The Offering
- 2 years ago
- 23
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Day Fifty-two - Wednesday
My eyes were being kissed. It's a good thing my eyes were closed or the kisser would have been kissing my eyeballs, how gross.
Now the kisser is kissing and licking my lips. That tickles.
I opened my eyes to see a smiling Sue.
"I love you so very much. You make me so complete. I love you."
With a kiss to thank her for that wonderful proclamation, I said, "I love you back, you wonderful apparition. You must be from my imagination; you're too beautiful to be real."
That just got me more kisses.
My lower extremity was getting pretty interested in all this loving and poked outward to get some attention.
Sue said, "Quick, into the shower, I need you in me right now."
We spent a wonderful twenty minutes in the shower, expressing our love and giving pleasure to each other. As the hot water grew cool, we hurriedly finished washing and got out to get ready for the day.
I put a couple of pots of coffee on and called Phil to ask him to stop by Macdonald's to get about forty egg McMuffin's and Biscuit sandwiches. He said he was on his way.
Glenda was first this morning, telling Sue that she would be late to do the cleaning today, as she had a doctor's appointment this morning. She told us not to worry, it was just her regular appointment.
So that's how Sue was keeping the place so nice. I'm sure Glenda felt like she was helping Sue out while making a few bucks. It was nice to know all of our crew was involved with each other in some way.
Hanna wanted to talk to Sue this morning, so they went back to the office, while the rest of us sat on the porch eating the stuff Phil had brought and talking about the day to come.
Tom and Al reminded me that I had promised to teach everyone how to work with the stainless steel. I told them we would get right on it this morning, as soon as they had the frames they were working on cleaned up and ready to paint.
Sue came out with Hanna to announce that Hanna was going to work with her from today on. Sue told me later that Hanna's boss was hitting on her everyday, and she just couldn't handle it any longer and had quit. Sue said there was more than enough work for everyone. She was surprised Hanna didn't talk to Phil or Tiny, but was happy to have her work for her growing company.
At work, Shawna had Tom and Al take the newly painted car and hang it in the showroom, next to the bare painted frame. The car really looked good with the big S&S logo on the front and back. She had painted the number thirteen on the top and sides. All of the usual decals were not decals, but her airbrush painting. Over the drivers window was 'Steve "Speedy" Sharp.' She even had a Marine insignia on both sides. It was very classy, and should excite anyone visiting.
Debbie thanked me for selling my old pickup to Hank. She said he felt that he got the best end of the deal, as he thought the truck was worth a lot more than he had paid us. They were planning a quick trip up to Georgia to pick up his bike this weekend.
Four guys showed up, saying they were acquaintances of Dan, and said they wanted to apply for welding jobs if I would have them. I took them upstairs and listened to each of them tell me what had gotten them into prison. Three had been jailed for selling dope. One guy said he had tried to rob a convenience store, but was caught by a sheriff's deputy while faking he had a gun. All of them said they had learned their lesson and would give anyone who hired them an honest day's work.
I told them that our insurance carrier had said we were going to have to give all employees regular drug tests in order to keep our rates down. I gave them my talk on workmanship and why it was so important to me. I had them fill out applications.
While they were busy with that, I told Ruth we should make sure we followed the insurance company's drug free workplace plan. She said she would get right on it and advise everyone what would be coming up.
I took the four men down to the welding area and found some scrap. I showed them a finished product and a finished test piece that was perfect. After showing them all the tools available to make their samples the same way, I jotted down the time then joined the other welders to begin our lessons on stainless steel.
The bending was the most difficult because it took more heat to bend these tubes that it did regular steel. The stainless also had some spring in it, so when you heated and bent it, you had to over-bend it then let it spring back into the correct angle. If the bend was too much then you would heat it up a little and beat it with a rubber or wooden mallet.
We cut a few pieces so I could show them how to bend it.
Tim showed me a stack of numbered wooden forms which Bob and Tim had built to match the bent pieces of tubing. When the bends and angles were correct, the piece would fit into the form perfectly, touching along the straight lengths. Every bent piece of tubing could be tested within the form. It wouldn't save much time but would be a great way to insure quality.
