Devlin's StoryChapter 2A free porn video

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Jeff was wearing navy blue slacks with a light blue shirt and a blue and white sweater. Devlin was pleasantly surprised she couldn't smell any aftershave. She couldn't smell any spray-on deodorant, either--she still remembered that jock she'd gone out with two weeks before. He'd reeked of Old Spice aftershave and Right Guard deodorant all night long. It'd been enough to make her want to gag. Jeff's sweater and slacks--the color seemed right for him. Maybe he was finally paying attention to how he looked.

"We'll be back about 10:30," Jeff told Sue.

"Okay," Sue said. "Make sure the people at the dance give you get a sticker for being out after curfew."

"Of course," Jeff said. As they walked out on the porch he gestured at the car in the driveway. "My new wheels. I just got it the day before yesterday."

It was a dark blue Subaru that showed far too many commuting miles. But aside from showing its age it seemed to be in good condition. And there weren't any strange noises when he started it up. Rock music was playing softly on the radio.

"Nice music," she said as they pulled out of the driveway.

"Glad you like it," he said. "I wasn't sure what kind of music you liked."

"Do you listen to rock?"

"Most of the time. I like a mix of folk, country and rock, but my folks like the Oldies stuff, when they listen to something other than Gospel."

"So does my Mom," Devlin said. "I keep telling her, it isn't Woodstock any more. The Beatles haven't played together in 25 years." She looked at the radio. "I didn't know any radio station around here played a mix of folk, rock and country."

"They don't," Jeff said, shaking his head. "I put a CD changer in the car. I load it up with my favorite CD's and set it to random play."

"Do you have it loaded right now?" she asked, her curiosity aroused.

"Sure, that's what's playing right now." They came to a light. He pushed a button. There was a click from under the seat, and then a man's baritone filled the car. "Alan Jackson," Jeff said.

They had time for a few more songs before they got to the high school. The parking lot was half full. A lot of kids didn't care for the Thursday night dances at the school, but in rural Illinois there wasn't much else to do in the evening. The county had a curfew, but going to the dance got you out of that provided you got a pass at the dance and went straight home. The woman at the door took down their names as they entered.

The dance was in the cafeteria. Most of the tables had been put away, just leaving a row along each wall. A DJ from a Peoria radio station was playing the music. Devlin liked him, he played a variety of songs, some fast, some slow. You could dance to his music. You couldn't dance to some of the other stuff you heard on the radio. As they entered the room Devlin could see some kids already out on the floor dancing. She waved to a couple of friends as Jeff led them to a table.

"I thought you had to baby-sit," Marilee Carter, one of her friends, said.

"That's tomorrow night," Devlin said.

"Friday?" Marilee said. "Babysitting on Fridays could destroy your social life."

"Sue needs the help," Devlin said. "And I do have a social life." She patted Jeff on the arm.

"I hear you don't get out much," Marilee's twin sister Annalee said. They were medium height, with short brown hair, square faces and athletic builds. "I know there isn't that much to do in this county," Annalee continued, "but you should get a chance to date." She glanced at Devlin's clothes. "Lighten up, Devlin, dress down a little."

"I do," Devlin said. "I just felt like wearing this. It is a first date, after all."

"And if you continue to dress like that you'll have a lot of first dates," Marilee said in a quiet voice, "and not many second ones."

"I'll risk it," Devlin said. She put down her purse and coat and looked at Jeff with a smile on her face. Slowly her eyes traveled from his face to the dance floor. It was an invitation he couldn't pass up.

"Want to dance?" he asked.

"I'd love to dance."

The first few dances were fast. She gave herself to the music, just having fun being out of the house. Her mother worked nights, and so Devlin had to spend a lot of time at Sue and Danny's. Which was okay, and sex with Danny was fun, but it was also fun to be out with her friends.

They danced to some moderately paced music. Then someone rolled out the snacks, little sandwiches, cookies and punch. Her mother had chaperoned one of the dances when Devlin was a sophomore and told her the punch was the same type companies served, fruit juices and ice.

She was standing with her friends, drinking punch and talking, when she felt something wet oozing down the inside of her thighs. Oh crap, she thought, knowing right away what it was.

"Something wrong?" Marilee said, seeing the change in Devlin's expression.

"No," Devlin said. "Nothing." This had to be some of Danny's semen leaking out of her. She tried to remember when he had cum. Usually he came first, but she would have felt it if he had. And he was relaxing when she relaxed. That meant they had to have cum together, which was nice. That sort of thing didn't happen all that often, and she really enjoyed it when it did. Ordinarily he didn't cum that much, not like some men she knew. But they hadn't been together for nearly two weeks. She smiled to herself. He must have really unloaded in her. And now it was all oozing out. This wasn't the best time for it to happen.

