TimeChapter 18 free porn video

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The next day at school Helen and I went into the office to check on Linda and Valerie. Valerie took us into the back room. Mrs Cranston gave us a funny look but continued with her typing.

Once the staff room door was closed, both girls turned away from us, then pulled up their dresses. They each had on a new, red pair of panties. Valerie made a noise and both girls spread their feet and bent over. The crotches of their underwear opened and they just stayed in position.

"Hmmm," I said, as I moved closer and felt Valerie's bum through the material. "Helen, check my baby Linda to see if she wet, while I check baby Valerie." In seconds my finger was following the crack presented to me and soon my finger was not only touching her clit but another was plumbing her depths.

Helen saw what I was doing and her own hand started to move back and forth. It was good that a couch was in front of them, for they had to put out their hands to support themselves. The noise of the typewriter stopped and I said, "Stand up girls."

They did and turned around to face us with smiles on their faces. I turned to the door and opened it like it was before. "I think the restaurant was good but the menu can use a bit more work. I was thinking of having Mario come down and teach them how to make authentic Italian food." When saying that I used a hand to point to my closed eye.

Linda caught on first and said, "I think the pizza would be a welcome addition to the menu."

I heard some shuffling and soon more typing. "You girls are going to cause me problems all day now. You did a very good job. Momma is proud of each of you." In a low voice I said, "We will have to make a bra soon with a large hole for your nipples to stick out." The girls turned red even though a minute ago we were moving our fingers back and forth in their vaginas.

On the way out of the room I caught Helen smelling her finger. In front of all the girls I took it into my mouth and cleaned it off, then did the same for my own. In the main office I asked Mrs Cranston if I could make a local call. Looking in the phonebook first I dialled a number.

"Hello, Stoner's Auto Body."

"Hello, is Mr Stoner there please?"

John came on the phone and I thanked him for repairing the bike. "It is not necessary, Alex. I was the one to damage your bike in the first place."

"Well, you did a very good job of repairing it. It is now better looking than it was before."

"That is great to hear but you didn't call me for just that."

"You are right. I am looking to purchase a stake truck, about four to eight tons, that is dependable and reasonably priced. I also require all the racks that go around it."

"Let me check on that. There have been a few but I don't know their condition or cost."

"Thanks John. It is going to come in handy for a lot of things."

The girls just looked at me with the Alex-type stare. Helen and I walked to the nurse's station. One boy was waiting outside and I could see him taking a good inventory of Helen. I didn't know if she saw it or not but women are sneaky and she had probably already sized him up earlier in the year.

In a few moments another boy came out with an ear-to-ear smile and walked right past us as if we didn't exist. The other boy walked in with his own smile. The five minutes were long but then the boy came out with the same grin as the one before him had.

When we came in Laura's face beamed. "Good morning guys. I figured you would be here this morning."

Helen innocently asked, "Why?"

"To see these..." She pulled up her dress and bent over like Linda and Valerie.

This time Helen moved in and used her hand to feel the panty-clad bum. She then ran her finger up Laura's opening and was inside in a matter of seconds. Laura only groaned and pushed back. I walked back and leaned against the door and watched my girls in play. I could hear two sets of heavy breathing interspersed with groans and pleads to continue with her work.

In a few minutes Laura was calling on her maker and fell forward on her desk. Helen slowed down and again sniffed her fingers and gave it a small lick. She sampled it as if she were a connoisseur of fine wine.

Laura got up in time to see Helen put her entire finger into her mouth and lick Laura's spend off. Laura just attacked Helen and kissed her like she kissed me. Soon they were groaning and rubbing against each other. I hated to interrupt but the clock on the wall would not lie.

"My wives, we have to go." They pulled apart and I turned the sink on to get some warm water. I washed Helen's face and then Laura's. "Talk later, Sweety. Got to go."

The bell just rang and we ran to class.

French was my second class. As usual, Natalie was bouncing around the class. Towards the end she sat at her desk after giving us a moment to do some of the work she assigned us. She coughed to catch my attention and I saw her sucking the two gold balls. When each was cleaned, her hand went under the desk and she closed her eyes as she wiggled a bit. A moment later the hand returned empty and she made a display of sucking her fingers.

One of the boys in class groaned at the sight. I was sure he must have had a tent under his own desk.

After class Rita waited for me at the door and I gave Natalie a very quick rundown of what had happened this morning so far. Natalie's only words were, "Laura was lucky."

On the way to the next class Rita held me close to her. She still remembered the boat trip and, I guess, would like a little more of the same even if her cramps had left.

In the course of the day I got the extrusion machines ordered along with a few tons of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene and nylon. Other plastics could be substituted, like polypropylene, high impact polystyrene or high-density polyethylene. If everything worked right, I could get three finished moulds a minute from the machines. The bottleneck would be in the manual labour that would be needed to assemble the units.

Mr Creighton gave me a rundown when he had time. We talked in the back room. "The engine seems to work great. It would be nice to take it for a spin but there are no licence plates. We also figured that you would want to be there when we did it."

"You are right. That bus may look great to you but it will look simply beautiful after one of Izzy's boys puts in the veneer. What I have to do, is to get some measurements for the appliances I want, the wiring and plumbing put in and then the anchoring points for the furniture."

"Ah... would you allow me and the wife to borrow this machine."

"I want to go for a trip first to test out all the parts. You can have it later, just remember to put clean sheets on that back bed."

The teacher turned red at being caught. "I wasn't..."

"Mr Creighton, that is one purpose of that piece of furniture and it is a great way to strengthen your marriage. You should invite Mr Sotola and his wife. I never asked but the kids could go, too. There should still be lots of privacy. You did put in those hydraulic jacks to level the motor home haven't you?"

