Maxine Stone s New LifeChapter 392
- 3 years ago
- 48
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August 8, 2017
A minute or so later, Gracey began connecting with reality, and started sobbing. Liya immediately put her head in Gracey’s sight and kissed her forehead.
“We’re here, Love, we’re here.”
Among pants and sobs, Gracey said, “Oh, god. That was wonderful. I love you all.”
Liya asked, “Did you know that everyone was here to see you cum less than ten minutes after you gave the whole Go5 permission to sex you up whenever they wanted?”
“Everyone? The Moms, too?”
“Yes, we’re here, Gracey,” Carol answered. “That was incredibly sexy and beautiful. I’m a little bit jealous. That, as the Go5 calls it, ‘gangbang’ action looks like a lot of fun.” She snickered, then said, “Only partly in jest, but you should copyright that term, something like ‘Go5 gangbang.’ Your gangbang is a polar opposite of what most think of as a gangbang, with as many guys as possible or present getting their rocks off, often at the expense of the single ... gal. You girls, you do it right. Everyone is pulling for the same thing, an explosive and wonderful climax for the single gal being banged. Charlie didn’t even cum, despite his playing a seemingly crucial role in sending you over the top, Gracey.”
“Oh, god, yes. I was feeling pretty good, but when Liya put Dad’s cock in my mouth ... Fuck. What was a really wonderful time became outright spectacular. I would ... well, I guess that I gave my permission, so I look forward to being gangbanged, again. Oh, fuck. I hope Charlie can join in then, too.”
“That probably won’t be a problem. Speaking of which, if you’re back in the land of coherency, Gracey, perhaps Sandy and I can present our counteroffer to you five. I believe you’ll like it, all of you.”
Gracey looked at me. Yes, me. I have got to accept that I am, indeed, the leader of us, though I am still not fully comfortable with that idea. Actually, I hope that I am never completely comfortable with that. I gave a slight nod.
“Yes, we are ready,” Gracey responded.
This time, I took the right position on the love seat, as that was the place of least focus from the couch, at least in its current position. Liya took the same chair, the middle position of us five, while Gracey sat to her left. Heather took the other love-seat place, while Rhee was the other bookend.
As the Go5 settled, Sandy began.
“As I have come to realize from painful recent experience and from the three people most important to me, I have been playing the puppet master, directing the actions of various marionettes. I truly did not intend that, but I can see clearly that that description is accurate. Carol and I, at my direction, have willfully left all of you – Beth, Rhee, Gracey, Liya, Heather, and, most importantly, Charlie – in the dark. I had been afraid that if my ultimate goal became clear to you, to any of you, that my goal would not, then, be attainable. This, despite some obvious hints from Beth that such a goal would be accepted by you girls. In fact, not just accepted, desired.
“My recent near-calamitous response to Liya’s incredibly moving and erotic expression of love for Our Man – and I truly mean that term, ‘OUR Man, made me realize how stupid it was of me to think that a Ph.D. in Math, a very bright sister-wife, and five incredibly intelligent daughters would not deduce that goal. I acknowledge that folly, acknowledge my fears, and make clear what I tried to hide. Once I have come clean, Carol will present our counteroffer to Liya’s eloquent plea for, essentially, some level of respect. Respect that I thought I had given, but now very much realize that I had not. I sincerely apologize for that lack of respect.
“I have suspected, then known, of Charlie’s predilection for post-pubescent girls for most of the time that I have known him. While I was already in love with Charlie before figuring that predilection out, and before he confirmed it, I was already excited by the possibility. That is because I have the same interest that Carol has due to an eerily similar history as Carol’s. Carol told me that she recounted her history to you five, explaining – if one can actually do such – her interest in watching you five having sex with Charlie.
“My interests match precisely with Carol’s, a fact that we discovered through a very carefully roundabout conversation concerning Rhee and her sexual education. Once we discovered that we shared the same ‘deviant’ sexual fantasies about our daughters, it became much easier for me to solve Carol’s other main concern, her confessed romantic love for Charlie. This sharing of fantasies made acceleration of my plans for Charlie and you girls possible. I also became aware of other influences outside of our marriage – our three-way marriage, and those influences also made greatly accelerating my, then Carol’s and my plans concerning Charlie and you girls.
“So, a plan that I originally thought might bear fruit by the time that Beth turned 15 is already on the cusp of completion. That plan was centered on Charlie making love, having sexual intercourse, with, first, Beth, then Rhee ... then the rest of the Go5, the five girls that I now acknowledge as Charlie’s girlfriends. Charlie’s girlfriends that have and will have nearly all the rights and privileges of Charlie’s wives.”
Though none of us girls said any actual words in response to Mom’s last sentence, we all responded in some fashion, seemingly mostly, if not all, in surprise.
Mom nodded her head once, then said, “That aspect will be covered in Carol’s response to your request. My aspect of our response is personal. First and foremost, I acknowledge and accept the bidirectional love, the bidirectional romantic love that exists between Charlie and each of his five girlfriends. That bidirectional romantic love that will and does have a physical, sexual component. Additionally, for the rest of the month, I cede all responsibility of and control over sexual activities in either of our family houses. I do this partly as recompense to Charlie’s girlfriends for obvious wrongs to you and partly as punishment for my own hubris in manipulating the seven people that I care most about in the world. Except during my turns in Truth or Command, I will not direct, request, or demand any sexual activities in our houses for the rest of this month. I will not initiate any sexual activity. I will be dependent upon direction by, first, Charlie, then Carol, then any of Charlie’s girlfriends. I will not initiate photography or videography of any sexual activity, but will, of course, respond immediately to any such requests or demands made by members of this family. In short, for the remainder of August 2017, I present myself as the sexual slave to the rest of the family, which consists of Charlie, Carol, and Charlie’s girlfriends and my daughters: Beth, Rhee, Gracey, Liya, and Heather.”
