Orphan Annie Has a New Home
- 2 years ago
- 29
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The only person in the den was a man with graying hair, a clean-shaven face, and a suit that probably cost more than I would make in a year. He sat behind a desk that was made of dark wood, which was polished to a high sheen. The rest of the furnishings looked just as extravagant, just as expensive. Part of me knew this all belonged to my deceased biological mother, but another part hoped the first part was wrong. I didn’t want things this expensive. I just wanted answers to a few personal questions and then I would leave for home, content that my life would go on without any undue fuss.
When the man looked up, something told me it wouldn’t be that simple.
He stood up and said, “Mr. Connors.” He had a deep, resonating voice, the kind that could carry a distance and made him sound authoritative. He held out his hand to shake. “I am Steven Van Dusen, the family attorney.”
I crossed the room and shook his hand.
“Please, have a seat,” He said. He waved at a pair of green leather armchairs on my side of the desk as he sat down.
I pulled one a bit closer to the desk and sat down.
He opened a folder and sifted through the papers inside. “I have been the family lawyer for a very long time. I was here when your sister was born. I was here when you were born. I was also here when you died.” He looked at the papers as he talked. “After your mother died, I pulled out her will and read it to make sure everything was in order. I discovered that she had not updated it after your death. I grew concerned. If the wrong person found out about this, with the right documentation, he could take advantage.” He looked up.
I met his eyes and could tell he was a man who was rarely surprised, if ever. “I’m not here to take advantage. Hayden was my biological mother, but I never knew her.”
He stared at me for a moment and then said, “I also find this difficult, because your mother, err ... Ms. Rosenbaum hired me to help with the arrangements for your death.”
I stared back at him. I had nothing to say about that. It wasn’t as if I’d had any say in the matter when it occurred.
“I don’t like surprises,” he said. “Yet I was surprised when your sister told me that you were alive a few weeks ago.”
I nodded. “I’ve been surprised by a great number of things since I left for college. What I don’t get is why you’re telling me all of this now. You could have said something over the phone when you called.”
He nodded with a grunt. “You are correct. However, before I leveled any accusations, I wanted more information, and it takes time to gather it.”
“And what have you learned?”
He squinted at me, as if he was sharpening his focus. “I did not become a partner at my firm without knowing things, Mr. Connors. One of my duties is to confirm anything that might jeopardize this family by way of legalities. When your sister informed me that you were alive, I of course had to confirm it. I hired a number of different private investigators who all collected similar data that confirmed you are, without any doubt in my mind, Seth Rosenbaum, later renamed Seth Connors.”
“I take it you have the paperwork to prove this?” I asked and he nodded. “Could you send copies to a lawyer I know in Texas?”
He nodded, took up a pen, and wrote down Linda’s information as I gave it to him.
When he looked up again, I said, “If you don’t mind my asking, I’d like to know how she died.”
He studied me with a somber expression. “The official cause of death is heart failure.”
I frowned. “Isn’t that the default when the real cause cannot be determined?”
“Yes,” He said. “And I will add that the coroner who performed her autopsy is very good, very thorough.”
“If there was an autopsy, then foul play was suspected,” I said. “Do you have a copy of the police report?”
“The investigation is still open, but cold,” he said. “I may be able to gather what little data the police have, if you wish.”
I nodded. “Yes, please.” Valory was convinced that someone killed Hayden by magical means. She even mentioned something about a Sheriff looking into the death. However, the Sheriff’s official conclusion was that it wasn’t a magical death while Valory said it was. It made me wonder what they each knew, and how the differences lead to different conclusions. The police report wouldn’t hold that kind of information. I would have to talk to the Sheriff Magus who looked into this if I decided to investigate it myself.