"Yes, they are in. With them in place the bus won't wobble much."

"That was the idea I had when it was suggested." This time I got another stare. He was probably trying to re-evaluate my age, or the present maturity of my body.

In draughting I congratulated Mr Clark. "The prefab buildings should be done by now and I am going to alter my deal a little bit."

The teacher looked at me seriously, probably thinking I was going to screw the people who had helped me so much.

"The final unit will be trucked out today. I will see if I can get the local newspaper to put out a story with some pictures. A list will be tabulated with all the people involved and the pay they received. The bookkeeping class will do this. All pay will be given out at another location, though; not at school."

"Why is that Alex? The auditorium is large enough."

"Did you know that I bought the Clarkson?"

The man's eyes got very big meaning that he had not heard. This really surprised me, since I knew that way teachers gossiped. "The hotel?"

"Yes the hotel. The dance floor is not as nice as the auditorium. I will arrange to have a meal made for everybody involved and we do have good seating in the restaurant but the size will still not be enough."

"I think everybody can live with that kind of change."

We went to the back room and I dialled the hotel. After giving my name I was immediately connected to the chef that usually took the responsibility for the bookings. I had not met this man yet but he apparently knew me. The next free day was tomorrow, so I put it off till the next, which happened to be the Friday after next. Just two weeks shy of the end of the school.

"My social secretary will have to contact you about the menu. Her parents own Mario's and she has her own ideas. Please listen to them very carefully. The girl knows what she is talking about."

The chef said, "I heard that the restaurant of theirs is getting very popular."

"Yes it is. He is going into franchising and the company should make at least a billion dollars by the turn of the century."

"A billion!"

"Yes, at least a thousand million dollars."

"Shit, oh sorry sir."

"No problem, I use the term myself on occasion."

I turned to Mr Clark and said, "You know the date now. There is not room for everybody who helped and not enough room for all their families and friends, even if I can manage it in the hotel. Perhaps we can have a park to feed the families and make it a picnic. Sort of a pot luck plus the two restaurants to feed basically the entire school and their families."

English was the last class and at the end I was able to give Rita the altered plans. "Did you talk to your mother about the old plans?"

Rita was very excited about being given such responsibilities, "She gave practical menu ideas. The potluck idea might save us because we simply cannot make enough pizza and keep it fit to eat. The best we can do is cook some and send them off right away."

"Well, the first thing to do is to approach the parks and recreation department and get a permit. If it is not fast enough, or someone gives you a problem, do what you think best -- but no blood. Chairs are not really necessary but tables will be. We have to get some of the mothers involved in this, or they will not have time to help much."

"I can do that through the PTA and my Home Ec class. What about drinks?"

"I will see what the chef has. You should tie in better with him, too. Your mother may help, if you get any problems. I don't want to find the chef being the main ingredient in some sausage."


"Rita, people forget all the time. Make notes and tell the people what and when they have to do things. Get some of your girls to help. You can give directions and they write the orders out. Look at this as a small practice round for the big party for the church fund raiser when it happens."

Rita said, "Dad got some phone calls and mom said she would help. She even went with dad to a big meeting."

"That is good. Maybe you will have less to do next time but watch what your mother does and listen to her suggestions. Get your teachers to help because it is a school function. See Mr Corfu and dig in the spurs if he gives you a problem."

Rita's eyes lit up at the thought. "That might be fun but he was always nice to me."

Back in the office I phoned the Stoner's shop and got John right away. "I found a four ton truck that should do the trick. I even drove out to see it for you. The engine sounds good. It needs new tires and probably brakes. The racks are still usable. The man wants 800 dollars."

"In your opinion, is it worth that?"

"No, more like six or six fifty."

"How much to get tires and a full brake job?"

"Well that depends if I need new drums or not. Could be two fifty to three hundred dollars. That is still a lot of money."

"Would you purchase the truck for me and do the repairs? I can drop off a cheque for a thousand dollars and you can take whatever moneys you need for labour, materials and a profit. I will need more vehicles later and if you do not take a profit you will not be around later to help me."

I heard a laugh at the other end of the line, "Yes, I can do that. Come on down and we can talk about your truck first so you know what you are getting yourself into."

Before leaving the office I had a brief chat with Valerie and Linda and suggested that they spend their night making another pair of panties but cut low. I drew a line on my own body to show how the panties would look. "Make one pair like you did today and one for later, when you have to be very proper ladies."

Mrs Cranston just came back into the room to hear both girls in unison say, "Yes, Alex."

I met Rita outside again, talking to Helen. It was nice to see that they were getting to be friends. They stopped their talk as soon as they saw me and just waited for me to get close.

Helen said, "Rita was telling me that you gave her a very important job. I don't know if I could do it."

"I think Rita can handle it very well, especially if her mother helps her. Perhaps you can make some signs to post around the school to tell of the event. Since most of the school is currently involved with the projects, I think we can have all the school attend. That means their families too. So make the arrangements for a small gathering of only fifteen hundred people."

Rita's eyes bugged out. "Fifteen hundred people! There is no way we can feed all those."

I just smiled at her and put one arm around her shoulder. "Teach the chefs at the hotel to make pizza and whatever else you want. Ask your dad to hire more restaurants if he needs to. You may only need to line up some drivers to do the deliveries."

"But fifteen hundred? That is too much."

"Honey, armies are fed and entertained and they have quite a bit more than fifteen hundred people. Remember, the mothers are going to bring a box lunch. How much room will each mother need to spread out what she brings? Then multiply that by three hundred and fifty or so. You can even get the city to donate some sawhorses or barricades with plywood on top. Think of it as training for the really big things that you might have to organize in the future."

