Violated VirginChapter 8 free porn video

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Suzanne lay on her bed, staring out the wide window at the whitecapped Detroit River. In the distance a lonely tug broke the silence with its mournful hoot, and a flock of birds was silhouetted against the clouds, flying north to Canada.

She stretched, lifting her arms lazily; she smiled, and snuggled back against the pillow. For the hundredth time, she reached for the letter on the nightstand, opened it and read, an extra smile of pleasure creasing her face.

A brief knock at the door heralded its opening, and Mrs. Delacorte walked in, carrying a breakfast tray.

"How many times are you going to read his letter?" she said, her normally prim face relaxed in a sympathetic grin.

Suzanne folded the paper and pushed it back in the envelope.

"Every hour until he gets here," she replied happily. "Oh, Mother, I'm so excited."

"I guess I would be, too," said Mrs. Delacorte, placing the tray across the bed. "Come on, I've fixed your breakfast myself today. Scrambled eggs the way you like them, sausage and toast and coffee. Your father says I'm spoiling you."

Suzanne laughed, and looked affectionately up at her mother. "Sit down and talk," she said.

"I was intending to," said the older woman. "After all, since you left home, I've missed our little chats. It's good to have you back."

"I know. I'm glad to be back, too."

Mrs. Delacorte lit a cigarette from the box on the nightstand, and leaned back, her eyes resting lovingly on her daughter.

"You're certainly looking better than you did when you returned," she commented. "I can't tell you how unhappy I was with your living in that dreadful slum."

"It wasn't that bad," Suzanne admitted, sipping her coffee. "But... well, there's no place like home."

Her mother nodded. "Especially when it's clean, modern and comfortable," she said. "Tell me, what really made you decide to move back? I mean, I had fully expected you to return, but not quite so soon."

Suzanne hesitated, and took a mouthful of sausage and eggs before replying.

"Well, lots of things, really," she said guardedly. "I guess, to be honest, I got tired of slumming."

"Spoken like a true Grosse Pointer," said Mrs. Delacorte, and they both laughed, knowing the humor of her statement.

"Truthfully, I wanted to stay, but the neighborhood is really worse than I had expected."

"Why do you think the city's tearing it all down?" asked her mother. "Another few years, and all those crummy buildings will be gone, and nice, new highrise apartments for students will take their place. And it's about time, too. Wayne's a good school, and I've never understood how they've put up with those ghastly people living in those old buildings, right next door, as it were. I mean, it's terrible that the poor have such bad living conditions, but I feel if half of them got out and worked, they wouldn't have to live like they do. It's a sad situation." She sighed. "I'm thankful that your father and I have been able to give you a good home and a respectable upbringing. I've often imagined what might happen if a girl grew up among those people." She shuddered. "I've been told that half of them are pregnant by the time they're sixteen."

Suzanne stared at her mother intently. Mrs. Delacorte's face had a tolerant look of distaste which accentuated the tiny wrinkles at the corners of her mouth and eyes, skillfully covered with a layer of makeup. Her hair was immaculate, and from her ears a pair of diamonds were suspended on small platinum chains. Her dress was a sophisticated black sheath, simple and tasteful, but obviously from Saks or Bergdorf's.

Suzanne had a passing mental image of Donald's mother, seated in her rundown apartment on Forest Avenue, her hair hanging in rat-tails, her coarse features devoid of makeup, and her breasts swinging obscenely under her cotton shift, while her bare feet rested on the torn linoleum rug, and the woman's drawling Kentucky accents echoed in her ears... "Work? I dunno. There ain't much I can do. 'Sides, I git enough from welfare to get by."

Suzanne shivered and took another bite of toast.

"I learned a lot, I'll say that," she murmured, washing the toast down with a sip of coffee. "I'll probably have a real good grade in sociology, thanks to my research. My paper's coming along nicely."

"Good," replied Mrs. Delacorte vaguely. "It's a blessing that you're intelligent, my girl."

Suzanne stared at her mother, not quite comprehending the words which sounded out of context to what they had been discussing. But she decided to let it pass. There were many things her mother said which she realized were merely words to fill up time between what Mrs. Delacorte considered the important aspects of life.

"So when's Sam arriving?"

Suzanne smiled happily, and her heart beat a little faster.

"Five o'clock," she replied. "On BOAC. I'm going to be at the airport in plenty of time. I don't want to miss seeing the plane come in. Oh, Mother, I'm so happy."

