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August 8, 2017

A minute or so later, Gracey began connecting with reality, and started sobbing. Liya immediately put her head in Gracey’s sight and kissed her forehead.

“We’re here, Love, we’re here.”

Among pants and sobs, Gracey said, “Oh, god. That was wonderful. I love you all.”

Liya asked, “Did you know that everyone was here to see you cum less than ten minutes after you gave the whole Go5 permission to sex you up whenever they wanted?”

“Everyone? The Moms, too?”

“Yes, we’re here, Gracey,” Carol answered. “That was incredibly sexy and beautiful. I’m a little bit jealous. That, as the Go5 calls it, ‘gangbang’ action looks like a lot of fun.” She snickered, then said, “Only partly in jest, but you should copyright that term, something like ‘Go5 gangbang.’ Your gangbang is a polar opposite of what most think of as a gangbang, with as many guys as possible or present getting their rocks off, often at the expense of the single ... gal. You girls, you do it right. Everyone is pulling for the same thing, an explosive and wonderful climax for the single gal being banged. Charlie didn’t even cum, despite his playing a seemingly crucial role in sending you over the top, Gracey.”

“Oh, god, yes. I was feeling pretty good, but when Liya put Dad’s cock in my mouth ... Fuck. What was a really wonderful time became outright spectacular. I would ... well, I guess that I gave my permission, so I look forward to being gangbanged, again. Oh, fuck. I hope Charlie can join in then, too.”

“That probably won’t be a problem. Speaking of which, if you’re back in the land of coherency, Gracey, perhaps Sandy and I can present our counteroffer to you five. I believe you’ll like it, all of you.”

Gracey looked at me. Yes, me. I have got to accept that I am, indeed, the leader of us, though I am still not fully comfortable with that idea. Actually, I hope that I am never completely comfortable with that. I gave a slight nod.

“Yes, we are ready,” Gracey responded.

This time, I took the right position on the love seat, as that was the place of least focus from the couch, at least in its current position. Liya took the same chair, the middle position of us five, while Gracey sat to her left. Heather took the other love-seat place, while Rhee was the other bookend.

As the Go5 settled, Sandy began.

“As I have come to realize from painful recent experience and from the three people most important to me, I have been playing the puppet master, directing the actions of various marionettes. I truly did not intend that, but I can see clearly that that description is accurate. Carol and I, at my direction, have willfully left all of you – Beth, Rhee, Gracey, Liya, Heather, and, most importantly, Charlie – in the dark. I had been afraid that if my ultimate goal became clear to you, to any of you, that my goal would not, then, be attainable. This, despite some obvious hints from Beth that such a goal would be accepted by you girls. In fact, not just accepted, desired.

“My recent near-calamitous response to Liya’s incredibly moving and erotic expression of love for Our Man – and I truly mean that term, ‘OUR Man, made me realize how stupid it was of me to think that a Ph.D. in Math, a very bright sister-wife, and five incredibly intelligent daughters would not deduce that goal. I acknowledge that folly, acknowledge my fears, and make clear what I tried to hide. Once I have come clean, Carol will present our counteroffer to Liya’s eloquent plea for, essentially, some level of respect. Respect that I thought I had given, but now very much realize that I had not. I sincerely apologize for that lack of respect.

“I have suspected, then known, of Charlie’s predilection for post-pubescent girls for most of the time that I have known him. While I was already in love with Charlie before figuring that predilection out, and before he confirmed it, I was already excited by the possibility. That is because I have the same interest that Carol has due to an eerily similar history as Carol’s. Carol told me that she recounted her history to you five, explaining – if one can actually do such – her interest in watching you five having sex with Charlie.

“My interests match precisely with Carol’s, a fact that we discovered through a very carefully roundabout conversation concerning Rhee and her sexual education. Once we discovered that we shared the same ‘deviant’ sexual fantasies about our daughters, it became much easier for me to solve Carol’s other main concern, her confessed romantic love for Charlie. This sharing of fantasies made acceleration of my plans for Charlie and you girls possible. I also became aware of other influences outside of our marriage – our three-way marriage, and those influences also made greatly accelerating my, then Carol’s and my plans concerning Charlie and you girls.

“So, a plan that I originally thought might bear fruit by the time that Beth turned 15 is already on the cusp of completion. That plan was centered on Charlie making love, having sexual intercourse, with, first, Beth, then Rhee ... then the rest of the Go5, the five girls that I now acknowledge as Charlie’s girlfriends. Charlie’s girlfriends that have and will have nearly all the rights and privileges of Charlie’s wives.”

Though none of us girls said any actual words in response to Mom’s last sentence, we all responded in some fashion, seemingly mostly, if not all, in surprise.

Mom nodded her head once, then said, “That aspect will be covered in Carol’s response to your request. My aspect of our response is personal. First and foremost, I acknowledge and accept the bidirectional love, the bidirectional romantic love that exists between Charlie and each of his five girlfriends. That bidirectional romantic love that will and does have a physical, sexual component. Additionally, for the rest of the month, I cede all responsibility of and control over sexual activities in either of our family houses. I do this partly as recompense to Charlie’s girlfriends for obvious wrongs to you and partly as punishment for my own hubris in manipulating the seven people that I care most about in the world. Except during my turns in Truth or Command, I will not direct, request, or demand any sexual activities in our houses for the rest of this month. I will not initiate any sexual activity. I will be dependent upon direction by, first, Charlie, then Carol, then any of Charlie’s girlfriends. I will not initiate photography or videography of any sexual activity, but will, of course, respond immediately to any such requests or demands made by members of this family. In short, for the remainder of August 2017, I present myself as the sexual slave to the rest of the family, which consists of Charlie, Carol, and Charlie’s girlfriends and my daughters: Beth, Rhee, Gracey, Liya, and Heather.”