Rita still had the bug eyes and an open mouth. I would get Helen later to talk or help out. If there were problems, I would just have to hire people to do what was needed. And on the subject: I had to go to the bank. "Helen, I have to find out what rate the bank is giving. You will have to get Aron by yourself. I am also going out to John Stoner's shop to have a talk and maybe put some money down on a truck."

Helen gave me a questioning look but simply said, "Yes, Alex."

I gave both girls a good kiss and left on my bike.

The day was warm and I was sweating quite a bit by the time I got to the bank. I stopped a few doors down and walked the bike on the sidewalk. There was an air vent in front of the bank and I just locked the bike to the grate. It still felt comfortable to lock the bike even though hardly anything ever got stolen.

I walked a few more feet and for some reason noticed a nervous man sitting in an idling, black Ford just in front of the door. I just turned into the doorway and went up the first of two steps when someone ran through the open doorway and into me. I saw the mask and the two cloth bags.

My brain went into overdrive. As I mentioned before, my mind worked much better than it did in my past, or future, lives. My hand went out and I punched upward at the person's throat. I just pulled back enough to keep from crushing his trachea. Almost as if in slow motion another person came out running, right behind the first.

This one had a gun in one hand and a bag of money in the other. One of my hands pushed his gun hand up and then he got the same treatment as the first. His eyes bulged out when my fist hit him hard in the throat.

Both men were falling together. As the gun came down to my level I kept it pointing vertically and started to take it out of the man's hand. I didn't get it away until the man had completed his fall. A look inside the bank showed that there were no others with masks. Behind me the car engine revved. Looking around I saw the man with his eyes large as the gun came to bear on him. His hand pushed the gearshift up and I stepped over the two men and crossed the six feet to the open window of the car.

I heard my voice say very slowly, "Turn the engine off, now."

The man just looked at me in fright but he did not move nor did the car. It must have taken a few moments but the car engine slowed down. "Hand me the keys." I said in a more normal voice and my left hand came out to get them. It took a moment again but the man did grip the key and the engine came to a halt. He looked to be trying to find a way out of his dilemma. "This gun better not go off in the car. If the bullet does not make a hole in you the sound will deafen you. Give me the key and don't try to run."

The man swallowed then handed me a single key. "Get out of the car but come this way." The man did not move. "If I get nervous, my finger twitches and you accidentally die. Come out now."

The man moved toward me and I gave him room to get out of the vehicle. When the door opened I was behind it instead of in the open. "Now get on your knees and walk to your friends. You move fast and something bad might happen to you." The man did as I said and knelt beside his companions. Just then the alarm went off and the man and I jumped at the sound.

Someone must have gotten enough nerve to push the button finally. I said again, "You should lace your fingers together behind your head. The police are going to be coming in the next half hour or so and we may get shot. The hands came up slowly and the hands did as I asked.

The men beside him were making some odd sounds as they tried to come to grips with the pain in their throats.

I turned the gun to the side and looked at it. I said to the man, "Did you know that this safety on the left side of the slide was off? I wonder if you have nine rounds or only the eight your magazine is supposed to carry. Hitler liked this gun and as you probably know most, if not all, of his officers got this P38 to replace the P08." I popped out the magazine and then put it back quickly when the man moved.

"Just checking if you cleaned the gun recently. I can shoot much faster than you can get up." I popped out the magazine again and then pulled back the slide. There was at least no shell in the chamber. I put the magazine back in and held it pointing to the ground.

"What is your name?"

The man did not answer. "When the police get here, you will be taken away and your name will be found out. Either tell me now, or I will read it in the paper later.

"Sammy Stein."

Mr Jackson finally stuck his head around the corner of the doorway and I said, "Hello Mr Jackson. Did you get a good rate for me?"

He just looked down to the two men crawling around in pain and the one kneeling with his hands behind his head. The pistol in my hand caught his eye and stayed there even if it was aimed to the concrete.


"It was mostly reflex. They ran into me and I just struck out. Sammy, here, decided that he wants to get out of the robbery business. By the way, what rate did you get for me?"

"Ah... a... I was able to get three and a half. It is better than the previous rate."

"It is but maybe you should go back and turn off the alarm and then phone him again. Otherwise I will walk in there and talk to him myself."

"But... but." He said then turned quickly and ran back into the bank.

"Well Sammy, I had some business with the bank and they were going to give me a problem with the interest rate. I can see why it would be fun to rob them but it is still not a good idea. Not only is it dangerous to you but to others. Insurance rates go up and the cost of borrowing is carried on to the people that need the money to get ahead."

People were starting to gather around now and I put the gun behind my back and leaned against the stone wall. In the distance I could hear the siren and knew the police were getting here quicker than usual. It might sound unfair but when guns were involved the police were just a bit slower. John Junior was different and they had come very quickly.

I said to the spectators, "The police will order you all back and this will make you look like sheep ordered back. If you step back now in an orderly manner, you will look like a well-behaved group of concerned citizens." Some moved back but others just stayed rooted to the ground.

"Sammy do you or your partners have any more guns?"

In a moment I heard, "We only had one gun."

"That is a good thing. I am going to do you a favour. You will know what it is later." He just looked at me not understanding my meaning.

From behind my back I popped the clip again and placed it in my pocket. With my thumb I started to push out the shells. Oddly I found only two shells in it. Without anybody seeing I put the clip back into place.

The police screeched to a halt in the road and they approached with guns drawn. I had to smile, for the two policemen were the two who helped me with John Jr's breathing. A few of the spectators were pushed out to the way quite unceremoniously. The police looked around for more threats and by then Mr Jackson was back at the doorway. He had two guns pointed at him and then away. I thought he would have a heart attack right then.