"No, I just thought of something I have to do when I get home," she said. "I'm trying to forget it until later."

"Sufficient unto the day," Jeff said.

"Something like that," Devlin said. She wondered if she dared sit down. If she did it might seep through her skirt, and wouldn't that be a mess. She'd have a lot of fun trying to explain that away. But if she didn't take care of it pretty soon it might seep down her stockings. And that might be an even bigger mess.

"So what are you doing Saturday night?" Jeff asked.

"We haven't been here an hour and you're already asking me out again?"

"Sure. We like a lot of the same things, and..."

"Normally my Mother and I do something on Saturdays," Devlin said. "But... well, we'll see. Okay?"

"Fine by me." The DJ started a slow tune. "Want to dance?"

She held out her hand. "Love to."

They didn't quite dance with their bodies touching, not at first. But as the dance went on they moved together, pressing lightly against each other. She liked the way his arms felt, strong and secure around her. She slid her hands along his back--he was firmly muscled, and she liked the way they felt as they moved. Jeff wasn't a bulked up muscle freak, but he was strong enough. He moved well, and he was just the right height, with her heels on she could lay her head on his shoulder without any strain.

The dance ended too soon. Devlin picked up her purse. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes. I have to go to the Girls Room."

"Hurry back."

Devlin fiddled around in front of the mirror in the Girls Room until she was alone. Slipping into one of the stalls she pulled off her skirt and checked it for stains or spots. She felt a wave of relief when she didn't find any. That just left her panties. She touched the crotch. Great, they were soaked. She got a cup of water from the sink and retreated to the stall. As she pulled off her panties she felt the wetness all down her leg. This was definitely not good.

The crotch of her panties was soaked with cum. Some of Danny's cum dripped onto her knee when she held them up to look at them. Wonderful. She and Danny hadn't screwed in two weeks. Danny must have really unloaded in her, filling her a lot more than he usually did. She'd had a long climax, he'd probably had a long one, too, horny devil that he was, and that was why it was leaking out of her like this. Normally, when he came, his cum was never enough to make her worry about leaks, which was why occasionally skipping cleaning up was all right.

She considered her panties for a moment, then wrapped them up in paper towels and shoved them into the trashcan. What else could she do? She couldn't put them back on, and she couldn't take them home. Semen had a distinct odor and her mother would notice it if she did the wash. And it wasn't like a pair of panties was very expensive; she bought the 3/$5.00 variety just because of things like this.

She peed, then poured warm water over her sex afterwards, cleaning herself up a bit. She had left her douche home so she was going to continue to get some leakage. She just hoped the worst of it was over. Carefully she dried herself with toilet paper. When she was done she pulled up her skirt. A quick check in the mirror didn't show anything amiss. Still, she tugged the skirt down a little more. She might be covered, but she could feel the top of her stockings, and she could feel the press of her skirt against her tummy and thighs. A skirt with the hem several inches above the knees didn't really cover all that much. When she wore everyday clothes she really exposed more than she thought.

The DJ was playing a slow tune when she got back to the table. Without a word Jeff swept her onto the floor. This time he pressed against her just a little more. She pressed back, liking the way his body felt against hers. For a moment she entertained the thought of taking him somewhere and having sex. No, that was against her rules. She didn't have sex with any of the boys in school.

As slow song followed slow song she could feel his reaction to her body. She'd felt the same thing with every boy she'd ever danced with, a slow hardening between his legs. When she was feeling like a tease she would trap the ridge in his pants against her tummy and rub it gently. She tried that this time, and was surprised to feel his hardness extending down his leg. How big a thing did he have in there? This thing felt like a monster. She tried to guess its length. It couldn't be a cock, she decided, it had to be another leg. She pictured a guy standing like a tripod, and stifled a giggle. But this thing made her think of tripods. And, to tell the truth, it really felt good when she trapped it against the top of her legs.

She was a little flustered when the last slow song ended and the DJ took a break. Jeff was walking a little funny, and if that thing of his was as long as it felt, she could understand why. Maybe, just maybe, her idea of taking him off somewhere wasn't such a bad one after all. She'd never really done that, though Sabrina had told her how she did it and given her a key. Jeff was certainly worked up, and so was she. Her nipples had calmed down in the car; she could feel them tightening up again. When she glanced down she could see them poking at the fabric of her sweater. And the wetness she could feel on her legs wasn't all because of Danny.