"You look it, I'll say that for you." Her mother paused and smirked. "You are going to marry him, aren't you?"

Suzanne nodded emphatically. "Of course. I've always been in love with Sam."

"Hm. To be truthful, I had expected you to get married a few months ago, but then he suddenly upped and flew off to Europe. Did you by any chance have a tiff?"

Suzanne shook her head. "Nope. He just said he wanted to get away for a while," she lied. "But let's not talk about that. Sam's coming back, and just as soon as we can, we're going to be married."

"He asked you in his letter?"

"No. He didn't ask. He said so."

"Oh. Caveman tactics."

"No. He's aware how I feel. I guess he just took it for granted that I'd say yes, and I will. Oh, Mother, I can hardly wait."

Mrs. Delacorte sniffed. "Well, I want you both to have a talk with the minister first. You know, there are lots of things a young couple should know before getting married. And of course we'll have to send out the invitations and everything. Oh, I want you to have the biggest and best wedding that Grosse Pointe has ever seen. After all, Sam's family is well known, and it should be a real nice splash on the social pages."

Suzanne leaned back and wiped her mouth with the linen napkin.

"Mother, I'd just as soon have a quiet ceremony. I know Sam's not planning a big wedding. He's often said so."

"Suzanne, children do not arrange their weddings. Their parents do, and you're not going to deprive me of seeing my only daughter married in high style."

"But, mother, it's my wedding."

"I'll not discuss it any further, Suzanne," said Mrs. Delacorte, rising and lifting the breakfast tray off the bed. "You're going to have a big wedding and you may as well get used to the idea."

Suzanne sighed. "Yes, Mother."

"And don't look like that. You know you really want it, just like any other Grosse Pointe girl. Remember, you only get married once, and you may as well go all the way. It's not that we can't afford it, remember, like those other people."

"I know. But I think Sam'll want to get married right away, and a big wedding takes time, and there's so much planning and all that nonsense."

"Nonsense!" Mrs. Delacorte's voiced rose three octaves. "Suzanne, you listen to me, my girl. I'll arrange everything, and you can get married, oh, say, in about a month or six weeks. Besides, that'll give you and Sam a little time together. After all, he has been away, and I'm sure you both have lots to talk about."

"I suppose so." Suzanne threw the covers back and stepped out on to the thick, plush carpet. "Mother, I think I'll shower and get dressed. Thanks for the breakfast."

Mrs. Delacorte picked up the tray and moved to the door.

"You're welcome, dear, and believe me, darling, it's so wonderful having you back home again. You've no idea how much happier I am, knowing you're back where you belong."

She left, closing the door behind her. Suzanne glided across the carpet soundlessly, and went into the pink and white tiled bathroom, resplendent with gold fixtures and a sunken tub. She stared at herself in the full-length mirrors, and slipped off her pajamas, standing naked while she surveyed her body.

She heard a voice echoing in her mind... "Jeez, lookit them tits!" She closed her eyes, seeing Donald's naked body on top of her own, his mouth hungrily devouring her lips while his penis moved slowly in and out of her vagina.

With a quick shake of her head, she dismissed the memory, stepped into the tub, and turned on the faucet. As the stinging warm water splashed on her skin, she reached for the soap and began soaping herself all over, relishing the sensual feeling of her fingers and the spray.

It was nice to be home again, she thought, enjoying all the comforts that her parents' wealth afforded her. Yet there had been a cozy warmth to her little apartment on campus; if only it could have stayed that way, instead of being so violently disrupted by those boys. And Yvonne... poor Yvonne! Suzanne would never forget the look on the woman's face as she walked out of the apartment that night, her age and her frustrations deflating her expression, removing the constant forced sparkle and superficial gaiety. And Carole, whose eyes had betrayed her remorse even if her mouth had remained silent. Yes, it had been a bad scene, but as an experience, it had been invaluable. Even her encounters with the three boys had been a traumatic breakthrough for her, revealing her innate sexuality to herself and enabling her to dispel her inhibitions. She knew now that when she and Sam slid under the sheets, she would be able to satisfy him completely. And she knew instinctively that a wife who keeps her husband happy that way need never fear about his straying from home. Yes, she would be able to give Sam every type of sensual satisfaction he could possibly crave. Her body glowed at the thought, and she finished her toilet quickly, eager to be dressed and ready to go to the airport and meet him. Her heart beat quicker at the thought of seeing his handsome face once more, feeling his arms about her and his lips pressing on her own. Oh, Sam... Sam... hurry home, darling, hurry home. My arms are waiting and my body is eager to feel you, naked and aroused, lying on top of me...

