BethChapter 37.2 free porn video

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August 6, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

“Are the cops gonna come,” asked Gracey. “I haven’t seen anyone, but someone had to have heard that scream. Shouldn’t we get dressed?”

“Wait,” Liya answered. Liya extracted her phone from her one pocket. “Please, all of you stand around her.” [Liya was the only one with a pocket large enough for a phone, so it was the only one we had here.]

We quickly complied and Liya took the photo from the angle looking up Heather’s splayed legs at her pussy.

Gracey then said, “Liya, give me your phone and trade places with me. Heather has to see that we were all still naked. She’ll cherish these pictures and memory.”

The two of them traded and Gracey took the photo. Heather then began rousing and Gracey began dressing. Rhee and Liya followed suit. I sat with Heather, caressing her hair.

Heather’s eyes slowly opened. She smiled slightly when she saw me. “OH. MY. GOD! That was phenomenal. You guys have sent me to the upper reaches of Heaven before, but this went so much higher. This was a couple fantasies wrapped together, then made even better.”

She rolled her head the other way to see the others. “Thank you, all.” She tipped her head back and closed her eyes. “That ... Oh ... fu-ucckkk. Oh, god. Ohhh.”

Liya said, “Heather, my phone has photos showing you passed out with your naked friends around you.”

“Ohh. Oh, Liya, thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me something other than my memories to remember this.” After a few seconds of silence, she said, “My life just keeps getting better and better, and it’s all because of you guys. Yesterday evening, our team won the tournament. Last night, I got to cum on Charlie’s cock and got to hold it. This morning, I got to see Charlie naked and hug and kiss him with both of us naked. Then, the world’s best-ever friends sent me to a Nirvana well beyond anything I’ve ever known before. The only thing that could make my life better is if I could permanently move into the Williams-Devlin house. I don’t know how that could happen, but it gives me something to anticipate!”

I stood and began donning my clothes. Heather reached for her clothes.

Liya startled us with a loud, “Wait!” She pulled her phone back out of her pocket and went to her previous photo-taking spot. “Heather, get up on your elbows there and spread your legs a bit more. No, wait. Rhee, get up on the table and sit behind her, with your legs along her legs. Then have her lean back on you with her forearms on your thighs. I think.”

Rhee got in the requested place and the postures mostly worked out as Liya wanted. She took the photo of a naked Heather surrounded by her clothed friends. I stood and held out my hand for the phone. Liya handed it to me and took my seat. I took the photo.

As Heather was dressing, I told her, “I would love it if we could get away with walking you home with only your shoes on.”

“Oh, god. Yeah, that would be wonderful. I think that my college career would come to a screeching halt, though.”

Oddly enough, we did not encounter anyone in the park until we were nearly at the exit. It was like the powers that be arranged for our solitude to enable our illicit sex session in its entirety. Where was everybody?

Heather was very touchy-feely on the way back. She managed to slip a hand inside one article of clothing on each of us at some point during the walk. Gracey had startled and partly objected to her hand touching her left breast inside her shirt. Rhee, though, just kept walking when Heather put a hand on her right breast inside her shirt. She also did not object, or even stop walking, when Heather briefly exposed that breast. So, after looking behind me, I let Heather walk nearly half a block with her hand inside my shorts on my right cheek.

As we approached the house, Heather said, “Again, my wonderful friends and lovers, thank you for today. That was absolutely, wonderfully fun! The whole thing! I loved eating three of you to orgasm and I really loved the bout of orgasms you gave me. I think that it would be difficult to top that, though having Charlie with us there would do it.”

Heather looked to her left, then shouted, “Oh, hi, Mr. Jacobsen!” She then started down their walk and he ambled toward us.

“Hi, Heather. Hi, girls.”

“Are you already back or have you not gone, yet?”

“No, Heather. We haven’t gone, yet. You’ll find when you get as old and crotchety as us, everything takes longer, even though it may seem like everything takes forever at your age.”

Out of nowhere, Heather hugged him, then looked up at him and said, “Oh, I’d be very happy if everything would take forever, because I’m having the best time of my life right now. We won the soccer tournament and I’m hanging with the best friends ever. And I get to take a calculus class at the university. I’d like this time to last forever.”

“You, Heather, are breathtaking. You almost make me wish that I were a young teenager so that I could chase you around.”

“But what would Harry have to say about that?”

“She’s the reason that I said ‘almost.’ Without her, I’d be wishing for a miracle, because I think that you’d be worth almost any price, but not the price of my Harry.”

“Oh, well. It was worth a try. Please give my regards to your lovely wife and tell her that I’m very jealous.”

“Oh, ho, Heather, you are a whippersnapper! I’ll bet if you’re still taking classes at the university when the fall session starts, you will cause a ruckus.”

“Nah, I doubt it. I’m too little, both in height and bra size, for those college boys. Only males like you, males of discernment appreciate oddballs like me.”

“Wow! Do you remember everything people tell you?”

“No, just the things that interesting people tell me.”

“Hey, you old goat. Who are you fooling around with, now?”

Heather actually squealed. She looked around Mr. Jacobsen, released the hold she had on him, then walked up to Mrs. Jacobsen.

“Hi, Mrs. Jacobsen. I’m Heather. You have the most interesting, wonderful husband. I tried to steal him away, but he’s too attached to you. You are a very lucky woman.”

“Oh, my. So, you’re Heather. My man and Beth’s parents have told me about you. You’re adorable. I also know why my husband is half in love with you. He loves freckles. He’s so odd.”

“Yes, he is, isn’t he? And isn’t that wonderful? Oddballs should always find each other. All those normal people are so, well, you know. You didn’t marry a normal person. You married a wonderful oddball, didn’t you?”

Mrs. Jacobsen looked at Heather for quite a few seconds, then said, “Yes, I certainly did. And you think that that makes me an oddball?”