Couples were drifting towards the raised patio outside the lunchroom. The patio had been built a couple of years before as an outside dining area when the weather was fair. You had to go up a flight of steps, and there was no way from there down to the parking lot, so this was always opened during a dance.

"Shall we go that way?" she asked Jeff as they got back to the table.

He glanced at the people already headed out the door. "Sure." He started to follow them, but she stopped him. She licked her lips. She never did it with boys at school. But tonight, right now, she wanted to. She was all warm from their dance, and hadn't really gotten over Danny. And they could certainly have some privacy.

"Let's go this way," she said, picking up her purse. She nodded in a different direction.

"But..." She just smiled.

He was walking a little better, she noticed. The stiffness seemed to have subsided. Well, she would see about that. They circled the room, talking to people here and there. She was in no hurry. She wanted to be seen by plenty of people. She wanted everyone to remember seeing them. At last, as they passed the restrooms, she stopped him.

"Go wait by the door at the other end of the Boys Room," she said softly in his ear. "When I get there I'll knock twice, real soft. When the place is empty, knock on the door like this." She gave two knocks, paused, and then two more knocks. "Got that?"

He looked confused. "Okay, but why?"

"I just thought we should get some time alone. Now remember, two knocks, then two more. Okay?"

"Okay," he nodded, his brow furled.

She slipped into the Girls Room. Several months ago Sabrina had given her a key to this door. She hadn't thought she would ever need it but had decided to humor her best friend. Now she was glad she had. She was going to violate one of her own rules, but right now she was worked up enough she didn't care. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and her palms were a little sweaty. She licked her lips one last time and straightened her shoulders.

When she was by herself she unlocked the door to the rest of the school. She slipped through it, locking the door behind her. She gave the door to the Boys Room two knocks. After a few moments came his answering knocks. She let him through and locked the door behind him.

"Now we can be alone," she said.

He looked up and down the hall nervously. A few lights were on, but it was obvious they were by themselves. "What do you mean, alone? Isn't the janitor here?"

"He's already done his thing and gone home." She looped her arm around his. "The only people in this part of the school are the two of us, and we don't have to be back to the dance until 10."

"Okay," he said. He looked around the darkened hall, wetting his lips nervously. "What did you have in mind?"

She led him up one hall and down another, stopping just outside the room she wanted. She guided his hands to her waist and backed into the door, pushing it open with her back. "Right in here," she said, pulling him in after her.

He seemed nervous as she reached up and turned on the light. They were in the room next to the nurse's office, complete with a bed. Counters lined the walls, with shelves above them and drawers below. The bed itself was in the middle of the room, a low bed with a brown blanket and white sheets. She sat on the bed and pulled him down beside her, his hand still around her waist. Carefully she reached up and kissed him on the chin.

"There," she said. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Uh, no." Hesitantly he leaned over her and kissed her right beside the mouth. It was a quick kiss, and as he pulled away she stopped him.

"Not bad," she said. "But you missed." She pulled him back and this time he got it right. His lips pressed against hers.

"Is something the matter?" she asked as he pulled away.

"Wha--what if someone comes in and finds us?"

"They won't," she said. "But if you're worried about it..." She got up and locked the door. "There, now we won't be disturbed." She sat back beside him, slipping her arm around him.

"What if we're missed?

"That's possible," she said. "But nobody knows we're here." She gestured. "And there are no windows, so nobody will see the light. It's not perfect, but it's the best I can do."

"The best? For what?"

"A little necking comes to mind," she said. She pulled his head back down, and really worked over his mouth with her kiss. His hands didn't seem to know what to do. She could see them flail a bit out of the corner of her eye. But he was breathing a little harder when he pulled back. "Much better that time."

"I guess so."

"You guess so?"

"Uh, Devlin, I--I, uh, don't have much to compare it with."

She pushed him down and lay half on top of him. "There, is that better?" She didn't give him a chance to answer, but kissed him again, a little harder.

His arms had automatically gone around her, now, and as the kiss went on, he gradually tightened his grip. Devlin worked her lips against his, her tongue darting out to touch his; he jerked at that. He caught on quickly, though, and began meeting her pressure with his.

They finally broke for air. "You're a quick learner," she said.

"It's the teacher," he insisted. "A good teacher brings out the best in a student."

She had slipped her leg between his. She could feel his "best" getting hard against her leg, and she could press herself against his leg without being obvious about it. She didn't mention that, but instead brushed his hair back from his forehead and kissed him quickly. "Thanks for the compliment, but a teacher can only take a student so far. The rest is up to the student."

"Like this?" he asked, and pulled her down for another kiss.

