You really changed my life, and all for the better, I should add.”

“Oh?” Mother replied. “How did I do that?”

“In three ways,” the woman replied. “First of all, you pierced my clitoral hood.” Then she giggled and added, “But did you really have to use poor Don’s prick as a gag?” Again she paused and then continued, “Of course, that had it’s good points, too. No one knows why, but it seemed to cause it to grow, to my great enjoyment, and Chris’s too, I should add.”

“Chris? Isn’t that Donald’s wife?”

“It sure is! Now she’s my lover, as is Don. Anyway, those are the first two things you did for us. The third was sending over one of those magic machines. Both Chris and I use it religiously. We’ve each lost over 30 pounds and have very attractive figures now, if I do say so myself. And we’re both pierced and ringed the same as Gwen Merritt, by the way. It’s really just so neat! Chris and I took turns piercing each other ... but we didn’t even use poor Don’s cock as a gag, either. We both just screamed. But that’s not all,” she continued.

It was sounding like True Confessions, but what the hell...

“I take care of Don during the day, and then when we get home — I’m living with them now, you know — Don and I both take care of Chris at the same time. And it’s the neatest thing, too. There are two incomes, so we’ll have no problem supporting our larger family—”

“‘Larger family’?” Mom interrupted.

“Oh, dear, you mean you didn’t know?”

“Didn’t know what?”

“Chris and I are both expecting!” Monica announced happily. “And we’re almost certain that we conceived the same night. Neither of us is showing yet — that’s your magic machine, I’m sure — but we both feel so wonderful. And our tits are getting larger, too, but with our new muscles, we’re still not wearing bras. Anyway,” she continued, “we have it all worked out: Chris is going to take care of the babies during the day while I work, and then I’ll nurse them both at night.”

She paused and then said in a somewhat abashed tone of voice, “But you called, and here I am running off at the mouth. Can I help you with something?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, you can,” Mom replied, “but first, please accept our congratulations.” She paused and then added, “I really shouldn’t say this, but you and Don are the talk of our Board. Everyone comments on what they perceive to be far greater effectiveness on both of your parts.”

After a pause she continued, “But to the reason for my call: Could you contact our four urchins and send them home immediately? Something has come up, and we need them here at home.” There was no mention of what the “something” was. Monica immediately agreed and Mom hung up the phone.

Before anyone could comment, Mom took Andy’s hand and almost dragged the woman off in the direction of her suite. Moments later we heard the first sounds of ecstasy drifting down the stairwell.

Only then did we finally get around to actually meeting our guests. When Kris and I did, we were stunned. We had seen Kim Kramer, but she was a film star, so in spite of what Little Bit and Ann had said, she was different. But now we were looking at Kelly and Caitie Fitzpatrick. And we about dropped our teeth. From the girls we knew that Caitie was only 16, although she looked more mature than that. But then there was her mother, Kelly. The two women were close to being identical twins, and in a couple of years, they would be.

Both had dark hair worn in an urchin cut, brilliant blue eyes, medium complexions, and utterly perfect figures, although Caitie’s hadn’t completely filled out on top yet. Then Kelly proceeded to introduce her other children. First, she repeated what Caitie had said earlier: Her eldest brother, Kevin, 13, was in school. But because Kelly home-schooled her children through the 8th grade, all the others were present. There was Sean, 10; Sheila, 7; Brian, 4; and baby Maureen, toddling at age 1. The children were identical in appearance, varying only in age.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Kelly beaming as Caitie introduced her siblings one after the other. No wonder the woman was beaming! She had to be so very proud of her family! They were perfectly behaved. When Sheila was introduced to Kris, my wife couldn’t resist. She lifted the girl up, brought her close and kissed her solidly on her lips. Instantly the girl had her arms around Kris’s neck and hugged her while returning the kiss with all her power. When they finally eased apart, Kris just stared into the girl’s eyes and almost drowned.

Turning to me she said, “Darling, this is something you must see! Do what I did, please?” With that she passed the little girl to me.

Same as Kristin
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For almost an hour, Henry had sat nervously in Max Alexander's roomy, silent office, growing more and more anxious about the reason for his summons to the company president's private sanctum. Every room on the top floor of the Alexander Building was thoroughly sound-proofed for privacy and the young editor fidgeted even more when he realized that his boss could walk in to the office at any moment, without the slightest announcement, and interrupt his mental meanderings. As the minutes...

