Me and Charlie Blake
- 4 years ago
- 27
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Beth was waiting again. She sat in an uncomfortable chair at a small table. One of many tables scattered around the room. She had been doing a lot of waiting in the months that had passed since returning to her fathers house. She couldn't think of it as her home anymore, not since he tried to kill here there for the second time. It had been a long, agonizing wait for her wound to heal, but she could hardly see the scar under her fur anymore. That was followed by another wait for her father's first court appearance.
He surprised everyone when he pleaded 'no contest' to both charges of attempted murder. Afterwards, Beth figured out why. There was no way he would be able to defend himself on the charges, but he wouldn't admit his guilt. It was likely he felt there was no need, or no point in defending himself on the charges. Without the need for a trial, Beth thought that it would be a short wait for her father's sentencing. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. It was almost two months before a court date was scheduled for William Bakers sentencing hearing. Beth expected her father to appeal for leniency, but he made no comments at all during the sentencing. Judge Winters was harsh with her comments and even more so with her sentencing. She commented on making an example of him in hopes of discouraging other attacks on MORFS survivors. William Baker had received two consecutive life sentences for his attempts at killing Beth.
That had been more than three months ago, and during all this time Beth still waited for something else. She waited for her father to see her as his daughter. She tried to visit him as often as possible, even if he wouldn't see her. She wanted him to know she had come and was willing to talk to him. Visiting the prison during her summer vacation had become a weekly event. Beth had come to know several of the guards by name during this time. Her first visits usually ended in tears, which could be very dangerous. Beth found that she had to control herself when her emotions ran wild. The temperature seemed to run hot or cold in sympathy with her. Beth was particularly cautious of her anger. If her emotions boiled over into rage anything nearby could suffer from her heat.
The sound of an electronic door lock startled Beth out of her thoughts. As a door in the corner of the room opened and her father stepped through Beth tried to control herself again. Seeing her father caused a range of emotions, but the strongest one was usually guilt. Even though her father had tried twice to kill her, and he had made it clear on several occasions how he felt about her, Beth felt guilty for what she had done to him. His arms and face still showed burn scars. She had caused severe burns on all his exposed skin when she had tried to defend herself from his attack. His hair had been badly burned and only grew in patches on the back of his head. Her dad had shaved his head of all the remaining hair before his first court appearance and had kept it that way since going to prison. There was hardly anything left to remind Beth of the father she loved and who once loved her.
Bill slowly made his way to her table and sat. "Why are you here?" he asked with little emotion in his voice.
Beth wasn't sure how to answer his question, or if he even expected one. Instead, she said, "Happy birthday, Dad," She placed a small package on the table between them and waited again. It had taken her over an hour to get through security with her gift. She hoped he would accept it.
Bill seemed surprised when he asked, "It's my birthday? I must have lost track of the date already." He looked at the gift suspiciously and asked, "What's that?"
"Open it and see," replied Beth with a smile.
It was a small bundle of tissue paper, tied with a blue ribbon. Beth's dad picked it up cautiously, as if it was dangerous. After unwrapping it he saw that it was a soapstone carving of a polar bear. It wasn't very large and easily fit into the palm of his hand, but the detail in the carving was incredible. Beth waited again, hoping that he liked her gift, but his faint smile was a little disappointing.
"It's beautiful, thank you," he said while placing it back on the table in front of him.
"I didn't know how hard it would be to get that in here," she explained. "The security guards made me unwrap it twice and pass it through an x-ray before that would let me bring it in."
"I think that's normal," replied her dad. "They're very suspicious of anything coming in from the outside." He reached out to the carving and turned it with his finger to see it from another angle.
"I heard that you joined a bible study group," Beth stated. From past visits, she had found out that her father wouldn't start any conversation.
"Yes, I thought it best to join a group of people with similar interests," he explained. The thought of her dad trying to win over other prisoners to his twisted way of thinking made her shiver.
"Are there many people in the group?" Beth asked.
"No, most of the people in here are beyond God's help," he replied. Beth tried to decide if her father fell into that group as well, but pushed the thought out of her mind. Allowing her thoughts to go down that path was always to depressing.
"I don't have a lot of time today, because of them delaying me with my gift," explained Beth. "But Easter is coming up soon, is there anything you would like." Exchanging gifts at Easter had always been a special thing between Beth and her dad. Beth would try to get her dad to admit what he really wanted, not just something that he needed. It was never a big gift, but the ones they got each other were always memorable.
"No, there's no point. I won't be here," her father said without any concern.
"What? What do you mean you won't be here?" she asked. She couldn't think of where he would be? It's not like he could just get up and leave whenever he wanted.
"I've applied for a transfer to another correctional facility. This place really isn't set up for long term inmates," he explained. "I should get transferred to another place in the next week or so."
Beth didn't know what to think. His explanation made sense, but she felt like it was an excuse to get away from her. Prison wasn't enough, he wanted to move away so that she couldn't visit him. Beth tried harder to keep control of her emotions, but she could already feel the temperature dropping. Before things got out of hand, Beth got up and quickly made her way to the visitor's exit. She got to the security area before she couldn't hold back her tears any longer. It had been almost a year since Beth had changed into her current form, but she still hadn't gotten use to crying. Her tears hardly ever made it passed her cheeks anymore. They usually froze before going any further.
"Are you okay, Beth?" asked Thomas.
