Vacation?Chapter 44 free porn video

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Day Forty-four - Tuesday

Oh my, what an intoxicating aroma. My dream was filled with Sue's scent, her secretion odor. At the same time, my dick was being brought to an exciting explosion, while my eyes were still closed.

Just as my first shot launched from my loins, I awoke to find the delicious sight of Sue's moist pussy inches from my own lips. When I raised my head to suck her clit into my mouth she erupted, sending sprays of her own juices over my chin and neck. The only sounds were Sue's "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Sue held me in her sucking mouth until there was nothing more to suck out of me. She then lay fully on me, breathing heavily, "Oh Steve, I was so horny for you when I woke up. I needed to love you so I just sucked you up. Doing that to you made me so hot, I came as soon as your tongue touched me. So good!"

We got out of bed to hit the john. Sue pulled the wet bedclothes from the bed while I started a pot of coffee. We enjoyed an erotic shower, with an additional coupling, before going out on the patio and turning on a light.

Shawna showed up first, with a T-shirt full of holes her only covering. She did her usual feet on the front edge of the chair, showing off her fire red trimmed beaver. This time however, there was white gooey stuff leaking out of her. Shawna was idly scooping up a finger-full at a time before slipping the finger into her mouth. With her other hand she was holding her coffee mug.

Hanna showed up a few seconds later and observed the antics Shawna was going through. Hanna reached over and scooped a finger full then, sucking it into her mouth said, "I just love that stuff. I'll never get pregnant. When Jim gets hot, ready to get off, I make him feed it to me. Don't know what it is, but I love the taste of that stuff."

Glenda came in during Hanna's discourse and mentioned that she should get as much as she can now because when Jim got older, he would only be able to give her the taste treat once a day, at the most.

Charlie came onto the patio with a smile on his face, checking out his wife's lewd display, "You trying to attract more takers for the hot twat of yours or are you trying to cool it off?"

"More would be nice, but no, not advertising, mostly just tasting what you left," Shawna smiled giving her husband a kiss.

Jim, Tiny, and Ruth showed up about the same time. Ruth once again was showing off her nice, large, breast areolas and nipples through another transparent gown. We guys had a hard time keeping our eyes off the various shows being put on.

Sue was curled up in my lap with her head on my shoulder, "Do you think you will finish moving today?"

Tom and Al, with Betty and Joan, had just arrived. Tom said that everything should be done, including cleaning up the storage place, by noon.

"Good," Sue said, "I think Gene's planning to come over after lunch. I would like to be able to show him a little activity. He is a link to a lot of future business. He said he wanted to bring his wife by to meet all of us."

I added to conversation, "A shipment of materials should arrive today. I will build the stands to hold the materials and you guys can start work on some frames and some sheet metal. We can show Gene a set of completed sheet metal and see how he wants to handle delivery and testing to see if it's worthwhile for us to do the forming. Oh yeah, the phone guy is going to be installing cable for the phones, computers, and paging. Be careful of his guys on ladders. If they need help, do it."

Charlie and Jim said they wanted to stop by after work to check out how the building additions were coming along. Charlie also wanted to see this work area Shawna was gushing over.

Ruth said she wanted to look at my computer and all of my receipts and deposits to date so she would have a place to work from. She said the longer she waited, the harder it would be to get all the records straight.

The contractor showed up to have some coffee with us. Shawna quit showing off her beaver, but Betty, Joan, Hanna, and Ruth couldn't help but become focal points due to their very thin dressing gowns.

He was telling me we could park all of our equipment in the fenced in lot this morning. The lot should be finished being packed and rolled. He said he was going to have a crane at the shop putting up the cross members and roof of the new buildings. The paint booth equipment should arrive today as well. Also, he said, if all went well, the new shop area should be built out by Thursday and the paint booth addition by Friday or Saturday morning. Final inspection won't happen on the paint booth until Monday, but he thought he could get the other side inspected and passed tomorrow morning. I asked him to have his plumber work with Abe on the air lines.

Tiny, Charlie, and Jim said they needed to get going, as did the contractor. He thanked us for the coffee and told the girls showing off that he enjoyed their company as well.

