A Fresh StartChapter 14: Junior Year free porn video

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September 1971

In the Seventies, it was a lot simpler getting a driver’s license as a teen than it is nowadays. You could get your learner’s permit when you were still fifteen, and then get your license when you were sixteen, as long as you had taken Driver’s Ed classes and passed the tests at DMV. Now you get different grades of license, all depending on how old you are, but back then, if you had a license, you could drive. I was going to be sixteen in another couple of months, and I wanted my license.

On the first trip through, Hamilton and I weren’t even allowed to get our learner’s permits until we were seventeen. By the time we went through driver’s ed and took the tests, it was the spring of our senior years before we got our licenses, and we weren’t allowed our own cars. Well, fair is fair, neither of us had any money to buy a car. We could only drive Mom’s old 67 Dodge Dart, and we ran that sucker into the ground!

I raised the subject at dinner after school started in September. “Dad, what does your company do with the company cars when you turn them in?” Dad had driven a company car for years, mostly station wagons, but had now started to drive sedans. He always had some work gloves and steel toe boots and a hard hat in the back, for going to quarries and job sites.

He shrugged. “They sell them. Harry T. Campbell’s doesn’t actually own the cars. They’re owned by a leasing company. Why?”

“What’s a leasing company?” asked Hamilton.

I didn’t look at him and we all just ignored him. “How’s that work? After so many years you give it to them, and they give you a new one?”

“What’s a leasing company?” pressed my brother. He hated being left out of a conversation. If it wasn’t about him, nobody else should talk.

I looked over at him. “I’m talking to Dad, not you.” and then turned back to Dad.

Dad was on the verge of answering when Ham started complaining. Mom cuffed him on the back of the head and told him to be quiet, which he did grudgingly. Dad waited for this little Hamilton drama to finish before answering. “Pretty much. They’re typically three-year leases, so every three years I give them back my car and they give me a list of three or four new cars I can get, and I pick one. Why?”

I didn’t answer directly. “What do they do with the old cars?”

“Sell them. Why?” he continued.

“Give me a moment. Can anyone buy one?”

He looked at me very curiously. “I suppose. I know they offer them to the employees first, but then I suppose they auction them off. Where are you going with this?”

“Is it only when you turn them in, or can you buy one at other times?”

He crossed his arms and stared at me. It was obvious he had figured out what I was up to. “It’s a big leasing company. Every month they send out a list of cars and prices. Tell me why you’re asking.”

“I’m going to need to buy a car, and I figured a corporate model might be better than going to Honest Abe’s Used Car Emporium out in Timonium.”

As expected, the room erupted in nonsense. Mom said I wasn’t old enough to drive, and besides, I didn’t have a license or money. Hamilton protested I wasn’t allowed to - I guess it was in the rules somewhere. Suzie thought it was a great idea. Nana didn’t understand. Dad just sat there staring at me.

This was not at all a crazy idea. Way back when, Hamilton and I had driven that poor Dodge Dart to death, and it finally gave up the ghost in 1976. When that happened and Mom needed another car, Dad bought one from the leasing company. It was located in Youngstown, Ohio, so he loaded me on a shuttle to Pittsburgh and then on to Youngstown and had me drive it home. Why couldn’t we do the same thing now?

Dad silenced the room and then said, “Everybody be quiet and give him a chance to talk.”

“I will not! This is ridiculous and I won’t stand for it!” replied Mom.

Dad gave her an aggrieved look and said, “Shirley, let the boy talk. You’ll get a chance later.” Mom huffed but crossed her own arms and waited in a bad mood. Dad looked back at me and motioned for me to continue.

I took a deep breath. “Okay. First, I am going to need a car by January. I will be starting to take college courses over at Towson State then. I will need to get back and forth between Towson High and Towson State. There is no bus service. I could take a bus from Towson State to here, but it would take at least one transfer and then it dumps me up on York Road. Unless of course one of you wants to leave work and drive me back and forth.”

