Truth or Dare
- 4 years ago
- 46
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Susan was upstairs when I came into the house. As I walked through our bedroom I noticed that She had straightened up the room. If I hadn't seen Susan and Dave together I wouldn't have any way of knowing that anything had happened in our bed.
I found Susan in the bathroom drying her hair. She had just stepped out of the shower. Susan asked "Are you all right?"
"I'm not sure right now, but I will be. Did you and Dave enjoy yourselves?" I asked, feeling a knot in my stomach.
Susan responded "Well you and I are even now."
"That's not what I asked."
"I know. It's just that it really wasn't worth talking about."
I looked at Susan in disbelief. "Not worth talking about? You just had sex with another man for the first time in over nine years and you say it's not worth talking about?"
Susan said "Well the sex wasn't that good. I accomplished what I needed to accomplish, I put us on an even basis again so we can put Vicki behind us."
"You've got to tell me more than that. You made me tell you all about my night with Vicki. So, tell me, how did you seduce him and what did he do?" I didn't know why but I wanted to hear Susan describe the events of the evening.
"Actually I didn't have to seduce him. Dave started coming on to me as soon as you walked out the door."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Why was she lying about what happened. It's not like she is trying to cover up that fact that she fucked Dave. "What do you mean he came on to you?"
"Just that. After you left I started clearing the dishes from the dinning room and Dave went in and put some CDs in the player. All slow dance music. Then he dragged me into the living room and said he wanted to dance. Within minutes his hands were all over me. I almost asked him to leave but then I remembered why I invited him over in the first place..."
So far she hadn't told a word of truth. I wondered if I should tell her I saw everything or let her continue her story. I decided to let her continue to see where her story would take her. "He wasn't to rough with you was he?"
"No, he didn't hurt me or anything. I guess when he started kissing me and I didn't resist he figured he was home free. He moved me over to the sofa then he got undressed. He wanted me to give him oral sex but I told him I only do that for my husband so he reached under my skirt and pulled my pantyhose off and then did the same with my panties. He pushed me down on the sofa and without any foreplay to get me wet he pushed himself inside of me. He wasn't very big so it didn't hurt but it definitely didn't thrill me either. Anyway it only took him about ten minutes to climax. Then he got dressed, turned on the television to watch a basketball game and asked me to get him a beer."
All I could say to all that was "Really?"
"Yeah. I feel sorry for his wife."
I said "I know what you mean." But I really hand no idea what she meant. The only reason I could think of that she would be lying about this was to make me feel better about it? That's what I chose to believe. But why did she say she was wearing pantyhose when she wasn't? Why say they did it on the sofa instead of the bedroom? I decided to file the story away. Maybe some day in the future I can spring this on her and find out what this was all about.
Susan came over to me and put her arms around my neck and asked "Are you
angry with me for doing this?"
I said "I'm hurt but not angry. I wish this didn't happen but I know it was my own fault so I will just have to live with it."
Susan pulled my face to hers and kissed me. It's funny that I didn't realize how horny I was. That one kiss set me on fire. I carried Susan to our bed and quickly stripped out of my clothes. I don't know what got into me but I kissed my way down over Susan's breasts, then dropped to my knees and pushed my face into her bush. I knew immediately that although Susan had showered she hadn't washed out her pussy after her tumble with Dave. I noticed the slight scent of semen as my face got close to her open lips. It didn't stop me or even slow me down. I ran my tongue over Susan's slippery slit then slipped it inside her. Susan began building toward orgasm almost as soon as my tongue came in contact with her clitoris. She made deep moaning sounds as I drank in juices... Susan didn't take long reaching orgasm, and it was a big one. As soon as her orgasm was over, I got on top of Susan an pushed my cock inside her messy hole. Once fully inside Susan, I began to feel a sensation I had never felt before. Susan had been wet before but never like this. The other thing I noticed was the heat. It felt like I was pushing my cock through hot cream. The fact that it was Dave's cum in her pussy that was giving me this pleasure didn't bother me a bit.