The first man to finish his test piece came up and handed me his test sample. It looked very nice and appeared to have been put together professionally. He had completed the task rapidly, as well.
Before I could go back to teaching, the other three guys came up with their samples. I handed them around to my welders to let them look at them. All four of the welders had done a good job.
Tom groaned, as this meant he had four more guys to train and watch, along with trying to learn how to work with a new metal.
With the four new guys watching, I took two pieces of scrap and showed them that cleaning the stainless pieces before welding was easier with this metal as it filed smoother faster. Using the wire feed with some different type wire, I tacked two sides to show them that the arc handled the metal fine but you had to use a lighter touch to keep the bead low.
Next, I drew the bead completely around the connection, with it barely raising where the contact was. Now was the more difficult part, as we would go through grinders like water with the stainless steel. It was a tougher metal, harder to grind, but easier to file. I finished off with coarse, followed with fine sandpaper to show how I wanted them to look.
My men were impressed that I really was a good welder.
I had noticed on the apps that all four new guys had some sheet metal experience and training. When Al found out about it he assured me that he would keep them busy on both sides. The four guys were thanking Dan for getting them an interview, and now a job.
I wanted Tim and Bob to work on the stainless frames while every one else worked on regular steel today. Tomorrow they could all try out working with the stainless.
In the motor shop, the four new people had unloaded some impressive toolboxes and were already set up to work, with a crate engine already on a stand in front of them. I welcomed them into our company family, and said I would have Ruth come down so they could fill out applications that would also be the apps for their health insurance. I told everyone that we were going to have to start drug tests coming up soon. If anyone thought they might have a problem with a test, they should let me know so there would be no embarrassment.
I made sure that Kurt and Carl, as well as Sandy and Mandy, would check over the new folks' work as they went along, to make sure that it was perfect. Robert said he didn't mind at all as he was proud of the work he and Roberta did.
I said, "Let's make it a contest. When you all finish your next motor, let's test and record all of the measurements, including the vibration and dyno readings. That's one way to compare. The winner gets this." I held up a hundred-dollar bill.
Everyone one of them said that I might as well give it to them now, as they were the winners. I love the confidence. I also thought it might be a neat part of a finished motor to have a record of the tests to send along with the product. When I suggested that to the group, they thought it was a great idea.
Shawna was busily putting the axle back together for Gene's Servicar. She had the frame put aside, saying it needed to be cleaned up before she could paint it. It was going to take some heavy duty filing and grinding to make it clean.
While there, I asked her about the powder coating electrostatic equipment. She said it should be delivered today or tomorrow. She would set it up and test it as soon as it arrived. She thought that if we were good with it, we could get a lot of business from the biker community, as it was popular to paint frames and cases that way.
Debbie said this morning was not as heavy with orders. She said she still didn't have a material order yet with the orders she had received. Perhaps we would get a breather and get caught up a little.
We were discussing orders when a group of men in suits came in the front door of the showroom. They were looking at the racecar and frame hanging from the ceiling, as well as the bike frame and my old shovel. Then they went over to the generator and were looking it over very thoroughly.
I went out to greet them and asked how I could help them. A man who appeared to be the spokesman for the group said in a very authoritative voice, "We are from the Onan manufacturing home office. We have come to see Steve Sharp."
Curious, I asked, "Did Mr. Sharp know you were coming, did you have an appointment."
The man looked at me very disdainfully and said, "Just go get him, sonny, he'll see us, don't you worry about that."
"Please, come upstairs to the offices, and let me get you coffee while I see about Mr. Sharp."
I led them up to the big office and had them sit in the comfortable chairs in front of the big desk. Knowing they would be curious, I opened the curtains and raised the blinds so they could look out onto the welding and sheet metal areas.
I asked Ruth to help me get four coffees for the men, and asked them if they had cards. The only one to have a card was the mouthy one, a Mr. Robert Bigalow. Aha, Mr. Big I laughingly thought. He didn't have a title on his card.