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Ferry Couple 2 Phils present

With the better weather, Helene now regularly wore crop tops to show off her new belly button piercing, although she couldn’t do so at work. We often chatted about her experience with Derek and about getting me to tick off at least one of my fantasies Helene had yet to replace her first fantasy with a new one but I knew she was thinking about it.A couple of weeks later Helene told me that she was going away the next weekend with Lisa to a spa for relaxation and fun!I didn’t have an issue with...

Straight Sex
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Ladds Exchange Mall Book 1

LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL BOOK ONE PETTICOATING RETURNS BY JENNIFER SUE Lydia Ladd... the name sounds soft, feminine, even melodic. To many that's exactly what it was. To others, it is stark terror. She started life as the pampered daughter of a real estate tycoon, her idyllic life was gently and subtlety altered through the unwitting efforts of her teachers, friends, and family. Once she reached adulthood she was the epitome of elegant womanhood. At the same time she...

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Kunwari Family

Hi, I am simmi from Amritsar. Hum do behane and ek bhai hai. We live in a small house at amritsar. Bhai and Didi ki bahut banti hai but woh mera koi kehna nahin maan ta. Hamare ghar mein do kamre and ek kitchen hai. Mere mom and dad ek room mein sote hai. Mein (22 yrs), mera bhai rahul (20 years) and Didi shveta (24 yrs ) ek kamre mein sote hai. Is se pehle hum joint family mein rehte the so sab ladkiyan ek kamre mein and sab ladke doosre mein sote the. Hamare kamre mein do bistar lage the ek...

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Extra Credit4

Chapter 1 As the bell continues to ring, I hear "Mr Gates" from over my shoulder. "A moment please." My least favorite teacher, Mr Hill, beckons. As my fellow students exit the classroom, I reluctantly walk over to Mr Hill or Miss Hill as we refer to him in the locker room. Closing the door behind the last student, he starts, "Mr Gates, your classroom performance, rather nonperformance, is about to take you off the field. If you don't pass the test this Friday, you're done for the...

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LA Tails 1

It all started innocently enough. I was on a business trip to LA, and was exhausted from a grueling day of meetings, presentations, and networking with sales staff at the company I was contracted to. In the cab on the way back to the hotel, I decided I would get a hot meal, A massage, and follow that up with a hot shower and some needed sleep before my very early morning flight back to NYC. Upon arriving to my suite, I called and ordered a nice meal of DimSum and some fried noodles with lobster...

3 years ago
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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 6

If you were wondering what happened to Hotdog. After he woke up next to Betty at the pond, he walked over to the shore to take in some refreshment. Lapping away he spied a rabbit on the other side, and so the chase was on. Hotdog was merrily chasing his prey for a good half hour before he finally tired of this game and started for town. Not even thinking about Betty's gift from earlier. Upon reaching his neighborhood, he met up with some of his canine pals. {{Hey Hotdog! Whacha been doing...

1 year ago
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Maid to Please

Maid to Please Chapter 1 - The House Visit We had married in England. My new wife Julie is a delight and a tease. She is slender but has an ample bosom and curves in all the right places. One of the things I like about her is that she is spontaneous and adventurous. Tragedy struck and her parents died in a car accident soon after our marriage. Mine had already gone so we were our only family. The up side was that we had a few ?millions in the bank and our life ahead...

4 years ago
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Living Beyond the Day a PP StoryChapter 15

In the morning, we gathered our family and left for Hardee's meeting eight loads of people in various vehicles there. As was habit, everyone was armed. We traveled in convoy to Calhoun. Charles' funeral wasn't fancy but the statements made were heartfelt including mine. I think Dad said it best. "Charles was my friend as he was to many. He was a good father, a good husband, a good friend, and a good neighbor. He was a good man and that's as good as can be said for any man." We buried...

3 years ago
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Summer Heat

The girls really didn't need babysitting. Irene was eleven, Jessie twelve, and Amber thirteen. Irene, the youngest, wore a training bra under her tight shirt but it was apparent to all that it wasn't really needed. Her breasts poked up only an inch or so from her chest. Her hips had begun to spread, making her butt in her cut-off jeans look cute. It was just rounding into a womanly butt. Jessie, with her dark long hair, was a year further into the mysterious transformation that takes a...

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Whoever thought that we’d be in need of another sex forum. I certainly never thought that would be the case since we’re literally swimming in them. The porn industry has had a whole lot of these sex forums so why add another one. Well, let’s just say that this forum wasn’t added recently and it’s exactly what we need to get rid of all those new-age porn forums from surfacing and becoming popular. This place’s name is and it’s probably one of the most visited porn forums on the...

