Great Cup of Coffee
- 3 years ago
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The Naked Cup Of Coffee: My Sex Education From A Beautiful, Delightfully Horny, OLDER Woman
The boss stopped by with a new employee in tow. "Hey guys, listen up and meet Tina, she's our new finishing artist. She starts today, be nice to her O.K.? You had better be... she will be doing the finishing on your projects, 'nuff said?"
I must say that for a monogamous, strict Roman Catholic with a stern old world German demeanor, the old boy still had a good eye for the ladies. In addition, all EYES were on this woman! HOLY SHEEIT... Tina was a head turning stunner! Among other attributes, she had sumptuous cleavage on display and strikingly perfect legs, beneath her mini... all the way up to her ass! (Which was almost visible!)
Tina smiled and said, "Hi nice ta meetcha", to the three grubby, motley guys before her. She extended her hand to each in turn, as introductions were made. I just gaped and like a blithering idiot said something like, "Likewise Ma am I'm sure"... aw cripes did I really just say THAT?
Did her middle finger just tickle my palm? Nah, couldn't be!
The other fellows were older and more self-assured... they put on their best behavior. I felt like a chrome-plated doofus by comparison. Yet, the attractive woman smiled back at me and said something comforting to my embarrassed self-image. I don't remember her exact words... only her foxy, knowing and reassuring smile that went with it.
I had been married and divorced by then at about age twenty-two. I had been alone and terribly lonely for nearly a year before Tina showed up. Day by day, bit-by-bit we became buddies on the job. Each succeeding day made me want to get up and off to work just to spend time around her.
Tina was older than I... perhaps twenty-eight or so? (In fact, the boss later told me that she was THIRTY-EIGHT!) Quite a bit my senior... damned fine to look at and nice to talk with... but too OLD for me to be openly lusting after! Or so I thought, one just doesn't mess with someone nearly your mother's age!
I kept LOOKING, day after day, scanning her alabaster skin set off by her raven black lion's mane of hair for starters. I was ashamed of myself for gawking.
Tina's cleavage was awe-inspiring. The puppies on her chest were cantilevered and seemed to defy gravity. Often as not they seemed to have 'no visible means of support' she appeared not to wear a bra to hold 'em up. GOD, what kept those enticing things in place?? Her gorgeous fishnet clad legs were usually perched atop a pair of spaghetti strap "fuck me" high heels.
Tina's wore wrap around minis most of the time. (Oh geez, if her skirts contained any more fabric there would have been just enough to fashion good sized handkerchiefs!) She was captivating to see and have illicit horny daydreams about. Tina was no fool, she saw me scope her low cleavage, minis and the sexy legs she exhibited as the workdays went on. She accepted my ogling with aplomb. At her venerable AGE, I assumed that she had gotten used to it and responded accordingly. She always smiled back at my awkwardness; in fact, she gave the impression of encouraging all the gawking I could muster.
Among her winning attributes was a soft sultry and soothing voice. Her laughter had a bell like tinkle to it. What the delicate sound masked however was a bawdy sense of humor. She could more than hold her own in risqué repartee with any of us.
Not long after coming on board with us, one of the more brazen fellows said to her, "Hey Tina... you were late this morning. What happened, get WAY LAID?"
To which she responded without hesitation, "If it's any of your business, I GOT LAID ON THE WAY!!" That shut him up PRONTO, gales of laughter at his expense all around!
Shortly thereafter, some wag made a snide comment over lunch. "You getting' any on the side Tina?" To that bit of provocative crudity, she responded with, "Mmmm, no... I prefer it in the front and back!" And kept on eating.
My personal scruples prevented me from openly hitting on her. She was indeed nearly my mother's age. Yet, for Tina I might make an exception. She could give a hard-on to a dead man!
As time sped by, she singled me out to be her work place friend and confidant. That led to the other guys becoming jealous. Some went so far as to warn me that, '... she must be a whore... dressing like a streetwalker in a business like ours'. They criticized her tits on display and her abbreviated attire. (Methinks they protesteth too much... to paraphrase Willie Shakespeare's apt comment.) They'd have loved a glimpse of her knickers and garter belt as much as they drooled over her knockers... I sure as Hell would!
I defended my new friend as best I could with retorts like, 'Hey, she's an artsy craftsy type, and dresses accordingly... besides, you'd throw your wife outta bed to make room for her and you know you would!' I had to work with those clowns and did my best to keep an equilibrium we could all live with.
Just the same, I overheard comments like, "Obviously the slutty cunt wants to FUCK HIM!" More obviously, they wanted to FUCK HER and couldn't get to first base let alone a home run! Tina did not screw around with married men. I kept a lid on it and tried to ignore their crudities and not get into a fight. (Trust me ladies, MEN suffering unrequited lust can be more viciously catty that women ever dreamed of!)
Tina was not stupid... she knew what was being said about us. Perhaps because of it, our friendship grew. To me it was unbelievable that the attractive woman was becoming my best ally on the job. How could a bashful rube like me get so lucky? I wasn't a bad looking guy then, no Adonis but not Quasimodo either. A silver tongue and the ability to con women out of their panties with it was never my forte, still isn't!
Now and then, out of earshot of the others Tina would overtly flirt and tease with me and seemed to enjoy my unsophisticated self-consciousness when she did it. It was never given in a hurtful way. In fact, when Tina was in a major teasing mood she would generously FLASH me!
Tina had her own private workroom. When I would come in for one reason or another I'd find her on her tall work stool, "Fuck me" heels hooked over the middle rung, knees primly together. If no one were around to witness, Tina would move her knees apart... just long enough and WIDE enough to make damned sure that I got an eyeful!
She let me see creamy thighs above her stocking tops and NO underpants obscuring her fur-lined beaver! When her mini slid up as the knees spread... I SAW what she intended for me to SEE! One thing about working in and art room, the lighting is GOOD!
Tina's emerald eyes never wavered from mine when she gave me those instant erections! When my face went scarlet, Tina broke a faint devilish smile and slowly closed her legs as though nothing had ever happened. We developed a secret bond... just the two of us.
