It Cost A Coffee free porn video

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It had been a long, difficult day for the smartly dressed woman who stepped into her favourite coffee shop on the way home. As always, she used caffeine to unwind and she waited patiently in the queue at the counter waiting for her turn to be served.

At last, although no more than a few minutes, the Barrista looked at her.

“Good evening,” he smiled, recognising her instantly, “Black eye?”

“Yes please,” she replied, “I need it tonight!” and handed over her cup for him to fill.

“Bad day?” the Barista asked as he turned to his colleague, nodding as the woman answered his question briefly.

“Filter with two shots of espresso in it,” he said and returned to his customer.

“She is new and hasn't learned all the terms yet,” he explained as she held her smartphone in front of the scanner to pay.

“That's fine,” he said, checking the screen, “Enjoy.”

“Oh, I will,” was her retort as she stepped to the end of the counter to collect her drink.

In the far corner of the shop was a table with a low, comfortable looking armchair and it was vacant so she headed straight for it and sank down into its welcoming cushions.

She took a sip of the thick nectar in the plastic cup and sat back with a sigh.

As she let the stresses and strains of the day dissolve away and the soothing effect of the extra strong coffee began to take effect, she decided that now would be a good time to catch up on the novel she was attempting to write so she dipped into her bag and took out a small netbook.

Once it had booted she plugged in a memory stick and, from the files list, selected the chapter she was working on, reading through what she had written so far and making a couple of corrections, putting right some typographical errors and altering small parts of the tale to flow better.

Time seemed to fly by when she worked in this way but it didn't matter, she was not in a hurry and she was happy to just sit and work undisturbed.

The coffee shop was not busy, about half full of people, some chatting, some just sitting, sipping their drinks and others reading books or newspapers.

The door to the street creaked open and the sound made her look up and when she did, she stared because through the door walked the most amazing creature she had ever seen! A young woman, maybe twenty years younger than herself and so fantastically sexy she could not tear her eyes away.

She must have been six feet tall and most of that was her legs! This woman had the longest legs she had ever seen and perfectly clad in sheer black nylon supported by heels which must have been at least six inches high!

It took a real effort to prevent her jaw from dropping as the newcomer walked slowly and purposefully towards the counter.

She let her eyes follow the amazing legs as they moved across the floor and her gaze moved upwards, taking in the very short black leather pleated skirt which revealed the lower edge of the thicker nylon at the top of her legs. Continuing higher, admiring the black satin bustier that fitted her trim waist perfectly and accentuated her full, but not large, breasts and trimmed with black lace and then... the face!

What a face! So pretty and perfect and made up with black eye liner and mascara and dark, dark red lipstick covering her perfect lips.

Her eyes were deep brown, black almost, and smouldering as they watched the Baristas looking at her as she approached.

This amazing vision was crowned with a mass of jet black, long, straight, thick, shiny hair.

The mature woman sat and stared as this beauty ordered her drink, paid and moved to the end of the counter whilst it was prepared.

As she waited, she scanned the room for somewhere to sit and when she turned towards her, the woman dropped her gaze rapidly back to her netbook on the table in front of her, hoping that this gorgeous young woman had not seen her staring.

Her heart began to pound as, from the corner of her eye, she saw her take her drink and walk towards her and her face burned when the young woman spoke:

“Is this seat taken?” she asked, indicating the armchair on the other side of the small, low table. “Do you mind if I sit there?” her voice sultry and silky smooth like dark chocolate and with no trace of an accent.

“Oh, erm, no, of course. Be my guest.” she answered, haltingly. Trying her utmost not to give away her nerves at being in such close proximity to so perfect a being.

She stared at the screen, the words all began to blend and swim. She tried to think and began to type but nothing appeared. She back spaced to erase the jumble of letters her uncontrolled fingers had typed and stared once again. She read the last paragraph again to try to get some ideas but it didn't register so she read it again and still, nothing but the sweet, fresh smell of Calvin Klein.