I went to see Phil to ask him if he knew the guy. Phil said he was the national sales manager. The one who canned him a short while ago. I asked him why he would be here, and he said it was probably to see if he could steal some prospects or your customer list.
I got Tiny to come with me and introduced him as our CFO. Mr. Big was a little rude, even to giant Tiny. "I've already told this boy that I'm here to see Steve Sharp. How many times do I have to ask the same question?"
Tiny smiled and said, "My goodness you are a rude person. Do you get much accomplished acting like that?"
"I don't have to take this kind of abuse from you now go get this Steve Sharp guy right now. We have important business to discuss."
"May I ask who these other gentlemen are?" I asked, seeing if I could distract him a little.
Mr. Big huffed and puffed a little then said, "These men are from the accounting department of the company and are here to audit the business you have been submitting."
"I see, Tiny would you get a copy of the contract we have with Onan and bring it in," I asked, ready to call this guy's bluff.
As Tiny left to get what I asked for, Mr. Bigalow asked, "What do you need that for, why would you want that?"
I didn't say anything but waited for Tiny to come in. "This is a copy right?" I asked, with the emphasis on the copy part.
"Mr. Bigalow, I have to step out for a second. Would you show Tiny where it says you have the right to audit our orders that we have submitted to you?"
I went to find Phil and asked him to call Onan legal and ask him if they knew they had this Bigalow guy here along with three people who said they were auditors. Phil said he was still a good friend with most everyone in the home office, except this guy. I told him to call me in the big office when he had the legal counsel on the line.
Back in the big office, Mr. Bigalow was steaming. "I have repeatedly asked to see Steve Sharp and all you people are doing is pissing me off. I don't need to show you anything within that contract for what I want to do."
The phone rang and I answered to hear Phil say, "The legal counsel is conferenced in on the line, and said they didn't know Robert Bigalow was coming down to see you. He also said that he didn't think the guys with him were auditors."
"I see, perhaps Mr. Bigalow can explain a little more," I said thinking he would get more confrontational.
"God damn it," Mr. Big yelled, "I'm not explaining a fucking thing to anyone. Now get me Steve Sharp right now, or I'm going to pull your dealership so fucking fast, you won't know what hit you."
I had been holding the handset so it would pick up the tirade from the asshole.
When I put the phone to my ear I heard the legal counsel say, "Can you put Mr. Bigalow on the phone?"
I handed the phone to the sputtering Mr. Big. "Who in the hell are you to interrupt my meeting and where is this Steve Sharp?"
Robert Bigalow's eye got real big. His mouth was wide open in a big "O." He looked directly at me and said, "You're Steve Sharp?"
Mr. Big then spoke three names into the phone. He said, "Yes sir," continuously before handing the phone back to me.
The voice on the other end was a different one, "Mr. Sharp, I'm sorry for what has occurred today. I'm sure it will never happen again. My name is David Owens, the President of Onan, U.S.A. I can assure you that we want your business and appreciate that you are promoting our company and product. I will contact you again later today. Please escort the gentlemen out of your building as they have a plane to catch."
When I hung up I said, "You know the way out gentlemen, seems you need to get home real fast."
The four men left quickly, getting into the rental car and driving away.
When I turned from the door, I saw Phil standing on the balcony giving the departing men the bird. Once they were gone, he turned to Tiny and they high fived each other.
Back upstairs Tiny said, "You are really sneaky. How come you didn't tell them who you were when they came in?"
"The guy was obnoxious from the second he came in, demanding to see Steve Sharp, whoever that is," I said smiling about the deception.
"Now that asshole can find out how it feels to lose his job. The difference is that I was thirty percent over budget when he canned me," Phil said, still upset the guy had invaded his territory.
I told him that David Owens was going to call me later today. I didn't have any idea what he would talk to me about, just that he had said he would call me.
Phil felt he would probably apologize again, and offer some kind of deal that would be a bonus to us.
"What would be a bonus for us, Phil?" I asked thinking he had something in mind.
