K&T, LLC Ch. 05 free porn video

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Author’s note: This section contains a graphic depiction of a very dangerous bondage scene. If you are at all squeamish, please skip the last chapter. There is a plot summary following the chapter.

Chapter 11 — Old Friends and New

Interlude: 25th Anniversary


What can anyone say about the trip to New York. Maybe it would be that it was to Brooklyn, not Manhattan. Maybe that it was to a warehouse, not anyplace fancy. Maybe that Aunt Francine owned it through her production company. My personal favorite is that Mom met Angela and Pedro de la Garza. You have to be an insider like Aunt Frannie to know what that means.

Of course they also had the bridesmaids dresses made and designed the decorations for the reception ball.


I had a plan. Once we loaded up the cart and moved to checkout, I would pay for everything and say it was my wedding gift. Who knew Sheila would be flush and insist on paying herself? Then Jo Jo, the oversized little shit, slipped a gold card out while Schwartz and I were arguing. She and Little Miss Happy started hauling the clothes out, while Sheila and I were still arguing. It pisses me off when someone steals my lines, especially if I am paying good money for them.

We stopped in the lot long enough to snarf a decent sized snack, then stuffed everyone into the front seat and drove to Sheila’s car. Jo went on to Julian’s studio while the rest of us switched vehicles. When the three of us pulled up, Jo Jo was trying to climb some very nasty steps, in four inch heels. The damn woman was tall enough without them. Schwartz and I left Miss Serves a Lot to help her up.

That let us be inside to watch the M&M girls get their first sight of my work. Siobhan deserves a lot of the credit for the new look—she was wearing it after all—but Schwartz and I had gotten her into in the first place. An audience is necessary for the final judgment.

The look of Maggie’s face alone was worth the effort. I could not have scripted her line better, ‘Sure it is, Miss Siobhan, that ye are a fine looking woman. Right handsome, I say. I did nae think these two were wee fairies, but perhaps I’m bein’ mistaken.’

Then she collected Jo Jo to get her fitted. CC went along, so Sheila and I were left to pace, and I did not even have coffee. We discussed a lot of things, such as her ideas about set design for the wedding. I had to hand it to her. Doing the actual ceremony on a party barge had a lot of possibilities. It would be easy to do the set and the audience could not interfere. Sound might be an issue, but that was details.

Schwartz was also telling me more than I wanted to know about her business. It was only going to be for ten days to two weeks. I could wing it that long. Hell, negotiating a scene is half the fun. It was a pity none of her outfits would fit me. Sheila told me she had built up a nice wardrobe. Jo Jo might find something, since she could wear things that were fairly normal sized. Maybe not. Things were getting dull when Maggie brought Siobhan back. Whew.

If I was going to be critical, there were a lot of small issues. In a corset, the skirt hung like a bag. Only the belt kept it from sliding all the way off. The hair was an all morning job, followed by an afternoon working on the face and nails. Hell, I could give her a trip to the spa. All that would be criticizing. The transformation itself was stunning.

Siobhan would never be pretty. She was too big and her features were too strong. That said, she did a damn good feminine version of imposing, and there was no doubt about the feminine part. Siobhan was born for the boardroom. Hillary Clinton eat your heart out.

Sheila took a bunch of pictures, then went out the door. Maggie and CC disappeared, probably to see Julian. That gave me a minute to consider touch up. The natural colors were good and very untouched. The hair could be worn up.

Schwartz came back with a more adjustable skirt and her laptop. If she was doing pics, I could do makeup. I pulled Siobhan into the changing room and helped her step out of her skirt. God, this woman’s legs were longer than I was. The irony was that jeans would work, provided they were fitted. That was for later in the week. At the moment, I tied her hair in a quick knot and added some eye liner and lip gloss. It was purely icing on the cake.

I brought Siobhan out and Sheila shot more pictures. Then she showed them to us. It was one of those moments you never forget. In some ways it is not quite real til there is an image. Then, Jo asked the obvious question—how had she missed it? That let me explain what had been going on all day, or start. Halfway through I had to leave for my fitting.