She swivelled her eyes upwards so discretely and looked at the young woman's knees pressed tightly together, the hissing of the nylon mesh, deafening to her, as she moved her legs ever so slightly. 

 "I hope I am not distracting you from your work.” the sensual voice purred from the other armchair.

The woman looked up and directly into those dark eyes, slightly crinkled at the edges as they danced and sparkled as she spoke.

“Oh, no, erm, it is nothing important...” her voice trailed away as her throat dried up completely.

Leaning forwards, she reached for her cup and took a mouthful, swallowing slowly.

“Please,” the younger woman spoke, “Don't let me stop you.”

The woman looked back at her screen but still it made no sense. Nothing written there made any impression in her mind at all and, once again, she let her eyes peep over the top but this time, there was no insanely loud hissing as the knees across from her were no longer touching but had parted ever so slightly, just enough for her to see that those perfect legs were clad in expensive, hold up stockings and the briefest hint of the smooth, pale flesh above.

“Oh my lord!” she thought, swallowing. Her face was burning with an intensity she had never known and between her own legs she could feel the slippery moisture beginning to make itself obvious.

Squeezing her thighs surreptitiously, she leaned forwards trying to find some control for her typing fingers. Leaning forwards like this, because of the height of the table in front of her upon which she had placed her netbook, was becoming uncomfortable as her breathing became heavier but her stomach was restricted by its pressure on her legs and made her feel very conscious of the exaggerated movement as she tried so hard to control her breathing.

She stared at the screen but still there was just a jumble of words. Again her eyes wandered over the top of the screen at she looked at those perfect, shiny black nylon knees and gasped! Now she could see beyond the tops of the stockings. Those wonderful legs were now just separated sufficiently for her to see...

Her heart stopped for a millisecond, for what she could see made her head spin.

She looked up at the beautiful young woman who was gazing directly at her.

“You're not wearing...” she breathed with tremendous effort as her lungs just didn't seem to be working properly any more.

“No,” the young woman smiled, parting her legs just a little more, “I never do.”

The woman turned her eyes back down and felt her own moisture bubbling inside of her. The pit of her stomach was filled with seemingly millions of butterflies, fluttering, and her breathing was laboured now. Inside she trembled uncontrollably.

She saw the prettiest, smoothest flower, glistening with tiny beads of its own moisture decorating the almost totally hidden lips and just the tip of a tiny button beginning to peep from the top of this sweet valley.

The woman flexed her thigh muscles again, trying to control the heat that was generating there and looked back at the beautiful face and smouldering eyes of this amazing female.

“Do you like it?”

The words rang in her ears and were almost lost in the noise of the blood hissing in her ears and pounding of her heartbeat, deafening.

The woman nodded, slowly, jerkily.

“Yes,” she whispered, unable to hide the nerves, the lust, in her voice.

“Can you afford it?”

The question stunned her and snapped her back to reality.

“You mean you're a...?” the sentence cut short for fear of offence.

The young nymph nodded, still smiling.

“An escort, call girl, prostitute. Call me what you will.”

The woman's legs trembled as she considered the implications of what she just heard but it was too late. Her blood was racing through her veins and her brain was flooded now, unable to think rationally.

“How much do you...”

“One thousand pounds,” came the matter of fact reply, “For the whole night.”

Now her arms were trembling, she was losing all normal functions of thought and movement. She was so hot now!

“But that's... I can't... I don't have that amount of money.”

In a way, she was relieved. She didn't have it, couldn't afford it, problem solved.

For a moment or two, their eyes locked, searching into each others soul, the mature woman completely spellbound by her lust. She felt a bead of moisture forming on her upper lip.

“I like you, that is why I chose you,” the young temptress informed her. “Perhaps...”

The woman froze, unable to move or speak, almost holding her breath. The only sound was the blood rushing and pounding in her ears.

“Do you live alone?” she heard, just, and nodded the affirmative, stiffly and with immense effort.

The young woman's eyes narrowed before she slowly nodded and spoke again.