He managed to say, "Ah... it... it was only those three."

The police pointed their guns away and saw me. They gave me the look and one said, "You better get away from here, Alex. These are dangerous people."

"Ok but I have their gun. May I give it to you now?"

"You what?" The first one yelled.

"They bumped into me and I drove my fist into their throats. I took the gun before someone could get hurt and convinced Sammy here to surrender."

"Where is the gun?"

"Behind my back. Waving it around could get me shot."

He shook his head and said, "Give it to me."

I took to gun out by the barrel and flicked the safety and popped the clip one more time. "Look," I said in an incredulous voice, "There's no bullets in the gun."

The gun was taken from me gingerly, then the clip. Sammy looked stunned and I patted my pocket to bring his attention to it. He just looked up to me in a stunned look but said nothing.

One of the tellers raced through some of her co-workers and told Mr Jackson something. He turned to me and said, "Ah, Alex, the president of our bank wants to talk to you."

"Thanks, that is a good idea, getting the top dog because I still think I am paying too high a rate." While Sammy was cuffed, I bent over and looked at the throats of each of the men and felt their pulse. One was unconscious and had difficulty in breathing.

"Both of these men have to go to the hospital. One may need an operation so he can breathe properly. If you throw him in a jail cell, he may be dead by morning. Now I have to go in to fight another one who is thinking I am robbing his bank."

They let me go and as I climbed the stone steps the tellers got as far away as possible. Cheryl did, too and I stopped a moment and said, "Why are you afraid? I am not rabid and I rarely attack pretty girls."

Another girl was holding the receiver in her hand as if it would bite her. She looked at me and seemed to think the same thing. "Thanks for holding the phone for me. What is your name?"


"Thanks Joan. You better run to the front and see what is happening outside."

I got the receiver and she said, "Thanks."

Putting the receiver to my ear I said, "Hello, Alex Kramer here. How can I help you?"

"Well, I didn't expect that kind of a greeting but you have already helped me. Mr Jackson says that you are a very surprising young man. My name is Martin Siddeley, by the way."

"I am very glad to meet you. I had a talk with Mr Jackson and he turned white when I said I may have to talk to you about this loan."

"Sometimes employees are that way, young man."

"You should have what is called, 'an open door policy'. It is distracting and wastes some time. It gives the employees a chance to talk to you as a sympathetic employer instead of an unapproachable head of a company."

"That is and interesting idea. You are full of new ideas. First, you find a substantial amount of gold, start some businesses in your area and save a child's life. Now you stop some robbers and save our money."

"Thank you, sir but I wanted to talk to you about the usurious rates that your bank is charging my fledgling corporation. Three and a half percent is going to make you and your shareholders rich. I plan on borrowing millions soon and I need to find a suitable financial institution that is not going to demand a pound of flesh along with a reasonable return on investment."

"Three and a half is a very good rate, young man," he said indignantly. "Only our best customers get that. You should be very happy to have been given such a reasonable figure."

"Reasonable? I bought a hotel here that is, in my opinion, worth more than I paid for it. Your own people evaluated it. You have not only the building as collateral but also my generous down payment. Then you want to drive a knife into the heart of a person that is trying to revitalize this city and Ontario. Dickens must have been writing about your ancestors when he did his social commentary."

There was a pause on the other end and I heard, "I resent that remark. We at out bank try hard to further the economy of our province and our country."

"Sir, I am a Canadian, though of Polish descent. You too, I assume, are Canadian. As such, you and our countrymen are conservative to a fault. A suitable expletive would be sedate, while the rest of the world would be termed dynamic. The Americans and even the stodgy British, are more adventuresome than us and they each gained an empire. As a race, we want our return on investment in a short time and then feel glee as we continue to rake in profits year after year. We are not satisfied with a small gain that will over the years return much more in terms of a greater economy and less agony on the part of the people unfortunate enough to require venture capital to expand."

"Mr. Kramer our financial institution has taken a risk and in doing so needs a profit for doing so."

"How much risk is there when you have one hundred percent of your loan covered in gold? I will tell you, absolutely none. Canadian banks throw up so much red tape that is probably better to go south of the border to secure a loan."

"That is not usually done, Mr Kramer. There is red tape there, too."

"I am talking about the start of the biggest corporation there will be for hundreds of years. I require money to expand and to work into markets that I see are growing. Do you know what the world will be like with vaccines that will save the lives of many children and young adults? You will not find out because there is not enough venture capital out there, except in the United States. Do they have to lead the way most of the time? Will you wait for your grandchildren to be stricken by a disease that could have been brought under control if more attention had been paid to it?"

"Young man you may be right about us being conservative but being timid makes for less mistakes. This has to balance out for those who are reckless and would go where angels fear to tread. If you are starting a drug company, you need more than a grade nine education in science to make new compounds. It takes millions of dollars to bring a new drug to market."

I replied, "You may be right but I have the premier biological researcher for the entire world working for my company. In the coming months you will see what a poor, under-funded company will do without any backing from a penny-pinching government and a miserly business community bent on looking down at their toes instead of forward."

"You have a product that will come to market soon young man?" He said with a substantial amount of sarcasm in his voice.

"Sir, the medical community is like any other business. They do not like any new people coming in and stealing their thunder. Many important finds have been buried under paperwork because they are not flashy enough or sometimes not expensive enough to have a good profit made by a drug company. This factor comes up particularly strong with me and my company. I have made an important discovery and because of my age it will be discounted. I need to hide behind others till I am old enough and have the number and the kind of degrees the other researchers demand. This means that millions of people suffer and some die because I cannot get my discoveries to market.