Before Tom and Al left, I told them that I wanted to hang the frame in the showroom using some heavy wire. Then I wanted them to mount the set of sheet metal onto the other frame so Shawna could begin painting it. Shawna told me to wait for the paint booths, as it would be a better job. Al agreed with her saying he would help on the initial prep, primer, and first coats as well as the clear when it was all done.

I hated to wait but it would have to be. Sue suggested I take the shovel into the showroom to display Shawna's work, that way she might be able to get some work from one or more of the NASCAR teams. That was good idea, so I had Tom and Al to help me lift the bike into the back of the pickup and tie it down. I threw a bunch of cleaning materials into the truck to make the bike shine.

Sue said she had to go by her Uncle Ben's office and the bank before coming in, but would be there by ten. We both left with a full day ahead of us.

The big lot looked great paved. It gave the whole place a professional appearance. I was amazed at the rapid progress being made on the additions. There were two cranes, one on each side of the building lifting panels up to be fitted and attached as a roof. Men were already working on the inside of the big shop addition, attaching insulation to the roof and front wall, while more men were erecting panels on the sides.

The paint addition was coming along about the same except they were not finishing off the front so the paint booths could be easily installed. There was a tractor-trailer backed up to the rear doorway. Abe was lifting materials off with the newer forklift and setting the materials in stacks on pallets on the shop floor. I had not realized how much I had ordered.

Tom and Al helped me get the bike out of the pickup and I pushed it up front to the showroom. Shawna shooed me out saying she would get the bike ready for display as it was her work and this was for promoting her business.

I went to the back of the shop where I wanted to build the rack for the tubing and sheet metal. On the welding shop side I set aside the beams necessary for that rack then had Abe take the other rack material to the sheet metal side which was closer to the paint building.

This was raw work, nothing fancy. I measured what sizes I would need and set up the beams so I could cut them with the gas torch. I laid everything out in the manner I wanted it be then using the wire feed arc, welded the pieces together. Once they were all put together, I got Tom and Al to help me stand the rack up and move it to the wall. The rack was heavy and stable enough to not move but I still welded it to the two beams holding up the building at that location.

While I was doing the rack on the other side for the sheet metal, Abe separated the various pieces of tubing and blank plate to make up a complete set then used the forklift to put it on the rack.

Tom and Al had taken a forklift into the showroom and used it to hang the frame from the steel joist overhead. They had it at a forty-five degree slant pointing down with the whole thing slightly tilted to show off the interior of the cockpit.

When they were done I had them separate the sheet metal into groups representing one car in each group. Abe lifted it onto the rack then we all got busy cleaning up the floor from the recent activity. We were able to easily restore the shop floor to the glossy, just painted look.

Sue was in our new office with the computer guy who was sitting in my chair, frantically taking notes.

The telephone guys were a busy group, pulling cables to all parts of the building, hanging speakers way up high on the overhead beams and pushing wire through the tiled office ceiling with the tiles pulled out. The telephone contractor said he had brought several extra men so he could do the job fast, if that was okay with me. I like the way this man thought.

Glenda showed up with a huge box of sandwich material. She had over twenty pounds of lunchmeats, with all the trimmings, including lettuce, tomatoes, and all the condiments. As she put it in the lunchroom, I told the telephone guys they were welcome to eat any time they wanted, then went out to the contractor and told him his men were welcome to eat with us.

When he said his men would be too dirty to come in, I said, "Soap and water is cheap. Tell them to come on in. We have plenty of food and iced tea. The bathroom in the shop area is ready for some dirty guys. Enjoy."

The word went out to all the men and the heavy equipment was being shut down quickly. It was the right thing to do, as they all were excited at being treated well by the customer.

The computer guy was going to return with the first load of equipment in an hour or so. Shawna had finished up the bike, making the showroom look pretty good. Ruth had purchased several big fake potted trees to soften up the cold appearance.

Sue and I were looking at the showroom from the front door when Gene, accompanied by two other men and a lady drove up. As he got out of his big Lincoln, he pointed up to the S&S sign in front then came through the big front double doors. All four of them stopped and looked at the frame hanging at eye level from the ceiling, and then down at the floor to see the embedded S&S. Gene had a big smile on his face. One of the other guy's eyes were glued to the bike.