This one lasted even longer, and they were both breathing hard when they broke apart. She laid her head on his chest, inhaling his scent. He was getting turned on, and so was she. She shifted position slightly so she was resting a little more on her left arm. "Know what'll make this even better?" she asked softly.

"No," he said. He sounded more sure of himself than he had a few minutes earlier. "What'll make this better?"

"This." She picked up his left hand, kissed it softly, and pressed it against her breast. Then, before he could react, she kissed him again.

He tried to pull away. "Uh, Devlin, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"You've been eyeing them all night," she said. She put her hand over his and squeezed lightly. Then she ran her hand across his chest. "Or are you worried about my sweater?" Before he could answer she guided his hand under her sweater and against her bra. "Don't worry, I'm still covered, see?"

"Not by very much," he said. But he didn't remove his hand. This time his kiss was a lot more relaxed, but the stiffness pressing against her leg was growing again.

She pulled up the bottom of his sweater. He pulled his hand out of her sweater long enough to pull his sweater off. As he did so she attacked the buttons of his shirt. She didn't stop until she had all of them undone. Gently, almost reverently, she peeled open his shirt. She ran her fingers slowly across the skin of his chest. Ever so lightly she played with his nipples, rubbing them until they began to harden.

Sitting up, she took off her sweater and hung it on the chair next to the bed. She scooted across the bed until she was half-lying lengthwise. Jeff slid so he was lying next to her. His eyes were fastened on her breasts. The direct way is the best way, she thought. She took both of his hands and pressed them against her breasts. He began to knead the soft flesh through the fabric of her bra. She closed her eyes, running her hands across his chest. His skin felt a little rough, just the kind she liked to rub against.

He moved, and she felt the bulge in his pants. She opened her eyes and looked at it. It looked like it was going to rip his pants open. She wanted to reach down and capture it, but she didn't want to startle him. If things kept progressing as they had, there'd be time to do that, but first things first.

"Where are my manners?" she asked. She took his hands and placed them on the catch of her bra. "Push your hands together slightly and twist your right hand away from you."

He did so, and her breasts spilled from her bra. "They're so big," he said in surprise. "They didn't look that big."

"It's the bra," she said. "They always look bigger when I take off my bra."

"But why?"

"It's an optical illusion," she said. "A woman's breasts always look bigger when she isn't wearing a bra. Besides, I'm wearing a minimizer bra."

"Is that what I think it is? It makes you look smaller?"

"That's what it does."

"Why would you want to make them look smaller?" he finally asked.

"It's a girl thing. I don't want to look like a cow." She pushed her breasts up into his grasp. He got the hint and resumed his gentle massaging. She encouraged him with a kiss. He let go of her breasts to hold her. She rubbed her skin against his, dragging her sensitive nipples across his chest.

She rolled over slightly so he was more on top of her. She looked up into his eyes. "There are other places to kiss me besides my mouth, you know." His eyes dropped to her breasts. "Oh, those, too. I was thinking of my neck." She craned her neck to one side. "There's a place right at the base of the neck, if you kiss a girl there she gets really turned on."

He didn't dive down there right away, points for him. He kissed down under her ear and then slowly moved down her neck. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation. His hands found her breasts again, and this time he rubbed his fingers across her nipples. They perked right up, rewarding him for his effort.

He found the spot at the base of her neck, kissing her there gently. When she gasped a little he pulled back in surprise, but then moved right back in. His tongue and lips felt so good there she tossed her head from side to side. He might be a rookie at this, but he seemed to know what he was doing.

And then, as if not sure of himself, he began kissing his way across her chest. One little kiss at a time, he moved down between her breasts, and then he stopped. "Where'd they go?" he asked.

She lifted her head. "Where'd what go?"

"Your boobs. Er, your breasts."

"Oh, that." She lay back for a moment, smiling at the ceiling, before propping herself up on her elbows. "There's nothing in a breast," she said. "It's all glands and fatty tissue, and so they slide to the side, or spread out when I lie down."

"Oh." He studied her chest. Sitting up like she was, her breasts were very obvious again. He touched them as if to make sure they were still there.

"Just remember, if they stick up when she lies down, the girl's probably had breast implants."

He nodded, hefting and squeezing her breasts. "I can't get over how soft they are," he said. "I mean, when I see the girls in the halls, their boobs are sticking out so far I've thought they had to be something there, like a muscle or something."

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Copyright© It really was just a chance encounter. I could have done so many other things. Sometimes I just can't explain why I do the things I do. Looking for amusement, I stopped at a local park and was watching a men's softball game, whilesitting in my car. This was not a particularly high-class game but it was interesting. At least it was until a family came from the parking lot onto the nearby tennis court. That changed things. I didn't pay much attention to the family at first. I...