Beth looked up from her chair at him and tried to smile. "I'm sorry, did I hurt anyone? Or break anything this time?" she asked. Thomas was the only security guard who could stay in the same room as Beth when she dropped the temperature like that. He was a short man, but had a stocky build. He was also covered head to toe in thick fur, just like Beth. However his dark, brown coloured fur and large, round eyes highlighted his caribou hybrid.
"No," he said with a chuckle. "When everyone could see their breath they knew what was happening." It wasn't the first time Beth had frozen a room in the prison, but it hadn't happened for a while now. Beth was proud of her control over her emotions, but her father still seemed to be able to press her buttons.
"Besides," added Thomas. "This room and all the stuff in it is hardened. You never know who'll be coming through this place."
"That's good," replied Beth in relief. "I don't know what I'd do if anyone got hurt because of me."
"There weren't too many people in here today. The Warden had warned us that something might happen."
Beth looked at him with a puzzled expression and asked, "You knew about it then?"
"Knew about what? We just were warned to clear this room after you passed through," he explained. "What happened?"
"My dad has been given a transfer to another prison. He'll be gone in less than two weeks."
"Damn it!" he said under his breath before explaining. "You didn't hear this from me, but I think the warden is sympathetic to the pures in here. Your dad is the fourth transfer this month and they've all been pures."
"But what's the point? He'll just be going to another prison," asked Beth.
"Yeah, but in a warmer climate and no MORFS, I'll bet."
"And away from me," added Beth quietly.
Thomas agreed, but didn't make any comment. He knew about William Baker and how he felt about hybrids. He had seen it first hand himself, during his incarceration. Just like anywhere in the world, this prison has it's share of MORFS survivors. A significant portion of both the prison guards and inmates were hybrids. Beth's father was careful to not make enemies among the MORFS, but his reaction to them made it apparent how he felt.
Thomas opened Beth's locker and handed her it's contents. It only contained her purse, but it was still standard procedure not to allow visitors to take anything into the prison. Even her gift for her father had needed special authorization by the warden. It was still odd to Thomas to only hand over a purse, instead of a coat, boots, gloves and all the other things that people normally come with. Beth opened her purse, pulled out a necklace and pulled it on over her head.
"That's new," he said in an attempt to change the subject. "Where did you get that?"
The necklace was a thin silver chain with a carved charm of a rabbit hanging from it. The charm was also small, but beautiful. The chain passed through a loop that was carved into it. It's bright white polished surface showed the care and detail the artist had taken making it.
"Yeah, it's a Christmas gift from Ukalik," explained Beth. "I mean Rob." Although most of the people in town knew Robert Angmarlik as Ukalik, he didn't let many people call him that. Even Beth had only started to call him by his nickname recently.
Thomas smiled at her. It seemed like everyone in town knew how Beth and Rob felt about each other. He was happy to see that Beth finally saw it too. "It's beautiful. By the way, tell Rob that he still has my tablet from last week. I'll need that back soon."
"I'll tell him," she said with a slight smile. "I'm pretty sure that his is back now. He got something delivered yesterday." Beth picked up her purse again, said goodbye and left the security area. The waiting area was empty as well, as she passed through and outside into the bright sunlight. The air was cool for mid-March, but Beth felt comfortable. Just like any temperature she had ever encountered since morphing into her new form. Since that time she only wore skirts or shorts and a tee shirt. She never wore long pants or a coat. Most of the time she didn't even wear anything on her feet, other than the caribou skin boots that Annie had given her as a Christmas gift. She didn't need boots and most wouldn't fit her anyway, but they were too beautiful not to wear.
After letting her eyes adjust to the bright sunlight and sniffing the cool salty breeze, Beth headed off toward home. It was a good walk from the correctional facility that her dad was being held at, but Beth liked to be outside in the fresh air. She had even slept outside on several nights when the house seemed too small and confined. There was a time when she thought that she would never get comfortable living in the Arctic, now she couldn't think of living anywhere else. She loved everything about it, but most importantly, she loved the people that she had met here.
Two people in particular had become very important to Beth. It was almost impossible to decide who came first, so she didn't even try. Annie was her best friend in the world. She was closer than anyone Beth had ever known before, and she was the first person to accept her when she moved here. Annie, and her mother Christina, had taken her into their home after her father had been arrested. They had given her more than just a place to live, they shared their home with her. Beth hoped that, one day, she would be able to repay them for all that they had done. While Beth thought about her best friend and all that she had done, the second person in Beth's life popped into view; literally.
"I was wondering when you'd show up," Beth teased. Ukalik stood a few metres away dressed in his caribou jacket and pants with an energy drink in one hand. He was hardly ever seen without one these days.
"It took a little while to find you," he explained. "I thought you would still be at the jail. Why did you leave so soon?"
"Oh, it was my dad again," she started to explain. Ukalik just sighed. He had seen what effect her father had on Beth and hated the man because of it. "Take a guess what he's done this time."
"What now?" he asked. It was never a good thing when Beth came back from a visit with her dad in a bad mood.
"He's getting a transfer to another jail!" she answered. "He can't get rid of me, so he's making it so I can't see him anymore."
Ukalik thought of the news as a mixed blessing. Having her father out of the picture might be the best thing for Beth for a while. She needed to start thinking about herself, instead of what he thought of her. But Beth wouldn't see it that way and would be upset. Instead of making any comment, Ukalik tried to get closer and give her a hug, but the heat coming off Beth was too much for him. He could feel it even through his thick outer clothing.
