The Destroyers, Book 1: A New BeginningChapter 13: Molly's Dinner Recruitment free porn video

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Molly watched her new friends drive away. When they were out of sight, she turned back to her mother. She stepped back in to her mother's arms and gave her a hug. Stopping the hug, she looked her mom in the face.

"Mom, how about pizza tonight?"

Kathleen looked at her baby, and she felt complete again as she realized the hole in her heart was once again filled.

"What ever you want sweetie, the number for Pizza Hut is on the fridge like always."

Shaking her head, she replied, "No mom, we're having Salaneo's Pizza, tonight," as she walked towards the phone.

She smiled at the memory of the last time, she had Salaneo's pizza. It was at her bosses wedding engagement party.

"Honey, I can't afford Salaneo's."

Laughing, Molly stopped and went back over to her mom, and gave her another hug.

"I'm buying, Mom, so go get dressed. I have some calls to make. I have a bet with Ken that I plan on winning."

Kathleen looked at her daughter with concern. "A bet? What did you bet?"

Laughing at her mothers look, she said, "Nothing like that, Mom. I bet Ken I could recruit over one hundred people in the next four weeks. If Ken wins I have to make him a lasagna dinner, if I win, he has to take me to Paris for dinner."

"You devious little girl, you,"" Kathleen kissed her daughter's cheek and walked towards her bedroom, as she said; "Ok I will go change. However, I want a supreme pizza."

Molly walked over to the phone and picked it up. "Ok Mom." Reaching down, she pulled out the phone book and looked up Salaneo's Italian Restaurant. Entering the number in the phone, she listened for it to be picked up.

"Salaneo's Italian Restaurant, this is Stella, how may I help you."

Molly grinned as she heard her friend's voice, and said, "Hi, Stella, I see your mom and dad got you working in the business."

"Who is th ... MOLLY? Oh my God! Where have you been? We have been so worried about you!"

Listing to the excitement in her friends voice she said, "I can explain later, but I have a question for you. Is the back room booked for tonight?"

"Let me check the book, I don't think it is."

The phone went on hold, and some soft music came on. While she waited, she pulled out her mom's family phone book, and flipped it open.

The music stopped and Stella's voice came back on the line.

"Hey, Molly? No, the room is free. Why, what is up?

Molly grinned, and responded, "Can I reserve it for tonight?"

"Molly the room is seven hundred a night. I know you..."

Molly interrupted her friend, and said, "I have the money for it. Put it in my name, and I will get back to you on how many people will be coming. Oh, by the way I want you there too, as my guest."

"I get off at five, so I can be there. It is so good to hear your voice. Give me a call when you know how many are coming."

Molly listened to her friend talk and grinned. "You too, we will talk more later. Ciao baby."


The phone went dead as she listened, and then she hung it up. Opening the book, she first started to call her cousin Jamie, but instead flipped the book closed, and dialed a number she knew by heart. Waiting for the phone to be picked up she looked at the clock and knows he would be reading in his study. A gruff voice came on and she smiled.

"Hello, Kathleen."

Smiling at her grandfather's assumption that it was her mom, she said, "Wrong, Grandpa Allen."

"Molly! Where the hell have you been? I ought to come over to your house and spank your ass young lady! You scared the whole family. We thought you were dead."

She listened to her grandfather rant, and then said, "Sorry, Poppa. It was not my fault. I promise. I was wondering how you would like to join us for dinner tonight. Say ... at six tonight?"

"You're damn right I will. I want to know where you were. Where is this dinner?"

"Salaneo's. Be there and I will explain. It is under my name, so no bugging the girls," she replied.

"Ok. I will see you there. You better have a good reason for scaring your mother."

With a small sigh, she quickly replied, "Mom knows what happened and she is accepting it. I will see you then, and I want a hug from my favorite Medal of Honor winner."

"Ok, see you there ... Molly, I love you."

"Love you, too, Poppa. Now I have some more calls to make."

Hanging up the phone, she opened the book and dialed the number for Jamie. Waiting for it to be picked up, she sat down in the easy chair.