Julian was exactly what I expected from a wardrobe genius. I did not want to waste time, so I tossed my top to Millie, who was standing in as the assistant. As I had expected, the corset was a cut down small. Seriously, short of making a new one, what choice was there. It was not like I needed one in the first place. Julian tried to fuss with it, but I closed it up and grabbed a bench. Julian gave a histrionic sigh, but complied.

When I opened the door to the parlor, Jo Jo had CC over her knee for a spanking. I was jealous and not sure of whom. Spanking CC is a lot of fun, but Siobhan was very good at it. I could cast myself in either role. Be that as it may, it was too good an entrance to waste.

‘Damn, Schwartz. Next time you schedule entertainment, let me know.’ Schwartz had Siobhan stand up, then demonstrated the correct form for taking a bow in a skirt. No one does a curtsy any more, but Sheila does one with real style. Then it was goodbye to the M&M ladies and off to Brooklyn.

I once asked why Pedro had built his costume and prop warehouse in the relative sticks of Brooklyn’s south side. I expected a money based answer, but he told me he met Angela in a school near there. That made no sense, because Angela is two years older and has multiple degrees. Pedro had a bit of education in Puerto Rico, but dropped out in what would be grade school. He’s proof that you do not need a degree to be smart, like Sheila. They could compare notes sometime.

Rather than move the merchandise, we elected to continue with Siobhan in the Mercedes and the rest of us in Sheila’s Volvo. Being in Elizabeth helped, since we were already well south. We headed across the bridge to Staten Island, then another bridge into Brooklyn. It was still rush hour, but we were headed toward Town, so it was not too bad.

Once in Brooklyn, we went to Bensonhurst, which is where it gets tricky. I was an old hand and Sheila’s driver never lost me, so he was pretty good. In the un-redeveloped part, not far from the beaches, are some old warehouses. I do not go around telling people, but I own three blocks and a few odd buildings. One of the things I do not own is a an old Dutch Reformed church. That was where Pedro and his people were waiting.

If you are not in theater, you may have never heard of Pedro de la Garza. Even if you are, his name is less known than his company, JB Productions, or his wife, Angela Molinari de la Garza. Angela is one of those women that always get pictures in the coverage of the Tonys and Academy Awards, generally with Edith Dryden. Pedro and Edith’s escort, usually Deirdre Walters, will arrive separately, so the two beauties can face the paparazzi. Do not be fooled. Pedro and Deirdre was also an interesting pair. Deirdre hung on Pedro the way CC revolved around Schwartz.

When I had called, I was expecting to meet Justice J Smith, Jr. my Manager. Pedro had retired almost five years before. However, 3J’s wife was in maternity, so Pedro volunteered. Even at 70, he cannot sit still. Unsurprisingly, Pedro was accompanied by Angela, his wife, and Deirdre, his shadow. I really needed to see Sheila, Sean and CC together, because I sensed the same sort of indivisible trio. Naturally, as soon as we piled out of the car
, Deirdre’s eyes went straight for CC. Like knows like.

It may be cliché, but Pedro and I first hit it off by comparing short stories. Even barefoot, he is five inches taller than I am, but that is still very short for a man. The thing is, Pedro had a feminine version, Patricia, that fooled even seasoned theater people. In four inch heels, Patricia was a tallish woman. I had asked what it was like being normal sized. We talked damn near til sunrise.

That led to my first profitable side venture. Pedro had a gift for seeing untapped potential, beginning with Edith Dryden. Hard as it is to believe, Edith once considered herself actively unattractive. Think Talia Shire in Rocky. The problem with discoveries is that they know nothing about anything. Edith was an established star by the time I met Pedro, but there was always another young thing who had no clue how to walk, talk or hit a mark. I tutored ‘deportment.’ Then I set up a company to do it, so that I could focus on the promising ones. These days Martel Academy has outlets near every major theater and film district. Up to his retirement, Pedro consistently sent me the best prospects.

It was that eye that I wanted to gauge, when Pedro saw our little group. As noted, CC peeled off and settled with Deirdre, who was old enough to be her grandmother. Sheila glided up, as only she could. Pedro bowed low and kissed her hand.

Without introduction Pedro said, ‘You can only be Senorita Schwartz, of whom we have heard so much for so long. My Francita is green with the envy. Now I see it is entirely justified. You move with the passion and sorrow of José de Espronceda’s poetry. It enlarges my heart to hear that you are engaged to marry. Is it not so?’ In response, Sheila blushed nicely and gave a curtsy I would kill to reproduce. Fortunately, Jo Richards arrived.