Gene introduced his wife, and the two guys as a visiting team owner and his crew chief. The two guys choked a little shaking Sue's hand, as they were both tall. That means they were looking straight down into some great cleavage. Gene's wife wasn't chopped liver but she was not even close to Sue.

We told them that we were moved in, but in a building mode, putting in a telephone system and adding onto the building.

Out in the shop area we turned to the left to see the welding shop first. The area was large enough to build four frames at a time if we had the orders and folk to build that much at a time. Again the focal point of the embedded S&S gave proof to how clean and bright the place was. Gene noted the rack at the back of the building with all the materials on it.

On the wall near the workbench and group of stands, the blueprint of the frame was mounted with a clear sheet of plastic over it for protection. I was going to have to compliment Tom for that.

I showed them the new building and how it was going, explaining this was going to be our rebuilding shop for large mobile generators and compressors. We walked around the rear of the dividing partition to the sheet metal area.

"Gene, I said I would have something that I hope enthuses you."

Al had laid out the entire car's set of panels on the floor, in an order that you could tell what each panel was for.

"Are these to spec?" Gene asked.

"Exact to the blueprint you gave me," I replied.

"How many sets do you have?" he asked.

"Just this one, plus another set almost complete," I said wondering at how rapidly he was questioning me.

"How fast can you make more?" Gene was now being pushy like he had never done before.

I was now even wondering if we had sprung this new venture on Gene too early, "Until we can train more people, we should be able to produce five or six a week."

"Put me down for twenty sets," Gene said matter of factly.

"Are you building twenty cars?" I asked.

"No, we need spare sheet metal for the cars. They get beat up and panels need to be replaced constantly."

"Are there panels that are not affected? I'm sure there are some parts that get hurt more often than others."

"You're right, but we never know, so we make up complete sets to take along and then once a month or every six weeks, we take stock and only make what we need to make up more sets. If you're making them up, you'll be cheaper than we can do it ourselves, so just make up the whole thing."

"Gene, how about two full sets then I'll get your crew chief to tell me what panels they need more pieces of. That will save you a ton."

Gene turned grinning at the other team owner and crew chief, "See, that's why I love the way this guy works. He's saving us time and money at every turn."

"Well, now that you've brought it up, I have another piece of the puzzle that I would like to fit. Come this way."

We walked into the shop area that was going to be Shawna's work area. Again the big S&S on the floor stood out. We walked through it, then out the back door to look at the construction of the paint addition.

The visiting crew chief said, "Looks like you're building double paint booths."

I smiled and walked over to where the trucks were parked and showed them the S&S logos.

"Did you like the paint on the bike up front?" I asked looking at them. Gene's wife said with a blush, "That is the most erotic paint on a vehicle I've ever seen."

Gene, and the visitors said, "Erotic?"

"When we go back in, I'll show you," she said.

I continued, "I have a painter that will paint your entire car or just the base colors and any custom lettering. I want more of your business. The booths are for our rebuild operation but I think we can be of even more service to you. Let us do some of the grunt work your guys hate. We'll install the decals for you as well if you want."

The visiting owner asked, "How much are you going to charge for all of that?"

"I have no idea. You and I will have to work out what it's worth to you."

The visiting crew chief said, "Since we are not close by, if we were to receive panels already painted in our basic colors, that would be a real advantage. We could put on the decals. Hell just being able to buy a frame like the one we saw at Gene's, and panels as nice as those inside, would put us three days plus ahead of schedule."

I looked at the crew chief, "We would put all the panels on the frame but then you wouldn't be able to get your equipment inside and it would be too difficult to work on the inside set up. We haven't been able to come up with a way to securely fasten the panels and still have them be removable."

He replied, "You're right about the equipment installation. We'll look at ways it might be done. You're going to have to get paint lot numbers for every team you paint for. So when they touch them up after installing the panels the paint matches."

"I've thought of that but figured I can buy paint from the same vendors as the teams or just buy it from the individual team to make sure it's the same," I said, agreeing with the crew chief.

Gene said, "You already have us so used to being able to say, hey Steve, we need a frame and it magically appears that with the sheet metal going for you, my crew is going to want to adopt you."

