Twins Part 5 - Junior Year free porn video

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Twins Part 5 - Junior year (Alex finds that boy's clothes don't fit him well anymore, he switches to a regular bra, goes to a Yoga class with Allison, his mother moves in with her boyfriend, he has to find an apartment of his own and begins using the name 'Alexis'.) Mom was not pleased when I told her how much money I needed for clothes at the beginning of my Junior year. I was, like, "Mom, I can't help it if I'm a growing boy. That's normal." What I didn't tell her was that, yeah, I was growing, but not so much in height as in weight. I don't think that I've added more than about an inch in height over the past three or four years - leaving me at five feet, four inches, just about the same height as Allison. But in the same period I've gained about ten pounds, bringing me up to around 125. The thing is, all of that weight gain has been below my waist, in my hips and rear end and thighs. The result is that other than a few of my shirts and sweaters and jackets and stuff like that, almost none of my jeans or boy's shorts fit me now - the only ones that fit me pretty well are the shorts I bought from Victoria's Secret in the spring. I guess I was a little surprised that Mom hadn't noticed for she's never been shy about criticizing me, but then I realized that it was probably because of her new boyfriend. I've never met the guy other than to say "hello" or "hi" whenever he comes to pick her up at the house. I guess he seems like a nice enough guy but Mom sure spends most of her free time going out with him, or talking with him on her cellphone - so, I haven't been getting a lot of attention from her lately - which is okay with me. Okay, so I really embarrassed myself at school a couple of days ago. I hadn't been paying attention to the time while Allison and I were eating lunch in the cafeteria and when the 30-second warning bell rang I realized that I still had to go to my locker and pick up some books and then make it to the classroom which was almost on the other side of the school. So I jumped up from the table and ran out of the cafeteria, heading to my locker. As I'm running through the hallway, dodging the other kids, I realized that I was getting a lot of stares and several of the kids were looking at me and snickering. It wasn't till I'd gotten my books and was running to the classroom when I ran past the office and saw my reflection in the large glass windows. Oh man, the size of my tits was clearly evident through the top I had put on that morning, now that by itself wasn't too bad, but what was worse was the way that the sports bra wasn't doing much of a job in restraining them and they're bouncing up and down and flopping all over as I'm running through the hallway. So here I am, running through the hallway, with my almost-unrestrained tits bouncing and flopping all over under my top and putting on a real "show" for the other kids. So, Allison and I were talking on our cells that night and she was kidding me a little about what had happened at school that day: "I hear you were showing off your 'assets' a little too much today?" "Yeah? Well that stupid sports bra sure wasn't helping much." "Well, you're big enough now that you should really be wearing a regular bra for better support." I was silent for a moment, thinking about what she had just said before I came back, "Uh, like, you really think so?" "Hey, it's either that or you're going to have the boys staring at your breasts bouncing around on your chest all the time." So that's why Allison and I ended up in the Women's Wear section of a store several days later - looking at bras. Now, I've got to admit that I was, like, clueless about what size and style to pick out. But Allison took charge and picked out a couple of different sizes in a fairly plain, tan colored style, and led me into the changing room to try them on. We ended up finding out that in that particular style, that a 36C fit me pretty well - which surprised both of us because that was the same size that Allison was wearing. The only problem was that the sports bra had been fairly easy to put on and adjust but the regular bra needed to have both the shoulder straps and the back adjusted. And then there were these hooks that had to be snapped on the back, and Allison had to show me how to "adjust" my tits in the cups to make them comfortable. So, here we are in the changing room and I'm standing in front of Allison, totally exposed from the waist up and she's touching my breasts and after a minute or so I was getting pretty turned on and my nipples were getting all hard and Allison was breathing a little faster and I could tell that she was getting kinda excited too. And all of a sudden we've got our arms around each other and we're, like, kissing and rubbing our hands over each other's body and breathing really hard, gasping almost, and I don't know what would have happened if we hadn't heard someone giggling from the changing room next to us and we realized that with the open top of the room, that whoever was in the next room could hear us making out, so Allison and I pulled away from each other, and we both blushed really, really bright red, and giggled ourselves a little. After the first couple of days of wearing a regular bra, the additional support that it provided got to feel natural and I did like the way it kept me from bouncing around the way the sports bra had done. But sometimes Allison can get a little carried away - like, a couple of weeks after I'd bought my first bra, she handed me a small box from Victoria's Secret. "So, like, what's this," I asked. "Oh, just a little surprise for you," and she giggled a little. So I opened the box and it was another bra - it was tan and looked kinda like my other bras - till I held it up and saw that it had a hole in each cup where my nipples would be. "Like, what's the point of having holes in it?" I asked. "Try it on and I think you'll get the idea." So I pulled it on and adjusted it till it fit and it didn't feel, like, any different than my regular bras - well, except that you could see my nipples. "Now, put your top back on," Allison said. So I pulled my top back on and immediately noticed that it felt way different to have my nipples rubbing against the inside of my top and after a few seconds they responded by getting hard and sticking out. So here I am - you could not only see the shape of my tits through my top - but now my nipples are poking out through the top - and I'm, like, "Oh My Gosh! I can't wear this outside of the house." And Allison's, like, "Maybe not, but you can wear it when we're alone, can't you?" And she comes over and gives me a big kiss and rubs my nipples a little. Allison called me up on Saturday morning and asked me if I'd like to go to her Yoga class with