"Turn down the heat, Sizzle," he teased. "You're going to melt the place again."
Beth felt herself blush as much at the nickname as at his comment. She was thankful that her thick fur didn't let him see it. "Sorry," she said quietly. "That's the second time today, and I though I was getting such a good handle on it."
"It's him. After all this time and everything that you've seen him do, you still want to be 'daddy's little girl'," he commented. Then added quickly, "It's just another one of the things I love about you."
The heat radiating off of Beth stopped abruptly as she stepped closer for a hug. "You always know the right thing to say," she said before kissing him. Beth and Ukalik walked, hand in hand, to her home. The walk from Iqaluit's correctional facility to Beth's home normally took about half an hour, but neither of them were in a hurry. They walked slowly through their small frozen town, making their way home, talking the entire time. As they stepped through the door, they were greeted by the smell of Christina's stew.
"Hey, Rob," yelled Christina from the kitchen. "I hope you can stay for dinner, we set a place for you."
Rob turned to Beth and asked, "How does she do that? I never told anyone that I'd be walking you home."
"You do most of the time, anyway," explained Beth. "She likely just guessed."
Beth kicked off her boots and headed for the kitchen to help, leaving Rob in the front hall to undress from his thick outer clothes. After removing his coat, boots, gloves and outer pants he made his way into the kitchen as well.
"Mmm, smells great! Can I help with anything?" he asked.
Christina smiled as she replied, "It's okay, everything is on the table. Go help yourself."
Rob and Christina made their way into the dining room to find Beth sitting with Annie, talking about her visit to see her dad. He could easily see that Beth was upset, but she was keeping her emotions in tight control. Annie's tight hug was also helping her.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, sweetie," commented Christina as she took her seat. "I really hoped that he would come around some day. But you're always welcome here, you know that."
"I know," replied Beth. "And I really appreciate that, but..." She didn't know how to bring up the subject. Everyone in town had been so friendly to her since she changed, particularly the three sitting at the table with her. She was afraid that what she had to say would hurt their feelings.
"But we're not family," Christina added with an understanding smile. "We understand," she said for the group. Both Rob and Annie seemed confused for a moment, before nodding as well. "I may think of you as another daughter, but it's not the same."
"That's why I want to find someone," added Beth quietly. "I hope you don't think I'm crazy."
Annie was the first to answer. "We all know this has been hard on you. If you need to go looking for someone from your family, we'll try to help too. Right Rob?"
"Of course," he answered immediately. "We just want you to be happy."
Beth took a deep breath before blurting out, "I want to find Sister."
Rob and Annie both looked at each other in shock. Christina was the only one that didn't seem to be surprised by Beth's statement. Before either Annie or Rob could say anything, she asked, "Are you sure you want to? You might not be able to find her."
"I've been thinking about her a lot recently," Beth started to explain. "I don't know why, but I feel like I need to find her." Beth struggled to explain what she felt and why it was so important, but it was just a feeling she had. A feeling that she didn't really understand herself. It was almost like Sister was calling out to her, but she didn't want to say that. They would really think she was crazy. So instead she added, "This thing with my dad leaving me, again ... It's making me think about her even more and ... I don't know. I just need to find her."
"You have no idea where she is, how will you find her?" asked Rob.
"I know where she might be," Beth said confidently. "At least, I have a good idea where she'll be in a few weeks."
Almost a full week later, Beth was walking alone across a frozen landscape again. Unlike her last journey to Long Lake, she knew where she was going and what to expect when she got there. Both Rob and Annie wanted to come with her, but she explained that they would likely scare off any bears if they caught wind of their scent. Also, she was more than capable of taking care of herself. If any of them got too curious with her, she would create her heat barrier again. Nothing could pass through that without getting seriously burned. It was this same reasoning that she used to explain her lack of supplies, or even an ATV. Anything that she brought with her would smell of people and would frighten away any bears that she encountered. So she walked to Long Lake wearing a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. She had another change of clothes in a seal skin back pack, but Beth made sure to wash them in only clean water to get any scent out of them. Reluctantly, she took an eCom with her. All three of them had refused to let her out of the house without it. As for food, she had found that she didn't need to eat like before. Since changing into a bear hybrid, Beth could go for days without eating anything and then could wolf down three meals in one sitting. Besides, there was a lot of food available for the taking. If you knew where to look for it. Or more accurately, knew where to sniff it out.
Beth expected her journey to take about three days to get there and another three days to get back. Since her teachers would only allowed two weeks off from school before she would fall too far behind, it gave her a week to find Sister. She hoped it would be enough time. It would also mean that she should be back for Toonik Tyme. Beth was actually looking forward to the festival this year. It reminded her of all her changes since last year. Not just her appearance or her abilities, but how she felt about living in Iqaluit and it's people. There were some changes that she wished had never happened, but for the most part she was happy with how things had worked out. Her dad seemed to be the biggest exception to that.
Walking along the coast brought back a lot of memories for Beth. Memories of building an ice bridge for Ukalik's uncles. Ukalik's grandfather, Anilnik, and his stories of ancestors dancing in the night sky and of spirits that lived in this land. She smiled at herself and at how all her memories seemed to include Ukalik. He was always there, helping her get through each event. She didn't want to fall in love, but it happened anyway. She remembered their first kiss with a smile. Trying to control her emotions, and the temperature, had never been harder. When she had finally given up trying a warm soothing heat wash over both of them. Each time she was with Ukalik, or even just thinking about him, she would get that same warm feeling. It would usually radiate from her as well, much to her embarrassment.