Gene continued, "Steve, you have a real operation here. I'm excited for you and know you will be radically successful at it. I'm going to help you with my business for sure. I know my counterpart out in Lakeland thinks you walk on water. Does he know about your sheet metal yet?"

"You're the first, Gene," I said seriously. "This is a new venture, it's going to take a little while to get it expanded, but you know we work hard training people to do perfect work."

The other owner said, "I like that phrase, perfect work. Gene told me you said you wouldn't accept anything but perfect work from yourself."

We had walked back into Shawna's area. She was cleaning some of her painting equipment, so I introduced everyone to her. The crew chief looked at her, "You're so little, how will you get at the top of the cars?"

Shawna pointed to a platform with steps on wheels, "If I use that, I don't drag the air hose all over the side of what I'm painting. I encourage tall guys to use one too as they will have a smoother paint job."

The crew chief nodded, "I'll have my guys get one of those."

We walked up the back stairs into the break room. We looked into the conference room, then walked along the balcony till we came to Ruth's office. I introduced everyone, telling them Ruth was the person I depended upon to keep the business in the black.

I showed them the fancy office and Gene turned to his wife, "I want one just like this. We've been going to remodel for years, I want one like it."

Back downstairs in the showroom, Gene's wife pointed out the flames and how they were molded into forms that represented male and female couples. Shawna had placed the two helmets on the seats. Gene's wife pointed out how one helmet was all silver representing the male figures and the gold represented the female.

"I don't think we could get away with that on a racecar," the visiting team owner said.

We walked over to my office, where I took out a couple of order forms, "Gene, how about ten sets of sheet metal then we'll start tracking what you've used. If we have you and several other teams to track for a year, we should be able to have a good idea of spare parts needed for the road."

I added, "I don't have a price for it, but if you'll help me with it, it will be a good price."

Gene told me, "I'll have the crew chief and the accountant call you, they have it broken down. Don't paint these first ones, primer would be good though. We'll work on paint soon."

I turned to the visiting team owner, "Would you like to order any frames and sheet metal packages?"

"Will you work for me, too?" he asked surprised by my question.

"Of course, that's why Gene brought you. I'm going to have to pay for this building someway."

He looked at me, "Can you deliver them?"

"Sure, if the price is right. Where is your team's shop?" I asked.

"South Carolina."

"Shouldn't be a problem, If it's more than two at a time, we'll contract a commercial carrier. I don't own a big tractor with a flat bed yet. I guess I should look for an enclosed trailer though for the frames and sheet metal."

"Oh, that reminds me, Gene, I'm going to ship all the frames we build from now on in primer to keep any rust down. The weather is just too moist to have bare metal exposed."

"That's another step off the process. Why not just use our frame paint and finish the job," Gene offered. "That's worth two - three hundred dollars."

"Okay, two hundred more for primer and paint," I said making a notation.

The visiting team owner said, "I want to order five frames and two sets of sheet metal. I'm not desperate today but who knows about tomorrow."

"We'll get right on it, you should have delivery, early next week," I said then added "Gene and I will come up with a fair price on the sheet metal and I'll call you to confirm."

Before leaving, Gene said, "You better put me down for two more frames so I'll have them in stock. So far this season, the drivers can't keep them on their wheels."

After they left Sue asked, "Should we put on our coveralls and start?"

"Maybe, but I'm going to get Tom and Al going and see if I can hire some more people. We're going to need at least one, maybe two more sheet metal guys, and probably two more welders."

We went to see how Abe's new shop was coming. It was entirely enclosed with new bright overhead lighting. The design had large windows along the outside wall giving some natural light too. All of the inside insulation was up and now the workmen were putting up some kind of tough washable composite paneling. Following right behind them were two guys building a commercial workbench that would be from one end of the shop to the other except for where doors were.

Abe was standing, with two guys in their fifties or early sixties, watching the contractor's activities. He saw Sue and me approaching and introduced Gary and Ted, two men who he had worked with previously. He said they had agreed to come to work rebuilding product. Abe said he had a guy for me to meet tomorrow. A former company salesman that knew every dealer in a six-state area.

