Violated Heroine
- 1 year ago
- 31
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Within the following week, Suzanne settled down to her new routine of classes at Wayne and studies in the evening, and she found a growing sense of satisfaction over her situation. Mr. and Mrs. Delacorte came over one night to visit, and stayed only about an hour. Mrs. Delacorte was horrified. "You're living in a slum," she said primly. "It's a wonder this building hasn't been condemned. Honestly, Suzanne, I don't see how you can be happy here."
Suzanne was thankful for her father's understanding. "You do your thing, little girl," he said with a twinkle in his deep blue eyes. "Would you believe I lived in an apartment just like this before I met your mother. That was before I made it big, of course." Suzanne remembered the many times her father had told her about his struggle to succeed and his eventual emergence as one of Detroit's leading parts manufacturers. Despite his affluence, Mr. Delacorte still retained his earthy quality, and his lack of interest in the Grosse Pointe social scene was a constant thorn in his wife's side. "Your father just doesn't realize the importance of mixing with the right people," Mrs. Delacorte would often tell Suzanne. "Birds of a feather, you know, and all that." And Suzanne would exchange a conspiratorial look with her father.
On her third day in her apartment, Suzanne asked Donald if she could come and visit his mother. He had checked in with her after classes to see if there were any chores she needed done. He was very thrilled at her interest, and together they walked up to West Forest Avenue, across the expressway and down several blocks to an apartment building which, in comparison to Suzanne's, was almost ready to fall apart. Suzanne repressed a shudder as they climbed the stairs, every step creaking from their weight and the walls grimy with years of filth. The air was stagnant and smelled of stale cigarette smoke, liquor and urine.
They entered an apartment on the fifth floor, and she sank immediately into a chair, panting heavily. Donald shouted out for his mother, and a few seconds later, a short, plump woman came ambling into the room.
"Hey, ma, this is Suzanne, the one I told you about," Donald said, proudly showing off a new social conquest.
The woman stared at Suzanne and grinned. As her thick lips pulled back, her bare gums were revealed.
"Howdy," she said. "S'cuse me. I weren't expectin' company. Wait a minute. I'll go put my teeth in."
Suzanne looked at Donald, and in her mind wondered how such a handsome young boy could have come from such a woman. There was hardly one redeeming physical feature about her. Her hair had obviously not been combed in weeks. The loose dress she wore was covered with food stains, and Suzanne could tell she was not wearing any underwear. Her pendulous breasts swayed in front of her, hanging down almost to her navel, bumping out against the dress with obscene movements. She wore no shoes, and her feet were black. Suzanne repressed a shudder, and thought for a moment of her mother, always so elegantly groomed, so beautifully dressed, so exquisitely well-mannered.
"Hey, Ted, you home?" Donald's voice rang out, and a moment later a young man entered the room. "This is my brother, Ted," Donald said. Ted looked down at Suzanne and grinned.
"Well, Donald said you wuz something else," he said, his eyes sliding slowly over her. "I'll say you are."
Suzanne blushed and laughed. "You're pretty good-looking yourself, Ted," she replied, "but then, so's Donald."
"Hey, how about that?" said Ted, moving over, and sitting on the couch next to Suzanne's chair. "Donald says you wanna find out how we live and all that shit."
Suzanne nodded. "Yes, I'm majoring in sociology. I'm planning a project based on the living conditions of people in this area."
Ted laughed coarsely. "Stick around, you'll learn plenty," he said. "We bin here 'bout two years. Me, I'd rather be back in Kentucky. Least we could go rabbit huntin' there. Here all I hunt is girls. There's plenty, too."
"That's nice," said Suzanne, momentarily out of her depth. She was uncomfortably aware of Ted's penetrating glances and the sensuous twist of his mouth. He was slightly taller than Donald, and obviously well-built. His arm muscles rippled under his shirt, and his belt wrapped tightly around his slim waist. For a passing flash, Suzanne caught herself glancing at his crotch, which bulged temptingly. But then, she remembered, so did Donald's. And so had Sam's...
"Well, I feel better now, with my teeth in." The woman came through the door and grinned at them. She had made some effort to comb her hair, and her teeth gleamed between her lips. She still looked like a grotesque mockery of motherhood. "You like somethin' to drink, Suzanne? We got some Cokes."