For mundane answers though, Mr. Van Dusen was very good. His mentioning the coroner made me wonder if the Magus community had an equivalent. Emma, my first Stirpe, was a heart doctor and used Magic to help heal her patients. It was never anything outright obvious. She would correct the rhythm of a heartbeat or correct problems during surgery. She did not, however, try to completely stave off death for all of her patients though, and as far as I knew, she had never performed anything like a Magical autopsy on anyone either. I would have to ask her if she had ever heard of such a thing. I might even ask if she knew of anyone in this part of the country who could, but that would have to wait until later.
Returning my thoughts to Mr. Van Dusen, I said, “I suppose that’s all I wanted to know for now. If I should come up with any other questions though...”
“I am continuing my duties as family lawyer,” Mr. Van Dusen said. “Which now extends to you when you are in this part of the country. I would have to brush up on Texas laws and pass their Bar exam to work there.”
I shook my head. “I have a lawyer in Texas, thank you.”
He smiled and nodded. “Shall we?”
I nodded too.
“Ms. Rosenbaum’s will was very concise. She left the entire estate to you and your sister. The details regarding the estate are included in the paperwork I’ve taken the liberty to copy for you in this packet.” He placed a sealed packet on the desk in front of me. “For the most part that was all, except for one detail she left specifically for you. She left a video for you to watch here, in Florence Manor. Your eyes only.”
With that, Mr. Van Dusen opened a laptop that had been sitting on the desk. He started an application and turned the laptop to face me. Then he stood up. “Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you when the video is complete. I’ll be in the kitchen, getting some coffee.”
I nodded, watched him leave, and then turned to the laptop. I couldn’t imagine what my biological mother could possibly say in a video that could make up for seventeen years of not being there for me. I wasn’t angry with her, exactly. The hardships I had lived through weren’t from my family, but the town we lived in. It made me wonder briefly what my life would have been like if I had grown up with her rather than them. I would certainly know more about the world of Magic than I do now, but would I have been as outraged with her death as Valory seemed to be? Would I have gone with her to seek out Hayden’s murderer? Would I be under the same geas?
I shook my head. I had many questions that would never know answers, and it was pointless to ask them. For a moment, I thought about leaving the message alone. It wasn’t out of spite. I had a life to live and anything she said in the video would probably try to change that. Unfortunately, I would always wonder what she wanted to say. My curiosity got the better of me and I hit play on the application.
The video started with static and then the picture cleared up showing me a woman’s face that I only recognized from Valory’s memories. It was Hayden Rosenbaum, our mother. After a few seconds, she looked side to side, as if checking her room for something. Then she looked at the camera again. “Good, we’re alone. I can forego this format and we can have a real conversation.”
I frowned and shook my head. Whatever she had been thinking at the time, she apparently didn’t understand how video worked. She could talk to me, but I couldn’t ask her any questions.
She leaned forward to stand up, and, as she rose, the frame of the application nor the laptop cut her off. She rose up out of the laptop.
I pushed my chair back, watching as Hayden rose up to stand in front of the desk. I had seen Rho walk through things on a number of occasions and it still unnerved me. This reminded me of those times. Was she an interactive magical construct, like Rho?
She stretched as if she had been sitting in a car for a long road trip. The stretch also reminded me of how some of my girls would stretch in front of me, showing off their bodies, enticing me to make a move. A fleeting thought went by: did all women learn to stretch like that or was it just me? Whatever the answer, it gave me the chance to take in her details.
She wore a black spaghetti strap top. It hugged her full, firm breasts pleasantly, and as she stretched the hem of the top pulled up from the edge of her skirt, showing off a line of her tight midriff, like an invitation for me to reach out and touch her. The skirt was multi-colored, hung low on her hips, and flowed around her legs to the floor. I couldn’t see her feet.
She relaxed and looked at me. Her eyes were more than simply brown. Several rings of different shades circled her pupils. On the inside, closest to her pupils were a soft tan, then a soft brown, and finally something close to mahogany. Her tousled auburn hair made her looked as if she’d just woken up and hadn’t had time to brush it out yet, yet it worked on her. She looked much younger than what I recalled from Valory’s memories.