“Hmm, yes. I like you. You are sexy and pretty.”

“Thank you,” the woman whispered.

“Hmm...” again,then, “Yes, I will come home with you, if you wish and I will charge you just Two Hundred pounds.”

From below, the woman spotted a slight movement and looked down. Those magnificent legs had moved ever so slightly further apart and she could clearly see the glistening moist object of her hitherto suppressed desires.

It was no good, all reasoning had abandoned her and she nodded agreement, even knowing full well that Two Hundred pounds was all she had left.

Using every ounce of the strength she had left in her, she shut down her Netbook and removed the memory stick before placing them in her bag, together with her long empty cup and got shakily to her feet.

As they left, she was concious of every face in the shop staring at them, even the Baristas and she burned with a fierce glow of embarrassment and desire.

Her apartment was just a few blocks away and they two walked in silence, the woman

slightly behind, watching the amazing movement of the young woman's hips and her short skirt as it swung, desiring with an intensity so fierce that it completely overrode any sense of safety she ever had.

When they reached her flat she unlocked the door with a hand shaking so much it took her three attempts to get the key lined up and turn the lock.

She stepped back to allow the statuesque beauty to enter then followed her inside, closing the door to reason behind her.

“I, I have never done such a thing before...” she said, timidly, half hoping this young woman of beauty would take the lead and show her what to do.

“Well,” the answer came quickly, “Money first.”

“Oh! Oh, yes, sorry. I will get it.”

The young woman stopped her by holding her arm gently.

“No, not yet. You can pay afterwards, if you still think I deserve it,” she said, then added, “Which you will...”

The woman stood still, uncertain of what to do next but one thing she was certain of was that she would enjoy it, whatever happened!

Her new found... friend? lover? Neither, but whatever she was, bent forwards and placed her lips against hers.

The shock hurt, like thousands of volts had just sparked across and burned her and then she threw her arms around the younger neck and pressed against her lips, parting, teeth clashing, tongues searching and dancing with an energy she had never known.

The ultra-current generated was coursing through her whole being. Her heart thudding, trying desperately to break out, her ears hissing but more, she noticed, was the moisture flooding from her, soaking into her gusset.

She began to move her hands down to the hem of the short leather skirt and lifted the hem, allowing her hand to slip beneath the soft, supple leather, her fingers seeking, and finding, the gentle curve of a perfectly formed, firm globe of pliant flesh.

She squeezed gently and the young woman pressed herself against her so she allowed her leg to fit neatly between those beautiful long columns and allowed her nylon clad thigh to rub against the soft, moist petals.

The young woman mewed softly and the woman felt moisture escape onto her thigh as she moved slowly back and forth against the super heated flesh.

She felt the buttons of her jacket slowly part and she allowed it to fall to the floor behind her. She felt hands kneading her soft, yet still firm, breasts through the thin satin fabric of her blouse and then, that too joined her jacket on the floor behind her.

She struggled to breathe as a hot sweet tongue explored the innermost recesses of her mouth.

In no time at all, almost without realising, she was naked and every part of her body was being explored by soft, slender fingers.

They squeezed and rubbed, pulled, pressed, turned and entered every conceivable orifice. She felt fingers pulling at her hair as they kissed, fingers pushing into her steaming wetness and then, without warning, a finger pushed into her back passage, making her gasp, not with shock but with sheer wantonness and abandon. She pushed back against the finger, wanting it deeper inside her, feeling it move around, pushing, exploring!

Her own fingers found the their way into the young woman's core. Slipping easily inside the soaking entrance. She inserted another, pushing upwards, revelling in the heat and velvet texture, feeling the undulations as she searched and found that sacred spot and she was wet! So very wet that her fingers moved without hindrance of friction.

Suddenly, her mind snapped! She grabbed the young woman and pushed her through the door and backwards onto the big double bed where she jumped up and straddled her, legs either side of this perfect body.