2 years ago
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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part One

I thought today would be like any other day.   I thought wrong.   Master told me not to listen to Mistress.   Unfortunately for me he never told her: I didn’t want to get in trouble with either of them.   My sister was upstairs cleaning her room while Master had me clean the rest of the house.   You see, Mistress Julia owns my sister Taliya.   I, Ceres, belong to Master John. It’s hard pleasing them both, trying not to disappoint them.   Master left for work, Mistress Julia wasn’t too far...

1 year ago
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Unconventional Awakening Ch 12

It has been a while since the last chapter. A lot has happened. Lets see, where did we leave off. Oh, yes. I climbed into bed, and enjoyed the feeling of naked skin between the sheets. Time to call my husband. Was he ready for bed? Was he ready to hear about my stay so far in Chicago? My fingers trembled as I dialed. My breathing was deep and labored. My heart rate felt like I had just run a marathon. The seconds seemed like minutes, and the mental ‘tick tock’ thundered silently in my...

2 years ago
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Military DelightsChapter 29 Colonel Abubakar Ibn Abbas

Nearly two years had passed since the start of the war against Tirfil when Colonel Abubakar Ibn Abbas heard through the grapevine that a white woman who had been captured there was now to be sold. She had been annexed by the Emir and had spent the intervening time in the harem of the butler to the Emir, after the Emir had used her. Although he had no idea what a "butler" was or did, he thought that she might prove entertaining for the troops, especially as she had shared the Emir's bed....

1 year ago
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Dessert Laid out on the table

“It’s time for lunch! Strip off, lie on the table and spread your legs.” “Are you serious?” “I’m gonna have lunch and YOU are the main course!” “Are you serious?” “Strip and lie on the table!” I command. “I’m going to the kitchen to get some things.” “What are you going to get from the kitchen?” “Lie on your back on the table… You’ll see.” In a few moments I return from the kitchen with a pressurized can of whipped cream, chocolate sauce, strawberries and a banana. You are lying on the...

3 years ago
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Exploring An Angel Part 2

I begin to kiss up her sweaty body. Taking my time on her collar bone and up her neck. Our lips meet in another passionate kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth and tasting her cum on my tongue. Her hand slides to the back of my head holding me to our kiss as she sits up.Her other hand reaches between us and slides down my chest grabbing my firm member and guiding it to her. Her breath sharpens and she moans loudly as my manhood rubs slowly down along the bundle of nerves between her legs and...

Straight Sex
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Cat Fight 6 Swordsmen

minton -  2 1/2 days quant  -  2 1/2 years heckson - 2 1/2 miles Toton -   2 1/2 hours   Bill - Lion clan King Tomco - Bill's father King Tobias - Bill's dead brother Twitty - Grey Tabby clan Glenna - Bengal clan Mikos - Chartreux clan Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan General Roth - Leopard clan Theta - Cheetah clan Niaco - Tiger clan Cornelius - one of Bill's Uncles  Conrad - Bill's other Uncle Assassin group - Jaguar clan The General...

2 years ago
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Why I Love Anal Sex

The first time I had anal with a woman was during my freshman year in college. This girl I had dated throughout high school visited me at my parents' new house in Texas. She and I had gone to high school in Connecticut.Anyway, during New Year's Eve, we had gone out and had a few drinks. Later that night. we returned back to my parents house. They had gone to bed, so we retired to the bedroom where she was sleeping. One thing led to another and before long we were nude. At some point while...

2 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 6

Life settled down and I became more confident running the cook house, Fred took a shine to me and treated me more like a son than an employee. He told me that it was him that set me up with the Sarge, he wanted me to be able to use the CRB ute but didn't want to take the chance of me having a smash. We were having a quiet cuppa when he asked me what I was going to do about National Service. Jesus, here we go again, how long before I get sprung about my age. The only good thing about it was...

1 year ago
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Ek aurat ki kahani 3

Hi, this is ladyfucker again with another part of your favorite story. Main surat se hun aur ahmedabad me graduation kar raha hoon. Aapne pichli story me padhaki main pradip ke ghar gaya, wahan maine pradip ko apni maa ko chodte hue dekha aur dusre din pradip ke jane ke bad maine uski maa bharti ko choda lekin wo office chali gayi.Us din main bharti ke jane ke bad muth markar so gaya. Sam ke baje wo fir ghar louti. Uske under aate hi maine darwaja bundh kiya aur bharti ko pichhe se pakad liya...