her that afternoon. I was kinda bored so I just said that yeah, I'd come. When I got over to her house that afternoon and she opened the door, she just took one look at me and said, "Oh Alex, you can't go to Yoga class dressed like that!" "What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?" I asked, looking down at the shorts and top I had put on that morning. "Oh! You guys have no concept of clothing at all. Come on up to my room. I think I've got an extra 'tard that'll fit you." Tard? What the heck is a Tard? But I followed Allison up to her room and she rummaged around in her closet and pulled out two things that looked a little like girl's swimsuits. And then she went over to her dresser and pulled out what looked like long stockings. "Okay," she said, "strip down to your underwear and pull on the pantyhose, and then I'll help you into your leotard." Pantyhose? Leotard? Oh man, this was getting kinda strange but I stripped down to my underwear and after a lot of fumbling around managed to get into the white pantyhose she had handed me. Actually, compared to the pantyhose, the purple leotard she had given me was almost easy to put on and Allison hardly had to help me at all. "See how that wasn't too bad after all," Allison said as she put on her own white pantyhose and a dark blue leotard. I looked in the mirror and wow, was that a way different look! Like, both the pantyhose and the leotard were form fitting and they made my tits and rounded rear end really noticeable. I wasn't sure that I wanted to go out in public, dressed like that, but Allison threw a couple of towels into her gym bag and we headed off to the Yoga class. As we walked into the room the instructor looked at us and said to Allison, "Why Allison, you never told me you had a twin sister. Where have you been keeping her all this time?" "Alexis isn't really my sister, she's a first cousin, but everybody tells us that we look a lot alike." "Allison," I whispered to her, "what's up with telling her my name is Alexis?" "Alex is too much like a boy's name," she whispered back, "don't worry about it. Just relax and enjoy the class." Actually, once the class started I did enjoy it. The instructor turned off the lights, leaving the room illuminated only by flickering scented candles, and she played some soft music, and I really liked the smooth exercises and positions that she put us through. I was kind of sad when the hour was up and the music went off and the lights came back on and all the other girls began packing up their stuff and leaving. "Come back again Alexis," the instructor called out as we were leaving and I smiled and waved at her. By the time we'd gotten back to Allison's house I was kind of enjoying the feeling of wearing the pantyhose and the leotard and I was disappointed when we went up to Allison's bedroom and I had to change back into my shorts and top. "Uh, that was kind of fun," I said, "like, you think that maybe I could go with you again?" "Sure, but next time you supply your own exercise clothes. I'm tired of you wearing mine all the time and getting them all sweaty." Mom dropped a bombshell on me in the middle of summer - she's selling the house and moving in with her boyfriend. She gave me two options: 1) I could come and live with the two of them, or 2) she would take some of the money from the sale of the house and put it in a trust fund for me and I could use the income from the trust to pay my living expenses. The choice for me was an easy one - there was no way I was going to live with her and her boyfriend. Over the past year he had gotten way too creepy for me. I'd caught him looking at me a number of times, and not a quick glance, but a "check out the merchandise" stare. And a couple of times when he was over at our house he'd managed to "accidentally" brush up against me, and I swear, one time he'd even rubbed his crotch against my ass. So I quickly told Mom that I'd find an apartment of my own. Actually, I think that she was relieved that I wouldn't be living with them - guess it gave them more privacy, or something. Now, I didn't need a big place, it just had to be within walking distance of the school and stores - and I ended up finding a place in a big old house that had been divided up into apartments - it had a kitchen/eating area, a bathroom, a good-sized living room, and a bedroom that was pretty small but which would just barely accommodate my bed from home. Mom let me take any of the furnishings from our house that I wanted - even the new flat-screen TV - so there was really very little that I had to buy. I was lying in bed the other night and playing with myself before I went to sleep. Well, I was trying to play with myself but I wasn't having all that much luck. My dick is less than two inches long now and I can make it get hard by stroking it between my thumb and forefinger, and if I play with it long enough I can "come" and some liquid will come out, but it's more like a dribble of clear liquid as opposed to the jets of white stuff that I used to get. But it still feels sort of good so I still do it. But what I've been doing more of lately is playing with my tits. It feels really good to hold my tits in my hands and fondle them, and my nipples are really sensitive and it feels ever so good to gently rub and tweak them as they stiffen up and get hard. Uh, the other thing that I've changed lately is going to the bathroom. Because of the small size of my dick, and a couple of "accidents" lately when it slipped out of my hand when I was standing up to pee, I've found it less "risky" to just sit down on the toilet now whenever I have to pee. I don't know why I did it, I guess my mind was on something else, but when I signed the lease for the apartment I signed it "Alexis" instead of "Alex." So now the other tenants in the building are calling me Alexis, and Allison has even started doing it. The first couple of times that someone called me that I wasn't even aware that they were talking to me instead of someone else but after a couple of weeks Alexis just got to seem more natural than Alex. Before I signed the lease, I got the owner to agree that I could redecorate the apartment a little. I don't know who rented it before me but, like, the walls were painted a dark brown color, and the ceiling in the bedroom was painted black with little white stars scattered over it. He told me that as long as I didn't make any "structural changes," I could do whatever I wanted. So Allison and I spent several weeks looking through decorating magazines, trying to decide what would look the prettiest. We kept going back and forth about what colors to use, and what fabrics to use for the curtains, and whether the trim should be the same color as the walls, and finally ran out of time before school started so we just decided to let the redecorating slide a little.