Everyone started toward the car, but CC is the one that made it to the door. She helped Jo Jo out of the car and gave her a shoulder to balance on. Schwartz said, ‘¿Puedo presentar mi cuñada, Siobhan Richards?’ (May I present my sister in law, Siobhan Richards). Damn show off. That was the kind of thing Deirdre used to do. Pedro responded, ‘Encantado, mi querido.’ (Enchanted, my dear). Then, to Jo Richards, ‘I see much progress, but also much potential. Francita was not exaggerating. But come, we have a few blocks to drive.’

The warehouse was a converted produce market. There were loading docks on both sides, then strings of blocky rooms opening out, with a spinal hallway. It was useful for separating periods and types of costumes. You could drive a truck directly to the one you wanted. I owned the place, but it was years since I had spent time there. Pedro led us to the part of the building furthest from the gate. Once inside, I immediately recognized the costumes to Dorian Gray.

You had to know her well to see it, but Sheila was just a step removed from orgasmic.


Once I had sent our grad students off for their beer and pizza, I went up to security central. Chaos would be the polite word.

It is a fundamental law that everyone likes toys. For security geeks, high definition, motion tracking cameras almost define the term. Given that Sheila had only four cameras, you would think the project was well contained. Wrong. Everyone wanted in on the job. As their ultimate boss, I drew a shred of respect, but it only cut the din slightly. I just shook my head and went to Gerald’s office.

Understandably, Gerald was upset that his staff was behaving like a bunch of boys with a new bicycle. I waved it off. It is rarely a good idea to be a wet blanket—unless there is a fire to smother. Gerald knew this as well as I did. His team would be putting in a lot of overtime in the coming days. This installation would be the highlight of their week.

Instead, I wanted reports from the building professionals that had been nosing around. Normally, this would have been Mitchell’s area, but he was busy with our grad students. Richard’s Enterprises had a master electrician on staff, so I asked him to come out and evaluate our possibilities. Things were not as bad as I had expected.

Little of the old house was properly wired, but almost all of it had been fitted with gas lights. All that gas piping could be removed and the holes used for electrical conduit. The gas light sconces could be wired or replaced. It was simple work, which would give us basic lighting for the foyer and the parlors. That work was well under way. Lighting the Ballroom was more difficult, because the main chandelier was for candles. An electrical conversion was not doable in our time frame.

Albert, one of my tech geeks, had a solution. Rather than attempt a full scale conversion, use battery operated lights. Given that the room was originally lit with candles, this had merit. Dozens of fake candles could be placed as easily as real ones. A supply house in Philadelphia had sufficient on hand and could deliver next day. I authorized the approach. Since they were available from the same source, I told them to get several dozen small LED lights. Events could supply paper bags. These could be made into luminaries for the driveway and waterfront.

Next up was the Fire Marshall’s assessment. He set a limit of 115 people in the Ballroom proper. That ought to be plenty. Given that we expected Amish manpower, he was willing to tolerate kerosene lights, provided they were actual lamps or lanterns. Surprisingly, he signed off on the stoves in the kitchen. Some were gas, but others were wood fired. It seemed that some century old regulations were still in force and the flues passed muster. Naturally, the gas lights were not acceptable.

Ventilation was another area I had worried about. This turned out to be the simplest of all the issues. One of the nice things about competent ancestors is that they think about little things like hot weather. This time of year, the breezes are off the lake, and the house is designed to catch them. Some long unused baffles on the roof needed to be opened, but the Ballroom had flow-through ventilation designed in. Events would be setting up water spray cooling for the outdoor seating. The same air would be pulled through the house. It was not air conditioning, but it would be endurable.

Food service was taking shape. The weather forecast was for sunny and temperatures in the mid 80s. This was ideal for serving a variety of cold food, such as Gerald’s sandwich stand, plus cold chicken, potato salad, fresh fruit and garden salad. The only hot items would be bread and sweet rolls. For drinks, we would have tea and lemonade in large stoneware crocks, bottled beer and vintage blend soda in tubs of ice. Supporting all of this were two refrigerated containers, already delivered. One was set for 35° and the other for -5°. They would be an inconvenient, but sizable, walk in refrigerator and freezer. We also had a freezer for bagged ice and a delivery contract.