As more inchoate expressions of surprise came from our mouths, Sandy leaned back into the couch with an odd expression that seemed a mix of accomplishment of a difficult task and something else that I could not place. As I began getting myself back under control, Carol raised her hand in the ‘stop’ gesture.

“I will provide the response from what many of you girls call ‘the Moms.’ First, I want to tell you how proud I am of being, not only Rhee’s mom, but someone that the rest of you spectacular girls call ‘Mom.’ Second, though Sandy wished me not to tell you this, she has agreed that I have the right to do so. Charlie and I tried to talk her out of her self-inflicted punishment-and-recompense actions that she just described. She was adamant, however, that you girls needed a ‘tangible’ apology and that she needed a ‘tangible’ punishment. Since Charlie and I could obviously not over-rule her without doing precisely what she wants, our arguments had no traction. I have always respected Sandy; I now have, if possible, even more respect for her. She will find her punishment to be, at times, exciting, but at other times, frustrating. Though I disagree with her about the severity of punishment that she has laid on herself, I do agree that it is fitting, as you girls found the results of her actions to be both exciting and frustrating.

“I, also, have some complicity in the wrongs, the frustration that you girls have encountered. My apology and recompense will take a slightly different tack. On the next night that all five of you spend here, I will join Sandy in isolation in our bedroom while Charlie spends the night with you. Yes, we will probably enjoy our isolation a bit, but we agree that a night without Charlie is nowhere near as wonderful as a night with him. I will touch on one aspect of the Go5’s next night with Charlie in a bit.”

I stood, but only barely beating Liya to that state. The rest of the Go5 quickly followed suit. In obvious agreement with my own thoughts, Liya stepped past Gracey and Rhee to Sandy.

“Please, stand, Mom.”

With a hint of trepidation on her face, Sandy stood. When she did, Liya enveloped her in her arms.

“Thank you, Mom, for avowing and accepting responsibility for aspects of your recent behavior. We agree with Carol and Charlie that your penance is too severe, but fitting. As with Carol, you have found elevated respect in our eyes. You are Charlie’s first wife. You are Mom. We thank you for all that you have given us, and you have given us very much. We all love you very much. Thanks, Mom.”

Liya then kissed Sandy on the lips. Not passionately, but not just a peck. Mom’s eyebrows, like mine, rose exceedingly high on her forehead. Liya returned to her seat and we all sat. Carol then continued.

“In the very near future, probably during the next two weeks, each of you will have a night to spend with Charlie.”

There was much ... quiet ... rejoicing.

“Be aware, however, that events might cause a change in ... I guess, the schedule, for lack of a better term. Charlie will have all of next week and part of the following week off and has graciously agreed to make love with you in that time.”

There was much chuckling.

“That time is for you and Charlie. Each of you may do as much or as little as you want, though Charlie can refuse to do anything that strikes him negatively. If you want to have full sexual intercourse ... going all the way ... you may. Charlie will never reveal what takes place on those nights. You are welcome to reveal what you wish to each other. You should not reveal any details to either of us wives, with one exception ... and with that exception having an exception. Most of you have indicated that you would like a romantic first time with Charlie, and we would want the same thing in your places. However, for most of you, if you wish to be involved with certain commands that may come up in ToC, you will have to have already had intercourse. Heather is the exception to that, if she wishes to have her first full penetration to have an audience. Heather, that is your decision and you need not tell anyone what decision you make. Is that clear and fair?”

“Yes. Thank you, Carol and Sandy and, particularly, Charlie. I wish that I could have two first times, because both interest me greatly. I thank you all for the choice.”

“As an aside, we hope that you girlfriends are as interested in keeping ToC going as are we wives. I know that you all enjoyed the last game, but we are very interested in knowing your thoughts now that you have had further time to digest your experiences. Please think about this for a while and let us know.

“As a compromise between each girlfriend’s desires on her first night with Charlie and Charlie’s and others’ needs, we believe that a 15-hour night, starting at 6 pm, should suffice for each. Charlie would like to have at least a night off after every night with one of his girlfriends, so we need at least nine days. Unless there is strong disagreement among you, we propose that your night’s with Charlie proceed in the order in which you met Charlie. Is that clear and fair or, at least, acceptable to all?”

I barely nodded my head, although I saw Heather nod hers emphatically. No one disagreed.

“Charlie’s night with all of you that I mentioned as the wives’ penance must take place before any of you have your individual nights with Charlie. Given that we’re all going to the state tournament Friday night and won’t return until Sunday evening, that all-girlfriends’ night should take place before Friday. Gracey, Liya, since Civia will be here most of the day on Thursday, would you two be able to stay here Thursday night?”

I looked over at the two, who were looking at each other. Carol didn’t wait for them.

“We figured that you two might go through nudity withdrawal that day and be most in need of Charlie’s ... umm ... help in alleviating that withdrawal.”

There was much chuckling.

“I think that will work,” Gracey replied. “Obviously, we’ll have to talk to our moms.”

“We understand. Please let us know as soon as possible. Other options are possible but pushing that night later in the month also pushes your first nights back, potentially into the school year, which creates additional problems.

“Both Sandy and I applaud your standing up for yourselves in a situation in which many girls would not. We are both continually amazed and pleased with the way in which you girls are developing, becoming adults. We are firmly of the belief that your group friendship is much of the cause of this, in that you are all obviously pushing the others, either directly or obliquely, and you are all benefiting. We greatly appreciate having exceptional teenagers that require little ‘raising’ and cause so very little angst and turmoil in the household.

“All three of us would like to reward all of you for being such wonderful daughters, and, yes, this is relevant to the topic at hand. While we have some options in that reward, we suspect that the reward that Charlie proposed for you will be the one that you choose, which is tied to your request for regular nights for each girlfriend with Charlie. Given all the unknowns, Sandy and I were unwilling to, essentially, give him up for so many nights in a month. We are willing, with Charlie’s concurrence, for Charlie to spend a night with each of you once every other month, and we would prefer if those nights could be spread across the two months. However, as reward for, essentially, telling us that you were not slaves to our plans, Charlie proposed, and we have accepted, that he spend a night with each of you in September and then the every-other-month schedule would begin in October. Is that clear and, at least, acceptable?”