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TwinsChapter 2

The twins had problems concentrating on their school work that day. They were filled with anticipation for their trip to the library. Alex’s cock got hard every so often - especially when he looked at or thought about Allie. During math class Allie went up to the board to solve a problem. Alex looked at his sister in her blouse, plaid skirt and white stockings and his dick got hard again. After Allie solved the problem, she noticed Alex staring at her and his hands in his lap. She figured his...

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TwinsChapter 21

The twins walked arm in arm through the mall when they came across a department store. “Oh, Alex, let’s go in here. I wanted to get some new panties.” Alex frowned. Even though he was with the woman he loved, he wasn’t very interested in accompanying her when she went clothes shopping. Of course Alex was smart enough to realize that it was something guys did for their women. “I promise I won’t take too long,” Allie reassured him. Alex smiled and literally dragged his feet as Allie led him...

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TwinsChapter 31

When they awoke the next morning, Alex’s hardon was pressing against Allie’s butt. Allie giggled and said, “You will have to take care of that yourself, Alex. We have to get ready for school.” Alex whined but knew she was right. Allie took the shower first and Alex lay in bed stroking his erection. He thought about just cumming in bed but he heard the shower turn off and he went into the bathroom. He found his sister naked and drying off. She looked glorious when she was wet and blood...

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Part 12 8211 Seduction Of Junior

Having had sexual intercourse with a classmate and a forced one with a senior, I turned my focus on a junior. There were many, but like a lion stalks the weakest deer, I chose to seduce Neelam. I had befriended her while in college and I had by then graduated. Neelam was an extremely beautiful woman. She was my junior in college. A divorcee with no issues, she had joined the institute for furthering her career. She was paranoid about the Director victimising her and I sought to comfort her and...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 23 Labor Day Weekend Part II

September 3, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “So now what?” she asked after about ten minutes of silence. A lot had run through my mind in those ten minutes. Jocelyn and I were two very different people, and I wondered if ‘Jos’ and ‘Mik’ actually still existed, or if they, too, had died as a direct result of that accident. And if they had, then what? Was there ANYTHING which could be salvaged from the past? Was Jocelyn even capable of having that kind of friendship? Her psyche was a complete mess,...