In time, I could walk by and simply nod towards her knees and she would flash me on request! By then, panties seldom graced her pussy... she'd slip them off in the ladies room shortly after arriving at work if it was to be a day to make Ron BLUSH!!!
I didn't know what the teasing represented other than the ample reason it gave me to provide myself hand made orgasms alone after work at home. I'd masturbate with images of Tina's mysterious pussy floating before my eyes! GAWD it felt good when my fist be"came" her pussy by proxy!!!
If only she KNEW how often I 'fucked her'... in truth she had a good idea how often she told me later... and that she hoped that I "fucked her every night". The foxy woman had plans to put my 'needs' to work before long, to satisfy her considerable lusty NEEDS!
Tina took a bus to and from work and never asked any of us for a ride. Not until a chill autumn rainstorm presented a miserable, six block walk to the bus stop. That afternoon Tina did ask for a ride.
No matter what the guys might think, I agreed to be her chauffer. At the bus stop, it was clear that she'd be soaked by the time the conveyance showed up. I drove her home from there.
Tina knew that I had no place to go after dropping her off but to my own dingy apartment (and probably a hand full of my horny dick for dessert after supper).
"Hey, come on in and I'll make us some coffee... take the chill off... O.K.?" The offer was as tempting as she was, but my strict upbringing made me feel awkward about going into an older woman's home... unchaperoned!
Yet, my well-ingrained sensibilities told me that, 'one does not disappoint one's elders' either! Dilemma more or less resolved I said, 'O.K., sounds good' and followed her like an obedient puppy.
I was eager to please and keen to learn more about this fascinating woman. (I tried NOT to stare up her skirt as we mounted the stairs to her second floor apartment. I failed miserably and kept my eyes glued on her nearly naked ass. I wouldn't have minded having THAT swing on my porch... cripes what a naturally erotic wiggle her butt had.
Tina's apartment was the cozy upper half of an old two family home. Her artistic bent showed in the feminine décor. Soft pinks, whites and lavender predominated. Even the scent of lavender filled the air. The woman's delicate skin and coal black hair made her look like a living jewel within her environment. It suited her. Almost immediately, I felt comfortable and very welcome there.
She hung our damp jackets in the vestibule and had me sit at the kitchen table while she slipped into an alcove and put on the promised pot of coffee. "Wont be a minute" she said, just out of sight around the corner. We chatted amiably like long time friends while she puttered and the pot gurgled.
Despite the cold nastiness outside, Tina's kitchen was warm and cheery; the coffee aroma seemed the best I'd ever smelled. The kitchen was soon to go from WARM to exceedingly HOT!!
Tina called from the alcove; "O.K. all set here "comes" hope you LIKE IT!" She stepped back into view and my heart STOPPED!
That beautiful woman had a steaming mug in her hand, a wickedly sultry smile on her face... those "FUCK ME" heels on her feet and NOTHING ELSE!! Her clothes were in a pile on the alcove floor!
I didn't know where to look first... or if perhaps to shit or wind my watch!!
OHMIGOD SHE WAS GORGEOUS! Her splendid bare breasts were more alluring than I had envisioned they could be, with their dark rose nipples! They did defy gravity and challenged me to look away! I couldn't! Faint blue lines traced an erotic road map to heaven beneath the delicate skin of her magnificent orbs. They were perfect for her five foot two inch figure, large enough but not pendulous! Her chest ornaments spanned the entire width of her chest. (To paraphrase the old song from South pacific, she was "BROAD where a BROAD needs to be BROAD") Sans bra, she still had ample amazing cleavage. Her tits appeared to be mounds of vanilla ice cream, with edible pink toppings! I'll have a double scoop of THOSE please!
Tina's waist was hourglass narrow and led my eyes down to lushly curved hips and the stunning legs perched atop those shoes with their inviting sexual connotations!
Her lower belly was attractively, delicately poochy, an erotic love pillow. To me that was her formerly pregnant badge of femininity. It was a left over reminder of one of the ultimate events in her womanhood. (And a reminder for me as to what she had done with someone's ecstatic erection "coming" in her young pussy to get her pregnant in the first place!)
Just below that was a dense thatch of glossy black, pussy fur. The attractive hair on and around her mons was so luxurious that at a glance it gave the image of witnessing her giving birth to a bear cub. Mounds of thick, silky pubic hair have turned me on ever since!
I had seen a few naked women before, including my tall ex with her stupendous; size forty-eight double "D", knockers and her naturally blond pussy. Tina knew the value of a man's voyeuristic libido... she stood stock still long enough for my mushy brains and stiffening dick to get coordinated while I gawked at her!
When the mirage moved towards me, I was too mesmerized to say a word.
Standing before me proffering the hot mug, Tina asked in a strangely husky voice, "WANT SOME?"... OH DID I EVER!!!
Placing the mug in my hands, she eased forward until she stood astride my knee. Running her fingers through my hair she said, "Drink some, go ahead." The coffee was good and nicely hot. "More" she said, and then with my mouth and lips hot from the coffee, Tina leaned closer lifting a breast, adding, "Here, now taste THIS!"
The fingers in my hair gently but forcibly drew me to her edible mammary. She knew that the extra heat of my mouth would feel good on her tit as I suckled it!
I drank more and tasted her breast repeatedly. Her complete areole and the nipple were be"coming" erect. The color showed more intensely pink and very aroused. Little nodules appeared around her nipple for my tongue and lips to explore.
By the time, the coffee was half gone so was she! Her knees clamped my leg like a vise. I felt her shiver briefly, sexcitedly! My erection was trying to unzip my trousers from the inside... in an attempt to get at her! OH, WOW! This was one delightfully BOLD and foxy woman!
"C'mere" she whispered and drew me up from my seat. At her lead we kissed, embraced and fondled... within a few more moments, she had me as naked as she was.
Gently using my erection as a leash, she led me down the hall to her bedroom. "C'mon... I don't bite... well, not hard anyway!" was all she said. I thought that I would keel over in a dead faint!!