"Yes, thank you. That would be nice. I'm a little out of breath from climbing those stairs."
"You get used to it," was the calm reply.
"You got you a boyfriend?" asked Ted, his eyes still on her breasts.
Suzanne laughed. "I'm too busy. I'm a student, remember. I don't have much time for anything but books."
"Hell, that ain't no way to live," said Ted. "You got to get out and have a little fun. Maybe you'n me could take in a movie some night."
"You shut your goddamn mouth," came the raucous voice from the kitchen. "Don't you go messing round with Suzanne. She ain't your kind of girl, and you know it."
Ted grinned and made a face in the direction of the other room. "She don't know nothin'," he said in a low voice. "I go with plenty of chicks. All kinds. You ask Donald."
Donald grinned, looking slightly shamefaced. "He's got lots," he said, "but ma don't like him screwing round."
"You damn right I don't." Heavy footsteps and the clatter of Coke bottles signaled her return from the kitchen. "Here, Suzanne. Hope you don't mind drinkin' from the bottle. We're kinda short on glasses."
"That's fine, thank you," Suzanne said.
"Okay, so Donald says you wanna ask some questions. You jest fire away."
There was a slight shake to the floor as the woman subsided into a rickety chair. Suzanne reached into her purse and took out a small notepad and a pencil. As she readied herself, she was grimly aware that Ted's eyes were still on her, and his face held a leering, sensuous quality that disturbed her.
The next day, Suzanne settled down to go over her notes on her first case history. The details amazed her. Donald's mother confessed that she had been married when she was fifteen, and only because she had become pregnant by her husband. She had Ted, and two years later Donald, and then shortly afterwards her husband had been killed in an airplane crash. She received a pension and also assistance from the state. But her income was barely enough to keep body and soul together. She decided to move from Kentucky to Michigan in the hopes of getting employment. Also, she said, the schools would be better for her boys. Unfortunately, her poor educational background precluded her from getting anything but the most menial work, and she felt she would just as soon stay home and subsist on her pension and welfare checks. The boys dropped out of school and earned occasional money as best they could. Ted worked sometimes as a busboy or as a messenger, but he seldom stayed in a job longer than a month.
Suzanne promised to see what she could do to get the woman situated in a position that she could handle and which would bring in some more money for her. She seemed grateful, though not overly enthusiastic. She apparently no longer seemed to care, as long as she was able to feed herself and her sons and pay the low- cost housing rental. Suzanne decided that she would make the family her project: try to get the mother situated, and work on the boys to instill some sense of responsibility and ambition in them. She mentioned her plans to her sociology instructor, who listened attentively, then said, "Lotsa luck!"
She related this to Yvonne, who laughed loudly. "Little Miss Do-Good," she said cynically. "Just wait till you've talked to a few more families around here. You'll realize you're wasting your time."
Suzanne was indignant. "No sincere effort to help others is a waste of time," she retorted. "Maybe all these people really need is to know someone cares about what happens to them."
Yvonne became deadly serious. "Look, my girl," she said, "I've lived in this area for seven years. I know these people. They'll take the handout, but they'll never settle down and work. But if you get your kicks, fine, go ahead and try. But don't be too disappointed. And above all, don't leave yourself open for a pass. Those two kids'll probably just as soon screw you as look at you. They've probably been fucking since they were old enough to get a hard-on. I know these Kentucky hillbillies. They'll fuck anything. So watch out, my girl, unless you want to lose that prize virginity of yours."
Suzanne remembered Ted's glances at her, and his casual reference to going out. But then, she thought, he wouldn't try anything. He knows I'm not interested. Besides, she reasoned, if they did, she could always scream. She'd read somewhere that nothing scares off a would-be rapist quicker than a woman's screams.
She put her notes away and went into the kitchen. She planned to make a quick meal and settle down to studying. She took out a saucepan and filled it with water. As she turned the faucet, she heard a click, and the water continued gushing out even after she had turned the handle off. Impatiently, she walked to the door and down the stairs to Mrs. Sansome's apartment. She knocked, but there was no reply. She went back upstairs, and as she reached the third floor, she saw Donald standing at her door.
"Hi," he said, smiling broadly. "You want anything done?"
With a sigh of relief, she nodded. "My faucet's leaking," she told him, "and Mrs. Sansome's out."