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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 17

"What do you brats want now?" Emma Worthington did not bother to hide her extreme dislike of the Larsen twins. Why should she? It was clear they were over-privileged, smart-mouthed little brats, spoiled rotten! The fact that she knew they managed to pull the wool over practically every teacher's eyes in the entire school only added to her desire to treat the boys with the ill- humor she felt they truly deserved. "Teachers' pets!" she thought ruefully, thinking of all the special...

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I lived alone for a few years, getting older all the time. The house I lived in was in a suburban development. The houses were close together. My house was only the width of a driveway and a smidgen of lawn from the house next door. The houses were all the same cookie cutter, so my bedroom window was across from a bedroom in the house next door. The neighbor’s house was empty for a long time, but then a family moved in. There was a husband and wife and two young women, who looked like twins i’d...

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College Junior Sakshi Becomes Friend With Benefits

“Hi” – a notification popped on my screen. It was from my college junior. I received a follow request from her in the morning which I hadn’t yet accepted. “Hi,” I replied back. Sakshi – Remember me? Me – Of course, how can I forget my junior? Sakshi – Oh, it’s been a long time, isn’t it? Me – Yeah! 5 years it seems. Sakshi – I guess Me – By the way, how are you? Sakshi – I am doing great, dealing with my exams now. Me – Same here. And the messages continued. Even though I had an exam the next...

4 years ago
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Dad Fucks My Hot Mallu College Junior 8211 Part 1

I am a guy studying in a private medical college in south India. My dad is a good looking man who is 50 years old. He is a bank employee. I studied hard and got into a medical college in the nearby city. After a couple of years, there came this junior girl called Amaya who was extremely hot. We seniors saw her the first time when freshers joined the college and we were awestruck by her beauty. She had the perfect body with wonderfully-sized boobs, long black hair and beautiful lips which could...

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A Fresh StartChapter 14 Junior Year

September 1971 In the Seventies, it was a lot simpler getting a driver’s license as a teen than it is nowadays. You could get your learner’s permit when you were still fifteen, and then get your license when you were sixteen, as long as you had taken Driver’s Ed classes and passed the tests at DMV. Now you get different grades of license, all depending on how old you are, but back then, if you had a license, you could drive. I was going to be sixteen in another couple of months, and I wanted...

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Junior Goes to War Part of the Stopwatch SeriesChapter 2

To the Victor Goes the Spoiled There were only two further demonstrations of the might of the 'Two Mile Island Nation' necessary before America surrendered. A tactical nuclear missile strike was attempted. Eight hundred meters of Cheyenne Mountain, in Colorado, the cornerstone of American Defense was lifted ... shaken, and dropped back in the hole from where it had been. There were many dead. A second strike using a larger warhead was attempted. The Pentagon was removed ... well eight...

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Twins Against VirginityChapter 2

When we finished the preceding chapter, our heroines had sold their business and with their shared “husband” Jim decided to take a world cruise for some long overdue recreation. Not wanting to deal with bratty kids, they were with some effort able to book adults only cruises. It also meant that revealing your body is less restricted and there were a lot more risqué activities permitted than on family-friendly cruises. That suited them just fine. They’d had plenty of business sex so it was all...

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TwinsChapter 23

When they reached the park, the twins and their parents made plans to meet for lunch. Alex and Allie took off to go on a few rides before they looked for a place to fuck. Alex tried to feel up Allie’s pussy on a couple of the rides but she pushed him away with a smile. “Wait, baby, OK?” she pleaded with her brother. Alex was a bit frustrated but knew Allie had a good reason. After they finished their third ride, good fortune smiled on them. One of the workers at the park was walking along...

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TwinsChapter 25

Alex was a little tired but he wasn’t ready to sleep. If fact, he was pretty horny. Allie wanted him to be inside her but there was no way he was getting to sleep without cumming. Another time he wouldn’t have minded staying awake as long as he had his dick in his sister’s pussy; but he knew he’d be a wreck tomorrow if he didn’t get any sleep. He couldn’t sleep in the car so that wasn’t an option. Alex moved his hips back and forth taking small strokes. Allie was still fast asleep but by...