In a way, it was a depressing report. I had good people and they could see what needed to be done. I was left with nothing to do but endorse their recommendations. It was gratifying, of course, but I felt like a fifth wheel. I recalled one of the meetings at Harold’s print shop. My most useful contribution was switching Sheila’s empty water bottle for a full one. Here, my only suggestion was to see if an old fashioned commercial size ice cream freezer was available.

Surprisingly, this led to an extended discussion. There was a WW I vintage one lung motor in the garage’s machine shop. We could use it for power, provided it was running. The motor’s distinctive popping sound would make a great attraction for our little carnival. Gerald thought that might be doable. One of the auto mechanics liked to tinker with old engines. As for the freezer, White Mountain still made them. If necessary, we could get a new one shipped for a few hundred bucks. I could give it to Events and charge the cost against my bill. I also thought the Amish would appreciate chu
rned ice cream.

Feeling a little better, I asked if Gerald had heard from the girls. I was shocked to see him blush. Without explanation, Gerald turned to his computer and pulled up an email. Attached was a picture of an imposing woman in a business suit. The email was from Sheila and had only two words, ‘Pay up.’ I was at a loss for a moment, then I recognized Jo’s distinctive chin. Sweet Baby Jesus. I stared at it for a while, then turned to Gerald and said, ‘You have to now.’

Gerald understood that I meant. He would have to dance with my sister, but this did not seem to bother him nearly as much as I had expected. Sweet Lord, Sheila had done it again. She had seen what was in front of me the whole time, but I had overlooked. Gerald had a soft spot for my baby sister. True, he had always been harsh and demanding of Jo. The military has an expression for that kind of constant attention. They call it love.


Among Francine’s many accomplishments was a driver’s license. Considering her lead foot, this was one of the more unlikely ones. Somehow we negotiated rush hour traffic, across the bridge to Staten Island, then across the island itself, then another bridge into Brooklyn. I more or less understood where we were. It was the run down section near the touristy places on the water front.

We pulled into the parking lot of a 200 year old church, where a vintage Lincoln Limo was parked. Everyone piled out of the cars, except Siobhan, who was using a sane driver. Francine put on her company manners and led me to a short Hispanic man. I recognized his wife, so I knew who he was. My knees still went weak. Pedro de la Garza is one of the quiet giants of the New York theater scene and Francine was saying that he was here to see me. Before Francine could make introductions, he bowed and kissed my hand.

He said, ‘You can only be Senorita Schwartz, of whom we have heard so much, for so long. My Francita is green with the envy. Now I see it is entirely justified. You move with the passion and sorrow of José de Espronceda’s poetry. It enlarges my heart to hear that you are engaged to marry. Is it not so?’ Where I had felt frozen a moment before, I suddenly burned. I did a cortsy, then turned, because Siobhan had arrived.

We all started for the car, but it was Christine who helped Siobhan out. As they walked up, I indicated Siobhan and said, ‘¿Puedo presentar mi cuñada, Siobhan Richards?’ Mr. De la Garza responded to me, ‘Encantado, mi querido.’ Then he said to Siobhan, ‘I see much progress, but also much potential. Francita was not exaggerating. But come, we have a few blocks to drive.’

It was rather further than a few blocks, but eventually we reached a fenced yard, with long, squat building inside. All along both sides of the building were loading docks. It reminded me of a farm market, with each dock being a different grower. Mr. de la Garza headed to the back. Inside we found my costume room—on steroids. It was dedicated to hundred year old fashions. I was in love.

It did not take long for our group to break apart. Francine and Angela de la Garza drifted off, with Francine talking enough for both of them. They were obviously old friends. Mr. de la Garza delegated someone to escort Siobhan to the ‘Executive Suite.’ Christine went with them, which left me alone with one of the most famous people I had ever met. Suddenly, I felt incredibly shy, in spite of the fact that Mr. De la Garza was about 70 years old. Clearly, he noticed.