“Of course. Wasn’t Mr. Jacobsen a bit different, even when you first met him? I really cannot imagine a normal person becoming such a wonderful man like your husband. You must have found something to like in that differentness, which makes you an oddball. In my, admittedly, short time on the planet, only other oddballs seem to be attracted to us oddballs. Look at Beth’s parents. They’re both different from the norm. Look at all of my friends over there. They comprise most of the ‘smart-girl’ clique at school. If it weren’t for the fact that they’re all at least attractive and that Beth and Rhee are probably the two prettiest girls in the class, they would be almost shunned, as I was before Beth rescued me. Despite how much progress mankind has made, smart women are still suspect. I guess that you were one of those smart girls that didn’t hide it. Yeah, that’s probably it. You know, we oddballs need to stick together, as most of the normals don’t know how to deal with us.”

“She’s got you, there, Harry”

Mrs. Jacobsen looked up at Mr. Jacobsen with an odd expression.

“Certainly, other than the freckles, the aspect of you that attracted me to you was that you weren’t a normal girl. You were interesting, and you have become more and more interesting through life. Heather reminds me of you for more reasons than just her freckles. Do you see the you at her age in her? I do.”

After a long, pregnant pause, she said, “Yes, Dear, I do. And, Heather, how did you know that I was a smart girl that didn’t worry about showing her intelligence?”

While half-turning and pointing at Mr. Jacobsen, she said, “Because he wouldn’t have married anyone else. That meant that, unless you had other odd quirks, you had to be smart. Besides, you were obviously smart enough to marry him. And you’ve had a mostly wonderful life together. Haven’t you?”

Mrs. Jacobsen shook her head from side to side, obviously in disbelief, not in negation. She then said, “I am going to have to keep him well away from you. I don’t want to lose him to a younger, smarter woman.” She then grinned at Heather. “You are incredibly adorable. I’d almost be willing to trade you for two, maybe three, of my grandchildren and a player to be named later.”

Heather hugged Mrs. Jacobsen, and she hugged her back.

“Since I can’t marry Mr. Jacobsen, may I adopt you two as honorary grandparents?”

“Yes, Dear, you may. We’ll be happy to serve in that capacity.”

“Great. I ought to leave you two in peace. My friends are probably getting antsy. I think they’re in need of ... relief, if you know what I mean.

“Hey,” Liya exclaimed, “are you casting aspersions on us? See what we have to put with, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen, just to be nice to this poor waif that Beth found.”

“Indeed, we do,” answered Mrs. Jacobsen. “I wonder, though. If you all were around tomorrow about this time and I were, by some odd quirk of fate, to bake a big batch of chocolate-chip cookies, would you be able to help us find some deserving smart girls with whom to share them?”

“Oh, I’m sure that we could manage at least that, Mrs. Jacobsen,” Rhee responded.

Mrs. Jacobsen smiled at us, then looked at Heather. “I hope that you and your friends will stop by again, even after all the cookies are gone. We’ve both very much enjoyed this interlude. Our witty repartee is usually reserved just for us, unfortunately.”

“I’m sure that we can manage at least that, Mrs. Jacobsen,” Heather answered.

“Thank you. It is so nice to see that not all young people are hellions that disrespect their elders. You all have a great rest of your day. I’ve got the beginnings of dinner to look after.”

After we entered the house, Liya asked, “What was all that about, Heather?”

“Oh, I just really like Mr. Jacobsen, so I said ‘hi.’ I hadn’t met Harry. She was great, just like her husband.”

“Yeah, they’re wonderful people,” I said. “They’re Dad and Mom’s favorite people in the neighborhood.”

“Yeah,” mimicked Rhee, “I’ve always liked them. But why aren’t we naked and what is that?”

I had noticed what Rhee pointed out but had gotten sidetracked by the Jacobsen conversation. I answered, “I would guess that it’s for ToC, which suggests that we might have a very interesting game, tonight.”

The “that” was what looked like two queen mattresses side-by-side on the floor. The TV-watching furniture had also been re-arranged into the usual ToC set-up, with three of the kitchen chairs added.

When Sandy walked into the living room, our clothes were strewn about, and we were all sitting on the memory-foam mattresses.

“I thought I heard you come in. What do you think? Will this arrangement suffice for now? We’ve ordered another couch so that we don’t have to use the kitchen chairs, but it won’t arrive until later this week.”

I looked at Mom, then over the new, let’s call it, ‘game-room arrangement,’ and returned my gaze to Mom. “It should do. I agree about the chairs. They’ll need pads or pillows or something to park potentially bare bottoms on them.”

“Yes, we thought so, too. When you get a chance, would one or more of you girls bring pillows down from storage? I think that a long comforter draped over the back of the three chairs would also be nice. Obviously, when we kitted out the house, we didn’t consider the needs of a clothing-optional policy.”

She grinned at all of us. Heather walked over and hugged her.

“Thanks, Mom. Apparently, you not only really want us in the game, but you want us to be comfortable, too.”

“You’re more than welcome, all of you. As we’ve said, the three of us love all of you and want you to be happy and comfortable here. Even though Charlie hasn’t stated such specifically, we’re all very much looking forward to ToC, tonight. We’ve come to really enjoy playing it and we hope that you three new additions to the family will enjoy it, too.”

There were various head nods, smiles, and vocal appreciations of Mom’s words, but her face went more serious.

“I want to emphasize as strongly as I can, that partaking in ToC is strictly voluntary. If anyone is concerned or even uncomfortable about it, either now or once we get going, please, please speak up. No one will think poorly of you if you object to anything. We do not need to do this; you do not need to do this for any reason other than you want to do so. All three of us are very serious about not pushing anyone much beyond her comfort level. As you may know, each of us gets three passes, so if you are uncomfortable about a particular task or question but not about the game, itself, please, please feel free to use a pass.

“As I said, we all love you and will love you whether we play the game or not. Please spend at least some time this afternoon thinking about this. Our previous games have gotten very sexual. You need to understand that and want to play. If anyone is just accepting of the game, then please say so. I cannot stress this point overly much.”

I immediately looked at Gracey and Liya, because if there was any concern, it would be among them. They were looking intently at each other for ten seconds or more until Gracey nodded minutely.