I felt the tension starting to build within me and just gave myself up to the sensations I was feeling. I was soon rewarded with a very strong climax. As my orgasm approached I kept thinking that I wasn't going to stop pumping Susan's dripping hole until I had at least two orgasms. Of course, as soon as my orgasm passed so did I. I rolled over onto my back and was asleep within minutes.
That night my sleep was restless, filled with strange dreams. In one dream Susan was standing in front of me dressed in black bra and panties and thigh high stockings. She kissed me and said that she would be with me in a few minutes but first she had to do something. I watched as she went into a room to the right. I followed her to the door only to see her on her knees sucking on a big cock.
She turned and looked at me and smiled at me with the cock still in her mouth. Then she winked and turned her attention back to the cock in her mouth. In another dream Susan called to me to join her in bed. I looked all over the house but couldn't find her. I kept hearing her calling to me. Finally I found her in a room in the attic that I didn't know existed. I walked over to the bed and pulled the covers back. When I looked at her body I noticed that Susan now had red pussy hair. Then I realized that it was Vicki in the bed not Susan. I tried to get away from her but I couldn't get my arms or legs to work. I was afraid that Susan was going to catch me in bed with Vicki. Then I woke up.
I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was already eight o'clock Saturday morning. Susan was up already so I got up and showered. While in the shower I thought about what I would say to Susan when I went down stairs. After a lot of thought I decided not to say anything about the previous night unless Susan brought it up. I was going to keep to myself the fact that I knew what really happened and that I knew the Susan had lied about the whole thing. After the shower I dressed and went downstairs.
When I walked into the kitchen Susan didn't look at me. She just asked if I wanted some coffee. She poured the coffee and set it in front of me on the table then asked if I wanted her to make me some eggs and beacon for breakfast. Susan must have been feeling a little guilty because she hadn't offered to make breakfast for me for years. I said I would love some breakfast. Susan began talking to me about things she had read in the morning paper and other trivial matters. You couldn't have told that anything was wrong from her voice but the way she avoided eye contact bothered me, but I didn't say anything about it.
I guess that my not mentioning the previous nights activities made Susan more comfortable and soon things began to get back to normal.
Susan spent the rest of the morning doing her house work while I worked in the yard, mowing the grass and raking leaves. We sat down together at noon for lunch and Susan told me that she had to go over to Jill's house to work on plans for the Holloween Party they were hosting at the community center the following weekend.
After clearing away the lunch dishes, Susan headed across the street to Jill's house and I headed off to watch TV.
As I sat in front of the TV I began thinking about Susan and Dave. I was trying to remember every detail of what had transpired. As I pictured the reflection of Susan standing in the bathroom with her skirt up and her panties showing it occurred to me that she had never dressed in sexy underwear for me. I couldn't remember ever seeing those panties and the matching bra on her before. For that matter I had never seen Susan in thigh high stockings before either. On top of all that I had never seen the skirt or blouse she had been wearing before that night. I wondered if she had gone out and bought those things just for this occasion. I don't know why but that thought made me feel that I had to get a look at those clothes. I went to the laundry room and looked in the laundry hamper expecting to find the bra and panties in there, but they weren't. Next I looked in her dresser drawer where she keeps her lingerie but they weren't in there either. I search through all of her drawers but didn't find anything. I went through her closet but found nothing not even the skirt and blouse she had worn. This really puzzled me. I went back through the laundry hamper a second time and back through her dresser as well, but found nothing.
I went back downstairs feeling a little frustrated and disappointed. When I went into the kitchen I saw the broom leaning against the counter near the sink. I picked the broom up and took it to the closet in the hall where Susan keeps it. I put the broom in the closet and as I was closing the door I noticed a shopping bag from one of the stores at the mall on the floor in the corner of the closet. I don't know what made me look inside the bag but I did and I found the panties, the bra, the stockings, the skirt and the blouse all neatly folded in the bag. As I examined the panties I noticed the label. I found the same label in the bra, the stockings, the skirt and the blouse. Bouvard's of Paris. It took me a few minutes for it to register in my brain. Then it hit me. Bouvard's of Paris, that was the store in the hotel in Chicago where I had seen Vicki shopping and I also saw that same label in Vicki's panties.