‘No. No. No. Such things are for my Deirdre or your Christina. You and I are ones who decide, like your cuñada, Señorita Siovan. I am pleasured to have met her, but this day is about you, no? My Francita, she is very pleased that you have finally found el muchacho verdad, a real man. If this man is Señorita Siovan’s brother, then all is explained. But come. You must call me Pedro. I am a poor worker from the sugar cane in Puerto Rice, whatever may have happen since.’ G_d, the man was humble on top of everything else.

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I like dares

My babysitter’s name was susan, I geuss someone might call her hot or sexy. She weighed about 80 lbs, was about 5 4” and had long blonde hair that reached to the bottom of her butt, when wet. She was super skinny, so the lines that fold into her low rider jeans are pretty evident. The first time I got to see my babysitter naked had been when I hid inside the cabinet and watched her shower, I was only about 11 then and she was about 14 so it was at least 3 years ago, but I had caught quick...

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MySistersHotFriend Karissa Kane 22617

Tutelage: it can be a hard thing. Which is why Karissa Kane makes it so easy on Brad! She’s his sister’s friend who needed a little help with her studies, and studious Brad was more than willing to give her a hand. But little did he know that Karissa’s been wanting to jump on his cock for the longest time, and now that the opportunity has presented itself, she’s going to make things hard — especially his big cock! There’s no turning back when she catches him masturbating after he excuses...

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MistakesChapter 2

We had decided we would not go along with Gary’s plan to cuckold him, and were trying to find a plan which would stop him farming her out to someone else. It was at this point that she came up with the beginnings of a cunning plan. “Well,” she said again, “I know I can trust you, and I already like your company. Gary doesn’t have to know what I actually do with you. I can tell him you use condoms, and I can easily make it look like I’ve had sex. Could we just meet? I want him to suffer for...

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Shes the Boss An Office Romance

A Note to the Reader: although the following scenario is fictitious, it is based on real life. As such, I must begin by thanking ‘Aubrey’ – my girlfriend and partner-in-crime – for allowing me to immortalise our first night together as lovers. ***** I’ve never been quite sure how to begin this story. After all, it began much in the same way as many others… I was a young graduate, just starting to make my way in the world after finishing university, and had landed myself a job as an intern at...

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The Commission

The commission I have a unique job. First of all, I am my own boss. I procure and sell very special items to the richest men in the world. They are quite particular on who they deal with and I am even more particular on who I deal with. What I sell is illegal in most countries, even the ones I deal in. But I have never been bothered by the authorities as my clients are so upper crust and powerful that no one messes with them and by association, me. What I deal with is slaves. Not like...

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A Magical Transformation

 I was walking through the woods not a year ago, just behind my Uncle’s house. It was dark out, just after dusk, but I felt unafraid. I knew these woods, and there was nothing in them more threatening than a fox, so I continued down to my spot down by the creek where I go to when I want to think. Sometimes I’ll even sleep down there. I reached the flat rock that was buried flush with the ground right up on the creeks edge, and started building up a small fire with some sticks and fire wood that...

4 years ago
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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 17 Double Date

Kat stood in the living room looking at her roommates and their two new friends, Crystal and Melody. “Brad just called. He’s coming down on Friday afternoon for the weekend with me. I had a ‘date’ that I need to handoff to one of you. Any interest?” Melody shook her head, “I’m already booked out with Sean.” Crystal asked, “Who’s the ‘date’ and what’s he like?” Kat responded, “His name is Ken Seaton. He told me he’s a cowboy, about forty, fit, and admitted to being in an open marriage, but...

4 years ago
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Not Sister Becomes Brothers Photographic Model par

The next few days were demanding with my sister. We were sort of embarrassed and equally proud of what we had done together but somehow the floodgates did not open. We might accidently touch and other times deliberately touch it would be electric or other times be distant. There was a lot to process and it could go either way. It may well have ended there fizzled out as a failed experiment but for the event with Mom. Mom worked in a hotel at a quite high up level arranging conferences and such...

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Me My Toy

My heart was still racing as I shut the door behind me,his smile still in my head. I stretched out my bed with a huge grin on my face.I let my hands begin to wander,first teasing my thin blouse,making them stand out like little bullets,then moving down to my flat tummy, As his laugh echoed in my mind,I let my fingers find the bottom hem of my blouse and pulled it up slowly,imagining it was him doing this,I squeezed my littles slowly for a while then let a hand wander lower,I felt a moan escape...