As more inchoate expressions of surprise came from our mouths, Sandy leaned back into the couch with an odd expression that seemed a mix of accomplishment of a difficult task and something else that I could not place. As I began getting myself back under control, Carol raised her hand in the ‘stop’ gesture.
“I will provide the response from what many of you girls call ‘the Moms.’ First, I want to tell you how proud I am of being, not only Rhee’s mom, but someone that the rest of you spectacular girls call ‘Mom.’ Second, though Sandy wished me not to tell you this, she has agreed that I have the right to do so. Charlie and I tried to talk her out of her self-inflicted punishment-and-recompense actions that she just described. She was adamant, however, that you girls needed a ‘tangible’ apology and that she needed a ‘tangible’ punishment. Since Charlie and I could obviously not over-rule her without doing precisely what she wants, our arguments had no traction. I have always respected Sandy; I now have, if possible, even more respect for her. She will find her punishment to be, at times, exciting, but at other times, frustrating. Though I disagree with her about the severity of punishment that she has laid on herself, I do agree that it is fitting, as you girls found the results of her actions to be both exciting and frustrating.
“I, also, have some complicity in the wrongs, the frustration that you girls have encountered. My apology and recompense will take a slightly different tack. On the next night that all five of you spend here, I will join Sandy in isolation in our bedroom while Charlie spends the night with you. Yes, we will probably enjoy our isolation a bit, but we agree that a night without Charlie is nowhere near as wonderful as a night with him. I will touch on one aspect of the Go5’s next night with Charlie in a bit.”
I stood, but only barely beating Liya to that state. The rest of the Go5 quickly followed suit. In obvious agreement with my own thoughts, Liya stepped past Gracey and Rhee to Sandy.
“Please, stand, Mom.”
With a hint of trepidation on her face, Sandy stood. When she did, Liya enveloped her in her arms.
“Thank you, Mom, for avowing and accepting responsibility for aspects of your recent behavior. We agree with Carol and Charlie that your penance is too severe, but fitting. As with Carol, you have found elevated respect in our eyes. You are Charlie’s first wife. You are Mom. We thank you for all that you have given us, and you have given us very much. We all love you very much. Thanks, Mom.”
Liya then kissed Sandy on the lips. Not passionately, but not just a peck. Mom’s eyebrows, like mine, rose exceedingly high on her forehead. Liya returned to her seat and we all sat. Carol then continued.
“In the very near future, probably during the next two weeks, each of you will have a night to spend with Charlie.”
There was much ... quiet ... rejoicing.
“Be aware, however, that events might cause a change in ... I guess, the schedule, for lack of a better term. Charlie will have all of next week and part of the following week off and has graciously agreed to make love with you in that time.”
There was much chuckling.
“That time is for you and Charlie. Each of you may do as much or as little as you want, though Charlie can refuse to do anything that strikes him negatively. If you want to have full sexual intercourse ... going all the way ... you may. Charlie will never reveal what takes place on those nights. You are welcome to reveal what you wish to each other. You should not reveal any details to either of us wives, with one exception ... and with that exception having an exception. Most of you have indicated that you would like a romantic first time with Charlie, and we would want the same thing in your places. However, for most of you, if you wish to be involved with certain commands that may come up in ToC, you will have to have already had intercourse. Heather is the exception to that, if she wishes to have her first full penetration to have an audience. Heather, that is your decision and you need not tell anyone what decision you make. Is that clear and fair?”
“Yes. Thank you, Carol and Sandy and, particularly, Charlie. I wish that I could have two first times, because both interest me greatly. I thank you all for the choice.”
“As an aside, we hope that you girlfriends are as interested in keeping ToC going as are we wives. I know that you all enjoyed the last game, but we are very interested in knowing your thoughts now that you have had further time to digest your experiences. Please think about this for a while and let us know.
“As a compromise between each girlfriend’s desires on her first night with Charlie and Charlie’s and others’ needs, we believe that a 15-hour night, starting at 6 pm, should suffice for each. Charlie would like to have at least a night off after every night with one of his girlfriends, so we need at least nine days. Unless there is strong disagreement among you, we propose that your night’s with Charlie proceed in the order in which you met Charlie. Is that clear and fair or, at least, acceptable to all?”
I barely nodded my head, although I saw Heather nod hers emphatically. No one disagreed.
“Charlie’s night with all of you that I mentioned as the wives’ penance must take place before any of you have your individual nights with Charlie. Given that we’re all going to the state tournament Friday night and won’t return until Sunday evening, that all-girlfriends’ night should take place before Friday. Gracey, Liya, since Civia will be here most of the day on Thursday, would you two be able to stay here Thursday night?”
I looked over at the two, who were looking at each other. Carol didn’t wait for them.
“We figured that you two might go through nudity withdrawal that day and be most in need of Charlie’s ... umm ... help in alleviating that withdrawal.”
There was much chuckling.
“I think that will work,” Gracey replied. “Obviously, we’ll have to talk to our moms.”
“We understand. Please let us know as soon as possible. Other options are possible but pushing that night later in the month also pushes your first nights back, potentially into the school year, which creates additional problems.
“Both Sandy and I applaud your standing up for yourselves in a situation in which many girls would not. We are both continually amazed and pleased with the way in which you girls are developing, becoming adults. We are firmly of the belief that your group friendship is much of the cause of this, in that you are all obviously pushing the others, either directly or obliquely, and you are all benefiting. We greatly appreciate having exceptional teenagers that require little ‘raising’ and cause so very little angst and turmoil in the household.
