B J Jones the Story of My LifeChapter 509
- 2 years ago
- 39
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Broke into the old RV park. This is where I used to live.
“Four mountain lions? I’ve heard many crazy things, but a little girl getting a mountain lion on a leash and walking it out of the woods is unbelievable,” Mr. Thomas said.
What is going on? That is a lot of shouting going on outside.
“You cheated!” screamed Kirsten.
Ellen’s yelled back, “Did not! My grandmother and granddad were riding with me. It was only you on the buck!”
Irving looked out the window and said, “There should be something in the truck that Ellen can wear.”
“Mr. Thomas,” I said as I had him walk out the door to see what was happening. “If you can’t believe Ellen got a mountain lion on a leash, what about a saddle on a bear?”
I turned to Irving and said, “Mom has the girl’s clothes in the bag on her back. Once we can get my dad to loosen his death grip on her, she can toss it to the girls.”
“What? He was grateful I didn’t kill his mother a few years back. I only made her not want to come around anymore,” Ellen said from where she was sitting bareback on a male black bear. “I told you to hold on and let him run. He wouldn’t drop you. Leigh has no problems, and she is on a doe.”
All three girls were nude.
“You made a saddle to keep from falling off. That is cheating!” Kirsten yelled back.
“Huh-uh! I made something so that my grandparents wouldn’t fall off. They wouldn’t have let me go if I was going to leave them at the RV park. I like riding bareback,” Ellen yelled back.
Kirsten and Ellen were off the animals when I got down the stairs. They were still arguing but now only two feet apart. I helped my parents off the bear after removing some sort of animal hide Ellen had cut holes in for my parent’s legs. She used a cord made from braided animal tendons to tie it under the bear. Both deer had already run away. Even with that improvised saddle off the bear, he didn’t leave. The marshals and deputies had no idea how to handle it when the bear went over to nudge Ellen from the back with its nose. Ellen hugged the bear and told it to go. It bolted toward the nearest tree line.
Leigh got her clothes from my mom and dressed while the other two argued. Neither girl cared one bit that a large group was there seeing everything. The two finally wore down and gave up trying to decide who won their race.
“Someone broke into the geothermal building and turned on everything. We found a dozen kids and a few adults hiding inside the shower building. They got trapped in there three days ago. What did they expect to happen if they left food and trash all over the place? They had been living there since sometime last fall. Don’t people pay attention in school to bears hibernating? It is spring! The bears are hungry and won’t turn down any food they don’t have to work to get. His mom caught my scent and ran off with her two cubs. This big boy was born when I was ten. With three bears gone, a mating pair of wolves and a pack of coyotes were making their way in to see what they could find. This bear ran them off and started following me like a big puppy. Leigh is the one that said we should race to see who could get here first,” Ellen said. “I couldn’t leave grandmother and granddad there without any protection from the wolves. I had some tanned hides, so I got them and tendon rope. The bear didn’t seem to mind, so I strapped them on his back. Leigh found the buck and doe getting friendly. She was nice to let Kirsten ride the buck.”
Mom came over to hand Ellen and Kirsten their clothes as she said, “The children and adults in the shower building all needed a fresh change of clothes and shower. Ellen re-marked her territory to ensure the coyotes and wolves stayed away from the shower building. The adults pulled their vehicles up as close to the doors as possible. I would guess that it is them heading this way. That is not what I thought when Ellen asked if I wanted to ride bareback.”
Ellen went on to say how my dad was still in shock at having a black bear run off wolves and then come over beside Ellen to sit on the ground.
Purely for shock value, Ellen squatted down and used her pussy muscles to push out a pocket knife, which was inside a condom, that would make her pussy sore for days. It only barely fits.
“Daddy! I thought I had lost this after daddy died, but it was in the hiding place with the hides. It was always too big for me to carry with me when hunting, but I’m bigger now, and it fits perfectly,” Ellen said like she was talking about braiding her hair or just using a scrunchy.
Leigh glued herself to my side. She enjoyed her ride here and now wants to cuddle. Even though Leigh was taller than Ellen now, Leigh wanted me to pick her up. A minute later, her body went limp in my arms. A few seconds later, she let out a contented sigh in her sleep.
Moving my arm up to hold her like a big baby wasn’t missed by the people watching. At least she left the wet spot on the deer’s back instead of in her panties.