Dad lifted an eyebrow at that but didn’t stop me. “There’s no reason I can’t buy a car. I will pay for the car, gas, and insurance. It won’t cost you anything.” I glanced over at Mom and her face was getting red. “Finally, as long as you sign off on it, I can take driver’s ed now, before I turn 16, and then can take the tests in November. If we time it right, I can get it all done that first week in November.”

“Shirley?” Dad said, inviting her response.

“No. We’re not buying you a car. That’s the end of it.”

“Mother, you wouldn’t be buying me anything. I already have the money to pay for a car. It’s like I said, I’ll buy the car and pay for gas and insurance.”

“Where did you get money to buy a car? Answer me that!” she demanded.

“From the lawsuit three years ago, remember?”

“That’s for college. You can’t have that.”

Mom was really pissing me off, because even after three years, she still thought of that money as her own. It was a damn good thing I had Dad’s name on the account with me instead of hers. “Mom, I have already tripled the money I kept in the brokerage account. I can afford just about anything this side of Harvard already. In two years, I’ll be able to afford that.” Even including room and board, you could go to Harvard for about ten grand a year in the early Seventies. This was before tuition increases began to rival the increases in health care costs. “Would you like me to write a check, or do you prefer cash?”

“You tripled it?” interjected Dad incredulously.

I turned to face him. “Large cap stocks such as ITT and LTV are changing growth modes from stock acquisitions to cash, increasing market volatility. Volatility is opportunity.” My Advanced Finance professor at Fairleigh Dickinson had taken us through the conglomerate formations and breakups in the Sixties and Seventies, and as I worked at ITT at the time, I had followed it keenly.

Dad shook his head in amazement. “What about driver’s ed?”

“I can go to a night school in Towson. They advertise in the Yellow Pages. I need ten hours instruction and another ten hours of practice, and then I take the written test at DMV and the driving test. We do that the week I turn sixteen. I’ll pay for the classes and the cost at the DMV.”

“Darn right you will,” he replied.

“Charlie! This is ridiculous! We’re not letting him have a car! The next thing you know, Hamilton will be demanding a car, too!” Mom said. Hamilton perked up at this, an eager look to his face.

“Yeah, well when Hamilton can pay for his own car, we’ll talk about that. Besides, he’s only thirteen.” Hamilton’s shoulders slumped at this, and he looked daggers at me. Like I cared. “Besides, you know he’ll need a car at Towson State. I can’t drive him back and forth and neither can you. Be realistic!”


Dad rubbed his face and excused the rest of us. Suzie helped Nana up to her room. Nana was in the early stages of senility and needed a fair bit of help. Nobody had invented Alzheimer’s yet, so we were all ignorant and called it dementia or senility or natural causes or old age. Within a year, Nana would be in an old folk’s home. Hamilton and I went downstairs, although I stayed in the family room, so I didn’t have to put up with his horseshit. He was already fuming about how I was getting a car and he wasn’t. Jesus Christ, he couldn’t even see over the steering wheel yet!

Mom and Dad argued over this for the rest of the night. Mom’s biggest problem was that this didn’t fit her neat and tidy plans for the lives of her children. She was very proud that I was going to college, but otherwise I was still a little boy. She couldn’t have it both ways but wouldn’t accept that. This was just like my quitting band, taking aikido, or taking home economics. You did what the school and society told you to do and nothing more and nothing less.

On the other hand, the logic was relentless. I needed to be able to drive if I was going to go to Towson State, and I needed my own car. I wouldn’t be able to get away with driving her to work and using her car, when I might have morning classes that would mess this up. By the end of the week, Dad brought home a list of cars available from the leasing company. “This is this month’s list. It changes every month, so we’ll have a new list in October. Sometimes the list is good and sometimes it isn’t.”

“What do I do if I see one I want?”

“You make a bid. It has to be at least as much as the figure on the list. If somebody else beats you, you can try for a different car. This just gives you a figure on how much they will run.”

“Do I do this now, or do I wait until I get my license?” I asked.