“All three of us would like to reward all of you for being such wonderful daughters, and, yes, this is relevant to the topic at hand. While we have some options in that reward, we suspect that the reward that Charlie proposed for you will be the one that you choose, which is tied to your request for regular nights for each girlfriend with Charlie. Given all the unknowns, Sandy and I were unwilling to, essentially, give him up for so many nights in a month. We are willing, with Charlie’s concurrence, for Charlie to spend a night with each of you once every other month, and we would prefer if those nights could be spread across the two months. However, as reward for, essentially, telling us that you were not slaves to our plans, Charlie proposed, and we have accepted, that he spend a night with each of you in September and then the every-other-month schedule would begin in October. Is that clear and, at least, acceptable?”
I looked over at Liya, who had started her visual canvas of the girlfriends with me, and winked my left eye. After she looked at Rhee, who winked her right eye, she turned to Carol.
“That is agreeable. Thank you.” She turned to Charlie. “Thank you, Dad.”
“Now, for the rest of the response to your request. We do not have specific responses to each of your points, although we feel that our response should cover all of them. We accept your proposal concerning the girlfriends initiating sex with Charlie and leave it to you five to determine the meaning of ‘occasional.’”
My eyebrows flew upward, and I looked down the line at my sister-friend-lovers. I saw the same reaction in their faces that I had felt in mine. That was much more concession than I had expected, as they are, essentially, giving us carte blanche. However, in the few seconds that my mind used to analyze their response, I realized that they were setting it up so that we had to police ourselves. “Oh, very good,” I thought at them. When none of us responded directly, Carol continued.
“Somewhat against Charlie’s wishes, we asked him that he be willing to accept no limits to his initiation of sex with his girlfriends.”
“Are you kidding,” escaped my attempt to keep those words behind my teeth.
“No, we are not. We admit that we cannot enforce any decision that we might have made on Charlie, for a variety of reasons. We also decided that you may well be right about the ‘thrill quotient’ of discovering Charlie in sexual situations with one or more of his girlfriends and we’re willing to try it out. As Charlie knows ... and I’m sure that you bright girls would figure it out quickly, we look at our suggestions as requiring restraint or moderation in both Charlie and his girlfriends if we are all to get along, essentially, sharing a single man. It also gives those of you that do not live here real hope that the others will not have worn Charlie out by the time that they can get to him.”
With that, she grinned at us all.
“Oh, that’s very good,” Liya said. “As the Go5 spokeswoman on this topic, I applaud you two for finding what is certainly a better solution than the one at which we had arrived. We agree with and accept your counter-proposal’s points as stated.”
“Thank you, Liya. Again, the three of us applaud you girls’ maturity and, particularly, your understanding of what a sticky situation in which we find ourselves and, because much of the fault of the stickiness rests with us, your willingness to ‘compromise’ [air quotes] even though you’ve apparently gotten more than you asked. Finally, we consider your request to permit Charlie to spend nights with whatever set of more-than-one girlfriend he wishes to fall under the rubric of his lack of limits regarding initiation of sex with his girlfriends.
“I believe that each of you understands the full meaning of that, but I want to be certain that you do. All of us – wives and girlfriends – are going to have to work together to make this work. If even one of us feels slighted by the amount of attention that Charlie gives her, and I paraphrase Beth here, this whole thing ... WILL ... NOT ... WORK. Sandy and I are, essentially, giving Charlie’s girlfriends equality with us when it comes to Charlie’s time. I beg of you, please do not abuse it, else we will all have to try to return to Charlie having one wife, a very close female friend, and five daughters. I truly believe that you five have it in you to make this compromise work; I truly hope that you actually can.”
While I felt my brain working furiously at this turn of events, I glanced down the line of us past Liya to Rhee, then back to Liya. Her eyes met mine and she indicated “upstairs” with her chin and eyes; I nodded.
“Carol,” responded Liya, “your response to our request provided us, potentially, so much more than we had requested, in both freedom and necessary self-restraint. Your... ‘terms,’ for want of a better word require careful response. We would like to talk this over among ourselves and return with our response. Are you amenable to a break of, perhaps, 15 minutes?”
“Yes. Please take as much time as you need, because we all need to get this one right, and right from the very start.”
“Thank you, Carol, Sandy, Charlie. We shall return as quickly as we can.”
When we were all congregated on the bed in the Go5 council chamber, Rhee said, “Holy fucking hell! They’ve essentially turned the tables on us by giving us very nearly everything that we could have wanted! That was fucking brilliant!”
“Yes, it was,” Liya responded, “and we have to figure out what our response is. I know that you all know, but this needs to be stated clearly. We can have everything we want, but at the expense of everything we want. We need to agree to some sort of limits among ourselves. Obviously, it is unlikely that any of us would decline Charlie’s advances, so we need to limit our own. I suggest that at least three of us need to be present for any one of us to make any initiation with Charlie beyond some level. I know what I mean by that level, but I’m finding it difficult to state it in terms.”
Heather responded, “Yes, I know exactly what you mean. A casual fondle of Dad’s cock, even a quick suck just for fun, should not really count as initiation. Obviously, sexual climax by any participant would mean that that initiation ‘counted,’ however we define the term. In the same category would be an approach to orgasm or, even, any overtly sexual act that causes extensive heavy breathing.”
“Yeah,” replied Gracey, “Dad rubbing your breasts like he did yesterday would not ‘count.’ As Dad said, he was simply expressing his love for you in a pleasant, essentially, non-sexual way, and that was exactly what that was. I also think that the Moms, or should I say, ‘the wives,’ would agree with that. But how do we define that cutoff?”