Standing next to her bed, we groped, explored and touched intimately... in earnest! The harder she made my erection, the stiffer her nipples be"came". I caressed them nervously, reveling in the way they responded to my touch.
Tina's nakedness pressed against mine was more appealing than I can put into words. Her mouth and demanding tongue tasted like lewd candy! She could have had any man she wanted... yet; I had been selected and allowed to be here with her marvelous breasts in hand and delicious body in my care!
The gorgeous, mysterious WOMAN was in no rush. She urged me to take my time and get to KNOW her without saying as much! Tina was returning the favor with her hands sexploring every bit of me that she desired. She squeezed my ass and pulled me closer.
Tina knew from our conversations at work, that my divorce had been partially due to my being an inept, inexperienced lover. (The original BUM FUCK!) She had no illusions that I was about to provide her with a masterful LAY! For her, at this amazingly horny moment, Tina's orgasmic thrills would "come" from being able to blatantly seduce me and ultimately provide some erotic "on the job training"!
Tina's, surprise off the wall and off the chart, nude seduction would be an added aphrodisiac for her. (It sure as Hell was for me!)
Tina pulled me down on top of her onto the bed. Spreading her legs by way of added invitation, she held onto my love muscle for a little longer. She rubbed it around her clit masturbating herself with my erection. THEN, she guided it directly INTO her pussy. OHMIGOD her insides were aflame... so damned HOT in there!
What I lacked in skill, I made up for with enthusiasm and staying power! While she let me fuck her she asked of me, "Don't "COME" yet... can you wait for me?"
She was tickling her clit while we danced a wonderful horizontal Pas de dux.
Tina's fingers bumped and teased my hard-on while they worked her pussy towards ecstasy! Her erotic activities between her own legs had a hypnotic, addictive effect on me. I distinctly felt her vaginal muscles clamping and relaxing with each IN and OUT stroke that my erection made. OH MY, she was jerking me off with her velvet glove!
I tried to follow her bidding and exercise self-control... fuck but not "COME" until my erotic mentor "wanted" it! That was just one of many lessons she taught me... "Try to give unselfish intercourse!" I was trying... "Very trying" my ex-wife might have said!
Tina's breathing began to arrive in hitches and gasps as her legs flexed and tightened around my thrusting ass. She slid her sexy legs down mine, slowly, in a manner designed to add to my arousal. Then she pushed them straight out, her toes pointing and straining.
When her toes began to curl... Tina's BIG "O" followed! She was only the second desirable female I had ever SEXperienced having a full-blown orgasm with my erection imbedded between her legs! (Not a good track record for me.)
I felt the force of Tina's vaginal walls ripple and spasm up and down the length of my hard meat! Then she moaned, "Oooh, ooh,... ooooooh, NOW... DO IT NOW... FUCK ME... DON'T STOP!!!"
The moans be"came" a disembodied wordless siren song. She lifted her ass off the bed and met me thrust for thrust... forcing my erection as deep into her as she could get it! Her fingers never stopped their busy work between our pubic bones, not even for a second! At the last, she was masturbating furiously!
My toes began curling, too late, I was spurting my hot fluids in her marvelous pussy. I hoped that I wasn't too soon for her. I gave a whole (hole?) new meaning to the gas pump expression, "FILL 'ER UP!" The amount of "come" that lady had caused me to spill into her sweet slit seemed prodigious, even for a youthful me!
At the apex of Tina's "coming", my pubic hair seemed to be getting wet with something warm. She was squirting a fluid from within herself... it wasn't my "come" in back flow either. I thought that maybe she had inadvertently, during uncontrolled passion, pee'd on me.
She hadn't, Tina was my first ever FEMALE EJACULATOR! Later, slightly embarrassed for not forewarning me, she explained what it was. If well enough aroused or deprived of intercourse (or even masturbation) for a while, she would squirt her own brand of orgasmic fluids from her urethra while she was "coming". Daylong fantasies about being laid that night seemed to build her supply and storage of ejaculate.
(Sexologists agree that some women achieve that phenomenon, yet almost nothing is known about the psychogenesis of it or the precise mechanics of it either. It has been clinically observed, even filmed and recorded. You can find actual study results on the inter-net. Look outside the porn networks, those show faux ejaculations consisting of urine... not "the real thing" as the Coca Cola ads tout!)
There were other times later, when I was eating Tina that she'd let loose and I'd get a dose of her ejaculate in my mouth when she "came"! Nothing nasty about, it in fact, I found that it tasted good like any of her natural pussy fluids. (Slightly salty, sweetly musky and very arousing!) What she produced was not as sticky as what I squirted for her... and she could eject hers a foot or more when she had a "GOOD ONE"!
When that happened her little "come" hole fired like an adorable pink water pistol. Her "come" fluids forcefully anointing my mouth only added to my desperate desire to FUCK that sexy pussy as soon as she would allow me! There are few things more like a true aphrodisiac than SEEING, feeling or TASTING her "come" juices in action! (Ladies, if you are lucky enough to sexperience that phenomenon for yourself... bless you. FUN to do isn't it?) Mind if I watch next time? Hee Hee!
After our first FUCK, lying next to her basking in the afterglow, I groped for words. We petted and nuzzled. I finally blurted, 'MIGOD you are beautiful!!'
Tina smiled and snuggled closer, "... and you keep a GOOD hard-on... is THAT FOR ME?" She replied with a tinkling giggle.
She already had her hand on my stiff cock and added, "Nice to see that IT hasn't wilted. Ever fuck your ex-wife or a girl friend from behind? NOT IN THE ASS just doggy style?"
Tina promptly rolled over at that, sunny side down... spreading her legs wide she pulled her pretty ass cheeks apart, exposing her twat and asked, "Wanna FUCK ME again? Back here? Think you have enough ammo to "come" twice?"
She lifted her tempting tail to get my motor humming at top speed for what she was offering.
I did what she asked while she gave herself another "helping hand". In my wildest young masturbating dreams, I had NO CLUE that such a sexy, sexual OLDER woman existed! (Never mind getting to have the good fortune to be sharing orgasms with her... momentarily to be"come" multiple orgasms!)
