Seven Fair Maidens Part Four free porn video

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Part four: in the Wild

I awoke the next morning in Mary’s bed; our naked bodies were wrapped around each other. My cock was still in her vagina after that night of rough yet fabulous sex. I kissed her nose and she instantly woke up. “Good morning, handsome” she said with a giggle. How she actually new if I was handsome or not I didn’t know she was blind. Then again I did fuck two other girls in the past month so I guess I was kind of good looking.
“We must have had some night” she said running her fingers along my chest. “Oh yeah” I whispered. “I’m not sure if it was the wine or not but you like your sex rough” I said. “Really?” she said in disbelief. “Yeah; you mean you don’t remember?” She shook her head gently.
“Well you must of wanted it anyway because you haven’t kicked me out of bed yet” I said with a sneer. She giggled again. “I wouldn’t mind experiencing it again” she said with a smile. “Okay, but you don’t mind if we take it easy I’m still a little tired” I said. She happily agreed and we began making passionate love. Noticed I didn’t say we had sex, or we fucked, or even I slept with her. No we were making love. I was starting to think I was actually in love with this woman.
We both had our climax and cuddled in her bed. I was looking longingly at her and she was running her fingers through my hair. I was going to spill my guts to this woman and I felt she would possibly do the same until… of course the door bell rang.
Fate has not been on my side at all on this journey. “I’ll get it my pet” I said kissing her softly on the lips. I went to the lounge where I had left my clothes in last night and got dressed.
I went downstairs and found the guard at the door. “Are you Kurtz?” one of them asked. I looked at them. “Aye, what of it?” I asked looking at them curiously. They both unsheathed their swords and pointed them right at me. “Count Bartholomew Grit has a warrant for your arrest” one of them said calmly. “Come with us quietly and you can keep all of your limbs” said the other.
I stood in panic and did the best I could. I slammed the door in their faces, locked the door, and ran upstairs.
I shut the door quickly behind me. I was breathing quickly and with some difficulty. Mary was sitting on the end of her bed brushing her hair. She was wearing a white night gown made of satin or silk or whatever. “Is something wrong my love?” she said almost seductively. “Your psychopath ex-boyfriend sent the guard after me!” I growled.
Her face drained of the Mary Sunshine attitude I had come to love. “That bastard” she said darkly. “What are we going to do?” she asked. I heard the thick desperation in her voice. “I’ll run away and come back in about a month, he’ll have forgotten about me by then” I said.
She was on the brink of tears when I told her that. “But I’ll be back” I said holding her. “I promise.” That was two promises now; and now that I think about it I’m not so sure if what I’m doing is so good after all.