“I don’t think that we need to define it,” I said. “We seem to all be on the same page in this and we also understand that the onus for restraint is on us. Dad will certainly curb his own desires in this, but we still need to be aware of and avoid the consequences of getting ... too greedy. We will need to accept that some occasions in which we intend our actions only as playfulness or semi-non-sexual expressions of love will get out of hand. That is understandable, but we need to keep such times to a minimum. The more I think about this, the more I marvel at both our chutzpah at thinking that we could outthink the Moms and at how bright – and devious – the Moms are.”
I looked around at my sisters’ faces, then nodded and continued.
“During August, we have the ability to get Sandy involved with Dad relatively frequently. We need to be careful in this, but, from what Rhee and I have seen, getting one of the Moms involved with Charlie has a good chance of sucking the other in, too. However, the best use of my mom as sex slave would be to include her in some fashion in sex activities that we initiate. I can tell you that once each of us has had her night with Charlie, having Sandy sit on Dad’s face while one of us sits on his cock will probably get her off very quickly. Just make sure to have her face you on his mouth. Dad can deal quite well, as both Rhee and I know, with an upside-down pussy. The other way, Sandy on his cock, you on his mouth, will also work, but possibly not quite as quickly, though she came quite quickly watching my pussy on Dad’s face.”
“And Carol came quickly, too, when she and I were sharing Dad,” Rhee reminded us all. “She even said that she’d like us to trade places. While her interest might be more in me because I’m her daughter, I’m sure that it would work, at least somewhat, with any of us. What we’re saying is that involving the Moms in sex that we initiate should, effectively, enable such initiations to not ‘count.’”
I looked at Liya, who was looking around at us. When her gaze got to my eyes, she nodded.
“Okay. We are agreed that we have to provide the restraint in the family. Hopefully, that will not be too difficult, as that was what we had proposed, anyway. Is there any disagreement with my proposal that at least three of us have to be here for any purposefully significant initiation of sex with Charlie? I ask because Gracey and I fully understand that we are at a slight disadvantage compared to Heather and a great disadvantage compared to Beth and Rhee. However, that cannot be helped, and I don’t see making those three wait for, perhaps, two or three weeks for Gracey and me to both be allowed to stay over during school. While I know that my mom has at least another slot scheduled at a telescope in the next while, I don’t know that Gracey’s mom is planning much travel in the near future.”
“Not much, but I think that there’s a week sometime in September. That could work for us.”
“Okay. Then, we accept their ... counter-proposal?”
Liya looked around and got four nods, though her brow furrowed at Rhee and Heather.
“Heather, you have said nothing, and, Rhee, you seem uncertain about something. Are you good with this? Any of this? None of this?”
The two of them looked at each other, and Rhee took point.
“As you noted, you and Gracey have the raw end of the deal. If you can accept it, then Heather and I certainly can. While I like the idea of having more sex with Dad, I don’t like the idea of you two missing out. I’d be willing for the requirement of all of us present before we can initiate. We’ll certainly be able to take advantage of Dad initiating and he’ll be certain to balance his attentions. I think that all five should be here.”
When Heather nodded emphatically, I said, “It’s always best when all five of us are together. I’m as interested in one-on-one times with Dad as anyone, but we’ll get those. They, essentially, don’t ‘count.’ Personally, I’d rather use our initiations to involve all of us with Dad than just three of us and certainly more than just one of us, though I fully intend to ‘play’ quite a bit.”
“I agree,” exclaimed Heather.
“I love you all, so much,” Liya said. “Thank you for your consideration of us. I know that you know, but I didn’t want to propose all of us be here so that you three could have more time with Dad. Now, you three want us here, too. Heather thanks us for ‘rescuing’ her. I thank Gracey, Beth, and Rhee for rescuing me. I would have traveled a road similar to that Heather would have traveled without rescue. Though the ends would have been technically different, the actual result would probably have been very similar. Partly because of my appreciation for being rescued, I would like to put my friends’ interests before mine, I accept that they would put Gracey’s and mine before theirs. We are agreed. All five must be present for any initiation of intentionally serious sexual activity with Dad. I also assume, although it’s unimportant for the discussion at hand, that nearly all such initiations will involve all of us. And, oh, god, I can’t wait. Last night was fucking brilliant! I find myself very much looking forward to gangbanging Heather with Dad’s help, again! Girl! I will be very surprised if we can’t get you to pass out from pleasure, again!”
“Oh, fucking hell. That was so fucking good. I want that, too. But I also want to help in gangbanging every one of you. I call dibs on pussy and each of you can feel how wonderful it is to have your pussy licked and finger-fucked while sucking on Dad’s cock. Oh, my fucking god! I would also really like to try having Dad’s cock in my pussy while I eat one of your pussies. Oh, man. I am turned on. Hold me back, please, if I look like I’m going to jump on Dad’s cock.”
“Oh, no, Heather. I’d like to watch that,” I said. “I’ll just watch you fuck your pussy on Dad’s cock. Oh, boy! While I want our individual nights to be wonderful, I almost can’t wait for them to be past so that I can watch each of you writhe with pleasure on Dad’s wonderful cock. You do know, right, that we are going to have to have a session in which we all take short sessions riding Dad’s cock. FUCK. I think we’ll also have to see how many times Heather can come on Dad’s cock before he comes. I assume that we’ll have to get him at least a bit inured to Heather, first, before he’ll last for more than two Heather orgasms. I particularly want to watch him pound Heather on the kitchen table. I think I could watch that almost every day.”