“There,” she said, and looked herself over. “That’s better.” She looked at me again. “Seth, I know this must come as a shock, but I am an interactive magical construct. We can talk like normal, and do more as the situation calls for it.”
Apparently, I had guessed correctly. I originally met Rho in a magical environment that acted as a transition area between reality and the stasis fields Valory and I had entered when we both tried to end the Lockdown. As frustrated as I was with myself for not figuring this out, I also felt relief since I understood how she climbed out of the laptop like that. She couldn’t interact with physical objects. Rho said she could only touch me. I wondered if that held true for all constructs. I stood up. “You’re like Rho.”
She smiled softly, as if I had said something cute. “I’m sorry for this but...” and then she lunged at me.
I didn’t believe she could touch me, but that didn’t stop me from raising my arms and pulling away.
Not only could she touch me, she hugged me. It wasn’t a bear hug though. She wasn’t trying to hurt me. It took a few seconds for me to relax as I realized that she simply wanted to hug her son.
“I know this must seem strange,” she said with her face half-muffled against my chest, “but I’ve wanted to hug you for a very long time.”
I relaxed more and more. Finally, I settled my arms around her and hugged her in return. It was all I could think of. Maybe it was because she was a construct. Maybe it was because I didn’t really know her. Whatever the case, I didn’t get anything from the hug.
After a moment, she pulled back enough to look up at me. Her eyes searched my face or maybe she just wanted to take in the details. She smiled softly and said, “You’ve grown into such a handsome young man. The last time I saw you, you were in junior high.”
I frowned just a touch. If everything I had learned was true, then she knew it was time to awaken me. Did she come looking for me to help with that, or was there another reason? I didn’t recall seeing her – ever.
She gave me one more, tight hug, as if it would be her last one, and then pulled away. She smiled up at me and wiped at her eyes. There was a sadness to her. It went along with the way she was acting. She obviously missed me, but that didn’t explain why she had given me up. She shook her head, as if trying to shake away the emotions. “You know about Rho. Did Valory tell you?”
I watched her. “Not directly,” I said. Talking to a construct that looked like Hayden felt odd. “I’m not sure how much you know, but a lot has happened since ... you died.”
Her brow furrowed and she nodded. She looked down at her own hands. “I know. This is weird. I look like your dead mother. For that matter, I’m acting like your dead mother.” She looked up again. “You may as well refer to me as Hayden. I know most of what she did.”
I waved over to the chair next to the one I had been sitting in. “Sit down. We’ll talk.”
She sat down, folding her hands in her lap. She fidgeted for a few seconds and then said, “I would love to talk at length, but – as you may understand it – I am only a sub-spell cast on my copy of Rho. I don’t have much time.”
I sat down too. She seemed regretful, and part of me felt sorry for her, yet I knew there was a reason Hayden had set this up. She needed to tell me and getting all teary-eyed wasn’t going to make it happen any faster. I nodded at her, indicating that she should tell me.
“There is a lot I need to tell you and I wish that it would be me that does so, but Rho will have to fill in the finer details after I’m gone.”
“You’re here now,” I said and waved for her to start.
She nodded. “I’m sure you know about the Council and the Laws of Secrecy,” she said and I nodded. “Both were created at the end of the American Civil War and because of it. A number of Magi supported the southern states. They wanted to help them secede from the North. Only, they didn’t act as advisors who stood in the background. They walked the trenches with the regular soldiers. They used spells to both help those soldiers and to decimate the northern forces.”
I sat back in my seat. “Did the North have supporters?”
“Yes, but they were advisors. They didn’t get directly involved in the fighting. If the Southern supporters hadn’t helped, the North would have won much sooner and with much less bloodshed.”
Orphan By Susan Brown Chapter 1 As we travelled along in the car, I wondered what would become of me. I thought back two weeks ago and remembered with horror when I found out that my parents had died coming back from a new year's party. It was 1969 when they left and it was now 1970. I had been tucked up in bed and fast asleep. I had only just turned 11 and was considered too young to stay up very late; as my...