It was an uneventful journey to Long Lake that turned out to only take two days. Beth didn't know how far she would be able to walk each day and she surprised herself with her progress. She hadn't really paid much attention to her direction while walking, she just walked. It was almost like sleep walking or autopilot. Before sunset on the second day, Beth was looking down from a small hilltop overlooking Long Lake. But there was a problem. There were no bears. She could see why, there was no ice on the lake. It was complete thawed, unlike any of the lakes that she had passed during her two day journey. With daytime temperatures well below freezing, there was no reason for there to be open water on the lake, it just didn't make any sense. There was something else wrong, but Beth couldn't put her finger on what it was. Seeing open water and no bears had completely surprised her, distracting her from see anything else. After making her way down the final hillside to a small beach, Beth wanted to find out how warm the water was. She also wanted to wash after walking for two days through snow and ice. Stepping foot into the water Beth got a better sense of how warm the lake really was. While it was only a few degrees above freezing, it was significantly warmer than the surrounding land or air. She couldn't understand where it was getting extra heat from. Lakes don't just warm up on their own. There had to be something heating it and Beth decided that she would look for it as well as look for Sister.
Long shadows stretched out in front of Beth, reminding her that it was getting late. Sunset was very close and darkness would soon surround her. Beth had been far too tired to sit and watch the northern lights during her walk to Long Lake, and she found herself getting excited about seeing them again. Beth's swim made her feel much better and drying her clothes only took a little bit of heat. Sunset come soon after she was dry and the colourful light show started soon after that. She watched and smiled, watching them always made her feel relaxed and happy.
Beth couldn't remember how long she watched before falling asleep, but woke the next morning feeling more rested and relaxed than she had in months. The northern lights could be seen from town as well, but their colours were dim and faded from all the lights in town. Seeing them out here was completely different. Beth thought to herself that she would have to do this more often, but today she had things to do. After gathering things up in her small backpack, Beth walked along Long Lake's north shore.
Following this shore was an easy journey. The rolling hills seemed to all end at the waters edge. Its south shore was completely different. A sheer cliff face almost thirty metres high plunged into the lake, hiding anything that may lay beyond. Occasionally she would look south, toward the cliff face thinking she had heard something. She would wait and listen for it again, but would give up after a few minutes of nothing. It was starting to give her a bad feeling and she doubted that there was a sound at all, just her imagination playing tricks with her.
Only a few hours later, Beth stood at the western edge of Long lake looking down its cascading waterfall. Following this she could easily see the river as it made its way north, before turning sharply west and out to the coast only a few kilometres away. Standing there taking in the sight, Beth noticed some movement along the river. After a few minutes, she was able to see that a lone bear was making its way upstream. She was too far away to be able to tell if it was male or female, let alone if it was Sister. There was one way to find out quickly, but it could be dangerous if it turned out to be another bear. Walking north and down hill, Beth got to a point where she was directly up wind of the approaching bear and waited. She could still see it getting closer when it suddenly stopped in its tracks. Raising up on its hind legs and lifting its head high into the air, Beth know that it had caught her scent. Now she watched even more closely than ever to see what it would do next.
Beth was able to relax when Sister bobbed her head up and down and let out a loud roar, showing that she wanted to play. Jogging the short distance to where Sister was, Beth was surprised to see how much she had grown since last year. Remembering Mother's size Beth figured that Sister was full grown now and she seemed a little larger than Mother had been. As she got closer, Sister stood up again on her hind legs and looked down at Beth. Sister was about another head taller than Beth, but it was odd for her to be looking up at anyone. Sister almost seemed to be smiling at her and she took it as a good sign. She cautiously stepped closer still until they were able to hug.
"Now this is a bear hug," Beth said with a chuckle. Sister made a gentle noise in agreement.
Dropping back down onto all four paws, Sister stiffed Beth from head to toe and through her backpack as well. Beth could still smell the salt water in Sister's fur and assumed that she had been swimming in the sea earlier that day. A loud growl from Beth's stomach reminded her that it had been three days since she had eaten anything. Since they were so near the fishing spot Mother had shown them last year during their journey upstream, Beth decided to go fishing again. She also didn't know when she would be able to eat again. Sister and Mother had never gone fishing or hunting at Long Lake, so Beth didn't know if there was anything for them when they returned.
After they had both finished catching and eating their fish, Beth and Sister resumed their walk upstream. On a whim, Beth crossed the river before they reached the water falls and headed toward Long Lake's south shore. Her uneasy feeling from that morning had made her curious, and with Sister at her side she felt more sure of herself. By late afternoon they where about to crest another small hill and start their downhill journey around Long Lake.
Beth stopped and stared at the scene ahead of them. Smoke or steam was rising into the air, but was quickly blown away by a strong wind only a few metres above a few buildings almost hidden in a small valley. Sister sniffed the air and then sneezed a few times, apparently not liking whatever she was able to smell. Slowly walking closer to get a better look, Beth was able to see the whole complex of nearly a dozen buildings, towers, trucks and massive holding tanks. Several people where walking around working among the buildings in heavy winter gear that completely hide everybody's faces. Suddenly she noticed three lookouts with large rifles on tall towers near the perimeter. Fearing that they would be seen, Beth and Sister found a small group of rocks to hide behind until the sun set. She hoped to get a better look at their operation when it was dark without being noticed. Curling up with Sister they both rested until it was dark enough to get closer.