This was THE PERSON I had fantasized about for years with my spurting cock in hand! She was just not as young as the naughty girls in my fantasies were. Now, here she was with her pretty ass urging me to stick my dick between her cheeks and fuck her a second time!!!
We did have many horny adventures together that gave us two, three and even four orgasms daily after our initial naked introductions to each other's libidos! Damn but she was GOOD!
We pillow talked after she had let me push her cushions until we both "came again! "Oh God that was good, I haven't been laid in a LONG TIME!" she whispered while my "come" dripped out of her saucy pussy!
I found that Tina was not promiscuous. She would finger or toy fuck herself to a lonely orgasm before she would consider banging someone indiscriminately. Both of us had been masturbating for quite a while... until now. I could see the sincerity within her deep green eyes... she'd like a steady, friendly fuck... if we could arrange it! I was no one-night stand for her... that is, IF I was a good enough person to feel the same way! (Fuck 'em and forget 'em was not her style.)
Tina hoped that it would not hurt my feelings BUT... she wanted our next sexual liaison to be the beginning of a "naughty learning experience" for me! We would begin tomorrow night... she could tell that I was teachable. She would SHOW me what the "big girls like"!
That she wanted to teach me "things" did not bruise my ego. My masculine "pride" did not get in the way... there was nothing with which it could object to anyway. The promise of MORE SEX with her overrode any embarrassment I had at being less than a great lay! Shit, I knew that! (Just ask my ex... never mind, don't do that!) I'd learn if Tina would have me!
The following night began eighteen months of uninhibited, learning, lusting and LOVING with that beautiful, outrageously SEXY, older woman! She had me everyway you can imagine!
As promised, the following evening we stood naked and lusting in each other's arms next to Tina's bed. There she explained that she was going to SHOW ME what a female's erotic plumbing was all about and how it worked. I was to observe and not touch anything except for my own ERECTION, unless she told me otherwise.
IF I couldn't control myself and just HAD to jump her delectable bones before the lesson was done... she'd let me. (Though I'd get an "F" for the class and have to repeat it! Hmm, THAT didn't sound so bad! At least I wouldn't have to write on the chalkboard one hundred times, 'I will not interrupt the teacher's masturbation!' Bart Simpson... eat your heart out!)
Without further foreplay, Tina stretched out on her bed and assumed a deliciously lewd pose... her legs WIDE apart. Much wider than a woman needs to spread 'em to get laid. Patting her pussy fur invitingly, she said, "C'mere, lie down for awhile... get close!"
Ensconced prone between her legs I watched her spread her labia open with her fingers and begin a satisfying but factual dissertation about the scenery she was displaying. To this day, I easily salivate at both ends remembering THAT!
Tina matter-of-factly explained the INs and OUTs of her pussy. "This is my pussy hole, my vagina... delicious to feel you IN there... but that isn't what makes me "come". Her alluring vestibule twitched slightly while she touched her self there with practiced fingers. She went on to show her labia, inner and outer and explained how they feel and fit into foreplay, oral sex and ultimately intercourse.
Then she pointed out her pee hole. (An opening that I learned had naughty surprises in store as mentioned previously.) I had to look closely to see that tiny bit of puckered tissue. I'll be damned; it was as cute as the rest of her genitalia. SO, that's where girls pee from? Hmm, cool!
Tina concluded the tour of her genitals with her clit and a beautifully arousing demonstration (for both of us) of how she masturbates that all-important part of her anatomy.
She told me to watch the pink, hooded nub swell and be"come" vividly rose colored while her fingers delicately rubbed and teased it. She knew exactly what it would look like while she excited it to an orgasm. This wonderful woman admitted to having observed her clit in action since girlhood... she used mirrors to watch herself whenever the mood to snoop overtook her libido!
Observing her own clit growing and straining while she "did" herself was as naturally arousing as anything she could fantasize about. In short order, I had to agree as to how moving it was to watch it myself! (It had my erection moving and throbbing that's for sure!)
She was right; her clit did as she had promised that it would. It awoke to her touching and went from a shrouded nubbin to a small penis like erection before my eyes. For Tina it was a major addition to her turn on to know that she was making me hornier than I had ever been!
"Watch how I do this", she said with a dreamy smoky voice, "I WANT YOU to do this for me, maybe next time or very soon..." her voice trailed off. I watched her fingers rubbing and teasing, delicately then with firm pressure and back to lightly again. She increased the tempo, butterfly wings flitting. I noted that there was a special rhythm to her masturbation.
There would be a smooth, intermittent sliding of her middle fuck finger down her valley into her inner sanctum for a second or two. That maneuver tugged at her clit as it WET her finger with more internal lubricant to masturbate with. She'd shiver from head to toes as she quickly finger fucked the opening and then withdrew. She was WHETTING my appetite for her as well!
Tina whispered, "... go stand at the foot of the bed now and WATCH the rest of this!" She was obviously feeling very good and wanted the added turn on of seeing me masturbating because of HER and what she was "doing"! We watched each other while I jerked the erection that she had so generously given to me for HER entertainment.
Now I fully understood why she had fingered herself the first time that we had fucked. She did it for the same reason that I masturbated. No matter what else was, going on IN or around her pussy... a self-administered hand fuck guarantees an orgasm. A girl named Linda had done that with me years before... VERY SEXciting once I suspected what she was "doing" down there!
The erotic body before me SEXploded in reaction to her self-administered handwork! Tina's pretty legs be"came" astoundingly beautiful as their muscles tightened, defining exceptional feminine line and design, Her belly fluttered and her nipples stiffened, rising like rose buds, just for me to enjoy. Even the breasts that held those nipples seemed to be"come" rigid, resisting movement as she writhed in ecstasy.
I gazed in awe as her head tilted back, eyes closed, her mouth open emitting a momentary soundless cry of soul searing pleasure. Tina gasped, then from deep within began a moaning erotic concert, her hips were thrusting and fucking her own finger!