"O'Neil, residence this is Jamie speaking."

Listening to her cousin, she said, "Hi, Jamie, its Molly. What are..."

"Molly! Where have you been?"

"I will explain later. Dinner tonight at Salaneo's at six o'clock, bring Tony with you, along with Cindy and Tammy O'Shea. Talk more later."

Hanging up the phone Molly spent the next twenty minutes making calls. She was now realizing she had never really noticed before, how much her family looked out for each other. Of the fifty-six people she called, fifty agreed to be there.

Getting up, she walked into her bedroom, and pulled out an emerald green blouse and her stonewashed jeans. Going onto the bathroom, she took a quick shower and cleaned up. After putting the clean clothes on, she walked out into the living room and she was picked up in a bear hug from behind.

A voice said in her ear, "Damn you Aunt Molly, where have you been?"

"James Sanders, put me down right now, and don't call me your aunt! Just call me Molly. How many times have I told you that?"

As she was set down on her feet, she turned and hugged her eighteen-year-old nephew.

"Hi, James, I missed you. How have you been? Are you going to dinner with us?"

James looked at his aunt and replied to her questions, tapping his right forefinger against his the fingers of his left hand to count the questions.

"Hi, back, Molly ... Not as much as we missed you ... I have been fine, especially now that you're home ... and where are we going for dinner?"

"We're going to Salaneo's for dinner, and it's on me. So go change, they won't let you in wearing a tank top and shorts."

Hugging him again, she kissed his cheek and turned him around.

"Go!" she said, giving him a little shove.

"Ok, Ok! I am going, Boss! Give me five minutes and I will be ready."

Walking into his bedroom, he quickly changed.

Activating her com, she said, 'Amy can you hear me?'

'Yes I can, Molly, what can I do for you?'

Biting her lip, she said, 'Think I am going to need some money, and someway to prove myself to my family. What do you suggest?'

'I am way ahead of you. In your pack, you will find two bundles of cash, totaling fifty thousand dollars. There is also a holographic emitter and your personal force field, along with your medical kit and diagnostic board. Will that work for you?'

Grabbing her pack, she opened it up, looked through it and found the items. 'Yes they will, Amy, thank you.'

'You're welcome, have a good night with your mom. I hope she decides to join us.'

'She will. I will talk more with you later. Ciao.'

Breaking the connection, she walked into her room and grabbed her large purse. Stuffing four thousand dollars into her purse, she then stashed the rest in the secret compartment in her bed frame. Taking the remaining items, she put the plasma pistol, med kit, and diagnostic board in her purse. The emitter and shield box went on her belt under her shirt.

"There, all done."

Turning, she looked in the mirror and grabbed her brush, quickly brushing her long, flowing red hair. Her mother walked into her room.

"Hi, Mom. I am almost ready. James said he is coming, too."

Kathleen stood there and looked at her daughter and then it dawned on her.

"Molly, how did your hair get down to your butt? You've always kept it shorter because of the headaches you get."

Smiling at her mom, she said, "I know, but that problem has been fixed, and I am so glad. I had Amy adjust the length of my hair to what it is now. I like it this way, now that I don't have the headaches from the length and weight of the hair. My hair barely weighs anything now, or that is the way it feels. It is the nanobots in my system that have latched onto the hair follicles and are holding them instead of the roots of my scalp. It's like microscopic tractor beams preventing the full weight settling on my skull."

"Well it's beautiful, it looks like a red cape on you, and it highlights your eyes." Leaning over she kissed her daughters cheek and continued. "Come on, I'm hungry."

Setting the brush down, she turned and said, "Ok, Mom, I'm ready."

Turning, she looked at her mom standing there in a pale green dress.

"You look beautiful, Mom."

"Thank you, now come on."

Turning, she walked out of the bedroom, and Molly followed.

Seeing the closed door to her nephew's room, she banged on it, and said, "Come on James, we're leaving."

From inside the room she heard, "Ok, coming."

Then the door opened and her nephew was standing there.

"Wow, you look nice," Molly said.