3 years ago
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My girlfriends younger brother pt2

He starts to moan and toss head back, moaning OMG!. I start to suck his hard dick even faster, i loved the way it felt as his shaft rubbed against my tongue and feeling his dick head hit the back of my throat. Before i knew it my dick was rock hard from sucking on his dick. I wanted to taste his sweet cum so i started to twirl my tongue around his dick head as i sucked and stroked his shaft faster and faster. I feel the veins in his dick get bigger and throbbing more letting me know he's...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 2 Katies Sexual Awakening

The day after Katherine Jackson had given her first blowjob and allowed her husband to shoot his cum all over her beautiful freckled face she had spent the day at work in a daze. The professional business woman's head was in her hands as she couldn't concentrate during her meetings or on any simple task. She and her husband hadn't had a chance to talk after what she had done. When Fred left to go pick up their children from daycare she took a shower and her breasts were full, her nipples...

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Dick JonesChapter 3 Dick Jones FAQ

So, you're probably wondering how I hooked up with Dick. I have no idea how. But at least I know when. If you're just looking to put some more mayo on the ol' hand sandwich there, skip ahead -- I don't get any in this part. I was out with this girl. I'd met her online. She was actually pretty cute -- better than I expected. A feeling I knew wasn't mutual. I knew as soon as the date was over I'd never see her again. We were in the park, and I'd just told a gross joke -- I was...

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Arab guy impregnates a married indian sikh woman

This is another of my real stories.A little about me first: I am an Arab muslim guy living in Vancouver, Canada. I have a fantasy for Indian Hindu/Sikh girls, because for them a muslim cock is like a forbidden fruit.I met Harveer Kaur (name changed for privacy) on a dating site. She was married but unhappy. She told me she wanted to leave her husband and move on, thats why she was on that site. Soon she got separated from her hubby and started living by herself and we started dating. She was...

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the internet is for porn! Unfortunately, not all smut sites are created equal, and many often either have a weird mix of super and shitty features, and others can be complete crap. Rarely, you'll find some which range from good to being good googly-moogly great.Where on that totally legit sex quantifying spectrum is Spizoo? Keep on scrolling to find out, friendly fuckers.There Are Sexy Scenes And Sexy Scene StealersThe first two signs of a gutter smut...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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The Job Interview Part 4

The Shower with CharlieYou need to read the Gym session to get all of this… PaddyI was woken by Charlie rubbing my shoulder, incessant,” Wake up, wake up! We are late and the Mistress does not like to be kept waiting.” I looked it was 10 to 7. I was so exhausted after yesterday. My cock was pleasantly sore from the Mistress’ attentions, fucking Alex and from the ministrations of Charlie at the Gym. Her face was now so close I reached up and give her a languid French kiss. She responded in...

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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 12

Ch. 12 – Le Mort D’Arthur “Unh… shit… where am I?” Dave sat up, rubbing his temples with his fingers to try and soothe his throbbing headache. Around him he saw nothing but darkness. “What happened?” “What happened?! You have ruined EVERYTHING! THAT IS WHAT HAS HAPPENED!” a voice roared. Dave sprang to his feet in time to see Igraine’s incoming flamethrower attack, summoning his aura shield to defend himself. After a moment, he managed to push the fire back and stared down...

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Degrees of FreedomChapter 15

Zoe Perversions ... we sure saw some. Quite a lot, actually. Things I couldn't have imagined even in my wildest dreams, things that looked interesting enough, things that made me want to try them out as soon as possible. I tried not to be judgmental about what I saw, but it's difficult not to be judgmental when your body reacts instinctively to what your eyes see. And maybe it's not so bad to have a strong reaction when you see a woman's back ornamented with a couple dozen needles. At...

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Amandas Journey into Domination

Amanda's Journey into Domination Chapter 1 "Oh ooh oh yes Mistress fuck me, it feels sooo good! Ah ahhh oooooh yes. Shove that hard cock deep, ah ah ah, fuck me, spank me, slam my ass, my love!" Well dear readers here we are again, back by popular demand. (This one's for you MiLady.) I'm bound to the bed, face down, ass up, getting fucked by Mistress Jennifer. It's been a very busy, sometimes painful three years since my enslavement started, and I wouldn't change a minute of...