Liya, with her eyes still on Gracey, began speaking. “Sandy, we’re in. I cannot say that one or both of us will not object to individual tasks, but we are definitely in for the game. I think, though, that we’d both like clarification on how sexual is ‘very sexual.”

Gracey nodded, and they both turned to Mom.

“Firstly, Charlie’s penis will not be inserted into any vagina in which it has not previously been. That means, in none of yours, Not in the three of yours, not in the five of yours. Other than that, nearly anything else that is not degrading and not what many might find disgusting is on the table. There have been orgasms. In fact, all of the five original players have had orgasms during the game. That is what we mean by ‘very sexual.’ If that’s too much, please tell us before we start.”

“Thanks, Sandy. Considering that everyone has watched both Heather and me cum with Charlie while kissing him, I don’t think that orgasms will scare us off. In fact, I can guarantee that none of us would object to orgasms obtained with or from Charlie. I’m not at all certain, however, that ... umm ... highly sexual acts involving any of us girls and either of the Moms directly will be ... I don’t know that all of us would be okay with that. While we’ve all lusted after Charlie for a while, the Moms have been just that, extra mothers. So, despite that we all have experience with ... sex with one or more of each other, I am a little concerned about what would essentially be mother-daughter sex.”

“Thank you, Liya, for being forthright. We understand that. While there has been a little, a very little, of that, we can certainly avoid it. That’s not a problem at all. We are very happy to have you join us in the game and truly want you to enjoy the game and not have any qualms about what might happen or about what did happen. We’re very serious about that, which is why I am harping on the point.

“I might also bring up two more points. The first is that various acts might be permitted, even encouraged, in the game, but which may not be permitted or encouraged outside of it. Do you three new family members understand? I can be more specific if you need me to be.”

Heather, still standing with Mom, said, “I think I understand. One or more of us might get a command to, say, use our hands on Charlie’s ... penis, but that we should not think that just because we get such a command in the game that we have carte blanche with it in any other situation. Is that your point?”

“Yes, it is. I can see you thinking about last night. You do accept, I hope, that Charlie’s cock being covered is a different situation than his naked cock.” When Heather nodded, she continued. “Carol and I don’t mind some sexual interactions between Charlie and you girls. That may seem obvious, considering the recent past and your invitation to play ToC.

“You might also say that it’s not that we ‘don’t mind’ such, but that we are interested in seeing such. That is true. For whatever reason or reasons, and we have them, both of us are interested in seeing, watching, Charlie with you girls. That is the only reason that what has taken place in the recent past has happened and what will take place tonight and what might take place in the future would happen. However, we are still Charlie’s wives and we will continue to restrict some access to him, with both his understanding and his insistence. We do not want, nor intend to permit this to devolve into a sexual free-for-all. There may be times outside of ToC that we will have fewer constraints, an example being the Uno prize, but even then, there will be constraints. Is that acceptable?”

I had been looking at Mom but noticed movement out of the corner of my right eye, so turned to see Liya standing. She walked over to Mom and stood in front of her, looking in her eyes.

“Sandy, we understand that, completely. We also understand and accept yours and Carol’s primacy when it comes to Charlie. We have told him and you that we will give him whatever he wants from us, whatever you and Carol will allow. If you want to watch us having sexual intercourse with him, we’re good with that. If you don’t want that to happen, we’re okay with that. We have already gotten so much more than we ever dreamed possible, that you cannot really disappoint us with restrictions. Just being able to be naked with him, to be able to embrace him, kiss him while being naked, is already beyond, far beyond, what we could have imagined just weeks ago. We are supplicants, and we will enjoy whatever from Charlie that we can get. But know that we are already ecstatic with what we’ve gotten.”

A quiet “hear, hear” came from Heather.

“Gracey, do you agree with Liya?”

“Oh, yes. I agree with her acceptance of limits and with our ecstasy at having what we already have had.”

Mom smiled widely. “Excellent. The other point that I wanted to inform you on is that the game has produced something of a side effect. Given the highly sexual nature of many commands, such sexual acts have become ... let’s say ‘less private.’ That, in combination with constant nudity of both Charlie and various females, sexual acts have come out of the bedroom. Unless you object strongly, you might enter the house or come downstairs sometime and find one or more of the adults engaging in various sexual acts, acts that could include intercourse. In fact, have included intercourse.”

She looked around, as did I, at Heather, Liya, and Gracey. She smiled, probably at the surprise on their faces. “Of course, this has happened. It’s like Charlie seeing your breasts. Once he’d seen all of you topless, with your permission, there was no real reason why you should be forced to cover your breasts in his presence in the house if you did not want to do so. That is why I made the declaration of shirts being optional. That cat was out of the bag, why try to put it back?

“The same with sex. If you’ve already seen us do that, and there’s a reasonable chance that you’ll see it, tonight, why, if you’re comfortable with such, would we want to restrict ourselves from what we want? Why put the cat back in the bag?”

Mom looked around for disagreement and found none.

“Concomitant with the clothing policy and the de facto sex policy as a result of ToC, if we are doing something in a public part of the house, then you are free to watch, or not. We define ‘public’ as anywhere that is not behind a closed door.”

She stopped and looked around again.

“Let me get this straight,” Liya said. “If you and Charlie were making love in your bedroom and the door were open, that would be ‘public?’”

“Yes. The only constraints on something like this, and they work in both directions, that is, with you girls as with us, is that a closed door means that entry permission must be obtained before opening that door. Open doors are exactly like the various kitchen entryways. Speaking of doors, you are all now family. We have door keys for you.”

Heather and Liya, being right next to Mom, immediately wrapped her in a three-way hug. Gracey rapidly stood and nearly ran to join the hug.

Carol, fully clothed and carrying a bag, walked into the living room right then.

“Oh, I so love my large, naked family. Is this a private hug, or can I get in on it?”

Before Carol could move, Heather said, “As long as you’re properly attired.”