Tina's climactic pussy contractions forced out rivulets of lubricating mucous. That was more vaginal stuff that I would soon find to be so sweet! It trickled down and disappeared between the crack of her fanny. (Yes ladies, you do leave your own wet spots on the bed now and then too!)
Her leaking provocative pussy gave the appearance of some unseen lover having just "come" in her! (Lucky bastard!)
OH sweet Jeeziz, what an inspiring display of true feminine sexuality Tina provided. I stood rooted to the spot, my cock twitching and dripping in my hand. I was be"coming" less of a novice in a hurry!
When Tina's breathing had returned to near normal she looked at my erection and asked, "Did you "come"? When I said, 'Almost' she replied with a sly smile and asked, "Waste not, want not... wanna SPILL YOUR SEED IN HERE?" She held her-self open. I didn't need a second INVITATION! I was over her, on her and IN her in less than a heart beat!
Lovely, loveable Tina was as hot and as slippery inside as she had been the first time she'd let me fuck her! Her vaginal walls were still twitching from her post orgasmic spasms.
She wrapped herself around me and bit into my shoulder imploring, "C'MON FUCK ME GOOD!" I don't think that I managed more than about thirty deep pokes into her tunnel of love before I began squirting in there! She had really uncorked my libido with her display of horny hand fueled antics. (No way that I could last any longer after what I just witnessed!)
What she had shown me was the final unleashing of my closet voyeurism. I was free at last! Keep tickling your whossis' dear ladies... hope you don't mind if I watch. Blame it on Darling Tina if you must. You DO turn me on when you are preoccupied with your own pleasuring!
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Vilmar cursed as the woman paused in the midst of tugging down her skirt. He saw the glaze leave her eyes, and knew that she'd broken his charm spell. He turned on his heel, rapidly tying the robe he wisely chosen to open rather than shed. She covered her breasts — the only thing he'd even seen this time — and let out a shrill scream that he thought was surely going to cause his ears to bleed. As he burst out the door of her home, he twisted a ring on his finger to shroud his body in...
Cupid’s Arrowscopyright 2016 Brianna LuidLori, a 56-year-old, portish, balding, closeted cross-dresser was chair dancing in front of her computer screen and webcam, joining the other dateless gurls in the chatroom on St. Valentine's Day Eve. A lot of gurls were drinking and had turned on their webcams, so the evening had become a sort-of “lonely hearts” impromptu party.She wore ballet slippers over black tights. Her pink and black mini-skirt was adorned with sparkly pink hearts and fringes. Her...
These are the tales of my little Arab buttercup. My Aisha, now Annie. Having brought her out of Africa, so to speak, we had settled into American life. Working in Silicon Valley was good work for me. And with my well paid job my buttercup could spend her days writing and learning to be a good American. She loved it here. She also loved me. More than anything in the world. I had rescued her from a life she had hated and never wanted to think of again. Now we had moved on in our relationship. I...
Cupid Boy By topaz172 The Exotix bar was busy tonight I noted as I scanned the occupants. The usual sundry mix of aliens, demons, inhumans and used-to-be humans propped up the bar. Most of the regulars were in; Balphagor leering demonically at some triple breasted cat-women, Morph demonstrating his party piece by taking on the appearance of a six foot tall erection; and of course Mark the carnivorous Yucca sat in his corner, still digesting the smoker who'd stubbed a...
Cupid's Mistake By Angela J. Saturday, February 9 Angelo Morgan Angelo Morgan could kick himself for falling for it. He should have known better than to trust his so called friends. They were all known for being pranksters. But when they discussed all the outrageous costumes that each would wear to the big local Marti Gras party, it seemed like so much fun. Unfortunately for Angelo, his fun stopped as soon as he realized that he was the only one, out of his friends, that was...
Sex with Cupid By LadyDelight Pleasure took over her, need possessed her ever cell as he plunged deeper in to her pussy, making her yell from the sensation of his hard cock against her soft cunt, she could even feel the vain as it throb for release. He pulled out then sled right back in as he held her up so they could ride one another nice and easy but still she couldnt help but think, how she got here with Cupid. . . (One hour earlier). You mother-fucker. Janie said as she tuck off down...
All had gone as planned. I had been able to secretly and discretely get my little buttercup out of her Northern Africa country. I had simply made very special plans with a French smuggler in the port. We knew who all the players were at the consulate. We kept track. We sometimes used them for missions that were not quite kosher, so to speak. I was good friends with the CIA operative in the consulate. His title was Secretary of something or other, but we all knew his mission here. And we had...
HardcoreHiccups by Susan Brown. Once upon a long time ago lived a young spotty boy. His home was deep, deep in the wood. He had had a short but very traumatic life, having seen his Grandma being eaten by a flea infested wolf. If this wasn't enough, he had been evicted from a lovely cottage, which had been overrun by porridge eating bears. To add to his misery, he had a bit of a complex about 3 little pigs, 7 dwarfs and a strange encounter with a giant who lived on top of a...
Author's note: This is set in the 'Exotix Bar' universe and features characters from the stories 'An American Were-Hypnotist in London', 'Supernatural Erotic Xenomorphs' and 'Cupid Boy'. Don't worry though it is a stand alone story. Special thanks to 'Putrescent Stench' for use of some characters. Cupid Boy 2: Cupid Boy and Tenticular Terror The Exotix Bar, (located in a small parasite dimension illegally attached to reality by questionable methods...) It's Monday morning, and...
My little Arab buttercup, Aisha, had been married to me for over a year now. I found work with a civilian contractor for the military. My technical and computer training in the army gave me the knowledge and experience they needed there in Silicon Valley. We were living about thirty minutes away from my job. Aisha preferred to be called Annie now. She was completely westernized in every way. She always spoke English, and had become fluent. She was so fluent that she had started writing in...
BDSMDeep within the dense northern forest, hidden away from the rest of the world, lays a small village. The people of this village were decent and hard working. Luckily, for their hard work, they enjoyed delicacies that most people would do anything to savor just once, the delicious pastries of Grandma Cupcake. Every day, she would cook her delicacies at her little house outside the village, and bring them over to the town’s center on her caravan. People would wait in line when...
