- 2 years ago
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Intro: Greetings. The inspiration for this tale came to me while I was reading a LiveJournal celebrity blog recently. Judging by some comments I saw on there, I was not the only one who got such ideas from said blog. For the record, I had these ideas before I started reading the blog comments, though of course I still thank all those who helped my inspiration take form. I hope you will enjoy the results. Feedback is greatly desired and appreciated.
Legal Stuff:
-This story is mine, and may not be posted anywhere without my permission.
-This story contains graphic sexual situations and adult themes. It is not appropriate for those under age 18, the close-minded, and the immature. If that’s you, or this stuff is illegal in your part of the world, please stop reading now.
-This story is a work of fiction, even though it is based on real people and events. Grand dramatic license has been taken with the real people and events featured herein, as is the author’s way. This tale is written for entertainment purposes only, and not to suggest, expose, or endorse anything. As far as I know, Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, and the other celebrities mentioned in this tale do not have sexual relationships with each other in reality. Any and all details of whatever relationships they do have in reality are their business alone. Fantasizing and writing about the possibilities is only my sometimes hobby and all readers should know, as I know, that possibilities are not real life.
Additional notes: Thanks to KMB for some of the background that went into this. And his awesome Harem stories, of course (which my stories are inspired by but do not take place alongside).
And now, without further ado…
A Step Up
London, England. July 2008.
‘I’m glad you know this city,’ one shapely dark-haired girl said to the other as they danced. ‘I never would have found this place!’
‘Oh come on!’ the other laughed. ‘It stands out!’
‘No, really, Bluntz,’ Anne Hathaway countered, ‘it doesn’t. No sign, old furniture outside- if not for the line, I wouldn’t have even known it was a club!’
Emily Blunt smiled in agreement. For her and many other customers of Inside Out, that was part of the place’s charm. Even though it was obvious once you knew about it, the club still retained enough secrecy to stay hidden from the casual observer. Then there was the unique atmosphere- the outside of the club had couches and tables where people could sit while waiting to get in and the interior had an asphalt floor with immobile cars parked in the middle so it looked like you were dancing in the street. The manager claimed he’d gotten the idea from a Will Ferrell movie. Whatever the theme’s origin, Emily liked it. She also liked that she and Anne were being treated little different than any of the other many beautiful girls in the place. None of the other patrons had yet seemed to recognize them as celebrities. Of course, she mused, the fact that we’re not wearing makeup and her latest film, Get Smart, has yet to come out over here is probably helping that too.
‘Hi. Mind if I cut in?’ a good-looking young man asked, moving close and smiling at the ladies.
‘Sorry,’ Emily shook her head at him, manuevering Anne around the front of a red Ford pickup that had the floor’s central spot. ‘We’ve both had recent bad breakups, so it’s girls’ night. Maybe next time, though, okay?’ She grinned as she looked him up and down.
‘Fine,’ the young man shrugged and headed away. Emily flashed him another smile, but he did not look back.
‘That’s the fourth guy you’ve turned down tonight,’ Anne raised an eyebrow at her friend. ‘If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were plotting something.’
‘Me?’ Emily replied, spinning her taller friend as the rock music playing hit a high note. The dancing was friendly but not too close. She looked towards the bar, hoping for some sign if she was being too obvious. Doug the manager, the only other person who knew of her plot, did not look back. Okay, Emily thought, probably still good.
‘Right,’ Anne laughed as she returned to facing Emily. Her expression showed nothing. ‘Seriously, though, thank you for this. Shopping, dinner, three clubs so far. I really needed it.’
Emily nodded. ‘I needed it too.’
The bad breakups she’d mentioned had not been a lie. She had just left the singer she’d been dating for a number of years. Though it had ended on good terms, it still hurt for both of them. Oh well, our schedules just wouldn’t work together anymore, she sighed. It had to end sooner or later. And it could have been worse. Anne’s fiance just got busted by the Feds, after months of her family and friends warning her about him. She dared to believe in him, she thought she loved him, then she had to let him go. It was for the best, for her and her career. But I know she’s really messed up over it. This night out is part of the therapy, the best I can give.