“You and me and every other girl here, except for Heather, who probably wouldn’t be watching anything if that were to happen. But, yeah, I want to see that, too, and, like you, multiple times. In fact, I like Gracey’s little fantasy as extended to Heather: while we’re all eating dinner. FUCK! In fact, Heather, if we can get him to where he doesn’t cum until after your second orgasm, I’d love to see him fuck you senseless on the kitchen table while the rest of us just eat our dinners.”
“OH, FUCKING HELL,” Heather exclaimed. “That sounds absolutely fucking marvelous.”
“Wait, wait,” Gracey said, “what about at breakfast before Dad takes Heather to school? Wouldn’t that rock even better?”
“Yeah,” replied Rhee. “I can just see Dad having to carry a nearly naked Heather – with, mind you, her pussy full of Dad’s cum – to the car and have her revive from her four or five screaming orgasms just a block before they get to school.”
“Ohhhhh. Fu-uccccckkkkkkk,” Heather moaned. “I can just see trying to manage a differential equation on the board after that. But it would be sohhhhh worth it.”
Not all that surprisingly, Heather began sobbing. I figured that I knew the gist of the cause of that, so just pulled her into my side and held her close. Eventually, through sobs and inhalations, she got out, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Before you and Rhee introduced me to the pleasure, the wonder of sex, I just didn’t see it, though I liked my few self-inflicted orgasms. Now, I have the most wonderful and gorgeous hunk of a man giving me incredible orgasms, and sometime in the near future, I’ll be able to fuck myself silly on his cock. Fuck! Thank you, all of you, for ... for ... for all of this.”
Rhee responded, “We thank you, Heather. You make it so enjoyable to make love with you or gangbang you. Personally, I’d almost – almost, but not quite – want to watch Dad fuck you to three or four orgasms than have Dad make love with me. I think that we get nearly as much sexual pleasure out of our relationship with you as you do out of yours with us. It’s just so fucking fun to make you cum. Now that we’ll have Dad to help, you better hold onto your horses, because you can bet we’ll be taking maximum advantage of Dad for that. I just wish that we could find someplace where he could fuck you senseless, both of you naked, outside. I’d be willing to pay to watch that!”
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"Oh God! Oh fuck!" moaned Marisol, and she squealed through clenched teeth as the third orgasm rocked her body. Below her thrusting up and pulling her down with his hands on her hips, Phil roared his climax, a powerful one he'd held until she came with him. In their rapture they had ignored the persistent ringing of the phone. Staying at his father's Manhattan apartment made the call even less likely for Phil. Amidst the roar and the squeal, the answering machine clicked on. "I hope...
Before I begin, keep in mind that all this stuff was going on in like 85, 86, 87,. There were no smart phones,no pc's, not even dvds. We had vcr's & video cassettes back then. So with that in mind....let me tell y'all bout some of the other fun nights we spent together. Living in Birmingham Al. in the later 80's for 2 extremely horny people with no internet doesn't mean no fun, it was what it was. Here's what we'd do sometimes, there are always flea markets down here. Anyone can bring...
I know what they say about it not being your fault; that you are the victim and are in no way responsible when someone forces you to have sex. Still, I cannot help but feel somewhat to blame. I, after all, did stupidly put myself in a bad place and even if circumstances did play a part in what happened, I would still be a virgin if only I had not taunted him so. My brother, Howie, and I had a typical roller coaster, sibling rivalry relationship. We had the usual childhood fights and were...
I stood by my bed with the afternoon sunlight accenting the room. Slowly, I removed my pink, silk robe. I knew that Hong, my realtor, would be arriving shortly to secure the lockbox to the front door. I told him that the property was vacant, but I knew he would check each room just to make sure. I wanted to fuck him so badly and I did not want to miss this opportunity to feel his cock inside my wanting pussy. As I lay naked on the bed, my fingers delicately circled my hard nipples. I could feel...
I’m a married guy of 31 years. We are Keralites settled in Mumbai. My Wife is 21 years, good looking. To catch know the reason for this story, you shall first read the earlier episode here: “” [you might need to copy and paste the link within the quotes to the address bar to go to the first part]. There I have described how I and my wife evolved into a cuckold relationship with an elderly man staying in the same apartment...
Adventures of Brooke By Semiater Brooke sat at her desk tryingto finish off the last of her weekly reports, they were due before the endof the day. She wore one of her threadbare dresses, she'd patched the materialas well as she could but it still showed its wear and age clearly. Brookestood 5'6" and epitomized beauty, she was blonde, long legged, and perfectlyproportioned with a sweet innocent face. Her hazel eyes made her look likea scared little doe at times, she was only 19 and had...
Right now i want us to walk down the hallway to your hotel room door. You unlock the door and let me in past you. You come in, lock the door from inside, turn around to face me. I grin at you, grinning at the fact that we both know why we're here. You walk over to me and touch my face, moving a lock of hair out of my face, very gently.... And suddenly you grab my hair and roughly pull it back, making me gasp in surprise. You hold it back tightly and firm, and move closer to my body. I am...
Hi all, , this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect girls, I do. It was an usual office day, I started working in a manufacturing company as general manager, reporting to the owner, the md of the office, my boss was a very strict man, who expected lot from his employees, he was strict on schedule, money, he was an upright man, who made his empire on his own, he is close to 50 years...
This is a true story and everything apart from the names is a true encounter of my events and experiences.It was a very cold February and I was coming up to my 18 th birthday. I was attending drama school and had my own flat which I shared with another girl from college. Living away from home was great and experiencing total freedom for the first time was amazing. We always had people over and friends to stay. I also got weekends to myself as my flat mate went home to her parents every weekend....