Marvella James owns and operates a cupcake bakery/shop in Tampa called Cupcake Cravings. There, she makes cupcakes in several different flavors. Not only that, she also caters for parties and social gatherings too. She recently made cupcakes for a breast cancer awareness benefit last October, which was a success. As she started baking cupcakes at the shop, Marvella got a call from Mrs. Tiffany Gaston, president of the Tampa Junior League. Mrs. Gaston was planning a social gathering to benefit...
STUPID CUPID by Throne There was a whole flock of them, flitting around high above the city. They were cute little cherubs, their wings flapping as each one checked the bow he carried and the quiver of arrows slung over his bare shoulder. They had blond curls and wore modest diaper-like garments. All of them appeared about the same except for one. It was Kelvin, an inexperienced and rather confused Cupid, who was obviously confused and kept going around in circles. Several of the...
HumorTEACUP ROSES, GUITARS, A BUS PASS AND A MISTAKEN IDENTITY (A Danny Fairchild Story) by Bobbie Cabot This little interlude is set somewhere in the middle of the events of Chapter 8 of my still-unfinished story, "Danny." This does not materially contribute to that story, but is more like "a day in the life" type of story of the main character, Danny. This story can stand on its own somewhat, but it would be good to read Danny, unfinished though it is, to get a background on the story...
Andy Wiliams: A 18 year old soccer player with shaggy dirty dark blonde hair He has crystal blue colored eyes. Andy also has a pretty boy face. His body is completely smooth except for very light amounts of hair on his legs and arms . He also has a nicely trimed area of pubes that match his naturally dark blonde hair color. To couple this he has a 2 2/3 inches wide penis with a length of 6 1/2 inches soft. When fully hard his penis is 3 inches wide and 8 in length. He has a NICELY DEFINED...
I was sick of the jokes, and had been for my whole life. When your name is Larry Cupid, every February pretty much anybody I met thought it would be clever to make a joke, as if I hadn’t heard every one. And to make it worse, I’m a salesman, so I’m constantly introducing myself to new people every day. ‘Gonna find me someone to love this year?’ ‘Where’s your bow and arrow?’ ‘Are your wings stuffed under that sweater? Very fucking funny. I couldn’t wait for Valentine’s Day to be over,...
It was after midnight and the weather was hot and sticky this close to the sea. I was moving through the dark alleys of a city in the north of Africa. A very Arab country, and I was an American soldier attached to the local consulate. I should not have been out like this, alone and unprotected. But I had a mission to complete. One that was personal. No one could know I was here, especially my superiors. I had seen her several weeks before in the local bazaar. She wasn't alone, of course, but I...
First TimeAll had gone as planned. I had been able to secretly and discretely get my little buttercup out of her Northern Africa country. I had simply made very special plans with a French smuggler in the port. We knew who all the players were at the consulate. We kept track. We sometimes used them for missions that were not quite kosher, so to speak. I was good friends with the CIA operative in the consulate. His title was Secretary of something or other, but we all knew his mission here. And we had...
My little Arab buttercup, Aisha, had been married to me for over a year now. I found work with a civilian contractor for the military. My technical and computer training in the army gave me the knowledge and experience they needed there in Silicon Valley. We were living about thirty minutes away from my job. Aisha preferred to be called Annie now. She was completely westernized in every way. She always spoke English, and had become fluent. She was so fluent that she had started writing in...
Thanks to my Editors, especially Dowyd, Dragonsweb and Sue, and other assorted Advance Readers! It was another miserable Saturday night all alone for Marcie and Rachael. They had gone out to a few clubs the night before in their ever-hopeful quest to find a nice man or two, but like nearly all of their recent attempts to find love and or companionship it had come to naught ... as usual. Alone and depressed, the two young ladies decided to stay in tonight and watch movies and chow down on...
by Fidget "Amy!" the barista called out. Amy walked over, grabbed her decaf latte, sat down at a table that would give her a nice view of the entire shop, and pulled out her laptop. She opened the program that her brother had sent her for her birthday last week, eager to see if it was all that he claimed it was. "Master PC" briefly flashed across the screen, and was then replaced with a text box. “Welcome to the Master Command Center... where the Master allows you to become a virtual god...
My friend Zac and I were hanging out on the redwood patio of a Northern California coffeeshop. Everywhere, I could see the excited green of the ferns through the diamonds of the lattice. We were just sipping this groovy French Press and shooting the wind. ‘One day, a long time ago, but easily confused with today or tomorrow, I lost a girl in a coffee shop,’ I said. ‘Who cares, man?’ said my friend Zac, ‘You get so many hot bitches.’ ‘Yeah, but she wasn’t a bitch.’ ‘A bitch is a bitch,’...
"Amy!" the barista called out.Amy walked over, grabbed her decaf latte, sat down at a table that would give her a nice view of the entire shop, and pulled out her laptop. She opened the program that her brother had sent her for her birthday last week, eager to see if it was all that he claimed it was. "Master PC" briefly flashed across the screen, and was then replaced with a text box. “Welcome to the Master Command Center... where the Master allows you to become a virtual god to the people...
Mind ControlWhen I finally opened my eyes, the sunlight was streaming through the window. I was still naked under the covers on the bed that Ashok uncle had fucked me. I lay there for a few minutes and took stock of all the sensations. I felt the soft sheets felt delicious on my bare skin felt. My lips felt throbbing and swollen. My throat felt dry and sore, and my ass felt stretched and mildly painful. I wasn’t sure what to feel as memories of the previous evening came flooding back. He had fucked me. He...
Narrated by Amit Hi friends, main Amit, pichle din Shradha ke yaha se laotne ke baad kafi thaka hua tha. Swati se bhi kuch zyada baat nahi ho payi raat ko. Neend bhi aa rahi thi. Swati bhi achanak se sone ke bahane message mein baat karna band kardi. To main bhi jaldi hi so gaya. Agle din taro taza hokar subah uthte hi apne khade lund ko sahlate hue madmast iraade banane laga. Aaj kya kya karunga Shradha ke sath aur shayad Payal bhi ho. Mann mein sex ke kai laddu phoot rahe the. Time dekha to 8...