She and Anne had been good friends since they had filmed The Devil Wears Prada together a few years ago. Their characters had pretty much hated each other on-screen, but off-screen they laughed out loud at each other’s antics and bonded well. They still hung out together regularly, whenever their schedules allowed. In the past, it had been mostly double dates, the girls’ nights few and far between. They may get more frequent soon, though, Emily thought, if all I have planned tonight goes well. She moved back and forth across the floor with Anne a few more times, then released her as the song came to an end.
‘Whoa,’ Anne stumbled as they stepped back towards the club’s imitation outdoor cafe/bar. She paused to lean up against a table, remove her left high heel, and massage her foot. ‘I’m a little unsteady. Remind me again why we wore these.’ The rest of their attire was casual: jeans, jackets, and cotton blouses- the latter two items black for Emily and red for Anne.
‘It was your idea, Annie,’ Emily reminded her, not wanting to mention it had played right into her hands. Walking all evening in the heels and then dancing in them had gotten her friend worn out. Me too, Emily thought, but I hope we’re both still ready for what’s ahead.
‘Yes,’ Emily nodded, rolling her eyes. ‘Let’s sit down for a while, okay?’ She motioned Anne towards the bar, where Doug had set down two of his celebrated cinnamon vodka-tonics. Anne picked one up and sipped it, flashing him her trademark wide smile in thanks.
Emily perched on one of two vacant stools and patted the other. Anne replaced her shoe and gratefully sat down. She took another sip of vodka and frowned, then drank some more. ‘Good. Tangy, but good.’
‘Thanks,’ Doug said. He started to fix another. ‘So how’s Bride Wars coming along?’
‘Um…’ Anne frowned.
‘Don’t worry,’ the club manager told her. He shook the shot glass and then slammed it down on the bar before leaning close to Anne. ‘I’m just a curious fan, I’m not looking to give you away.’
Anne beamed in relief. One group of papparazzi spotting them earlier in the evening had been enough. ‘It went great- we just finished it. Kate Hudson was a joy to work with. Comes out early next year.’
‘I’m looking forward to it,’ Doug replied quietly, handing her the drink. ‘By the way, most of these people don’t know it yet, but you did great in Get Smart. I went back home last month and saw it. You’ve really grown up since those Princess Diaries films. You’re the best to play 99 since, well…’ He glanced towards a signed picture of Barbara Feldon among many other celebrity photos behind the bar.
‘Thanks,’ Anne said.
‘And you,’ Doug turned to Emily. ‘Sexiest thing in Charlie Wilson’s stable. That film was written great, and it’s history, so I had to see it, but without you-‘ He paused and smiled. ‘I don’t think it would have been as good.’
Emily gave him a pleased look, sipping her vodka. ‘Have you heard
about my new film?’
‘Oh yeah,’ he nodded. ‘Can’t hardly wait. Wolf Man. A-wooo, Werewolves of London, draw blood!’ He chuckled when they gave his singing voice bad looks. ‘I doubt it’s gonna be as hot as movies where the girl’s the werewolf, but…’
Emily interrupted him with a grimace. ‘I was thinking of Young Victoria.’
‘Oh,’ Doug replied, coughing. ‘Uh, I’m sure that will be great too.’The manager’s expression changed as Anne downed most of her second vodka shot in one quick gulp. ‘Are you okay?’
‘Fine.’ Anne pushed her stool back and stood up, wavering a bit and leaning on the bar. ‘Uh, the restroom is…’ Doug pointed towards a pair of doors nearby and she unsteadily started heading that way.
‘Is she fine?’ Doug asked Emily once Anne was out of earshot. ‘Do I need to call a cab on this?’
Emily sipped her drink and chuckled. ‘It’s Annie. She’ll be alright once she pees.’ She smiled at his skeptical expression. ‘You can trust me. I’m her rock.’