I looked over at Liya, who had started her visual canvas of the girlfriends with me, and winked my left eye. After she looked at Rhee, who winked her right eye, she turned to Carol.

“That is agreeable. Thank you.” She turned to Charlie. “Thank you, Dad.”

“Now, for the rest of the response to your request. We do not have specific responses to each of your points, although we feel that our response should cover all of them. We accept your proposal concerning the girlfriends initiating sex with Charlie and leave it to you five to determine the meaning of ‘occasional.’”

My eyebrows flew upward, and I looked down the line at my sister-friend-lovers. I saw the same reaction in their faces that I had felt in mine. That was much more concession than I had expected, as they are, essentially, giving us carte blanche. However, in the few seconds that my mind used to analyze their response, I realized that they were setting it up so that we had to police ourselves. “Oh, very good,” I thought at them. When none of us responded directly, Carol continued.

“Somewhat against Charlie’s wishes, we asked him that he be willing to accept no limits to his initiation of sex with his girlfriends.”

“Are you kidding,” escaped my attempt to keep those words behind my teeth.

“No, we are not. We admit that we cannot enforce any decision that we might have made on Charlie, for a variety of reasons. We also decided that you may well be right about the ‘thrill quotient’ of discovering Charlie in sexual situations with one or more of his girlfriends and we’re willing to try it out. As Charlie knows ... and I’m sure that you bright girls would figure it out quickly, we look at our suggestions as requiring restraint or moderation in both Charlie and his girlfriends if we are all to get along, essentially, sharing a single man. It also gives those of you that do not live here real hope that the others will not have worn Charlie out by the time that they can get to him.”

With that, she grinned at us all.

“Oh, that’s very good,” Liya said. “As the Go5 spokeswoman on this topic, I applaud you two for finding what is certainly a better solution than the one at which we had arrived. We agree with and accept your counter-proposal’s points as stated.”

“Thank you, Liya. Again, the three of us applaud you girls’ maturity and, particularly, your understanding of what a sticky situation in which we find ourselves and, because much of the fault of the stickiness rests with us, your willingness to ‘compromise’ [air quotes] even though you’ve apparently gotten more than you asked. Finally, we consider your request to permit Charlie to spend nights with whatever set of more-than-one girlfriend he wishes to fall under the rubric of his lack of limits regarding initiation of sex with his girlfriends.

“I believe that each of you understands the full meaning of that, but I want to be certain that you do. All of us – wives and girlfriends – are going to have to work together to make this work. If even one of us feels slighted by the amount of attention that Charlie gives her, and I paraphrase Beth here, this whole thing ... WILL ... NOT ... WORK. Sandy and I are, essentially, giving Charlie’s girlfriends equality with us when it comes to Charlie’s time. I beg of you, please do not abuse it, else we will all have to try to return to Charlie having one wife, a very close female friend, and five daughters. I truly believe that you five have it in you to make this compromise work; I truly hope that you actually can.”

While I felt my brain working furiously at this turn of events, I glanced down the line of us past Liya to Rhee, then back to Liya. Her eyes met mine and she indicated “upstairs” with her chin and eyes; I nodded.

“Carol,” responded Liya, “your response to our request provided us, potentially, so much more than we had requested, in both freedom and necessary self-restraint. Your... ‘terms,’ for want of a better word require careful response. We would like to talk this over among ourselves and return with our response. Are you amenable to a break of, perhaps, 15 minutes?”

“Yes. Please take as much time as you need, because we all need to get this one right, and right from the very start.”

“Thank you, Carol, Sandy, Charlie. We shall return as quickly as we can.”

When we were all congregated on the bed in the Go5 council chamber, Rhee said, “Holy fucking hell! They’ve essentially turned the tables on us by giving us very nearly everything that we could have wanted! That was fucking brilliant!”

“Yes, it was,” Liya responded, “and we have to figure out what our response is. I know that you all know, but this needs to be stated clearly. We can have everything we want, but at the expense of everything we want. We need to agree to some sort of limits among ourselves. Obviously, it is unlikely that any of us would decline Charlie’s advances, so we need to limit our own. I suggest that at least three of us need to be present for any one of us to make any initiation with Charlie beyond some level. I know what I mean by that level, but I’m finding it difficult to state it in terms.”

Heather responded, “Yes, I know exactly what you mean. A casual fondle of Dad’s cock, even a quick suck just for fun, should not really count as initiation. Obviously, sexual climax by any participant would mean that that initiation ‘counted,’ however we define the term. In the same category would be an approach to orgasm or, even, any overtly sexual act that causes extensive heavy breathing.”

“Yeah,” replied Gracey, “Dad rubbing your breasts like he did yesterday would not ‘count.’ As Dad said, he was simply expressing his love for you in a pleasant, essentially, non-sexual way, and that was exactly what that was. I also think that the Moms, or should I say, ‘the wives,’ would agree with that. But how do we define that cutoff?”

“I don’t think that we need to define it,” I said. “We seem to all be on the same page in this and we also understand that the onus for restraint is on us. Dad will certainly curb his own desires in this, but we still need to be aware of and avoid the consequences of getting ... too greedy. We will need to accept that some occasions in which we intend our actions only as playfulness or semi-non-sexual expressions of love will get out of hand. That is understandable, but we need to keep such times to a minimum. The more I think about this, the more I marvel at both our chutzpah at thinking that we could outthink the Moms and at how bright – and devious – the Moms are.”

I looked around at my sisters’ faces, then nodded and continued.