This revelation triggered another memory that had left me puzzled at the time but somehow slipped my mind afterward. It didn't make sense to me. I remembered that when I was telling Susan about with happened with Vicki in Chicago I told her about the sexy underwear Vicki was wearing. I was sure at the time that I hadn't mentioned anything about the label I had seen in her panties but Susan later made a comment about Vicki wearing lingerie from Bouvard's of Paris. Although my memories of Chicago weren't crystal clear I felt that the clothing I was looking at looked an awful lot like the clothes Vicki had worn. What the hell did all of this mean? I couldn't put it together.
I put the bag back in the closet and decided that I would wait till the moment was right and bring them out and make Susan tell all.
Susan came back home around five o'clock that evening. She didn't feel like cooking so we went out to dinner. When we got home Susan took me up to the bedroom and made slow passionate love to me. When I closed my eyes to go to sleep that night, the bag of clothes in the hall closet was the farthest thing from my mind...
On Sunday I felt like our lives were back to normal and I wanted them to stay that way, so I didn't mention anything about my discovery in the hall closet. That afternoon as I was sitting down to watch a football game Susan came into the room and said that she had to run out to the mall for a couple of hours. She gave me a kiss and headed for the door. The whole thing was so casual that I almost didn't see that she was carrying the shopping bag from the closet. I didn't know what came over me but I had to see where she was going with that bag. I gave Susan time to get her car out of the garage and drive around the corner before I jumped into my car and went off to follow her. I caught up to her about three blocks from our house and stayed back just far enough that Susan wouldn't notice that she was being followed.
Susan didn't drive to the mall. I followed her about ten miles across town to a residential area made up of nice town homes. I stayed about a half block behind Susan as she pulled to the curb in front of one of the houses. She got out of her car carrying the shopping bag and went to the door. and rang the door bell. I pulled up a little closer to see who would come to the door.
I felt like my hart was in my mouth. Was Susan having an affair. Did Dave actually live in town? Was this his house? When the door opened I was stunned. Susan was partially blocking my view. At first all I saw was the red hair but when Susan stepped aside I saw that it was Vicki at the door. I didn't know what to think. I could see that Vicki was smiling at Susan and I got a brief look at Susan's face and she too was smiling. Susan followed Vicki into the house and the door closed behind them leaving my sitting with all sorts of questions banging around inside my otherwise empty head. I didn't know whether to go up and knock on the door to see what they were doing, or go home and wait for Susan. In the end I decided to stay where I was. Only a half hour passed before Susan and Vicki appeared at the door again. They seemed to be chatting cheerfully together. Then finally Susan headed back to her car, no longer carrying the shopping bag.
I followed Susan as she drove away. I wasn't sure yet that she wasn't going to meet someone. After a few minutes it became obvious that Susan was heading home. Luckily I was able to take a different route home and get there before she did.
On the drive home I started putting the pieces together. I didn't know if I was coming to the correct conclusions or not but things were beginning to make sense. I decided to confront Susan that evening after dinner.
Susan arrived home about five minutes after me. When she came in the house I was sitting in front of the TV were I was when she had left. I said "Short trip to the mall."
Susan said "I guess I just wasn't in the mood to shop." She came over and kissed me on the forehead and asked what I wanted fore dinner. I answered her even though I was more interested in what I was going to get after dinner. Answers.
I don't know where the idea came from, but it seemed to me to be just the right touch for the inquisition I had planned for that evening. That idea was to have Susan sitting naked in front of me when I began questioning her about her lies about the sex with Dave and how Vicki fit into all of this. I just thought that Susan would be more self-conscious making it harder for her to lie to me if she was naked.
After dinner I asked Susan to come into the living room with me. In the living room I began unbuttoning Susan's blouse. She asked what I was doing and I said "Just go along with me on this please."