Like a beast unleashed she quickly unfastened the ties of her bustier and pulled the two halves apart, exposing her luscious breasts with dark nipples straining upwards.

She fell upon them like a hawk devouring its prey and sucked and bit, pulling each one and rolling them between tongue and teeth.

The young woman moaned and thrashed like a thing possessed as her more mature customer moved down her taut, toned and tanned abdomen, pausing only briefly at the jewel in her navel.

The woman knelt back and lifted the soft leather skirt above the young woman's hips, leaving her exposed and then, just as suddenly, pushed her legs apart and dived down between them, sucking and licking, lapping at the copious flow of moisture until her face and chin were gleaming.

The young woman shouted out as she felt a finger insinuate itself into her tightest place and begin to twist and turn, working in deeper and deeper as tongue and lips worked magic on her labia, her nub screaming for release as it pushed outwards, expanding, swelling, straining.

The woman licked and sucked, pushed and turned and her young victim could take no more. As she felt the tight flesh of her sphincter grip tightly around her finger, she pushed deeper, harder and sucked hard upon the now fully exposed button and then... she bit! Pressing her teeth firmly against the now ultra-sensitive flesh.

The young woman screamed out uncontrollably, her back arching and her head pressing hard into the duvet, her whole body tensed and raised until, amid a myriad of twitches and jerks, she sank back into the soft, warm cover.

The woman sucked and nipped a little longer, each time causing this wondrous female to buck and twitch until she pushed her away, gently, unable to bear any more.

For a few moments, they rested in each others arms, the woman happy that she had brought this experienced young woman to such an explosive climax.

“Oh my good Lord,” the young woman finally uttered, able once more to breathe normally. “That was absolutely incredible, my heart is still pounding!”

She turned her head to the woman and smiled, stroking her hair back from her shining forehead.

“When can we play this game again? I love it!”

The woman sat back and looked at the screen. A satisfied smile played around her lips.

“Yes,” she thought, “That should do it. Wonder if it has a chance in the competition.”

She shut down the Netbook and removed the memory sick from the side before placing both in her bag, followed by the cold and empty cup then, she stood up, looked at the empty armchair opposite and smiled a knowing smile.

As she left, she bid the Baristas 'good night'.

“Good night, Anna,” they replied, “Take care.”

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Black Coffee

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. ‘You do realize that I’ve asked you for coffee creamer twice now, right?’ The young waitress paused for a moment. Then her eyes went wide. ‘Oh, my gawd, I am so sorry, ma’am. I’ll get it for you right now!’ She was barely out of high school and looked harried, but my patience was at an end. ‘Don’t bother. Just send the manager.’ The waitress was nearly my age, and apparently thought that might make it possible for her to play me. ‘Oh! Look…you don’t have to...

3 years ago
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It had been 12 years almost to the day since they had last laid eyes upon each other. Fleeting memories of intimate times fluttered through her mind causing her nipples to ache for his touch. Goosebumps covered the flesh down her arms and her chest. Here she was, staring at a message from a man from her past whom she loved deeply and let go by mistake. The message read, ‘Coffee Sometime?’ How, after 12 years does a simple question still excite her as their first meet had. Both happily married...

4 years ago
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Lemons And Coffee

The gate opened slowly with the weight of my shoulder as I tried to balance the heavy box of lemons, my hot cup of coffee, and the neighbor’s newspapers. My neighbor, Harry was due back from his regular Fly-In Fly-Out shift roster and would arrive home sometime after 1800 hours that night. His partner Jackie had been away visiting family for the past week and had planned to arrive back home around the same time as Harry. I would often bring down a bag of fruit and the newspaper or magazines to...

3 years ago
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Buy Me a Coffee

Max had only been up at the shopping complex for a short time, he wasn’t in the best of moods for the organization he belonged to had been losing members and he had been given the task of trying to boost membership. It was strange that membership was proving difficult for with all the publicity in keeping fit one would have thought that a cycling group would haven’t had difficulty, but then as he observed the passing public it was very noticeable that his age was very unfit and very fat. He...