“During August, we have the ability to get Sandy involved with Dad relatively frequently. We need to be careful in this, but, from what Rhee and I have seen, getting one of the Moms involved with Charlie has a good chance of sucking the other in, too. However, the best use of my mom as sex slave would be to include her in some fashion in sex activities that we initiate. I can tell you that once each of us has had her night with Charlie, having Sandy sit on Dad’s face while one of us sits on his cock will probably get her off very quickly. Just make sure to have her face you on his mouth. Dad can deal quite well, as both Rhee and I know, with an upside-down pussy. The other way, Sandy on his cock, you on his mouth, will also work, but possibly not quite as quickly, though she came quite quickly watching my pussy on Dad’s face.”

“And Carol came quickly, too, when she and I were sharing Dad,” Rhee reminded us all. “She even said that she’d like us to trade places. While her interest might be more in me because I’m her daughter, I’m sure that it would work, at least somewhat, with any of us. What we’re saying is that involving the Moms in sex that we initiate should, effectively, enable such initiations to not ‘count.’”

I looked at Liya, who was looking around at us. When her gaze got to my eyes, she nodded.

“Okay. We are agreed that we have to provide the restraint in the family. Hopefully, that will not be too difficult, as that was what we had proposed, anyway. Is there any disagreement with my proposal that at least three of us have to be here for any purposefully significant initiation of sex with Charlie? I ask because Gracey and I fully understand that we are at a slight disadvantage compared to Heather and a great disadvantage compared to Beth and Rhee. However, that cannot be helped, and I don’t see making those three wait for, perhaps, two or three weeks for Gracey and me to both be allowed to stay over during school. While I know that my mom has at least another slot scheduled at a telescope in the next while, I don’t know that Gracey’s mom is planning much travel in the near future.”

“Not much, but I think that there’s a week sometime in September. That could work for us.”

“Okay. Then, we accept their ... counter-proposal?”

Liya looked around and got four nods, though her brow furrowed at Rhee and Heather.

“Heather, you have said nothing, and, Rhee, you seem uncertain about something. Are you good with this? Any of this? None of this?”

The two of them looked at each other, and Rhee took point.

“As you noted, you and Gracey have the raw end of the deal. If you can accept it, then Heather and I certainly can. While I like the idea of having more sex with Dad, I don’t like the idea of you two missing out. I’d be willing for the requirement of all of us present before we can initiate. We’ll certainly be able to take advantage of Dad initiating and he’ll be certain to balance his attentions. I think that all five should be here.”

When Heather nodded emphatically, I said, “It’s always best when all five of us are together. I’m as interested in one-on-one times with Dad as anyone, but we’ll get those. They, essentially, don’t ‘count.’ Personally, I’d rather use our initiations to involve all of us with Dad than just three of us and certainly more than just one of us, though I fully intend to ‘play’ quite a bit.”

“I agree,” exclaimed Heather.

“I love you all, so much,” Liya said. “Thank you for your consideration of us. I know that you know, but I didn’t want to propose all of us be here so that you three could have more time with Dad. Now, you three want us here, too. Heather thanks us for ‘rescuing’ her. I thank Gracey, Beth, and Rhee for rescuing me. I would have traveled a road similar to that Heather would have traveled without rescue. Though the ends would have been technically different, the actual result would probably have been very similar. Partly because of my appreciation for being rescued, I would like to put my friends’ interests before mine, I accept that they would put Gracey’s and mine before theirs. We are agreed. All five must be present for any initiation of intentionally serious sexual activity with Dad. I also assume, although it’s unimportant for the discussion at hand, that nearly all such initiations will involve all of us. And, oh, god, I can’t wait. Last night was fucking brilliant! I find myself very much looking forward to gangbanging Heather with Dad’s help, again! Girl! I will be very surprised if we can’t get you to pass out from pleasure, again!”

“Oh, fucking hell. That was so fucking good. I want that, too. But I also want to help in gangbanging every one of you. I call dibs on pussy and each of you can feel how wonderful it is to have your pussy licked and finger-fucked while sucking on Dad’s cock. Oh, my fucking god! I would also really like to try having Dad’s cock in my pussy while I eat one of your pussies. Oh, man. I am turned on. Hold me back, please, if I look like I’m going to jump on Dad’s cock.”

“Oh, no, Heather. I’d like to watch that,” I said. “I’ll just watch you fuck your pussy on Dad’s cock. Oh, boy! While I want our individual nights to be wonderful, I almost can’t wait for them to be past so that I can watch each of you writhe with pleasure on Dad’s wonderful cock. You do know, right, that we are going to have to have a session in which we all take short sessions riding Dad’s cock. FUCK. I think we’ll also have to see how many times Heather can come on Dad’s cock before he comes. I assume that we’ll have to get him at least a bit inured to Heather, first, before he’ll last for more than two Heather orgasms. I particularly want to watch him pound Heather on the kitchen table. I think I could watch that almost every day.”

“You and me and every other girl here, except for Heather, who probably wouldn’t be watching anything if that were to happen. But, yeah, I want to see that, too, and, like you, multiple times. In fact, I like Gracey’s little fantasy as extended to Heather: while we’re all eating dinner. FUCK! In fact, Heather, if we can get him to where he doesn’t cum until after your second orgasm, I’d love to see him fuck you senseless on the kitchen table while the rest of us just eat our dinners.”

“OH, FUCKING HELL,” Heather exclaimed. “That sounds absolutely fucking marvelous.”

“Wait, wait,” Gracey said, “what about at breakfast before Dad takes Heather to school? Wouldn’t that rock even better?”

“Yeah,” replied Rhee. “I can just see Dad having to carry a nearly naked Heather – with, mind you, her pussy full of Dad’s cum – to the car and have her revive from her four or five screaming orgasms just a block before they get to school.”

“Ohhhhh. Fu-uccccckkkkkkk,” Heather moaned. “I can just see trying to manage a differential equation on the board after that. But it would be sohhhhh worth it.”