3 years ago
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White Foreigner Seduces A Young Indian Stud

Introduced in virtual world and got fucked in real world, white foreigner seduces a young stud Hi readers and writers Here is my real experience which I am going to share. Sept 13th 2014, 03:30 am Hitech city, Hyderabad. I was checking an online advertisement website looking for guitars when I got a message in chat saying “hi nightly owl”. I cleanly ignored it thinking as one of an automated advertisements which haunts every time.Again I got a message saying Dev: hi this is Dev Prithvi:...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Chris becomes a party girl Part 1

It was a few weeks before graduation and hard to believe that Chris who only last summer was a virgin wanted to be tonights party girl. Since last year we had expanded our party group to include 9 guys and a number of girls. Not all the girls had become what we called a party girl. Chris would be our 5th. Unlike a most tradition gangbangs were a girl takes on all the guys in the room our version had the girl in a bedroom and guys would take turns one by one with her. Our rules are simple to be...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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The Collectors Estate

The Collectors Estate by BDSM_Tourguide Prologue - Origin of the Collectors Estate Two years ago, a plan was hatched involving two hundred men and women fromvarious alternative lifestyle organizations across the North American continent.The men and women were wealthy and somewhat influential in their communities.Their wealth and influence would be necessary to see their plan to fruition. Over many months, the plan came together. Land was purchased and a structurethat could only be described...

2 years ago
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The beast in her hut

She smiled unwillingly as she walked onto the settlement. She smiled unknowingly even. But she smiled. Her whole face smiled. It was in her eyes, they were brighter then ever. It was in her cheeks and their rosy color. It was in her mouth of course, as her lips curled up slightly. It was even in her hair, which seemed to dance around her face. She was feeling happy, content, satisfied even. For the last months, ever since her husband died last winter, she'd been struggling to get by. Working...

2 years ago
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Sunny CornerChapter 21

I laughed. With tears flowing down my cheeks, I laughed. Uncontrollably, and teary cheeked, salty drops dripping off my chin, I laughed. After a few minutes, Jim turned to Jenny and said, “What’s going on?” “I think it’s hysteria ... do something.” “What?” “I don’t know ... something.” The nanny/wet nurse stepped into the room and slapped the shit outta me. “OW!” Once more with feeling... “OW!” Rubbing my wet and inflamed cheeks, I said, “What did you do that for?” Jim and Jenny...

3 years ago
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My Dear Rebecca

Rebecca was her name, a very pretty girl. Slim and well fit; perfect curves, tits that really can attract most boys. And the lust in her eyes told me, she wants me. So one day, as a normal day at school came to an end. She brought me back to her house. We jumped off the bus together and made our way. We arrive at her house and She says, "Wait a minute." She opens her front door and enters the house. She comes back and tells me. "All clear." I take her hand while smiling. She...

1 year ago
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BAMVisions Kenna James Hard to Resist

It’s hot enough for BAM Visions that blonde Kenna James loves to play the innocent teen, but when she dances her tartan schoolgirl mini-skirt up her perfect PAWG ass, Mick Blue’s big cock rises with the temperature. She bends over and, through translucent white pantyhose, the silhouette of her shaved pussy promises vag sex. She has a natural little gape, but her big ass isn’t primed for anal. She’s still a virgin in ways, yet the small tits tease remains irresistible. And Mick doesn’t resist!...

4 years ago
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An Incest BirthdayChapter 27

Another personal record on pages with 65. I kept adding to the story with almost every movie I watched this week. you can probably guess what movies and tv shows I was watching by the way I’ve written some of the scenes. Enjoy. “You wanna tell dad? Are you sure?” I asked. “Yes, he deserves to know, especially if we’re leaving.” “That’s true, it wouldn’t be fair. Well have you thought about how you wanna tell him?” “I don’t know, but we definitely have to wait until after the...

3 years ago
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The Diary of a Sex Addict Intrusion

I heard the noise again, and this time I was scared. I was in the bathroom of my work, changing out of my uniform and into my street clothes. It was one in the morning, I had been a bit late closing, and the store was pitch black. I thought I had locked the door, I was sure of it, but when I heard footsteps I knew I was mistaken. I clutched my sheer, pink shirt to my chest, backing up against the wall as I saw a dark figure move in front of the door. There was no way out. I saw the doorknob...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Dani Blu Dani8217s After Class Tutor Pays Off

When Dani’s after school tutor Codey showed up he was very eager to find out how she did on her test and Dani played up on it acting like she did poorly. When she announced she scored an A on her exam Codey was ready to cash in on their bet to fuck! Dani asked if he would of fucked either way and the answer was a big yes as he slipped her wet panties to the side and began to enjoy her sweet tight wet pussy with his tongue. Dani slipped his hard cock into her tight pussy riding it deep...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 171 Two Words

Our day at the fair was wild. I must have looked like Hugh Hefner walking around with seven gorgeous babes hanging off me. They were doing their best to embarrass me. When Rose told everyone that our first time at the fair, I'd won a little teddy bear for her, everyone wanted me to go shoot a basketball and win her a teddy bear. It was a different guy this year and I could tell that the whole set-up was different. He had only one size of teddy bear on display and it was pretty big. It was a...