I snuck out the window and ran to the woods. I was alone now and was being hunted down in two towns. Not only that but I just realized that I had forgotten my sword in Mary’s home. Today just wasn’t my day and it was about to get worse. I walked deeper in the woods where I knew the guards wouldn’t follow.
I sat down to catch my breath; I had been running for who knows how long. I looked around and wish I had my sword. It made me feel safe at times like these. Now I felt completely naked… in a bad way of course. I new I had to keep going if I was going to be safe. But as usual, as if on cue five men with brown skin jumped from the bushes; all of them were armed with primitive yet effective looking spears.
“Whoa, what seems to be the problem gentlemen?” I said trying to play it cool. They responded but not in English. It was a language I’d never heard of before. Their spears were at my chest and they all looked nasty.
“Alright I’ll do whatever you say” I said hastily trying to save my own ass. One of them shoved me and we were on our way. One led the way, two were at my side making sure I didn’t run off, and two were behind me pointing their spears at my back so I couldn’t slow down. I stupidly tried striking up conversation with a smile and they didn’t take that well. I think they thought it was a threat so I silenced. We walked until we reached the face of a cliff. At the foot of it were tents made of animal pelts. In the village of tents there were people with dark skin wearing nothing but some cloth on their bits and pieces.
Of course they didn’t hide everything very well. It was easy to see the testicles of some men and some of the women didn’t even cover up their breasts. You think it’d be a turn on but it was all the older women with their saggy breasts or the pre-teens who had their mosquito bite breasts. The women and teenagers who had the nice racks hid theirs with cloth which I thought was a downright shame.
Unfortunately I didn’t really have time to watch the beautiful savage women. The five men took me to the biggest tent. In the tent an elderly man, a woman who was obviously his wife, and a girl who was in her teens were sitting on a rug.
The man stood up from his rug. Around his head was a dress of peacock feathers and for as old as he looked, he looked even meaner. “Who are you?” he asked in perfect English. “Thank god you speak English,” I said in relief, “Mind telling your buddies there has been some sort of mistake. I don’t mean you or your people any harm.” In an instant a flash of silver came from somewhere near the old mans waist. “You lie!” he snarled.
In his hand was a long dagger. Even though it was bloodstained and a little worn looking it was far more advanced than the spears his men held. “Nice dagger, where’d you get it?” “Stole it from the pale face family that kidnapped me when I was a boy” he said with a sneer.
I nodded, “So what am I being arrested exactly?” I knew there was no way of getting out of it so I might as well no why the hell I was here in the first place. “I ordered my guards to arrest any one who comes through our territory who is not part of our tribe” he said. Then without another word in English he said something to his guards. Then there was a sharp pain in the back of my head, and I blacked out.

I woke up in my opinion the worse possible way. For one thing; I was stark naked. Then there was the fact that I was on my knees and both my hands and feet were bound together. Not just that they were bound around the wooden post that was holding up the tent. So I was stuck there and the knots were too tight for me to pull apart. So I sat their, naked, on my knees, and prayed that I’d get out of it alive.

After the first day I found at their little plan. They were going to dehydrate and starve me. I was so hungry and thirsty through the night that I didn’t even sleep. The next morning was even worse. I sat their and listened to the hustle and bustle of the outside world. I was so hungry and so thirsty that I couldn’t even think about Mary, or Violet, or Alice for that matter.
Before I even knew it, it was nightfall. I was starting to think I was going to die… again for the third maybe even the fourth time this month. Someone was shaking me out of my hunger and thirst fueled trans. It was the teenage girl that was in the chief’s tent.
She held a wooden cup up to my lips. At first I was a bit on the edge wondering if the chief sent her with poisoned water. But then I though; why the hell would he do that when he’s been trying so hard with his first murder plan? I took a sip from the cup and then she helped me drink the rest. “Better?” she asked softly. “You speak English too?” I said my throat a little hoarse from disuse.
“I understand… better than I can speak” she said struggling with her words slightly. I nodded. She held some pheasant or some sort of drumstick in front of my face and I took a big bite out of it. She continued to feed me and giving me gulps of water. As I watched I noticed how pretty she was. She had to be fourteen possibly fifteen years old which was a disappointment. She wore what looked like deer skin around her teenage breasts and a skirt of skin around her waist.
It wasn’t very long in fact every time she sat down I could look up it. The only problem was it was so dark in the tent I couldn’t see a damn thing. Luckily I was still too hungry to even be horny, so my cock was being good and not getting hard in front of this… little girl.
When all the food was gone I felt much better. “You are a saint” I said under my breath. She cocked her head in her confusion. I found it extremely adorable. “You are very nice,” I said, “thank you.” She smiled happily and left me in my little prison alone again.

I sat there and starved again until the sun fell. The flap of my tent opened and the little girl walked in with some meat and water. “Hello again” I said smiling. She smiled and gave me some water. After a few gulps she went out to get some more and came back. “So do I get to learn your name tonight? Or are we just going to continue to have these nameless visits?”
At first she looked confused but then she seemed to get what I was talking about. “My name… is Raven; named for bird. My father’s favorite bird” she said with slight difficulty. “Ah, so you’re dad likes ravens?” I said smiling as she fed me some meat. She nodded with a small smile.
“My name is Kurtz… where my parents got that name from I have no idea” I said truthfully. She giggled. She nurtured me some more for the night and left again.