‘If you say so.’ Doug set a key on the bar. ‘You know I charge if you make too much of a mess upstairs. All those times we did were on the house, but this time…’
‘Don’t worry. As you know, I’m always happy to clean my messes up.’ Emily slipped the key into her pocket, giving him a mischievious grin. Doug grinned back, his impish eyes sparking more fond memories in her. Then his expression suddenly changed back to a neutral one. Emily took the hint and made her expression also neutral as Anne returned from the restroom looking relieved. ‘Are you alright?’
‘Great,’ Anne replied. She shook her head as Doug offered another drink. ‘No thanks, I’ve had enough.’
Doug nodded and pushed the drink towards another customer. ‘Understood.’
Emily kept her eyes on Anne while the other actress looked around the club, eyes lingering on many of the dance floor’s couples. ‘Problem?’ she asked.
‘Yeah,’ Anne sighed. ‘All the cute guys are taken. This has been a great night, and a little hook-up would be the perfect topper. Fake name, a quick dance, maybe pop back to my hotel for a one night stand once we ditched you…’ She grinned at Emily. ‘Sorry, I’m not up to a threesome. But,’ she raised her glass in a toast toward the dancers, ‘oh well.’
If only you knew, Emily smiled to herself as her friend finished the drink. No time like the present, she decided when Anne turned back to her. ‘Look, it’s almost two and I’m tired. I know you probably want to get a cab, but this place has very comfortable rooms upstairs and…’
Anne interrupted her with a finger on her lips. ‘I know.’
Emily barely stopped herself from gasping as the finger dropped. ‘You know?’
Her friend nodded. ‘Rafe took me to a lot of swinger clubs. Never this place, but once we walked in I got a pretty good idea what it was.’ She waved towards a few couples headed towards the stairs across the way. ‘You make arrangements?’
‘Yes,’ Emily said, quickly getting over her surprise. ‘I set up a room for us, my treat. The cloakroom will hold onto our bags.’ She looked directly at Anne’s face. ‘You don’t have a problem with…’
‘Of course not,’ Anne laughed, looking her directly in the eye. ‘I’ve wanted you since the day after we met. Never had a chance to tell you, with Rafe and everything else. And I wasn’t sure you’d be into it. If you didn’t guess… well, I am an actress.’
And better than me, Emily sighed to herself. ‘So you’ve…’ She waved her hand and shrugged.
Anne nodded. ‘Many times. I had lots of feelings for girls when I was growing up. Trying to put them away was one of the reasons I wanted to be a nun. Then my brother turned out to be gay, and I realized I had to accept him and my feelings. Still, I never could get up the courage to ask a girl. Until I did Havoc, and Bijou Phillips asked me… you know how wild she is.’
‘Yes,’ Emily agreed, recalling the few times she’d met the notorious party girl.
‘Of course Heather was thrilled once she found out,’ Anne continued, referring to her lesbian Princess Diaries co-star Heather Mattarazzo. ‘We did lots of catching up. Then Michelle Williams and I put the joke on our co-stars in Brokeback Mountain. They played gay cowboys, we did same-sex love for real offscreen once we became good enough friends. No disrespect to them of course, they were great. Heath Ledger even joined me and Michelle a couple times after things got going with the two of them.’ She sighed, sent an expression of remembrance toward a picture of the late actor as the Joker amongst the bar’s collection, then turned back to Anne. ‘Since then, whenever I’ve had the chance, I’ve gotten with girls off and on.’ She smiled. ‘I didn’t think you were into them.’
‘I thought the same of you,’ Emily answered, feeling her acting ego somewhat restored. ‘I’ve been bi all my life,’ she said at Anne’s inquiring look. ‘Other girls and I fooled around at slumber parties during school, then Nathalie Press and I fooled around on and offscreen filming My Summer of Love…’
‘Oh, right!’ Anne slapped her forehead. ‘I forgot about that!’