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I made it back to my car without being accosted by anyone, unless Rho’s non-stop comments on everything from the color of the sky to the way that I walk counts. I unlocked and climbed into my car. She was already in the passenger seat. “You do know how much worse that could have gone, don’t you?” she asked in a sober tone. Her question didn’t bother me as much as her sudden change in personality and clothes. Gone were the skin-tight threads, replaced by an elegant dress and corset. Her hair...
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Without any preamble, Alyssa walked into the house and stopped in the breakfast nook where Mom sat at the table with her lunch and a glass of wine. She set the box on the table and said, “Mom, you and I have to talk.” “Alyssa, slow down,” I said, catching her elbow. Touching her would distract her, thanks to our bond, but she jerked away from me. “No, I want answers.” Mom, as calm as ever, set her sandwich down. She took a quick sip of wine, set the glass down again, and looked at Alyssa....
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Sheila lay in front of me, with her legs spread wide and expectation etched into her face. I should have known better than to talk to her at all. I should have refused this, but I ran with it. I didn’t see any other options. I didn’t know any way to make it work in my favor. So, I was stuck. I made a magical agreement with her and I had to fulfill my part of that bargain. I had to make her cum. There was only one thing that might help me, and to use it, I had to touch her. I could glean her...
I watched Sheila walk off toward a dark blue Mazda. She climbed in, started the car, and left. She was lucky she found me after we arrived. I had to be more careful. If anyone else found me, if anyone got lucky, then my luck would run out. I didn’t need the Sheriff finding out that I was in the city limits again after I had agreed to stay out. It made me nervous. I looked toward the store and spotted Alyssa and Kelly with two carts full of food. Either the house was almost bare or they went...
I heard a knock at the door, a loud one. It wasn’t to the bedroom door. Maybe the front door of the house. I remembered both where I was and what I had been doing all night. I sat bolt upright, with only a comforter covering my naked body. I looked around, ready to wake up my Kelly and Alyssa, but found that I was alone. The body I thought I was curled up with was actually a full-body pillow. While warm, soft, and comfortable, it wasn’t the same as a real body – especially a woman’s body....
The three of use left that little room. Jenkins was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he went back to the front desk. I didn’t know and was simply thankful I didn’t have to worry about him for the moment. The Sergeant led our short procession to the back of the station, followed by Mr. Van Dusen, and then myself. As we walked, I focused on the Sergeant. Anna put a geas on him once. I didn’t want her to do it again. By the time we reached the Sergeant’s office, I had the spell in mind. It wasn’t...
We arrived at the Motel 6 in Emporia shortly before noon. The buildings looked their age, especially with all the snow. There were several strings of Christmas lights along the lower edges of the upper levels, as well as lining the windows to the front office, and a Christmas tree stood next to one of the windows in the office too. The Motel looked relatively empty, but then for all I knew, they were normally always slow this time of year. It wasn’t as if Emporia was known around the Nation...
The officers drove me further into town to talk to a medical examiner. I couldn’t say how long it took us to get there, since I wasn’t exactly in my headspace during the ride. Rho remained by my side, though the officers didn’t realize it. She even dressed down for the depressing possibility of what I had to face. She wore a simple black dress that covered her to her knees yet hugged her as if it belonged to her little sister. She also had on a wide-brimmed black hat, black stockings, and...
The drive home was quiet. Rho stayed with me most of the way. I asked her more questions about how to find the locket, but she couldn’t think of anything. I also asked about how to tell my family about Dad. Again, she was no help. She finally decided that she wasn’t needed and disappeared. I knew I could call her back, if for no other reason than for some company, but she wasn’t the kind of company I needed, so I drove the last half an hour alone. I pulled into the driveway only to find two...