“Probably be easier to wait. You won’t have to horse around getting it in my name first and then yours. That would be the November list.”

I nodded. “Then that’s what we’ll do. I’ll do the driver’s ed and tests with Mom’s car, and then buy this as soon as I pass.”

He smiled. “You sound awfully sure of yourself.”

I grinned. “If Pop-Pop could get a license, so can I.” Mom’s father had been a notoriously poor driver.

He rolled his eyes. “I think he started driving before they even had licenses. You’d better just hope you drive better than he did.”

“Maybe he learned driving a horse.”

Dad laughed. “That was my side of the family, not his!”

Maryland had DMV offices that were open on Saturday mornings, so we went over that weekend and picked up the paperwork and applied for my permit. I also went into town and registered with a driver’s ed school. Classes would be twice a week, an hour a night, for five weeks. I also signed up for the live training, where a driving instructor would come out to the house after school, and I would get behind the wheel of his car.

This part actually wasn’t a requirement; you simply had to state you had ten hours behind the wheel. Dad washed his hands of it though. I couldn’t blame him. When Parker went for his permit, I did the first tour of duty in the car and was scared half to death, even though we were barely breaking 20 on deserted country roads. I crawled out of the car white faced and white knuckled, and Marilyn took over all further driving lessons. It got worse - Parker was the serious child, Maggie was the wild and crazy one! I never even attempted teaching her to drive!

Classes started next week. The curriculum was broken into ten one-hour chunks, each on something different, so as long as you hit each of the lessons once, you got your certificate.

The driving itself was amusing. It had been, effectively, about five years since I had driven myself, but it’s just like riding a bike or sex, once you learn, you never forget how. The biggest problem I had was remembering that in 1971 ‘right on red’, the ability to turn right at a red light if the traffic was clear, wasn’t legal yet. It would come about later in the decade, although they were already starting to debate it in the state assembly. Ultimately it would be passed, and then delayed six months while they implemented it. The joke at the time was that the delay was so they could paint enough ‘No Right On Red’ signs.

After the first fifteen minutes of driving, the instructor looked over at me and asked, “Just how much bootleg time do you already have?”

I tried to look innocent and said, “Sir?”

He snorted and pointed me out of the suburbs and onto Dulaney Valley Road. We spent the rest of the hour driving up and around Loch Raven and around some of the busier streets. It felt very good to be back behind the wheel.

The next two months moved along much too slow for my taste. I wanted to get the car under my belt before tackling my next big project, college. This semester I was taking high school physics at an accelerated pace, so I could finish it by the end of the semester. My plan was to take a semester of calculus and a semester of physics in the spring over at Towson State. Then, next year, I would somehow cram in freshman chemistry, another semester or two of physics, and at least another couple of semesters of calculus over at Towson State, and maybe an English or humanities elective as well.

Most colleges require about 120 credits to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. This splits up to about 30 credits a year, or 15 credits a semester. That works out to 4-5 classes each semester, depending on whether they are 3 or 4 credit classes. If I loaded up now, I could conceivably earn 35-40 credits from college and graduate from high school with Towson High footing the college bill. If I were able to overload in college, I could graduate in two years or less.

Or, and this was my plan, stick it out for four full years, overloading all the way, and graduate in four years with a doctorate. This was one of my biggest mistakes back in the day. I had been a chemist and at the end of the four years I knew I wasn’t going to go to grad school for chemistry. I got an MBA instead. Great for business, but only a master’s degree. If I ever wanted to teach at the university level, I would need a PhD; the master’s only allowed me to teach at a community college level (which I had done.) I wanted to get my doctorate in either math or computers, and I figured I should be able to do it easily, if not in another four years at my final destination, then in five.