"No problem," he said cheerfully. "Ted's home, and he's done plumbing work. I'll go get him. We'll fix it in a jiffy."
He ran down the stairs, and Suzanne walked back into the kitchen and began peeling some potatoes. Within ten minutes, Donald and Ted were back, armed with wrenches and a washer. Ted greeted her affably, and went to work. Within minutes, he had stepped back triumphantly. The faucet had been fixed.
"Thank you so much," Suzanne said. "How much do you want? A dollar?"
She had learned that almost any chore Donald did was a dollar. Ted nodded.
"That'll be fine," he said.
Suzanne went to her purse, took out the money and handed it over. As he took the bill, he closed his hand over hers and pulled her to him quickly, kissing her on the lips. Suzanne jerked away, her eyes flashing.
"Don't get mad," said Ted lazily, still holding her hand. "Nothin' wrong with a little kiss, now is there?"
Suzanne disengaged herself and moved away, her heart beating unnaturally fast.
"I think... I think you'd both better leave now," she said as calmly as she could. "I have to get supper ready, and I have studying to do."
Ted laughed and leaned up against the sink.
"Maybe you'd like a change tonight," he said. "Like maybe studying something more interesting."
He slid his hand down to his crotch and adjusted his genitals, bunching them up suggestively. Donald broke into a giggle.
"Ted, thank you for fixing the faucet," Suzanne said, desperately trying to cope with the situation, which she felt was getting completely out of hand. "And now, if you don't mind."
Ted walked forward, put his hand around her waist, and pulled her violently to him.
"Come on, I'm a good lay. Ask Donald. He's seen me in action."
She struggled ineffectually, conscious of a growing tension in her loins and a terrible fear in her heart. She heard Yvonne's words in her mind. "Those two kids'll probably just as soon screw you as look at you." Then she felt Ted's lips on hers, and his tongue pushing into her mouth. She struggled, and her hips felt the pressure of his body with its suggestive bulge between his legs.
She managed to break away, and she gasped out a strangled plea. "Ted, please, let me go!"
His arms continued holding her, and his eyes narrowed as they glared at her.
"I ain't lettin' you go," he drawled. "We're gonna have a little fun, just you, me and Donald."
Suzanne felt the tears come splashing down her cheeks.
"I... I'm not that sort of girl," she stammered.
Ted laughed loudly.
"You mean you don't screw around? All you rich bitches from Grosse Pointe fuck. I know. I've had plenty of 'em. And they always come back for more, because I got what it takes. Here, you feel for yourself."
He grabbed her hand and pulled it down between his legs. Her fingers touched the growing hardness there, and she struggled even more.
"Donald, please help me," she begged, turning to the younger boy, and then her eyes widened with horror. Donald was standing, his fly open and his erect penis jutting forth, held in his hands which massaged it gently up and down. "Donald!" Her voice rose almost to a scream, and Ted's hand clamped over her mouth in a flash.
"Now don't you do anything stupid like screaming," he said threateningly. "You got a real purty face. It wouldn't look too good all beat up now, would it?"
Ted began pulling her over to the alcove with the bed.
"Come on, baby brother, you know what to do," he said, his voice chuckling evilly, "Start with her skirt. I want to see that nice hairy pussy of hers."
Suzanne couldn't believe it was happening. This was a nightmare, she knew. Donald was a nice boy. He wouldn't do anything like that. He couldn't. She stared disbelievingly as Donald came over, his penis jutting from his pants, a long, thick organ that she could hardly believe was possible on such a young boy.
Ted held her tightly, and Donald's hands searched for the zipper on the side of her skirt. Her entire body was trembling. She felt him fumble, and then the zipper slid down, and her skirt slipped to the floor.
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Afterwards, Suzanne remembered something Yvonne had said to her, long before she moved to the Wayne Campus. They had been talking about relations with boys, and Yvonne had made the comment: "When rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it." As she watched Yvonne's robe being torn away from her body, she realized that there was no sense in trying to resist any longer. The young men were going to get what they came for, and any resistance would only make it worse. Her only thought was that...