2 years ago
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Morning Coffee

“Think I’ve about had enough of him, he’s so thick!” “Aww, Cathy, he’s cute though,” I commented. “Cuteness isn’t enough, I want more, something like a real conversation would be a good start.” “Seems like he’s interested you for months now.” “Has his good points I must admit, he is fun in bed.” I grinned, “Well, can’t have everything Cathy.” “Maybe not, but this isn’t growing into the relationship I wanted. All he wants to do is have sex and then watch sport.” “Well he...

2 years ago
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Morning Coffee

MORNING COFFEEBy Miranda BirchCopyright ©2019 Miranda Birch. All Rights Reserved.It all started when my friend Sue invited me round for coffee. I hadn't seen her forages. I knew she had had love-life problems, what with her unemployed live-in boyfriendexpecting her to do all the housework as well as hold down a demanding job in a Citybank to support the two of them.I got there about eleven, and was ushered in by a strangely-excited Sue. I said nothing,but wondered what was up. She took my coat,...

1 year ago
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Just For Coffee

Like I said before, "I should have read more into it." About 2-3 weeks later I got a call from "Arieanna" while I was at work. She wanted to know what time I would be home so that she could go out and run some errands for her work. Well, I got home about 6:30 that night. As soon as I walked through the door, "Arieanna" was just about ready to leave. She let me know that dinner was in the oven and that she'd call me later. Nothing to me seemed out of the ordinary. If there was a sign, I had...

4 years ago
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Naked Cup of Coffee

The Naked Cup Of Coffee: My Sex Education From A Beautiful, Delightfully Horny, OLDER Woman The boss stopped by with a new employee in tow. "Hey guys, listen up and meet Tina, she's our new finishing artist. She starts today, be nice to her O.K.? You had better be... she will be doing the finishing on your projects, 'nuff said?" I must say that for a monogamous, strict Roman Catholic with a stern old world German demeanor, the old boy still had a good eye for the ladies. In addition, all...

2 years ago
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The Gift of Coffee

My fascination about an older man started with a glance and a smile. I seen him around my neighborhood and around the grocery store, but like never really noticed or paid any attention to him, until one day. I was keeling down in the aisle looking at the magazines and I noticed him standing behind me and he looked down at me and I noticed he was looking down my shirt. He kept looking and smiled at me. My mom and my little sister were next to me in the cart. I felt that he was looking at me and...

4 years ago
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I want coffee

I want coffee.Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself as I step outside of my store and walk towards yours. I need that little boost mid afternoon to make through the rest of my shift and to deal with all the tired customers coming to my store. Coffee will help that.Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself as I open the door to your store. We both know I’m there to see you; see your smile, hear your voice, and get lost in your eyes. But I can never tell you why I’m there. If you knew...

2 years ago
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Morning Coffee

James and Danielle were on top of the world with James being a hedge fund manager at B&C Fund Managers they never wanted for money. His aggressive business investments and confident nature had won him the admiration of his peers and associates. Not only was he intelligent and confident, he was also charming and handsome which had won him many conquests in bed and his beautiful wife Danielle. Danielle was a biochemist and computer programmer working for one of the worlds most renowned...

3 years ago
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Morning Coffee

Sunday morning. She loved Sundays. It was her favorite day of the week. Time for coffee she thought, puttering about the house in her comfy but almost tattered pink robe that had a small hole in one pocket, and the terrycloth looked worn out and matted, much like a teddy bear that had seen one too many days in a child’s life. She opened the front door and picked up the Sunday paper that was thrown near the front walkway. Of course the plastic was wet, since it seemed the delivery kid always...

2 years ago
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April Morning Coffee

Another workday morning, I’m awake in the purple haze before dawn, long before I need to be to prepare for work. Is it really April already? The savory, sweet smell of my special-blend coffee woke me before my alarm, as usual, but this time before the coffee maker’s din-din-ding alert. Eyes closed, I walk my home labyrinth through my bedroom, to, and down the stairs, past my dining room, and into my kitchen as my brew’s soothing scent reaches out for me with its captivating tendrils. The time...