A loud siren woke Beth from a sound sleep. It was completely dark out and she was surprised at how long they must have been sleeping. Looking over their rock hiding place, Beth was worried that someone may have seen them. Thankfully, after only a few seconds the siren stopped, but was followed by a blinding flash of light near the centre of all the buildings. Under bright flood lights, several people could be seen coming out of nearby buildings to shift boxes and crates around that weren't there just a moment ago. Beth realized that the bright flash must have been someone teleporting in with cargo. As she watched, more boxes and crates were loaded onto the open area. When a stack of cargo a few metres high had been created, a man dressed in a heavy parka, thick pants, boots and gloves walked into its centre and it all disappeared with another bright flash of light.
Beth felt like walking in and demanding to know what they were doing and what had happened to the lake, but she knew that approach would never work. Instead, she decided to get more information about this place and who they were. Besides, something didn't look right with this place. If they were doing something illegal, barging in on them would be the worst thing to do. Beth made her way around to another vantage point and made herself comfortable in a deep, wind blown snowdrift. If she wanted to stay and watch these people, she thought she might as well be comfortable doing it. Sister didn't want to get any closer to the buildings and their smell. Instead she wandered further south, getting more space between her and these people. Since Beth wanted to watch for a while and was able to see her clearly, she let her go. She would catch up again before she got to far away.
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Elaine was waiting in the living room when Derrick arrived. She was wearing an old housedress that covered her from neck to ankles. She saw the surprise in Derrick eyes as he looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Wait until we get upstairs," she said and stepped into his arms for a long kiss. Then she took his hand and led him upstairs. "Uh... did you get to the doctor?" Derrick asked as he followed her. "I have an appointment next week." "Oh," he said. She turned and looked at...
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She’d said yes. He could hardly believe it. He had been entirely too antsy for his surroundings, the driver’s seat of his SUV. He’d smoked two cigarettes in the last 30 minutes, flicked the radio on, toyed with the volume, and then turned it off a few minutes later in case his phone rang. He’d pretended not to notice parents and grandparents looking at him strangely as they led their children into the tiny local zoo. He’d moved his vehicle from the front to a back corner of the small parking...
Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 14: I am led naked and on a leash to the Slaver House of Banu Hashim I was just another girl - just another girl being marched naked through the dusty sand covered streets of Patashqar, naked that is save for my steel collar, now with the added inscription of my slave name, Emma, and naked except for the slave bracelets locking my wrists behind my back; naked save for the iron belt locked...
Sissy Julian - Chapter X, Nights in Pink Satin by: sissystevie A double chapter as the plot thickens. Julia becomes a chambermaid, Auntie Jane's daughter Dominica returns to lend a helping whip, Julia find a school that really sucks, more is leaned about the Order, and a really kinky dinner party. It's just a quiet few days on quaint old Lake Orenda! We are leading to a conclusion of Julian's saga with only three action-filled chapters left. As always, this is a purely fanciful,...
Sawyer's parents returned. The two boys had tried to hash out a a good explanation for her presence, but there wasn't one. She'd have to stay hidden. Renee rolled onto her back. Even with the clothing pile, the floor of Zack's closet was too hard. The tiny nook was so cramped, she'd barely manage to doze off before her muscles would protest and awaken her. And she didn't know when Zack would come back. Exhaustion tugged her bones. She'd been in this blasted room for the entire...
But the doorbell was insistent, so I tied the sash around my waist and hurried to find out if I had a problem that needed my attention. When I opened the door, I saw my son’s best friend, Troy, almost carrying my son, Dale, who was clearly inebriated. “What the fuck, Troy?” I exclaimed, as I reached under one of my son’s arms to help Troy maneuver his limp body inside. Once we got him in the door, we gently flopped him down on the bottom step of the staircase directly in front of the...
Chloe Surreal is grumpily manning a table at a school bake sale. Her stepmom, Serene Siren, comes by to check how she’s doing, but is surprised to learn Chloe hasn’t made many sales. Chloe complains that things aren’t going well, and Serene points out that Chloe needs to be more enthusiastic – nobody wants to buy from a sourpuss. However, Chloe isn’t convinced. Serene makes a bet. If Serene can help get a line of customers for Chloe, then Chloe has to work harder...
xmoviesforyouI didn't know what was going on between Nat and Sheila, but I planned on finding out tonight at dinner. I knew Nat had been trying to warn me away from Sheila. His body language practically screamed MINE. Luckily, I didn't give a rat's ass what Nat's body was trying to tell me. I didn't believe in poaching, but Sheila didn't act as if there was anything romantic between her and Nat. That made it an open race as far as I was concerned. It had been a very long time since any woman had...
"goh dahh" you yawned. Your throat was dry as fuck and your water bottle was empty you sighed in annoyance and looked around the room for your underwear having slept naked,your cock flopped around as you searched for his undergarments. After a minute of pointless searching you exclaims "ah fuck it now way she's up right now.." you smacks his lips and scratches his butt cheeks as he makes his way out of his room and into the kitchen. The light from the stove shines [3:24] your sockless feet slap...