First TimeSteve Holmes interviewed stunningly curvy latina, Carolina Cortez, to strip at an upcoming party, informing Carolina that his parties are a little… different. She was very turned on by the idea of showing her beautiful cunt to dozens of men, and Steve wanted to see a sample of her work. Spreading her legs and pussy lips, she masturbated for her future client, (and herself) – Steve needed to see more! He was most impressed with her bountiful booty, and he loved the feeling of her...
xmoviesforyouIt was my first time being in a wedding and although I was nervous about it, I was more nervous about staying at the bride’s future mother-in-law’s house. I would have stayed at a hotel, but the mother-in-law had insisted. I had never met her, but had heard she was a little intense. Despite my hesitation, I agreed since I lived out of town and was already paying an arm and a leg to get to the wedding. After grabbing dinner with my friend, she drove me to her future mother-in-law’s house and...
"Anybody home?" I recognized Tami's voice and smiled. She must have seen no cars and stuck her head in the door. "Back here," I yelled. Tami walked into my bedroom before I remembered that I hadn't made my bed. Well, she had to find out I'm a slob sometime. I was sitting at my computer typing. "Answering your fan mail?" "Fan mail?" "I figured that since you and Robbie have won three games now, the fan mail should have started." She stood behind me and looked down at the...
Alexandra Rasputin, teeth digging into a ball gag and breathing through her nose, is hanging from the ceiling of the Rumpo Room. She is wearing a white lace bra and panties, hold up white stocking and killer heels. Her hands are bound, not too tightly, behind her back, and she is suspended from the ceiling by a rope, weighted to cause mild discomfort in her arms. A spreader bar is attached to her ankles, her idea. She enjoys the strappado and finds it stylistically pleasing, the sense of...
Hi…Friends main Shekhar iss ka ek purana reader hun bahut sari kahani padhne ke baad main apni yeh kahani likh raha hun.If you like it then send me a mail at Chaliye kahani pe aate hain main shekhar hun aur main durgapur ek college se btech kar raha hun.Yeh kahani mere 3rd semester ki hai jab main padhai mein zyada dhyan to lagata tha lekin ladkiyon pe comment bhi bahut karta tha.Ek baar class test hone ke dauran mein pahla test deke ghar aa raha tha,main college ki sidhi se utar raha tha to...
Sunlight. Really, really bright sunlight. Forgot to close the blinds. Damn. Milo sleep-groaned and rolled over, pulling a throw pillow over his head. He had crashed on the sofa after tucking Elisha into his bed last night. Fortunately, his body was used to couch-surfing, so his muscles didn’t give him any grief as he stretched. He had shed his flannel pajama pants and T-shirt, opting to sleep in his boxers. He had never been one for modesty, and even if Elisha was, he assumed she would...
Glenn got home from work, and found the package on the front porch. Not something he'd ordered -- but the name of the company seemed familiar, somehow. He brought it in, with the rest of the mail, sorted through the bills, set the magazine aside. Then he opened the package. Two metallic dildos, a couple of little clamps, and a little box of electronics, with USB cables leading out of it. He looked at the paperwork that came in the box. He didn't remember ordering any of this! Then he saw the...
being discharged from the army after my 3 year enlistment ended was somewhat bittersweet. i was stationed in germany at the time and had to leave my girlfriend of the last 6 months. ute had an increible body, the classic blonde hair, blue eyed, tall, big tit german. she was really good in bed and bi-sexual. she got a kick out of showing her girlfriends my big cock because it was circumcised. with a little alcohol and a couple tokes of hash, she was up for just about anything. however, she was...
I closed my eyes that I might open a portal into the infinite universe of imagination. The emotion I was experiencing fueled the acceleration into my fantasy. And that emotion was extreme eroticism. I need a damn good fuck and all I had was my hand, my penis, and my brain. I was not interested in a quick masturbation. I had all the time in the world, but no place to go. And so I had my ipod plugged in to my ears playing music that put me in the mood. And I lay naked on my bed. Now all I needed...
MatureOnce we had finished our discussion, Jenn and I decided to head to Fairbanks for the night. I needed to go to the bank the following day and transfer funds to cover our purchases. On the way to town, Jenn told me Lee was having a hard time because she was of Chinese descent and people were harassing her. When we entered Fairbanks, Jenn pointed out where several Asian businesses had closed and had their windows boarded up. Jenn explained that people had thrown rocks through the windows and...
as he was pushing his hand in to me i was groaning louder in pain. it felt massiwe in my tight pussy but i started to luv it.-who's a naughty little slut daughter?-he asked harsh. - me - i moaned while he wriggled his hand and started to move it faster and he smacked me hard on my ass cheek. his hand was moving very fast and it was so good that the fire inside me grew stronger and bigger and wheni cummed i wanted more i wanted to get a proper fuck
Hello readers, I live in Pune and am back in the continuation of my previous story ‘Complete Slave To My Master’. To give a brief background of the story, I and my girlfriend used to live in a live-in relationship. After a regular and boring sex life, we thought to spice it up by trying new sort of relationship (Master-Slave). The first 3 stories contain details on how I seduced Vibha to agree for this relationship and how we continued and enjoyed this new world of domination. This small...
Sandra walked over to the spot on the courtyard where she had to go wait for her teacher. Laura joined her there and the two girls saw the others of Sandra's class walking towards them. Looking at this group, they noticed that Charles had still an arm wrapped around Melinda's back, while Johnny and Janet were holding hands. "Two new couples in your class?" Laura asked Sandra, with some fun in her voice. "I think so!" Sandra answered. "That's maybe also better for me. Don't you...