Not all that surprisingly, Heather began sobbing. I figured that I knew the gist of the cause of that, so just pulled her into my side and held her close. Eventually, through sobs and inhalations, she got out, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Before you and Rhee introduced me to the pleasure, the wonder of sex, I just didn’t see it, though I liked my few self-inflicted orgasms. Now, I have the most wonderful and gorgeous hunk of a man giving me incredible orgasms, and sometime in the near future, I’ll be able to fuck myself silly on his cock. Fuck! Thank you, all of you, for ... for ... for all of this.”

Rhee responded, “We thank you, Heather. You make it so enjoyable to make love with you or gangbang you. Personally, I’d almost – almost, but not quite – want to watch Dad fuck you to three or four orgasms than have Dad make love with me. I think that we get nearly as much sexual pleasure out of our relationship with you as you do out of yours with us. It’s just so fucking fun to make you cum. Now that we’ll have Dad to help, you better hold onto your horses, because you can bet we’ll be taking maximum advantage of Dad for that. I just wish that we could find someplace where he could fuck you senseless, both of you naked, outside. I’d be willing to pay to watch that!”

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When we got home, we dropped off Amy and Jim and said good night, and then we headed into our house. Jake went to get a drink, and I went upstairs to get undressed and take a shower. When I came out, Jake was sitting on the bed waiting for me. "Do you want to explain what the conversation that I had with Becky in the car was all about?" I asked as I dried my hair. He nodded and said, "Becky's boyfriend must have shared part of our conversation with her." He stood up and walked over to...

2 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 26

Waking up alone was a real drag I thought, as I shut off the damn alarm. I never slept well when the twins were gone. I reluctantly got up and, after dressing and grabbing a couple of granola bars, left for the arena. Most of us were semi-catatonic as we dressed in silence. The morning people, a group that I usually was one of, kept quiet rather than face the stares and growls of the zombies. We finally got out on the ice and got our bodies and minds going as we skated and shot to warm up....

2 years ago
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when the fire burns part 2

the glow of the fire made the colour of her skin even sexier... he couldnt resist... he wanted her right there and now. suddenly everything she liked came to his mind... but how couldn? it was absolutely the same with everything he wanted to do a girl!after some neck kissing and soft biting he put his hand between her legs... he touched her.. the skin was soft.. when he started touching her pussy a silent whisper to his ear said.. ' this must be heaven'the moisture on his finger was the perfect...

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A Good Husband

By : Swetha06 I am Swetha. 25 yrs old and i live in Coimbatore. I live in a flat and opposite to my house there is a couple living. That man is good looking his name is Mathan (name changed). Mathan became my neighbour a year before. We wer not close that time last Dec. they invited us for his wife’s sis’s marriage and that day I spoke with him he was very friendly after we met in the marriage he used to see me n smile all the time. I like him a lot because he has a good body. Every morning...

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The Class Play

Class Play By Alyssa Davis "No, no, Sally. You don't have enough feeling!" I shouted. I had been assigned as student director for our senior class play, under the supervision of Mrs. Pearson, our drama teacher. We were into the second day of rehearsal and Mrs. Pearson was still sorting out talent. This was a combined audition and rehearsal. In twelve short weeks, we were to perform, in front of an audience, what seemed like an impossible task. "Let me show you what I mean."...

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Episode 1 8211 The Beginning

It was the 15th of January 2013. Mrs. Vimala Nair was celebrating the grand opening of her own housing complex, “Prem Nivas Housing Complex” which was actually not built by her own money, but by the huge amount of alimony she got from her ex-husband, the industrialist Mr. Premachandran Nair. Mrs. Nair was a pure Kerala beauty, with a face of an angel and hair till her waist. She was the kind of lady any guy would love to sleep with, with each part of her body telling a different story. Her...

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Alice 3

Alice part three. On the way home from the office I was feeling good about what Stephen had said about me being the top female engineer, then it struck me, I was the only female engineer. I popped in the bank and paid in the cheque from Santex, with so much going on I had forgotten all about it. I did some shopping and got a few bottles of wine, also another pack of KY, dad had used a few on me this week. I changed from my suit to a mini skirt and strappy three-inch shoes, I now...

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Open Minded Siblings Part 8211 1

Hello, everyone, I am a male and I am going to narrate this friction story as a female.I am a regular reader of iss for past 3 years and I have a tool of 7in any women or girls can contact me trough my email:   Hi, I am Neha.We are five members in our family.My father is a businessman and mother is a teacher at a university so both of them come home late in the evening.First my elder brother Rahul he is 6ft tall, fair and good looking guy with well-shaped body and doing final year b.E.Second...

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A Bride For Seven Brothers2

1st Chapter Preview …. A Bride For Seven Brothers #2 By Maria Garcia The Moral Right Of The Author Is Asserted (Warning: Sexually Explicit Content) The honeymoon is well and truly over, her seven men are proving troublesome in more ways than Ruby could ever have imagined and to add to her problems Grumpy is considering leaving the farm to return to the city, the twins, Sneezy and Sleepy although quite happy to share argue about exactly who should be on top, Dopey is in counselling for his...

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A pleasant Surprise

In the dream I wake up in my bed and am totally naked, only a sheet to cover me and the comforter is crumpled at my feet. I get up and am stretching when I hear the toilet flush, and the sink start, I pull on a pair of soft black pajama pants. I knock on the door and ask how long you'll be expecting it to be my cousin in the Bathroom, you open the door wearing that robe and give me the most dazzling smile, and reach your arms around my neck and kiss me, I'm totally shocked to see you for good...

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The Mirror Part 1

The Mirror (Part 1)The distance between our apartments was about 20 feet. Just wide enough to get a truck into the laneway. When they moved in a month ago, I saw her. I guessed she was around my age, 15/16, tiny with wild curly black hair, olive skin and small perky tits. Opening up the window, she looked out over the laneway directly at me. Holding my gaze for a minute, she went back to whatever she was unpacking in the room. I still remember her eyes. Incredibly large, almost black. She...