Cupid's Correction "Oh, fu...." Cupid grumbled as his alarm clock buzzed far too early for his liking. "Why do all the new couples have to meet so early in the bloody morning?" He flopped out of bed, donned his wings and shuffled into his kitchen. His first appointment was in 3 minutes, which was plenty of time for a guy who could transport himself anywhere instantly. He opened his fridge and took out the last bottle of wine. "Shiiiit." Cupid's head was pounding from the...
Disclaimer: This story was written by a Brazilian. So English is not my native language (quite far from that). Still I am writing my ideas on paper. Reviews are welcome; just try not to be hard on the grammar. You may copy or quote, just credit me. What a Coffee... By Brazilian Amazon Chapter 1 - Just another visit to the mall It was like just another trip to the mall. I really liked to the mall, unlike my friend Harry who was always with me during these small trips. The...
There is usually nothing more enticing for Zach than to see his sister standing at the corner in a night shirt that does almost nothing to hide her assets. That is until he sees her this morning. Every morning since they moved in together Margo has become a different person. Never would she go around wearing a barely fitting night shirt back home at their parent’s house. Of course Zach isn’t complaining. He has always had a thing for his sister. They moved in together to share the expenses of...
Hello there. This is my first attempt to write here. I want to tell a story about when I started to add my cum to my girlfriend's coffee. It all started out innocently. I usually wake up before dawn. It is just an old habit that I cannot shake. As it is, one Sunday morning a was awake early and bored reading the news. My girlfriend was asleep in the bedroom. I could hear her breathing. She liked sleeping late, especially Sundays.As I was horny, I decided to watch some porn and maybe jerk off....
We were in Europe over the summer and spent some time in Amsterdam. The day of our return flight, we stopped at a coffee shop in the morning, since we weren't scheduled to leave for the airport until 10pm. As we sat down at our table, a man in his late 40's, early 50's, salt and pepper hair, no facial hair, and about 5'7; introduced himself and asked if he could join. We accepted and began conversing, during this time, we both felt that his energy showed a real interest in us as a couple. We...
Emily walked into the store, nervous to the core. She was in her mid-forties, married for eighteen years and just now going into an adult store for the very first time. She didn’t feel she had any choice in the matter, however. Emily’s husband wanted to experiment with female domination. Billy confessed this to her last week and asked that she try ordering him about. She had, but didn’t care for it. Emily considered the idea perverted and told him so. Billy dropped the idea. Then she...
“Good morning sleepy head”,You say with a coffee in hand. I smile my approval because waking up to the soft tone of your voice and the sweet smell of coffee makes for a perfect start to the day.You climb in beside me and the warmth from beneath the covers hits you like hot air from an open oven door and invites you in.I murmur sounds of contentment as I feel your skin on mine and I’m more comfortable now than I was a few moments ago when I had the bed to myself.Your eyes are soft like your...
Love StoriesSitting down at a coffee enjoying the rich smooth taste of my coffee after the first sip, this guy start’s to wave’s at me?Alright might be to the people behind me or to his girlfriend if he has one, (he is sexy cute) any ways he doesn’t stop waving. Like what is wrong with this dude. My friend join’s me a while later and as we get talking she sees him waving as well. And waves back, I very politely tell her “what the hell are you doing?” Her simple reply was something I did not expect but...
On 16 November, 2017, after several days of travel from Zagreb, Croatia, my boyfriend and I arrived at a small town along the Oregon coast. Now, almost two weeks later, we're leaving for our walk up to Canada. This Oregon town is okay but what I'll remember most about it is how I flashed myself so I could get free coffee.The boyfriend and me have been staying at this little mom & pop motel in the center of town. I'm an early riser and the first thing I need in the morning after doing my...
Welcome to one rather unconventional site… called db Naked. At first glance, I really thought this was an ad, then I thought maybe this is just a site filled with lots of galleries. But after a bit of browsing, I came to the conclusion that this place is actually a generic porn site that just looks a bit different than what most of us are used to.The content here is pretty random, and I am pretty sure that like 90% of it is professional pornography, so if you were looking for amateur shit, this...
Pornstar DatabasesI Post Naked! Welcome to a wonderful place filled with horny amateurs who are not afraid to show what they love to do in their free time. I think I can safely say that everyone can kind of guess what has to offer… you literally have it in the title. This is an amateur site offering naughty content (duh!), and if you love amateurs, you might find something that will make your boner happy here.But, there will always be pros and cons to every site, since no place is 100% perfect,...
Amateur Porn SitesReddit FitNakedGirls, aka r/FitNakedGirls! What’s your perfect woman? We all have a type, but at the same time, there is a type that everyone can agree is super addictive, such as fit babes. I mean, what is there not to appreciate with girls who are fit and hot? Well, unless you are into something highly specific such as fatties or whatever, I think that you will surely enjoy this subreddit; called r/FitNakedGirls/.Don’t you just love when the name of the subreddit basically explains all that...
Reddit NSFW ListFit Naked Girls! When I first saw the link for this next site, I thought somebody had made a new amateur gallery starring the local Tinder girls. Then I shook the clouds out of my head and realized it wasn’t called Fat Naked Girls. This is Fit Naked Girls! I guess I can put away the pizza and Budweiser I was going to use as bait.You’ve probably already figured out what is all about. I appreciate a simple, straightforward site name almost as much as the 5,000 daily viewers...
Fetish Porn SitesTikTok has been taking the world by storm. It’s, therefore, no surprise that there are a bunch of girls on the platform trying to get famous by showing off their nude bodies. Well, TikTok is very vague about its rules - it can only be compared to the Wild West right now when it comes to its content. People are posting anything and everything to the damn platform, and you can catch a glimpse of TikTok thots a fair bit when you’re on there. However, to make your life easier, so you don’t have to...