Susan didn't say a word as I slowly stripped her naked. I guess she thought I was planning to make love to her because she actually helped me get her pants off. Once she was naked I sat down in my chair and asked Susan to stand in front of me. She looked puzzled, but she did as I asked. She stepped in front of my chair and stood with a smile on her face, her hands on her hips and her feet about shoulder width apart. She was a beautiful site.
I looked her up and down enjoying her beauty and then I began. I said "Susan, some things have come to my attention recently that I need to talk to you about. It is essential that you be truthful with me. That is why I have asked you to stand in front of me in the nude. I think this will make it more difficult for you to lie to me."
Susan began to protest "Lie to you? What would I lie to you about?"
I stopped her by putting my hand up. "I know that you have already lied to me. I want to clear up those lies then deal with some other things that are bothering me. Okay?"
Susan looked stunned. "Lied to you? About what?" As she spoke her face began to flush.
Her question sounded less like a denial that she had lied and more like a request for information about what lie she had been caught in. I said "Friday night when I came home after Dave had left you told me that you really hadn't seduced him but that he came on to you. Dave wanted you to give him oral sex but you refused and you had intercourse with him on the sofa and he left soon afterward. You also said that the sex was not satisfying for you. Isn't that pretty much what you told me?"
Susan was looking very uncomfortable now. She tried to blow me off. "I don't know what you are trying to prove here but I am not going to play along with you." Although her voice was firm and full of conviction she didn't move form where she was standing.
I said "You most certainly are going to stay right where you are. You will not leave this room until we have settled all of the issues I have. If you chose to leave before that time you can pack a bag and get out."
That seemed to knock the defiance out of her. I asked again "Is my account of what you said accurate?"
Susan's head was down a little now. "Yes, that's what I said."
"Was that the truth?"
"What do you mean?"
I said "Susan, don't answer my questions with question. That will just make me angry. You know exactly what I meant. Was the story you told me Friday night the truth?"
"Not exactly."
"You made the story up?"
"Yes, I made most of it up."
"Most of it?"
Susan was looking down at her feet now. "I made up the whole thing."
Susan looked at me and said "I was afraid the truth of what I did would be to much for you to handle. Can you understand that?"
"Yes I can understand that, but I want to hear what really happened and I am going to give you another chance to tell me your story. Please don't try to lie because I will know. The best and easiest way to get through all this is to just tell me the truth. Now I want you to start with when I left the house after dinner and tell me in detail everything that happened until I got home. Okay?"
Susan nodded then began her story "After you left Dave and I sat at the table and had seconds on coffee and desert then I got up and cleared the dishes from the table and Dave helped me clean the kitchen. Afterward I suggested we sit in the living room and have a glass of wine. I guided him to your chair and I excused my self to go to the bathroom. It was at this point that I began my seduction. Earlier in the day I had set up the wardrobe mirror in the hall so that when I was in the downstairs bathroom with the door open Dave would be able to see my reflection from where he was sitting. I went in the bathroom and closed the door and used the pot. When I was done I opened the door then I lifted my skirt up and pretended to be adjusting my stockings and checking myself in the mirror as I called to Dave and asked him to put a CD in the player. My plan was that when I called to him he would look in the direction of my voice and see the reflection in the mirror. I wanted him thinking about what I was wearing under my skirt and blouse rather that anything we might be talking about. I got the idea from what Vicki did to you in Chicago.
Anyway, it worked. When I turned off the bathroom light I heard Dave quickly get out of the chair and move over to the CD player. I could tell by the way he kept his back to me that he must have become aroused. The thought that I could have caused him to become erect excited me a little... Are you sure you want me to continue this story? It might be painful for you."
I said "I'm fine and I want to hear every detail."
"Okay. Well, then Dave put on some music and asked me to dance. I pressed close too him so he would feel my body heat and could smell the perfume on my neck. It didn't take long for Dave to begin his seduction of me. He started by telling me how beautiful he thought I was then he kissed me. I didn't respond but I didn't object either so he kissed me again. When he pushed his tongue in my mouth I could feel my arousal building. It was at that moment that I knew I was going to let him fuck me."