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Preface The day dawned brightly, as befitted such an important day, though most July days dawned as brightly – unless they didn’t dawn at all under a blanket of fog.  Carli could hardly contain herself, and she wasn’t at all sure how she could stand the slow pace of the day until her flight departed San Francisco at 1:00 AM.  Twenty hours later, she would arrive in Bangkok.  But at the moment, her attention was fixed on the 2 cocks plundering her holes – Daddy’s in her cunt, Billy’s (her...

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FilthyNewbies Eva Nyx Porn Newbie Already A Size Queen

Eva Nyx is tiny, stacked and excited for sex today.This mini powerhouse is German, Japanese & hails from Washington state. Despite standing all of 5’1′, Eva is fearless when it comes to ingesting big, fat cocks. She faces off with Jovan Jordan today to take on his massive member. She can barely fit her small hands around Jovan’s fatty, it totally stretches her jaw out when she tries to suck on it. Her petite pouty pussy is absolutely expanded to its limit as she attempts...

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SweetheartVideo Cherie Deville Brittany Light Deep Penetrating Education

Professor Cherie DeVille confronts sorority pledge Britney Light after finding out that Britney and her sorority sisters were behind a vicious prank at the school. Blonde, all natural Britney knows she’s in deep trouble and is eager to make amends any way she can, especially with the hottest professor on campus. Britney begins making out with Cherie on a desk before Britney dips down to devour Cherie’s slick pussy. Britney works Cherie’s clit to orgasm. Cherie quickly takes...

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How much sex would a Sex Selector select if a sex selector could select sex? That’s a trick question as well as a tongue twister, because this next website aims to give you as many options as possible when it comes to those titular selections. Most porn sites offer movies that play out the same way no matter how many times you watch, but these guys want your experience to be as unique and user-driven as those girls you keep meeting on Tinder, only without the surprise beer bellies. Who’s up for...

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Not going to be cheap

“Not going to be cheap, the clutch has gone,” The young mechanic said, wiping his hands on a rag, and looking at the anxious woman standing beside him.“How much do you think?” she asked.“A grand, maybe a bit more, depending on what we find when we have it into bits,” he said, turning to another man who was leaning over the vehicle alongside. “What you reckon Tom, one, one and a half grand?”“Maybe more, a real bitch, on that model.” The other guy answered.The first man jerked his thumb towards...

Group Sex
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The Note

The note was on my keyboard when I returned to my office. I asked my assistant who had left it there and she shook her head saying, “I don’t know, didn’t seen anyone go into your office”. I would not have thought anything about it but the paper was all wrinkled and smudged so I was hesitant about touching it. Since I am the H. R. Manager and need to handle the verbal warnings and the terminations you can imagine what I was thinking and my need for caution. Probably nothing, but even a nasty...

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Surprise Surprise

Early on, it became apparent that we weren't getting all of the help we COULD -- or even SHOULD -- get from the Confederacy. The psych boys and the policy makers and the politicians puzzled it out -- and, oddly, the AIs helped more than one would expect. Most of the Confederacy left supporting us to the Darjee -- which allowed them to ignore uncivilized behavior by both us and the Swarm. Some of them knew better, but just couldn't bring themselves to play; others apparently had an interest in...

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Getting Grandpa Up Ch 02

"Are you okay Holly?""Yes.... I'm fine...... Did I do it right Granddad? . .. Were you pleased?""Oh yes you were wonderful. You know in all my sixty-nine years you are the first real read head I have made love to.""Oh grandpa... you're so sweet."Looking up, Ed caught a glimpse of Sheri standing in the hallway. "Sheri... Sheri... is that you?.... Come on in and join us.""Oh no... no Dad... this is Holly's night.""No Mom come on in... and celebrate with us..."Dropping her robe as she entered,...

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Movie Mayhem

Hi. My name is Alex. Let me tell you about the time I went to the movies that I will never forget! Even though I'm only 18, my parents are pretty loose on the rules and don't really care what time I come home just as long I get up for school the next morning. Anyway, after football practice ended at 8:00, my friend Chad and I decided to go to the cinema and watch a few movies. We didn't know it at the time, but watching movies wasn't the only thing we would be doing. The first movie we watched...

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NaughtyOffice Julia Ann Romi Rain 23541

The new mailboy is doomed! Julia Ann and Romi Rain are cock-ravenous office professionals who fucked the last mail-delivery employee out of his job, and now they’re ready for the new guy, Tyler. The busty babes tagteam him when he walks in for the day’s delivery, insinuating all kinds of inappropriate sexual talk with all of their innuendos. But when he gets fed up with it and just pulls his cock out for them, the horny babes are all over it! The big tits come out and Romi and Julia slobber all...

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BangPOV Bella Rose An Amazing Point of View

Imagine peeking in on a hot and beautiful blonde as she changes and puts lotion all over her tanned body. Well you don’t have to imagine it. Today’s POV puts you right there. At first, you’re looking at this girl naked as she unaware that she is being spied on. Once she catches you, she playfully agrees to go to the living room with you. She first gives you an incredible blowjob. There’s nothing better than having a front row view of an angeled face sweet honey going down on your cock. Soon...

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horny drive to casino

ok where do I start ok here we go I m a very horny guy that only like white woman so I watch porn every other night for hours and hours watching white women getting fuck with there black thigh high stockings on my turn on btw so anyway I was watching porn like every other night last night but I got really fucking horny by watching these white milf getting fuck so I got so damn horny and it was around midnight so I got in my car with a fucking hard on and I live 45 minutes away from hard rock...

2 years ago
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My Dads Drunk GF 2

Chapter Two Two days later I came home from school and the house was quiet. I finally found Tess passed out on her bed. I was surprised because my dad was due back tomorrow. Maybe she figured it was her last chance to get plastered. I tried to wake her, planning to tell her of a non-existent phone call if she did respond, but she was out cold. She was wearing short pants and a tee shirt and I put both my hands on her boobs remembering last time. I called Mike to join the fun but...