I watch you walk nervously into the restaurant, your sparkling red dress a little too short. You sit down at the table opposite me and whisper, "Sorry I'm late." I smile, my eyes glancing down to where your skirt has ridden up, exposing the black garter holding up your sheer stocking. Flicking my gaze back to your large, nervous, brown eyes I smile again. "It's okay honey, you wanted to see me?" You nod, swallowing, moving one hand up to gather your short black hair behind your ear....
I first met my wife at a party where she was the center of attention, fucking one well-hung guest and blowing another. And she kept repeating that pattern, again and again. I had spent a good part of that afternoon impressing a few of the women attending with my love for eating pussy. And since I'm a little bigger than average in the dick department, (8 inches), they appreciated pretty much everything I offered them. I was taking a recuperative break from my actions when I wandered into the...
first off i would like to thank cindy for her great writing skills!also check out my profile i am looking for sub couples and single womento produce my babies and live with the king!!We were a newly married couple, I was 20 and my pretty little wife Helen was only 18. She had been listening to older women chatting at the hairdressers about wife swapping and had been turned on by it. She eagerly told me all the gory details that she had heard and seeing that I was turned on as well, asked me if...
“Is there anything the doctor has told you that you’ve missed?” asked Hillary, rubbing Clinton’s knob over her tits. “No, I’m sure,” he sighed woefully. “It’s just not possible, I mean if you can’t do it for me, no one can darling,” he lied guiltily, thinking about Meg. His cock surged slightly at the images of his beloved Meg and Hillary felt the distant tremors. It lifted her hopes and she rubbed her hand urgently over his purple tinted dome. She aimed her face over it and let a dribble of...
Ellen and I took Kim upstairs. I could levitate myself but it was difficult to pick something else up. I wasn't like Brandon. Ellen put us into her bed and said, "You two will be more comfortable together. I'll sleep in the guest room." She was being polite as she wanted desperately to sleep with us. Kim said as she held Ellen's hand, "Stay with us. I'll feel so much safer." "But the bed isn't that big." "We can fit if we're friendly." Ellen smiled and kissed us both. She...
Ella is trying to sneak back into her house in the morning when she gets caught by her stepbrother Brad who immediately tries to tell on her. Ella begs him not to rat her out so he proposes a deal: if she does his chores for a month he’ll keep quiet. Ella agrees and comes out wearing a sexy maid outfit before starting to do the chores. Brad can’t help but stare at her ass so Ella makes a counter offer, she’ll give him a handjob if he takes some days off her sentence. Brad is hooked now, so he...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! Hi there! I am Rashi. I live in Mumbai and am married for the last four years. I want to share a strange incident of infidelity that happened with me (which I liked very much) with all of you folks. I married early in life. I was 18 when I married Ranveer, my husband, who owns a small garments store about 3 kilometers from our house. The house we live in is quite small but has ample space to settle down comfortably. As you may have guessed I am 22 and...
EroticKhloe Kapri arrives home early from school, because her last class of the day got canceled. To her surprise, the hallway is full of packed luggage, and there’s a handwritten note from her stepdad, Jay Crew. The note is addressed to Jay’s wife (Khloe’s other parent), and it says that he’s leaving her! Jay then enters the hallway and is startled to discover that Khloe is home early. He sees that Khloe read his note and becomes embarrassed, saying he was supposed to be gone...
xmoviesforyouTip: This is a slow burner loosely based on my experiences. If you want something to wank off to, skip to the chapter First Date and the options that lead off from there. Don woke to the electronic buzz from his alarm. He rolled onto his side and reached for the snooze button. On pressing it, he heard the familiar pitter-patter of feet on the stairs. "Go away!" The steps continued to his door. "Bruce, basket... Now. I'll walk you tonight." Don then bolted upright in bed. "Shit! I mentioned the...
RomanceIntroduction:Sexy buisness women always stops at the same motel each month. the service is so good, but unknown to her its far more intimate than she ever would expectLiz pulled into the parking lot of the Angel Motel as she had on many occasions. Her job in the last year had been taking her further and further a field, bringing with it the difficulties of travel. She had tried different transport options in that time and now she regularly made the eight hundred mile journey back home by car;...
I was at the football game with my son but it was tough to concentrate on the field when I knew what awaited me afterwards. It had been one week since I had properly introduced myself to my son’s new friends and now I was ready to meet the football team after their game. I was dressed like any other mother in attendance but underneath I was wearing a crotchless teddy that would surely get the boys ready to celebrate their win.“We have a great quarterback,” my son said. I heard him but I wasn’t...
TabooClaire was a little apprehensive back at home as they sat down with Neil and told him their plans. She shouldn’t have been. Neil was very enthusiastic about it and offered them his help. He offered to set up the company for them and write up the loan agreements as well as deal with any other legal matters. He also said that he would check her contract of employment just to make sure there were no restrictive covenants in it which barred her from setting up business of a similar nature in the...