“Granddad,” Ellen said, getting my dad to climb up into the bed of the big truck I drove to the construction office. “I used to come up here a lot when I missed my dad. A tall tree with a fat trunk sat on the very top of this hill. Look how far you can see. The trees sticking twenty feet above the canopy are at the RV park’s back. What looks like a giant snake going through the trees is where they tried to run power lines through the forest. It was after my dad died, and watching them kept me from crying about him. Someone didn’t plan their work well. They picked areas that looked solid but had underground springs and streams. Some places had caves not far underground. The poles and towers kept sinking or falling over. It was a little sad when they quit coming. People waste so much food. One of the women on the crew caught me getting what they tossed into the woods when they couldn’t eat anymore. It was hot out, so I had covered myself in mud to keep animals from smelling me. She asked what I was doing, so I told her. They spent three more months trying to get poles to stay in place. Until they stopped trying, the woman asked the others to put any food they would throw out as trash into a bucket on the work trucks. It was for the nude little girl that lives in the forest and watches them work. They thought she was crazy, but someone left three peanut butter sandwiches in their bucket one day. I sat up on the forest’s edge, eating them while watching the people work.”
One of the construction workers told Ellen, “For a little girl, you ate a lot. None of us believed you when you said your parents were dead and you lived in the woods alone. I have to say that your parents did a great job of raising you to be a polite little girl. You always thanked us when we brought food or put someone on the edge of the forest for you to eat lunch with us. Sometimes some of us drive out that way to see if you need food. No one has seen you in a while, so we hoped you weren’t dead. It’s good to see you alive and healthy.”
“Your wife makes a good rabbit stew,” Ellen told him.
He chuckled and said, “She was always happy to make for you. It is all she could figure out how to make with rabbit meat. In my cooler, you kept leaving skinned, beheaded, and gutted rabbits.”
Paula finished the details of Boss Hog’s agreement, aka Mr. Thomas, and he signed everything. The man was humbled, as were the two goons he directed to make me leave earlier.
Irving asked Ellen, “I got reports of a large group of wild pigs causing havoc in the area. The last sightings had them heading into the area on the other side of the RV park. Did you see any signs of them when you were riding this way? I want to show your dad that grabbing one charging at him and breaking its neck doesn’t work for the rest of us.”
“Hey now, I hit it, and he was charging at you, not me. I have faster reflexes, and you had the gun,” I told him.
“How about I take your dad, the girls, and Paula back to the RV park while you take your mom into town to get something to have with pork for dinner? Oh, pick up a big cooler full of ice. We don’t have time to roast the whole pig. I will take the rest on the road with the girls and me. My chest freezer on the truck only holds so much meat,” Irving told me.
It was a plan.
The marshals, sheriff, and deputies got invited to the RV park, but they had other obligations.
Damn, this is a beast of a truck.
“It isn’t that I didn’t believe you and Ellen about where she lived or how she survived. It was a bit out there, even with all that has happened to you over the years. I know your dad about shit his pants when the bear charged in to chase off the wolves and coyotes. Ellen, Leigh, and Kirsten stripped and went off running through the woods, so they weren’t there then. When they came back, they saw the bear. I still can’t quite comprehend Ellen standing there as the bear walked up, put his nose to her crotch, sniffed her, and then nudged at her hand like a dog wanting someone to pet it. He laid down on the ground beside her,” mom told me. “Leigh and Kirsten were cautious, but I got the same feeling from them that I did with you since you woke from your coma. I felt that they knew the bear couldn’t do anything to hurt them, not even if it tried to bite their heads off.”
“Oh, come on, mom. We know you are more sensitive to things than that. I saw you feel it when they got out of their dad’s truck. Ellen knows about it, and so does Irving. I’m indirectly responsible for them being like me. If I hadn’t been out in that same thunderstorm, they would have gotten fried like anyone else getting hit with millions of volts and hundreds of thousands of amps. Their bodies already had whatever it was that allowed them to survive the lightning strikes. There is enough raw electrical energy around that RV park to vaporize that bear so rapidly that only ash would remain inside that bear’s pelt. Ellen running his mother off, only injuring her enough to ensure she wouldn’t come back, made Ellen the alpha female of this forest to that bear. I’m pretty sure there is also a psychic connection between her and the animals when she chooses. I think it may have naturally developed as she learned to survive here. Those mountain lions didn’t travel eight hundred-plus miles to get to us on their own. No one saw or reported them,” I said as I called her on it.
She smiled and told me, “Your father felt something too. After taking care of my needs, the women in the bathhouse showed him how thankful they were that we came along. Some of the older teenage boys decided they wanted to be sure I got thanked. I don’t know if the younger kids were thanked by the girls that way. It’s none of my business.”
We found a hunter-supply place that had huge coolers and dry ice. That told us that keeping the wild pig meat from spoiling longer would be better.
“If your friend has a hitch and isn’t pulling anything, I have a better suggestion for you. I’ve got a tow-behind freezer unit that, once it gets cold, doesn’t run the generator long to cool it back down. You can get a bear in there with room to spare. Guy ordered it, and his wife told him he had to choose between his boat and the rolling freezer. I can’t say I wouldn’t make the same choice if I had a house full of teenage high school girls that always want to go out water skiing with their friends,” he told us.