Both Mom and Hamilton were still sulking about my driving. Mom wasn’t happy that I was upsetting her carefully made plans for me to be Dad Junior, but Dad just shook his head and rolled his eyes and kept her under control. Hamilton was simply pissed that I was doing something he wasn’t allowed to do, like drive a car at thirteen. He decided to retaliate by putting epoxy on the locks on my footlocker and my steel cabinet. I showed them to Dad. Ham denied everything, but never bothered to dump his garbage can with the epoxy kit in it. He really got his ass whipped that night! I went out and bought another couple of locks and used a bolt cutter to take off the old locks. As a master criminal he left much to be desired. What an asshole!

It was all anticlimactic when my birthday rolled around. November 5 was a Friday, so I cut class and Dad skipped work and we went out to the DMV office in Westminster. This was a much smaller and quieter office than the main branch down in Glen Burnie. I aced the written test and then drove around the block and aced the driving test. I mean I drove around the block - that was the driving test!

This was pretty much the way it went previously. The funny part was when Hamilton did this two years later, he flunked the driving test and had to repeat it a month later. When he passed it, he thought his shit didn’t stink and basically told everyone at dinner that night. I almost died laughing when Dad told him, ‘Of course you passed! The examiner was your second cousin!”

By then, the November list of cars came out, and I got lucky. That month a lot of 1968 Ford Galaxie 500s came off lease and were available. If I didn’t get the first one I picked, there were a whole slew of them available. The Galaxie was Ford’s full-size sedan, designed to compete with the Chevy Impala. These were all business class models, four door sedans with a decent size V8 and a back seat big enough to put a bed inside. This was the type of car we bought when the Dodge Dart died. It drove like a tank, guzzled gas like you owned an oil well, and had a soft and comfy ride. You’ve got to love that big Detroit iron! They just don’t make them like that anymore! I put in a bid of $2,250 and within a week had one reserved in my name. I wrote Dad a series of checks to cover the car, the insurance, and the title fees.

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Connie The Junior Maid

CONNIE THE JUNIOR MAID by Monica Graz PART 1 - Connie becomes a maid My name is Connie and I'm a 23 years old gender fluid male. I work by choice as a full-time live-in housemaid for almost a year now. But let me tell you my rather unusual story and how it all started. I was born as Michael (Mike) Allen the only child to a well-off family and I grew up as a privileged boy going to the best private schools and eventually to a prestigious university where I was studying...

2 years ago
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Reverse Ragging A Story Of Junior Girls Ragging Seniors Part 8211 1

This is a purely fictional Femdom story consists of humiliation, femdom, torture, etc. If anyone of you are not interested in it can surely move on. There is a well-known internationally renowned college in Southern Part of India. Some juniors in the college protested about their voice not being heard by the Student Council or the Management. A meeting was called and it was decided that a temporary Student Council would be set with First years as in-charge for a month and would have the...

5 years ago
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Sexy College Girl Dominates Junior Guy In Bed 8211 Part 1

Hello to all horny guys and girls of this lovely site. I am Simraan, a young Bengali girl living in Delhi who is enjoying life to the full, before getting married one day. I love dominating guys in the bed and due to that, you could call me a BDSM-lover. I have a lot of such erotic experiences in my life which I will be telling you in my stories. I have achieved various things in life which I can openly speak of. But what I love to speak out but I don’t do it in public, are my bondage ventures....

2 years ago
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Sexting With My Mallu Junior Anita In Chennai

Hi all, I have been a reader of ISS for quite some time and I thought I’ll also share my stories with you people. To start with, my name is Mathew and am 28 years old from Kerala. I am going to share with you the incident that happened between me and my junior Anita when I was doing my degree in Chennai. So this happened back in 2010 when I was doing my degree 2nd year in Chennai. I used to stay in a flat with my classmate Madan, who was from Chennai. One day he showed me a pic of one of our...

4 years ago
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Dad Fucks My Hot Mallu College Junior 8211 Part 1

I am a guy studying in a private medical college in south India. My dad is a good looking man who is 50 years old. He is a bank employee. I studied hard and got into a medical college in the nearby city. After a couple of years, there came this junior girl called Amaya who was extremely hot. We seniors saw her the first time when freshers joined the college and we were awestruck by her beauty. She had the perfect body with wonderfully-sized boobs, long black hair and beautiful lips which could...