Carol chuckled but set the bag on the floor and proceeded to disrobe. She really is voluptuous, with wider hips and larger breasts than Rhee’s, but trim and fit like Rhee. Heather had her left arm waiting, so Carol joined the hug there.

Once she’d had a few seconds of group hug, she asked, “May I ask the nature or reason for this hug?”

“You got us door keys,” Heather replied.

“Well, of course, we did. You’re family. What would you expect?”

“Well, yes,” Liya answered. “But it’s like a physical proof of our ... family-ness. We love it! Thank you, so much! We already really love being family, despite getting to see ... Dad naked only once.

“Heather, Beth, and Rhee introduced us to nudity here, and Gracey and I fell in love with it. We now spend time at each other’s house naked, though not when the relevant mom is home, except in our rooms. We haven’t gotten brave enough to request a similar policy for our houses, but we’ve been contemplating it a lot. I suspect that so much time spent naked here will probably motivate us to make the requests.”

“It is wonderful, isn’t it,” Carol replied. “Just to be clear, this policy also holds for our Devlin house. In fact, Rhee and I want to host the whole family there for dinner sometime soon. We want to do a naked cookout in the back yard.”

“Oh, god,” responded Heather. “That would be great! I’m in!”

Rhee laughed. “Yeah, there’s our family exhibitionist.”

As the hug broke up, Sandy said, “While excused this time because of circumstances, this cluttering the living room floor with clothes will usually not be tolerated, you six barbarians!”

As I picked up my clothes, I asked, “Who’s doing dinner, what is it, and do you want our help?”

“Carol and I are preparing spicy shrimp and potatoes. Charlie will grill the shrimp, but we’ll bake the potatoes. If some or all of you girls want to make a fancy salad, that would be great. We’ve got a wide variety of salad-ingredient options.”

“Okay. We’ll be down by 5:00 to make it, unless you have further need of us, now.”

“No, Dear, you making the salad suffices. Have fun.”

Once we reached the room for which I need to find a term other than “my bedroom,” we gravitated to the bed and sat or lounged on it.

“Okay, I have two things to ... One thing to say and one thing to ask,” Liya said. “That sex at the park was, though a bit scary, incredible! Thanks, Heather, for getting it going and thanks, so much, for getting Gracey off. I can see, at least a bit, why you seem to like exhibitionism. Once I got turned on by watching you eat Rhee, the public ... venue certainly gave me an additional thrill. I don’t know that I’d be comfortable with it on a regular basis, but occasionally, in ‘safe’ circumstances, I can see doing that, again. What about you, Gracey?”

“I was really nervous about it. Not really at the beginning when it was just Heather eating Rhee, but when it was my turn to get eaten. Liya, you getting completely naked helped a lot, there. When Rhee joined in, I got to the point where I was okay with Beth stripping me. Then it felt really wild and looking up and seeing all of you completely naked, that sent me over the top! That was just crazy! I’m still nervous about that, but, I think, like you, I could do it again in the right situation. I’m actually interested in your back yard, Rhee.”

“One of the first few times that Beth and I made love was in the back yard.”

“What? You didn’t tell me that,” exclaimed Heather.

Rhee shrugged, then said, “We were really excited for some reason. You know my room, it shares a wall with my mom’s bedroom, so, since we were still... ‘in the closet,’ so to speak, we found it difficult to get into it there. Mom had gone to bed early and we got hot and bothered making out in the living room. We didn’t want our sex to wake Mom up, so we finished outside. It was hot, and Mom had her room’s AC unit going, so she wouldn’t hear us out there.”

“Yeah, but what about the neighbors?”

“For some reason,” I said, “we didn’t take them into consideration. Remember, it was a hot night; I don’t think that anyone heard us.”

“Yeah, and that was probably a good thing, as Beth was pretty loud that night. In fact, I think that she nearly passed out. I had to rouse her, because she didn’t realize that it had started raining.”

There was some laughter at my expense, some of which was mine. However, I didn’t forget that Liya had a question, and I had a suspicion about, at least, the general nature of her question. She certainly didn’t forget.

“Now,” she said, “for my question. I think that we three new sisters need to know what to expect tonight. Specifically, what have Beth and Rhee done with Charlie in other ToC games?”

I looked at Rhee, who lifted her chin at me, indicating that I should answer.

“I’ll start with we’ve touched every part of him, and he’s touched us everywhere. He’s eaten both of us to orgasm. One of the commands that Mom got, given by Carol, was to teach us how to suck his cock. That was in the last game, Wednesday night.”

“Wait.” Interrupted Gracey. “You mean after you dropped Civia and me off.”

I nodded. “Yup. The Moms met us in the garage and told the three of us that ToC started in ten minutes. It was the most-wonderful ToC game to date. Sandy taught us how to suck Charlie, using his cock. Rhee and I got to trade it back-and-forth for a bit, then Carol said that we should see him cum. So, the four of us took 30-second turns sucking him. He came on Rhee’s turn. She had been instructed how, when he said that he was cumming, to keep his pleasure going by stroking him by hand as he orgasmed. You should have seen it. His cum shot probably three feet into the air and landed on the towel that Carol had put on his chest and belly.

“Rhee was so good. She acted like a ... well, like she knew what she was doing. Charlie said, ‘Cumming’ and she just took her mouth off his cock and stroked him as he shot. At the end, it stops shooting out and only ... uh ... dribbles or oozes out. I remember, when it was oozing, she was still stroking him, so she got some on her hand. She tasted it and said something like, ‘it’s not good, but it’s not horrible; I could swallow.”

That last was met with various exclamations and facial expressions that implied the question of, “Well, what was it like?”

Rhee answered. “It’s thick and creamy, but pretty salty. It’s not as bad as green Bell peppers, but it’s not something that I’d want to eat just to be eating it.”

“Wow,” exclaimed Liya. “That’s crazy. You got to make him cum, and with the Moms right there watching.”

“Yeah,” I said, “but that’s not the end.”

Gracey looked dumbfounded. “Wh ... there’s more?!”