James was wearing blue slacks with a sky blue shirt, and his black dress shoes.

"Thanks, Molly." Offering his arm to his Aunt Molly he continued, "May I walk you out?"

Reaching up she touches his cheek and said, "You know, you're such a sweet young man."

With an impish grin, he looked at Molly and said, "Well, blame your mom for that."

They walked out and joined Kathleen in the living room by the door.

Kathleen looked up as she heard her daughter.

"You know you two are a handsome couple. I wish you two would date each other."

Molly came to a stop, and said, "Mother! That's gross! He's my nephew."

"Only because I married his grandfather, it's not like you're related by blood," she said. With a sigh, she looked at them again and continued, "But I know what you are saying."

Handing her keys to her grandson, she said, "You're driving, James."

"Ok, Kathleen. I will play chauffeur."

Opening the door for them, they went out of the house. He locked up and walked them to Kathleen's 2002 Mercedes.

Opening the back door, for them he said, "Ladies."

He then helped both of them into the car and closed the door behind them. Walking around the car, he climbed in and they headed for the restaurant. Ten minutes later, they pulled up to the front door of the restaurant and he started to let them out.

Molly leaned forward and said, "Let the valet park the car."

"Ok, Molly."

He handed the keys to the attendant. He turned, took both of the women's arms, and walked them in.

Inside the restaurant, the first person they saw was Stella Salaneo. She was helping another customer, and did not see them standing there.

Stella knelt and handed a small packet of crayons to a four-year-old boy, and smiled at him.

"Now, Jimmy, you be a good boy and draw me a pretty picture for the wall."

Four-year-old Jimmy Tomas looked at the crayons and grinned at 'Aunt Stella', as he calls her.

"I will draw a cat."

She looked into the small boy's face and saw he had lost a tooth. "Jimmy, you lost a tooth. Did you put it under your pillow?"

"Yeah! And I got a whole dollar for it!"

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled a silver dollar out.


"Wow! You sure got more then I ever got! All I ever got was a quarter," she said. Touching his nose with her finger she continued. "Now you be good, and Cindy here will get you extra paper."

Clutching his crayons he said, "I be good. I'm always good, or else momma'll get mad at me."

"Well, we don't want that." Stella leaned over and kissed him on his forehead. "Now enjoy your dinner."

"I will, bye, bye."

Reaching up, he took his mothers hand, as they were led across the dining room.

Stella looked at the small boy and shook her head. Turning around, she saw Molly standing there. Running to her, she hugs her best friend.

"Molly, where have you been? You'd better have a good reason for disappearing like you did. My God, you look great, you've lost weight and your hair has grown out."

Molly hugs Stella back, and managed to reply, "Thanks Stella, it's good to be home. I am sorry I didn't call, but there was no way to call from where I was. Now that I am here, I have the most fantastic news for everyone when they all get here. Will you be joining us?"

"Damned right I will," Stella glanced at the clock, and continued, "In fact I am off duty, now. Come on. The room is all set up, as soon as you pay Daddy."

Grabbing Molly's arm, she drags her over to the cash register. Spotting her father in the dinning area, she shouts across the restaurant.

"Hey, Daddy! I said she would be here."

Alberto Salaneo looked up at his daughter yelling across the restaurant and apologizes to the customers. Walking over to them, he looked sternly at Stella and then smiled warmly at Molly.

"Where have'a yu been little one? You have'a scare your poor'a mama by disappearin' like'a that! She should'a took'a you over her lap an'a spank'a yu bottom!"

Molly blushed at Mr. Salaneo's words, and replied, "I am sorry, I really am. I had no control over what happened to me. However, I am home for now, and I have the most wonderful news for my family and friends. I will share the news after we all eat." Opening her purse, she pulled out seven one hundred dollars bills and handed them to Alberto.

"Here you go Mr. Salaneo, seven hundred, just like you always charge for the room."

Alberto took the money and looked at the new bills.

"Where ... Never'a mind. Let'a me check'a them and then Stella can'a show you to the room."

Pulling out a special pen, he used it to check the large bills. He swiped it across the bills and confirmed they were real.