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Apne Junior Ki Seel Tori

Mera naam surya prtap hai. Mai jaipur rajasthan ka rahne wala hu mai ek electronics engineer hu or meri personality ko dekh kar koi v larki apni chut me ungali daal le,mera hight 6″ hai kaale baal bhure aankh or fair skin. Ab mai story pe aata hu ye meri phali story hai jab mai 3rd year me padhta tha mai apne clg ka kafi active banda tha or yahi karan tha ki mera apne seniors or juniors se kafi laggb tha or log mujhe kafi pasand karte the mai kafi open minded larka hu or mai kuch v bol deta tha...

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The Sophomore and Junior Years

When I had graduated from high-school and was preparing to go to college my mother said it would be great if I roomed with the son of one of her friends. The university we both had chosen allowed for students to request roommates they knew.My mother and Jason’s mother had met several years ago at the hairdressers and had become good friends. I therefore knew Jason but we had never developed a friendship, because we had nothing in common.For example, he collected stamps, which I thought was...

College Sex
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Our Stories Junior Prom

A week after our trip to South Carolina, Sheri and I made love for the first time. I think we’d both love to say it was fantastic, but it was what you’d expect for two seventeen year olds. It was awkward, kind of rushed, and ended way too quickly. We were in my bedroom in my parents' house and they were sleeping about fifty feet from where we were. Even though it wasn’t as great as we’d wanted it to be, we both couldn’t wait to try again. The junior prom was mere weeks away and we both knew...

Wife Lovers
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My Junior Year High School US History Teacher part 1

The school year was winding down and summer was just around the corner. The last few remaining days in school seemed to last forever. I couldn't wait for the pool parties, bonfires, late nights with nothing to do or nowhere to be, and the backyard grilling to be here already. I didn't have any sort of fun whatsoever this school year. It was all business aside from two minor events. I mean I had turned 18 in February so I was older than most of the students in my grade. I started school a year...

Oral Sex
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Vaidehi My Lusty Junior

The story takes place 1.5 years after my post graduation completion from my college at Ahmedabad. This girl named Vaidehi (name changed) was my junior at my MBA College. About her, she is 5’2” slim, 32-24-30, bold features, medium but shapely breasts and curves that any guy would die for. Many guys were after her including her classmates and my friends as well. I was not in much contact with her but had befriended her on social media. During college, I was not much attracted to her as I had a...

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My Junior Colleague Priya

Hello guys and this is gunjan again with a new story! I am expecting a lot of replies from girls/aunties especially the one from Delhi and I have said earlier that I am gunjan, 25 years old just like million other engineers in delhi I also work in a MNC here.I have a dick of 6.5" long and any aunty/gals can give me their reviews at [email protected] and xhamster id http://xhamster.com/user/bigtoolboyI am really looking forward to make new female friends of any age and that's the reason I am...

3 years ago
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Deflowering My Sexy Mallu Junior

Hi readers, I am Yesboy. I am a student doing my bachelors degree in Bangalore. I am 21 years old, 6 feet tall and heavily built guy. Well, I have never measured my dick size but I have heard from my junior that it’s big. I am an ISS reader since the past 4 years. After all these years of reading, I finally decided to break the ice by posting my story. This is my first post here. Kindly let me know by giving your precious feedback. To start with my story, this took place in February of this...

4 years ago
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Part 12 8211 Seduction Of Junior

Having had sexual intercourse with a classmate and a forced one with a senior, I turned my focus on a junior. There were many, but like a lion stalks the weakest deer, I chose to seduce Neelam. I had befriended her while in college and I had by then graduated. Neelam was an extremely beautiful woman. She was my junior in college. A divorcee with no issues, she had joined the institute for furthering her career. She was paranoid about the Director victimising her and I sought to comfort her and...