“Oh, yeah, there’s more. Much more,” Rhee answered in a smug fashion. That told me that she wanted me to tell the whole story.

“Yes, Rhee’s right. There’s much more. In fact, Charlie has orgasmed at least twice in each of the past three ToC games. Wednesday night, he came twice more after Rhee did him the first time.”

That was met by wide-eyed stares from all the new sisters.

“Wow! I guess Sandy was right when she emphasized the ‘very’ in ‘very sexual,’” Heather said.

“Oh, yeah. Make no mistake. ToC is about sex, and specifically sex in front of groups and, as with the four women taking turns on Charlie’s cock on Wednesday, group sex, at times.

“This may be the time for me to make brutally clear what Sandy said earlier. Truth or Command is about sex. It’s about semi-public sex. It’s about doing sex acts in front of the rest of your family. Finally, and Sandy alluded to this earlier, it’s about Sandy and Carol getting to watch Charlie do sexual things with us.”

Same as Beth
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Moms night out

This happened 3 years ago, and I have not told this to anyone. Mom and dad had gotten divorced a few months ago. We had moved to a small, two bedroom apartment, just the two of us. For the first few weeks, mom had been pretty down, often crying, while I would hold her to comfort her. Mom to me, was hot. She had a fairly pretty face and blonde hair, which she kept short. For 44 years of age, she had a great body. Her tits were fairly large though they were sagging a bit with age. Her ass was the...

2 years ago
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Tricks and Treats for the Welcome Wagon

I step off the curb and look appraisingly at my house, trying to gauge the reaction that will come from the street. It’s the afternoon of October 31, and I have just put the finishing touches on my “haunted house.” The windows are boarded up, caution tape accents the front porch, a cemetery nestles against the right corner of the house, outdoor speakers blast frightening sounds into the night, a fog machine emits a spooky mist, and strobe lights complete the surreal effect. Suddenly, I feel a...

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Toons On Vacation

We have all had a favorite Saturday morning cartoon. As we grew older we often wished that just once Daphne would bend over in her oh so short dress to reveal her curvaceous ass or wear a dress that showed some cleavage; or how about Wonder Woman loosing her top while fighting crime or Shaggy getting it on with Velma. Let your imagination flow – mix up your favorite cartoon characters having the time of their lives. Imagine the Flintstones getting it on with the Incredible, Tom & Jerry meet...

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Tigress By Lynn LeFey To say that I am a gentleman may be somewhat incorrect. Certainly by all outward appearances, this would be the case. I wear the dress of nobles, in an understated elegance. This does not include gaudy displays of wealth. Only a gold ring, and those baubles of magic I choose to display. I am of the aristocracy. My father, a landed noble, is well liked, and manages his Barony well. Sometimes I sit and marvel at the complexity of its machinations. All the...

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Fixing It

SluttyBi: I need a ride. MissyJ: *devilish grin* I just gave u the ride of a lifetime last nite, babe. SluttyBi: *lol* not that ride, silly. I meant I’m picking up my car from the mechanic today. I got a message last night saying everything’s fixed and ready for me to take it home today. MissyJ: OK, where is this place? SluttyBi: do u remember Kev? MissyJ: Kev who? SluttyBi: Geeky Kev from back in high school. He was in the same year as my brother’s and often hung out with him. ...

4 years ago
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Lynn Becomes Obedient BitchChapter 2

The subconscious of Lynn speaks to whoever reads this story: Hi. My name is Lynn. A week ago I bumped into my ex-boyfriend whom I didn't think of very much. Something strange happened. All of a sudden he was my Master whom I had to always obey no matter what. I have to obey him but he hurts me and even if a part of me wants to run away, I shan't think of doing so as it is forbidden by him, my Master. My Lord. My God. I just wished he wasn't so hard on me and my body. The Week...

4 years ago
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Caught by Mom

I was just minding my own business, watching TV while home alone, and felt a sudden urge. We all get them. I just felt like I had to 'take care of myself', you know what I mean. So I did the thing all eighteen year old boys do. Went upstairs, into my parents' room, and approached the drawer. You know the one I mean. Mom's special drawer. Where the sexy lingerie and the toys are kept. It's where all my best wank material comes from. I see exactly what I want.

1 year ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 16 Hilo

Thoughts I missed many events while I'd stood — deactivated and dreamless — in some forgotten storage building. I lived only in the memory of another fembot I'd befriended, who herself had almost been lost before being rescued. Anna told me little of the time between when we'd last been together in the whorehouse and when Bill had rescued her because her memories had been damaged as well. This time I hadn't been there to preserve them for later restoration. She has no record of any...

3 years ago
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Pamelas TherapyChapter 7

Families and relationships always seek equilibrium. To achieve this balanced family dynamic each member must play their part. Whether the hero or the scapegoat, the clown or the enabler, all work together as actors on the family stage. As counselor to this dysfunctional lesbian relationship I assumed the role of enabler. I could enable or disable Pamela's and Betsy's ability to cum with the tools of psychology and medication. I would mold their minds and control their emotions through the...

1 year ago
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My Magaluf Holiday Sand Sex and more Sex

I am sure a lot of people look at their photos, especially on the beach and see girls showing themselves and have wished they knew it when they took it, by then it's usually too late to take advantage.I have always been a girl that flashes or if I restate it and just say I was never bothered if my bikini bottoms became bunched up or lay off to the side of my vagina for a full on, I was all the more for it and I knew it, especially when I knew men were looking.Men who have sex with girls just...

2 years ago
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Sissy hunting AR game

We were all together listening to the Lady infront of the calssroom , the fear in our face looking at each other small cock white boy locked, plugged, in panty brought one by one in the class, by that sexy milf teacher to our surprise s many of us looking at new white small frame boy get help in the claass and assig a desk12 of us , looking at the lady start the ''game trailer '' on the projector big screenthe room dark all of us looking at the screensuccessfull man all getting off from work it...