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TwinsChapter 26

Alex didn’t sleep - he rarely slept in the car. He just closed his eyes and relaxed. The feel of his sister’s breast helped relax him. His thoughts turned towards his relationship with Allie. He felt that after college they would end up in some new place where no one knew they were brother and sister. He thought they might not to have to ever tell their parents about their relationship. They could always claim they were living together until they found spouses. Of course they wanted children...

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The Kick Part 3 As a Junior

The Kick Part 3 - As a Junior (Drew notices further changes as his body slowly recovers from the injury, he gets a new hair style, begins wearing girl's clothes occasionally, and gives Jeff a hand job.) It was the third week in September and the weather was unusually warm - highs in the lower 90's and humid - and since the community swimming pool was going to be closing shortly, Jeff and I decided that we might as well take advantage of the nice weather and kind of "top off"...

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Twins Jane

Jane knew she had made a mistake as soon as she got home when she picked up the pile of her clean underwear from the ironing board in the utility room.  Her panties, bras, slips and suspender belts were all there except one, her new red panties. They had been on top of her pile.  What had she done with them? She had been in a rush before she went out to work at a hair salon in town and only had time to take Benjie’s pile of clean clothes upstairs.  She must have split the piles in the wrong...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 7 Good Intentions

Zoe explained to me that we were picking up lunch and eating it at my apartment. Someone wasn’t leaving anything to chance today. I was happy when she let me get our lunch at the diner across from the hospital. I ordered us a box of chicken and, of course, a pie. I let Zoe pick it out, and she did an outstanding job. They had an apple pie with butterscotch sauce. The sauce was in a separate container, and they told us to heat both up and then pour the sauce over the top right before serving....

3 years ago
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Twins Ch 3

They got to the bus room in the Cafeteria, where all the students met until it was time to go to Homerooms. Melanie Schofeld came right up to them, but ignored Mike altogether as she addressed the twins. “So, are you two ready to go through with the bet?” she asked, sneering. “It’s okay if you want to chicken out. I wouldn’t blame you at all for not wanting to lose your virginity today, especially not to the boys I’ve picked out for you. They have the biggest cocks on the whole football...

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Twins Janet L Stickney [email protected] My sister had put my hair in pigtails wrapped with a red ribbon tied in a bow at the end, which accented the red trim on my dress. I was beyond thrilled that I looked so good. Once she was done I added the red lipstick, then the earrings and a small necklace with a bear as a pendant. The white flats looked great with my white socks. With a smile I stood up and the two of us walked out of the room. our parents were sitting at the...

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TwinsChapter 29

Neither twin had trouble sleeping that night. They were worn out from their date and their masturbation session. Their mom woke them up for church and they were still tired because they went to bed so late. Going to church was a deal they made with their parents for not having a curfew during the summer on Saturdays. They were allowed to stay out late but they had to get up for church. They reluctantly got up and as soon as their mom headed downstairs, Allie reached over to Alex’s bed and...

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Twins make their sister and mother pregnant

Note : THis story is completely fictional! One of Betty's twin brothers made her and she didn't know which one. If her mom found out she would kill them. "I think she's got milk in her tits" said Jake."No way" replied Frank.Jake squeezed his sister's breast until it squirted milk."You're right" said Frank.Both boys sucked her breasts like babies. Betty lay there on her bed and enjoyed herself. Having her nipples sucked by her brothers made her excited. "Oh god, fuck the hell out of me" she...

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Junior Year

Hi all, Welcome to Mark’s Junior Year story. For full enjoyment, please read Freshman Year + Sophomore Year to understand. If you don’t have the time and want to jump right in, I’ll be adding a chapter soon of a recap of the first two years. This is the third instalment of the series and can’t wait to get it under way! You’ll find the find the first chapter in the chapters below.

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A note from the author: I wanted to mark the publishing of Wildcats 4: A Rock n Roll Odyssey as a Kindle Book, so I penned this one in its honor. Twins Chapter One Taylor stood in front of the full-length mirror evaluating herself. It was ironic how she used any flat reflective surface just to audit her look. Recently, she'd become much more aware of how her presence affected her world. A smile towards a stranger on the street elicited...

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