2 years ago
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Belle of Blue Canyon

  The ripe, sharp scent of burning mesquite misted around her eyes, a gaze that tore down the canyon trees and landed like a hungry kiss on the glittering metropolis below. The night overpowered her; she breathed in deeply, breasts rising in the dusky purple depths above The City, and nipples taut as rope. Stars crested the maroon sky, then faded into rare flashes at the horizon. A massive full moon ascended like a bubble, amidst faint misting clouds. The heat was tropical. She was a singer....

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Sanguine Rise

Vampires, creatures of extraordinary beauty and strength, blood drinkers of fairy-tales and nightmares. Capable of not only literally tearing a person limb from limb but extremely hard to kill as well unless one knew how. Silver and wooden stakes being the best options. Garlic was just a bullcrap myth created by Hollywood. Contrary to popular belief, vampires could handle the sun just fine, instead of being lethal it only weakened them. Another turn on the myth is that vampires were the living...

2 years ago
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A Horny CowpokeChapter 10

The couple on the bed finally recovered, so Sue Ann fulfilled her promise to wash the blood from Andy's clothes. They talked as she washed. "I don't know what I'm gonna do. My folks is all dead, and I can't stay on the farm by myself. Ifen I tried, some other bastard would try to take me afore I could git turned around. Ain't there sumpthin' ya kin do fer me?" "Well, ya could join the drive ifen my pa agrees. We got 3 women with us already, soz ya would have company. The one thing...

1 year ago
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Jigna Asked For A Favour

My name is autumn, I am married and have a son. I work in an it company and my wife is also employed. This is my sexual experience with my sister in law jigna( my brother in laws wife). They were married for 7 years and didn’t have a child yet, they consulted many doctors and all said both were exactly alright and its just a matter of time but their waiting continued. I and my sister in law were close friends and she used to share all her happiness and sadness with me. She was getting depressed...

3 years ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 12 Gay For You Or Something

Carter inhaled Aron’s warmth, as they stood there, in the door. Okay, he hoped the guy was not going to get all sentimental because he had absolutely no idea how to deal with such a thing. As his best friend, Aron had never gotten so mushy over him, or over anything. He had been Carter’s rock, well, at least, until they fell apart. Aron broke their hug and grabbed him by the neck in an affectionate manner. Carter let out a long breath, and together, they walked into the house. He was about...

3 years ago
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Room Serviced Part 10

A few minutes later, Armisen was splayed out naked, face-down, ass up on the coffee table, his long lumberjack limbs dangling over the edges. He waited patiently as Carson stood behind him, wetting his hands with coconut oil. “You ready?” he asked. Carson nodded, his knees weak at the sight of the man splayed out in front of him like a tenderloin. “Uh-huh,” Carson said. He slowly went to work, spreading the oil across Mr. Armisen’s solid calves, carefully caressing his swollen ankle. He worked...

Gay Male
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Aliens Fuck Earth Sluts

Way up in the northern central part of Montana was located the Morrison cattle and horse ranch owned by Gary and Janelle Morrison. This ranch had been in Gary's family since 1845. They loved this part of the country since you can really have some privacy. Especially when you got horny in the middle of the night. Gary and Janelle had been married for twenty-five years now. Gary was five feet ten inches with brown hair, brown eyes, a muscular build for being forty-five years old, and a nice...

Erotic Fiction
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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 12

The session with Mistress Diana caused both Randy and Chloe to each internally reassess their relationship. Chloe knew she had fallen in love with Randy some time ago. So what the session meant from Chloe’s point of view is that it demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she loved him unconditionally and he would be a dolt not to see it. And that was sufficient for Chloe’s needs, since she knew she had no hope that Randy would actually marry her. After all she was a slut and a whore....

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Jamie Michelle Vina Sky Stepmom And Sis Get Stuck Together

Jamie Michelle and her adopted daughter Vina Sky have just returned home from a shopping trip together. They show off their new purchases, then decide to strip down right in the living room to do a fashion show of their hot lingerie. They’re just wearing their new sheer bras and thongs and complimenting each other’s bodies when Jamie’s stepson, Oliver Flynn, walks in. He criticizes them stripping right in the living room, then goes to his room. Jamie goes to comfort Oliver,...

4 years ago
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How I Made My Mom A Slut

Hello everyone, this is my another story but the real one, no fake part or any fantasy added to make the story erotic, already its exotic one, hold the dick guys and get ready to shag. So without any further delay lets go ahead. So the important characters in the story are kavita (my mom), pushpa (our maid), and myself. Other characters you will get to know with the story. My mom is fair, age is 42 but very well maintained seems like late 30’s,she has weight at right place, boobs size is 36,...

2 years ago
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She loved to show her tits

Years ago when I was in grad school in a little southern town, I was involved with this divorced mother of two who loved to show her breasts off! She was in her late 30's but had a pair of breasts that looked like they were on a 25 year old. I am talking a fantastic set of 36c's with a lovely pair of very chewable nipples and Sheree loved to show them off! I loved to see her do it and loved to be with her when she did as it made her horny and when Sheree got horny, she loved to fuck!. One night...

3 years ago
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Swedish Man goes to Bangladesh

Hi, this is Hugo again from Sweden. I finally went to Bangladeshi with Sharmin and her husband, Badrul. They invited me to stay in Bangladesh for one month and it was in 2018 when this happened. I was going to stay with them and I took all my camera equipment with me so I could do some filming and photography in Bangladesh. when we arrived at the Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka in the afternoon during March, it was already quite pleasant. It wasn't too hot and the airport was not as...

2 years ago
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Brittanys Crazy Adventures

Brittany is your normal average teenage girl. She is nineteen years old and just recently finished her first semester of college. The school she attends is very subdued as far as colleges go. There isn't a lot of drinking or sex. In fact there isn't really any of the usual trouble making you'd expect to find among college students. So while Brittany isn't totally naive when it comes to wild fun she isn't very experienced either. For the time being Brittany has a semester off and therefore is...