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Maries First DP

It was just a regular meet with Eric ( Mr. Thick)as he comes through on business every so often , Eric is our young friend whom we meet up with at times to play with and share my wife with , Marie my wife enjoys the fact that he has stamina is good looking and has a thick cock which fills her up nicely and makes her squirt.This time we had arranged to meet at hotel in our downtown area since Eric was staying nearby but there were no rooms available in his hotel , I got off work early that day...

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The Secret Life of Emily Part 2

“My God you`re such a little snitch Cassie, you wouldn’t dare tell Mum and Dad.” Stormed Emily to her sister. “Oh I really would Em.” Smiled Cassie. “What do you think they would say when they find out that you`re working at The Secret Life club? Everyone knows what goes on there.” “And what's that then you horrible little bitch?” Demanded Emily. “People go there to screw.” Emily laughed. “And what exactly do you know about screwing, you tight assed little virgin.” Cassie allowed the...

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Chain Reaction 8211 Pranali8217s Infidelity

Hey this is Cathericist from Delhi & this incident was shared by my best friend jay, when we were partying aloof & he was drunk. Please get in touch with me on if you feel and want to reach at the state of complete catharsis. Jay’s native was Nasik, but he was settled in Delhi for 5 years or odd. This is a story about infidelity of his wife Pranali, he caught her getting fucked by one of our common friend Vinay. He is 28 years old and got married to Pranali, 27, a year back which was a love...

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I had met Chris about three years ago she has long blond hair, blue eyes, a slender body she didn't weigh more than 100 lbs. long skinny legs. We had dated for awhile than things got pretty serious between us and we started having sex. I always used condoms so she wouldn't get pregnant sense she was still in school but when she graduated and called me to tell me she was having a graduation party and she had a surprise for me. When I arrive at her party she held me close all night after...

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Getting A Job

I sat down at the computer and proceeded to begin searching for a job. It was summer, I had nothing to do, and I realized I was in desperate need of money. I said to myself, Jane, get off your ass and get a job! Here is what I found as potential jobs: Adult Movie Actress- $10/hr, MUST NOT BE SHY Waitress- $6/hr Internet Pornography Model- $10/hr there was also one that was unidentified- LOOKING FOR 18/yr old girls, $100/day, call 555-5555 if interested!

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Kristins Drive Home

Kristin Blake began to tire as she drove through the streets of her upscale community Kristin Blake began to tire as she drove through the streets of her upscale community. Her day had consisted of some tiring college courses and she was finally on her way home. The comforting glow of the streetlights began to lull her into unaware state. The sound of a blaring car horn jerked her back into reality quickly enough to avoid a collision she had nearly caused by blowing through a red light....

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Helen goes dogging pt3

Helen was now using a tissue to clean the cum from her skin. "I wish we still had a drop of that wine left." She remarked."I don't, otherwise you wouldn't have had the bottle to play with!""That's true." She agreed. "Bloody hell, Steve, whatever got into me to do that?""A wine bottle!"They looked at each other. Helen because the remark seemed so obvious, and Steve because the remark was intentionally obvious and he wanted to judge the result. Steve grinned, Helen smiled, and they both began to...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 1 The Kickstand

The scene was timeless. The sun had always been hot here, the sky always cloudless. The rocks had always looked old and weathered, even when they were young and new. There had always been lizards and snakes, sunning on the heat blasted rocks. Lichen and cacti had always been the only vegetable matter hardy enough to eke out a meagre existence amidst the rocks and dust. The road though, that was new. Nothing in this desert stayed new long, and this road was no exception. It was faded and...

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The New Real Houswife of New Jersey

Mark looked at his watch, and scowled, "Damn it Linda, we need to be at the country club in 5 minutes! What are you doing?" He heard no answer, so he rushed into their bedroom. His wife was sitting on the bed, half-dressed watching "The Real Housewives of New Jersey". He was furious. "That's it, we're getting rid of cable! I told you I didn't want you watching this show. These people give New Jersey a bad name!" he said. "Give me a break Mark. It's just entertainment. We...