The next night I decided to make my move. “So does your dad know your sneaking food and water to the prisoner every night?” I asked when she entered. She looked a little scared and shook her head. “Well then, why are you feeding the prisoner?” I asked with a smirk. It was hard to see through the night and the fact that her skin was darker then most girls I’ve ever seen but I was positive she was blushing.
Then I couldn’t help to think that I had another woman in the palm of my hands. “Come closer,” I whispered. She looked confused and got closer to me. “A little closer,” I said. She got close enough that I could see her beautiful chestnut eyes. “Yes, Kurtz?” she asked. I stretched as far as I could and kissed her lips.
She backed off instantly. Then I couldn’t help to think of myself, ah shit. She looked very frightened and backed to the flap of the tent. “No, wait please. I’m sorry I didn’t mean too…” it was too late after that. She ran out of then tent in tears.
“I must be getting worse at kissing” I whispered to myself. “Either that or I misread messages. Either way I am royally fucked here.”

“So this is why you are not dead yet” the chief said as he entered my tent. “Who has been feeding you!” he growled. Raven had left the cup of water and meat by me after she had left. I grinned, “As if I’d tell you,” I said with a chuckle. The chief punched me square in the nose. I felt the blood leak from my nose. “It doesn’t matter now, your tent will be guarded and if your little friend comes back. He or she will be killed on the spot.”
The pain was intense and I nearly blacked out but the chief wasn’t done with me. “Don’t worry; I’m not going to kill you so quickly. I want to see you dead; hungry, thirsty, and bleeding.”