3 years ago
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Innocent Junior Turned Out To Be A Sex Goddess

Life was good ! Specially the sex !! She was open to all my fantasies.Making out in the public garden at two o clock in the night, on the staircase of a deserted building were my latest favorites. I was leaving for work when she called me from the bedroom. I walked back to her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing the white night dress that ended a little above her knees. She usually doesn’t like to wear anything underneath. The thin cloth of dress was tightly hugging all her...

2 years ago
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Junior Peeks Out of My shorts

Junior Peeks Out of My ShortsI love being naked outdoors and i also like shocking people. I live in the country so running around nude is easy. What is really fun is going to town in my very short loose shorts commando style. One day I was in my shorts running errands. I went to the carwash to get my truck cleaned. I was sitting in the waiting area by myself reading the newspaper when a nice looking milf with two older teenage daughters came in and sit down across from me. I pretended not to...

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Fun With My College Junior

Hello everyone!! Thanks for your feedback this is Vicky again with one more experience to share with you all. I’m 26 male from Chennai. Please give your feedback on . Any girls/ aunties interested in around chennai/bangalore/coimbatore contact me for discrete fun. This sex story happened when I was fresh out of college, hunting for jobs sitting ideal at home surfing internet and simply had nothing to do and at that time fb was booming. So I was spending my useless time over fb and suddenly...

2 years ago
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Sex With Junior Gave Me Heavenly Happiness

Hi all! This is chakri again. I’m here with my own experience. I’m really thankful to all the people who read my story and expecting their feedbacks to me by reading my posts. Indian sex stories is a great platform to share my experiences.Myself is Shankar from telangana age 24, with average body, lives in Nalgonda I’m here to give the utmost pleasure to sexually urged or unsatisfied ladies with the secrecy and privacy to my best. Please send your comments to me at Now let me describe the...

3 years ago
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Tricky Seduction Of Junior Escapades

HI, I am Mani, Back with another real story of ISS Regular Reader, For the people who don’t know me, just go for my previous stories.. I am Mani staying in Madhapur, Hyderabad. Girls/Ladies can contact me anytime.. Readerscan submit ur stories if u cannot post here directly. mail me at Coming to story.. This story is submitted by our ISS Reader.. she cannot submit directly so she asked me. u can give feedback below or can mail me.. His name is Sanjay Ray, aged now some 34+, doing garment...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Virgin Junior

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with to share another experience and thank you for all your response for my last story and for those who don’t me I am Varun 23 years guy from Chennai with an average body 6 feet tall and with an a 6 inch tool. Anyone from Chennai or Bangalore can contact me through sex angel is Anita who is a virgin. Now coming to story I was studying my 2nd year MBA and Anita joined as my junior in the college at first we don’t talk with each other and after we had...

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The Kick Part 3 As a Junior

The Kick Part 3 - As a Junior (Drew notices further changes as his body slowly recovers from the injury, he gets a new hair style, begins wearing girl's clothes occasionally, and gives Jeff a hand job.) It was the third week in September and the weather was unusually warm - highs in the lower 90's and humid - and since the community swimming pool was going to be closing shortly, Jeff and I decided that we might as well take advantage of the nice weather and kind of "top off"...

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First Time Sex With My Junior

Mera naam Faraz hai or m delhi ka hu meri body theek thaak hai or Ashmita jo meri junior kbi school m thi firr m colge m du m aagaya or wo Dehradun chali gai or ye baat kuch din pahle ki hai ki usne muje fb p reqst send ki or maine accept kar li or hum roz baate karne lge baat shuru hue meri baato se ki m bda shaitaan tha school m or wo meri junior jo ki topper ti apni class ki firr bi baat hoote rahi humne pure 1 mahine k kareeb baat ki maine abi tak kuch galat ni socha tha uske bare mai..Hum...