When she said that she looked directly into my eyes to see what my reaction would be. I tried to show no outward reaction at all, but up till this point in her story I was only interested in being sure she told me the truth as I already knew it, but now I was getting aroused and I wanted to her Susan tell the story.
"I can't remember everything clearly now but I know that I made him work to get my blouse open then I made him work to get his hand up my skirt. Once he had his mouth on my breast and his hand in my panties I knew it was time to move upstairs. When we got into the bedroom Dave began undressing me and then he kissed and sucked my breasts. I was enjoying this very much but I stopped him and told him to get undressed. When he dropped his pants his cock was so hard I though it was going to explode. Dave began kissing me again and I could feel his stiff cock between us so I began to gently rub it with my hands. It felt so good in my hands that I just had to get it into my mouth. I dropped down on my knees and began sucking his cock. I never knew I could enjoy sucking another man's cock but I was loving it. It excited me when he came in my mouth."
I began to notice that Susan had gradually stopped telling the story like she was afraid of how I would react and was now obviously enjoying the memory of Friday night. When she said that Dave ejaculated in her mouth her eyes closed and her hand slipped between her legs pressed against her vulva, but only briefly. I also noticed that her nipples seemed to have gotten harder.
"As he shot off pulse after pulse of his juice in my mouth I struggled to not let any escape from my lips. When I felt that he had finished I let his cock slip out of my mouth. My mouth was full of his juice. As I was sucking on him I was thinking that I would like to swallow his juice when he climaxed but there was so much that I didn't think I could handle it so I went into the bathroom and spit some of it out. The rest I rolled around my mouth with my tongue enjoying its slightly salty and pungent flavor, then I swallowed it. I didn't want Dave to know what I had been doing so I dampened a wash clothe and took it in to clean Dave's cock."
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She came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?”“What does it look like, I’m reading.”She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?”“A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?”Erin leaned toward me,...
She came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?”“What does it look like, I’m reading.”She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?”“A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?”Erin leaned toward me,...
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She came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?” “What does it look like, I’m reading.” She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?” “A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?” Erin leaned...
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Truth or Dare Written BY: Amber2165 It all started innocently enough. I was a normal 14 year old playing a little basketball in the driveway one summer evening when April and Danny came up and asked if my sister Cathy was around. I told them that she was in the house and Danny went to talk to Cathy while April chatted with me in the driveway. April asked me if I was interested in a game of Truth or Dare at her house. I grinned and told her that game was stupid. She egged me on by...
Strongly inspired by the Tim O'Brien essay "How to Tell a True War Story," appearing in the October 1987 issue of "Esquire" This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Truth and Fiction By Pretzelgirl THIS IS TRUE I had a friend back in college. His name was Jim Shuler, but everyone called him Moose. One Sunday afternoon in December while Moose is away, his crossdressing roommate kills himself. It came as a surprise and shock...
Truth or DARE!My annoying little si(s)ter I really do mean annoying and little. The fuckin' brat is about 5' 1” maybe 100 lbs soaking wet.I have seen her in a bathing suit in the back yard. For skinny little teen girl the brat has nice size tits and a great round ass. Every time I see her I wonder how a tiny girl like her grew such nice tits and a great ass.Mom and dad have to go to “the office” a lot in the evenings and weekends.I don't know where they go. If it's any indication of the way my...
Truth or Dare by Mojo It was about 11:30 when I went downstairs to talk with Lisa and Allie. Ialways went downstairs to talk with them when they spent the night at myhouse, despite my parents' orders that I stay upstairs while they weredownstairs. We usually played truth or dare also. We generally got a goodgame going and we got to a few sexual dares and by then I was usually hornyas hell. They were hot too. Lisa had a nice ass and a great set of boobs.Allie had a sizable...