I had blacked out after his last threat speech. I woke up to a soaked rag being dabbed at my face. I woke up to the lovely Raven wiping off my face. “Ah, you have returned” I whispered. “Yes,” she said sweetly, “I apologize for what happened… it is just… I was…” she trailed off, unable to find the words she was looking for.
“Confused by that kiss?” I said. She cocked her head in her cute little way again. “When our lips touched” I whispered. She understood and nodded. It was hard talking to this girl with the slight language barrier. “It made me feel… weird” she said with some difficulty. I nodded, “Kisses do that on both sides.” She looked surprised by this.
“What is this feeling?” she said (perfectly I might add). “Fools like to say its love. But really its lust” I said. “What is… lust?” she said giving me a look that was wondering if she had said it right. “If you were to ask the church they would say it was a sin” I said with a smirk. She gave me another confused look.
Let’s be simple for this girl shall we? “It’s a feeling when a boy and a girl want to touch each other’s,” I paused thinking of the best way to take this. “Body parts,” I said kind of hastily. She cocked her head again, “Like?”
“Lips to lips is one of the more popular ones. Well I wouldn’t say the most popular but it’s the only one that is acceptable to do in public” I explained. She seemed to be interested and listened as I went on. “Then there is of course what people in my society call sex which is more intimate… your head is going to get stuck that way if you keep tilting it like that” I said with a chuckle.
She looked embarrassed but I went on. “I wish I could explain better but with me tied up I can’t… and I know you couldn’t free me even if you wanted too.” It was true, I was basically gonna die and couldn’t be free. She looked disappointed but then I said, “But, there is still something I can do.” She looked up happily.
“First things first; off with the clothes” I instructed. She obeyed and removed the cloth. In the darkness I could barely see her teenage breasts and her bush of pubic hair. “Done” she said. “Alright this should be simple; I want you to put one had on one of your breasts.” She did as she was told and touched her right hand to her right breast.
“Okay now I want you to give your nipple a little pinch” she took her index finger and thumb and pinched her dark nipple. She let out a soft gasp.
“Felt good didn’t it?” I said with a sneer. “Yes” she said in surprise. I smiled, “Now I just sort of want you to experiment, touch yourself wherever and see which places feel better to touch than others.” She nodded and complied.
She ran her fingers all over her brown skin. It was kind of kinky watching a teenage girl run her fingers over her sizzling hot skin. Goosebumps began to appear all over her body; she moaned and panted softly in the darkness as she continued to pinch her nipples. She found her breasts to be her favorite spot at first from what I could tell. She fondled them and played with her nipples.
My favorite part of this was when she discovered how good it felt to touch her vagina. She let out a little squeal when she touched it then covered her mouth instantly. “Good?” I asked with a smile. She nodded and continued to play with herself. One hand played with her breasts the other played with her pussy.
God watching Raven masturbate right in front of me was turning me on. My man hood was beginning to erect itself but Raven didn’t notice. She was too busy playing with her body. Soon Raven was on her knees and her whole body was shaking. She put her cum soaked hand in front of her face and asked, “What was that?”
“That specifically is cum; what just happened however was an orgasm. That’s usually how you know you’re done with sex is when both the man and woman have their orgasms.” She nodded in understanding. The she looked down at my cock with wide eyes. “Now, you can’t tell me you haven’t seen one of these before. I mean come on you can see just about every mans penis around here.”
It was true, and the real ego killer was most of theirs were bigger than mine. I took another look at her face to see that there was hunger in her eyes. I smiled happily. “You can touch it if you’d like” I whispered. At first she looked like she was going to run out again and totally fuck me over with the guards. But she got a little closer and touched it with her cool little hand.
“It’s very warm” she said with lust in her voice. “Watching you do that to yourself filled my body with lust” I said now thinking on her level. She smiled looking pleased with herself. “Now hold it tight; but bring your hand back and forth” I said. She looked a little confused but did it anyway.
After a few moments when I started to moan silently. After that she understood that what she was doing to me was the same thing she was just doing to herself. My cock was throbbing under the flesh of Raven’s hands. “Raven” I whispered. “You might want to move to the left” I said motioning with my head. She did so but didn’t stock jerking off my manhood. Then after a moment of her hand job my cum shot across the tent and I started panting from the pleasure.
Sweat coated my bare body. I looked at Raven and she looked like she was in shock. “Yeah, girls can get their cum to go that far sometimes” I said. Then I smiled and went on, my lust not met as usual. “You know a lot of girls say cum tastes pretty good.”
She complied instantly and began licking my cock clean of cum. She really liked the stuff. My penis grew hard yet again and this time she stuck the head my cock in her mouth. She sucked on it and had her tongue play with the head. Raven was pretty good at doing this. She stuck my cock deeper into her mouth; not down her throat though. She just pushed it on the inside of her cheek.
I couldn’t hold back much longer so I came inside of her mouth. She looked up me looking pleased. She had swallowed all of it. “You; my dear, are amazing” I whispered. She stood up and leaned towards me. We kissed; the first time it was just an innocent peck on the lips. Then I kissed her again and she melted on to me. It was a long passionate kiss. Every now and again one of our tongues would flick into the others mouth. Her breasts were pressed against my chest; her pussy innocently rubbing against my soft penis.
When she pulled away I realized how exhausted I was. She gave me some tough bread and a drink of water, got dressed, gave me one last kiss goodbye, and left my tent.

The next morning I woke up laying flat on my face. Wait a minute I was laying! My hands and feet had been cut free and my head had been resting on my clothes. I got dressed to find that underneath was the chief’s dagger. A very smudged looking heart had been put underneath it all. She wanted me to escape while I could. “Thank you Raven,” I whispered. I took the dagger and killed both the guards without difficulty and ran back into the woods; where my next little adventure would begin.


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Chapter Two: Ms. Marcie's & Kimmie's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara I clutched my harem to me as the clock struck midnight. The year ended. A new one begin. My daughters, niece, and sister were naked, smeared in my cum. I tried to love all my pregnant women before I had to repay my debt to the futa-fairy. To Leanan Sidhe. Despite the spurting futa-jizz and the gasping orgasms, dread had permeated me all day. Now a warmth billowed through me,...