CuckoldSerena Santos is on vacation with her best friend, her best friend’s boyfriend and her best friend’s brother, Peter. Serena is super bored, her best friend has just been fucking her boyfriend the whole time, they haven’t gone out at all. All the sex her best friend is having is making her jealous and horny! Peter decides he’s going to shower, the thought of that gets Serena even hornier, she starts masturbating behind the shower wall. Peter hears her faint noises of...
xmoviesforyouHi, I am here again with my next part of threesome with makan malkin & her sister. I am ravi and my mail I’d is Peechle story mein maine bataya tha ki kaise maine apne makanmalkin ko pata kar choda, ab aage. Ek baar mera makaan malik jise mein bhaiya boolata tha woh baahar gaye huye the do hafte ke liye, mujhe ye baat nahi pata thi. Mein jab college se ghar aaya toh bhabhi baahar hi khadi thi. Phir unhone mujhe andar bulaya aur boli, tumhare liye aur mere liye ek khuskhabri hai, toh maine...
A Woman In Full: Sharon's Journey Continues Part IV - Unthinkable By the weekend, Sharon had shed some of her sense of unease. Saturday morning found her in Gramercy Park, sitting with Julie and Amber while the children played. Julie's Megan and Amber's son, Jason, seemed to be spending a lot of time together. "I think he's smitten," Julie said. "And he's such a little gentleman about it." "He wouldn't dare not be," Amber said with a grin. Little Bryan began to toddle away,...
Author note: This is going to take some time to build up. I'm trying to build framework in this chapter without cutting out too many possibilities for the future. The first few chapters I write will be boring origin story stuff and little to no sexual activity. If you get too impatient, feel free to contribute. Maybe even go with an alternate timeline/reality after this chapter to get to the sex faster. Just make sure to keep continuity with this intro chapter when you go off the...
Incest(Yahiko leaps from the roof with a mighty yell. Unfortunately he lands, on his feet, but rather painfully.) Tsubame: Yahiko-chan! Yahiko: I told you not to call me that!! Tsubame: Sorry! Yahiko: Throw away any stupid thoughts of stealing! Or else Myoujin Yahiko of the Tokyo samurai is your opponent! Fighter: You brat! I'll make you eat those words!! (Yahiko blocks his stroke, then gives his a blow to the stomach. He follows it up with a strike to the face, knocking him out.) Yahiko...
This is just a fictional fanasty story about Sophie Starxxx hooking up with her favorite male pornstar* Lee Stone. Enjoy!!! Sophie Starxxx & Lee Stone In ‘The Blow Up Bed.’ An air mattress fully blown up sits in the den. Sophie Star appears wearing only shiny hot pink skin tight latex boots. Sophie rubs her pussy down with two fingers. Shes carrying a bottle of baby oil. Sophie pours the oil over her huge 36 double d’s. Her tittys shine when she rubs her nipples in the oil. Sophie moans as...
A few months ago, I would not have dreamed that I would be in this situation. Not that the situation is necessarily bad, but the utterly blatant ethical breaches that I have committed sometimes weigh heavily on my conscience. Were they to ever be revealed to the licensing board, my career as a clinical psychologist would come to an abrupt end. I had settled into middle age cruise control. At fifty-four, I had been married nearly twenty-five years and practiced my profession from a small,...
Consciousness returned slowly. The bed was hard. My arm ached. Light was too bright when I opened my eyes. I saw chrome; sunlight reflecting painfully off the chrome frame of a wall mirror. Noise intruded in the form of a constant background hubbub. Smell arrived; rubbing alcohol, Pine-Sol floor cleaner. The sheets felt rough, starched, institutional. "How are you feeling, Mr. McDaniel?" Just turning my head hurt. My brain was painful. An Asian nurse smiled at me as she picked up a...
Grace smiled at the guy who had gotten mad at her, "I think this is where you tell me what your name is." She said after a few minutes of just staring at him and having her hand out. The man laughed and shook her hand. "Ya I guess you are right. My name is Mathew but most people call me Matty." He replied his eyes looking down at her warmly. "Nive to meet you Matty!" Grace said returning the smile he was giving her. "So what kind of drinks do tehy have here?" Matty asked trying to make small...
Love StoriesWe did actually meet the guy but he did turn out to be too big for her but this is what all three of us hoped would happen.A BIG ONE IN BRADENTON My wife, Hazel, and I, had been posting pictures on a site called World Wide Wives for about a year and the response had been fantastic. After every posting, her in-box was overflowing. We'd even met a couple of guys off the site for some sexy fun. Hazel enjoyed the attention of two men and we had plenty of offers. After one particular posting, the...
The plane banked and cabin lights came on. The captain’s voice sounded above the engines, “Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We’ve been diverted to Barkley Regional Airport in Paducah. I’ll give you an update when we have one. Attendants, take your seats and prepare for immediate landing.” Beside me, Chastity stirred and snuggled closer. She rubbed her eyes, looked a question at me, and I responded with a shrug that woke Becky. Except for my car parked in Nashville, this...
The soldiers were anxious but waited until we got to the top of the steps. One man took part of my burden and said, "What happened?" He was overcome with what he saw. His breathing rate increased. I think it was just excitement." Two men wanted to leave and took a few steps when I said, "Do you really want to die that much. They stopped and put their hands on their swords and so did some of the others. I just looked calmly at each of them and they took their hands away from their...
This story is about me and my babydoll Sana. I have described her in my first story In which I fucked Niketa,bt still i’ll describe her again for the new readers. Sana is a very.b’ful girl..ek dam rasila maal..aaisi ki aap ko usko chune mein bhi lage ki,woh gandi ho jaiyegi.Kyunki woh thi hi itni soft aur gori..aur skin to uski glow marti thi…main bhi fair hun,but uske saath mein dusky lagta tha..haha..jab main usko chuta to bade dhyan aur dheere se. She was a girl with a tag “handle with...