Same as Vacation?
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Linda, a co-worker who'd known her since they both transferred into the department, came out of one of the stalls and asked her how her day was going. Daisy wasn't paying attention and the woman asked again. Daisy muttered something polite and the woman stared at her. Daisy froze. Was something wrong? Did she notice something? Linda tilted her head slightly, touched her ear. Daisy remembered. She felt herself go limp, dropped her head forward, and exhaled. She felt tears welling behind...

4 years ago
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A Different Plane of Existence Part 2

A Different Plane of Existence By Karen Page (revised January 2005) Edited by Angel O'Hare Part Two About an hour into the operation the theatre telephone rang. "Theatre Four," answered Anna Jones the theatre administrator, "Dr Millard and Dr Fielding are operating." "This is Dr Adams from East Sussex hospital in Redhill. Please relay a message to Dr Fielding that we are loosing Helen Turner. I believe he is assisting on Simon Turner. Helen is Simon's mother. She has a donor...

3 years ago
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Girl Code 3 No Promises

Bent over John's desk, blazing pain slammed into Nicole's bottom. The impact of the hard paddle echoed around the CEO's office, bouncing off the walls and marble floor. Landing in her ears, it confirmed the pain her butt deserved for the way she'd treated Alexa.“Six, sir,” she cried out, her breath rasping with pain.Marking off each addition to her punishment forced her to take part. She couldn't let her mind wander off while she endured it. She must accept each painful swat out loud and...

4 years ago
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Small companion

Rains in the north have filled the big river which now laps the large roots of this tree where Rueng likes to sit at this time of the day. Her little constant companion is with her and she feels him as usual comfortably in her underwear.    She can’t remember what she did without him. Oh yes, she can: she was as lonely as she ever was. Looking back Rueng sees her father sitting at his usual spot on the balcony of their wooden dwelling, looking in her direction. His vision is not good any more...

2 years ago
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The Agreement 8211 Part II

Hy Friends . Mera name Rehan hy . Aur mein pakistan k city Rawalpindi ka rehnay wala hun . Mein ISS per aik story The Agreement Part -1 k name sy likh chuka hun. Yeh us story ka part-2 hy . Mein story k characters aik bar dobara bta deta hun. Me: name rehan , age: 20yr and student My Father: Name Rauf , Age : 45 My Mummy: Name Shakeela, Age :42 fig(36-30-38 ) To story ko agay berhata hun. Mummy aur papa k darmiyan yeh silsila usi terha chalta rha.Mummy papa k sath sex nhi krti the. Balky woh...

1 year ago
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My Sex Encounter With My Aunt

Note : This story is completely fictional! When I was 18 I was living with my aunt. Let me describe myself. I am black about 6'3 235lbs with a 8 inch penis. My aunt is 55 years old, nice tits for her age, her ass was nice and firm. She is about 5'9 130lbs. Ok let me begin with my story. It began when I gave my aunt a hug when she was washing dishes and I noticed my dick was up against the crack of her ass, I was instantly turned on and pressed my dick up against her and walked to my room. While...

3 years ago
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Lucky Alex Ch 05

Chapter 5 The Visitor Things stayed the same for the next few days, Chrissy avoided contact, preferring to stay in her room. Sometimes I could hear music drift along the passage way from her room but that was all that indicated that she was there. Saturday arrived and, understandably, Lorraine did not want to go out and leave Chrissy on her own in the house at night. We ordered a Chinese takeaway and settled down to watch a DVD. At around midnight, just as the movie finished, there was an...

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Luna By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 Bill Francis drove into the city for his latest meeting with Candy. This had become a regular ritual for him and he eagerly looked forward to each session. It had all started three months earlier when he finally gave into his urges to dress in women's clothing....

1 year ago
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A Shy Kid Ch 07

When I got home from school I did my usual homework plus some chores my mother always gives me. When she got home I greeted her with a soft kiss and a big hug. She said that she had a long day and was tired so there was to be no early hanky panky. She cooked us a nice meal and we chatted about nothing.After dinner, we cleared the table and washed the dishes doing some light grab-ass'en and then went into the living room to watch some TV. My mom suggested that we just cuddle until bedtime; I...