"Your monieze is'a no'a good." Handing the money back to Molly, he continued, "Stella take 'em to the room, and serve 'em anythin'a they'a want. Its on'a the house."

"No, Mr. Salaneo! I can pay," replied Molly as she took the money.

"Not this'a time, bambino! It's'a my welcome home to you."

Turning Molly, he pushed her towards the door, "Go, Stella."

"Yes, Papa."

Stella took Molly's arm, and led her to the back room.

Molly stopped at the door and said, "Stella, put this in your fathers cash register. I don't need the charity."

Placing the seven hundred dollars in Stella's hand, she closed it up.

Stella looked at the money in her fist, and responds. "Molly, I can't."

Molly watched Stella's dad go in the back. "Yes you can. Your father is running a business, and you don't pay the bills by acting like this."

"All right, I will do it after we close, but only then," she said. Placing the money in her pocket, she continued, "Now let's get you all seated."

Turning Molly around, she opened the door and they walked into the dark room. "Damn it, let me find the light switch. Don't move."

Walking over to the wall switch, she switches it on.

"SURPRISE! Welcome home, Molly.'

Molly stood there surprised, as she looked at all her family and friends. Tears ran down her face as Alberto walked over to her.

Alberto picked Molly up and gave her bear hug, and said, "That's'a why I said I'm'a not gon'a take'a yu money. Welcome home, Molly." Guiding Molly over to the head of the table, he sat her down. "Now, Molly, I have'a made a big'a dinna' for'a yu. We hav'a good food for'a yu'."

Molly looked around and saw her Cousin Jamie sitting in her electric wheel chair with her boyfriend beside her. Jamie sat there crying. Molly got up, and walked over to her and hugged her. Whispering in her ear, "Jamie, I love you, and I have a great secret to share with you."

Opening her purse, she pulled out her med kit and opened it. Pulling out a nano injector, she loads it.

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Ken jerked his head around to the main tactical screen. "To all ships! Red alert! All hands man your battlestations!" Ken ordered. He turned and walked quickly to the main CIC panel. He looked at the hyper wake coming in. "Estimated time of arrival?" "Six minutes, Sir," replied the sensor officer. "Stack us up. I want a full broadside of weapons to bear on the targets. Launch all fighters." "Yes, Sir! Launching all fighters, stacking the ships." "Dispatch the rest of...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 29 Interfaces

The Federation battleship USS Washington: 1:50 P.M. Jessica handled the ship as though she was born to do it. The ship was shrugging off the enemy fire and her weapons were firing at the Washington D.C. shield trying to take it down. Turning her head she smiled at her husband and wife as the status reports came in from the fleet. "Enemy shield down to 36% power," reported Lieutenant Akiko Fujimoto. "Thanks, Akiko. Keep up the pressure," Tammy said just as Jessica screamed and the ship...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 11 A General Comes Calling

Ken stood in his office. With the forward wall pulled back, he could look out over the bow of the great ship. In the distance, the Oregon, along with three destroyers, blasted chunks out of Io - one of Jupiter's larger moons - scaring the landscape as he watched the target practice taking place. Walking over to his desk, he sat down, and went over the last report from the Dachshund. They had found a strange signal emanating from the planet Pluto, and how they were trying to track it down...

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“Mom this will be the hardest thing I will have to ask of you, I need you to initiate the recruitment of Nanomage a very gifted hacker and if our sources are accurate; he is also a genius at robotics and artificial intelligence. Our intelligence has identified him as Christopher, no other information has been revealed about him. He will be about 15 years old now, an orphan and living off the grid. All his records as far as we can tell were deleted from all systems before he was 6 years old....