"If you tell me in confidence I will not tell any others about what you found," he said with another chuckle.

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48 Hours

Author's foreword: In every city, in every community, there are stories we've all heard. We call these stories Urban Legends. You know what they're like; something fantastic happens to somebody's cousin or to a friend of a friend, but not to anybody you can point to and say 'It happened to them.' 48 Hours Juno Reeves Copyright 2003 For a long time, I've been hearing an urban legend that is unique to the TG community. There is a drug (they say) that will turn any man into a woman...

1 year ago
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My Youthhootchgirl

This is an true story of events that took place some 45 years ago. I’ve only written this because I wanted to be able to keep the memories fresh as I get older and because my “friends and lovers” have either moved on with their lives or passed away, but since the intent of this opus isn’t just pure sex, some realistic ‘fill’ was necessary. I apologize that this is rather short, but it was very painful to write. © Hellraser 2014 This particular part of my life was glossed over in the Caroline...

1 year ago
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The Au PairChapter 12

"Now Brian, go hug your Pop-Pop." Brian, just three and a half years old, toddled over the threshold and into the enormous wood house with the noble, pungent, smell of varnish and tobacco. He looked up, eyes wide and amazed at the elegant staircase, intricate moldings, and enormous sliding doors between the living room and dining room. He imagined himself as a bird, flying through the spacious rooms, swooping through the doorways and under furniture. "There's my grandson!" he heard...

3 years ago
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UnexpectedChapter 2

I really fell apart a bit after that meeting with Inspector Harris. It was nice to know that the police didn't think that I'd done my wife in and buried her in the garden or something. But I was still desperately missing the love of my life. You know, in the past I've heard people say that it's the not knowing what has happened to your missing loved ones that is the worst thing to bear. If you know that they are dead, at least you can bury them in your mind, even if you haven't got a...

2 years ago
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The Visitor Monicas Diary Monday June 26

The Visitor Monica's Diary Monday, June 26 Finally, I got some sleep. What has always been a day of rest for me and mine began close to 1 a.m. and did not end until 11:00 last night. I had of course prayed that Grace would vote to let us take Timothy and that Family and Protective Services would approve us as foster parents, but I had hoped that Nathan and the children would be present when we informed our new family member. To be honest, I had hoped that Nathan would be the one...

4 years ago
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Badi Cousin Ki Bhudai

Hi friends this is Ashish and I am new at ISS and I have read many of the stories. This is my first story at ISS and I hope you all will like it. Aapka zyada waqt zaya na karte hue me apani story aapko sunane ja raha hun. Ye kahani tabki hai jab main plus 1 me padta tha yani aaj se 4 saal pahele ki let me tell you guys about my self I’m 6 feet tall with athelete built body with a dick of 7 inches long and 2 inch thick meri ek badi cousin thi Suchi (didi) unki age 28 years thi par vo lagti ek...

3 years ago
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Conversational Love Story One

Taking a very short break from my original series, so I’ll leave you all something to get horny over in the meantime! ,) ‘Why are you so miserable? Come on, tell me.’ ‘Well, I’m kinda peckish, but mostly ’cause I miss you.’ ‘Why do you text me so much?’ ‘Because I just want to talk to you, even if only for a moment.’ ‘Why don’t you call me instead?’ ‘Because I never know what to say.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘You make me nervous.’ ‘Huh? How?’ ‘You give me butterflies.’ ‘So do you…?’ ‘Yes, I like you…...

2 years ago
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Vegetation Management

We’d not seen a summer like this one in a long time, 2 solid months of record breaking temperatures and no relief in sight. My man off on business, I had just finished some tuneup work on my bike, and was relaxing on the deck with a cold drink when I heard the whine of the string trimmer join the constant buzz of summer cicadas. Looking left, I was presently surprised by the sight of a rather appealing looking DoT summer hire shaving back kudzu from the edge of the road. Might as well have been...

2 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 7

Nobody at Linda apartment got much sleep that night. I wore the upside down shoulder with the .357 Taurus five shot two inch barrel stainless steel revolver inside. I did that just in case Barry got out of the hospital and came back for round two. I also recharged the stun gun. Funny I wasn’t one bit tempted to cat nap in the early hours of Thursday morning. When the cop came to drive Linda and Megan to work and school, Megan wouldn’t even look at me. I didn’t try to explain to her why I...

1 year ago
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Initiation at Sixteen

I was 16 and extremely shy. I had been told that I was cute, but that never gave me confidence with girls. Like all kids my age I fantasised about kissing them but was too shy to even discuss sex with my friends.We had a beauty called Anne as our house maid. She was in her mid twenties and had a voluptuous figure. She had a beautiful dirty blonde hair which reached her shoulders and made you drag your eyes from her chest, to look at her head again.We lived in the West of Ireland in a small...

2 years ago
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1 Clan Amir A Fighting HeritageChapter 03

During the day of Tuesday the 21st of December Claymore soldiers enter Berana in small numbers to meet at prearranged points so they can prepare for the task ahead. Because of the need to keep secrecy as long as possible the plan is to take out all of the auxiliary positions first. Thus, overwhelming forces are assigned to each target. The whole of the Royal Army is used to ensure a quick capture of all of the civilian and small military targets in the city. At 12:30 a.m. on Wednesday the...