4 years ago
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Wendy walked out to get the morning paper like she did every Saturday. She liked to drink her coffee and read it before she took a shower.She heard a motorcycle pull in the driveway as she skimmed the want ads. She got up to see who is was."Hey Wendy!" Chad yelled as he revved the engine. "Like my new toy?""It's nice, but loud enough to wake the dead!" she shouted back."Hop on!" he said smiling."Come in for a minute." she said walking back inside.Chad shut off the bike and went inside. He...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Close Knit 33 Embracing Desire

I stood outside of my parent's bedroom, waiting, listening. My mother lie on the other side of the door, touching herself. I knew because I could hear her mewling, could hear her soft voice call out someone's name. A name that wasn't my father's. She was calling out to my brother, Nathan. Her own son. She was a disgusting. She was sick and twisted.But so was I.Why, just days before I had allowed Nathan to take me in his bedroom, just as he'd taken our mother a week before in our father's study....

4 years ago
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Home from college

You've arrived home from college. Well, not home, your aunt's house. You're staying here for the mid-year break, as it's closer to your college than your parents house. You haven't seen your aunt in several years, but she is exactly like you remember her. Tall, curvy, with large natural breasts. "Oh honey it is so good to see you again!" She exclaims as she pulls you into a massive hug. "Hi, Aunt Lauren" you mumble into her tits. She extends you out to arms length and takes a good look at you....

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 44 INTERLUDE THE KERMAC ENVOYS

The Kermac Diplomatic delegation had to share a visitor’s alcove with other dignitaries, observers and diplomats. Viertlvorfier, the Kermac High Consul found it less disgusting than standing with the crowds outside, or watch the even in the Embassy on GalNet. The Nul, the Togar, the Shiss and a host of other Non-Union species had observers here. Form their spot they had a good view towards the Narth alcove. The delegate of the Karthanian said.” It appears this event is not important enough...

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A Brand New ManChapter 20

I’d definitely never run into a burning building before. Even knowing that I couldn’t be burned, there was a natural resistance to the idea ... and the reality of going straight into a blaze, the heat, the smoke, the smell of it very unpleasant. I could hear the screams of a couple of the fools who were already aflame. I could see the fiery figures running in an anguished panic, desperate to stop the pure, excruciating pain of roasted flesh. Not the entire building was on fire, of course,...

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Aux Ed A School Sex Story fmm fm mff young school

John managed to survive the first two days of meetings – saying hi and being nice to all the veteran teachers who he would likely ask millions of questions. He was given the keys to his classroom and was very happy to have found him placed next to Ms. Robins – another younger teacher who just started at West last year. They spoke across the hall as they unpacked, mostly talking about how unprepared they were. It soon became obvious that there was some attraction between the two as “Nicole”...

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Buxomville Chapter 1

Chapter 1"Can't believe it's your last year in high school." Debbie Jensen told her daughter as they pulled up to the school."Mom." Justine looked over at her mother who was about to hug her."Okay... I'm not going to embarrass you." Debbie said.Justine had always looked up to her mother, though she could be a bit over protective sometimes.Justine pulled down the sun visor in the car to check how she looked in the mirror.As she looked at herself it still felt a bit weird seeing herself without...

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How mom made him state champ pt 1

The angry roar of screaming spectators filled the auditorium as they watched Jacob's opponent throw him to the mat.Jacob fought to get out from under the other boy. He pushed and squirmed, but couldn't budge under the weight of the other wrestler. The ref dropped to the mat beside them, watching for the pin. Jacob knew he was in trouble.Jacob's parents jumped to their feet as they looked on. "Get up, Jacob!" His mom shouted. Her soft little voice drowned out by the crowd.As he struggled, Jacob...

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Locker Room Gangbang

My brother and I had started going to the gym to play squash together a lot after his marriage broke down. It was good for him to get out of the house and work out some of his aggression about his wife leaving him.I too had felt a need to take some sweaty masculine anger out on hitting a squash ball around. I hadn't had a girl in a long time and I was starting to get pretty frustrated about it. In fact, our mutual continuing failure to make it with women became the main focus of our bonding...