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Right Bag Wrong Clothes

My Stories may be added to any free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright are maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] Right Bag, Wrong Clothes By John Howarth (c)copyright 2001 John Howarth My best friend and I were in our 30's and we were single. We often took vacations together. I could not drive and that made it difficult to get dates or pick up girls. My friend was Alan...

2 years ago
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RocknRoll LifestyleChapter 3

"This is how I became submissive." she told him quietly. He bent his ear down to her, and she cupped her hand around it and spoke so softly that a person two feet away could not have overheard what she said. She began to move softly up and down on him as she spoke; "I learned to skate when I was four, and started figure skating classes when I was six. When I was twelve I won the city championships, and placed sixth at the state finals. Not just for my age group, but against all other...

3 years ago
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The Realization of it allPart 1

Never in my wildest dreams did i ever think anything like this was going to happen to me like what happened to me with family, let alone a p*****n. It all started innocently enough, the wife and her younger s*s by 10 years wanted to go shopping so i got stuck watching the k**s. Its was a hot summer day and i was just gonna sit in the AC and chill out. No such luck(as i thought)they wanted to swim in the pool, her and his swim suits were in the basement so i told them to go down and get them....

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confessions part2 my new job

CONFESSIONS Part 2 MY NEW JOB Hi, Continuation of my confession. Like I mentioned before, once I moved from my home town down south, I got a job in auditing firm. My job there was to up load accounts on the computer what others in the office have done manually. I also had to file income tax online for the customers. To do this along with me there are two others, assarudeen & Sheba. Our job was to file every account in the computer what others have finished during that day. The office...

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Ginas Vegas trip Part 1

It started, the way my last Gina Fantasy started-with an email from Gina inviting her BULLS to a "special event". We were instructed to meet at a small airport in the Port Angeles area about 10 a.m. at hanger number 6. with two days of cloths and-get this-our balls full of sperm. Oh well, no jerking off to Gina videos before the trip. I arrived a few minutes early, but already Gina's herd of bulls was gathering. As we introduced of our selfs, I was struck by Gina's collection of sperm bulls....

4 years ago
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Diary of a neighbourhood peep

16 Queensferry drive / Claire22/08/13 19:25 She's late home again. Fixes her hair and make up in the car before heading inside, all smiles and apologies to her husband who seems none the wiser. What a dick. She's definitely fucking someone else. I bet she's the type who fucks her way around every guy in the office or she's trying hard to be. Slut.Note: Find out where she works.Straight up stairs now as she does every night, kicks her shoes off and stands in front of the mirror checking herself...

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The Diary

The Diary by Andrea Lena DiMaggio Romulus, Michigan....November 23, 2016 The young man lay on his couch; another migraine courtesy of a job that promised no future other than being consigned to disappointment. It wasn't so much what he was asked to do as in what manner he was asked to perform his tasks. He heard a soft knock at the door followed by an even softer half-growl from the Weimaraner that lay next to him on the floor. He arose and walked quickly...

3 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 18

I finished the sandwich without really tasting it. My stomach was happy, but I wasn’t. Sergeant Rawlings came in a moment later and handed me a folder similar to the one he showed me that morning. From the weight of it, it had all of the same photos and information as the original. I nodded in thanks, and he waved me out of the room. Jenkins stood nearby. He watched as Rawlings led me to the rear exit of the building. I stopped before leaving. “Jenkins handcuffed me while I was on my phone...

4 years ago
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cheerleading team slave

Shannon is very embarrassed and scared. It is Monday and at school all day she has heard taunts towards her as everyone in the school knows of her humiliating loss in a fight. It is the end of the day and she is heading to the freshmen cheerleaders locker room to begin as their slave having no idea what they will make her do. She enters the room and sees the whole team waiting for her "There's the stupid slut"-said colleen "now you need to commit to being our slave." "I will not be your slave...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Ne Mujhe Kutta Bana Diya

Hello everyone, Zimsky here. I am basically from Central India but now studying in South India. This is my first story so please excuse me for any mistakes and mail me with the feedback. So lets come to the point and now on the story goes in Hindi because asli mazaa toh desi mein hi hai. Yeh story aadhi saachi hai aur aadhi fantasy. Toh padhiye aur enjoy kariye. Baat hai aaj se 6 saal pehle. Mujhe apni ek classmate se pyaar ho gaya. Abhi ke liye use Sukanya bol lete hai. Baat kuch aage gayi aur...