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 31 The Battle near the Asteroids

"Show me this ship," snarled Captain Tal. The screen changed and a ship that was five times larger than their own appeared on the screen. Her white hull was gleaming and her navigational lights were lit up. She was less then five miles away from his command. Tal stood there, and looked at the huge ship; he then turned to his weapons officer, and said, "Fire on that ship! Turn us hard starboard, full speed ahead. Launch countermeasures." The Dancer opened fire with her pitiful weapons...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 20 The New Crew

Ted sat in the vehicle holding the cake, as the car shot through the hallways. It came to a dead stop in front of a familiar conference room. Ted led everyone into the room, and they saw Amy standing there. Setting the cake on the table, he turned to the others. "Go ahead and pick a spot. James break out the food, I will get dishes." Going over to the replicator, Ted issued some commands. "Computer fifteen plates, fifteen coffee cups, and flatware settings for fifteen, please." The...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 16 Vengeance One

Luis Fajardo looked out the picture window of downtown Bogotá Columbia. Picking up the paper, he read the article again. Slamming the paper down, he turned and looked at his companions. "Damn it! We have to stop these people from distributing these serums. They are going to give this miracle drug away free, and our product won't affect the people who use it. That will prevent them from buying from us. We need to stop them, but how? Already sales are down fifteen percent, because the...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 5 Attack Rescue

Ken sat up on the medical bed and swung his legs over the side as Tina hugged him around the waist. Looking down at the young girl, he kissed her forehead, and said, "Thank you for saving me." Seeing the blush on her face he chuckled, and said, "And that goes for you too, Amy, wherever you are." "Right here, Sir. I was going over the logs to see what I had missed," she said as she appeared. Ken let Tina go, looking over his shoulder at Amy, and said, "Anything important, that I...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 35 The Attack

Around the system, ships started hypering out. The ships destined to stay, started recovering the injured and helpless from the explosions on Terra; while Commodore White, along with his wife Maria, begin dealing with the UN. Two weeks later, the ships dropped out of fold and reformed into their attack wings. Ken stood on the Flag Bridge, facing the main viewer. On the screen were Captain Nickolas Johansson of the Hope, and Captain Jenny Mai-ling of the Freedom Train. "Captains, good...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 38 Amy and Jessica

Down in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, at a small lake, some friends were spending a week camping and fishing. As the sun was setting, David Granger walked back to his tent, his pole over his shoulder when he looked up and saw his roommate Brad Wilson walking towards him. Holding up the string of trout, he grinned. "Brad, it looks like we have trout for dinner..." seeing the look on the face of his friend he stopped speaking for a second, and asked, "What's wrong?" Walking up to his...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 12 Tinas Trip and Vegas

Up north, in Reno, Tina and her two friends were in the garage. They were loading the luggage into her mother's van. Closing the back door, they stood there chatting as they waited for Tina's mom. Tina looked around the garage, and saw a towel on the dryer. Walking over, she grabbed her beach towel with Jonny Depp on it as Captain Jack. "Damn, I almost forgot this." Walking back to the van she opened the door and stuffed the towel into her bag. Kathleen said, "Yeah, you would have...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 35 The UN and Jessica

The black car pulled up to the United Nations building and came to a stop. Across the street angry protesters picketed against the war in Iraq, while in the distance came the bustling sounds of one of the most populated cities in the world, coming to life. The driver opened the door and a man got out. He was carrying a black briefcase that was chained to his wrist. He walked towards the main doors of the building. Ambassador Joshua Chandler strolled into the United Nations building, passing...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 10 A new victim and preparing to go home

Joshua sat down the street from Reno High School, and watched the kids come out of summer school. They went by on their way home, as he watched as the young sluts chat with their friends. Some even made out with their punk boyfriends, who wouldn't know what to do with them, even if they got into their pants. He sat there and remembered the last girl he'd grabbed ... Jennifer Taylor. Her long brown hair and hazel eyes were the things that stood out about her. How the fear flashed in her eyes...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 2 New Explorers

Ken played his light around the cave, and saw that it was getting tighter. They were descending into an unexplored cave system at the bottom of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Ken moved some smaller rocks out of his way, and pointed his light down the incline. The area was less than eleven inches high at his position, but it seemed to widen out a few feet farther on. Looking deeply into the darkness, and seeing no danger of loose rock, he turned his body on its side. He looked back at the...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 37 Surprises