4 years ago
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A Call From Andreas Sister

I’d been dating Andrea for a week following the pool party when I had a phone call from a number I didn’t recognise. I was actually relaxing in my back garden, reading the news on my iPad, so I ignored the call.Minutes later, a text arrived from the same number: ‘Hi, hope you’re ok, it’s Sally here. Can you talk?’I know two girls named Sally — one at work and Andrea’s sister. ‘Sally who?’ I replied, put my phone on the table, and resumed reading.The phone rang again, same number. Because lots...

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Dave and Sugar ch3

Its 9:40pm at night and I am lying on my bed reading a magazine. The phone rings and for a brief moment I wonder who would be calling me this late at night. I pick it up and say, "Hello." “Hi baby, I miss you, do you know who this is?" My eyes got big and my body started to tingle from my lips towards the center of my pussy. “Dave, darling, where are you? I miss you so much,” I uttered with a noticeable quiver in my voice. I love talking to you; your phone calls are so...

3 years ago
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An AssLoving Affair pt 3

After we almost got caught by my husband the first two times Rob fucked me, the next three months we got away with it with no problems.Each week I would tell Rob the days I’d be home and he’d turn up without any warning and fuck me senseless. We fucked all over the house. He took me doggy style on the living room floor, ate me out on the dining table and fucked my ass in my marital bed and in the shower in the master bath as well as in every other room.We couldn’t get enough of each other. I...

Wife Lovers
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CompanionChapter 17 The Portal

"If these sessions are going to be an hour each, then we have about half an hour to go," Caleb observed, after he had everyone's attention. "Al is smart, capable, and he has a lot of information. That doesn't mean that he's the only smart one around; he just has more information to work with. I want to try something, as long as we're all sitting here." "Don't we need to pay attention to what they're doing right now?" JJ asked. "Not really," Caleb answered, thinking about how...

3 years ago
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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 20 MindControl Apprsquos Incestuous Testing

Eve “Dusk” Michaels Mom’s idea for live porn was just so kinky. I stared down at my app, at all the dots moving around on representing all people shopping at the mall, and found the ones we needed. I tapped the woman’s dot and labeled her Hot Wife One and then the guy Black Stud One. The husband I titled Cuckold One. I didn’t need to give them creative nicknames like my younger sister was doing. I tapped the woman as she walked with her husband, moving further away from me. My fingers...

4 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 16 Helena Purchase

The next morning, before breakfast, Helena went for a walk towards Tugun Hills. Walking along Toolona Street up the hill she was approached by a foreign sounding male asking if she could please help him pick something off the floor. Helena could feel her skin tighten and make her appear young. Assisting him in lifting a large but lightweight box up onto the car boot. He thank her and mentioned to hang on for a second and her would get her a drink. Harry advised ‘Ha ha, it’s going to be...

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A run to remember0

I slowed down a bit to navigate the more rugged terrain and never even heard the commotion in the bushes until the dog bounded out into my way on the path, barking frantically! I have always been a little bit afraid of dogs, especially big ones. This one was massive- a large black dog with short hair and seemed to me to be very menacing. I panicked a bit and stopped still while trying to think what to do. The dog did not seem to expect me to stop and ran into me, knocking me to the...

3 years ago
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Mami Ke Sath Mast Threesome

Hi doston mera name nimku hai aur mera lund ka size hai 7inch aur koi bhi aunty ya ladki ko maze karne hai toh mail karen par. Toh story ki heroine hai meri mami jo dekhne mein ekdum anushka shetty jaise hai. Meri mami ek mild hai lekin dekh ke kahi se lagta nahi. Deep sexy big navel hot figure 38-36-38 uff kamar ke cuves dekh muth nikal jaye aisi kamar hai. Saree mein toh afat lagti hai mami. Mami ka beta yani mera bhai abhi 18 saal ka hua hai aur garam khoon hai. Mami kafi open minded hai...

4 years ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 36

Jack Allen, the governor's press secretary, had informed the news media that a warning would be given. When we arrived, he said, "The animals aren't friendly today. I've already heard some push back because NOAA hasn't said anything. Expect to be questioned on that." I nodded. "That's okay. Tracey will go over her report and prediction. I will then step up and take the heat." Jack said, "You are Tracey?" "Yes, I'm Tracey Morgan." "Okay, Miss Morgan. The governor told me to...

