Satan's SonChapter 5 free porn video

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"Hey, Mangolin, get your ass over here!"

Charlie froze, quickly glancing over his shoulder. His eyes widened when he saw the three large boys coming his way. As if someone had turned on a faucet, sweat began dripping into his eyes, the salty liquid stinging them. His heart beat faster and adrenaline pumped his legs as he ran.

"Hey, twerp, get over here!" the muscular boy shouted. He bolted, leaving his friends behind and quickly catching up to Charlie.

Never the athlete, the mighty shove threw Charlie off balance and the front of his right foot slammed into his left heel. With arms and legs flaying like a drunken octopus, he crashed face first onto the school floor, his chin smashing into the hard surface, his cheek dragging on the dirty linoleum as his momentum propelled him forward. Scrambling to his hands and knees, a strong hand clutched the back of his collar and immobilized him. A loud ripping noise was heard when the other boy pulled hard, and the collar of Charlie's tee-shirt dug into his Adam's apple. Letting out a yelp, Charlie was yanked to his feet by his hair. His eyes darted to the other two members of the football team who had trotted over to join their friend, and then he saw a bright light followed by dizziness. It took a moment for Charlie's brain to register the punch, but then his knees buckled and he dropped to the floor, crumbling onto his side. Rubbing his jaw, Charlie stared up at the school's quarterback through watery eyes.

"I told you to stop!" the bully hollered. "Who do you think you are? I heard what you did with Tara. She's my girl, you fuckin' twerp. You're gonna pay for that!"

The foot slamming into Charlie's belly forced a whoosh of air from his mouth as his lungs emptied. Charlie doubled over in pain, clutching his midsection. The next powerful kick contacted his hip, rolling him onto his back with his knees up and his hands still holding his belly, gasping for air. As if in slow motion, Charlie saw the foot move back as the boy's knee bent. Thankfully, Charlie's subconscious mind was quicker than his conscious one and acted on impulse -- unadulterated fear actually. The bully's foot dropped harmlessly to the floor.

"Hey, Brent, what ya waiting for? Kick the motherfucker's ass," one of the others said.

The quarterback's foot twitched, but didn't provide the blow he desired. Charlie rapidly sucked in large amounts of air. Scooting backwards, his butt left a clean path on the floor until he was sitting against the wall. His still watery eyes darted to his left, catching sight of one of the football players lunging his way. A smirk appeared on Charlie's face when Brent tackled his friend, dragging him to the ground.

The third boy cried out, "What the fuck are you doing?!" as he saw his friends wrestling.

He moved to break up the fight, but soon was kicking both struggling boys. They stopped fighting each other, trying to fend off the vicious kicks. Leaping to their feet, the two tackled their friend and soon punches were thrown. It didn't matter who they hit. The three boys swung freely, making contact with whoever they could.

Charlie slowly got to his feet and limped away, rubbing his side and jaw. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the scuffle increase in intensity, already bloodying the three faces.

"You jerk," Charlie chastised himself in the empty hall. "Why did you run? You could have stopped it before it began."

He felt hatred towards the boys that he had never felt before. Stopping suddenly, he spun around. The three boys were on the dirty floor, punching and kicking each other. They immediately stopped. With the same smirk Satan had, Charlie watched the boys jump to their feet and rip their clothes off as if it was burning their skin. One naked boy picked up a pair of jeans out of the pile of discarded clothes and shoved his hand into the pocket. Dropping his jeans on top of the pile, he flipped open the cigarette lighter and flicked it, watching the flame shoot up. Then he tossed the lit lighter onto the clothing which began to simmer and then burst into flames. Standing naked, the three jocks stared dumbly at their clothing being incinerated, and then one threw a sucker punch, sending another to the floor. The third boy kicked the standing one, and soon all three were once again fighting, except now they were completely naked. Charlie grinned, turned, and walked away whistling.

The halls were eerily quiet. Like all students, Charlie usually bolted from the school as soon as the last bell sounded, but today he felt a pang of guilt about what he had done to Cathy. He despised the "brown nosing" snitch, but to him he in effect raped the girl -- took her virginity. Not with his own cock, but nonetheless he did it. He wondered why someone as nice as him would do such a thing. So after his last class, Charlie went in search of what happened to Cathy after she fled the classroom. He came up empty-handed, and was leaving when Tara's boyfriend and his pals jumped him.

Now walking quietly through the halls, the sound of voices caught Charlie's attention and he followed it. Standing outside the ajar door of the teacher's lounge, he listened from out of sight for any conversation relating to the fate of Cathy, but it all seemed to be idle chatter. Most teachers were complaining about one student or another. They should hear what we say about them, Charlie thought with a chuckle.