Amy accessed the data link into the Earths internet and started searching through the records and history. Happily, she started downloading all she could find. On the chat programs, and peer to peer sites, she gathered movies, books, music and anything she thought the crew would like an then she froze as she started reading some of the historical documents. "Oh NO!" Which caused her to dive into more pages and then she froze all her downloads, and locked her system down. Flight 329 from...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 24 The chase is on

Joshua drove back towards his home. His heart was beating faster than it ever had before. Pulling up to a red light, he looked down on his catch and smiled evilly. "I think I will keep you for awhile, you have been such a game to catch, but now you are mine." Reaching down, he squeezed her breast. Frustrated by her shirt, he started pulling it up. For some reason, it refused to yield to his grabbing. The light changed, and he pulled through the intersection and into a dark parking...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 25The Moon

Jenny groaned as she came to. Her jaw hurt, and her body hurt even worse. She could still feel the effects of the device he had used on her. Opening her eyes, she saw she was in a metal room lying on a bed. Groaning, she stood up. She examined the bands on her wrists and tried to remove them. Each time she dug her nails under the band she got shocked. "Damn it, that hurts." "Then I would advise you not to do it, human." Jen jumped when she heard the voice. Turning around, she saw a...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 14 Reno Bound and Danger

Ken drove the big vehicle and continued to think about finding people to get to join them. One group he was going to ask was his Dungeons and Dragons group, and the ROTC class. They were going to need military people, so he added his dad's Vietnam buddies to the list, or at least some of them. As the miles went by, everyone else fell asleep to the drone of the tires on the road. Every few minutes they passed a car going the opposite way. A few hours later, they pulled into Tonopah, Nevada...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 29 Saving a life Slavers

Ken caught the young mother before she could fall to the floor. He looked over at Molly. "Get in there and do what you can to help her." Molly looked in the window and her heart started to break at the sight of the little girl. Tubes running in and out of her, an oxygen mask over her face to help her breath. "Yes, Sir!" Molly went into the room and set her bag down on the bed. Nurse Gretchen Hilliard looked down at the little girl suffering from the cancer. Turning to get her pen,...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 16 Going to Breakfast

Maria had just sat down to her morning cup of hot coffee when the phone rang. Reaching over she picked it up. "Hello? Ted, Honey, how are you? Are you ok? Why have you not called ... oh silly me, you are calling now. Did you all have a good time? Did Tammy get any pictures? Oh, what's that? Ok, let me ask them." Getting up, she walked down the hallway, looked in the bedroom, and called to her husband, "Andy, wake up!" as she walked over to the bed. On the bed, Andy rolled over to look...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 39 Going to the UN

Amy appeared in the bedroom and looked down at Ken and Tammy curled up in each other's arms. "Sir? It's four am. It's time to wake up. You have four hours until the United Nations meeting," she said with a sigh. Ken opened his eyes and looked over at Amy, and replied, "Good morning, Amy, and thank you," Then he looked down on Tammy with her head pillowed on his shoulder, her other arm across his stomach holding him tightly in her arms. Ken tried to slide out but Tammy clutched him...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 8 A Day of Healing and Play

Amy stood there watching Molly heal inside the bed's force field. Several hours ago she had released Ted from medical, and sent him to his cabin to sleep. She ran a final diagnostic on her patient and shut down the force field. "Molly, it is time to wake up," she stood there as Molly's eyes fluttered open. "Hello, Molly. How are you feeling?" Molly dreamt of her mom making her breakfast, before school. She sat and ate the hot pancakes. The butter and hot syrup was dripping...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 3 The Discovery

She sat, her power at minimum, for ages. Her servants repaired the great tears in her body. They restored her passageways, her components, and her systems to pristine condition. The servants burrowed deep down into the Earth. They gathered the resources she so desperately needed. They mined the gold, titanium, platinum, iron, and 'rare earths' that would have cost far too much in precious power to have been replicated. They brought her back to life, as she slowly rebuilt herself. In the...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 22 Decisions bills and packing