1 year ago
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Having the Neighbor Over For Coffee

It was just 6:30 in the morning. I was sitting out on my front steps, sipping on my first coffee of the day, enjoying the morning sun as it rose higher into the sky. What a beautiful morning. The damp morning air smelled fresh and the golden sun warm on my face. I was just swallowing the last mouthful of coffee as I caught sight of neighbor's door opening. She emerged from her house wearing her housecoat. I could tell by the sway of her large tits under her robe that she was probably naked...

3 years ago
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Making Coffee

 I wake in a tangle of sheets and realise I’m in his arms. It’s warm, he’s warm, radiating love and light and I feel swaddled and safe. It’s hot outside too, I can feel the heat building and as I lay here in the grey light just a few moments awake, I know the heat is going to build to a white-hot zenith and we will escape into the cool together again later. I enjoy the moment, careful not to wake him so I breathe softly. I still can’t believe it, after all this time, the dream I wanted most of...

3 years ago
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Making Coffee

I wake in a tangle of sheets and realise I’m in his arms. It’s warm, he’s warm, radiating love and light and I feel swaddled and safe. It’s hot outside too. I can feel the heat building and as I lay here in the grey light just a few moments awake, I know the heat is going to build to a white hot zenith and we will escape into the cool together again later. I enjoy the moment, careful not to wake him and breathe. I still can’t believe it, after all this time, the dream I wanted most of all has...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Everyone has a fantasy - this is just one of mine Coffee? “Would you like a coffee?”  I go into your kitchen.  I feel at home here. I have been here plenty of times before. I fill your kettle up and get down the large heavy coffee cup I prefer. “Here let me get that,” you softly said as you wrap your arms around me, and I get that tingly feeling you give me. You lightly tickle my neck with your tongue and hot breath while sliding your hands down into my top and under my bra where my nipples are...

Straight Sex
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The Temptation Of Coffee

The unctuous sales pitch droned on and on; the view’s fantastic, the location amazing, nothing like it on our books, yadda yadda yadda.Seething, a sarcastic ‘shaddap your face’ nearly escaped, for cloying words don’t suck me in. Those pristine silica sands, that shimmering turquoise sea; they won’t seal the deal. After all who turns their back on the shabby reality of this fixer-upper of an apartment?“Annie and I need to talk,” Mitch said. Uriah Heep’s doppelgänger took the hint and went...

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I always think of her when I smell coffee. I saw her the first time when I was walking through an open air market in Brazil. Every move I made was lazy and slow in the warm sun. I loved feeling the coolness of the gentlest breeze. The heat and the country slow me down. People all seem to move slower in South America, not rushing from one pointless, deadening job to another, like we do in the North. While I am there, I become one of them, enjoying tastes, sounds, people, and living. Vendors...

3 years ago
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RansomeChapter 3 Shopping For Coffee

The following week they met again, apparently by chance. “We really can’t go on meeting like this,” he said, smiling, “People will start talking about us.” She returned his smile and offered, “Well, when they are talking about us, they won’t be talking about anyone else, now will they?” “I know. Let’s make it obvious. Come and have a cup of coffee with me, please,” he asked. “Erm, well, where exactly?” she seemed very doubtful. He decided it was time to see how submissive she was. “Here,...

2 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 2 Vacation in Paradise

Tanda Havra slid through the tent flap like a soft vagrant breeze and stepped outside into the brisk air of the early morning, the sun still behind the wall of mountains to the east. She took a deep breath and sighed with contented pleasure. She was a young woman in her mid-twenties, medium tall, with dusky skin, black hair and brown eyes so dark that they were almost black. She'd thought her husband demented when he'd proposed this trip to her. "A belated honeymoon," he told her. Then...