A mischievous thought filled Charlie's mind. The teacher's lounge was off-limits to students, and entering the sacred room was forbidden. But Charlie was no longer an ordinary student. A sense of power filled his being as he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He moved to the door and pushed it; the hinges squeaked. As the door swung open, the room fell silent and all eyes locked on Charlie. He sent each teacher a telepathic message that they didn't see him.

"That's strange," one teacher said. "What do you think caused the door to open?"

No one answered her, but another teacher who was standing nearby took a few steps and flicked the door shut. Soon all the teachers were either busy chatting or reading.

Charlie surveyed the room like a child going through his parents' drawers when they weren't home. A table sat along the far wall with the typical coffee pot and supplies. Two couches faced each other in the middle of the room with a table between them. And a few chairs were scattered about, some grouped for conversation and others for solitary reading.

Mrs. Flent was sitting on the edge of one couch, leaning over the table. Papers were spread out and she was scribbling on one. She wasn't what Charlie would call attractive, being around 45 with short, dark, graying hair, but Mrs. Flent had huge tits, and in her current bent over position her 40-Ds were hanging down. Bent at the waist with his hands on his knees, Charlie stared inside the sagging sweater.

Mr. Hathaway sat next to Mrs. Flent. He wasn't actually sitting. Slouched down on the couch with outstretched legs, his feet were propped on the table. The 36-year-old's wavy brown hair dangled over his closed eyes and his chin was pressed to his chest.

Sitting on two chairs in the corner were Miss Holland and Mr. Riggler. Mr. Riggler was the PE teacher and looked the part with his muscles bulging and his massive chest stretching his tight black tee-shirt. Charlie noticed Mr. Riggler's eyes roaming up and down Miss Holland's body as she chatted non-stop. Charlie didn't blame the PE teacher though. Miss Holland was gorgeous at 28 years old with long blonde hair and a figure to die for. Her dress was probably too short for a teacher, but no one complained, and Mr. Riggler's eyes more than once landed on her bare thighs.

Standing next to the table by the far wall, Mrs. Wilson held her coffee cup in both hands as she blew the steaming liquid. Although 35 years old, she could have passed for a student. Her diminutive 5 foot slim body was almost boyish, especially because her tits couldn't be more than 32As. Her thick lips and kinky dark hair defined her race, but the light cocoa color of her skin and bright blue eyes pointed to at least one white man bedding her slave ancestors.

Mrs. Flent turned to her side. Mr. Hathaway's light snoring was disturbing her test grading and she glared at the sleeping figure. Charlie thought he'd have some fun. Mrs. Flent's mouth opened wide when her younger coworker's hand went to his crotch and scratched his groin. Her head shot up and scanned the room, but no one paid them any mind -- Mrs. Wilson had sat down with her book again and the other two teachers were busily conversing. Mrs. Flent's eyes returned to Mr. Hathaway's lap. Ohmigod, he's not scratching himself. He's rubbing his penis. Her eyes rose to his face and his closed eyes. He must be having a dream ... an erotic dream. Holy shit, he's rubbing it more and ... ohmigod, it's growing.

Charlie moved to the side of the couch. Glancing around, he felt a surge of invincibility. This was better than a suit of armor. His attention was drawn back to Mrs. Flent when he heard her thoughts.

It looks so big, she told herself in what she thought was the privacy of her mind. I can't remember the last time Jack had an erection. A puzzled expression crossed Charlie's face and he telepathically asked the teacher a question. Her mind answered, My husband, and then she looked around the room as if searching for someone. But her mind wandered back to Mr. Hathaway. Jack just doesn't seem interested anymore. He never wants sex. And, ohmigod, he never looked that big. I wonder how big it is. I wonder what it feels like.

Charlie was surprised when he saw Mrs. Flent's hand move towards her colleague's crotch. She looked into Mr. Hathaway's face and then around the room, and then back to his face. Stretching her arm, the older married woman extended her forefinger and sort of poked the bulge in Mr. Hathaway's trousers. Immediately, her hand jerked back and her eyes darted to the man's face. His eyes remained closed.

Mrs. Flent's hand returned to his lap and she traced his hard cock with her fingertips, all the while staring at Mr. Hathaway's face. His hand dropped to his side, the movement causing her to jerk her hand away. But when he didn't open his eyes she looked down and saw that she now had free access. Covering his cock with her palm, Mrs. Flent partially curled her fingers around it and squeezed. Mr. Hathaway's hips humped, but his eyes remained closed.