This is continuation of my first part of the story. Please read first part also to enjoy most. Search with “Invitation of tea leads to bed”. We went to lake at evening. She had decided that she will leave for PG after it. But I was in no mood to leave her. She told me that she liked that I didn’t do anything forcefully at morning. But I was cursing myself that why didn’t I do anything as she has plan to leave. Just to try my luck I requested her that I would feel good if she can stay tonight...
I was 16 years old. I'd been gay for about 3 years, always checking outother boy's penises in Boy Scouts. And now, I was finally in a tent withanother boy, and it looked like he would be willing to fool around with me.I had waited for this moment for so long. I'd seen so many naked boys inthe showers and tents and cabins, and jacked off to the memories of all ofthem. But I'd never reached the point of actually "fooling around" withanybody else. The closest I ever came was the occasional "do you...
Truth Or Dare With Mom Terri came bursting into my bedroom completely unannounced and said, “You have to come down to the family room and play Truth or Dare with us.” I asked, “Why should I?” Terri said, “Because Stacy talked Mom into playing with us.” I asked, “Do you think that is a good idea?” Terri said, “She came home half in the bag. Her office party was a smash and she is horny as all get out. You just might get lucky with her. Stacy and I will help. Maybe we will...
It was one of my favorite games as a teenager. Truth or Dare seems to just tingle with incredible tension whenever I get to play it. I love the anticipation of when the game will turn naughty and what will happen. I love being "made" to do dares, things I would love to be able to do, but have always worried would make me appear a deviant. You see, I think I'm addicted to sex. I love to think about it, to see it in pictures and films, to imagine it, to read about it. It has taken hold on my...
""Oh god, I didn't expect to get picked first!""Well, you know how the game goes. Truth or Dare?"Candis thought for a second, trying to pick between poisons. She knew Jay had something devilish in mind; this was his favorite game. He and his wife Anne had been asking her over to the hot tub for several months - an innocent enough suggestion except...They were naked.Jay insisted, due to the chemicals in clothing that clogged up the jet system. Candis thought that was bullshit. For weeks...
ExhibitionismTHE ARGUMENT Summer was finally here. That moment that everyone looks forward to every year, at least those who don’t have to waste their summers with jobs or responsibilities. For four friends, they had nothing but three months of endless possibilities. Twins Lizbeth and Daniel, along with their best friends Corina and Harrison, had planned on spending two weeks at the beginning of summer at their parent’s cabin up in the mountains. They had done it every year since they were seventeen and...
12345678910 Truth or Dare February 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 Comment TRUTH OR DARE Matt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex. They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions...
PLEASE LEAVE A LIKE IF YOU ENJOY THIS STORY! Me and Chloë had been talking via Facebook for a while but had never met. One day I decided to spice things up a little. So I asked her truth or dare? And she immediately answered with dare! I didn't expect her to say dare right away. I thought about what I had to ask and replied with "I dare you to meet me completely naked in the sauna" she said deal! Friday? That was in 4 days so I responded with that's fine. Then she asked me back truth or dare? I...
IncestAll characters are 18 or older."Truth or dare, Uncle Ryan?" my teenaged cousin Kat said. I wasn't her uncle, but she and her twin sister, Tara, had taken to calling me that teasingly ever since I had turned 30 a few months earlier.At the mention of Truth or Dare, I couldn't help but smile nervously at my blonde girlfriend, Lauren, and her best friend, Kelly. The twins had no way of knowing, but those words were special for the three of us - and a handful of Lauren's other friends.In the past...
12345678910Truth or DareFebruary 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 CommentTRUTH OR DAREMatt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex.They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions and...
We met very young. My parents moved next door to the twins' parents when I was still too little to remember anything and before the twins were born. We grew up together, I don't even remember how we met but our parents said I was out in the garden and one of the twins saw me through the fence. My parents said right from the start we were chatting excitedly with one another and some things never change. My name is Lucy. I'm 19 years old. The twins Amy and May are about a year younger at 18....