3 years ago
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Christmas Eve

Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didn’t have the deep wrinkles of some of the seasoned officers and only had a touch of gray starting at the temples. Other than that, his wavy black hair was still full and thick. He smiled as he thought how he still wore the same size, while he buttoned his uniform shirt over his flat stomach, on his last day of walking his beat. The last day, he thought. It seemed like only yesterday when he set out...

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Getting Between Them

Warning: this is a very weird story about a man's very strange transformation into a particular part of a woman's body. I was inspired by a caption series I saw on an old, sadly deleted blog called "6th Dimension Caps". This is my attempt to recreate that story, with my own twist on it. If you don't like poop or farts in your erotica, stay far, far away from this one. All characters are over 18, and if you are reading this, you should be too. Not intended for consumption by minors or...

4 years ago
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Back to the bath house

Playing, prowling XHamster last Wednesday. Was checking out the big dick gurls and ran across some shots of uncut cocks that had me reaching for my cock. I got into many pictures and I started salivating getting the hankering to suck some fat uncut cock. Did a little masturbation but still wasn't satisfied so I had to wait until Friday when, in season, which it is, I knew the bath house would be packed with sexy guys.Friday afternoon, I got my day pass for a whopping 25 bucks, got my towel and...

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Flashback CousinsChapter 10

Christmas 1992: Yellow Pines, Virginia Another Christmas. As I looked around the room at the people who, year after year, always showed up for the festivities, I saw that we were all getting older. Our parents and ourselves. And many of the friends and relatives that were my age were getting married and some had kids. I flew down that weekend with my boyfriend John - but he wanted everyone to call him Jake. He was the most wonderful man I had ever had a decent relationship with. He was...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 964

Books you will never read.(Some authors you need to think about) “100 Ways To Diet” by I. M. Hungry “101 Spotted Owl Recipes” by the EPA “312 Ways To Die” by Sue I. Cide “A Great Plenty” by E. Nuff “A Guide To Pharmeceuticals” by Sue E. Sidle “A la recherche du temps perdu” by Daisy Mist “A Sailor’s Adventure” by Ron A. Ground “A Stitch in Time” by Justin Case “A Trip To The Dentist” by Yin Pain & Lord Howard Hurts “A Whole Lot Of Cats” by Kitt N. Caboodle “Achy Breaky Heart” by Ann...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 45 A Matter of Trust

December 16, 1990, Chicago, Illinois We celebrated Jennifer’s birthday at dinner after the Rap Session, and, after a quiet time in the great room, I followed Abbie to her room. “That was a very interesting Rap Session,” Abbie proclaimed as we climbed into her bed. “We’ve had a few really deep conversations over the years. That one got a bit personal, but I think, overall, it was very good.” “It sure piqued Leslie’s interest!” Abbie smirked. “So it would seem! But is that what you want to...

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Fairytale of Christmas

To the tune of "Fairytale of New York" by Shane MacGowan and Jem Finer This may be archived/posted anywhere: Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Fairytale of Christmas By Pretzelgirl It was Christmas Eve, again In the closet I finished donning my gay apparel And then I poured a drink My memories erase I strung some mistletoe Tear trickles down my face God, I'm the lucky one I've been the favorite son I've kept it hidden I've been the golden boy The toll has...

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Nine Months Month Two

Month 2 The day after the 'men' left, Siggy woke me up early. "Urgh, what time is it?" I moaned, putting the pillow over my head. The light hurt my eyes and my mouth felt woolly. "7am, come on, let's get moving," she said, pulling off the blanket. "Seven? Let me sleep." I was up at 7am or earlier most working days. It's amazing how quickly you can get used to late mornings. "Just because the boys are away doesn't mean we can't have fun." "Huh?" It was still weird to not be...

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Christine Transgenderism

Introductory notes; The following piece is an extract from my novel "Sarah's Garden". It is not a work of erotica as such so if you've come here looking for erotic stimulation then I apologise. Instead this piece is posted as a sort of exploratory discussion of transgenderism. Since I have been posting my work on this site I have had the privilege of meeting many kind people on here who have expressed an interest in transgendered people and why they are what they are. It became apparent that...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt18

Introduction: Erins gift Twin Japanese Nieces Pt18 William Blake once wrote, The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom…for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough. I had had enough. The lunch and the cake were absolutely fabulous, but now I felt like a bloated whale. As Kayko and the kids cleaned off the table I sat down on the couch to stew about why I had been so stupid. I felt absolutely miserable, and just a little embarrassed. I should not have eaten so...

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A Family Problem

So our story begins, but where does it begin? Authors note: This is here so others can add stuff easily. Also if you want to see more of something or just love it hit that thumbs up, it lets me know what to focus on.

3 years ago
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Mom Chudi Station Pe

Hey guys. Ye meri first story hai. Just a fantasy story for you guys and horny girls out there. Uss samay main 20 saal ka tha. College final year mein tha. Summer vacations ka time tha. Mere cousin ki shadi thi. Shadi thi Patna mein aur hum rehte the Delhi mein. Hum se mere matlab tha main Rohan 20 ka, mere dad 56 ke aur meri mom Lata 48 ki. Dad ka business tha furniture ka. Woh bade busy rehte thi. Mom homemaker thi. Mom ko tip-top rehna bada pasand tha. Din mein 3 baar dress badalti...

4 years ago
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An Unusual Job Botched

Special Thanks to Ran57gr for coming up with Shautha’s name. _________________________ Kallin stood in the middle of the rapidly emptying street watching the clouds expand across the sky. The low dark invaders held the promise of rain. Secretly, he hoped it would be a broken promise. In a couple hours, the Kae Solune would have to go to work. While he could work in the rain, it was more comfortable not having to. There were more chances to slip up in the rain. And, if he slipped, a good...

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SisLovesMe Alina Belle Jailbird Jizz Queen

Alina Belle is a bad bitch, and that is why she wound up in jail. But she is finally out, and her first stop is seducing her stepbrother. She has been thinking about him a lot lately. Especially since she was not able to masturbate at all in jail. On top of that, her boyfriend just broke up with her, so she has no one to give her the dick down that she has been craving. It seems like she only has one option, and that is her stepbrother. But she is not complaining. Alina is the kind of girl who...