Porn Forums
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JB8217s Concert To Hotel Room

Hi Guys, My name is Rohit, 32 and married and live in Navi Mumbai and work at a senior position in a consulting firm. I am an avid reader of Indian Sex Stories for many years now, but this is the 1st time I am writing one real sex encounter, which recently happened. You all know that recently Justin Bieber had a concert in Navi Mumbai, so this encounter happened there only. I work with a large organization and on the concert day, one of my vendor gave me the ticket for the concert, though I...

1 year ago
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En Vacances 3 Grant

En Vacances 3: Grant “I want a drink.” My words sound petulant in my ears like a small child demanding a treat; and my tongue, unused to forming words, feels thick in my mouth. It had seemed like a good idea holidaying alone, ten days in the sun, an opportunity to relax and recharge my personal batteries away from the daily grind, but a holiday can be a lonely place and I’ve spent three days lying alone, eating alone, drinking alone and sleeping alone. I find myself trying to remember the...

2 years ago
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Looking for a Dry Spot a Day of Destruction Aftermath StoryChapter 7

We outside into the bright sun almost looking around like we expected everything else to be different since we were. "Tim, what's on the agenda until this evening?" I thought a moment. "We can start the process of building our changing shed. I don't think we are out of anything to need a trip except for rings." That got me a hug and a light kiss. "We will get those but a special trip isn't necessary." "It wouldn't bother me to make a special trip. It's for something...

3 years ago
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this is for my huge ultra hung super strong friend too2badd DavidIt was the morning i would meet the biggest man i ever mett ,A huge hulking black man who hada huge hard on ever since we met and is as hot for me as i am for him not only is he hung bigger than a bull but is way taller than any one else nearly twice my tiny five feet zero tall and his cock goes on forever long and thicker than my fore arm.I stood loking in the mirror as i aplied my whoreish make up and slipped on my tight white...

4 years ago
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Doggy Style

I got home from school and was feeling extra horny. It was the first really warm day of spring, which inspired all the girls to wear tops that showed off ridiculous amounts of cleavage. I was walking around with a boner most of the day.My plan was to head straight to my room and rub one out…maybe two.“Mom! I’m home!” I yelled as I kicked off my sneakers.The car was in the driveway, but there was no answer. I was excited to tell Mom about the National Honor Society award I found out I was going...

1 year ago
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Aunty Seducing Me For Hot Affair 8211 Part II

Hope you have read the first part and noticed how my auntie’s behavior seemed to change towards me but I was totally confused about it (since I did not know she had caught me jacking off watching porn). I was sitting in the sofa, totally confused. Staring at the television, a couple of hours had passed and it had become dark outside. My aunty came out from the kitchen after finishing her work. She was sweating even more now. She stood there while I was looking at her. She raised her hand and...

3 years ago
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Patricias Daring Anniversary Experiment Part 4

Introduction: My wife had unexpectantly become a daring slut, living out fantasies she had never before considered. I spoke to Jill, the beautiful black woman we had met at the adult book store, Jill, you sexy goddess, I want to fuck you so bad! Can you get your man to take you home, get some things, then come by the Hyatt, room 343, say about 2 am? She kissed me deeply, and pulled my head to hers with her left hand while she squeezed my hard cock with her right. Between kisses, she smiled and...

1 year ago
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La Condamne

Tous les personnages de cette histoire sont fictifs, majeurset ?g?s de plus de 18 ans. Toute ressemblance avec des faits ou personnages ayant exist? ne serait que pure co?ncidence. Il s’agit ici de fantasmes. ? Ceci est l’histoire de mon avilissement, de ma descente aux enfers, de mes d?sirs d’humiliation et de d?gradation. Je m’appelle?Samantha Endersson; ? 45 ans je suis une femme pulpeuse, une chevelure ch?tain qui tombe en larges boucles jusqu’au milieu de mon dos, une bouche aux l?vres ourl?es, un visage fie...

2 years ago
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A cockfilled Cruise

It all started when I won the bet against Jacko; I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him but I did so I can’t change it. Anyways I won this bet and the prize/winnings ended up being two tickets for an amazing Mediterranean cruise. Since I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time I decided to take my best mate, Rob. As two smoking’ bachelors getting on an awesome boat for two hot weeks, I was sure we would score. That was until we boarded the ship, we thought it was a bit odd seeing so many guys about,...