3 years ago
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Come For A Coffee

I walked briskly to the bus stop and waited for a little under two minutes, and when I bought my ticket I spoke as quietly as possible, so my voice wouldn’t sound too shaky: instead it sounded like a deranged croak. Trying to act cool, and relax enough to stop shivering, I took a seat at the back of the bus. The journey took about ten minutes, but felt like nearly a year, especially with the darkness outside being accentuated as it was by the feeble strobing quality of the lamp posts outside...

3 years ago
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She Could Smell the Coffee

She could smell the coffee; it was a rich aroma that always got to her. She loved to wake up to that smell. Every Friday evening at nine p.m. she set the timer for six a.m., lay out her jogging shorts and tank top and went to bed. Ever since she discovered the trail at the edge of town soon after moving there last summer she had jogged there early in the morning every Saturday. No way would she jog in the park or in the evening, that she knew was too dangerous. Not long after arriving early...

1 year ago
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I thought we were just meeting for coffee

She asked me a question about my gf that I do not remember because the next second her hands were holding my belt buckle and she was trying to get it undone. I said "Whoa! I uh...", and Kim replied "I thought this is why what you wanted? A blow job isn't really cheating now is it?". I have to start this story to explain why I had my affair, it's in no way saying I'm shallow or a bad person, but we all have our moments of weakness and we all do have expectations of what our partner should be to...

2 years ago
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Everyone has a fantasy – this is just one of mine Coffee?   “Would you like a coffee?”  I go into your kitchen.  I feel at home here. I have been here plenty of times before. I fill your kettle up and get down the large heavy coffee cup I prefer. “Here let me get that,” you softly said as you wrap your arms around me, and I get that tingly feeling you give me. You lightly tickle my neck with your tongue and hot breath while sliding your hands down into my top and under my bra where my nipples...

3 years ago
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An evening with sex and coffee

It was in the evening when Lina called me and invited for tea. I had been diligently craving for such an occasion , and the boon was ultimately granted. This Sunday evening was going to be a memorable one. The weather was cloudy and I knew it was going to rain. I had to make it fast to her residence . The bike was pacing steadily when I arrived and knocked at the door. I had to wait when the door unlocked and lina appeared. She was in a thin negligee . The black bra holding voluptuous breasts...

3 years ago
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  It was in the evening when Lina called me and invited for tea . I had been diligently craving for such an occasion , and the   boon was ultimately granted. This Sunday evening was going to be a memorable one. The weather was cloudy and I knew it was going to rain. I had to make it fast to her residence . The bike was pacing steadily when I arrived and knocked at the door. I had to wait when the door unlocked and Lina appeared. She was in a thin negligee . The black bra holding...

2 years ago
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Sex And Coffee

The smell of coffee wakes him. He's hard and throbbing. His cock thick and swollen. He reaches for me but finds the bed empty. He hears the shower. A slow smile spreads across his face.Sex or coffee first? He throws the bed covers off his naked body. His bronze skin shining from the morning sun as it cascades through the window. He opens the bathroom door. The steam shower hides me from his view. The music playing on the radio masks his presence.A burst of cool air on my body is my only warning...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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The CityChapter 3 Coffee

"Every hangover should be followed up with some strong coffee." "We'd better hurry or Jean will think we are the unreliable sort." And so we head out the door, none of us looking quite at the top of our game today. "Did I really do what I sort of remember doing last night?" Lani asks as we head for the nearest subway station. "That depends on if you remember taking me and then fucking me," you say with a smile and jest in your voice. Lani just blushes, clearly embarrassed. You...

4 years ago
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Costa Rica Get Way

" Well, you're finally awake sleepyhead." She said. I turned to see Mina standing next to the bed. She was as naked as she was in my dream. Her pert little breasts were proudly perched on her chest with their respective nipples erect. " Pinch me," I said, " This has to be a dream." Instead she leaned in and kissed me, her tongue parting my lips and invading my mouth. " Still think you're dreaming?" she asked. Mina sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand in hers, " Well the...

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