Detroit Metropolitan Airport was crowded as Suzanne and her parents pushed their way through the mass of people to the arrival gate. Suzanne's hands were trembling, and she bit her lip as she moved, her body bumped by the throng of travelers disembarking. Her eyes were glued at the oncoming sea of faces, eagerly searching for the broad, handsome features and shock of brown hair that she had been dreaming of for so long.

"There he is!"

Mrs. Delacorte's voice cut through the babble like a knife, and Suzanne turned and stared.

"Oh, Sam!"

She rushed forward, and they were in each other's arms, and she felt his wide lips cover her own. Her arms held him tightly, and instinctively she opened her mouth and let her tongue lick across his lips for a second before breaking apart. Sam's large blue eyes were wide, and he laughed enthusiastically.

"Now that's what I call a welcome," he breathed. "Oh, Suzanne, it's so good to see you."

She wiped the tears from her eyes, and kept one arm around his waist while he shook hands with Mr. and Mrs. Delacorte. He looked around.

"Mother and Dad didn't come?" he asked disappointedly.

"No, afraid not, Sam," said Mr. Delacorte, "Your father's in Chicago on business, and your mother wasn't feeling well. Nothing serious, just a touch of the flu."

"Oh, well, you're here," Sam said, looking at Suzanne. "That's all that really matters."

They walked back through the terminal and collected his two suitcases, and in ten minutes were driving back down the expressway towards Detroit, Sam sitting close to Suzanne in the back seat of the Delacorte Cadillac, while Mr. and Mrs. Delacorte rode up front, both keeping their eyes tactfully on the road, conscious that the two young people in the back would much rather be alone. Suzanne snuggled close, her one hand on the inside of Sam's thigh; his arm was around her, and every few seconds, they would lean close and kiss. Suzanne felt her loins responding, and she knew Sam was getting excited. She had already noticed the slight bulge in his pants, and inwardly she felt a glow of satisfaction. Oh, she could hardly wait 'til they were really alone. She wanted him so badly, she almost hurt.

"You're having dinner with us tonight," said Mrs. Delacorte imperiously, "Of course, we'll drop you off at your home first so you can say hello to your mother, but then you come on over. I know Suzanne's got lots of things to discuss with you, and we have to make plans for the wedding and everything."

Sam's eyes almost popped out of his head.


Suzanne squeezed his thigh.

"Of course, darling." She kissed him quickly. "Don't tell me you're turning me down?"

He grinned happily. "No, of course not," he said firmly. "But I thought at least you'd wait 'til I asked you."

Mr. Delacorte's gruff voice broke in.

"Sam, if Suzanne's like her mother, you don't stand a chance, take it from me. Mrs. Delacorte proposed and married me before I could say, Drop your drawers."


Mrs. Delacorte's acid tones were drowned by Sam's loud laugh and Suzanne's high-pitched giggle.

"At least you're not marrying her for money," Mr. Delacorte continued more soberly. "Which is comforting."

"I'm marrying Suzanne," said Sam evenly, "because I love her."

Suzanne steered the car carefully around the winding street. Her eyes were on the road, but she knew Sam's were on her, taking in every inch of her profile.

"Well," he murmured gratefully. "At last we're alone, really alone."

"I know," she replied. "My folks can be a real drag sometimes, but they mean well."

The car pulled up outside the large mansion.

"You coming in for a while?" asked Sam, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Try and stop me," Suzanne answered.

They climbed out of the car and walked up the driveway arm in arm.

"That was a good dinner," said Sam inconsequentially.


"You going to cook for me when we're married?"

"Of course."

He laughed. "I thought maybe you'd want a cook like your mother has."

"Never. I'm going to cook for you, clean house, do everything for you."


She squeezed his waist. "Everything."

"You sound terribly menacing."

"Maybe I am."

"I love it."

"And I love you."

She turned into him, moved her arms up around his neck, and pulled him to her, closing her lips over his. Breathlessly, they clung together, the warm breeze caressing their faces, and the bright moonlight turning Suzanne's hair to silver.

They broke apart and continued walking up to the front door.

"Mother's probably asleep by now," said Sam, opening the massive carved slab and ushering her inside.