Thank you and sorry to all my fans for waiting so long for this chapter! I had so many thoughts, and so many fans emailed me with their wonderful suggestions. It's probably the most important chapter and I wanted it to be special so it took me forever to write. You'll notice it's much longer than the rest - I just couldn't keep anything out. It had to have the proper escalation, the right pacing. If you haven't read the other chapters, please do! This won't make sense without...
Dave a South African looks at the sexy black girl standing next to me his eyes scanning her body. Judging by the growing bulge in his pants he likes what he sees."Cherie this is Dave Nienaber the Warehouse Manager. Dave this is Cherie your student worker for the next two weeks. Cherie is looking at the growing bulge in Dave's pants. "Cherie will you come with me " says Dave" My office is down the hallway , at the very end then take the stairs up to the top. Sit in the chair and wait""Yes Sir"...
How many times have you visited a tube site and found a category that only featured people kissing? Maybe once? Probably never? So what in the fuck are you supposed to do when you want to see this kind of kink? is the answer! When you have a desire to watch beautiful people getting their fuck on while kissing – or just kissing and nothing more – is where you want to be. Take a look, and find all of the amazing content that this unique subreddit...
Reddit NSFW ListWith another quick peck on the lips and a squeeze of my hand he went out the door.--The next afternoon I baked him a cake. I knew that boy loved chocolate so I made him a chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Then I took some banana icing and on top of the cake drew a giant erect penis and scrotum, making it as close to his actual size as I could. I even added a little spray of banana semen flowing out of it and a big JACK 21. I saved the extra icing because I thought we might be able to have...
MatureI teach History at the local school. A few weeks ago, the school's Assistant Principal called a special meeting at her place to discuss a plan she had to reduce the incredible number of students skipping class. The problem had already become so bad that the local gov't was considering a major funding cut for our school if we didn't solve the problem soon. So, willing to listen to any solution, I went to this meeting. The solution was quite surprising. The next day, I went to my class in...
Bright sunlight streaming in through the window awakened me. The curtains billowed in the soft breeze. There was music playing. "Let your heart break... into shards." The strains of Nan Moravia in "Love is Pain" brought tears to my eyes. Was this then a parting gift to me? I was lying in my own bed, in my own apartment. I reached down and grabbed for an essential part of myself. I was back in my own body all right. The tape deck was in an endless loop... "With a caress, my life ends......
As somebody who loves shopping, especially for clothes, I'm no stranger to changing rooms. However, it might be one thing to undress in one located in a dress shop but it's quite another thing when that changing room is at back of a sex shop. You stand inside the tiny booth with me, leaning with your back to the door and watching while I remove all my clothes. One by one I hand you my things - my blouse, skirt, bra, shoes, pantyhose and finally, my panties. You bundle all my clothes into an...
It wasn’t quite at a run that we made it to the stable but close. “Jordris, grab a horse. Giemund, you know us by now from caring for our horses. We need another.” He nodded and told me a fair price that I immediately paid. “Okay, mount up and ride as if Elisif’s life depends upon it. Which I suspect it does.” We left at a gallop. “Lydia, Serana, this is the way we first went when we headed for Castle Volkihar. Be ready in case of animals, don’t stop, just ride over them.” We actually did...
Walking back toward Sheri's apartment in the darkness of late evening, her brother Kevin felt an entirely different atmosphere from what he had experienced late that afternoon on the same street. The tall palms, dark and bulky against the night sky, should have seemed foreboding, but he missed that aspect of the street completely. Where earlier it had seemed staid and lifeless, the lighted houses now appeared warm and inviting, and there was no doubt in his mind about the human qualities of...
Amy spent all of that Thursday in her classes in a daze. The 14-year-old girl only barely managed to sound normal when she spoke with Elissa. With her other supposed friends, she came across as a total weirdo, and she knew it. But she didn't care. Who the fuck were they, anyway? When she got home right after school she totally expected her dad to fuck her when she saw his truck in the driveway. She didn't know how to feel about this, but she'd gone inside her house anyway. It was almost...
I woke up the next morning, snuggled tight up against Megan's back. This was the favorite position for sleeping for both of us. It was my favorite because she has the softest, smoothest butt I've ever felt; just snuggling up to it is almost enough to make me cum. That was really saying something, considering the fantastic bodies that all my girls had. She likes it because she says I am so warm, like having her own personal furnace on cold nights, and because it feels almost as good as me...
The first time Maryam was led away by one of the eunuchs to be prepared for use by one of the Emir's distinguished visitors she was full of trepidation. Although she now thoroughly understood the ways a woman could please a man and had been exposed while being educated by the General to almost every perversion and variation any man could ask for, the idea that she was to perform for a man at the request of her Master the Emir made her very nervous. That much might be demanded of her, she...
Only 2 days to go until your summer holiday! The last week at work had been hectic and relentless leaving you little time to prepare and pack for your trip abroad. You were looking forward to the warmth of the sun bathing your tired body as you lay on the sand listening to the gentle lap, lapping of the sea on the shore. needed this break and now had 2 free days off work to get ready. You’d decided to pamper yourself prior to going away and had booked in a ‘pre holiday’ special...
Pam's blue eyes went wide as she stared at the huge puddle of thick white horse-cum on the ground. Then she gasped as her pumping hand produced burst after burst of creamy cum from Theo's prick. "Oh, my God!" she gasped. Then laughed, because this was her god! This was her Theo. Her beloved pony. Overwhelmed by feelings, she pumped the pony's prick with loving strokes, urging Theo on to ever more spurts of jism. Cum splashed noisily all over the ground, and still Theo's enormous boner...