Mrs. Flent's free hand slipped under her skirt and it was obvious she was rubbing her pussy. Charlie quickly scooted in front of her and dropped to his knees, peering between her parted knees. Her panties were pushed aside and her finger was inside her pussy, sliding in and out. Looking up, Charlie saw that her other hand was now stroking Mr. Hathaway's cock.

God, it's so big! Mrs. Flent thought. I wish I could see it. It's a lot bigger than Jack's ... and, ohmigod, it's harder than his has been in years if ever.

Flabbergasted, Charlie thought, Holy shit, old Mrs. Flent is a slut. She's married and everything. Jeez, I wonder how far she'd go. With a mischievous smirk, the boy looked around the room. Hmm, if I could just...

Mrs. Flent's eyes darted from Mr. Hathaway's lap to his face, then over his shoulder to the others in the room, then back to his face, and finally back to her fingers squeezing and stroking his hard cock. Her eyes made the journey several times, all the while her other hand was busy under her skirt. But then she froze. Mr. Hathaway's eyes were wide open, staring at her.

"Oh my god!" she muttered, quickly bringing both hands to her lap and folding them.

"Don't stop," Mr. Hathaway whispered, not knowing why since he never cheated on his wife and didn't find his older colleague attractive.

Mrs. Flent's eyes rose slowly. She was flushed from embarrassment and arousal. Without speaking, she stared into Mr. Hathaway's face. His nod was the encouragement she needed.

With her eyes locked on his, Mrs. Flent's unsteady hand slowly slid across the couch cushion, coming to rest against Mr. Hathaway's leg. Maintaining the contact, she continued staring at his face, into his eyes, ready to jerk her hand away. But he didn't object, and when her hand slid onto the top of his thigh, Mr. Hathaway nodded again. This time she didn't pause and soon her hand was resting on the huge bulge in his pants.

After once again glancing around the room, her lust-filled eyes bored into Mr. Hathaway's as her fingers curled around his cock. She squeezed it, but then quickly jerked her hand back when she felt Mr. Hathaway's hand. Staring at his lap, she gasped when he slowly lowered his zipper. When his hand dropped back to the couch, Mrs. Flent's immediately returned to his lap and snaked into the opening.

Although Mr. Hathaway seemed to be encouraging her, Mrs. Flent saw a strange look on his face and in his eyes. He seemed confused. But her hand was gripping his hard cock now, only the thin cotton of his underwear separating the two. She could better feel the shape and size now, as well as the heat. She measured it as best she could, but desired to see it.

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I stroll down the aisle of my nearest sex shop, looking for some special new editions for what is to come tonight. I already have quite the sex toy collection, but none designed for two girls. Let me explain. About a week ago, I was on the phone with my best friend Lexi. We've been friends since babyhood, because our mothers were friends. Anyway, when we were talking, it was somehow brought up that we both would love to experiment with girls, but would not want to do it with a stranger. So, as...

3 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 14

"Still no honours, Aggy?" asked the Second Space Lord with a broad smile which took any sting out of the question, shaking McCock's proffered hand. McCock looked somewhat sternly at him before replying, "'Sniffy' is now in the Grey Line Shipping Company." Turning to greet the PS, "Hello, Sally." and returned her salute. "Good morning, Commodore." And Sally returned the slight frown with a perfectly bland expression. McCock led the visitors to his quarters They settled into the...

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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 36

Rob was much more at ease this time as he prepared for his date. He decided that wearing his usual track suit would send exactly the wrong message, so he pulled out a pair of comfortable old jeans that had been set aside due to a hole in the knee, and slipped on an old college sweatshirt. All in all, he looked a lot like he did in his college days, only he was in much better shape now then he had been back then. He threw on an pair of old trainers to complete the look. He had wanted this to...

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StripChat Latina

Where can you go whenever you need to see beautiful fucking Latinas getting nasty as shit on the camera? You could be a fucking creep and spy on them. You have a goddamn smartphone in your pocket; chances are you can make it happen just by walking into the right neighborhood. But if you actually care about being a halfway decent person and not the creep you secretly want to be, head on over to instead and see what this cam site has in store for people like you.Yeah, I said...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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SRU Iteration X

SRU: Iteration X The woman scanned the mall wallway, looking for the little door people had told her would be there. She chanced a glance back at a section she had already passed three times and found what she was looking for. A small plain door with a sign saying "Spells 'R Us". She limped to the door, hoping that it wouldn't disappear before she could reach it. She had been searching for weeks and wasn't about to give up now. Going through the door, she walked into the shop. There...