"Good. We won't be interrupted then," said Suzanne, walking into the tiled entrance hall, her heels clicking softly.

He laughed softly.

"Are you planning to seduce me, young woman?"

She nodded.

"Of course. You really didn't invite me in for coffee now, did you?"

"Of course not."

"All right, then."

She walked into the wide living room, illuminated only by a small reading lamp at the far end. The warm glow gave her cheeks a sensuous patina, and Sam smiled as he approached her, took her in his arms, and kissed her gently.

"You're very lovely," he murmured. "And I've missed you terribly."

"Me, too. There wasn't a day I didn't wish you were back here. Oh, Sam, why did you ever leave?"

"You know why," he replied calmly. "I couldn't stand it any longer."

"Couldn't stand what?"

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As many of you know, I'm a married 45 year-old mother with two sons, one 25 off on his own now, one 23 in college, and a daughter. I am 5’6” tall, with nice long brown hair, brown eyes and weight just right I think for my build. I have 34C boobs with large firm nipples. My husband Nick is a police officer and is away from home from time to time for different reasons. We have a very good and open sex life and I have had many different men since I met my husband Nick and we started enjoying our...

3 years ago
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Bug on the Net

It had been a bitch of a wedding, I love the money of the large weddings but they were just too much work. My dad who had started the business drove up to help. Even that had added to the stress. Having someone standing with me who knew what I was doing wrong made it a real pressure cooker. I have to give it to the old man, he never said a word in front of the clients to undermine me. He actually told people that I was a better photographer than he was. He did the group shots, which I hate, so...

2 years ago
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Daddys Daughters Diary pt 4

Disclaimer all characters in this story are fictional and are over 18 years old.The story so far : Chrystal writes a diary of her feelings and now her and James, her Daddy are lovers.Chrystal sat bolt upright in bed realising today was her 21st birthday. Yawning, she stretched and was about to get up when her door opened. James stood in the doorway carrying a tray and wearing nothing but a pink bow tied to his cock."Good morning birthday girl." James smiled."Thankyou Daddy, is that present...

2 years ago
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Il Grande Giorno

È un normalissimo giorno di scuola, dopo la terza ora, mentre tutti escono per l'intervallo, rimango in classe per mettere alcuni appunti in ordine. Mentre lo faccio vedo che mi si avvicina...

3 years ago
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Emperors BodyguardChapter 7 Alpha Central

I led Michelle across the huge pad and into a station door. An elevator left us on the command level and I led Michelle to the control room door. When I stepped into the large control room everyone was looking at me. Two angry Marines stood beside the door and their hands dropped to the pistols they wore. I looked at them, “I am Colonel Jason Drake. Those sting ships were not using transponders and locked us before firing. I doubt they were Marine sting ships and if you do not remove your...

3 years ago
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My Week With Tommy PT

please excuse any grammatical/punctual errors as English is my second language.Names have been changed for the safety of people featured in this article It was Thursday night, i had nothing special going on, laying upside down on my bed staring at my 'Whitechapel' poster. I heard my phone vibrate, so I sat up and grabbed it. It was Ms.Baxter, a middle aged, single mother that lived down the street from us. I opened the text message and it said "Hey, Chelsea, could I ask you for a HUGE...

2 years ago
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Fucked my step mom

Hey this is Amit Sinha from Dehradun I m 18 years old. I first met my step mum when i was 7 years old, when my parents broke up she moved in with my dad. I’ve always had a close relationship with her as i have known her most of my life. I am 18 years old now and she is 47. Despite her age she has an incredible body, occasionally at the dinner table she would bend over and I couldn’t help but look over at those round hips. Four years ago she had a baby with my dad. My dad and she once said they...

1 year ago
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Broken Fantasy Part 4

DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of condoms and safe sex at all times. Broken Fantasy (M/F, Intr, Cuck, Voyeur, Anal,...

2 years ago
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Bumble Dating App Got Me A MILF

Hey! This is my first ever ISS story and it’s about from a dating app. I am a 19 year 5ft 7 inches guy with a sculpted build based in Delhi. I am going to talk about my recent experience with you all. I downloaded Bumble (a dating app) to see what’s it about. I was bored by the cringe or uninteresting Bios of 18-19-year-old girls. So I switched to 40+ yr old. To my surprise, there were 10-15 women, and 8-9 were pretty cute. I swiped right on them as they were ‘verified.’ I had stopped opening...