4 years ago
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Married Cousin Suma Fucked Accidently

I am Hari staying in a village in Kerala. My family consist my parents and i am there single child. Unfortunately they stay abroad and i am with my grandparents. I am 18 years old and pursuing graduation now, this story happened before 2 days thus i am still nourishing the sweet memories. Let me introduce to you my cousin Suma, she is 22 years old married 4 years ago and got a baby girl. Her husband is very lazy and drunkard she stays with my aunty, her mother in my nearby village. Her family...

2 years ago
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An awesome night out

We’ve been together quite a while, and since we had kids we don’t get to go out as a couple very often, which is fine. But recently to celebrate a special anniversary we arranged for a baby sitter, booked a hotel room in town and planned a night out! We had talked about trying out one of the swingers clubs in town but I think for her this was more fantasy then something that would ever really happen. I should explain at this point that she (not being rude but we don’t need names) is in her mid...

2 years ago
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my brother and his master

I don't want to write this but my brother said if I write a story about him and his master I would get some thing I talked to this guy over the phone and he wanted me to come down to arizona for the weekend to visit. i got on the first plane to go see him and it was a long plane ride. I got out and to the airport and saw a guy holding a sign with the name (Rin) "Hey you the guy from the phone?" I asked the man. He was tall light brown hair and hazel eyes. He worked out a lot...

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Do you ever wonder about someone who has crossed your path in the light of day and disappeared in the shadow of night never to be heard from again? It was 1967 when LBJ was President, Viet Nam raged, Frank Sinatra sang Strangers in the Night, and I met Aileen. Just as it is appropriate that I write this so close to Valentine’s Day because she stole my heart, it is fitting I write this so close to Saint Patrick’s Day because with her strawberry blonde hair and shining green eyes, she truly was...

1 year ago
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Accidental love

Jack Stonehouser and Ben Tolbert played high school football together. Jack was a quarterback and Ben was a wide receiver. Together, as a team, they made plays that won games, set records and made them high school heroes. Ben, an Afro-American, did not have any racial issues like the ones going on in other high schools. After graduation, they both went to work for Jack's father who owned a construction business. Working as a team, as they did in high school, Stonehouser Construction grew thirty...

Oral Sex
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All characters age is over 18Routines, who says they are boringIts 7:30 Saturday morning and I'm in my recliner sipping my morning coffee. I've been up about an hour. Long enough to do my morning things of getting showered and shaved. Had a small bite of breakfast. Now I can relax with my morning coffee, anticipating the coming day. Without really watching it I have Kali's favorite cartoon program on the TV.Upstairs on the second floor I hear the shower shut off and a few minutes later the...

2 years ago
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Working with Sanya Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Brian gives kissing lessonsSeveral years ago I had a job for a summer where I fed paper into various different kinds of printers at night. I worked with one other person. Her name was Sanya, she was 16, and very charming in her own special way. Normally because of her age she wouldn't have been able to work there, but the owner of the company was friends with her family. She had long brown hair. She was training to be a fireman. That's right, this young lady was going to be a fireman...

First Time
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Las Vegas The Club

LAS VEGAS The ClubThe next day we hung around the hotel and relaxed.  Neither of us enjoys gambling that much, although when I do play, I like playing Blackjack because of the odds while still tilted in favor of the House, afforded the best opportunity to make some money.  Being a numbers kind of person and I will count cards but avoid getting caught.  Las Vegas casinos are not keen on card counters. They consider them cheats. Anyway, after last night we were both felt ‘used up’ and wanted to...

1 year ago
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Do you consider yourself a Nite Flirt? That’s a little bit of a trick question, because it depends a lot on whether you’ve tried this next site or not. (I guess you could come up with your own definition for “night flirt”, but they’ve got some creative misspelling to help you remember the name. That’s branding, folks!) It’s kind of an oddball adult website in this day and age, but one might argue the format predates the internet by a long stretch. Hell, your great grandpa may have beaten off...

Phone Sex Sites
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Pick A Number From One To Ten

I clenched my teeth, drew my lips over my teeth and growled, “FUUUUUCK!” My grip on her hips was tight. My cock was buried balls deep in her ass. I was close to filling it with cum. I had been using her tight ass to jerk off my cock. Pushing her away from me and pulling her back to me. Her small plump ass cheeks smacked against my hips and made a loud slapping sound. She was on her knees, on her bed, her face buried in a pillow. Her loud muffled cries filled her bedroom and fueled my lust....

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Lockdown Dads Story 1

After a couple of weeks of chatting I mentioned about my Daughter sitting on the sofa whilst I was on the laptop at the table. Kate is 20 and has a very large pair of tits. She usually just sat there in her night shirt and knickers watching TV. Robertbi asked if he could speak to Kate, so I mentioned it to her never thinking that she would want to chat to a stranger on a sex forum. However, she was well up for it. I removed the previous chat so that Kate knew nothing about my gay adventures...

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Naya Sehar Nayi Zindagi

Hello everyone Myself Armaan (name changed) basically i am from indore but from the past 4 year i live in gujrat ahmedabad. Completed graduation here and now doing job in a mnc company.So before i started let me introduce to the goddess of this story, yup m talking about the grishma, she is married and a mother of 1 baby child and i am 23 now, my story is little bit long because i want to share each and every moment with her. For the betterment of all the readers i am narating it in hindi. So...

2 years ago
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Widow Enjoyed By Husbands Cousin8230

Hello, this is Vijay here… you can always send your feedback to I am an average built guy having lots of sexual desires. Not wasting much of the time and coming directly to the real sex story… The sex story revolves around one of my aunt (Leela) who is a widow and having good stats like 32-30-36.She was married to (Prashanth) who lived in a joint family where even his father’s brothers lived in the same chawl ( a large building which is divided into many separate rooms) so Prashanth had many...


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