"Ask him for the mid-Atlantic area, in addition to the southeast region. That area includes a lot of ports all the way through Maryland, which includes Washington, DC, where the Pentagon is. It's like taking candy from babies. Onan has never taken advantage of that market. Instead of letting others get the bid and order through us, we can bid on the items as well. We wouldn't be hurting our customers as they are going to get their share anyway. The feds spread the wealth around by ordering from different firms every order. Major orders are always from factory direct dealers, though. That's where we would clean up."
That means more road customer service guys and more road techs. Poor Abe, he'll need an assistant to keep up with everything.
Ding! The bell went off in my head.
I turned to Ruth and Judy who were standing together. "Find Abe an assistant that will keep track of everything for him, order supplies, parts, and equipment so all he has to do is help out on the floor the way he likes."
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I gritted my teeth. That pretty blonde's tongue was buried deep in my cunt. Her nose was buried in my ass. I closed my eyes and kept them closed. I let my body float with the attentions of her tongue. And I let my ears go deaf to the jeers and low catcalls of the men around us. But, you. You, Master, never said a thing. I could tell, because you were, in my opinion, too much of a gentleman to make such childish noises. I also knew that you enjoyed the reactions of those around us,...
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ReluctanceA MOM'S INSTINCTS FOR SURVIVAL Intellectual property of of … But GREATLY adapted!But at that moment, neither the young mother nor her son was thinking about any of that. The sudden, freak blizzard had reduced visibility down to zero, and the roads were getting worse by the minute. Living in the mountains had given Linda plenty of experience for driving in bad conditions, and the 4x4 SUV helped… but the problem was that she didn’t know anything about the area they were in. And as she was...
Hi all..Before starting my story,i would like thank the ISS firm for providing people like me,such a tremendous way for sharing our hot experiences.Without ISS we would all be dying inside burnt with our own stories.Secondly,yhis story is a real one unlike some fake ones in this site so i’ll be telling it in parts,so its a bit draggy,kindly cope with that..After reading this story please send your feedbacks to unsatisfied men/women can also contact me.I’m there for you guys:) Okay now its...
Hi friends, this is Ravi working as a software engineer I am from Hyderabad but living in Bangalore. I always want to suck pussy and ass each and every thing in women body with my lips. I love sex a lot. I am a regular reader of this site and I always wished to post my experience just like other writers but I never had a chance for that as I had no scene with any girl now I got a chance to write my own story. Ladies if you feel honey in between your legs while reading this story you can call me...
Naa peru ramesh.Maadi vizag. Inka kadhaloki vellipodam.Maa panimanishi peru rathika.Nenu mudhuga rathii ani pilustanu(naku connect ayyaka lendi).Tanu chala sexy ga vuntundi.Tanani chuste legani sulla vundadhu.Tana figure 36,30,38 chala andamga vuntundi.Oka roju nenu collage ki velladaniki ready avutundaga rathi vachindi.Nenu tanani chasanu aa roju tanu naku chala sexy ga kanipinchindi.Tana pietani oka tadula chuttindi tana rendu kobbari bondalu kanipistunnayi alaa chusesariki na buddodu droyer...
It's a beautiful evening in Southern Florida. We're having a nice dinner together at a beach front restaurant, after enjoying the most incredible sunset just a half hour earlier. This fantasy weekend is going great, with no regrets so far. At the table, we sit and discuss some of the things we've done so far in just the couple days together... and the discussion begins heating us up again. Our chat is temporarily interrupted by the waitress who takes our plates and asks us if we want another...
Becky sure looked cute. Collapsed against me, passed out in my arms, still dressed, but exhausted from the animalistic fucking we’d just had. What was becoming of me? Was I now just an animal? Sure it felt great, and now she was carrying my third child. But didn’t I owe it to my wife and my first two children to be honest and tell her. There was no way I could keep this secret forever. And now one of Becky’s friends, and my student, Lisa knew. Even if she’d only guessed before, the...