‘I never will,’ Emily laughed. ‘I’ve tried to get with as many girls as I can since then. I almost -almost- prefer them to men.’ She gave Anne a sly smile. ‘I wanted you when we met too. But you were all with Rafe, and…’
‘Don’t worry,’ Anne cut her off. ‘That’s over. He may have been great in bed, and willing to give me all the money I wanted, but from now on I do not date crooks.’
Emily nodded. ‘Nor I lounge singers.’
Anne shook her head. ‘Damn. We may even have someone in common. Bijou and I seduced her when we did Havoc together- it wasn’t her first time, though. She was in your last film too. Shiri Appleby?’
‘Yep,’ Emily said, happily recalling all the things she, Shiri, and their many other young female co-stars had done to and with each other during and since the filming of Charlie Wilson’s War. The film’s subject had been a congressman with several sexy young things on his staff. Emily had only had a brief part, but it had still created many opportunities for her to make new girlfriends. She’d made sure to take advantage of them all. ‘She never mentioned your name.’
‘That Shiri,’ Anne giggled. ‘Always so discreet.’
Emily stood up and took Anne’s hand. ‘Alright, enough foreplay. I’ve been waiting too long for this.’
‘Same here.’ Anne squeezed her friend’s hand and stood up. They walked together across the dance floor, weaving around couples as they moved. One weasel-faced man they pushed past saw their joined hands and raised an eyebrow. A bouncer’s cough and palm on his shoulder stopped him from reaching for his camera-phone. That was too close, Emily thought, very relieved as the would-be papparazzo was escorted away. Phew. Anne seemed not to have noticed and continued walking, Emily keeping pace.
They soon reached and headed up the stairs. Emily flashed their key at two more bouncers who stood at the top of the stairs. One nodded and used a control panel to open a gate for them. The two actresses walked through and headed down a hall with many automatic double doors seperating each pair of rooms off the hall from the next. ‘This reminds me of Get Smart’s opening,’ Anne remarked as they passed an enclosed phone booth.
‘The doors are for security,’ said Emily. ‘They also help soundproof this area. Doug told me that before he installed them, he was getting a lot of noise complaints.’
‘How long have you been coming here?’
‘Since it opened. This club and I are both London born and raised.’ Emily stopped as they reached their room and unlocked its entrance. ‘Doug would never get away with this place where he’s from in the States.’
‘Too bad,’ Anne said, releasing her friend’s hand and preceding her into the room. ‘I like it.’ She looked around as Emily secured the door behind them and nodded at the room’s large white-sheeted double bed. ‘Here we go.’ A push and two shrugs of her shoulders, an
d her jacket hit the floor. She slipped off her shoes and put them alongside.
Emily discarded her own jacket and sat down on the bed. ‘Thank God,’ she sighed, slipping out of her heels at last. ‘Next time, no heels, okay? I thought they’d help get you tired, so I could manipulate you, but since I didn’t need them…’
Anne once again placed a finger on her mouth. ‘They didn’t make me that tired, and for the record, I suggested them because I was also planning to seduce you once we were alone. I intended to find out once and for all whether you were into girls or not. I’m glad you are.’ She grinned and replaced the finger with her lips.
Emily eagerly returned the kiss, opening her mouth and accepting Anne’s tongue. She lashed it with her own, licking her friend’s lips, and took Anne into her arms. Her hands moved on Anne’s upper torso, rubbing at her neck and back. Anne’s fingers meanwhile took hold of Emily’s face, caressing her cheeks and tangling in her wavy brown hair. Their eyes remained on each other as the embrace deepened. I’ve wanted this such a long time, Emily thought. All that hugging and cuddling we did while slimming down for and then filming Devil, I was shocked it never happened. But we’re here now.
She broke the kiss and let out a moan as Anne’s hands fell to her hips and squeezed them, then came up and grasped Emily’s breasts. The British actress sighed at the fingers flicking her nipples. She moved her own hands to Anne’s tits and fondled them through her shirt. They’re great, she thought, as great as I’ve always dreamed. I can feel the warmth of them. This shirt is soft, it feels nice also, but it’s in the way.