3 years ago
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Darkness Falls

Creatures of the night are pursuing me in utter darkness. Running through the shadows, tripping, stumbling as I go. Wolves howling and dogs growling, snarling, as well as barking as they close in upon me. An owl hoots as I run past it. I fall down and a dog bites my arm but I pull free, severely bleeding. Dashing away with my shirt half torn and bloody, I head toward a light further ahead. I hear bats flapping their leathery wings and screeching overhead. I'm getting...

3 years ago
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Educating the Capo Ch 04

With only a couple of days left before we left for Richmond, there were a lot of things we had to iron out before our departure. The division of labour was easy, Manny attacked the logistical aspects of the work that would be done in our absence, sorting out assignments and staffing for the jobs which were already on the books and freeing up assets for any work that would come our way while we were gone. Our secretary, Karen Wilde, would relocate to temporary premises with the rest of the...

2 years ago
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Cat Got Your Tongue

Every day was the same for Jack: crawl out of bed, struggle to stay awake in the shower, get dressed, rush to the university, daydream about the cute redhead a few seats in front of you while your professor rambles on about tangent planes and gradient vectors, go home, eat, tool around on line, then sleep. Every day, that is, until today. As Jack struggled to stay awake in Calculus, he noticed his redheaded sweetheart in between nods. He thought he was dreaming, because he noticed she had two...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Fan Couple

Hi friends, mera naam Vicky hai aur me bhopal me rehta hu. Maine Indian sex stories pe bahut story padhi hai. Aaj me apko apni real story btane jar ha hu ji ki ek couple ke sath hui . Agar aapko meri story achi lage to mujhe mail kare. Comab me story pe aata hu.Main ghar ke pas ek mall ja rha tha. Wahan pe bahut sari aunty aur bhabhi aati hai. Aur fir me roj mall jane laga mjhe waha ek bhut khubsurat aunty dkhai di usse dekh kar hi mera lund tight ho gaya. Jaisa app sab jante hai mai massage...

3 years ago
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My GirlsChapter 10

We were all delighted to get Victoria home from the hospital. She was sore, so the girls had a wonderful time catering to her. It was a treat for them to have Mommy around for more than a day or two, whatever the reason. Victoria took it with grace, although I know she got sick of doing nothing. However, she was glad to be with the girls and me too, so she did not complain. I was delighted to have her around too - we spent too little time together. Over the years we had learned to spend...

3 years ago
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One Ring to Rule Them All

The estate of the great JRR Tolkien owns the characters. I am just playing with them. One Ring to Rule Them All By Eric Frodo was shaken to his core after the magically charged scene with Elf Queen Galadriel. The diminutive hobbit stumbled towards his bed. The one ring was alive in his hand. It seemed to warp time and space. He had offered to the inhumanly beautiful Galadriel and greatly tempted she had reached out her hand for it, but drew back in the nick of time. Frodo sat...

2 years ago
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Megyn Kelley Terrible Journey

Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible fate They let go of her legs and she fell in a pile to the floor. Everything was spinning. Megyn’s life was spinning out of control. SMMAAAACK across the face. “Snap out of it.” Laughed the cruel voice. Her ankles were tied together and then roped behind her head and arms. Her arms were tied and she was hoisted up hanging from a rafter. “Wait, what are doing? What’s happening? She hung like a...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Her Dreams

Fulfilling Her Dreams by Fornicatio ([email protected])Chapter One        The first time we’d actually met in person, it was in a quiet, empty, coney island on a cool fall evening.  We’d been chatting for quite a while, almost 6 months I guess.  I knew so much about the girl, everything about her really; what she thought, her every fantasy, I knew things about her that she herself didn’t know, at least not yet.  She’d sent me a message online, she’d been 18 at the time, a good girl, a...

1 year ago
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Cheating and her first time

Mike worked as a cashier at a large grocery store. He had been dating the same girl for quite some time and they had recently become engaged. Though they had been having sex for over a year it was not the greatest. She was very sexy but was not exciting in the bedroom. One Monday, Mike sat lazily at his register. It was a slow day and it would be forever before he got off. He was just about to go grab a magazine off the rack to read when an attractive blonde walked towards him. She only had one...