She awakens in the dimly lit chamber. Cersi Duvronin scans the damp brick walls of the room with bright brown eyes. Cersi lifts a hand to her neck and groans. The cold metal of the magical collar permanently fused around her soft flesh means this isn't a dream. Everything is real. She has been cast into the Labrynth of Lust and cursed with immortality. She either escapes, or she loses her mind. Naked other than her cursed collar, Cersi rises to her feet and brushes her long raven hair out of...
FantasyNew neighbors moved in across the street from me and the lady was pretty decent looking from my vantage point. I waved hello the first time I saw her and every time since and after they were there for about two weeks, I was painting my living room naked, as I never wore clothes around the house and not thinking I had taken down the shades to facilitate the painting. A knock at the door kind of brings me back to reality and I wrapped a towel around myself that I kept on a hook for this purpose....
EroticThe Accident Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Those guys were chasing me after half beating me to a pulp while trying to steal my money, what little I had, my legs moving as fast as they could. I turned the corner, only to find myself faced with a tall fence. There was no place to go, so I took a running start, leapt into the air, my body hitting the fence in a straddle, almost clearing it. The sudden sharp pain in my groin was followed by an enduring agony that shot through...
The next morning, I woke to feeling John's morning wood trying to find it's way to my hot entrance. I turned my head to look at John over my shoulder. I smiled at him as he was fondling with my clit. His fingers slid up and down making me very moist. I lifted my right leg for him to have better access.John spooned closer to enter himself into me. As he worked his hardened dick further, we both moaned from the feeling. John held onto my breasts as he worked his magic in my pussy. Slow...
When I was a freshman I joined a lot of clubs sports and programs and had a lot of fun but my mom couldn’t keep up with all the driving. Eric did some mostly taking me to soccer games and practice. Eric was a great step dad and gave us a lot more than just a home and f****y. We went to Disney World and anywhere from Florida to Alaska, west coast to east. Eric wanted to buy me a car so that they didn’t have to drive me a lot. My mom didn’t like that idea and said that if I wanted to continue...
It was two weeks later and Cindy was making a remarkable recovery. She was out of bed and moving, although gingerly. A week earlier Jan had removed the stitches from her crotch and found the most serious cuts were healing nicely. Now Jan was out of the house running errands. She had a lot to do that had been let go during the time Cindy needed constant care. It was early afternoon, and Cin was taking a nap. She awakened when the doorbell rang and then she heard the door open. She heard a...
It's late, actually early morning, and I'm justgetting out of work. As I pack up my stuff I'm thinking to myself that I'll go grab a bit to eat at the nearby diner with the gang from work, then head home, crack open a beer and slip into the hot tub for a bit before calling it a night. The girl I was "seeing" at the time, Michelle, had gone home to Virginia for the weekend to visitfamily and I was actually looking forward to a break from the party scene. Just as I finish packing up my stuff...
Straight SexI meet you for coffee. I bend over your shoulder and whisper in your ear,“May I have a kiss, please’. I’m demure and polite, but you can see the playful light in my eyes.You smile and say, ‘Yes, you may’. You lean over and brush your lips lightly across my lips. You pull back slightly and I smile at you. You feel my hand slide to the nape of your neck and pull your head to me so I can kiss you properly. I know I didn’t ask, and I will pay for it later, but I don’t care. I kiss you until I am...
Natasha woke up in a warm womb with low lights emanating from candles on the walls of what looked like a temple. The statue of a beautiful naked woman looked at her and smiled. It was the naked woman in her vision! Natasha was frightened and excited at the same time. But his was no mere mortal she saw, but a statue of the Goddess that came to life. “Who are you?” Natasha wanted to make sure that this wasn’t a dream. “I am Calypso, the Goddess of Love,” came the sweet voice from the statue. “I...
Copyright© 2005 Callie, Fran & the Guys They were sitting at the patio bar in back of Razzoo's listening to the rock band playing out front. One of the rowdiest bars on Bourbon Street, Razzoo's was of course, the best place to meet and mingle in a town full of such places. Joey Barstow was half drunk when he yelled out, "Hey Dude, let's have a couple more Tequila Shooters for these here ladies!" The five ladies in question were in varied stages of drunkenness. The almost twenty...