3 years ago
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Ye Olde Water Faire 01 The Dolphin Rides

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

3 years ago
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Ye Olde Water Faire 01 The Dolphin Rides

Welcome to my blog. I asked Master if I could have a blog. He told me that I was just an exhibitionist slut who wanted the whole world to see my ass. I told him that was true, but what I wanted for a blog was more like a diary for all the world to see. So, he said I could create a blog.Master wants me to post everything interesting that goes on in my life but with the following rules: One, he is the moderator for my blog and has to approve everything I post; two, I can’t post pictures... ever;...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 1 Deidre Keilys Taboo Love

Chapter One: Deidre & Keily's Taboo Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Deidre Redding I rubbed my little sister's pregnant belly, caressing her smooth skin as she guided her big, throbbing futa-dick to my horny pussy. Like her, I was also pregnant. We conceived on the same day. The day she gained her girl-cock last month in November. Neither of us were showing, yet, but we were both so eager to be pregnant together and with our mom, whom we both bred. We were positive she'd have...

4 years ago
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The Darkmoon Faire part 2

I guess good things just couldn't happen to me, because if they did, I get hurt in the end. --- "So, um, what is this supposed to be?"  Jarred, next to me, looked defeated and slightly horrified. There must've been something nice there before, but something ate it and left a "present" where some scraps and torn bits of cloth lay around it on the sand. "I spent a long time on that," he muttered in disbelief. "It's okay, I can help you remake it.." "No." He said...

2 years ago
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No Faire A Tale of Public Humiliation

No Faire A Tale of Public Humiliation        Brian had been dating Jan for about two years now.  A few times each year, she tended to disappear for a weekend to attend one of the local ?Renaissance Festivals? in nearby towns, but Brian had never had much interest in going with her.  Every time Jan tried to convince Brian, he would claim to be ?too busy? or make up an excuse.  One day, he found himself unable to think of a reason, and decided to blurt out his real opinion.?It just seems so...

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Fairs Fair

They met in an anonymous business hotel by the airport of a town nearby to both. Once a month, and neither had missed a meeting in years. They were both married, more or less happily, in their early 50s, both in good shape. Rick was tall, about six feet four, muscular and handsome, a bit thick around the waist but otherwise in great shape. Carl was slim and smaller, about five foot eight, a runner and also looking fine for his age. They met, as usual, at the bar at about 7:00 PM. They...

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Seven days seven womenPart 1

Seven days, seven women-Part #1 By csn61 © Chapter 1: the storyline:I want to describe the incredible fortune I have landed in terms of being able to make love to different mature rich woman, every day of the week without any catch, any obligations, without spending a single penny!I am a 21-year-old young computer scientist, presently unemployed. My main occupation now is to satisfy the sexual libido of my seven rich mature beautiful women lovers, day 'in' and day 'out '(pun intended) who love...

2 years ago
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The Devil Inside Part I The Possession of Davina Faire

Love seems to rely on self-deception. Relationships are for idiotic breeders. It’s all bullshit, if you ask me. People constantly lie to each other and stab each other in the back; they break their promises and break one another. Their infidelities destroy their “picture perfect” family, and their selfishness eradicates all the noble virtues of love. That’s why I’ve been single for so long. I don’t live my life with my head in the sand. I don’t lie to myself and desire a fictional love story...

4 years ago
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A Fair Wager Part 2

A Fair Wager: Part 2 Two shadows embraced in the dark. The air around them was warm and musky, and whatever pitch-black surface the shadows laid on was velvety soft. Too much so, almost inviting one to rest upon it, to envelope them in it comfort. The dark obscured the shadowed figures features, though one seemed taller, more masculine. Whist the other was tiny, frail, fair, and wrapped around its counterpart. Only intangible whispers could be heard, losing clarity as they echoed out...