Sighing I listened to the laughter coming from the living room where my 15 year old son Ted and his two best friends were sharing a joke or something similar. I sat at the kitchen counter and wished, not for the first time, that my husband would spend less time working and more time at home, not just so that I could feel less lonely and frustrated, but so that he could share our son's growing up. Another burst of laughter made me sigh again and a single tear trickled down my cheek, at that...
My small group of friends consisted of me and my best-friends, Brad, Jennifer, and Liz. We had been friends since the 3rd grade and had done pretty much everything together. Jennifer and Liz were super sexy girls. They were terrible teases though. And while they were my friends, that didn't stop me from fantasizing about them from time to time. Jen had long orange hair and small (though extremely perky) tits. She was a little ditzy but super nice. On that particular night, she was...
I was 17 at the time and my younger sister, Abby, had recently turned 16. My teenage hormones were really raging in those days as I tried my luck with a lot of the girls I went on dates with but got shot down somewhat routinely. As a result, I was rather inexperienced and I believe Abby was too.Abby and I were pretty close as brother and sister go, I think mostly because we were so close in age. Occasionally we would hang out in the same overlapping circles of friends. So when my parents went...
IncestHow I ended up in this rather unusual situation is not easy to explain. Perhaps it's best if I start at the beginning which was a warm July evening two years agoBy eleven, well after the sun had gone down, we were all pretty drunk. It had been a long day at the theme park and now our combined group of six k**s were asleep (supposedly), after a barbecue, in a large tent at the bottom of our garden. In our lounge was me (Jessie), my husband Steve, and our good friends Adrian & Izzy and Simon...
Trust me. Growing up in a house full of women wasn't easy. Especially when you're the only male, and the youngest to boot. Dad had died when I was very young, leaving mom to raise three girls and a boy pretty much by herself, though she did have help from her own twin sister, my Aunt for several years following my father's death. Twins tended to run in the family. Two of my sisters were also twins, two years older than I was, Stacy and Tracy. And then we had an older sister, who was four...
Truth or Dare with Mom Part 1Mom had separated from my dad and we’d moved away because he was a bit of a dick. He had controlled her for years and she was finally getting her life back on track. We lived in a 2 bed semi in a quiet village. Although mom was a lot happier she was also quite lonely. I encouraged her to start dating and having a social life but she was reluctant. I made it my mission to bring her out of her shell.Mom was in her early 40’s but looked good for her age. She went...
PROLOGUE.The whole room buzzed with excitement. Scutor had reserved the basement of his granddaddies for a sleepover and all the boys were going crazy. There were Bruce Wild, Sam Bear, Grizzle, Travis Collins, Sophocles and Scutor W. Stomm.Travis’s cousin Bully was the last one to arrive. He came in with a lot of noise, bragging and giving high fives all over the place. But when he spotted Sam he said: “What the f*ck?! Who did invite this stinker here?”Sam just looked at him and said: “Must’ve...
Hi …. ISS readers, this is Ricky presenting my another sex, in my previous story maine aap subko yeh btaya tha ki kaise meri sandhya bhabhi ne mujhe unhe chodne per majboor kiya. App ko zyada bore na karte hue mai aapko apni story per le chalta hu. Jis raat maine sandhya bhabhi ki chudai ki uske agli subha meri aakh 9:30 Am per khuli maine apna phone check kiya toh usme whatsapp message tha toh maine use khola aur dekha ki Shweta bhabhi ka message tha or do calls bhi thi message mei...
It started out as an online game of truth or dare. It was fun to tell him all about her secrets, her fantasies, her experiences, her desires and lusts. Beth has already revealed the “truth” about her first time (she was 14), the secret kiss she shared with her best friend after soccer practice one day, and the time she went down on her boyfriend while he was driving along the freeway after a concert one night. She was now looking at the one word on her screen that she was about to send in...
George and I knew that Wesley wanted to have sex with me it was somewhat my fault as well as George’s though. I mean I had given George a blow job on the couch while him and Wesley watched the game. Wesley watched more of me giving George a bj than anything though. That and the fact I was nude almost every time Wesley came over. For the most part I put on a gown or lingerie robe. I just remember how wet and twitchy my pussy got just knowing that wesley was watching George’s cock in my mouth and...