She reached for Anne’s shirttail and the taller girl nodded, raising her arms above her head. Emily pulled the shirt off and tossed it aside, then raised her arms so Anne could remove her blouse. Anne did so and pulled her friend into another hug. They kissed hard once more, snaking their arms around one another and unfastening each other’s bras. Straps were pushed off shoulders as they seperated, then the garments fell away.
Anne grinned at her friend, pecked her cheek, and then pushed her down on the bed. Her lips traveled slowly across Emily’s chin and neck, lingering on her throat before skipping over her chest and down to her cleavage. She licked it once, then turned her attention to tounging Emily’s nipples. Anne’s large gold hoop earrings flicked against Emily’s flesh as she moved, their cold metal an intriguing counterpoint to her warm mouth. Her hands were moving too, caressing Emily’s curves and untangling the tresses of her hair.
Emily moaned fervently at Anne’s attentions, her fingers busy all the while. First she stroked through Anne’s hair and unbound her friend’s long dark ponytail, flinging the barette which had held it towards the room’s far corner. Next her hands came down to Anne’s shoulders, and Emily spent a long time massaging the bare muscles she’d only before felt through clothes. Anne liked this, she knew from the other girl’s heavy breathing on her breasts. That breathing slowly increased in tempo, Anne’s fingers moving on Emily’s skin and nipples in counterpoint to her tongue.
‘I-I w-want yours,’ Emily whispered, the stammer she usually suppressed coming out with the emotion of the moment. ‘Y-your t-tits.’ She swallowed and caught her breath. ‘Please.’
Anne gave Emily a dazzling smile and moved up on her body, her heavy bosoms brushing Emily’s and then descending over the other girl’s mouth. Emily happily started nipping at Anne’s breasts, loving the taste of her hot sharp nipples. As she licked them, Anne’s hands were moving down, rubbing Emily’s belly and undoing her fly.
Emily almost told her to wait, but all such thoughts were swept away as Anne’s fingers traveled under her jeans and moved against her snatch. They quickly found and pushed at the most sensitive area. Emily felt the pressure strongly even through her panties’ fabric. She called upon all her willpower to hold back a sudden rush of pleasure. It wasn’t quite successful, and she let out a very loud moan.
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My favorite watering hole wasn't very crowded that night. I hadn't planned on being out too late anyway. So, I sat at the bar and listened to the music. Across the dance floor, a vaguely familiar, young man was seated in the far corner. I stared at him a moment trying to recall who he might be, when I noticed he was smiling at me. I felt embarrassed having drawn his attention, as he walked over to me. It had been many years since I had last seen my ex's son and was pleasantly shocked to see him...
My stepsisters!Long before I met Amy, I became addicted to watching and being watched. When I was younger, still living at home with my parents, I slept in a room that was directly next to both of my sisters, a common door connected our rooms, but it remained closed most of the time. Every once in a while, when I could not sleep, I would knock on the door and talk with them. There was nothing going on, I would simply sit on the floor between their beds and talk about stuff. Now my sisters were...
My stepsisters!Long before I met Amy, I became addicted to watching and being watched. When I was younger, still living at home with my parents, I slept in a room that was directly next to both of my sisters, a common door connected our rooms, but it remained closed most of the time. Every once in a while, when I could not sleep, I would knock on the door and talk with them. There was nothing going on, I would simply sit on the floor between their beds and talk about stuff. Now my sisters were...
I sat at my dressing table staring at my image reflected in the mirror. I could hear Billy moving about just feet away in the next room. I wanted to dash out and hug him, pull his handsome face into my bosom but instead I just sat there. He was only ten years younger than my twenty seven years, he was not my son of course but that of my husband and his first wife. Just hearing his move about had got my juices going; I need to be naked. I stood up and slowly removed each piece of clothing,...
Dad's girlfriend "Yeah Steph he's cute as in real cute. I know I sound crazy, but this guy's a stud Stephanie as in the 'real deal'. Hehehe, oooohh I hafta watch what I think don't I? No, nobody's around right now. I'm out in the back picking some tomatoes in my garden so no one could hear me.""Sally, said Stephanie on the other end, you hafta to be careful. Don't start those kinda thoughts because they're gonna get you in trouble, you know that all to well. So how long have you been with...