3 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 9 Officer Cindy Deidres Hot Menage

Chapter Nine: Officer Cindy & Deidre's Hot Menage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara I savored the barely legal delight of plundering Keily's cunt. The girl squirmed beneath me as I pumped over and over into her depths. My futa-cock throbbed in her silky embrace. She quivered, her small breasts jiggling, her green eyes growing dewy with lust behind her glasses. “Help...” She groaned. “Someone... I... Ooh... Ooh, yes!” I smiled. Her lusts, inflamed by what the...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

1 year ago
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The Barbarian and the Wench My First Renaissance Faire

I would bring this girl to climax first, leave her panting in the dirt. Taking two fistfuls of hair, I pulled her head away. My cock popped out of her mouth with a sucking sound. “M’Lord, am I not to your liking?” she asked, looking up at me with genuine concern. “You’re wonderful, my love, but I want to see to your needs first.” “But I only want to satisfy you.” “You’ll satisfy me by doing as you’re told.” Rochelle gave me a puppy dog look. “I’ll...I’ll do whatever you want.” This ravishing...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 3 Dr Ritas Officer Cindys Fairy Romp

Chapter Three: Dr. Rita's & Officer Cindy's Fairy Romp By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Ms. Ji-Woo Kim I followed the ice river in the direction of the moon. The direction of the Lands of Transition. I didn't know what else to call the strange piece of geography I walked beside other than an ice river. I don't mean it was a frozen stream, but it was almost like a glacier. But a glacier flowing through a channel far, far faster than it should. The ice moved. It rippled and crashed...

2 years ago
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The Shieldmaidens Part 1

The snow and sleet bit into my face as I circled Sigrid. She was hunkered down in a defensive position, her shield covering her chest and only her eyes were visible. She held her sword to the side and as she waited for me to attack she winked.“Hilde, stop messing around, and do something,” said Rolf, our instructor.He was a big man, broad shoulders, tall and with thighs like tree trunks. He stood a few feet from us together with the other Shieldmaidens in training.There were twenty of us, from...

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The Fairgrounds Hotel part 11 of the Business

Introduction: Carla make is back to the Hotel after a wild night in the Farigrounds Barn Exhibit Hall Carla had fed herself well at the Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall Barn. She had sucked every dick in sight, until her stomach was full. Now her face and body were covered with excess semen. Next she got breast suckled, by the girls. Now she staggered to her feet and her husband led her towards the exit. Heather found a horse blanket to wrap around her. Then they slid past the guard she had sucked off...

1 year ago
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Requested DM Faire Alt Ending

So while it is rather short, I'm done. The people who requested it, please enjoy. This was requested by some readers at the end of part 4 and I thought it was a great idea. So here it is, starting from where Kara finds Thell by Sindragosa's Fall. (IMPORTANT NOTE: ONLY BLOOD, GORE AND VIOLENCE. NOTHING ELSE. LITERALLY NOTHING.) If you're looking for something to wank to, look elsewhere, don't waste time skimming it, finding nothing and then downvoting it. Thank you. World of...

3 years ago
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Requested DM Faire Alt Ending

Introduction: Wherein Jarred is a death knight and shit goes down. I am so, so sorry for the amount of time it took to finish this. I was uninspired for the longest time. So while it is rather short, Im done. The people who requested it, please enjoy. This was requested by some readers at the end of part 4 and I thought it was a great idea. So here it is, starting from where Kara finds Thell by Sindragosas Fall. (IMPORTANT NOTE: ONLY BLOOD, GORE AND VIOLENCE. NOTHING ELSE. LITERALLY...

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Capn Angie and a Fair Maidens Booty

I just want to say, this story took so much longer to write than I had anticipated. I put a lot of love and effort into it, so, you know, please don't be a dick and judge it too harshly! That said, please enjoy and let me know what you think of it :) This is a prequel to, so don't worry if you haven't already read that story yet...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

1 year ago
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Ye Olde Water Faire 04 The Ferris Wheel

After I finished cleaning up, puta and I ran over to the Ferris Wheel so she could get tied on. She called it getting hooked up, but what they used was more or less standard restraints.Naturally, she was the first slave there. She was practically bouncing up and down with expectation. You would think she was being given some great treat rather than being tied onto a wheel of pain. Well, having said that, I guess for puta, they are the same thing.She was led up onto a platform that had a section...