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IncestThis a copyrighted original work and the exclusive property of the author. You may use this work for your personal use only. If you wish to use it, or a portion of it for any other reason, please contact the author for permission. This is a work of fiction written for mature audiences only and if you are 18 years of age please do not go any further. The author hopes you enjoy it and if you have, or have a particular plot you would like to see developed let him know at [email protected]. ...
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Incest"Sorry, I was just Doin laundry and I though you left'l "I'm sorry too, ill go play basketball now bye," I walked out with some strut happy with what I saw, but realized that I had a full hardon and my basketball shorts emphasized it, I waited and than once it went down I went outside and played. After school the next day Tyler came up and told me that his mom will pick us up and we will go back to his house, outside I just replied with "cool" but inside I was happy but...
My sister Robin is a gorgeous girl. She has a beautiful face, long blonde hair to her ass, and a figure that is absolutely outrageous. For a fourteen-year-old she has that Marilyn Monroe look with hips, tiny waist, and big tits. Honest to God she wears a 32-H bra. Mom has a hell of a time finding them for her. Out on the Internet mom found a place called HerRoom that actually had fourteen styles in Robin’s size. They aren’t cheap either. They range from forty-five dollars to eighty-four...
Wonder of wonders, nothing untoward disturbed our sleep that night and all our newfound stock was still hanging around when we woke. They didn't get excited when I went out walking among them either. Most of the stallions still steered clear of me, but for some reason the mares didn't seem to. I was feeling pretty proud of myself for a few minutes there. Then I remembered I'd left the herd's former stallion where I'd found him, without even spending a round to put him out of his misery....
This chapter is dedicated to a group of people second to none. They have helped keep me sane in an insane time by just being themselves. I’d have to go a long way to find a community more giving than The Dawgs. Thanks guys and girls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‘Jesus Christ! Tell me you’re joking. Tell me that you just thought you’d yank my crank to get a rise out of me.’ My outburst was met with silence. Detective Karen Montecelli from Richmond PD homicide and Lieutenant Lee Stowers from...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a hot summers day and Daisy had enjoyed a nice relaxing day sunbathing. Daisy had been out a bit too long and now had sunburn. She decided to have a bath and when she got out she put some short pajama shorts on and her bra. She wanted to put some after sun on too cool herself down however she couldn't find it. She found it hard to bend down so asked her mum if she could help her. "Lay down daisy it will make it easier" Karen Daisy's mum said. So...
IncestWhen Lara saw the group of Leathernecks waiting she knew that the game was up. She didn't know how they had been discovered. Maybe some one had recognised a jacket belonging to the wrong person or perhaps someone had spotted the two motorcycles where they were not meant to be. It didn't really matter, for the end result was the same either way. Urging every ounce of strength from her muscles, Lara sprinted and dove behind a nexus of pipes, bullets chasing her footsteps like a cloud of...
Thanks, everyone for reading my previous stories. This part is the fifth installment of the series. Please mail me your reactions, doubts, and suggestions. I am waiting for them. Happy and horny reading. What Maya told me left me speechless and angry at myself for not understanding her. But I couldn’t help it, what’s been done is done and no one can change it. Maya told me, “This Prashant was after her from the very starting of her classes in Kota. He was in the same batch as she was. He liked...
Jordan is about to turn 25. They live a fairly average life, work a fairly standard job, and have never taken a big risk in their entire life. Living alone in a one bedroom apartment doesn’t exactly put one in a situation where they are presented with big risks, but that’s how Jordan liked it. If there were no big risks, there could be no big mistakes. It’s all pretty standard, really. When you grow up in a low income household and abusive parents, you get used to the mundane. A standard life...
Mind ControlAfter my last story of how my husband and I became lesbian lovers with him dressed as a female, both of us thought a lot about what was next for us. I did tell him that I wanted to see him with a man. Then that got me to thinking about a bisexual couple to play with. A bi woman for me and a bi guy willing to fuck a crossdresser. That would be perfect but so hard to find.My husband and I set a date for our attempt to find him a one-night stand playmate to fuck him. The rules were set. We...