Thursday was clean up day at the college. Our board wanted to be spic and span, clean and professional, at any time a full tour was going to be given to another college board. I made several rounds with different administrators checking things out. I had the contractor straighten up their act as well. They had gotten sloppy with storage. I had Richard Bozman - the auditor - put the screws to them. Thursday night we had the meeting with Katz and Bradberry. It was four hours long. All of us...
I've always been curious about sex. I've always explored and touched my body or was always willing to let someone else do some exploring on me, starting from a young age. When a was a little girl my best friend was a boy and of course we played house, pretending to be married, and looked at eachothers private parts and some times even touched eachother. Later, a boy cousin my age came to live with us for a summer. We were 7-8 and he taught me how to give him a blow job. I didn't ever do it...
Hello Pussycat Hermione clutched the small handbag tightly as she entered the hotel. She had to walk slowly, and on her toes, because she had never developed the skill of walking in ridiculously tall heels like these; being a little drunk didn’t help either. Fortunately her belly dancing classes had taught her how to undulate as she walked, which helped her keep balance as long as she kept her hips and shoulders moving in opposite directions at the right time. Somewhere behind her someone...
PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE ??????????????????????????????????????????????? TEACHER HAS NEW TOYS By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected]) These are Mr X?s characters, a non profit story and for people above 18. Synopsis: About some superheroines who fall under blackmail and become the bdsm slave of a high school teacher who really hates their popularity. (This story takes place in an alternate world similar to DC Comics? Vertigo title ?Y the Last Man?, where a virus had been...
100% fiction! The Great Pyramid of Giza and Stonehenge, perhaps the most famous stone monuments in the known world, were both built more than 4000 years ago. When the Roman Empire flourished, both those monuments were already as ancient to them as the Roman Coliseum is to us. But before the first stone of the Great Pyramid was even laid, Angela -- the love of my life -- was already more than 10,000 years old. * * * I first met Angela when I was 21 years old at a fantasy RPG run by a friend of...
IncestLee & Lyn's World Prelog: Doctor CixLeeNen told DanLee and I that we were going to have a child. The Doctor CixLeeNen had the next available name assignments from the central computer. 'Le' was the next available. And as tradition allowed as parents we got to pick the last letter, so we picked S. Our baby would be named Les for their first syllable name. Today was the first day of second year school. Les thought that everyone had on the same uniform again this year...
Dan realized that he was getting used to working construction, when he started coming home ready to do other things. Rather than sitting at his desk or sleeping over the entire weekend, he had started going out and doing his normal weekend kinds of activities. It took away from the time he had free to read. He started reading in the evenings when Tom was at work. It took him almost three weeks to read the article on the pursuit of happiness. It was a very difficult paper to read and he went...
So I’m just gonna create some random fantasies. You can love it or hate either way it passes the time.So exams are finally over, today is finally done and now I can go home and play and do fuckall till tomorrow. As exhausting as it was I think I did fairly well on that test hopefully i’ll pass something for once. At that moment I got hit with something from behind, I turned around to see my best friend running at me in her always ridiculously short clothing. Let me describe her to you, she’s...
Today we’re going to take a look at Teen Snow, a website for young ladies and gentlemen with an interest in frolicking in the snow in a wholesome manner. Just kidding. Despite the clip art snowman at the top, this site doesn’t have a damn thing to do with skiing, sledding, or snowball fights. Nah, is a porn aggregator that collects teenage fuck movies from all around the Internet.Pretty Girls Living in an Ugly HouseYou want to know my honest reaction when I first pulled up...
Teen Porn SitesI had never seen my loving wife so vocal during sex. Calling Sean's name out like that over and over as he buried himself to the hilt in her was unbelievable to hear and to watch. The titillation and the teasing of this very erotic evening was now over and what was left was the hard raw sex needed to get them both to their mutual orgasm. As I watched them fuck each other I couldn't help thinking back on how we were able to get this comfortable and open in our sexual relationship. This was...
Wife Lovers