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My sisters sexy home visit

Note : This story is completely fictional! 'It could be worse.' I'd heard that saying too often to forget it. It was true for the most part, but then again, things could be better too. When you think about it, how much worse could it be than still living with my parents at the age of twenty-two, and unable to get a job that would pay me enough to fix that? Yea, it's as depressing as it sounds, but after a week's visit from my older sister, I at least had something to hold on to in the meantime....

2 years ago
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Loves Labor Found

The Dog Days of August were finally at an end. Dave let out a sigh as he stepped off the jetway. He was finally on the journey home. It felt like he'd spent more time on business trips than in Colorado during the past month. After doing a quick mental calculation, he chuckled and shook his head. He had, and it wasn't even close. It'd been over six weeks since he'd spent three consecutive nights sleeping in his own bed. And the days he'd been home hadn't been all that great either, he...

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Highway Rest area

I was driving home from college (this was in the early 70s) and stopped in a highway rest area – the kind with full bathrooms in a heated building. There were three stalls, each had a glory hole in it. I took the one furthest from the door. As I was reading the wall messages, a man came into the stall next door who I assumed was a trucker. He lowered his pants, but didn't sit. He had the biggest cock I think I ever saw, and he just started jacking it to the point that it started to get hard. ...

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A Deal Between Men 1

I've known Vinny and Tony since we all attended elementary school together. We were pretty much inseparable through high school. All of us loved any type of sport and we all had a part time job at the same grocery store our last few years of high school. When it was time to move on to college, we each went to different schools, but still managed to get together during spring and summer breaks. After college, Vinny and I took jobs out of state, which greatly reduced our opportunities to get...

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The Trilogy Pt 2

The Trilogy, Part IIInto The NightAn unknown time has past after our post coital haze cast its spell on us. I open my eyes. It’s still dark with the exception of the street light passing through the window across the bed, softly lighting it on a pleasantly warm evening. I am facing the wall opposite of the windows. There’s a tender breeze bathing the bed, slightly moving the sheer lace curtains as they move to and from the window casings. Thoughts roll through my head while I’m still...

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Peace In The House

Peace In The House By Karen Singer Kate is a single mother with a seventeen year old son and a fifteen year old daughter who constantly fight like cats and dogs. But Kate has taken a new job that requires her to be away from the house for most of the day, leaving the two kids alone with each other. Since her son is the oldest, she puts him in charge. But... who's really the one in charge? Written in 2003, this was the second story I ever wrote. ...

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A Bunny In The Garden

“Hi, Mrs. Greenberg, I’m Allie, I’m here to do the weeding!” I smiled brightly at the tall, gray-haired woman in the dark blue gown that opened the door to the mansion. The way she looked me up and down spoke volumes, and when her eyebrow went up and she declared in a rather posh voice, “I expected someone… different, I was rather pleased with Pablo’s work,” I readied myself for a taxing day. “I know I’m not Pablo, but he left me instructions what I need to do.” I held up my laptop to make my...

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Tales of Kiara8217s Adventures 8211 Part 3 Teachers8217 Feast

Hi guys, I’m Kiara. I’m a 44 years old single mother. I have 18 children of my own. I am a mixed-race woman. My father was an American diplomat, and my mother was Indian. I was born and raised in India. It wasn’t until I completed my education I moved to Australia. It was 9:30 at night. Our dinner was made, and boys were sent to the room where they were supposed to sleep. But for my sisters and me, there was no room. Principal sir held us back. The other 5 teachers who taught us other subjects...

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The Bike Rally

My wife and I enjoy attending motorcycle rallies several times a year. She seldom drinks alcohol and is normally pretty conservative however I can talk her into flashing her tits at the rallies once in a while if she has had a few beers. Last summer while camping at a rally we stopped by a campsite to visit with a couple of guys we met earlier in the day. After a few beers we talked my wife into flashing a few of the bikers as they rode by. Her inhibitions were lowered enough she was enjoying...

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My name is Cath. I'm 38 years old and married with two almost grown c***dren, a 14 year old boy and a 16 year old girl. My husband, Roland, treats me very well and understands my problems and needs. No one man is capable of satisfying my need for sex and I wouldn't want someone I love to see me humiliated and degraded. Roland's only stipulations are that I not get pregnant to anyone but him, I always insist on my men wearing condoms and that I'm always available to him for sex. The first...

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Dallas Kidnapping

Amanda was tall at 5’7 and a bit stockier than her friend with wider shoulders but adoring curves that led down to her generously sized bottom and long legs that she showed off with tight skinny jeans. Her hot pink tank top complimented her full breasts. She had dark, brown hair that went a bit past her shoulders and chestnut brown eyes that could make anybody melt. Although Amanda looked almost innocent, she was snappy and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Amanda rarely let anybody push her...

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The Irresistible Path to Ejaculation

Having finished the clean-up operation on the dressing table and it’s mirror, I decided to have a lay down on the bed. It was still early enough to grab a nap before breakfast, although I was quite hungry, but the nervous excitement of giving Marcus a quick hand job in the shower and then draining my own cock of its spunk..I felt both shaky and satisfied. I fell into sleep with images of Marcus’s trim, young body and remembering how the hot splashes of his sperm had felt against my wet skin.I...

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Lace CurtainsChapter 2

She smiled. "Hello, Megan. Are you surprised to see me?" "What... what are you doing here, Mommy?" "What do you think, young lady?" "But Mommy, if you are fucking Kieran, why did you give me your bikini panties to wear to work today?" "I am not 'fucking' Kieran, as you describe it. I like him, and we are having an affair?" "But Daddy..." "Megan, do you think your father can spend all that time on the road delivering cars without some female company?" I didn't know what...