Lily woke up in bed with her naked step mom and she had raised her top and had a hand down her panties. Lily said "Please, what are you doing? This is not right." Beth said "Relax. I love the female body and you have such a sexy one. I have been waiting for your dad to be gone so I could ravage and taste your sexy pussy and suck those big full tits. Let me get you naked and show you how good I can make you feel. When I am done you will love the feel of a lady making love to you. Women know how...
I invited Tess over, my step daughter who was now my lover as we shared comfort together, after my wife her mums death, for a meal,and to stay the weekend as my sex slave.Tess arrived wearing as instructed a tight PVC skirt, basque, stockings heels and suspenders belt, with Scarlett red lips and nails.we ate our meal together her favourite of steak and potatoes, drank some wine together.i then laid her out on the extended dining table, her stockinged legs open and dangling over the edge of the...
My long term partner Jane is quite a few years older than me, sexually she has had far more partners, earns more money than me, intellectually I can not rival her, in short she is an Alpha female. When she was 17 years old she had a c***d, the father was married at the time would not leave his wife but did provide financially. Jane's mother looked after her grand-daughter allowing Jane to continue to study and attend University. When Jane left and got a job her mother continued to look after...
It started back in my sophomore year of high school. My fatherwas overseas with his construction firm on a six month build when my auntMarie had her accident. My mom wanted to fly up to see her in the hospital,but it was the middle of the school year, and she didn't want me missingany classes. That was when a neighbor of ours, and a close friend of myparents', offered to let me stay with her and her daughter while my mom wasout of town. She promised to feed me, make sure I didn't stay out in...
It had been two years since my father had died when I was sixteen, and I never thought I would love anyone as much as I loved him. My Mother started dating this tall handsome man with really aristocratic features about a year after Dad died, and at first I resented him, but as time went by, I grew to like him more and more. Mum was so happy with him, and he even paid attention to what I was doing and encouraged me to apply for college. He had this wonderful house in the country that looked...
TabooKatelyn's cheek rested for a long time against the slightly course fabric of his suit. He patted her back gently, then stroked his hand through her long, dark hair. "I'll miss you, sweetheart," he said tenderly. "I love you." "I love you too, dad." It was strange that they had never been so close when she was younger. Most girls her age were starting to push their parents away. But her mother's death three years ago had changed a lot of things. It wasn't dad's fault. The autopsy of the other...
Lesbiancast:MasterMistress Kate--33, redhead, twice widowed, with one daughter and two stepdaughtersAmy--16, daughter of mistress, redheadNatalie--16, stepdaughter of mistress, long blond curlsKysa--18, step of mistress, black hair Bored, and more than a little horny, I padded into my home office, where my girlfriend was working on the computer. She giggled when I slipped my hands under her blouse and cupped her breasts. I grabbed her nipples between finger and thumb, pinching and lifting,...
I would love to meet you, just you and I together for the first time. I can already see it now – you see me walk up and immediately you begin blushing and a beautiful smile comes across your face. I’m almost breathless while watching you move towards me for our very first hug. I’m absolutely captivated by your beauty. You reach out and I pull you in close to me. Your body pressed up against mine feels perfect. I can feel the energy being passed between us and I don’t want to let go. ‘You’re...
My pussy was throbbing by the time James pulled into my driveway. He was taking my virginity as a nineteenth birthday gift. I had on black leggings, a see through half-top, and my underwear was soaking wet. I was excited, my heart racing as I opened the door for him. ‘Hey babe,’ he smiled and kissed me. ‘At least wait until we’re in my room!’ I giggled and pulled him into my room upstairs, which had ‘STEPHANIE’ in huge letters across it, the bulge in his pants noticeable. ‘So baby, on your...