2 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 33

A terrified Candace Willis stood in front of her father’s apartment and buzzed for admittance. Terrified because she so wanted to talk to the man about the untalkaboutable: but, could she resist the almost irresistible impulse to defy her daddy’s command. She’d be seeing. Julian Willis buzzed her in. He smiled his welcome, but then, frowned his askance at the look on her face. “Candace?” I said. I didn’t know which of us looked the more concerned. “Just visiting, Dad, like we planned,” she...

3 years ago
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Porn Star

"This place is a bitch", the man said chewing a cigar with his uneven, stained teeth. He was a portly old man in a dark jacket, blue jeans and shiny crimson shoes. His short gray hair covered only the sides of his head. He had small eyes and bushy eye brows, a large nose, big forehead and puffy cheeks. His large, round face and double chin melted into his thick body and his thick stubby hands poked through the long sleeves of his jacket.Joe owned the studio, not legally but we all knew who...

4 years ago
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Magic Happens

MAGIC HAPPENS Winning 37 million dollars changed my life, anyone that says money wont change them is lying. After winning, the first thing I did was clear all my debts, give a million to each of my parents, my sister, and some friends, then I planned the extended holiday of a lifetime. Id always wanted to spend more time in the United States, and as California was the sunshine state of the US, I planned on spending at least a month there. After a very long 14 hour flight on first...

3 years ago
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No Pleasure With Out Pain

Hi readers.My name is Abhishek, 23 years old with 5.7ft, 63kg, 32wst. Believe me when i say every word i am going to type here is true and makes it a true story (No hyperbole is used). I like yahoo chatting so one day i was on with that. In Bangalore chat room, I got one ID as hrdcrewitme. (I am fond to hardcore and always liked to download that kind a videos). I pinged that guy and after a formal chatting we started chatting about sex and all. He mentioned he likes hardcore and wants to have a...

Gay Male
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21st day of quarantine

Like thousands of other couples, we too find ourselves locked within the home, only that we are a particular couple. The Goddess, beautiful 50 years divinely worn, has a fixed lover, with my consent. Yes, you have understood very well, I know everything (or almost) of their story, I encourage and support she, in return she allow me to satisfy my masochistic and very often homosexual tendencies. Our relationships can be counted on the fingers of one hand, especially since there is He who...

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Project PrometheusChapter 32

“Hyperdrive systems are functioning normally. The power core is stable, all levels are green. We’re safely away from Veldhern,” Inari stated. “Green all across the board?” Priya asked from the co-pilot’s chair. “That’s affirm,” Inari smiled as she stood and stretched. “So, movie time?” Priya asked cutely. “Sure! But I need to head down to the hold and double check the medical equipment we purchased. I want to be sure that we got what we paid for,” Inari told her girlfriend. “Really babe?...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 519 Labor Disputes

Desi’s dad said, “Desi will wake up if you put her down and will find some way to follow you to this meeting. Take her with you. She doesn’t like to be away from you if you are nearby. If she is with you, I don’t have to worry about her.” The Pixie and Agent Summers agreed to go to one of my penthouses a few blocks from the meeting location I was about to have with the labor union bosses hounding the women making the pedal-less bikes. It was more to have a place close to get Desi if things...

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She Stoops to Conquer part 6

She Stoops to Conquer by Priscilla Chapter 6 We crossed the Thames, and Jenn turned into a street in one of the smarter parts of the west of London. She stopped in front of a shop with no display in the window to indicate its wares. Over the door it said 'All Shapes and Sizes'. We got out, and Jenn led me into the shop. Once inside it was decorated almost like a smart office reception, but with softer d?cor. A middle-aged woman, very smartly dressed, sat behind an old fashioned d...

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The FutaInfection

A lone meteor flies through space, alone, small and unnoticed. but what should be noticed is its passenger, a virus, a very special virus, one that can change the very base of a species. This hearty little disease has reshaped entire cultures with it's symptoms. the virus itself infects almost any bi-pedal race and reshapes their body, the infected no longer describable by the two gender system, they are the best of both, but neither one. They are, as some world say, a Futanari. the virus...

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