Gay Male
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reunited love

Home. Marie had not been home for five years. Intense arguments with her mother had finally got the better of her and she had moved over to England when she was 17. She had been miserable when she moved, missing her beloved daddy so much that it hurt. Depression and comfort eating had taken its toll. She had always been a chubby child, much to her mother's shame, and it had not taken much to put on a large amount of weight. It was the main reason for their arguments with her mother. So...

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Alex Teaches Eva the Importance of Sharing Part IV

I don’t know how long Alex was gone and from the excitement of the day’s events I was slowly falling asleep.  I could still feel an ache in my pussy that longed for the relief that only Alex could give me. I heard the door open but I felt powerless as I was still blindfolded and tied up at the wrists and ankles to my bed.  I suddenly heard more then one voice and I was alarmed to realize that Alex was not alone.  I started to panic because I did not want anyone to see me like this.  I felt a...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 2

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 2 Sunday morning came with the sun shining and the birds chirping. Edna was already up. She had a lot to do to this morning. She was fully dressed in a typical navy blue business jacket, matching skirt, white silk blouse and low heeled shoes. She always felt high heels were for the young and the vain, and she was no longer either having celebrated a 55th birthday a few months ago. This was what she usually wore back when she was working every day at...

3 years ago
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super cock 14 inches meets angel buxom written by

This how I see the biggest cock in the world violating the biggest tits in the world ,was looking at the news one day when they had announced the opening of a very unique new building that was just built in NY NY and clamed to be the tallest in the world at 4500 stories tall it was the biggest building on the planet ,it is uniquely shaped like a massive erect cock shaped after Mr Supercock the longest most powerful cock in the entire world the next biggest would only be about half his length...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Gia Paige Claiming Sydney

After Michael has taunted Sydney all night with a pair of vibrating panties, she returns to his house ready to submit and he’s all too willing to claim her. Michael taunts and teases his blindfolded submissive, giving her some of the most intense foot and pussy play of her life. With every inch of her body worshipped, taunted, and teased, Sydney’s aching wet pussy is ready to be filled by his hot cock. Sydney cannot control her pleasure, begging Michael to let her cum over and over...

4 years ago
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Becoming Chloe Part 2

Becoming Chloe Part 2 She felt so guilty about the incident at the bar with Ricky and wanted to make sure I wasn't hurt and explained that the only reason things went that way was because of the heightened sexual tension that was happening between her and I that night. She explained that with their sexual foreplay, all the drinks she had, things just got away from her and when Ricky showed up she wanted to tease me even more. She did admit that she enjoyed her time with Ricky but...

3 years ago
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Greedy Cheating Wife Gets Frozen Out Part One

There isn't much sex in this, so if that's what you're looking for, it might be best to move on. It's an account of betrayal and ultimately of revenge.  All this really happened. The names were changed to shield the guilty.   Here in Canada, our divorce laws are a little different. They vary very little from province to province since they are all governed by The Divorce Act (1985). There are three grounds. The first is separation of a year - this is an uncontested action. Both parties...

2 years ago
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The List Ch 02

The List Ch. 2 ‘Brains’ Hey thanks to those of you who took the time to read the first chapter (even that guy who said i wasted his time because there was no sex! that gave me a good giggle!I did put this story in the non-erotic section, didn’t I?)Here is the continuing story, and again, any feedback that you give is wonderful. I hope you like this chapter as well. Carrie sat in her room and enjoyed the peace and quiet that was hers alone for a few minutes. She smiled and chuckled as she...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 15 The Sand Isles

The Sand Isles are a long way from Beletara, but then again, they are a long way from everyplace. They are far, far to the west of even the most westward reaching part of Arbor, the southern shores of Westhal. Far to the west, and far south as well. The shores of Beletara were warm, compared to Midhal where I grew up, but even Beletara was not close to the equator. The Sand Isles were, running both north, south and through the equator itself. You don't book passage to the Sand Isles just...

1 year ago
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The ProdigalThirtyfour

THE RECEPTION WAS BACK AT THE HOTEL. Sandra had everything ready for guests by the time we were out of the receiving line. The four of us rode in the limo taking a long route instead of the direct two blocks to the hotel. We drove about a mile along the lake and through downtown with people on the sidewalks waving at the “Just Married” sign on the back of the limo. The two brides sat opposite Wendy and me and kept looking at each other and giggling. It was infectious. “Old Nebraska blessing...

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