Most people view Truth or Dare as a silly game, played mostly by college kids. A means of shocking your friends, and maybe yourself. Or maybe as a way to justify doing or saying things that you shouldn’t be doing or saying -- but really want to, and need permission. Sometimes, though, it’s a way to find out the truth about yourself. I belong to a co-ed bowling league. There are four of us on our team, two guys, two girls. We were just casual acquaintances, thrown together randomly by a...
ExhibitionismSince she was bored, she figured she might as well go down and spy on them to see what they were up too, so she headed downstairs. Once she got downstairs she quietly poked the door open to see what they were up too. Spin the bottle, of course if there was any game dumb enough for them to be playing that was it. It was Jesse’s turn to spin the old glass bottle. It spun round and round and the top pointed at James or Jimmy as they called him. He was the pitcher for the baseball team and had...
"Luis, please go ask the next door neighbors if they have some duct tape!" "Yes mom," came the reply. 13 year old Luis Rodriguez crossed the yard of the new house he and his family were moving into towards the neighbors' house. The tall house with large windows was indimidating but Luis strolled up the driveway and rang the doorbell. Luis, a handsome young latino with brown hair and brown eyes, was stunned when a pale, blond haired and blue eyed beauty opened the door. "H-hi, I'm Luis the new...
GayMy wife had a longtime friend of hers’ that was roughly 10-15 years older than her, but they were always close. They were always there for each other, even though they were separated by state lines and then some. She’d come stay with us when my wife needed her and vice versa. One day my wife, Jessica’s phone rang with her friends’ ringtone and I half listened to the conversation. Her friends’ daughter was getting married and she needed help with the rehearsal the weekend before the wedding. I...
Connor: I'm getting bored of watching TV. You want to play truth or dare? Me: Sure that sounds like fun. You start. Connor: Truth or dare? Me: Dare. Connor: I dare you to do 10 squats in your underwear. Me: Okay, you want to look away? Connor: I'm okay with watching. At this point I knew where this game was headed and it excited me. I stripped down to my boxer briefs and did 10 squats facing away from Connor. Although we had seen and touched each other...
I know you are going to think I am full of shit but I really didn’t know. I mean, yes, I knew that was how babies were made, but honestly, I thought you had to want to. Yes, a little bit of internet research had cleared things up a lot. But I was a good girl, I didn’t plan to be naive or ignorant. But I was a good girl, and my parents were very devout Catholics. I went to a private school and sex ed consisted of nothing but abstinence. There was very brief and sterile discussion of...
Nadia flicked the tip of the needle again which ended up on truth. "The truth shall set you free," she quoted as she reaches for the edge of a card."Truth: Whom here, would you be willing to take a shower with.""Ah, too bad it wasn't a dare," Nadia sighed as she looked between us. I could see her staring at my sister's body as if considering her, which I found to be kind of awkward. She is imagining bathing with another woman, but that other woman is my sister. That left me with mixed...
IncestI invited him and we went to my room. We were kind of bored so we decided to play some sort of game. I could not think of anything and he could not either. Until I thought of a very good game that we never played called "truth or dare". I told him we should play that and he said okay. He was the first to go. Truth or dare he said. I picked dare. He then said, "I dare you to put your hand down your underwear for five seconds. I did because I usually masturbated on a daily basis. So...
It had finally arrived. The weekend that Katherine's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Katherine had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her parents'...
TeenImage Source It had finally arrived. The weekend that Brie's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Brie had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her...
TeenIt was my first winter vacation from school as the first semester in school just ended. I was returning home for Christmas with the family. When I returned home, I noticed quickly how my parents home has became the new hang out for all my little sisters friends. It didn't bother me much as most her friends were extremely hot. The only issue I had was that the television in the media room was always occupied. I would bitch a little but mostly I just watched whatever romantic comedy they were...