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Making Real Woman Of Sex 8211 Part II

Hi I am James, I come in contact with my neighbor lady, and made her dream real and satisfy her so much to fulfill her every sexual desires, ever she dreamed, and made her addicted to sex with me. I am always ready for woman who is not truly satisfied by her husband and cannot tell her wild thoughts to her husband she can come to me, I will promise her that she will be addicted to my cock. My email address is , They can chat with me if they want I m online in yahoo messenger. Ok, I start my...

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The Freak 21

A journalist remarked that time will now be measured around September 11, 2001 — as Before and After. Before, life could be considered normal. After, tens of thousands of people I’d never known nor met became as important to me as family. Other, more personal events had long been coming by the time September 11th rolled around. My love life had been in complete stasis for a number of months, and I decided I’d had enough of being single. A girl came back into my life right about then, one I...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 36

After cleaning the boat, I decided to take a shower and lay down before dinner. When I was finished in the head, I slipped on a long tee shirt, went to the master stateroom and stretched out on the bed. I was alone for about a half an hour and almost asleep when I felt someone crawl into bed with me. "You still awake, Little-bit?" Brad asked as he circled my waist with his arm. I rolled onto my back and said, "Sort of." "Are you tired?" Brad said as his hand slid down my stomach to...

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Do Dost Aur Uski Bahene 8211 Part I

Ye meri bilkul sachhi kahani hai. My name: – Jay (5’7″) My Sister: – Meera(5’5″) My cousin bro: – Anil(5’9″) My cousin sister: – Asha (Anil’s sister)(5″5″) Mai aur Anil college karte hai. Hamari bahene ghar par hi raheti hai. Ham saharme charo sath me rahte hai. Hamare mammi papa gav me rahte hai aur khet smhalte hai. ham ek flate me rahte hai aur vaha do rooms hai. Hum charo log ek hi room me sote the, lekin mei aur meri bahen ek palang par aur Anil aur Asha dusre palang par sath me sote the....

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My Life Part 17 Sowing Seeds

As we were winding down on Monday evening, I told Katie and Reagan what I planned. Katie smiled, "That's a lot. Maybe making you cum three times tonight was too much. I can not wait to hear about it though." I kissed my beautiful wife. "I love you making me cum." as I rubbed her cum filled pussy. She squirmed as we kissed. She then whispered "I love you!" before continuing kissing. Reagan asked "Why don't you ever spend the night with those girls? You know we don't mind as...

1 year ago
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My barber

I had had sexual encounters when I was younger with boys; moreexperimentation then anything else. But one of my first adult maleexperience was with my barber.I went in for a haircut. My barber's name is Tony. Tony had cut my hairfor about ten years, since the times when my dad took me in. His shop ison the south side of the city. He runs a neighborhood shop; everybody knowseverybody else and Tony, somehow, keeps us all separate. When sitting inthe chair we're each individuals. Tony knows...

3 years ago
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Our Tattered LivesChapter 10

Return to my own story I went back to work after my father's burial, but I was indifferent to everything around me, soulless. When back in my condo from the cemetery to take a drink, Melanie had told me unequivocally that she did not want to see me ever again; to her, my attitude towards my mother in the graveyard had been a huge disappointment about me as a person, as a son, and as a lover. I really didn't know what to do with my life. I thought, and thought, and thought trying to make a...

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Ants at BEESChapter 7

My cell rang. It was Karen. She wanted to know whether I could "do" all three of them in the big bed this coming weekend. "Ah, Karen, ah, I don't think so. Some things should be more private. I know you guys are used to doing a lot of that stuff together but I'm kind of shy about some of this. I thought yesterday and the day before were great, but I think I'd like it to be just the two of us in the future." "Winnie?" "I hope so. I haven't asked her. I haven't spoken to her...

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The Chauffeur 24 The Weekend part 1

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Dakota began calling both culinary schools, telling each what was needed. One declined telling me that they don't recommend any of their students, thus avoiding the appearance of favoritism. Dakota didn't buy that lame excuse and called the other school. After she explained what was wanted, they recommended not one but two students. Dakota asked if it would be possible to come to the school this morning and sample their cooking. They told her...