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Personal Cock Slut

Sometimes our sex is soft and tender, making love. However, sometimes it’s rough and hot fucking! I received a text on Friday mid-morning from my man at work. It said: He wrote, “I’m horny. I need my cock sucked and fucked. Some woman will have my cock in her mouth and pussy this afternoon. Are YOU interested?” I replied, “YES I am! I want your cock, I need your cock! Just tell me where and when.” He then wrote, “Hmmm, doesn’t sound like you want it badly enough. I’ll have someone else do it.”...

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Note: This story is completely fictional! Linda lifted her legs high in the back seat of the car so her boyfriend could fuck her. She let him do it in her butt so she wouldn't get . Jim did her hard and fast and she was surprised when she climaxed. When he was finished filling her with sperm she kissed him and said."I'm going to get birth control pills""I thought your mom didn't want you to have them""I'm eighteen now and I don't need her consent"The next day after school she went to see her...

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Boyfriend Dk

I couldn’t believe she said that to me. Was I overreacting at the time?Maybe.No matter what though, I couldn’t shake that icky feeling her statement gave me, and it showed in how I treated the nightclub patrons and my co-workers. Word reached the club owner, so she called me up to her office to have a chat.“Please,” Linda said as she sat behind her desk, “have a seat.”“If it’s all the same to you, I prefer to stand.”“Alright.” She nodded and pouted her lips. “So tell me, Jon, what’s up with you...

Quickie Sex
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1st Meet

You walk in warily, not knowing quite what to expect. I say nothing,just taking your hand and leading you through the doorway. After youpass, I close the door behind you and throw the bolt.You jump a bit as the spring latch slams home, and look back at me. Ionly smile and wink.You look around; you've never been in my bedroom before. You look atthe mess on the floor, look back at me, but I only shrug and smile.You watch me light some of the oil lamps, your smile slowly growing onyour face.I turn...

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Hitchhiking part 2

It's been a long time since i've logged in here an i'd almost forgotten about this story. What follows is not the best story ever but what I found already written in my documents library. I hope it will go some way towards satisfying the fantasies of some of you freaks :)Part 2.Against my hip I felt John's whole body tense up and in the rearview mirror I saw Mary's jaw drop open. Jessica still looked back at me with lust filled eyes, and so, like any good pervert, I invited Jess round to my...

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Kate and I Ch 2123

21. I start to wake up, and I look outside, it’s dark, What the, say to myself, what time is it? As I sit-up on the side of the bed, and reach for my phone, which is on a side table table beside the bed, damn it’s 2034. I drag myself out if bed, and head towards the bathroom with a piss-on (piss hard-on). After I do ‘business’, I wash my hands (of course) and throw some water on my face to get the sleepys out. Thirsty, need lemon water, arh, arh, argh. Sounding like a zombie, I go to my...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 389

Saturday morning there was a nervous tension in the air. If the Intel was accurate, the terrorists were going to make their play during the parade, but we still did not know which day of the two days there were parades scheduled. Howie and the drone operators were out checking everything out early. Howie had assembled all 18 of the devices and they were behind the new wall that had been built. The only thing left was to install the battery and turn the key to arm them. The two gun drones...

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Myths and Legends

There is no better way to spend Halloween than sitting round a camp-fire deep in the woods, drinking home-made hooch and telling scary stories, legends of dark deeds and ghostly ghouls.  It was something that started with his grandparents when George was a child, and while it was then soft-drinks and tame tales, that sense of awe and wonder grew strong in the young boy's mind.The tradition continued through adolescence growing from family trips, to grandfather/grandson excursions and on to...

3 years ago
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Being the leader

Kaleb is about 6’5’’ and has beautiful baby blue eyes. I on the other hand am 5’9’’ with plain brown eyes. I am not gorgeous but I am decent enough and have perky B breasts. I slowly tighten his tie back up and grab his hand to lead him to the bed room. Normally he is my master but tonight he seems too tired to be my master. We have only been together for 3 months so I figured this is my time to prove myself. I have never done this before but I am ready to try it now. He slowly moves his...

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LEZ Be Lovers

--- LEZ Be Lovers (FF, MF, bi, blackmail, cons, interr, nc, oral, impreg, safe, toys) by Krosis of the Collective --- When I arrived in the big city, ready for university, I found that I didn't even have anywhere to live! The place that I was going to rent had been rented to someone else, probably for more money, or maybe they just didn't like black people? I would have complained, but did I really want a landlord like that? I spent my first night in my car. I barely slept, I...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 60 Kon Juya Constabulary

“Now you need to go to the Second Valley”. God Demirva told God Bimentia. “Those among the First Hundred would not want to have another bout with Nature because of a new, reckless God”. “You expect me to leave him to the devices of those brats?” God Bimentia’s seven short horns issued crackling sounds as they turned toward the Immortals in the sky, yet again in the stillness that could not keep with a Godly conversation. “Gods really can’t directly interfere in the First Valley, unless...

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The Way of the Wicca

Even in hindsight I couldn’t be sure of the first time I saw her. Looking back, some of my memories seem like dreams; some of my dreams seem like memories, almost as if I came into being that day when I turned my head in the unseasonably bright March sunshine.  The music blared in the background and the hum of people talking, laughing and singing played in the foreground. It was a Saturday and the final day of the concert to coincide with the spring equinox. It was mostly a hippie affair; a lot...

Love Stories
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My friends mom is my first crush

One day I went to my friends home as usual but the thing I experienced that day was life changing.My friend went to a important task to compete and he requested me to help her mother on some house hold work as they were planning for house warming festival in few days.I accepted to help her mom.While working we two were fully covered with sweat. That day she wore a white transparent colour salwar with a blue blouse and the sweat running over her boobs were clearly visible to my eyes as she...

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Equal Shares Ch 02

Stan woke up, and rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. ‘I’m sorry, love, what was I thinking?’ he softly told the beautiful dark eyes that only he could see. Arriving at work, he said ‘Hi!’ to Elaine, who replied, ‘Good morning! Did you enjoy yourself last night?’ Stan walked almost to the door from reception to his office area, stopped, half turned to Elaine and said quietly, ‘Yes, thank you, Elaine.’ Before she could ask any more he opened the door and walked through. Elizabeth...

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