Hi friends, mein iss ka regular reader hu. Aaj mein aap sabko apna ek real experience batane jaa raha hu. Esse pehle mein bata du ki mera naam sameer hai, mein 22 yr. Old. Mumbai se hu. Ager koi girl/bhabhi/aunty mujse safe sex karna chahe to ye baat hamare beech hi rahegi. Ab story suno…yeh baat un dino ki hai jab mein 11th standard mein tha and i was just 17yrs old, that time i was not so much aware of sex and all. But thodi si curiosity thi mann mei…to know abt sex. Mere goan ek chachi thi...
After we ate dinner, I could tell you were waiting for your “dessert” that I had planned for you. I was washing some simple dishes when you came up behind me, wrapped your strong arms around my waist. You gently kissed me sending shivers down my spine. “Now, don’t be in such a rush.” I dried my hands off and turned to face you. “I want you to remember this night forever.” I gave you a slight kiss on the nose. You smiled and picked me up to carry me into the bedroom. I giggled at the nice...
Straight SexGoing to school in Princeton was a privelege I enjoyed immensely, especially being a Phillies fan. I had grown up in Pennsylvania Dutch country in the southeastern part of the state and my parents were well enough off to pay the huge costs of Ivy League. Two years after beginning my college life, my sister Naomi graduated high school and started attending nearby Ryder college, partly because my parents wanted her to feel safe - that her brother was only minutes away. Naomi and I were "okay"...
February, 1983, Chicago, Illinois Our first joining since the previous summer was slow and sweet, trying to express our deep love for each other through the motions of our bodies. When we finished, Karin held me tight and refused to let me move off of her. “Sleep there, please,” she whispered. I kissed her once more then adjusted my pillow so that I could rest my head next to hers. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but it was what Karin wanted. The feel of her firm body under mine,...
Zane adjusted his tie for the tenth time in the span of a few minutes. He looked good he hoped. It was at least the best he could do. A second-hand suit that didn't look that used up. Many would call it cheap. For a welfare rat like him, it was months of saving up. He had gotten it for a job interview two years ago. One that didn't pan out. Now he had a new one and hope filled his heart. Even if his actual chances were low. The maglev train slowed down and Zane knew this was his stop....
Die Story soll mehrere unterschiedliche Geschichten miteinander verbinden. Je unterschiedlicher die Geschichtsstränge sind desto besser. Aber bitte achtet im jeweiligen Strang auf den jeweiligen Textzusammenhang. Das Herder-Gymnasium in Neustadt liegt an einem nahe gelegenen See umringt von viel Wald. Es liegt etwas abseits, aber ist durch den Busbahnhof sehr gut an die Stadt und die umliegenden Dörfer angegliedert. Zur Innenstadt benötigen die Schüler meist nur eine halbe Stunde. Mehr...
Cara and Lori had been roommates at nursing college, so it seemed natural that they should share and apartment when they graduated. I had been friendly with Lori’s younger sister, in high school. I finished college and got a junior management job with a courier firm.The job required I move to the city, and Lori was the only one I knew there.I called Lori about helping me find a place to rent close to the airport which is where I would be working.Lori remembered me from high school, and said...
LesbianDay Two The next morning I was getting ready for the first actual day of classes at the conference. I had just finished taking a shower in my motel room when I heard a knock at my door. I wrapped a towel around me and opened the door. It was the guy I met at the conference and played with last night. I invited him in. The first thing he said to me as he came in the door was "You know, we probably ought to at least know each other's first names, don't ya think? My name is Rick."I laughed and...
Rebecca (MMF, wife-sharing, reluc?) by Anonymous Author Don't read if you're u******e... or don't care to read about fantasies of sex with someone outside of one's marriage. I'll start off by saying that my wife and I have been married for 16 years and sex was becoming a bit stale and uneventful. I enjoy fantasizing and suggested a fantasy involving her and two men but her reaction was, "You couldn't love me if you really wanted that..." It became a 'special occasion only' fantasy that she...
Loud footsteps echoed amidst the quiet late evening... A person walking... and dragging a luggage... Footwear? Sandals... thin, with flat soles... Pace? relaxed but hurrying... Jiggling sound... must be bracelets... A woman... Without taking his fingers off the computer keyboard, Tamers averted his eyes towards the glass front doors waiting to confirm his guess. Three seconds later, she appeared out of the corner. The woman was Caucasian. Her long dark hair was tied into a bun with a...
When Mom came back with the pizza, she had composed herself. Her robe was tightened at the waist and her face had lost some of the flush. The pinkness remaining on her cheeks was probably due to the wine. She put the pizza on the coffee table and sat down. “I’ll get more wine,” I said as I stood up. Fortunately my erection had subsided somewhat. I picked up the nearly empty bottle. We normally only had one bottle on Friday nights. I quickly emptied the last into her glass and rushed off to...
Losing my job devastated me. All my life I'd learned that the man must support his family. Any man who can't be the breadwinner is not a man; he's a loser - beneath contempt. Being a stock broker only made this worse. I was used to pushing around lots of money, of being in total control over people's lives. Now I'd lost control of my own. I could push anyone around: a multi-national company, a millionaire client, my wife. For weeks, I woke up every morning wishing I could just crawl into a hole...