3 years ago
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There She Was

There she was.As a young man she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. She was the subject of every fantasy, every naughty dream and every relieved hardon.At 26 my step fathers sister was a good 11 years older than me but that did not stop me hoping that she saw in me everything I saw in her.How I would look forward to those moments when she would stay over and I would hope for a glimpse of her in a state of undress or even better that she may decide to sneak into my room and slip of her...

1 year ago
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Aruna8217s Story

Rima was our telephone operator who was recently married. She was 38-26-38 and was envied for the round ass she had. Her boobs were a bit saggy and inviting. I had decided there and there that I would fuck her till my balls are empty. Her husband worked abroad and that was a opportunity. One evening I visited her with all my tools. She was wearing a white nighty giving me a full view of her bra and panty. My dick stood up. She had gone inside to prepare tea. I followed her and moved my arms to...

3 years ago
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Bhabi Ki Choot Me Saini Ka Lund

By : Saini Hello friends mera name saini ha aur me punjab me reha ta ho me app se 1 aapni story sheyar kar raha ho meri badi bhabi ke bare me off  me jab bhi aapni bhabi ko dekh ta ho mera laud pant phad kar bahar a jata ha tait kepari aur tait top offfff maaa me to pagal hi ho jata ho to dosto me bata ta ho main ne aapni bhabi ko kese set kaya  mere bhai aur meri bhabi ne love merej ki ha 1 baar ki baat ha mera bhai aapne dosto ke sath 2din ke liye bahar ghum ne chala gaya aur fir main ne...

2 years ago
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As Summer Begins Part II

Unfortunately, the other girls never showed up at Brianna's for whatever reason last night, but she did update me with all the local gossip and metioned that the friends we all used to hang out with, kinda broke up within the last couple years. Brianna did tell me that she had been accepted to a private academy in Fortuna, which was in between Eureka, where Brianna lives, and also my dad too, and where I live now with my mom in Santa Rosa. I was so excited for her and that was also great news...

1 year ago
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High TidesChapter 7 Fuck It Phuket

Chief Engineer Sybil and my daughter-niece Gidget, laughing quietly while chatting together, wade out of the water from around the grounded bow of EROS. On the beach, they stop, turning about, searching obviously. Sybil points at me, with her outstretched arm. They’re coming my way it appears. Several small cook fires create nexus along the beach, with small groups at each. Gina, Flor, Sally, and Bebe are learning how NOT to roast wieners, at my fire. The flames consume many more wieners...

2 years ago
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Sarkari Officer Aunty Chi Panavaleli Pucchi

Hello dosto mai hu yogu aur aaj mai meri story marathi language mai likh raha hu taki mere maharashriyan aur marathi reader pura maza le sake. Aur agar koi aunty bhabhi vahini housewife mere sath secret sex karna chahe to muze aur pr email kijiye. To aab story pr ate hai. Mitrano ani panavalelya pucchitun kamras tapakanarya mazya aunty bhabhi ani vahinyano. Aaj mi mazi ani mazya sexad rasrashit gaach masal gand. Aani thann (stan) asalelya eka tahisildar auntychya zavazavichi gosht sanganar...

2 years ago
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CommunityChapter 24 Terri and the Monolith

I'm EIGHT now. I had the most wonderful birthday in my whole life! And it was a total surprise. I can read a calendar, okay, so I knew what my real birthday was. I thought that we'd have the normal thing, you know, a cake, maybe a special dinner at a restaurant of my choice. I was thinking that there's this pizza place that has an arcade. I've been there with Cindy and her Dan. Instead I was herded into the back door to Dad's office and everybody was there yelling 'Surprise" and I was...

2 years ago
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Life Is a Soap OperaChapter 19

"Hey, Jimbo, come check this out!" one of the guys in the shop yelled. Andy didn't bother to look up from his desk. He was balancing the books for the end of the month. Business was good; a little slower than he'd like, but even in a tough economy, car repairs aren't things people usually put off. He was also thankful that his job wasn't one that could be outsourced to Bangalore or shipped overseas to Shenzhen. He did notice that more and more people were paying with credit cards...

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