First Time
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Triple Fuck Fun With Girlfriend Wife

I always keep a touch with Anju (my husband’s former girlfriend) by sending and receiving regular mails. She is a very good lady and I always feel sorry for her because she is not able to get sexual satisfaction from her husband. She is our next door neighbor of my in law’s house. Her husband is like an impotant and he is not able to fuck her. He finishes every time on her pussy lips, whenever he tries to fuck her. My husband was the only man who could satisfy her before my marriage. Readers...

2 years ago
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E106 Emmas discovery on a Monday in January

The second Monday in January, Emma and Donald wake, have their regular morning sex, shower and prepping for the day.  Emma is home today working on a grant proposal for one of her organizations.  Donald is teaching his class and then stopping at the Institute for a while.  He tells her he will be home around four o’clock. All is good between them.Emma sits at her laptop at the dining room table, but as she completes the application, she needs to go to other sites for information to include. ...

Love Stories
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One Night with Amanda

So my name is Michael and I am in a choir that travels once a year and we go to different places to sing in churches. This year my choir and I traveled to Avon Lake, Ohio and after a concert I got sent home with a family who attended the church. I was the only child that they took. I forgot to tell you. I am 16 years old. Yes that’s right. When I arrived back at my host family for the night I got sent into the room where I would be sleeping in. It was already past ten o’ clock by the time I...

4 years ago
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Copyright © 1996 A few years ago, my sister invited me to join her family for a trip to Orlando and the Disney World complex. They live in Chicago, and I hardly ever get a chance to see them. So I said yes, despite my preference for traveling to more exotic and adventurous destinations. Judy's kids are 5 and 8 years old, so I knew that it would be fun to watch them enjoy the wonderland of children's pleasures. Her husband Jake and I don't normally get along too well-I guess he thinks...

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ThisGirlSucks Brooklyn Gray Gag Her Again

Brooklyn Gray is twenty years old and she cannot wait for you to watch her suck and throat some cock. Right away, she begs our stud to shove his thick meat stick down her throat. She comes up gasping for breath, her face covered in spit, and her first words are, DO IT AGAIN! This chick simply cannot get enough sausage in her windpipe. She uses her tongue to please our studs prick, bringing him to the edge of euphoria before pushing him over and taking a huge blast of cum in the process. If you...

1 year ago
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Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 13

As January days progressed Claire became more and more morose, and more taciturn. John knew he could do nothing for her: it was her problem alone. He simply looked after her, and she often smiled her thanks. On the afternoon of Friday the 14th of January, the Friday before Thursday the 20th when she could apply for the Decree Absolute, the phone rang, and Claire being nearest answered it. John was in the kitchen, and heard what transpired. He heard her gasp of surprise and was ready to join...

3 years ago
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English Girl Gets a Surprise

Sitting at her desk, the neat pile on the corner much too big, Hayley absently slipped another sweet into her mouth.  That was going to get her in trouble, she was already over her daily limit (a new rule), but part of her was craving a good, hard spanking.  Hell, it had been twenty eight days, she was craving everything.  At times she felt like she’d gotten used to the crazy, towering, gut-twisting need.  At other times, late at night or after she’d just edged, she’d be breathless with need,...

1 year ago
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Love on first sight finding a Fairy

The room has stopped to spin around him and he thinks it’s safe to walk down the hallway. As he stumbles into the kitchen, he feels a little better. Good enough to wonder how he has a hangover. Isn’t that like alcohol withdrawal? There is definitely still alcohol left in his system but whatever. He opens the fridge and takes out the milk. He puts a bowl onto the counter and tries to pour in some cereal. He gets about 90 percent in. Now the milk. Take aim and make sure not to miss. This time...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 17 Awards

Dave lay panting on the sofa next to four people he didn’t know. He’d fucked the two women, and then other men had come and done them next to him as he did Julia Ann again. Rebecca and TJ were their names: both blondes, sexy, and bordering on enthusiastic nymphomania – just the way Dave liked his sex partners. They were certified sluts. Everyone at the party was – male or female. Julia Ann lay against him with her eyes closed. Occasionally, she’d kiss his chest. She had an arm draped across...

2 years ago
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Mom helps injured son Chapter 4

Chapter 4The next morning the doctor’s office called and asked about Tim’s hands. They said he should come in the day after tomorrow and get the bandages removed. I felt a mixture of relief and disappointment come over me. Had I enjoyed this little game I had been playing with Tim? What kind of a pervert does that make me? I decided to concentrate on the relief of this whole routine ending soon.Tim came into the kitchen and I fixed him some breakfast. We sat and ate in total silence, not even...

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