My pussy was throbbing by the time James pulled into my driveway. He was taking my virginity as a nineteenth birthday gift. I had on black leggings, a see through half-top, and my underwear was soaking wet. I was excited, my heart racing as I opened the door for him. "Hey babe," he smiled and kissed me. "At least wait until we're in my room!" I giggled and pulled him into my room upstairs, which had 'STEPHANIE' in huge letters across it, the bulge in his pants noticeable. "So baby, on your...
First TimeI would love to meet you, just you and I together for the first time. I can already see it now - you see me walk up and immediately you begin blushing and a beautiful smile comes across your face. I'm almost breathless while watching you move towards me for our very first hug. I'm absolutely captivated by your beauty. You reach out and I pull you in close to me. Your body pressed up against mine feels perfect. I can feel the energy being passed between us and I don't want to let go. "You're...
AnalI am of course a completely non-apologetic voyeur, and I want to see as much gratuitous nudity and sex as possible. I love it when Monica, my new wife flashes me. Her bare ass, tits and puss being oh so delectably visible. It is especially hot if it is a room in which others, particularly my son or his new step-sister are present. Tom and Meghan, they are both currently sophomores at Rice University, that happy coincidence in fact being how I came to meet Monica, my new wife last year. Clothed...
He could only imagine what she must be thinking at this hour, as he finally comes home from another long day away from her. Late. Late again. Late as always. Late. As the door creaked open, as one foot followed the other past the door, those words echoed in his mind. She never said them out loud, not once, but he knew they were there, in her mind, in her heart. Just not on her tongue. There was no evil behind any of this, no betrayal, just the simple fact that having a nice home, and a...
iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 3: Rolling Down The Hill"Sam, what's the matter? You're not yourself today.""Shut up Gibby," I hiss, but it comes out flat and sad, so I just tug his underwear harder, jerking his feet off the ground. And boy, I must be really fucked up if Gibby's noticing it."I'm just worried about you Sam. It's – ah! – just not like you to be this sloppy." I tug viciously, but my heart's not in it. "I mean, I had to find you today!" I sigh and let his underwear go."Whatever...
Introduction: heres chapter six i know its short and im sorry but thw next part is a chapter on its own. again please tell me if you loved it or hated it Chapter 6 >,Mother >,ã, >,ã, >,ã, >,ã, >,ã, >,Vilen opened her eyes and looked at herself. She was still dressed. She sighed and looked at him. He was sleeping heavily. Vilen got up an changed into a short red dress lace stockings and high boots. >,She quietly walked out of the room and grabbed her...
I am from bangalore working in mnc. Any female who is interested for decent and secret relationship is always welcome with mutual respect and convenience. My pennies/cock is good size pennies. Any female interested please feel free to email me on This is a real incident happened 4 years ago with my school friend. We both are good friends till our inter/plus 2. After inter she got married and have two children. Hear name is priya(fake) Though she got married early we were in touch through...
Originally posted on: Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:29 pm Last edited on: Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:22 pm "I really don't like this part," Shannon said. "I don't want to risk Cindy but I don't want to risk Allison just to find out either." We had started the night in the usual fashion. You know, dinner with the family, dishes, the 'rents playing cards, the kids playing video games, and swimming of course. Then it was time for Tom, Karen, and Mark, to say goodnight and leave. Now we were standing in...
Last Friday, I was listening to my radio as I knitted something white and sexy for me to wear. The pop music on that station appealed to me very much. A news break interrupted the flow of songs. The DJ talked about the career of a former One Direction band member after the band broke up. I was a bit disappointed to learn that those singers were no longer together. An advertisement for a shoe and handbag store followed. I turned off the radio right away. How did I get to the point where I like...
This is the true story to my next clip.Five or six years ago I had a 3 month assignment abroad. I discussed it with Galisa and we agreed that we need to look for a trusted person who could masturbate Galisa during my absence. I was unthinkable that Galisa would not get it at least once or twice a week. We checked contacts but there was nobody who matched our profile and had time on a regular basis. But then we met this women in the elevator of our building and i remembered that i spoke once to...