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Renee and her brother Ch3

Renee and Her Brother Ch. 03                  Shelley and Ryan continue their relationshipThis story started with Renee (42) and Ryan (31), sister and brother, who had not seen each other for 6 years. They found that they loved each other and carried this on to becoming partners and living together in a beach house in the South West of the State. Renee had 3 children, all who had grown and left home. Her daughter Shelley (now 30) was married with 2 children at the time. She and her brothers...

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Learning CurvesChapter 19

Hailey was relaxing on Phil’s lap, her head rested on his shoulder when Tiffany knocked and entered the room a second later. “Oops, sorry,” she said. “I guess I’m going to have to get used to waiting for an invitation.” “Or we’re going to have to learn to lock the door if we’re busy,” Hailey retorted. “Don’t worry, you’re always welcome.” “Good,” she said. “That looks like a comfortable perch.” “You have no idea,” Hailey replied with a smile. Tiffany came over and took a seat on Hailey’s...

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Mein Aur Meri Kirayedarni

MEIN AUR MERI KIRAYEDARNI Mera naam RAVI hai meri age 20yrs hai aur mein PATIALA ka rehne wala hu.Ye mera first sex experience hai jo mein apke sath share krne ja raha hu. Ye winter seasons ki baat hai humne apne ghar mein naye kirayedar rakhe the unki nayi nayi shadi hui thi aur unho ne love marrige ki thi. Humare naye kirayedar ka naam RAJESH aur uski wife ka naam SHEEKHA tha. RAJESH ki age 32 aur SHEEKHA ki age 24yrs thi.SHEEKHA kafi slim, beautifull thi. Mein rajesh ko bhaiya aur SHEEKHA...

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Surprise Visit By PO Officers

This is a true story and its unfortunate that it is. It was end of July and on a saturday when my parents went out of town for a church conference. Me and my girlfriend of 8 months decided to hang out at my house. Me and my girlfriend are of indian decent and live in Long Island, New York. I am 26 years old and my girlfriend is 23 years old. Let me describe my girlfriend. She is about 5’7 and has light complexion, but tan on her arms and on her chest from the summer. She has long killer legs...

Cheating Wifes
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(Narrator) In this edition of our program the boys try to cum to grips with that old porn movie query "How much cum is too much?" Hopefully they can get their hands on the correct data to shoot some holes in this movie cliché. Who are the Cockbusters? Jay-me "The Heinie-man" who is always ready to answer the "call of booty." "Slam-it-in" Savage whose motto is "If it's a tight fit, slam it in." Between them over 20 years special sex-effects for the porn movie...

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Caught in the Act

Caught in the ActBy Daze_Earth___________________________________________________________________________________This story contains strong elements of forced lesbianism, blackmail and extensive humiliation. It also includes sexual activities like enema administration, spanking and anal sex.___________________________________________________________________________________"I don't really want another one," yelled Angela over the loud house beats that seemed to reverberate around the packed...

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a bitch for dez and his friends part 2

school was a drag. so when the bell rang at the end of the day, I was out of there. but before I left, I passed by the courts where the basketball practise was being held. I saw dez and a whole bunch of boys tearing up the courts and sweating it out... the thought of their sweaty smells made my pussy run dripping wet and butterflies in my tummy made me feel goosebumpy... as I was heading home, dez and his group are taking a break. "FUCKIN HELL!!!" exclaimed one of the boys as...

4 years ago
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Jeff ThousandaireChapter 2 Architectural Connections

MONDAY "Good morning, boss." I looked up from my computer. "Good morning, Melody," I answered easily. My eyes flitted to the clock. She was right on time for a Monday morning. "Coffee? Your usual?" "Thanks, that would be great." I relaxed into my chair as the pretty blonde nodded and headed out. Maybe everything would be alright, despite the animosity she'd been showing last Friday. Maybe we would be back to normal. A few minutes later, I heard the hollow knocking on glass as...

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Funky Rock in the Back Yard

Part 1: There Was A Young Boy Who Found A Rock Aaron had no problems helping his mother with her rock garden, but he wasn't exactly in love with the idea. The garden ran the length of the back of the house, save for a space for the back door, and was about three feet wide. There were thousands of rocks in the garden, some large, some small, some basically the size of pebbles. The rocks had been cultivated from vacation spots, field trips, stops on the side of the road, trips to the...

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