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OnlyBlowJob Sofia Lee Busty Czech Blows Her Boyfriend

Sofia Lee is that perfect combination of cute and kinky, sexy, sweet, and sinful. She’s that girl who looks innocent, but she’s far from it. In this 4k premium porn Only Blowjob scene the buxom brunette surprises her honey, Nick Ross, with an after-work blowjob. And she brings all of his Birthday fantasy wishes to reality, wearing his favorite lingerie, and eXXXcited for his arrival home from the office. Sofia’s gotten herself all hot and bothered and worked up just thinking...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 48 The Weight of Waiting

The instant the door closed, Ashley jumped up and waved to me. "Come take a seat Mark." "Ladies should be the ones sitting," I said carefully as I walked over and gave her a hug. "Humor me?" Ashley said coyly. I was surprised by how childish and adorable she sounded. She was rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet, so I sat down in the chair she had just left. The moment my butt was on the cushion Ashley jumped into my lap and put her arms around my neck. "This is a much...

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My First Time Out The Second Night Part 3

My First Time Out - The Second Night: Part 3 It was Saturday morning at eight o'clock when Shayna was rudely awakened by the telephone in the room. "Hello," she said in a raspy voice. "Good morning, this is the Bell Desk downstairs," stated the Bell Captain. "Yes, responded Shayna?" "We have a package for you that was delivered by a Sir Dominque," he said. Shayna was trying to clear her mind and said, "You do?" "Yes, the tag says, to Miss Shayna (Executive Suite). Do...

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College Sex with John

My last account was an introduction to me, Tom, my girlfriend Mary, her roomie, Karen, and Karen's boyfriend, John. I had switched universities my senior year (from the BigTen to the MVC), and ran into Mary, a girl I had gone to prep-school with 3 years before. She was very athletic, tall, very trim, short dark red hair, porcelain skin, small-tited, acrobatic in bed, and an incredible lover. She loved everything about sex (like me), the smells, tastes, and textures. She truly got off on my very...

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Past The Point of Pain

Past The Point of Pain By True?s Doll-AnnSince I have been with my Master we have explored many limits and why I have them. One activity I have struggled with for a long time is due to past abuse from my ex-husband Dick, anal sex has not been an easy boundary for me to have tested. When Dick and I first began our sexual relationship we each had an open mind about many things, exploration with new activities was never an issue. We both seem to always enjoy testing ourselves and each other,...

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The Time of my life

I am mid fifties, five feet tall, with 34D tits and on heat. Just recently a good looking college guy joined the company I work for as a stores person on a work experience project. It all started with a bit of sexist banter like pointing at my name badge and asking what the other one was called, but then got hotter with my new work colleague telling me he was available any time I fancied a good fucking. I was very embarrassed at first but must admit I liked the attention. I started getting...

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Welcum Surprise

Steve, a gay boy a class ahead of me in school and I have had many naughty times together often in the woods, basement of the school, parks. Anyplace we could meet. He was openly gay as I was transgender. He met me after school telling me his parents were gone and his older brother had a baseball game so we could go to his house. Of course without any question seeing his cock was thick and about 8 inches. So we set off to his home but first I changed into my Gurl things I kept in my book bag...

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Aussie Holiday

I sat at my desk daydreaming about where to go on my vacation; there were so many places I wanted to see. I had been saving up for over five years, so I could afford to go anywhere I wished to. It’s a toss up from; Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, England, or Australia. It’s hard to decide so I tabled the subject for now; I could choose later when I am at home. When I got home from work there was an email from my friend Bob in Australia. He had invited me to a fantasy vacation, one that would both...

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Camping with Stepdaughter 25 DP

As Bonnie left Lesly and Susan stepped out of the van. They had on their short little robes. They walked up to me and asked why I had been so rough with Bonnie. I told them that was what she wanted me to do. Susan looked troubled and wondered why she would want me to do that. I explained to them that her husband had found out that we had been together at the lake and wanted her to be nude in front of the men in camp and wanted to watch me fuck her. Susan smiled and asked if I thought that the...

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If Youre Done

If you're done by Bryony Marsh For most girls, a suicide attempt isn't a sincere attempt to do yourself in: it's more of a cry for help. I wasn't a drama queen, though: I was playing for keeps. In the suicide stakes, I'd acquired an unfair advantage: schizophrenia. I'm not saying that the voices in my head told me to do it: even when I was having a bad spell and it was hardest to separate fact from fiction, suicide isn't something impulsive. It requires too much care...

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Tenant IV

She moved backward to meet the forward thrust of my stiff prick, undulating her body and swinging the cheeks of her round ass in little tight circles, clasping her anus tightly shut as I withdrew mightily on the out-stroke. I fell over her and with my hand located her clit and started masturbating her clit as I rammed into her with fresh power, knowing that she was beginning to like this depraved ass fucking, and the feeling of being impaled on my long staff like a sacrificial piece of choice...

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