2 years ago
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Ye Olde Water Faire 04 The Ferris Wheel

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

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Maiden Fair Mf TG cons rom

Maiden Fair by SpectreOfHell When Wallace rang the bell of apartment 19G, he was alarmed to notice that his hand was shaking. He heard the patter of unshod feet running across the carpet, and the door opened before he had a chance to compose himself. June saw him and a smile exploded onto her young face. It was the kind of smile that made a man’s heart soar and melt at the same time, and Wallace grinned stupidly at her, momentarily unable to remember why he was there. ‘Wally,’ she said...

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Maiden Fair Mf TG cons rom

Maiden Fairby SpectreOfHellWhen Wallace rang the bell of apartment 19G, he was alarmed to notice that his hand was shaking. He heard the patter of unshod feet running across the carpet, and the door opened before he had a chance to compose himself. June saw him and a smile exploded onto her young face. It was the kind of smile that made a man's heart soar and melt at the same time, and Wallace grinned stupidly at her, momentarily unable to remember why he was there."Wally," she said...

1 year ago
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Debaucery in Fairbanks Alaska

This story takes place in 2010 during a business trip to Fairbanks Alaska. Everything you're about to read is exactly what happened. I haven't listed names due to anonymity being kept. So with that said, let's begin.In 2010 I went to Fairbanks Alaska for the first time. I had lived in Alaska for 3 years but all the way down in Anchorage. It was a relatively world wide business meeting with people from Italy, Japan, England, and all over the United States.I was 25 at the time, and for those...

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

4 years ago
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Renaissance Faire Fundraising

?GOOD AFTERNOON, LADIES,? began Sarah Nilsson, speaking with the measured tone of the career politician she wanted to be. The light chit-chat amongst the Student Council representatives subdued into silence, as a dozen pairs of eyes focused on the Council President,        ?We have one issue and only one issue today: the pool.? The handful of girls who hadn’t been giving Sarah their full attention immediately did so. ?I have just been informed by Headmaster McGregor that, effective May 15,...

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Ye Olde Water Faire 03 The Race

There are four major events at the Faire, the Dolphin Rides, The Carousel, The Race, and the Ferris Wheel. The four segments stand more or less on their own but make much more sense if you read them in order. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely...

1 year ago
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Seven Years a Woman Extended Edition

Seven Years a Woman by Holly Sharp. Seven years ago, Shane Turner became a wanted man. Losing his balaclava during a bank robbery led to him becoming the subject of a relentless nation-wide manhunt. With every police officer in the country chasing him and with a substantial bounty on his head, Turner did the only thing he could do: hide. For seven years, this man has hidden himself away in the last place anyone would ever think to look: under the makeup of a woman named Bonnie...

2 years ago
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Seven Years a Woman

Seven Years a Woman Holly Sharp Seven years ago, Shane Turner became a wanted man. Losing his balaclava during a bank robbery led to him becoming the subject of a relentless nation-wide manhunt. With every police officer in the country chasing him and with a substantial bounty on his head, Turner did the only thing he could do: hide. For seven years, this man has hidden himself away in the last place anyone would ever think to look: under the makeup of a woman named Bonnie...

2 years ago
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Ye Olde Ren Faire

Once upon a time there was a couple that was extremely bored one autumn weekend. Rich and Kat had enjoyed summer, but with the turning of the leaves and both of them running out of vacation days their options for entertainment were limited. One day while they were watching Princess Bride on Netflix there was a knock on Rich and Kat's door. "Check it out," Kat said. "Could be a package." Rich got up and grunted, "It could also be a damn door to door Cable Salesman. No, I don't want to switch to...


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