Mom joked, “Skimpy bikinis and skis aren’t compatible.”
“You’re telling me,” the man said. “About killed my dad when they pulled up next to us one summer afternoon. About every girl in the boat lost their bottoms, and a few lost their tops. They asked if they could borrow our fishing net. Natural Resources was doing boat checks. They didn’t want to get picked up for skinny dipping trying to fish out their suits. I’m pretty sure they just wanted to show off their bodies. Not a one was trying to hide their nudity from anyone.”
I looked around some and found they had two girl-sized compound bows sitting on hooks getting dusty.
“I’ll pay what you ask on the freezer trailer, but you have to throw in some dry ice to pre-cool it down, and those two girl bows. I don’t know arrows or tips, but the girls will want to use them for hunting about anything you can find in the woods, including a bear. Their dad is a game warden, so they grew up learning how to hunt,” I told him
He had a box with blue and another with green arrow shafts, so I got those for the girls. I cleaned him out on all arrowheads that would screw onto those shafts. That seemed to make his day more than me getting the freezer trailer.
Once we had it all added up, mom headed next door to do food shopping.
I handed him my black credit card, and he said, “I’ve seen those cards before, and I know it will authorize the sale with no problem. The thing is, you aren’t from around here. I got burned by a clown who bought all my rifles, shotguns, and ammo. No problem with the card, and I even called the card company to ensure the guy matched the name on it. That damn guy loaded up and then came back in to get fifty dollars worth of random stuff. The next day he called his credit card company and claimed he had only made one small purchase. I provided them with security footage and the name and ID of the person I called to verify the purchase. They still reversed the charges, and I got screwed out of over ten grand. Feds would be interested if you were carrying around the cash you need to pay for this, but if you got it, that would work.”
I pulled out my U.S. Treasury badge and said, “Feds know I sometimes carry around more than enough to cover this sale, but I don’t want to see how many money pens you can use up checking each bill. If you get your bank on the phone, I can wire the money right into your account or a direct draft on my account. Whatever works the best for you.” I told him.
“My bank is across the street. Let me get one of my kids to come to watch the counter,” he said and yelled to the back.
A teenage boy appeared and plopped down at the counter with his phone.
“Customer here wants to pay with one of the black cards, but I don’t want to get burned again. What do you suggest to get me paid and him on his way?” the store owner asked the bank manager.
The manager laughed and asked, “You want cash?”
I got ten thousand for me and paid the guy the rest. Mom already had the groceries loaded in the big beast of a truck. It looked funny having the freezer trailer behind us. I filled the freezer’s twenty-five-gallon gas tank before returning to the RV park.
“You have grown up to be very considerate and selfless, David. I’m proud of you,” mom told me.
We found Irving and his girls killed one wild pig when we returned, but they had to drag it back to the RV park. Ellen was being a smart ass and rode hers to the RV park before cutting its throat. Hers wasn’t as big as Irving’s, but I suspect she did that on purpose.
I pulled up beside Irving’s truck and dropped the freezer trailer.
“Mom got the food. I brought you presents,” I told Irving, Leigh, and Kirsten.
I told Irving that the man had this sitting there, and no one was likely to buy it around here, so I bought it.
“What did you get us? You said you brought presents,” Leigh asked as she cuddled me again.
“Know how to use a bow?” I asked the girls. “Store had these sitting on the wall collecting dust. I got a box of blue and one of green. I’ll let you two fight over who gets which. You two will have to share a box of arrowheads. I bought all he had that would screw onto the shafts.”
I got big hugs from them before they dug through the box of tips to find some for practice versus razor-sharp for hunting. They had a dozen ready in a few minutes. Both girls took about four practice rounds before they could hit within millimeters of their other arrows. They didn’t want to break one by trying to shoot into the back of another one.
“Daddy! These are so much better than us trying to use your big bow!” they told Irving.
I got hugs.
After we ate, Irving took us up to the geothermal power plant building. He took us down a hall and did something right out of the movies. He kicked a block in the wall at floor level while pushing one at waist level. A section of the wall swung in silently. Inside was a bedroom and den area with a radio. No one had been in here since before Ellen’s dad died.
“You mean you never knew this was here? Your dad made sure it was here for you to keep you safe and out of the bad weather. We made sure you had clothes in your size when you were six up to a women’s size one. He even bought multiple sizes of sports bras,” Irving teased Ellen. “It does explain a lot. Your other twenty-two pistol and small twenty-two rifle sit where your dad put them. There are two thousand rounds of ammo. We even had you multiple knives and all the different types of sharpeners you know how to use. There are fishing nets, line spools, hooks, and crawfish traps. I had no idea you didn’t know this was here. Ellen, you did it the hard way. Your father would be so proud of you.”