I stood in the foyer, shivering from cold, and holding a woman to whom I never thought I would get this close. She shivered too. We had been outside, and fallen in a heap in the snow. For the most part, my jeans and dad’s old work jacket saved me from getting soaked, but Olive hadn’t been as fortunate. She had a long, fur-lined coat, which was heavy and could keep a snowman warm, but it couldn’t work as well while unbuttoned and open, as it currently was. She wanted to show me what she wore...
I stood at the open doorway to the master bath. Leaning against the wall next to the doorway, I couldn’t see the tub. “You wanted to talk, Olive?” I called. “I would rather talk face to face,” she said. I couldn’t hear any movement, which either meant she was neck deep in the water, as I had been when I had to warm up, or the tub was empty and she was doing something I couldn’t hear. I could easily imagine what she was doing. I had seen enough of her in the car to know what she looked like...
Olive’s eyes watched my face as she knelt to take off my shoes and socks. She observed my reactions as she unfastened my pants and pulled them off. She kept her eyes on mine as she gently drew down my underwear. She couldn’t help herself when my erection sprang out and slapped the side of her face, however. She grabbed it, realized what she held, glanced up at my face, and then openly gawked at it. I thought I heard something in the bedroom. I looked that way and focused on listening, but I...
I knew it would simplify things if it appeared I had never been in the tub with Olive, therefore I pulled my clothes back on to sounds of her disapproving sighs. When I was ready, I went to the bedroom to try to find something for her to wear. Lisa stood next to the closet door. Her eyes widened with surprise when she saw me, but before she could say anything, I held up a finger over my lips, indicating she should remain silent. I heard Olive padding her way toward me, as she said, “Does...
Mom went to open the front door. I stuffed the key into my pocket as I moved into the darkness of the kitchen. I walked over to the doorway closest to the entry and pulled out my phone. I wanted to use the camera feature to look around the doorway and see who was there without letting them see me. “Mrs. Connor, is Seth here?” I recognized the blue hair. It belonged to Stefany from Shirley’s. There were also two brunettes and two blondes. I knew them from school, but I couldn’t recall their...
While Anna and Rawlings discussed what they could and could not do, I wrested myself loose from Lisa and moved around the island to stand by Mom. Lisa refused to let me get too far away and followed me. I leaned toward mom and quietly asked, “Are you wearing any jewelry?” She blinked at me. “Yes, but this isn’t the time...” I shook my head. “What are you wearing?” I wasn’t trying to be coy. Instead, I gave her my most sincere and serious face. She studied my expression and then said, “It’s...
I returned to the living room to find both Lisa and her mother sitting on the couch. Lisa sat closer to the chair, but at least I wouldn’t have to fight off her wondering hands. I sat on the chair with both necklaces in hand. Both of them continued to glow. No one had mentioned the glow so either I was the only one privy to it because I had worn the key for so many days already or because I was a Magus. If the latter reason was the case, then why didn’t Anna react to it? Maybe she either...
Something woke me up. “What was that?” Lisa asked, half-asleep. I shook my head. “I hope it’s not your parents.” “Don’t even joke about that.” We lay there, holding each other and drifting off again when I heard something. The only way to describe it would be a soft explosion. I looked up at my only window. The sun was up but there was another glow too. A flickering, fiery glow that reminded me of the light coming from the fireplace. Then I recalled seeing fire that wasn’t in a...
Two days after the fight with Ricardo, we held the funeral for Wayne Bernard Connors. Lisa’s parents showed up, as did a number of people from town who knew dad. Preacher William Littlewood presided. We even bought dad a coffin even though there was nothing but ashes to bury. Mom insisted. After the funeral, Mom, Alyssa, and I met with Mr. Van Dusen for the reading of the will. Dad left mom everything from the safe deposit box, which included the deed to the house and the small bit of land it...
We were both orphans, her by an act of God, me by an act of parental choice. Her last year of High School was spent with her paternal grandmother after her mom and dad were killed in a tornado. I spent my entire life living with different 'nannies' and 'governesses' because my parents were too busy to bother with the 'accident' they spawned. Yeah, I know. You're saying 'poor little rich kid' right now. Well, big deal. They say that money can't buy happiness, they're right. It only...