The people went around and learned about the ship. They were each deciding what career choice they wanted. James Woods had decided he wanted to be a fighter pilot once he saw the sleek attack fighter sitting in one of the cradles. Code-named Tomahawk, the fighter carried a miniature rail gun in the nose cone, two lasers on each wing, and a missile bay with sixteen ship-to-ship missiles. The missiles were antimatter warheads for larger ships or 'fire and forget', for enemy fighters. James...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 26 The Enemy Is Coming

Around the base, the Marines gathered up the Crytherians as they surrendered. They herded them into the large underground hanger. While Jen and her squad of Marines moved through the base to the hanger bay, they passed other Marines gathering up papers, computers and any other intel that they could find. Walking out into the bay, she saw one of their shuttles, where Marines were herding four Crytherians into the bay and put them into chains. Walking up the shuttle ramp, Jen saw Lynn standing...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 19 Medical Emergency

Jen finished her writing, stood, and stretched. Taking her bottle of water, she walked out the door. After locking the door, she walked down the driveway to the mailbox and checked the mail. She stood there flipping through the mail. Seeing a letter from her pen pal in England, she stuck it into her pocket. She turned to start walking back up the road with the rest of the mail when she saw a brown car slowly pass by the driveway's entrance. Looking up, she looked into a face she would not...

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Night Skies Hotel VI Destroyers of Worlds

Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds By Solari Author's note: "Destroyers of Worlds" is the third story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds," and "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that unfold. "What you consider...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 14 USS Oregon

Ted sat there looking at the woman who had just given him a blowjob. His eyes kept wandering to her scantly clad body as she crawled up his body kissing his bare flesh as she went which caused him to moan. "You are so handsome looking! I just had to come and thank you personally for saving me and my Angel," Augusta said as she licked his nipples. She straddled his waist, and raised her green eyes to look into Ted's brown ones that were wide, as if he was a deer caught in the lights of a...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 3 One Little Girl and Many Soldiers

Ted walked down the hallway, passing people who were being guided out of the medical bays, and were being lead back down to the shuttles. Passing a side passageway, he started to head into medical when he heard the crying. Turning around, he saw a brown haired girl sitting against the wall. Her dress was slightly dirty, and her knees were pressed tightly to her chest as she rocked. Walking over, he saw she was about eight years old. Kneeling beside her, he said, "Hi, I'm Ted. Are you...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 34 The capture and repairs

Aboard the cruiser Starburst, fires raged throughout the ship. With the internal force fields on, the fires had air to burn, but with the damage to the ship, they knew if they lowered them they would lose many warriors trapped in damaged compartments. Lieutenant Vak watched as his squad of firefighters battled a fire near the number one magazine. With temperatures reaching up to the eighteen hundred degree mark, support beams were becoming weakened and the storage room was an inferno. The...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 21 Healing and Mechs

Lisa slowly woke up and opened her eyes. As she moved her eyes, they settled on her sister's face. In a scratchy voice, she said, "Hi, Sis. Can I have a drink of water? I'm really thirsty." Tammy brushed the hair out of Lisa's eyes. "Hey, Sis! Yes, you may have a drink. How are you feeling?" Reaching over to the bedside table, she lifted a glass of water with a straw in it to her sister's lips. "Take your time drinking. Well, we now know what was wrong with you, and it will...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 36 Some mysteries are solved

Jenny hung from the wall. The pain had finally stopped and she looked around the room. Her eyes slowly focused on the only things in the room, a spider bot hanging on the far wall above the replicator and the camera in the center of the room pointed at her. Suddenly the pain started up again, and she started screaming until her voice was hoarse, and she lost control of her bladder and soiled herself. The pain stopped for a second and she started gasping for a breath. She screamed into the...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 15 Nightmare

Jenny tossed and turned in her bed as she slept. She twisted and wrapped herself up in the sheets. The dream came once again to her. It had come often, since she had found out that she was supposed to die. She watched her dream self walk down the stairs of her home, dressed as a clown. Walking up to her parents, she gave them a kiss and a hug. A sad smile was painted upon her face, and she gave a small sigh for her brother. Her mother took her face in her hands. She looked deeply in her...

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