Thoughts I had no idea when I first stepped into Lady Heather's establishment that it would become the center of the Universe - and my own center - for so many years to come. Some people will say that I regressed right back to where I once started. I'd once been a sex-toy in a whorehouse, and here I was looking to be the same thing in another one. To say that gives no value to all to how much I've grown and accomplished since Anna rescued me and sent me off to live with Samuel. Nor does...
I visited her place around 11.30am. Main door was open and i entered her house. I was trying to find her. I looked around the living room, kitchen, bedroom, entertainment room, went outside in the garden but she wasn’t there at all. Finally i went inside her bedroom and i saw her cleaning her master bedroom. Her bedroom is amazing. Lavender color walls, sky blue roof and nice wallpaper which gives a feel that you are really under the sky. She was wearing black sleeveless skin tight top which is...
Alina Lopez and her step-mother, London River, are enjoying their usual morning ritual. There’s nothing but love between them as they wish each other a good day and go their separate ways. As London leaves for work, Alina grabs her mother’s laptop to finish some homework. As Alina settles to do her homework, she uncovers a secret folder filled with erotic stories that London wrote. Intrigued, Alina reads one of the stories, quickly realizing that it’s a steamy romance between...
xmoviesforyouIt had been two weeks since the encounter in the garage between David and Brandi, and for the past two weeks when David got home from work he came up with a litany of chores to get Brandi over his house. It wasn’t that difficult though, as her parents were gone during the day working, while she did schoolwork online. Normally she did that at David’s house, naked. She would work in between fuck-breaks. If David was working, he would come home, pound it, and leave. Their relationship seemed to...
The words hung in the air, like an almost visible puff of smoke in the otherwise bright compartment. Christine's hand unconsciously moved to Erik's and their fingers once again intertwined. Helen allowed her eyes to rest on their joined hands for a moment as she drew strength from the bond that the two young people shared. She almost gasped out her shock as her mind brushed against theirs and she felt the depth and power of their love for one another. "Ils semblent ensorcelé¹. Their love...
Charles lived a life of discretion. He wasn’t online and had never been. The popular social media sites, outlets for self-aggrandizement, the places to share photos were all foreign to him. It was that established fact that made his desire to be just the opposite was so shocking to the few who knew about it. Charles loved to be watched in almost any sexual situation. He was a very controlled exhibitionist. That meant that while he relished the opportunity to be seen and appreciated for his...
Bobby’s mind whirled as if he were caught in a tornado as seven naked women whipped the sheet off of him, exposing his own nude form. They all seemed to try to crawl in bed with him at the same time, and he was literally covered by squirming naked bodies. They were giggling and making other excited noises. He felt hands grabbing at his penis and balls, and lips being pressed to his shoulders, chest and face. His legs drew up as he tried to affect a fetal position, partly as a natural...
You're sitting in a park, on a grassy hill, under a tree. You're in just your robe, and its a sunny day. You can feel the warmth on your skin where your robe doesn't cover you. You can feel the blades of grass against your bare feet and legs. Its unusually soft, and it tickles a little. There's nobody around, and you're feeling very comfortable and relaxed. You're a little excited also, from being outside, so close to undressed. Suddenly, the light gets brighter. The warmth seems to bathe your...
When I got home. I was exhausted. Driving home with a hang over - with the sun blaring down on me - made me really sleepy. All I wanted to do was fall asleep on the couch watching cheesy movies. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and took a large sip. Maybe my parents have a frozen pizza in the freezer or something equally unhealthy and greasy. I wonder what's on HBO in 1997. Of course, instead of crashing on the couch, and microwaving a pizza, Mom and Cindy cornered me. "Are...
I am a regular reader of ISS and this is my first story with my hot cousin rukshu. Myself Akhil I am from southern part of Karnataka having a monster penis of size 7 inch and can satisfy any sort of girls with that how they need so don’t hesitate to contact me to mail id .Girls aunties can send me mails. Coming to my story this is my first sex experience with my hottest cousin ruskshu she is 22 years old with hot figure 32 26 32 any body sees her first time they just need her to their bed as...
July 4th party finished at 2 or 2:30 am, Ben and me went back home, I was so happy because of my birthday present. Ben was so happy too by the same reason, strange? No, just funny we gave each other a great gift and was delicious In the way home we talked about 4th july carnival, the play and fireworks, we were pleasant and relaxed, our bodies were rested and we both satisfied, well that was that I thought. At home, near 3:00 am, we were starving, sex produces hungry, we wento to the kitchen...
When my wife was 19, we decided to have a new yrs party at our duplex and invite a few close friends. my wife(girlfriend at the time) had heard her first boyfriend from highschool was in town and she thought it would be nice to see him again. she also invited 2 other guys who she had dated for a little while in highschool befroe she met me. she had 2 girlfriends invited but one was sick and declined to come over. Her other friend was in town staying with us over the holidays, and was more...
Hi I’m Rahul from Delhi, this is a story of me and my MIL, I never use to like her as she was too interfering in my married life and use to give lot of advises which I never use to like, I always had a fight with my wife because of her, let me describe her , she’s 48 yrs in age, 5.5ft in height with round shaped boobs, green eyes with a tight ass. The day I saw her I always wanted to fuck her in every hole of hers. I wanted to teach her a lesson by fucking her. Finally I got a chance when we...
IncestJerry's wife had just left for the doctors, leaving him alone with his 16-year-old daughter Mindy at their house. She was tall for her age, almost as tall as her 17-year-old sister Laura who had left early for cheer leading practice. Laura had begun to fill out her cheer leading sweater rather nicely, but Mindy was just in the beginning stages of growing matching titties like her sister. Jerry liked it when his wife left, not because he didn't love her but because he loved to go online and...