Paul Simon's classic song Graceland drifts through the car radio, and fills my head with her image. It's as if she's sitting next to me, her bare feet on the bash board singing out-of-tune with the rhythmic beat of the uneven tarmac. For a woman in her mid-sixties my mother knew a good song when she heard one, and this is one of her favourites. Pushing the volume button and I join her in an imaginary duet: Memphis - Tennessee, I'm going to Graceland. There's an overwhelming sense of deja-vu as...
TabooThe life was so well enjoyed that the three women did not waste any movement. Since the business was dealt from home itself, their home was a paradise for them. People used to hardly see them coming out of the home. The most interested part was the boob sucking of Anitha by Radha and Sumitra. She was also pleasured by pussy licking which was mostly done by Sumitra and Anitha started reciprocating the activities with Radha and Sumitra. Anitha’s love towards both of them was enormous and she...
Hi, I am Raj, a good friend of Radha. This experience is as narrated by Radha to me. You can send your comments and likes to my email id Anitha dearly called as Ani Aunty was separated from her husband years ago for the reason that she could not bear a child because her womb was barren, living in a big independent duplex flat of her own. The richness of her wealth was enough for next 5 generations after her, which she inherited from her parents. She engaged herself in social services for the...
I hoped that Connie would be working the front desk again so that I could some how entice her into coming up to my room for another fuck fest. Fucking a stranger in a hotel room had to be one the hottest experiences of my life and after two weeks of thinking about it, I didn’t want to be stuck fucking my fist again when she was somewhere in the same building! Turning the corner into the lobby I couldn’t believe it; she wasn’t fucking there! In her place at the counter were an old man...
The night of the party, I arrived suitably dressed in silk boxers and an overcoat. A fiery red-head in a lace teddy greeted me at the door and put away my overcoat, then rubbed my bicep as she guided me into the main living room. Two dozen people were already present, and only six of them were male. Already, the imbalanced ratio told me this was going to be a fun party. A blue party cup full of some toxic mixture was handed to me, and then I joined the main group lounging on cushions and...
Well no problem with morning wood today! Just picturing Mark possibly peeking at Lisa’s cute ass, and his certain frustration if he did, got me going again. Yeah, I was gonna have to wake Lisa up for more – NOW! I started to gently kiss the nape of her neck and she stirred, rolling towards me, starting a deep kiss. Then she jumped up a little, panicked, realizing she was late for class and still had to run back to her dorm. She finished her deep kiss, but pushed me up a bit and...
Rebecca took Katya's place beside Adam when the Russian wandered off to talk to someone else. "Relieved or disappointed?" she asked. It was obvious that Adam was the last to know something again. "Confused," he admitted. "I, uh... , well... , I didn't actually realize that was under consideration." "I'm not sure it was but it's best we got it out of the way," Rebecca said with a laugh. "Now we can just drag them to the bedrooms without worrying about someone getting the wrong...
Under Hentai is a cool little place to download and stream the latest hentai releases from Japan created by some top quality professional studios. Studios like Antechinus and Pink Pineapple are Japanese studios that produce content way better than the shit you’ll find on amateur sites, and you’ll find more than you can handle here.Videos are neatly categorized by studio, genre, the availability of subtitles, and more. Under Hentai also offers a search bar if you know what you are looking for,...
Hentai Streaming SitesAT SIX-THIRTY SHARP, a bright red pickup truck came tearing down our driveway in a cloud of dust. Beth’s Dad bought her the 4x4 for her eighteenth birthday. “Boys love girls in trucks,” he’d said as he handed her the keys. We’d all laughed because she had to have the seat customized so she could reach the pedals and still see out the windshield. Beth barely topped five feet, but she loved that truck. I stepped off the front porch and sauntered toward where she’d stopped, but I was still...