CrossdressingSuper-fit seductress Leah Winters grooves, undulates and teases in pink fishnet stockings. She loosens up her asshole with a thick toy. Leah gives muscular John Strong a worshipful blowjob. He eats her pussy, and she tongues his bunghole in a scrumptious rim job. Leah mounts John’s stiff rod and enjoys orgasmic pussy pounding. She masturbates as he jams his dick into her gaping bunghole. Leah gets off in a spasmodic anal orgasm! She sucks John’s boner ass-to-mouth and tops off the...
xmoviesforyouDear friends, most people commented and suggested me about the story, I am very thankfull to them, with their support now I am continuing the story. Now I am posting the second part of the story titled “sister and brother in the hotel..She was crying by my sentence she said with crying voice Tamo I may get pregnant because you land your sperms inside my womb you have sowed your seed inside me. What to do. I said don’t worry dear sister.. We will visit a doctor for abortion She said.. No.....
IncestAfter figure drawing we moved onto still life drawing. Sadly I hadn’t seen or heard from James or Alana all week. Remembering his hard cock pounding my pussy and her tongue pleasuring my clit made me horny for the next days to come. I didn’t wear panties to class in case I needed to slip into the bathroom and take care of myself. I was drawing an old rocking chair, when my phone went off in my pocket. The vibrations ran through my pussy and made me jump, messing up my drawing. ‘Dammit,’ I...
Now I had a problem. I had four young girls to fuck and believe me all of them loved to fuck. I think, of the four, Geri was really in love with me while the other three were fond of me only, but they loved fucking. Given a chance they would have lifted their skirts or dropped their pants (depending on what they were wearing at the time) to any guy who caught their fancy. I realised how weird it was that I was thirty years older than Geri and she even proposed to me one night and she was dead...
"Teddy, how old do you have to be to fuck?" "I don't know, Kim, but Mom and Dad aren't so old, and we've seen them fuck before." "Yes, but we're still quite young. Do you think that we're old enough to fuck? Do you, Teddy?" "I don't know, maybe." "I hope so, because I feel like fucking someone tonight." Tucked in her bed in the room she shared with her brother, Kim lay listening to the howling wind and the beating rain outside her window. Every time lightning flashed or...
What's wrong with me? I ask myself as I attempt to open my eyes and lift my arms for the umpteenth time. I can't move... it's like I'm completely paralyzed. I feel wetness slide down my cheeks and land on the corner of my mouth, followed by a cold sensation landing on my forehead. "Gracie, it's time for you to wake up," I hear Chandler whisper, his breath warm against my ear. I swallow the large lump forming in my throat as my heart rate increases with fear. "I know you can hear me, darling....
IncestYes ... played ... I say! Played! Played by an 18 month old girl child ... a product of my loins. When I went back to the salon, the other two 18 month old girl children were nowhere in sight. The toys were in their box ... and, again ... I didn't get to see who put them away! Something is going on I know nothing about. An 18 month old girl has spoken to me using complete sentences. She has queried me, obtained an answer that satisfied her curiosity ... and communicated said answer to her...
The AuctionBy BossDaddyMy wife and I started off slow in the swinging lifestyle. We would hook up with neighbors and friends and people we worked with until we discovered the Swinging Clubs and all they had to offer. One club we found called “Sexy Escapes” worked by having members earn points that can be redeemed for things and people later. One of these things is a yearly Sex Slave Auction. Men and woman put themselves up on the auction block as a sex slave to the highest bidder and they...
It was yet another miserably hot day at the cabin in the woods. Record high heat and a drought had made this annual family vacation an abysmal failure. The ground was cracked and on the rare occasion that a hot wind blew, it only managed to kick dust up in the air. Normally lush green trees hung limply with dying brown leaves. Jake sat in the shade of the porch and stared into the woods. He was quiet boy, usually hanging out with the school nerds. He was average height, a bit stocky, but not...
Browsing the Internet for porn late one night, as single men with fast download speeds are apt to do, I followed a link to a swingers site. I read through some of the postings and sat watching the chat room messages scroll by for a bit, then I went to bed, thinking about what I'd seen and read before dropping off. I kept popping back to the site for a look-see over the next few days. It didn't take long for me to realise that the vast majority of postings were from single men like myself....
Our 25 th wedding anniversary was couple of months away and Lori had planned out a week long vacation for both of us. I had been asking Lori to let me replace her diamond ring with a new one and Lori would never let me. I called my younger brother who owns a jewelry store and asked him to make a new diamond ring that looked more or less the same but had slightly bigger and better quality diamonds. Lori normally took her ring off when she went for her shower everyday and my plan was...