4 years ago
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One night I was just chilling in my dorm when I got a call from my best friend Jesse asking if I wanted to go to a bar with him and hang out since we haven't seen each other in a while. "Sure" I responded and got ready. I met him later at the bar and we each grabbed a beer. We walked over and sat at a both. We were both introverted and didn't have a lot of courage to start talking to women, so we sat and just looked around.A few minutes later, he tapped my shoulder and pointed to someone. She...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Diana and Mike Roped Weekend

"Honey, I'm going away with my brother Rob this weekend hunting. He wants to know if you can look after Kate while we're gone." I raised my eyebrows from my book and looked at him. "Does your brother trust me enough?" I asked. Mike laughed. "I guess he does. Oh, and Kate's friend is going to stay with her too, to keep her company." My pussy twitched slightly at the thoughts of having two 17 year olds with me all weekend. "You'll be good, won't you?" he asked. "Oh sure,...

1 year ago
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The reciprocated comprehend Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers her is another super story from your Incester hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed story read and write to me. My name is Mark. My Mother is Helen. Our friends are Cathy and Mephew. This story will provide the background and explain our present relationship. I come from a Southern Part of England mill town where all the houses had been company owned. It had been my grandfather’s house. My mother and I moved there after my father’s death...

3 years ago
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Anita watching the game with two black guys

I came home late that evening, finding my sweet Ana was just coming out from the hot tub after a relaxing moment. She told me she had invited our neighbor Thomas and another friend to join us after dinner.That guy Thomas was black; a huge black man in his early thirties. And I suspected Ana had not been fucked by his black dick yet.Around ten, Thomas came with his friend Caleb; another black guy. Anita was wearing only a robe covering her naked body.Thomas was carrying a camera and he said he...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Wish Chp 4 Frog Prince

A Beautiful Wish by 800ibgorrila Chapter 4:  Frog Prince The early summer morning light fell across George’s back and warmed him to the point of being uncomfortable.  George was awake, but he couldn’t bear to move, or breath, or open his eyes, for fear of joining the day without Dawn by his side.  Before she had told him, very naturally, that she loved him again the night before, she had promised that she would be there when he awoke.  But George was fully prepared to find that all had been a...

2 years ago
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Her Foxy MomChapter 8

The funny thing about it was that her mother didn't actually seem to be avoiding her. In fact, when Charlene thought about it carefully, she realized that during the course of the twenty-four hours since they'd shared Tim's cock events had simply conspired to keep mother and daughter from conference -- or confrontation -- on the matter. And the more Charlene thought about it, the more she suspected that cooperation rather than confrontation would result from such a conference. Still, the...

3 years ago
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Teachers pet 5

I’m walking to the bus after last period with sarah to go see Jacob he said he had a surprise for me after not speaking to me since the incident. “Hope it’s an actual surprise and not a dog collar” Sarah laughed. She cut her hair recently and dyed it black it fitted her better than orange anyway. Ever since she did that the guys at school had been all over her ever the new star Quarter back Andrew Simmons. “Hey now. And so what if it is? At least we’d have matching ones.” I shot back....

1 year ago
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Bikers and Cowboys

I was having a quiet drink on a Saturday night in a favorite bar of mine. My table was at the rear of the main part of the bar. I say the main part because there is another part where you go through a special door to get to and not too many people know of it outside the regular patrons of the bar. In that special part is a low bar where a lot of business transactions are carried out. A guy I sort of knew came in with his wife and her sister. I knew that both women lived and slept with the guy,...

2 years ago
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Date night

She walked in the house, dropping her keys and the mail on the kitchen table. She was exhausted after a long day. Her thoughts were filled with making dinner and what were they were going to do for their weekly date night. She hadn’t had time to think about it all day and hadn’t planned a thing. It took her a few minutes to notice that the dishes had been done, there was single red rose in a vase on the table and a note for her. “Go upstairs and wait for me to get home. I promise it will be...

Straight Sex
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The Glen Book OneChapter 6

Like the sensation that follows a bad dream, the one where you are being chased and can't run fast enough, Erin slowly shook off the effects of having fainted. She felt a sharp pain in her lower back and a dry taste in her mouth as if something had burned close by. The smell of exhaust and gasoline hung in the air as did that of burnt ozone. The pain turned out to be a foot on which she was lying, and finally bringing her eyesight into focus Erin wished she could have just slept a little...

3 years ago
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The Days Of Our Wives

John and Jen had been married for 15 years. It's not that their sex life had gotten boring, it's just that they both had a feeling of boredom with life in general. They were raising a couple of kids, they had good jobs, they had done everything they'd wanted to do with their lives, and still something seemed unfulfilled or unfullfilling. Something deep down inside of the couple told them that something was missing. The first time the idea of messing around with other partners came up was when...

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I was trying to get away from family and clan and this was on the other side of the closest human empire and then a human federation. I glanced at the teenage Kaire following me and sighed. I had not left fast enough and Care had been chosen as my first mate. I guest she was okay, she did not speak much and was not afraid to work. I turned to grab her duffle and lifted it onto the port transport cart with mine as she climbed in. In the distance the huge evergreens seemed to call me. They were...

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Vanished Ch 15

Back in the cabin, he was back to his old self, he unceremoniously took me to the bathroom for his special brand of bathing. Only this time there was a sense of urgency, a sense of brutality to his movements, he scared me as he drove the enema tube hard up into my bowels. “Ugh! Master, what have I done? Why are you so upset with me? I will gladly run with you, I love running and in the future I will be more careful. Just, please, I beg you, tell me what you are upset about?” Nothing not even a...

2 years ago
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Masturbation Survey

Are you male or female? Male.Age? 30.At what age did you start masturbating? 13.How many times a week do you masturbate? 14 - 16 (Always at least twice a day).Do you always orgasm when you masturbate? Yes.How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? At least once.Where do you masturbate:In bed? Yes.In the shower? Yes.In the bath? No.Outdoors? Yes.At work? Yes.Every room in the house? Yes.In a car while traveling along the interstate? Once, wouldnt recommend it if you have...