4 years ago
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Episode 8 the Junior Porn Club

The response to Mike's sales video was astounding, with numerous emails from girls and mothers wanting to order an mk3 masturbator (see Episode 7). Pam and Mike set up an area on the web-site where parents could send photos of daughters wanting to get into porn. An application form to join the Junior Porn Club asked for photographs – nude and clothed, bust size, age (although no restrictions), sexual preferences, and confirmation the girl was technically not a virgin.JudgingFaye, Pam, Molly and...

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A very shy but sexy junior secretary

I was totally exhaust after a long week at the office; but still I had to complete Friday’s paperwork…That endless day I really needed a good relief for my stress.My boss Arthur called me to his office. When I went into, he was on the phone. He motioned for me in and I shut the door behind me. After listening for a few seconds, I knew he was talking to his wife. He was telling her something about how he just still needed time to build his trust in her back up.I walked around his desk and got...

3 years ago
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Hannah 2 Junior Cotillion Ball

Robert and Lisa Strong rose at the sound of the doorbell and went to welcome their guests. They opened the front door to greet Daniel and Elizabeth Mason and the Masons’ 16-year-old son, Jacob. He was a handsome boy with a build reflecting his athletic nature. At 5 feet, 8 inches, he was average height for his age. He projected maturity and self-confidence with a beaming smile and a handshake for the Strongs. He had soft features, clear skin and tousled blond hair. His parents, like...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIChapter 7 Good Intentions

Zoe explained to me that we were picking up lunch and eating it at my apartment. Someone wasn’t leaving anything to chance today. I was happy when she let me get our lunch at the diner across from the hospital. I ordered us a box of chicken and, of course, a pie. I let Zoe pick it out, and she did an outstanding job. They had an apple pie with butterscotch sauce. The sauce was in a separate container, and they told us to heat both up and then pour the sauce over the top right before serving....

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JuniorChapter 13 End of Summer

Except for a talkative seatmate, the flight from Atlanta was uneventful. She was making the trip to visit her new granddaughter. By the time the plane landed she knew how I had spent my summer, all about Pontiac College and even that I didn't have a current girlfriend. I helped her with her carry-on luggage and she introduced me to her son-in-law. "I thought you didn't have a girlfriend," she said when she saw Jeannie Baldwin jump into my arms. I guess we got carried away, kissing like...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 7 Substitution

June 9, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Unbelievable,” Milena sighed as she snuggled close. We were sitting very close together in bed, leaning against pillows which were against the wall, the sheet pulled up only to our thighs, and wine glasses in our hands. “What?” I asked. “That something so gentle and so slow could make me feel better than a night of crazy sex.” “Isn’t that what happened with Joel?” I asked. “You told me that mostly it was just making love then talking for hours.” “But we’re...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 23 Labor Day Weekend Part II

September 3, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “So now what?” she asked after about ten minutes of silence. A lot had run through my mind in those ten minutes. Jocelyn and I were two very different people, and I wondered if ‘Jos’ and ‘Mik’ actually still existed, or if they, too, had died as a direct result of that accident. And if they had, then what? Was there ANYTHING which could be salvaged from the past? Was Jocelyn even capable of having that kind of friendship? Her psyche was a complete mess,...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 29 All Grown Up

September 24, 1983, McKinley, Ohio On Saturday morning, I was up at 4:30am, quickly showered, dressed, and left Sophia in my bed while I went to the lab to take down the readings and complete the checklists. I was back about 6:10am and Sophia was still sleeping. I changed into my running clothes and headed back outside. As I ran, I thought about my conversation with Sophia the previous evening. I didn’t have an easy answer for Angie, any more than I’d had one for Jocelyn, and I was...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 30 American Tradition

September 27, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “That was not what I expected, AT ALL!” I said when Robby, Lee, Angie and I left for karate on Tuesday afternoon. “Two kilos is distribution amounts,” Robby said. “Forget expulsion, he’s going to do some serious jail time unless he has a good lawyer who can arrange for him to cop a plea.” “The funny thing is,” Lee said, “he had such a rep as a partier, I wouldn’t be shocked if that was his personal stash!” “Oh, come on!” Robby exclaimed. “Do you realize...

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