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Chapter One I am writing this because what occurred to me needs to be told and I want to tell somebody about what happen to me. It was exciting and expanded my boundaries way beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I have chosen to keep my name and a description of myself secret only to insure my privacy. It was almost two years ago when a small little ad on Craigslist changed my life forever. I was...
My name is Susan Smart, I am a petite blond, looking fit to fuck at forty-three years of age, so they tell me. I divorced in my thirties and lived happily with my daughter Debbie until she married her long-term boyfriend Mike last year.I have enjoyed relationships with both sexes, including my boss, daughter, and her mother-in-law. I am addicted to corporal punishment since my school experiences and it plays a massive part in my life.I have an active sex life which usually includes my caning...
IncestMe and my twin sister had nothing when we were kids, our clothes were all from jumble sales and baths were only taken when our parents thought the social services were coming to take us away, well they wanted what little bit of money we bought in didn't they? We shared a bed upstairs in the attic and in winter we had to sleep in our clothes under a couple of old flea infested army greatcoats. Christmas for us meant watching other kids out playing with their presents, we never got any of our...
What was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago. When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant I was here to stay for a while and I was really happy about it. A young married couple in their early twenties was renting the other part of the duplex. I had just turned thirty-two and I already felt like I was a generation ahead of them. I had a small party to get to know the neighbors and twenty or so people...
Yesterday i had an incredible experience with my new friend Mr. K.We had been talking through email for a few days, and i really was getting excited to meet him since we talked a lot about naughty things... He came to my home straight after work, and asked me if he could take a shower first.I agreed and told him i could use the time to dress myself up for him.I felt extremely horny and decided to wear my short purple skirt, "open" pantyhose with a nice black thong. I also wore a white shirt...
This is an incident which took place between me and one of my students Anasua. I am 30 years of age, good looking and handsome. She came to me for private tuition on computer science as she was a student of B.Tech in computer science. She was bit bulky, with very well shaped breast and very attractive set of lips at first I started teaching her in batch, but after some days there was a problem with timing. She was from another college and the rest of the student was from a nearby collage. So I...
You wake up in a blank white room. No doors, no windows not even a bed. You notice as you sit up the dull ache of your body. Your hard sensitive nipples aching to be touched. Straining against your thin shirt. Your swollen pussy lips brushing against your silky panties with each movement. It's like you've edged all week but you don't remember. Somehow, a copy of your mind ends up in the hands of One of 9lives processors.
One of my husband’s friends from the golf club had gone overseas for nearly three months. Victor had accepted to look after his nice Great Dane appropriately named Gulliver. At first I was a little uneasy about his size; but after two weeks, I had gotten use to him being around.That early evening, after having a warm bath, I felt a little bit horny and put on a sexy negligee. My loving Victor was away for a few days on another boring business trip and I really needed to take care of an urgent...
We have a letter box at the front of our house, some neighbours at the back have another letterbox on their houses but we don't. Someone put a leaflet through ours, as usual it was rubbish so I threw it away. I was sat out on the patio when an Asian guy came on the back road delivering leaflets he offered me another and I said "No thanks". He asked for a glass of water so I invited him in.As he stood in my kitchen with a glass of water, he said he was delivering these leaflets for money as he...
Want to see some cam sluts at Im Live? In our current age of the internet, we have access to pics and videos of every single sick fuck-minded fetish and nastiness we can ever want. This includes eels up bitches’ asses. But what is one thing that people are losing out on in modern society? Real human interaction. Well, fuck that shit, who the hell has the time to get dressed and actually go out into the real world for that shit? That’s why we got ImLive.com.ImLive is a living legend of a...
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Live Asian Sex CamsWe Live Together! Have you ever wondered what women do when they are alone together? The TV would have you believe it’s some pretty boring shit. They sit around talking about their goddamn feelings, drinking wine, and making scrapbooks full of memories of their ugly little children. Sometimes there is yoga, but it never devolves into all-out orgies between a bunch of really fit bitches. I’ve always hoped these were just untrue stereotypes, and the all-girl scenes at WeLiveTogether seem to back...
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Live Sex Cam SitesNude Live has been operational since 2014, and in such a short time, the site has remarkably solidified its position as a leading live cam site. Everyone including their mothers knows about this site which is illustrative of its growing popularity among consumers of live sex cams. Obviously, you don’t become a major player in whichever industry if you are not doing something right and Nude Live is doing a LOT of things right. Join me as I look at what this excellent site has in store.Let’s...
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