1 year ago
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For Friends and Family Part 27 To Love and to Cherish

For Friends and Family 27 - To Love and Cherish When Jon and Charles left my Family gathered around to wish me well, Barbara apologised to me for telling Charles, as for me it was a great relief for my secret to be out in the open, and now I had made the decision I was at peace. There was a knock at the door and two orderlies wheeled in a second bed and a set of screens to give privacy when the doctors wanted it, I giggled telling Brett, "At last I will be sleeping with you -...

4 years ago
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My Moroccan lover part THREE

MY MOROCCAN LOVER PART 3Acceptance.Mohammed kept his cock inside my hole after he dumped his load inside me. It was such a relief that his seed had rewarded my cunt with a creamy, velvet, wet feeling after this first breeding with his cocks wild drive. Its Was if Mohammed could read my mind , that i liked the feeling. He slided slowly up and down his cock inside. He said” how much You Like cock in general?”. I love cock above all i answered. “good boy” he said. Now clean my cock…he pulled...

1 year ago
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Call Me daddy

Im Jay Atwood a 36 year old sci-if writer and widower, my wife died when we were 18 giving birth to our beautiful daughter, Nichole or Nikki for short. Since then. I've dated a few women over the years but could never really connect with any of them. The sad part is I'd rather jerk off thinking about Nikki and her friends then fuck most women my own age. It doesn't help that my daughter walks around the house in her bra and panties or the fact that all her friends come over for our pool and...

2 years ago
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Loving Zach

The phone rang annoyingly and I groaned, stumbling out of bed to grab it. “Hey, Kelsey,” a male voice said on the other line. It was my best guy friend, Zach. I shook myself awake and managed a cheery, “What’s up?” “So, I’m home alone and really bored,” he said. “Wanna come over?” “Sure!” I replied, smiling. “I just woke up, but I’ll be there in less than an hour.” “Awesome, see you then,” he said. I smiled. Zach and I had been good friends since we were nine (seven years ago), and walked to...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Adrianne

What happened was my own fault so I guess I can't cry too loud, but Adrianne gets a little bit of the blame - she didn't have to do what she did. It all happened because I'm a basically insecure guy where my wife is concerned. Adrianne is drop dead gorgeous and had every guy in town hot after her ass from the age of fourteen on. I on the other hand was the type of nerd who never even could get a date until I hit the eleventh grade. How I ended up with Adrianne I'll never know, but I was...

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Have FaithChapter 21

That Saturday, Jane invited the Sarkins to dinner. There was no nudity allowed and no playing, which greatly disappointed the twins. John was quite a bit older than Heather and Jane estimated his age to be fiftyish. But he was quite handsome and in good condition. Everyone seemed to have a nice time and got along well. Heather came back on Sunday to talk to Jane. The two of them and Faith sat around the kitchen table while the twins took Kim off to play. “What do you think?” asked...

1 year ago
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Vixen Carter Cruise My Boss Always Comes First

Carter is fresh out of college and has landed a fantastic job as a personal assistant with a successful businessman. He has a strict morning routine which she helps him follow and recently she’s been finding herself thinking about him in a more and more inappropriate way. He has been in a relationship with a lawyer, and they are always on and off. One morning she finds him looking pretty down after yet another argument. At last, Carter has the perfect opportunity to live out her fantasies...

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My Mom and my Sis are my Sex Slaves Part 2

This final series will focus around David building towards the life he always fantasized about, where he and his sex slave mom and sister would live in unbothered harmony. The story will be told through the perspective of multiple characters involved. DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, sex slavery, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Brianna Anderson 02232020

Today’s ambushie is 20 year old Collegiate Diver & Gymnast Brianna Anderson and what a treat you all are in for. From the moment camera man Jake picked up our unsuspecting first timer Brianna was a bundle of enthusiasm ready to go. Now of course the ambush was set by sneaky Jake in the car and he thoroughly convinced our unsuspecting model that he was the guy she was working with by cleverly getting her to take her clothes off and suck his dick. And being the master of getting girls...

3 years ago
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The time i got caught

It was the middle of the night i live at home with my mom while i go to school anyway i was watching lesbian porn on xhamster and while watching i was masturbating.after about 30 minutes i notice a shadow and i see my mom watching me masturbate...i never told her i was lesbian but i guess she knows now...i was so embarresed i ignored my mom for the next 3 weeks.

2 years ago
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You see anything you like Gay

If we met at the pub or a ballgame, I think you wouldn't think twice about me. Maybe a "seems like a nice chap" or "he really likes his sport" but nothing memorable, nothing of substance. A regular guy, with an ever diminishing hairline, not in bad shape but certainly not a gym rat, probably the quintessential definition of average. My job is regular, I'm a tax accountant. My family is regular, including a once pretty wife sliding to indifference as she gracelessly reverts from perky and young...

3 years ago
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My trip to a chic hotel in New York 2

Most of what was happening was just a blur. Part of me couldn't believe the situation I was allowing myself to be. In the hallway of a hotel, at the elevator, on my knees. If that wasn't enough, I was dressed in pants, a silk top, 5" high heel pumps, a wig and make up and of course all the great lingerie I had underneath. I was caught up in the moment as I stared up at this beautiful young lady smiling at me. As she spoke to me, I came back to reality noticing a couple in the back of the...

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Of LateI Think of Clifford

Looking out the window of the seedy roadside café where she worked, Lisa noticed him even before he had a chance to walk through the door. He came in dressed in sharply pressed slacks, wearing a conservative sport shirt, with an unusual expensive design, and a light suede jacket. By the way he was dressed, she immediately rule him out as one of the good ole boys who too often frequented the café. It'll be nice to wait on someone different for a change, she thought, as she made her way toward...