Povestea urmatoare este uluitoare si poate unora le va parea neverosimila. Am scris-o bazandu-ma pe fapte si intamplari reale. Subiectul este destul de sensibil si de controversat, asa incat le recomand cititorilor s-o trateze ca pe o simpla fantezie. Sper totusi ca o sa va placa! Enjoy it!……………………………………………………………….Numele meu e Sergiu, am 32 de ani, sunt absolvent al facultatii de Drept si in momentul de fata sunt angajat ca jurist la o societate comerciala din capitala. Sunt saten cu ochi...
Home, finally. Sort of... The military transport that shuttled me home was quite comfortable. Being a two-star general might have had something to do with that. You know... Could have been at least somewhat connected. Clair flew into my arms, while Jenny held my son, Phillip Rasmussen, Junior. Being engulfed in love and kisses kept me from meeting my namesake for several minutes, but it was worth the wait. Phillip Junior, or Two, as I immediately started to call him, was simply...
A few days had passed since my first assignment for Marchmont Ladies, the elite escort agency run by Rosie out of her tenement flat. It had been exciting for me to act out a role for the client, Ian, so that we could make his business contact, Geoff Granger, mellow enough to sign the contract which would send a lot of work Ian's way. And all I'd had to do was flirt a bit and give the old man a blow-job; what could have been easier?You may wonder what it's like to suck off an old man for money...
Group SexJan. 11th, 2019 That was a nice break. I’m still doing ton’s better than before. The headaches and Aphasia are back though. To be honest, the headaches aren’t bad at all mostly a little visit to Uncle Fester’s vice. The Aphasia is coming more often and is becoming problematic. I’m thinking it may be due to the temperature changes. I’m starting to think I’m made out of ice cream. It’s like 70 in the house and I’m in short sleeve’s with a fan blowing on me from less than two feet away and I’m...
What is it about perverts and their dirty rainmacs? Some use them for flashing, which is not something I’ve ever done or would ever do – that’s nasty and offensive. Obviously most of us use them for mac-wanking, where you’ve modified the mac by removing one of the mac pockets, and then you’ve got matching wank-trousers so you go through both holes and onto your penis. Underpants or not? I really liked the feeling of getting on site (my favourite spots on the streets), maybe rubbing the front of...
Chapter 3 Later that morning I was unceremoniously expelled from her place telling me not to read too much into last night as she wasn’t into relationships and would most likely run into me some where. This was a bit different to the clingy girls I had been used to now the shoe now on the other foot as it were. The nine fifty five grope was back up to her old tricks however today she had with a marker pen drawn two arrows on her stockings at the top of her legs pointing to her crotch. Every...
NovelsThe day I first noticed Chrisor was the day I learned my newest manuscript had been accepted by my publisher. I was stoked because it meant I was finally back! I had a book-signing in an Upper West Side bookstore for the first novel I had in circulation since my two-year exile from the literary world and now my second was going to press. A mind-numbing case of writer's block had put my budding career on hiatus, but my fortunes seemed to finally be turning. The enchanting young girl standing...
LesbianMarch/April, 1982, Chicago, Illinois When I arrived home on Sunday night, Elyse was sitting on the couch reading a book and listening to music. I dropped my bag just inside the door and took off my shoes. “Hi, Honey!” she exclaimed. “There’s tea if you want it. No Georgia Peach?” I poured myself a mug of tea and then went to sit on the couch. “I wasn’t sure what time I’d get in tonight, so I just let her know I’d see her in the morning. She won’t stay the night until Tuesday.” “Would it...
THURSDAY MORNING — SEPTEMBER 19 Jeff and Dave were building a cardboard tunnel for Jeff's obstacle course on the firing range. ... Dave stopped to look at him. "You've started some shit, you know." "Me? What have I done?" Jeff tried to innocently ask, a grin on his face. "You know very well what I mean," Dave said, trying to act pissed, but not fooling Jeff a whit. "All this talk about Alpha Males and Queen Bitches, not to say anything about the precedent you're setting with a...