Reddit NSFW ListNaked Tik Tok 18 has the kind of on-the-nose title that I really appreciate as a professional masturbator. Even before I clicked on the link, I had a pretty good idea of what I was in for; there would be nudity and probably a lot of those fresh-faced legal teens whose ages match up to the digits in the site name. To be honest, the title combines TikTok with my favorite things about the platform, and I could see the same formula being applied effectively to other websites. Let me know if...
TikTok Porn SitesI'd managed to snag a pretty good life. Even with a college degree, all I really wanted to do was paint my crazy paintings. Which of course paid nothing. But then I'd stumbled into this situation where I was making really good money. Despite the digital age. I could rip out the cover for a bodice-ripper in just days. There was that selection of recent gay literature that went platinum? I'd like to think it was my painting of a centaur horse-handling one of those hairy goat boys that punched...
Cold didn't even begin to describe it. The snow, swirling in thick, ill-tempered flurries seemed determined to lodge itself in whatever chinks it could find in Emma's carefully chosen winter armour. Her lower legs, the small gap above the collar of her overcoat, the nape of her neck where the scarf rode up to reveal skin already peppered with white flecks. She was thankful for the thick, imitation fur hat she was wearing - at least most of her hair was staying dry! The cold cut through even...
It was nearly six before Lauren got herself together to go to the grocery store on a hectic Thursday. Her monthly check was firmly deposited into her bank and she was going to enjoy getting a few groceries, laundry tackled, and maybe a little left over for some fun. Working full time definitely has its perks. Though much of her check was stripped for important things such as retirement and health insurance, Lauren had a considerable sum that would allow for such little frivolities she had...
Here's some more of my personal fantasies. Here’s my blog xxSSB. -------------------------- It had been an agonisingly long day. My high heels were cutting into my feet as I stepped out of the taxi. My husband was waiting at home. Even though it was barely 7pm I knew he’d be snoring on the couch. Waiting for me to step through the door. His beer cans would be on the floor around him, his balding head would be lolled to the side, waiting...
Introduction: A beautiful womans nameless encounter with a barista Hi there, Heres some more of my personal fantasies. Heres my blog xxSSB. ————————– It had been an agonisingly long day. My high heels were cutting into my feet as I stepped out of the taxi. My husband was waiting at home. Even though it was barely 7pm I knew hed be snoring on the couch. Waiting for me to step through the door. His beer cans would be on the floor around him, his...
Normal k**s go to college but I went to culinary school and thank god for that cause the women there were sexy but there was one girl in particular that always grabbed my eyes. She was in a baking class I was in too. I never knew her name but I referred her to my little cupcake. She had a tight fit body with a sexy face. I could not sleep sometimes because she was in my head. We used to break into group and I would pray that she would be in mine. Looks like my prayers were answered because she...
Lily McAllister hummed “Phantom of the Opera” as she zigzagged her way to the front of her bakery to begin her afternoon chores. It was Sunday, the only day she worked her bakery by herself. She loved the quiet solace that these Sunday afternoons brought her. Over a year earlier, she had moved here to hide and lick her wounds after a nasty divorce. She remembered those dark days when she didn’t even have the energy to get out of bed, recalling the fresh dose of evil that her ex had heaped upon...
Straight SexOne morning recently I was up before my hubby Jason who had pulled an all-nighter editing a hot new video we had just shot the night before. I was still feeling a little frisky from that shoot even though I’d been used every which way by a strong well hung military man (my contribution to the war effort). While hubby slept in I intended to make some coffee and perhaps sext with a hot BBC I’d met on Yahoo. But my morning plan was foiled by an empty coffee can. No caffeine buzz makes me a very...
I rolled my eyes in exasperation. ‘You do realize that I’ve asked you for coffee creamer twice now, right?’ The young waitress paused for a moment. Then her eyes went wide. ‘Oh, my gawd, I am so sorry, ma’am. I’ll get it for you right now!’ She was barely out of high school and looked harried, but my patience was at an end. ‘Don’t bother. Just send the manager.’ The waitress was nearly my age, and apparently thought that might make it possible for her to play me. ‘Oh! Look…you don’t have to...
It had been 12 years almost to the day since they had last laid eyes upon each other. Fleeting memories of intimate times fluttered through her mind causing her nipples to ache for his touch. Goosebumps covered the flesh down her arms and her chest. Here she was, staring at a message from a man from her past whom she loved deeply and let go by mistake. The message read, ‘Coffee Sometime?’ How, after 12 years does a simple question still excite her as their first meet had. Both happily married...
The gate opened slowly with the weight of my shoulder as I tried to balance the heavy box of lemons, my hot cup of coffee, and the neighbor’s newspapers. My neighbor, Harry was due back from his regular Fly-In Fly-Out shift roster and would arrive home sometime after 1800 hours that night. His partner Jackie had been away visiting family for the past week and had planned to arrive back home around the same time as Harry. I would often bring down a bag of fruit and the newspaper or magazines to...
SeductionMax had only been up at the shopping complex for a short time, he wasn’t in the best of moods for the organization he belonged to had been losing members and he had been given the task of trying to boost membership. It was strange that membership was proving difficult for with all the publicity in keeping fit one would have thought that a cycling group would haven’t had difficulty, but then as he observed the passing public it was very noticeable that his age was very unfit and very fat. He...
The Sorcerer's Cup: The Beginning By Bashful Sometime in the First Millennium... The Sorcerer moved slowly across the cold stone floor, his joints stiff and aching. He was glad the silversmith had finished the cup early, he felt that his time was growing to an end very soon. The Sorcerer wasn't ready to go yet, that was why he had ordered the fashioning of the cup setting on the table before him. His body was so old that even his own power and spells could not rejuvenate it...
“Think I’ve about had enough of him, he’s so thick!” “Aww, Cathy, he’s cute though,” I commented. “Cuteness isn’t enough, I want more, something like a real conversation would be a good start.” “Seems like he’s interested you for months now.” “Has his good points I must admit, he is fun in bed.” I grinned, “Well, can’t have everything Cathy.” “Maybe not, but this isn’t growing into the relationship I wanted. All he wants to do is have sex and then watch sport.” “Well he...