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Tom Kimmy and Shemeeka

It was a Saturday morning, and I had a 9 AM appointment for a full body waxing. Getting dressed in some loose, comfortable clothing, I head downstairs, give Tom a big wet kiss, and let him know that I’m off and plan on going shopping after my appointment. I promise him smooth and willing pussy to play with when I get home. As I’m sitting in the lobby, Shemeeka, my stylist, comes out and calls my name. I was glad to see her since she has been taking care of me for a long time and I am very...

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My SexPacked Holiday Part 5 Abi and Me Again

The next morning, after breakfast, I was sitting by the pool reading a book. Matt had stayed all night with Sally in her room, and only crept back to get some clean clothes before breakfast. He looked a bit tired, but happy, and so did Sally when I saw her at breakfast. Lucky them: I’d just had myself to play with.After a while, I heard a car pull into the car park and saw Abi getting out. She saw me and waved, so I waved back. She came over, with a rather sheepish grin on her face.“Ah, the...

4 years ago
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Switch Teams Lesbian

Turned from a straight girl who's never even kissed another girl into a committed lesbian may not be that unique, but having the girl that turned you be your sister, well, that's got to be quite out of the ordinary. I knew my stepsister Meagan was a lesbian when mom convinced me to allow her to stay the summer with me during her college summer break. I had just gotten off a devastating break with my boyfriend Steve and felt her presence with me at my apartment would do us both good. Mom and dad...

2 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 34

Patrick Father of Amy and Cindi, twin brother of Victoria, husband of Elizabeth. Co-owner and founder of PI firm, former FBI agent. Host of the white energy, also known as Katoro. Elizabeth Mother of Amy and Cindi, sister of Robert, wife of Patrick. World famous TV news reporter. Killed in Iraq in chapter one. Victoria Mother of Katie and Becky, twin sister of Patrick, wife of Robert. Co-owner of PI firm with Patrick, also former FBI agent. Shield color green. Robert Father of Katie...

3 years ago
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I Love This Beach

Every day for the past six months, I walk my dog on a quiet bay beach. While the ocean beaches here in the Hamptons are among the most beautiful beaches in the world, the bay beaches ain't chopped liver. Plus the facts that I can walk him anytime I want as long as I pick up after him (the town has plastic doggie-bag dispensers in the parking area), that it's close to where I live and that during the week, it is usually empty, makes this beach ideal. Except for the holiday weekends when families...

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One HOT Summer Party

One HOT Summer Party It was that time of the year that most people enjoyed looking forward to summer was here. We'd had quite a few new neighbours move in our street, and one of our best neighbours (Sherry) had a brilliant idea to welcome them to the street with a summer night party but with a twist. Everyone who came would have to dress up in costume and have masks, that way no one would feel an outsider. We had no idea if anyone was up for it, but hey it was summer! So we both went to the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Weekend Part Four

After Gail had enjoyed the aftermath of her orgasm, I reached out for her hand and led her to the bed. Gail sat while I undressed. When my manhood popped out, she stared at it. “Mmmmmm,” was all that she said. I never concerned myself with questions of a big versus a small cock. A woman knows what she likes. And, much depends on a man’s ability to satisfy his partner, whatever his size. That being said, it has been my experience that a large erection makes for at least an enjoyable visual...

3 years ago
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Rest stop

A few days ago I was at work. My building has no AC so I sat in my office on my computer sweating to death. The end of the day finally arrived and I took off for my 45 minute ride home. The hot summer day was holding into a hot summer evening. I drove along a rural route in Southern MA. Passing several state forests. My cock was stirring in my shorts, I hadn't cum in a few days and felt the urge starting to cloud my better judgement. I wanted to stop into one of the turnoffs on the winding road...

1 year ago
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An ClochnChapter 77

At 19:00 hours on the 31st Sarah, Siobhan, Maureen, Kathryn, Keriann, Molly, Jackie, and Amy walked on to the amphitheater’s stage. On seeing them the sounds of chatter among the new arrivals from Sol quickly diminished. Together they said, “As we said when you arrived here, ‘Welcome to Tara Ardchlár, Gaillimh Isle on the Planet Ananu in Celia System’. This is our first opportunity to use the amphitheater. Our reason for having this reception is so that we can introduce ourselves. It also...

1 year ago
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This Is Going To Be Pretty

Kate sighed, staring into the reflection. Barely clothed she let her hair fall to the sides of her neck, her makeup remained content upon her skin although her lipstick was smudged near her cheek. Before she could lift her hand he was already behind her, wrapping his arms round her bare waist. ‘I read in between the lines,’ he sighed, nuzzling his nose into the cave of her neck, his fingers twiddling beneath her bra straps. ‘You do that a lot lately,’ she sighed. Her life with him had...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 42

Dawn came too early for me and Kola but we rose anyway. My poor mate was sore but content and she thanked me with a kiss for my enthusiastic performance last night and the tenderness and patience that I had displayed. I showed her my appreciation by returning her kiss with one of my own, making it deep and passionate, knowing that Mai Woo and the networks were watching it. Then we went off to breakfast and the work that awaited me. I ate breakfast at the central hearth, joined by Tagar and...

3 years ago
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The Maker of the Song

"For she was the maker of the song she sang." --Wallace Stevens, "The Idea of Order at Key West" The first time, the very first time a boy told Amanda "I love you" -- it was a hideous lie. Fate had granted her a brief, tantalizing glimpse of Val. She was out with the "Debs," the in-crowd. This group of 16-year-old girls had previously shunned her, gossiped about her behind her back, and cut her viciously. Arlene, the leader of the clique, had singled her out for numerous pranks...

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